1975 Scrivener

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A friend is ... someone to whom you dedicate your Scrivener.

... a teacher who is involved with his students.

... someone who laughs easily.

. . . someone who is always willing to listen..


. .. someone who likes the same things you like,

like kids, especially high school kids . . . . someone whom we will always remember.

... Stephen P. Stefani.


The Authors Don't worry, Howard Little is coming out tomorrow - Can you read the writing on the wall? - Oh no, here comes Grubb again CRUNGE - Monty's got it - I want to go home - did anyone bring any albums? - Pictures, we need pictures - If they sing once more ... Hey, Luigi -(crunge) - Now what can I do? Another deadline, extension, only 45 pages short - Who's making up the copy this time - Let's give John a haircut - 'rette time - Who's got a car? - Let's get something to eat - For a good tim~ call ... - You said this would be easy! - Oh, crunge.

P. Kelly, Copy Editor


J. Murray, Art Editor

P. Ebsworth, Editor-in-Chief

N. Simon, Layout Editor

D. Wei, Faculty Editor

N. Dyson, Underclassmen Editor

J. Glaser, Sports Editor

A. Reed, Activities Editor

]. Bloodwell, Senior Editor

Layout Staff: L. to R.: M. Orson, D. Walls, C. Leo, K. Bernados, V. McDevitt, B. Orson, R. Schwartz. . B. Montgomery, Sponsor 11

R. Young, Business Sponsor D. Sudjian and B. Pohlman, Business Co-Editors

Business Staff

G. Parker, Art and Design

R. McClennen, Photography Sponsor

Photography'Staff 12





District Administration

C. McLaughlin, District Superintendent Ed. D. University of Pittsburgh

J. Bay, Director of Administrative Services M.A. Bucknell University

School Board Members - First Row; A. McKee, Laughlin, J. Mannion, W. Hushion.


R. Simon, Administrative Assistant M.A. University of Pennsylvania

C. Hable, Assistant to Superintendent M.s. University of Pennsylvania

J. GattineIIa, R. Bullard, P. Miller, Second Row; D. Apostolu, D. Gibbons, Dr. Mc-


O. Chelland, Coordinator of Pupil Services Ph.D. Heed University

J. Bartley, Science Coordinator M.A.T., Brown University

D. Fry, Mathematics Coordinator Ed.D., Temple University

C. Garris, Social Studies Coordinator ' Ed.D., Pennsylvania State University'

J. Trumbower, Language Arts Coordinator M.s., Wesleyan University


Guidance "Did you ever have to make up your mind . .. 7"

D. Fluke, Director, M.Ed. University of Pittsburgh

W. Campbell, M.A. California State College

W. Mackrides, M.s. University of Pennsylvania

J. Way, M.A. University of Iowa 18

J. Hirt, B.A. Eastern Baptist College

Secretaries It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confidence of their help. Epicurus

F. Dunbrack, Sec'y to Mr. Castafero.

• M. Roberts, M. Clark, B. Morrison, Main Office.

H. Lehman, Sec'y to Mr. Gardner.

E. Trucksess, R. Haenle, E. Petre, Guidance Office.

F. Ehrig, I. Paul, E. Ricketts, M. Ornler, D. Northington, Business Office.

D. French, C. Olson, D. McGinness, E. Coll, District Office. M. Hyne, M. Yokum, B. Dusack, Division of Instruction.


Literature is but"l~nguag~; It IS only a rare and amazing mira~le by which a man really says what he means. G. K. Chesterton

K. Watson, B.A. University of Pennsylvania

5. Abramson, M.s. University of Pennsylvania

E n


1 1 W. Cook, B.s. Temple University

A. Brazill, M.A. West Chester State College



E. Fadden, A.B. Immaculata College

G. Ege,M.E. Temple University



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D. Matarazzo, B.s. Villanova University M. Schmuki, B.s. West Chester State College

L. Landau, B.s. West Chester State College K. Laskas, M.A. The Shakespeare Institute of Birmingham University

K. Merbreier, M. Ed. Temple University

B. Montgomery, M.A. Penn State University 21

1. Schmuckler, M.Ed. Temple University A. Weisholtz, B.A. Brown University

A. Petersort, M.A. Penrisylvania State University

C. Palmerio, M.A. Villanova University

Reading Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting. Aldous Huxley

K. Heilig, MS. University of Pennsylvania


Theater Arts The aim of the theatre is to penetrate the soul of the audience. Constantin Stanislavski

1- Pornilo, M.A. Villanova University


B. Frattura, M.A. Seton Hall University

R. Filson, Dept. Mgr., M. Ed. Temple University



To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to be ever a child ...

. .. For what is man's lifetime unless the memory of past events is woven with those of earlier times? Cicero

S. Stefani, B.5. West Chester State College

K. Schaefer, M.5. Temple University


M. Smith, B.5. Johns Hopkins University

R. Locker, M.A. Villanova University

A. Corbin, B.s. Temple University

T. Grubb, B.s. Cheyney State College

P. Sanborn, M.A. West Chester State College

J. Jefferis, M. Ed. Temple University

J. Stinson, M.A. Villanova University


American Studies Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose. et Sic transit gloria mundi: English Tuesday

M. Lamb, A.B. Dickinson College

J. Doyle, B.A. Bloomfield College

J. Scheuer, Ph. B. Dickinson College


They sure do like to drink!

J. Hornaday, M.A. Temple University

I was going to give this guy' some ZAPP .

J. Zappacosta, M.A. Villanova University

J. Coen, B.Ed. West Chester State College

but he is such a pantywaist I thought I'd forget it!!!

T. Gallagher, A.M. Temple University


Foreign Language Learn a new language and get a new soul .

Czech Proverb

L. Balukjian, Dept. Mgr. B.s., University of Pennsylvania

I. Harris, M.Ed. Antioch-Putney

B. Polini, M.s. University of Pennsylvania

M. Papazian, M.A. Bryn Mawr College


K. Burgess, B.A. University of Madrid

E. Schnitzer, M.5. Temple University

"Los Sandoval"

D. Lamon, B.A. Eas tern College

A. Moral, M.s. Ed. Temple University 29

Mathematics Multiplication is vexation, Division is as bad; The Rule of three does puzzle me, And Practice drives me mad.

R. Wentz, Dept. Mgr., M.A. Columbia University

G. Irvin, B.s. West Chester State College

J. Brazenor, M. Ed. Villanova University E. Snyder, B.A. Immaculata College

D. Kellogg, B.A. Wheaton College 30

R. Eley, B.s. Ursinus College

S. HalL B.s. E. Stroudsburg State College

W. Speakman, M.A. Villanova University S. Woodruff, B.s. University of Pennsylvania

R. Lee, A.B. Stanford University R. Young, B.A. La Salle College

S. Werley, M.A. Villanova University

L. Taylor, B.A. Amherst College

E. ]anczewski, B.s. West Chester State College


Science Man must understand science if he is to harness it, to live with it, to grow with it. Glenn T. Seaborg

J. Semeister, M.s. University of Pennsylvania G. Wood, Dept. Mgr., M.A. Villanova University

N. McConnell, B.A. West Chester State College G. Long, M.s. Ed. University of Pennsylvania

D. Bartow, M.Ed: West Chester State College

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7 8 9 4 15 16

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A. Frye, B.A. West Chester State College


R. McCiennen, B.s. Drexel University

E. Troiano, B.s. West Chester State College

P. Buck, M.5. University of Pennsylvania

G. Smith, B.5. West Chester State College

H. Lemmon, B.5. West Chester State College

R. Shoemaker, B.5. West Chester State College A. Reinsmith, M.A. Villanova University

R."LeDonne; M.5. University of Pennsylvania

I. Kempf, B.5. West Chester State College

N. Adams, M. Ed. Temple University 33

Business Education

G. Gooden, M.A. Villanova University H. Beldecos, Dept. Mgr., M.Ed. Drexel University

There is no better ballast for keeping the mind steady on its keel and saving it from all risk of crankiness, than business. J. R. Lowell

L. Ciocciola, B.s. Drexel University

E. Creed, B.M. University of Nebraska


C. Pancoast, B.s. Temple University

P. Connor, B.A. Villanova University

The Arts

Art is not a thing; it is a way. Elbert Hubbard

A. Hunt, M.Ed. Albright Art University

S. Kaminsky, M.Ed. State University of New York

Music communicates every emotional experience - be it an expression of joy or melancholy, music touches the soul ...

L. DelNegro, M.s. Temple University

D. Lauffer, M.M.Ed. West Chester State College


Practical Arts

"The creative center of each man, Is fully developed, When he has perfected a skill" Simon Murmon

C. McCoy, B. Ed. Millersville State College'

A. Wentz, M.s. Kutztown State College

C. Tadd, B.s. Pennsylvania State University

J. Zwizanski, B.s. Mansfield State College



W. Morgan, B.s. Cheyney State College 36

J. Andrews, B.s. Missouri University

Physical Education When I feel a desire to exercise, I lie down till it goes away. Robert M. Hutchins

J. Brusch, Dept. Mgr., M.s. West Chester State College

R. Fatscher, B.s. West Chester State College

N. McBrearty, M.A. Villanova University

R. Taylor, B.s. West Chester State College

G. Hart, M.s. West Chester State College

H. Bell, M.A. Temple University

1. Ardao, B.s. West Chester State College

B. Yaeck, M.Ed. University of Pittsburgh


Special Education

Free in our expressions, Sensitive to what we hear. Our entire world revolves In a totally unique sphere.

J. Knox, B.s. West Chester State


Driver Education They call me Baby Driver And once upon a pair of wheels Hit the road and I'm gone, (What's my number?) I wonder how you're engine feels.

J. Cannon, M.Ed. Temple University

J. Peoples, M.A. Michigan State University

E. Smith, M.A. Michigan State University

Distributive Education Do all the work you can: that is the whole philosophy of the good way of life. Eugene Delacroix

L. Fine, B.s. Temple University


Learning Materials Center The student has his Rome, His Florence, his whole glowing Italy, within the four walls of his library. He has in his books the ruins of an antique world and the glories of a modern one. ' Longfellow

M. McConnell, LMC Director MS. Drexel University

A. Barrett, B.A. Connecticut College R. Kramer, B.A. Wilson College

G. Adams, MS. Villanova University


I want quiet!!

N. Fedock, B.A. Lehigh University

E. Thomas Educational Media Aide

A. Klineburger (Standing), F. Gallagher (Sitting) Educational Media Secretaries

M. Young, MS. Indiana University 41

Dependable People

You just call out my name and you know wherever I am I'll come running to see you again. Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall, all you've got to do is call- and I'll be there, you've got a friend. Carole King

P. Roessner, District Psychologist M.Ed. Temple University

A. Caldwell, Resource M. Roach, CRC


E. Anderson, R.N. Philadelphia General Hos,pital

J. Esposito, R.N. B.s. West Chester State College

Helpful People

Bus Drivers: B. Stravinsky, T. McGowen, A. Renand, G. Taylor, L. Haigh, G. Brown, H. Hite, C. Fulginity, L. Gregg, W. Baker.

L. Bosko, Food Services Director M.Ed. Temple University

Cafeteria: W. Burrell, L. Baker, C. Moore, A. Thomas, V. Martin, C. Mowbray, R. Carbonaro, C. Bannett, D. Maker, B. Stone, F. Lutz.

S. Pasternak, Custodian

J. Wilson, Director of Maintenance 43






R The heck with S.W.I.G.... I LOVE IT!

Body Beautiful- here I come

Oh you're so cute!


I'll only put one in; I'm sweet enough already.

You could try it; It worked on my face.

mmm ... ,Strawberry

Study hard and this shall be your reward.

What pin cushioooON!


What do you mean teachers can't count to three?

... Then why am I driving a Studebaker?

Jack it must be for you, all I hear is heavy breathing.

Executive Council Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power. Seneca

First Row: R. Hood, 1. Reger, N. Bacher, J. Gilboy, D. Pedigo, J. Scanlon, A. Finio, J. Fenza, A. McClellan. Second Row: S. Kozin, S. Smith, M. Humphreys, S. Todaro, G. Dormer, M. Buongiorno, C. Kramer, G. Toole, D. Ezzie, G. Bellis, E. Mallas, R. Fenza.

Officers: G. Dormer, Chairman; G'. Toole, Sec.; D. Ezzie, Treas.; R. Feni~, Co-Chairman. 46¡

Advisory Board

First Row: H. Levin, V. Branton, N. Simon, D. Sylvester, M. Flynn, D. Torelli, C. Celluci, K. Walls, P. Prodoehl. Second Row: C. Perazelli, T. Tashjian, C. DeLeo, F. Arsht, M. Wareham, M. Meyer, J. Arty, S. Fanelli, K. Brookes, c. Mace, C. Zippi, G. Costalas. Third Row: S. Buongiorno, J. Toussaint, D. Batista, B. Hessemer, S. Pope, C. Behrle, C. Fielding, T. Stein, J. BloodwelL J. Ciaramella, R. StengeL H. Criston, G. Cardillo, E. Mallas, G. Smalley, D. Little, L. Fierro, D. Le-. Vasseur, K. Zippi, K. Payne, C. Scarani. Fourth Row: C. Thiel, G. Hill, W. Carter, B. Fink, D. McTague, J. Spahr:M. Finio.


First Row: N. Ozer, P. Ebsworth, P. Petrie, J. Devine. Second Row: T. Stein, J. Bradfield, K. Shunk, D. Ferrell, D. Knorr, M. Stolar, C. Zippi, Y. Ciarlo. Third Row: J. McHugh, . M. Alburger, J. Zischkau, B. Mackrides, 5. Kelly, D. Ezzie, D. Sudjian, M. Rodney, J. Zappacosta, sponsor. Missing: G. Dormer, C. Kramer,S. Sieke, A. Reed, B. Swan, E. Bachman, D. Gannett, A. Pinnock.



National Honor Society December installation, skits tutoring ... (sometimes) teas in the Satellite ... gowns cavemen and mad scientists.

First Row: D. Penn, N. Morgan, K. Ruch, C. Scarani, D. Mewha, J. Devine, O. Goldin, D. Wei, N. Dyson, C. Laub, 5. Fanelli,S. Hemphill, C. Patrucci. Second Row: A. Miller, E. Barberes, B. Pohlman, W. DeWoody, N. Simon, J.-Murray, L. Wasshem, C. Petruzelli, W. Wolters, D. Pratt, C. Huckaba, C.E Chaco sky. Third Row: B. Dawson, D. Ferrari, M. Takashima, J. Hollinshead, D. Locher,S. Pemberton, G. Brown, B. Young,S. Rosser, L. Fry, K. Cottrill. Fourth Row: M. Margulies, M. Nelson, G. King, W. Carter, J. Glaser, J. Watt.

-=- .

Officers: S.-Sieke, Pres.; B. Mackrides, V. Pres.; Y. Ciarlo, Sec.; M. Alburger, Treas. 48

Scott' 5


First Row: D. Hudson, O. Goldin, C. Chacosky, A. Reed. Second Row: L. Fry, M. Rodney, D. Ferrell, C. Huckaba, R. LaDonne, Sponsor.

The Marple meet ... "Speak up and into your microphones" Reading Shakespeare ... Who was Romeo's best friend? little buses Hud's tie! ... pre-match jitters ... free toilet paper Chuck and Dave's prematch" sketches" ... find two positive numbers whose sum is 20 and such that their product is as large as possible (A max-min problem?) ... reading Time and Newsweek "voraciously" - Scott's Hi-Q is definitely an experience.


~() J. Hirt, Sponsor

M. Rodney, Editor in Chief


Circulations Staff, First Row: T. DiPietro, J. Gallagher, J. Dyson, J. Mackridcs, L. Riesenfeld, M. Sullivan, N. Bruning, K. Brookes, J. Scanlon, N. Morgan, C. Piatt, A. Dorwart. Second Row: N. Modes; K. Ruch,L. Wasshem, N. Bacher, P. McManus, J. Hassis, M. Godzieba, G. Bellis, S. Hingston, H. Nelson, K. Carmolingo, J. Menan, P. Hoath, D. Rivers, M. Glazer, D. Morrison, L. Millichap, L. Wagner, E. Barberes, M. Buchanan, J. Bowes, T. Panczner, K. Waterhouse, S. Casey, L. Pizzirusso, K. Riegner. Third Row: C. Thiel, C. Oyler, C. Kolojeski, C. Behrle, G. Toole, B. Swan, C. Petruzelli, J. Frank. Fourth Row: A. Butler, R. Donze, T. Tashjian, C. Laub, L. Shea, M. Stolar, W. Wolters, C. Scarani, K. Payne.

Circulation Managers: C. Laub; R. McCiennen, Sponsor; M. Stolar.


Feature Staff, First Row: J. Bloodwell, J. Cummins. Second Row: D. Glassberg, S. McMillan, D. McDowell, S. Johnston, N. Simon, D. Hudson, C. Chacosky.

D. Hudson, Feature Editor

Sports Staff, First Row: C. Ventriglia, P. Petrie, K. Crossley. Second Row: M. Finio, E. Russom, G. Barber. P. Petrie, Sports Editor

A. Horne, News Editor

News Staff, First Row: A. Baker, C. McFadden, L. Papiernik, S. Brycki. Second Row: R. Schwartz, A. Horne. 51 -'--'-

Literary Magazine Lit. Mag! ... a "literary" organization considered" scholarly" ... definitely "esoteric" (don't worry - no one else on the staff knows what it means either) ... the social hour on Sunday nights (complete with dunkies, cheese spears in grapefruit, etc.) ... Lit. Mag.... comprised of members with many opinions (I didn't know the world had that many) ... "you'd better print it or he'll come and get us t" · .. "this poem is like building a ship with no rivets - impossible" · .. "YOU thought it. I said it!" ... this poem is doggard ... tritely sophisticated ... heavy - really deeeeep ... an often thought thought ... like a wart - it grows on you (a biology major no doubt) · .. oh, what comments and intellectual communing . .. destiny is an umbrella (0 f course it is?!) . . . we're not here to rewrite the contributions! ... maybe the eggplant is representative of his soul . no, no, NO - the frog is but an outer manifestation of himself . are we passing judgement on love or the poem? ... Lit. Mag. - a lot of fun (whether admitted or not) ... working towards that final publication.

Editor-in-Chief: C. Huckaba.

Sponsor: A. Peterson.



Seated: D. Penn, M. Markiewicz. First Row: D. McGuiness,.D. Glassberg, A. Miller, D. Wei. Second Row: S. Marra, D. Bartoletti, K. Winter, K. Panczner, V. Berg, S. Hemphill, K. Shunk. Third Row: R. Cooper, R. Mares, C. Hoffner, A. Baker, B. Wylie,]. Morrow, F. Wehmeyer, M. Finio, M. Pellegrini, C. Kadin, K. Hemphill,]. Shea.

Business Editor: N. Simon.

Art. Editor: 1. Fry.

Literary Editor: O. Goldin.

Typing Editor: N. Dyson.





First Row: R. Federson, M. Ke1ler, A. Sonsangelis, J. Hazzard, L. DeCowsky, A. Grallnick, J. Schoultz. Second Row: S. Barrett, J. Shea, A. Dorwart, S. Marra, N. DeCowsky, L. Chestnutt. Third Row: 1. Pizzirusso, D. Riviello, G. Saller.

T.V. Crew

T.V. Crew Division: Grallnick.

J. Schoultz, 1. DeCowsky, S. Barrett, N. DeCowsky, A.


First Row: T. Gallagher, M. Colgan, J. Buzby, G. Coe, M. DelNegro, D. Handley. Second Row: D. Tyson, S. Dubendorf, D. Clark, R. Crowe, R. LaPorta, B. Johns, R. Henshey, A. Ozer. (Missing: D. Crocco, J. Dickinson, F. Splane, D. Marcu, M. Keller, B. Schoulti).


Officers: D. Clark, Sec.; R. Henshey, Pres.; J. Buzby, V. Pres.; R. LaPorta, Treas.

Stage Crew oh - you're hardly worth the time I love you so - you're always on my mind Your cables are all rusted - your panels are all busted I long to hear your creaks - to argue with your Greeks When the border hits my head and I am lying dead When you hear the awful thud, give my love to all the Spuds But take me back to Stage Crew, dear old Stage Crew. Love, Chink First Row: J. 5emeister, sponsor; N. DeCowsky, M. Anastas, D. Wei. Second Row: D. D'Egidio, D. James, M. Keller, F, 5plane. Third Row: D. MacDonald, K. Horn, O. Tunca, K. Finley, A. Pinnock, A. Ozer, A. Grallnick. Fourth Row: 5. Jackson, J. Hanrahan, L. Chestnutt, P. Minteer, B. Clark, L. DeCowsky.

Stage Crew ,)


Springfield Theatre Workshop

Actors don't happen - they strive to become. Those who live for the theatre must commit themselves to extremes. They build perfection through discipline and work; they experience frustration in mastering basics; they struggle to create their individual style; and the physical and mental strain exceeds the final recognition. But for the enthusiastic, the learning process and inner satisfaction involved is unmatched, compensating for all the demands.

James Pomilo, Director

Painting the new theatre


Close-ups During Rehearsals

"When you make your next move, call me!"


Social Service

"It's a very ancient saying But a true and honest thought That if you become a teacher By your pupils, you'll be taught ... " - The King and I

Bottom Row: M. Roberts, J. Ross, R. Evans, C. Guelle, D. Mewha, S. Lyl).ch, S. Kuerschner, D. Hudson, C. Peracchia, B. Schoultz. Second Row: C. Kenney, M. Anastas, N. Morgan, P. Minteer, D. Fulford, V. Fiorda, E. Wyatt, G. Burns, J. Dietsch, D. Smith, S. Silverman, T. DiPietro, S. Hagy, J. Morrow. Third Row: M. Keller, D. Wei, J. Hanrahan. O. Goldin, F. Uterrnohler, D. Gosnay, E. Barberes, E. Cassidy, D. Walls, 1. Naopli, K. Crispin, 1. Chestnutt. Fourth Row: N. Modes, A. Miller, P. McManus, J. Hornaday, J. Zappacosta, Sponsors.



J. Hornaday.


5. Hingston, L. Caine, L. Papiernik. Second Row: J. Fagan, J. Gallagher, C. Lawthers.

Sponsors K. Watson and R. Young.

First Row: K. Troutt, N. Panis, L. Fitzgerald, K. Wyatt, B. Shankweiler, R. Bevan, L. Fine, sponsor; L. Mongiello. Second Row: J. McKeever, E. Sentman, C. McCarey,S. Ferragino, J. Laspina, J. Branconi, G. Jennings, D. LaPreste, J. Langwig, C. Richardson, Y. Jefferson.


The new Springfield Women's Information Group was begun by a group of Junior and Senior girls who wanted to know more about the issues of the current women's movement and about opportunities for women in our society. At weekly meetings the members, affectionately known as Swiggies, report on issues they have researched, listen to guest speakers, and (are you ready?) plan for programs involving guest speakers and panel discussions that will be open to the entire school.


Sponsors: K. Laskas, A. Weisholtz. Sitting: K. Walls, G. Rosa, M. Mills, M. Gallagher, M. Glazer, C. Woj. Standing: Miss Laskas, B. Pohlman, L. Schmidt, D. Wei, J. Schoultz, A. Baker, D. Sudjiam, D. McGuinness, K. Logan, J. Devine, E. DeMarco, Y. Ciarlo, N. Fischer, S. Salidor, H. Galanos, Mrs. Weisholtz.

Service Club

Does that "S" on your jacket really stand for Stefani?

Sponsor: S. Stefani.

Kneeling: K. McTague, J. Shea, C. McNamee, L. Gutshaw, D. LeVasseur, B. Mackrides, M. DellaPolla, B. Nave. Standing: T. Barasatian, B. Doemling, K. Williams, J. Shada, B. Krajeski, B. Wiley, D. Pratt, T. Stein, J. Arty, J. Nagorny, W. Carter, J. Logue, C. Ulrich, M. Finio, W. Fink, J. Riesenfeld, T. O'Dore, B. Paradis, B. Heavey, B. Cole, R. Menseck, J. Davison, R. Hakun, J. Spahr, S. Kelly.


Varsity Club

First Row: D. Drevyanko, N. Ozer, C. Zippi, K. Payne, P. Petrie, J. Gilboy, D. Murray. Second Row: B. Walsh, C. Ventriglia, D. McGuinness, C. Petruzelli, G. Costalas, K. Crossley, K. Long, Y. Ciarlo.

J. Brusch, Sponsor.

Locker Problems

A. McCullough, K. CottrilL D. Esposito, M. Bratz, M. Bucngiorno.


Special Ed. Aides: B. Pohlman, M. Loro, M. Gallagher, S. Wunder, M. Markiewicz, S. Kuerschner. (Missing: N. Simon)

Aides Me, work, an AIDE, ridiculous ... Boy, oh boy, the power One week, overnight, 3 day- What ... ? Passes? Sign the sheet! May I hel p you ... Look, kid, find your own book. I missed the Christmas party, Oh, well, I'll catch it next year.

Guidance Aides: K. Finley, Y. Sanders, B. Ehle.

=rERENCE:-AREA Library Aides, Front Row: K. Penn, A. McNicholas, E. Krimmel, F. Wehmeyer, L. Angstadt, N. Rose. Second Row: E. Karpiel, M. Roberts, C. Piatt, B. Wylie, A. Pinnock, S. Marra, C. Barker, R. Schwartz, M. Donal\.




First Row: K. Lindsey, J. Zischkau, Y. Ciarlo, Frau Harris, sponsor. 'Second Row: D. McGuinness, A. Reed, J. Dyson, E. Wilhelm, T. DiPietro, K. Ruch. Third Row: N. DeCowsky, R.'Mares, C. DeMuth, S. Seegrist, K. Winter. Fourth Row: U. Pust, M. Hedrick, M. McCloskey, 1. Spyes, B. Davidson, E. Bachman, A. Kilvitsky ..



First Row: D. Wei, 1. DeCowsky, C. Fielding, M. Mills, C. Woj. Second Row: M. Meyer, A. Grallnick, N. DeCowsky, 1. Papiernick. Third Row: J. Arty, B. Clark, C. Chacosky, M. Galenski, D. Chester, J. Shea, Mr. Jefferies, sponsor.

We, the members of the PolishAmerican Club, are a happy group of sober 5.H.5. students. As you can see, our officers have brown bag lunches. This, however, does not stop us from protecting ourselves against G. Gallop trying to take us. Don't you wish you were Polish?

Officers: Xdebiez Wei, Sekretarz; Faq Clarkski, WicePrezeska; Kazimierz Chacosky, Prezeska. "



Club First Row: P. Esposito, P. McGlensey, N. Fisher,S. Kestler, K. Thompson. Second Row: R. Hepler, J. Shada, C. Brisbane. Third Row: 5. McCoach, R. Singley,S. Lynch, P. Fritz, G. Matthews, K. Logan, G. Belk, D. Yankoski, C. Petruzelli, K. Zippi, K. Crossley, D. Harris, K. Riegner. Fourth Row: 5. Wunder, P. Kelly, C. Butler, J. McMillan,S. Welch, W. Wolters,S. Brisbane, C. Zippi. Fifth Row: B. Troutman, C. Brisbane, J. Stroud, A. Butler, E. Russom, B. Smith, D. McTague, D. McLean, D. Russom.

First Row: 5. Phillips, J. Perkins. Second Row: C. Chacosky, G. WeitzeL T. Wolski, L. Chestnutt, R. McMillan, T. Panczner. Third Row: 5. McMillan, K. Lapps, M. Brennan, G. Belk, J. Hillgartner, K. O'Keefe, J. Cole, D. Grane, K. Shockley, P. Minteer. Fourth Row: B. Kollar, R. Carpenter, J. WeitzeL J. Jones, G. Rose, K. Walls, M. Shields, N. Modes, P. McManus, C. Horne, L. Wagner, E. KarpieL 5. Handline. .


R.. Eley, Sponsor.



Pep Club


In Here We Dwell



Senior Choir

"Who's the new guy?"

first Row: M. Stolar, S. Katz, B. Bowen, N. Dyson, D. Grane, C. Peracchia. D. Penn, G. Dormer, K. Keech, C. Kramer, P. Hoath, J. Gilboy, N. - Conant, D. Sudjian, S. Fanelli, C. Petruzelli, C. Ventriglia, M. Brennan, K. Glacken, N. DeCowsky, K. Ruch, P. Ebsworth, J. Bradfield, M. Humphreys. Second Row: L. Schmidt, M. Glazer, S. DeFarges, K. Crispin, L. Chestnutt, S. Hemphill, N. Cim.ini, J. Devine, L. Fry, R. Baltzer, L. Wasshem, N. Simon:S. Johnston, J. Schoultz, L. Lenthe, D. Ferrell, B. Dawson, P. Thayer" P: Petrie, C. Kauffman, Y. Ciarlo, P. Prodeohl, A. Dorwart, D. Pratt, C. Huckaba. Third Row: G. Belk, J. Spahr, J. Moore, P. Missiras, M. Buongiorno, O. Goldin, R. Carter, B. Davidson, R. Allen, A. McClellan, D. Heberling, S. Sieke, M. Nelson, S. Kuerschner, D. Welsh, T. Oliver, G. Bareis, M. McGonigle, B. Paradis, S. Rosser, M. Bratz, D. Esposito, E. Jackson, D. Hickey, B. Clayton. Fourth Row: S. Griffith, P. Owen. J. Moore, B. Richards, D. Ferrari, W. Carter, K. Wesner, A. Amorosi, J. Glaser, J. Anderson, L. Marcu, J. Desiderio, B. Haslett, W. Phillips, B. VanPatter, D. Bratz, G. Polischuk, B. Heavey, D. McLean, J. Gildner, C. Potts, J. Bradfield. .

Hey, Babes - DEmerit - "from the edge" intervals and quizzes - candles, concerts singing at the courthouse and in the commons - "Heilig" - "Hairwy Bee" - GUNK - tape on the risers - gowns and stoles - Dawk and memories ...

Officers, First Row: A. Reed, Accomp.; C. Kramer, Sec.; L. Wasshem, Sec. Second Row: B. Gison, Accomp.; D. Miller, Accomp.; W.]. Carter, V. Pres.; L. Schmidt, Pres.


Senior Girls' Chorus

First Row: J. Nonemaker, K. Waterhouse, K. Ruch, S. Helmuth, J. Sheppman, J. McClellan, C. Fielding, C. Conant, 1. Caine,L. Pizzirusso, J. Dyson, N. Bacher, C. Oyler, N. DeCowsky, 1. DeCowsky, P. McClure, E. DeMarco, J. Bradfield, M. Buchanan, S. Fanelli. Second Row: G. Costalas, J. Jones, H. Galanos, J. Mauger, D. Mewha, H. Nelson, J. Sihler, C. Kolojeski, D. Glassberg, R. Mares, V. Brown, D. Sudjian, W. Wolters, K. Parnell, J. Reynolds,'B. Matthews, K. Mullineaux, D. Ferrell, B. Guregian, N. Bradley. Third Row: K. Thompson, P. Minteer, 1. Marone, S. Salidor, C. Behrle, D. McGuinness, D. Roberts, M. Gressang, G. Reinstein, D. Reimund, B. Walsh, J. Hillgartner, A. Burke, A. Miller, C. Leo, G. Schelling, S. Barrett, M. Rodney, A. Gettemuller, D. Rivers, D. Pedigo, C. Kistler, C. DePugh, M. Ranson. Accompanists: D. Miller, N. Colgan, A. Horne, A. Reed.


Glee Club

First Row: A. Petrillo, L. Povey, R. Chambers, K. Rosser, E. Bressett, R. Allen, S. Rosser, T. Stein, D. Helm. Second Row: J. Hollinshead, D. McLean, J. Glaser, M. McGonigle, B. Pontari, N. Pietropolo, C. Potts, C. Spatocco, M. Rebecca, M. Kennedy, F. Brown. Third Row: W. J. Carter, R. Carter, K. Simpson, H. Carter, L. Marcu, J. Dickinson, D. Esposito, B. Breingan, B. Stanley, C. Fry, P. Missiras, B. Jacoby, G. Polischuk. Accompanist - B. Gibson.

Officers: B. Gibson, Accomp.; S. Rosser, Pres.; T. Stein, V. Pres.; G. Polischuk, Sec.- Treas.


Junior Choir First Row: S. Lamb, M. Bradfield, R. Donze, L. Briganti, B. Black, M. Carney, L. Belfiglio, S. Kestler, T. Schultz, T. Tashjian, A. Williams, B. Schoultz, P. Mears, B. Shockley, J. Davis, S. Reed, L. Meade, L. Meade, K. Penn, K. Janetti, D. Prescott,

D. Prescott. Second Row: S. Koetzle, J. Gilmore, D. Morrison, S. Poole, R. Malloy, B. Crispin, J. Hulme, M. Donall, K. Hemphill, A. Butler, N. Miller, L. Eustace, M. Johnston, G. Bramble, G. Purcell, T. Daniels, D. Wurzer, M. Jones, E. Mallas, K. McNeill, V. Carslaw, B. Hessemer, G. Ballas, L. Nicholson, L. Holsworth. Third Row: G. McCartney, R. Swan, J. Grassie, P. Conley, J. Arndt, D. Hickey, B. Matthews, J. Wilson, C. Schott, D. Harris, S. Probert, G. Saller, M. DellaPolla, H. Papiernik, D. Handley, F. Ciapana, D. Porter, D. Holden, R. Morgan, B. Doemling, L. Gutshall, D. Kaut, J. Prodhel. Fourth Row: W. Bowe, D. Schell, B. Stanley, K. Hardcastle, R. Hakun, P. O'Hare, J. Woolston, J. Shada, N. Spennato, R. Holden, J. Fenza, H. McCartney, S. Baun, M. Tofsted, B. Potts, E. Wasshem, S. Schwiezer, B. McDevitt, K. McTague, J. Davison, B. Burger, B. Morgon, H. VanValkenberg, G. Singley, M. Beam. Accompanist: G. Bellis.

Getting to know Dawk - tryouts - quartets from the edge - taking" the" exam intervals - perfecting (?) our music in order to make our concert a success.

Officers: J. Fenza, Pres.; G. Bellis, Accomp.; A. Butler, Sec.; B. Potts, V. Pres. 72

\ 1/ i

Junior Girls' Chorus

First Row: S. Buongiorno, P. Francia, L. Reid, R. D'Ortone, B. Williams, Y. Gildner, D. Barolettl, E. Foley, S. Gressang, S. Pope, R. Cavaleri, C. O'Hara, K. Zippi,5. Poole, H. Levin, D. Alfonsi, D. Waters, C. Conklin. Second Row: L. Gordon, M. Shada, J. Scanlon, J. Mingle, K.Myers, E. Lihota, B. Humphreys, P. McElroy, C. Ciampoli, N. Rose, C. Larrimore, C. Catona, S. Handline, T. Woodruff, B. Kelly, L. Bowlby, K. Toney. Third Row: M. Tekach, H. Criston, B. Reynolds, K. Shockley, L. Dill. E. Waldie, S. Miller, J. Troutman, M. Donall, K. Snyder, K. Russell, A. Starr, D. Prescott, L. Lynn, K. Tettemer, C. Shell, T. WiKufa, J. Smith. Fourth Row: L. Millichap, R. Evans, B. Krynick, J. Watson, M. Roberts, S. Walker, K. Brunn, C. Butler,C. Fisher, J. Morrow, C. Rickards, L. Kent, P. Daley, L. Mullin, G. Cardillo, J. Mackrides, C. Kirkman, J. Sieke, K. Horn, L. Genzel, K. Sacco, K. Anderson. Accompanists: M. DeVries, K. McLaughlin.







Cougarettes Come on Cougarettes, the music is in 4 not 3! - Get on the right foot - left, left ... Elbows high - Watch Espo do the Can-Can - Last game, make it good. Ready Ho!

D. Nocella,S. Bruce, L. Papernik, 5. Wunder, A. Markiewicz, M. Hedrick, B. DiGregorio, K. Vogleson, D. Hagy, K. Walls, G. Thomas, G. Rosa, L. Campisi.

. .. around, under, aerial and catch, you're not together. Where's my baton? It's cold out. - Quick change! The last night practice and we're stuck in the mud. - Hurry, get the biggest corsage! - Smile we're facing home ... Whew! it's over.

Feature twirler: K. Shunk.



D. Joyce, c. Welch, K. Glacken, L. Pizzirusso, L. Dill. K. Pflieger, E. Finnegan Sarg., 5. Barrett, J. Boyle, C. Larrimore, P. Leavitt.

Color Guard¡ The routine was great, but your flag was upside-down. - Keep your guns with you or I'll just have to report you. - New routine again? - Oh no, it's raining, get the baggiest The American Flag is turning red! - You called it on the wrong foot. - Practice tonight. UFO Breakfast at Perkin's: hamburgers & onionsl? - Get out of the way guns, FLAGS are better! Can-Can on Saxer? Look OOut, it's the Bomb Shell **********


**BLAST** **********


What a MASTER PIECE. Flags: First Row: N. Conant, M. Glazer, T. Wolski,]. Hillgartner. Second Row: P. Kelly, co-sarg., C. Hoshauer, D. Peifer, 1. Jeckel, D. Chester, L. Batch, sarg.

Guns: D. Pedigo, J. Toussaint, A. Dorwart, C. Huckaba sarg., R. Cooke co-sarg., M. Orson, 1. Ward, D. Walls.

Band - what a rip-off! ... brown bucks "no-scuff" shoe polish that scuffs ... cold, icy winds that blow across an open field (while you're freezing in a dress) ... THERMAL UNDERWEAR ON SALE AT KRESGE'S FOR ONLY 89¢ (GET· 'EM WHILE YOU'RE COLD!) ... WISK around the collar sure beats ring around the collar (But we wouldn't knowwe never clean 'em) ... band ... a bunch of rowdies who hassle Mr. 'D', keep smelly sneakers and other miscellaneous junk in the music bins, total the band room, and dispose of sandwich bags in the music files (Hey! Has anyone seen "Festive Overture"? ... Sure, it's under that banana peel and dead bologna sandwich) ... Band is definitely a love-hate relationship!

Woodwinds, First Row: C. Piatt, B. Bernard, L. Lenthe, D. Harris, 'K. Touring, M. Thourwanger, E. Cassidy, B. Humphreys, M. Sullivan. Second Row: M. DeVries, D. Burns, P. Mooney, W. Gavula, J. Hollinshead,S. Bernard, K. Long, B. Wilson,S. Solovey.


Brass, Front Row: 5. Gotwols, A. Baxter, B. Troutman, K. Lord, A. Miller, L. Goldman,S. Lynch. Second Row: 5. Shane, S. Dubendorf, G. King, K. Guerin, P. Fisher, G. Phillips, T. Williams, J. Locher, D. Lintz.

Drum Major: D. Esposito.

Tubas, Front Row: M. DelNegro, K. King, D. Gosnay, K. Rosser, D. Herbert,S. Hauslein. Back Row: M Yanelli, K. Dubendorf, 5. Duffy, D. Hudson, B. VanPatter, 5. Koetzle.


Percussion, Front Row: E. Fowler, R. Rudolf,S. Pemberton,S. Todaro, R. Gosnay. Back Row: B. Prescott, J. Fenza, B. Fleming, B. Elfont, J. Grillet, T. Triozzi, J. Jones, K. Teore.

Flutes, Front Row: R. Cavallari, B. Williams, D. Mewha, K. Riegner, 5. Persky,S. McLean,S. Barclay, Y. Gildner. Back Row: 5. Davidson,S. Jeckel, L. Manley, P. Thayer, L. Teore, M. Herbert, D. Feld, N. Simon, B. Young.


Clarinets, First Row: B. Kelly, K. McLaughlin, M. Carney, C. Ventriglia, D. Roberts, J. Zischkau, C. Galanos, J. Murray, C. DeLeo. Second Row: P. Ege, J. Oliver, M. Gressang, C. Rohr, A. Petrillo, D. Semanik, N. Morgan, M. Brennan. Third Row: K. Crispin, E. Jackson, D. Wright, D. Braid, M. Belczyk, A. B,ruckner, L. Haigh, D. Morris.

Trumpets, Front Row: R. Chambers, J. Sheaffer, R. Crowe, R. Burke, J. Forrest, C. Fry, D. Truesdale, J. Barasatian. Second Row: B. Lingenfelter, D. Parmiter, B. Stanley, D. Locher, D. Harrison, J. Bittner, J. Mander,S. Blumberg, B. Smith.


"Here will we sit and let the sounds of music creep in our ears." Shakespeare


Violins, First Row: R. Mares,S. Hauslein, M. Bradfield, M. Stolar, C. 5carani, L. Nicholson, M. DeVries, A. Young, P. Hoath, L. Gordon, E. Lihota. Second Row: C. Clayton, D. Wurzer,S. Poole, J. 5choultz, P. Kelly, K. Dubendorf, 5. Duffy, B. Denison, K. McNeill.

Violas, Cellos, and Basses, First Row: J. Blotter, A. Williams,S. Lamb, B. Guregian, P. McElory, M. Brennan, G. Cardillo, H. Galanos, L. Goldman. Second Row: R. Blue, S. Koetzle, E. Rosenberg, D. Toftsted, M. Takashima, B. Hoeveler, L. Manley, N. Yanelli, C. DeLeo.


Woodwinds, First Row: C. Piatt, B. Young, R. Cavalieri, B. Bernard, ]. Neubert, B. Humphreys, D. Mewha. Second Row: M. Gressang, C. Ventriglia, ]. Murray, S. ]eckel, D. Roberts, S. Persky, L. Lenthe, D. Feld, A. Pearlman. Third Row: M. Alburger, D. Burns, K. Long, P. Mooney, R. Jackie, S. Belczyk, J. Hollinshead, M. Belczyk, T. Baughn, P. Thayer. Missing: N.Simon.

Brass and Percussion, First Row: ]. Locher, R. Chambers; S. Todaro, A. Baxter, A. Miller, S. Lynch, S. Gotwols, L. DiBello, R. Rudolph. Second Row: T. Williams, G. Phillips, S. Dubendorf, S. Laughead, J. Mander, D. Lintz, B. Troutman, S. Pemberton, G. Merkel. Third Row: D. Prescott, D. Parmiter,]. Bittner, P. Fisher, D. Locher, D. Harrison, S. Blumberg, B. Lingenfelter.



First Row: C. Barker,S. salidor, L. Schmidt, K. Crispin,S. Reed. Second Row: M. Buongiorno, B. Carter, J. Desiderio, D. Welsh, P. Missiras.


First Row: N. Colgan, D. Penn, N. Simon, G. Dormer, N. Dyson, A. Reed. Second Row: B. Doe~·tling, B. Davidson, G. Polischuk, D. McLean, B. Heavey.

First 'Row: G. Cardillo, L. MaNey, H. Galanos. Second Row: B. E!font, P. Kelly, P. Hoath, M. Glazer. Third Row: M. Stolar, 5. Poole, M. Bradfield.

First Row: M. Humphreys, J. Bradfield, G. Brambl~, L. Meade, P. Ebsworth. Second Row: E. Wasshem, C. Huckaba, A. Dorwart, E. Jackson, R. Chambers.


First Row: P. Thayer, A. Pearlman, B. Young. Second Row: L. Goldman, G. Merkel. J. Locher. Third Row: D. Locher, S. Blumberg, D. Harrison, J. Bittner,S. Pemberton.



District Orchestra, First Row: H. Galanos, L. Lenthe, S. Pemberton, P. Hoath, M. Brennan, A. Williams, N. Yannelli. Second Row: P. Thayer, S. Belczyk, G. Phillips, M. Takashima, D. Locher, J. Bittner, P. Kelly, D. Wurzer, M. Alburger.


District Chorus: A. Dorwart.

District Band, First Row: G. Merkel, B. Young, S. Pemberton, S. Lynch, C. Ventriglia, R. Jackie, M. Brennan, N. Simon, K. Lord. Second Row: D. Gosnay, N. Yannelli, L. Lenthe, M. Bekzyk, K. Dubendorf, J. Bittner, S. Blumberg, D. Harrison, B. Linge~felter, K. King.


Regional Orchestra: M. Alburger, P. Thayer, J. Bittner, and

P. Kelly!?!

Regionals and States

State Band: G. Phillips, M. Brennan, D. Gosnay.

Regional Band: G. Phillips, G. Merkel, D. Locher, C. Ventriglia, L. Lenthe, 5. Lynch, ner, K. King.


J. Bitt-



Senior Manager

First Row: (L To R) Sr. Mgr. M. Nelson, P. Owen, M. Flynn, M. Imming, G. Belk, Capt. 5. Kelly, Capt. M, Lockley, Capt. B, Mackrides, D. LeVasseur,S. Brisbane,S. Rosser, J. Bradfield, R. Stengel. Second Row: M, Stellfox, M. Buggy, P. Grant, J. Arty, F. CampbelL A. Berue, R. Guinan,S. Smith, J. Dibeler, D. McTague, T. Stein, R. Allen, Mgr. R. Thomas. Third Row: Mgr. J. Smith, A. Paciocco, G. Reuling, D. Yankoski, G. Joy, c. Engle, J. Andrusko, J. Touhill, N. Carullo, K. Simpson, B. McKay, M. Stieber, J. Cummins, M. Scioscia, C. Leavitt. Fourth Row: S::oach G. Ege (Backfield), Coach R. Taylor (Defensive Back), P. Saller, J. Gelsomini, N. Burdumy, H. Chin, M. Davis, Mgr. J. McGonigle. M. Imming, B. Daws, R. Iannuzzelli Coach L. Landau (Ends), Head Coach B. Mackrides. Fifth Row: E. Gibson, K. Dyitt, D. Taylor, M. Foley, J. Spahr, J. McCullough, H. Postles, B. Barry,S. Harriman, J. Nagorny, Coach H. Bell (Interior Line), Sixth Row: F. Bruner, D. Hickey, M. Giancatarino, B. Ruth, T. Touhill, E. Foster, J. Dunn, B. Hoke, D. Stellfox, R. Langshaw, C. Mace. Missing G. Reimund, B. Haslett, B. Little.


Hey! Get this guy oHa me.

Ahh ... it makes it all worthwhile.

My contact lens ..... ? Who cares if it bounced? It went through!¡


CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country ...::for love of running" ...a coach who inspired (wIth degrees in B.5., M.5., and Ph.D.) and what a diverse group of athletes ...this man is walking death the temple flash ...rabbit. ..the vein of my existence...the only man who has run with a transfusion bottle...this man came out from the books in the library to get lost in the parks of Springfield ... Cross Country - an outlet for its members ... fun and friendship eased the sweat and strain ... time achieved excellence ... an ambitious, diligent team working toward a goal ... using all desire and effort to get there ... the STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS ... the challenge was accepted and won. !I:l~~~''-::S'I'S"'''' ~.'"



First Row: (L To R) J. Barasatian, G. Kantner, Capt. B. Kanter, H. O'Neill, C. McNamee, K. McTague. Second Row: Mgr. A. Miller, M. McGonigle, K. Hardcastle, J. Mander, K. Rail, E. Burkhalter, M. Semanik, D. Hartshorn. Third Row: S. Bernard, J. McKeever, H. VanVaulkenburgh, J. McHugh, J. Frattari, M. Fallon, N. Centrella, Coach P. Sanborn. Missing: Mgr. N. Simon.


"Senior Managers


Here comes Gartside!

I knew I shouldn't have eaten in the cafeteria today.

Springfield 26 15 23 15 21 23 ~9


Opponent 31 49 36 49

Conestoga Radnor Marple..Newton Lower Mei~6n Penncrest averford Upper Darby Ridley Won 8; Lost 0; Tied

Steel City Inv. Delco Champ. Central League Champ. District I Champ. (Class A) State Champ. (Class A)


36 38



3rd Place out of 36 2nd Place 1st Place 3rd Place 7th Place



Varsity - First Row: (l to R) B. Brown, R. Freedman, B. Hartzell, S. Cohen, Capt. B. Heavey, Capt. R. Clifton, R. Edgar, B. Rupprecht, D. Ferrari. Second Row: Coach W. Speakman, D. Pratt, S. Fallon, K. Ziebelman, D. Bratz, G. Weitzel, J. Gastner, J. Zishkau, T. O'Dore, Mgr. E. Russom. Missing: D. Meyers. J. V. Team: (not pictured) Mgr. J. McNicholas, D. Jenkins, B. Krajeski; J. Riesenfeld, K. Williams, M. Worthington, R. Ferrari, R. Fisher, J. Forrest, R. Hepler, K. Kelly, F. Pflieger, D. Scarani, J. Shapa, J. Shea, J. Shea, E. Soltner.

Senior Captain

Senior Manager

Springfield Opponent 1 West Chester 0 1 ~ North Catholic 2 1 Great Valley 3 o Penncrest 0 1 Ridley 1 o Haverford 2 4 Conestoga 5 o Upper Darby 1 1 ~arple 0 2 Lowef'N1erion 4 2 Radnor ~ 3 Won 2; Lost 7; Tied 2


Which way did he go? 91




First Row: (L To R) G. Costalas, C. Ventriglia, N. Ozer, P. Petrie, Capt. J. Watt, Capt. C. Zippi, S. Fanelli, C. Petruzzelli, L. Batch. Second Row: L. Belfiglio, S. Kestler, E. Mallas, K. Crossley, L. Lynn, S. Jeckel, B. Walsh, D. McGuinness, D. Roberts, M. Humphreys, J. Bradfield, K. Long. Third Row: Coach J. Brusch, Mgr. K. Handline, J. Soltner, J. Gilmore, K. Shockley, L. Briganti, N. Harrington, B. Bernard, L. Dill, W. Windle, M. Sullivan, Head Mgr. D. Drevyanko, Mgr. E. Barberes, Coach G. Hart.



o o

Upper Darby Lower Merion Radnor Marple Newtown Conestoga Penncrest Ridley Haverford



o 1 2

1 2 1


7; Lost

1; Tied


o o o o o 0

Central League Champions District Playoffs - eliminated two teams before losing 1-3 to Springfield, Montgomery County.



This is how you play BASEball ... 93


Seated: (L To R) Capt. D. Knorr, Capt. M. O'Reilly. First Row: G. Dormer, M. Stolar, S. Welch, W. Walters, J. Scanlon. Second Row: P. Hoath, J. Mackrides, B. Swan, D. Reimund, G. Toole, G. Cardillo. Missing: M. Meyers.


Seated: (L To R) E. Foley, M. Buchanan. First Row: T. Tashjian, R. Donze, G. Roderick, L. Riesenfeld. Second Row: R. McMillan, M. Aungst, L. Wagner, T. Pancner.

THIS is organization! The Mid-Winter Dance. .?


We're off to see the Wizard


KILL! 95

Boy's Basketball

Springfield 56 50 56 57 54 57 54 53 53 66 68 73 53 60 65 78 49 54 39 69 54 47 55

Opponent .. West Chester East 47 Nether Providence 55 Ridley 55 Marple Newtown 52 Penncrest 40 Haverford 51 Archmere 49 Darby-Colwyn 41 Lower Merion 54 Upper Darby 58 Conestoga 59 Radnor 75 LoweI' Merion 51 Conestoga 57 Ridley 52 Marple Newtown 63 Penncrest 48 Haverford 60 Lower Merion 52 Upper Darby 62 Conestoga 42 Radnor 45 Lower Merion 57

Varsity - First Row (L To R): Mgr. J. McGonigle, R. Rice, M. Margulies, M. McFall, Capt. B. Miller, O. Irons, Mgr. J. McNicholas. Second Row: R. Freedman, K. Ziebelman, Coach 5. Werley,S. Griffith, 5. Bramble, T. O'Dore. Missing: Coach G. Quedenfield.

Won: 17; Lost: 6

J.V. ~First Row (L To R): Mgr. N. Spennato, W. Dickerson, R. Kiscaden, G. Ebsworth, Coach W. Speakman, M. Okino, B. McDevitt, B. Woolson, Mgr. E. Soltner. Second Row: M. Scioscia, B. Schwartz, G. Freas, K. Kelly, P. Roarty, D. Pratt, R. Larzelere, B. Nave, M. Foley. Missing: B. Wiley.



Standing on the corner, watcing all the girls go by.




Girl's Basketball


Seated: (L To) Mgr. C. Condlin, N. Ozer, C. Zippi, Capt. P. Petrie, A. Miller, Mgr. K. Waterhouse. First Row: C. Ventriglia, B. Walsh, W. Windle, K. Long, D. Roberts, B. Ulher. Second Row: Coach K. Laskas, D. Paine, R. Malloy, F. Jefferson, N. Harrington, N. Miller, 1. Eustace, T. Baughn, M. Chestnut, 1. Belfiglio, Coach E. Ardao. Missing: C. Laub.


Springfield 38 58 58 36 31 34 44 39 36 46 30 53 38-

Notre.Dame Plymouth Whitemarsh Lansdowne Aldan. Harrington Notre Dame Radnor Conestoga Lower Merion Penncrest Haverford Ridley:" Marple Newtown -U pperoDarb;y Won: 4; Lost: 9; Tied: 0

You're on MY side, Stu pid!

Shaving Cream ... Shaving Cream.





Wrestling I.,

First Row: (L To R) Mgr. ]. Smith, F. Pflieger, S. Durso, K. Smith, J. Ferrigno, A. Wegfahrt, K. Diamond, R. Pope, Mgr. A. McClellan. Second Row: Coach R. Fatscher, D. Watrous, T. Barasatian, A. Caton,!, ]. McCullough, T. Dissinger, S. Smith, E. Boyd, T. TouhilL Coach B. Yaeck. Third Row: J. Waters, D. Simpson, J. Chaippini, J. Shea, C. Brisbane, G. Coe, M. Mazzenga, D. Welsh, T. Sosangelis, M. Imming. Fourth Row: K. Shunk, J. McCrossin, K. Simpson, M. Finio, S. Edwards, J. Goldman, R. Ruth, R. Rassmussen, T. Gallagher. Last Row: E. Gibson, R. Barbour, D. Cannataro,]' Touhill, D. Cannataro, F. Cheng, B. McLean, E. Wasshem.



Uncle! Unnncle!

Springfield 35 35

22 27 18

29 30 17 27

11 18 45

Downingtown West Chester Harriton Conestoga Ridley Upp~ Darby Kennett Square Haverford Lower Merion Marple Newtown Sun Valley Penncrest


Won: 7; Lost: 5; Tied: 0 " ,,~.... Christmas Tou-rnament -2nd place, Sectional Tournament - 4th place Districts ' Tournament

Let go of me. I'm the ref!

Smile! Your on Candid Camera. 101

Indoor Track

First row: (L To R) J. Mander, E. Russom, Mgr. A. Miller, M. McGonigle, E. Burkhalter, G. Kantner. Second Row: J. Gastner, K. Rail, J. Barasatian, D. Tofsted, D. Stiteler, B. Jackie, Capt. N. Centrella, P. O'Hara, J. Edwards, J. Frattari, J. McHugh, W. Tingley, S. Bernard, M. Semanik, D. Hartshorn, J. McKeever. Missing: Coach P. Sanborn, M. Fallon, B. Kantner, C. McNamee, B. McDaniel.


The Track Team's Favorite Cheerleader!


The British are coming, the British are coming.



Up, Up, and Away

Hmm ... there's something CROOKED around here.

Now, listen up Varsity ... THIS is a bowling ball!



First Row: (L To R) Coach G. Hart, P. Loeb, K. Payne, J. Watt, N. Ozer, C. Zippi, P. Petrie, Coach L. Ardao. Second Row: C. Ventriglia, D. Roberts, J. Bradfield, D. Drevyanko, B. Walsh, G. Costalas. Third Row: L. DilL J. Gilmore, K. Snyder, K. Shockley, S. Kestler, W. Windle, L. Lynn, K. Long, B. Bernard, L. Lynn. Last Row: R. Malloy, L. Belfiglio, S. Walker, T. Pietropolo, J. Scanlon, S. Handline.

Shove THIS in your camera and develop it! 105

Springfield Haverford

3 3

o o 2 1 1 3 3

4 4 4 3 4 4

Opponent 1 1 4

Upper Darby


4 2 3 3 1. 1

o o o Marple Newtown

Let's see. You have a ... 102 average?


o o

Won: 10; Lost: 4; Tied: 1 League Tournaments - 2nd place

First Row: (L To R) C. Fielding, J. Davison, B. McKay, B. Dunn, D. Morrison, B. Matthews, B. Berger. Second Row: B. Matthews, D. McKeown, B. LaFountain, D. Anderson, Capt. S. Kaysen, D. Parmiter, W. Phillips, K. Lindsey. Missing: Coach N. Adams, C. Fry, B. Richards, M. Kloss, K. Coonelly, J. Keyson, J. Cramer, J. Glaser.





First Row: (L To R) R. Kiscaden, T. Stein, R. Menseck, C. Ulrich. Second Row: Coach A. Drevyanko.

J. Cannon, R. Thayer,

WHO said we're not ready?



First Row: (1 To R) Coach R. Taylor, M. Buggy, B. Heavy, S. Rosser, S. Kelly, G. Farmer, A. Bell. Second Row: M. Finio, M. Scioscia, G. Barber, B. Supper, F. Bruner, F. Campbell. Third Row: Coach G. Ege, R. Truitt, D. Doggendorf, K. Cottrill, J. Alberici, E. McGrogan. Below: B. Mackrides, J. Arty, D.1eVasseur.

Coaches: R. Taylor, A. Bell, G. Ege


Here I am, world ... the great and wonderful me!

Beautiful swing ... now maybe this time I'll hit the ball.

wonder if I'll strike out or maybe he'll walk me ... those blasted clouds cover the sun. I wish I knew how good he is if only it wasn't so SUNNY ... Do I have dirt on my knees? ... how about ..

Boy's Tennis ."

First Row: (L To R) P. Buzby, B. Kohl, M. Peitrangelo, J. Donel!. Second Row: A. Petrillo,S. 5ieke, J. Ferrigno, Coach B. Yaeck.

In our 73-74 season we had a 6-2-0 record. With those six wins behind us this year, we hope to have another winning season. Of course we can't forget Bill Bingaman who went undefeated last year in singles and who along with Joe Ferrigno was a Central League Doubles Champion. But this year's returning lettermen, with luck, perseverance, time, and sweat, hope to become this year's champions!

Coach B. Yaeck

What's wrong with ya? Couldn't you get it any lower! ! !

Oh Geez, I hope he doesn't get a black eye. 110

Girl's Tennis

Seated: (L To R) A. Miller, Y. Ciarlo, D. McGuinness, J. Murray. Back Row: Coach N. McBrearty, D. Murray, D .. Rivers, F. Arsht, M. Humphreys, J. Gilboy, J. Macbeth. '

They went that-a-way!


Spring Track Spiked Shoe'Meet Riclley Haverford Tennet Relay Marple~e.vtoYVn

Delco. R -@j). ~ Radnor Upper Darby Penn Relays Penncrest Delco. Championships Lower Merion Districts States First Row: (L To R) J. McKeever, M. Semanik, J. Barrasatian, Capt. M. McGonigle, Capt. E. Russom, B. McDaniel, M. Fallon, Coach P. Sanborn. Second Row: J. McHugh, D. Ferrari, B. Prescott, M. Stitler, B. McKay, J. Forrester, D.Tofsted, N. Centrella. Third Row: B. Guthrie, J. Gerace, R. Trio, J. Mander, E. Boyd, S. Harriman, M. Stieber. Missing: D. Hartshorn, G. Kantner, B. Kantner, S. Bernard, K. Rail, K. McTague, D. Parmiter, J. Edwards, E. Beam, J. Frattari, J. McGonigle.

Spring track, starts out in double sweats, ends up with sun burn. Comrade Sanborn's running machines, producing "riggy" with each passing mile. Schaefer's muscular mongooses in the field FLEXing their muscles. Coach Doyle's "speed of light" sprinters. The long practices on snowy spring days, freezing spring days, cold and wet spring days, hot spring days, in fact every spring day. But it's all worth it because "Someday, you'll be Great!"

Coaches: K. Schaefer, P. Sanborn, J. Doyle

. ~''f-'' .



. 0 moved the mat? OhNOIWh



First Row: (L To R) Coach J. Brusch, s. Walker, J. Donell, S. Miller, J. Glaser, C. Peracchia. Second Row: J. Grillet, B. Guthrie, M. Roberts, E. Weinerman, G. McKnett, D. Heberling, S. Hinkston, J. Gallagher, J. McGonigle. Third Row: D. Ferrell, P. Loeb, C. Otto, B. Johns, A. Quaglliuiello, T. Moore, M. Pellegrini. Missing: B. McKay, P. Jones, M. Risser, K. Crispin, R. Allert, V. Kistler, R. Rumbaugh, E. Schmid, J. Dibeler, S. Blunt, T. Baughn, B. Richards, L. Burke, C. Fielding.

Coach J. Brusch

Coach K. Burgess Center: Coach K. Burgess. First Row: (L To R) K. Pfleiger, B. Farnese, L. Riesenfeld, S. Handling, J. Gilboy, G. Scanlon, S. Krissinger, J. Mackrides, A. Johnston, M. Grotyohann. Second Row: D. Hagy, S. Hagy, L. Lynn, G. Roderick, B. Nagorny, C. Celucci, S. Bulkley, K. Kauffman, L. Quinn, D. Peifer. Third Row: L. Shaner, B. Tisut, J. Schneider, s. Wunder, S. McCoach, S. Seegrist, P. Brunone, M. Humphreys.

Coach N. MacBrearty. First Row: (L To R) Coach N. McBrearty, L. Burke, A. Sosangelis, s. Kaysen, C. Fielding, D. Parmiter, D. DeBellis, J. Donell, B. McKay, D. Applegate, M. Marone, L. Davis, C. Clatterbaugh, J. Glaser, M. Flicker. Second Row: K. Toney, C. Larrimore, B. Wilkins. Missing: B. Fillmore, P. Stieber, S. Sieke, K. Lindsey, N. McConnell, E. Troiano, B. Guthrie, P. Loeb.

Third and Fourth T earrlS Seated: (L To R) Capt. D. Ferrell, Capt. Y. Ciarlo. First Row: J. S,mith, N. Modes, D. Pratt, C. Kaut, J. Braconnier, W. DeWoody, C. Ryafil, J. McClellan. Second Row: D. Chester, J. MacBeth, D. Semanick, S. Walker, T. DiPeitro, A. Burke, D. Pedigo, N. Fisher, D. Rivers, L. GenzeL]. Gilboy, M. Mills. Missing: C. Behrle, T. Toussaint.

.first Row: (L To R) N. Conant, A. Carullo, L. Toyzer, Capt. J. Gilboy, J. Lazar, Capt. P. Prodoehl, J. Scheppman, c.. Conklin, L. Conrad, D. Omans. Second Row: S. DeFarges, B. Matthews, N. Cimini, S. Miller, D. Flannery, N. Bacher, E. DeMarco, S. Handline, M. Gudzieba, M. Donall. Third Row: C. Smith, K. Riegner, R. Singley, D. LeBlanc, C. Kirkman, M. Glazer, P. McManus, A. Lee, K. Keech, N. Lifset, A. Primavera, Coach D. Lamon.

First Row: (L To R) S. Walker, D. LeBlanc, J. Scheppman, N. Conant, D. Hagy, T. Toussaint. Second Row: ]. MacBeth, K. Horn, D. Murray, .]. Toussaint, D. Morris, S. Miller, A. Scanzaroli.

First Row: (L To R) L. Jeckel, D. Rivers, D. Thorpe, K. Riegner, K. Vogelsong. Second Row: A. Miller, N. Cimini, V. Fiorda, G. Burns, B. Matthews, L. Teare, M. Ledva. Missing: S. Hagy, W. Milne, S. Lazovick.

Junior High T earns


First Row: (L To R) R. Powell, H. Carter, S. D'Ortone, J. McDowell, K. McGlensey, V. DiBiase, B. Shankweiler, A. McCoullogh. Second Row: J. Carozza, H. Belk, C. Munafo,S. Todaro, R. Chappini, D. Ruprecht, M. Ardary, K. Stephens. Third Row: Coach H. Lemmon, A. Garcia, F. Brown, C. Carty, K. Broome, R. Bradley, J. Pauling, H. McKeever, D. Schofield, Mgr. D. Deegan, Coach B. Bey, Coach J. Peoples.


First Row: (L To R) K. Walsh, 1. Nicholson, 1. Mullin, G. Zavawski, M. Bradfield, S. Poole, Mgr. S. Lamb. Second Row: Mgr. P. McElroy, S. Gibson, B. Shockley, B. Nagorny, K. Tettemer, T. Daniels, Capt. K. Zippi, Mgr. K. Sacco. Third Row: Coach N. McBrearty, B. Black, V. Carslaw, C. Butler, C. Cellucci, B. Farnese, B. Humphreys, Mgr. G. Bramble.


First Row: (L To R) B. Lawrence, J. DeFarges, D. Helm, J. Grassie, F. Ci~pana, S. Robbins, R. Ho~d, B. Critchlow, S. Arsht, C. Galonos. Second Row: P. O'Hare, M. Grant, W. Martin, M. Courtney, M. Beam, S. Kozin, A. Ozer, B. Alker, D. Miller, C. Rohr, M. Koerner, M. Miller, J. Paris, Coach G. Irvin.

First Row: (L To R) J. Grassie, 5. Arsht, T. Kirpatrick,S. Robbins,S. Kozin, R. Bradley. Second Row: M. Hendrick, B. Clark, R. Gosnay, P. Fisher, J. Pauling, M. Beam,S. Dortone, Coach J. Peoples. Missing: Mgrs. K. Bernardes, C. Rohr, D. Herbert.

basketball r.1;:r=-=="""::=""-====~-'_I!II"!!I!!'-=----'-"::"""~--~~-~~~~'--~-'


First Row: (L To R) Mgr. 5. Pope, A. Rice, Capt. B. Shockley, Capt. G. Zavowski, Capt. K. Zippi, D. Kiscaden, Mgr. K. Manditto. Second Row: Mgr. 5. Gressang, L. Mullin, V. Carslaw, B. Farnese, M. Johnson, J. Atkinson, Coach L. Carocci.

cheerleaders First Row: (L To R) H. Levin, M. 5hada, Capt. 5. Bulkley, D. Waters, W. Eisenberg. Second Row: B. Kelly, C. O'Hara, B. 5choultz, G. 5alla, M. Archidiacono.


I wonder if that's Mom in the third row ...

Super Jock

Hey now fellas, honestly row

''I'll have the money for you by tomor-

Lousy Dandelions! Hmmrn ... that's nice


Bombs ... Away

Class of 1978 Freshmen

Big changes for "the little kids". We're taking art greater responsibilities ... classes in "the dungeon" ... We're on our way as the Class of '78.

R.Abbot B.Aird D. Alfonsi P. Alibert R. Alker K. Anderson L. Antonelli

M. Arcidiacono M. Ardary S. Arsht J. Atkinson C. Ballas S. Barclay M. Barry

R. Basler D. Battista M. Battiste R. Beadle M.Beam D. Beatty H.Belk

B. Berger K. Bernados M. Black J. Blakemore W.Bowe L. Bowlby J. Boyle R. Bradley G. Bramble B. Bresset E. Bresset D. Brooks K. Broome F. Brown

M. Brown T. Brown A. Bruckner K. Bruno S. Bulkley M. Bullard D. Burns


C. Butler S. Cafferty S. Carfagno K. Carney G. Carozza V. Carslaw D. Carter

H. Carter C. Carty C. Carullo J. Cassels C. Catona R. Cavallari C. Celluci

R. Chaippini R. Chambers M. Chazin M. Chobert J. Christ F. Ciapanna S. Ciaramella

A. Cipollone

J. Clark B. Clarke C. Clatterbaugh C. Clayton A.Coe W. Colflesh

M.Colgan A.Comero R. Cooper R.Cori M. Courtney J. Cramer B. Crispin

B. Critchlow

J. Daly J. Damiano T. Daniels J. Davis L. Davis D. DeBellis

J. DeCecco J. Decker D. Deegan

J. DeFarges C. DeLeo M. DelNegro R. DelTuffo

M. DeVries L. DeWoody S. DiSantis

J. Dittus R. D'Ortone S. Dougherty

I :.... if.

S. Dubendorf J. Dunn

J. Durham M. Dyitt B. Ehle

W. Eisenberg L. Eppehimer R. Evans M. Fanelli


B. Farnesse B. Fasy A.Finio C. Fisher P. Fisher

B. Fleming H. Flogaus J. Frank T. Frank L. Frattari C.Fry

C. Galanos

P. Gambol A. Garcia

S. Garcia E. Gardner

M. Gelsomini T. Gerace P. Getz S. Gibson

Y. Gildner L. Goldman L. Gordon

R. Gosnay M. Grant


J. Grassie K. Green¡

s. Gressang F. Groome S. Groome

R. Grosso R. Guthrie T. Hallman D. Handley

D. Helm K. Hemphill M. Hendrick D. Herbert R. Hessemer

M. Hetherington R. Hickey D.Hill L. Hill M.Hill D. Hoke

D. Holden L. Holdsworth R. Hood J. Hulme E. Humphreys

R. Jefferson W.Johns M. Johnston E. Jopski

H. Joseph R. Karvois D. Kaut

D. Keller B. Kelly

T. Kelly M. Kennedy

M. Kennedy L. Kent


T. Kirkpatrick D. Kiscaden M. Koerner S. Koetzle S. Kozin W. Krimmel

A. Krivitsky F.Kuhn L. Kutz S. Lamb C. Larrimore K. Laverty

W. Lawrence L. Lawson H. Levin E. Lihota D.Lintz D. Little

J. Little L. Livingston N. Lockhart J. Lockner M.Loeb C. Long

L. Longhurst H. MacCartney D. Marcu P. Mares J. Marinari M. Marone

S. Martin R. Massagee B. Matthews N.Mawson J. McCloskey A. McCullough


K. King R.King

C. McCullough L. McCullough

J. McDowell P. McElroy

P. McGarrigle K. McGlensey

P. McGonigle B. McLarnon B. McLaughlin K. McLaughlin L. McLaughlin 5. McLean

A. McNicholas J. McNicholas L. Meade L. Meade P. Mears R. Melnikoff

K. Menditto M.Mesi D.Mewha K:Meyer L. Micciche D.Michie

D.Miller D.Miller M. Miller T. Moore L. Mullin C. Munafo

K. Murphy V.Musi B. Nagorny K. Natale M. Naughtor R. Negro

L. Nicholson C. O'Hara' P. O'Hare A. Olesen J. O'Malley A.Ozer


C. Palmer H. Papernik ]. Parris D.Paul ]. Pauling R. Payne

G. Peischl B. Pellegrini K. Penn A. Peracchia C. Perazzelli ]. Perkins

5. Persky M. Phayre K. Phillips 1. Phillips N. Pietropelo M. Pirotta

R. Piselli

5. Polinsky B. Pontari 5. Poole 5. Pope D. Porter

L. Povey D. Prescott F. Pride 5. Probert ]. Prodehl G. Purce)l

A. Quagliariello 1. Quirin M. Rebecca M. Reed 5. Reed c. Rego



L. Reid P. Reuling

S. Ricchi A. Rice

A. Rice H. Rieser

C. Rieve L. Risser S. Robbins C. Rohr E. Rosenberg M. Roth

M. Rudella R. Rudolph D. Ruprecht C. Ruse K. Russell K. Sacco

G. Salla Y. Sanders I. 'Sarkis K. Saylor w. Scanlon D. Schofield

C. Schott B.Schoultz L. Schweitzer S. Seegrist S. Sentman S. Serafino

M. Shada P.Shank W. Shankweiler J. Sheaffer T. Sheehan J. Shell

L. Shell C. Sheller B. Shockley T. Shoultz G. Singley P. Sloan


S. Smith S. Speidel A. Starr C. Stephens S. Stevens G. Stieber

P. Stieber B. Swan D. Tarsia V. Taylor M. Tekach

K. Tettemer D. Thomas E. Thomas S. Thomas M. Thurwanger

K. Tingley S. Todaro M. Tofsted K. Toney K. Touring

J. Trout D. Truesdale K. Truitt A. Vecchione L. Voglelong

J. Vogts L. Wadsworth T. Wakula

D. Wakumski C. Walsh

K. Walsh W. Walter M. Walton L. Warrington D. Waters

J. Wilkes E. Wilkins M. Wilkins E. Williams J. Wilson T. Wilson

K. Winter T. Woodruff J. Woolston '. G: Zav'awski J. Zeiger K. Zippi

Close your mouth, Brandon, the war's over.

The enthusiasm of this class is overwhelming.'



S. Smith, President; J. Gilmore, Sec'y; B. Nave, Treasurer; J. McMillian, V. Pres.

Class officers and meetings ... feeling like we are a class .. . "You wanna buy some candy 7" ... We're looking forward to the Soph Hop, our own dance.

Sponsors: R. Young and E. Janczewski

R.Abt F. Agent V. Alibert L. Anderson L. Angstadt J. Andrusko D. Anzalone J. Arndt F. Arsht K. Asbury M.Aungst J. Barasatian B. Barbour ]. Barbour

C. Barker B. Barr J. Bartivic D. Bartoletti R. Bartolomei T.Baugn S.Baun

A. Baxter M. Beitchman M. Belczyk L. Belfiglio G. Bellis N. Bellis G. Bellos


D. Bender D. Berg B. Bernard 5. Bitar J. Blotter 5. Blumberg G. Blunt

5. Blunt D. Bolesta J. Bowes M. Bradley 5. Bramble V. Branton

J. Brennan 1. Briganti C. Brisbane D. Brown 5. Bruce

P. Brunone D. Bryan 5. Brycki J. Bryson J. Bulkley

5. Buongiorno N. Burdumy R. Burke 5. Burnley J. Burns

H. Burroughs A. Butler J. Buzby T. Calder B. Capozzoli

G. Cardillo K. Carmolingo M. Carney E. Cassidy A. Cecchini

J. Chapis M. Chestnut H.Chin G.Chism C. Ciampoli A. Cicchinelli

G. Cicconi D. Clark R. Clatterbaugh D. Clemson G. Coe C. Conklin P. Conley


B. Conrad K. Coonelly D. Costagliola

H. Criston M. Crocco R. Crowe

D. Crowell D. Daddario P. Daly

B. Davis K. Davis M. Davis J. Davison 5. Davison 1. -Deardon R. DeFuria

M. DellaPolla W. Denison J. DiArnbrosio 5. Dietz 1. Dill D. DiSantis B. Doernling

J. Dolhancy M. Donall . R. Donze A. Drevyanko K. Dubendorf C. Duffer 5. Duffy

G. Ebsworth 5. Edwards 5. Ellixson C. Engle

1. Eustace B. Evans C. Evans D. Feld

J. Fenza R. Ferrari T. Filippone J. Fischere


J. Fisher T. Fitzpatrick R. Fitzsimmons

E. Foley

M. Foley F. Forcellini

s. Forman J. Forrest E. Fowler

J. Fox S. Fraim P. Francia G. Freas T. Gallagher J. Gelsomini T. Geneva L. Genzel M. Giancatarino J. Giannini E. Gibson r. Gilmore R. Gladden M. Godzieba

J. Goldman

s. Gotwals

K. Greskoff

s. Gronlie

K. Groome

s. Gryn K. Guerin

L. Gutshall

s. Hagy

R.Hakun S. Hamilton

S. Handline J. Hanrahan J. Hanarahan H. Hardcastle

"just another face" N. Harrington D. Harris M. Hedrick


SOPHOMORES R. Henshey R. Hepler M. Herbert W. Himbert M. Hinchcliffe

R. Hobdell G.Hoke R. Holden K. Horn C.Hup R. Iannuzzelli M.lmming A. Jackman 5. Jackson B. Jacoby K. Jannetti 5. Jeckel F. Jefferson B. Jones

M. Jones

c. Kadin W. Kaley

c. Karpiel K. Kavanagh J. Kearney

L. Kehm M. Keller K.Kelly

M. Kelly R. Kelly J. Kenyon 5. Kestler R. King C. Kirkman M. Kloss

D. Knowles J. Knudsen B. Krynick T. Kuhlman J. Kulsik J. Lacko B. LaFountain

R. LaPorta J. Larson B. Lauer 5. Laughead M. Laux P. Leavitt M.Ledva


A. Lee F. Lewis

K.'Lewis M. Livingston W. Lobley

J. Locher E. Lockhart F. Loeb K. Lord

Give me a break freak , .. You've got it son. T. Lovell B.Lynn 1. Lynn G. MacCartney J. Mackrides

B. MacDonald M. MacGillivary E. Mallas R. Malloy A. Margulies B. Marinari

A. Markiewicz P. Marshall C. Martin J. Martin T. Martin

D. Mattei R. Matthews R. Matsinger T. Mauro

R. Mazzulo R. McAllister R.McCain

T. McCrossin R. McDevitt


SOPHOMORES A. McDonald C. McFadden T. McFeeley M. McGillin

K.McKee A. McLean J. McMillan R. McMillan

D.McMillin C. McNamee K.McNeill M. McParland

K. McTague

J. Michie A. Miller N.Miller L. Millichap J. Mingle

R. Miserendino T. Mitchell J. Mock N. Modes K. Mooney R. Morgan D. Morris

D. Morrison B. Mozzoni G.Mullin v. Musika D. Myers C. Nagle

L. Napoli

J. Nath B. Nave

J. Neubert

W.Obdyke P. O'Keefe M.Okino

J. Oliver H. O'Neill M. Orson L. Pad


A. Paciocco R. Pacitti D. Paine T. Panczner K. Parsons J. Paul A. Pennacchia

M.Pepe M. Peraino F. Pflieger B. Pinnock T. Pietro polo M.Pohlman.

J. Porter B. Potts D. Pratt D. Prescott A. Primavera R. Rasmussen B. Reynolds

A. Richardson L. Rickards L. Riesenfeld S. Rieve E. Ring D. Riviello

M. Roberts G. Roderick P. Rolfe M.Roman N. Rose J. Ross K. Rosser

E. Ruch D. Rumbaugh J. Rumpf J. Rupert B. Ruprecht R. Ruth

K. Saeli M. Sarafino G. Scanlon J. Scanzaroli

D. Scarani D. Schell H. Schirg

J. Schneider B. Schwartz

S. Schweizer T. Scott


D. Semanik J. Shada S.Shane L. Shaner w. Sharff J. Shea

J. Shea T. Sheehan C. Shell D. Shields J. Shields C. Shinn


K. Shockley K. Shunk J. Sieke C. Skammer

M. Sloan C. Smith

D.Smith J.Smith

J. Smith S.Smith B. Snead

K. Snyder G. Soltner . J. Soltner T. Sosangelis

N. Spennato J. Stagliano B. Stanley E. Stapleton

D. Stellfox L. Sterling L. Stewart G. Stiteler D. Stoup M. Sullivan

T. Tashjian L. Teare R. Thayer C. Thiel K. Thompson S. Thornton


J. Toal K. Toney B. Toomey T. Torelli

J. Toussaint M. Traband J. Troutman B. Troutt

B. Turnbull

D. Turner J. Turtzo A. Tyler D. Tyson B. Uhler M. VanRaden

H. VanValkenburgh M. Vecchione K. Voglesong L. Wagner J.Wahl E. Waldie S. Walker

D.Walls V. Walton L. Ward M. Wareham E. Warner H. Warner E. Wasshem J. Watson F. Wehmeyer B. Weiland C. Welch C. Whitcomb R. Whitehead M. Wilcox

A. Williams W. Windle J. Wise B. Woolson D. Wright P. Wright T. Wright

S. Wunder D. Wurzer B. Wyllie A.Young S. Zimmerman R. Zultewicz 5.Zurl


B.Aikman R. Allen J. Ambrozates A. Amorosi N. Bacher J. Bailey D. Bair "

A. Baker S, Balchiunas L. Ball T. Barasati~f' G. Bareis L. Barlow

Class of 1976 Juniors

S. Barrett B. Barry T. Battista S. Belczyk B. Berger

A. Berue R. Bevan J. Bittner M. Blair

M. Boh! V. Bottos B. Bowen

N. Boyle

J. Bradfield N. Bradley M. Brady D. Esposito, Vice Pres.; T. DiPietro, Sec'y.

B. Branconi D. Bratz B. Breingan M. Brennan C. Brisbane

D. Brookes B. Brown D. Brown M. Brown V. Brown S. Browne

F. Bruner T. Brunken M. Buchanan M.Buggy A. Burke T. Burke G. Burns


C. Camagna F. Campbell L. Campisi L. Cane D. Cannataro C. Carey P. Carney

N. Carullo 5. Casey A. Catona G. Celia J. Chambers R. Champagne

F. Cheng L. Chestnutt B. Ciampoli R. Ciapanni P. Cicchinelli

N.Cimini M. Ciocci D. Ciurlino R. Clayton

5. Cohen J. Coli P. Comero

M. Compton C. Conant N. Conant K. Connery

5. Cohen, Pres. M. Humphreys, Treas. C. Costagliola E. Costalas C. Craig F. Craig J. Creed

K. Crispin K. CrosslEiy J. Daniels R. Daniels R. Davidson B. Davis

R. Deal F. DeBellis L. DeCowsky N. DeCowsky 5. DeFarges D. Delaney L. DelloBuono


K. Deluca E. Demarco C. Demuth J. DeVries P. DeVries K. Diamond L. DiCampli

W. Dickerson

J. Dietsch B. DiGregorio T. DiPietro M. Doggendorf A. Dorwart V. Drew

B. Dunleavy W. Dunn J. Dyson R. Edgar C. Edwards P. Ege C. Ehle


"Upperclassmen" .. open lunches ... college boards AmericaJ:1. Studies class rings .. The Prom.

R. Bey and S. HaJl, Sponsors. R. Elfont D. Esposito P. Esposito C. Evans J. Fagan S. Fallon R. Fanelli

R. Federman l. Ferlita S. Ferragino J. Ferrigno C. Fielding R. Fillmore M. Finio

V. Fiorda N. Fisher K. Fitzgerald D. Flannery M. Flynn K. Fraim J. Frank


T. Frank J. Frattari E. Fromberg D. Fulford K. Gabriel H. Galanos B. Gallagher

J. Gallagher G. Gartner

J. Gastner R. Gattinella J. Gelsomini D. Genzel A. Gettemuller

P. Giachetti

J. Gilboy' J. Gildner


D. Glassberg M. Glazer B. Gordon 5. Grace

D. Grane P. Grant G. Gray 5. Green G. Greim M. Gressang M. Griffin

5. Griffith M. Grotyohann G. Guelle 5. Guinan G. Guthrie D. Hackett P. Hackett

J. Hahn J. Hakun D. Hartshorn B. Hartzell W. Haslett J. Hassis J. Hazzard


B. Heavey D. Heberling

C. Hellman D. Hickey A. Hilferty

G. Hill S. Hilliard V. Hilliard

JUNIORS J. Horn A. Horne M. Humphreys M. Imming S. Irwin E. Jackson R. Jacobs

L. Jeckel D. Jenkins G. Jennings G. Johnson H. Johnson A. Johnston S. Johnston

F. Jones f'Jones Jones M. jones P. Jones D. Joyce G. Kantner


B. Kaysen J. Kearney K. Keech V. Kistler J. Kivitz L. Kmetz B.Kohl

B. Krajeski C. Kramer E. Krimmel S. Krissinger .E.Laguna C. Langshaw J. Langwig


S. Hingston P. Hoath N.Hood

R. LaPorta D. LaPreste R. Larzelere

J. Laspina K. Laux R. Lawrence

C. Lawthers J. Lazar S. Lazovick

L. Leach C. Leavitt J. Lebano D. LeBlanc

B. LeCalsey C. Lee L. Lenthe C. Leo N. LiEset K. Lindsey R. Little

J. Logue A.Long K.Long J. Longaker D. Lynch J. Lynch J. Macbeth

B. Malloy D. Mannino C. Mannion L. Marascio J. Marchionni L. Mark M. Markie""icz

M. Marucci D. Mason B. Mathews L. Mathews J. Mauger K. McCarry A. McClennan

P. McClure S. McCoach J. McCullough P. McCullough J. McCunney B. McDaniel D. McDowell


M.McFall D. McGarrah T. McGinnis P. McGlensey J. McGonigle E. McGrogan D. McGuinness W.McKay

J. McKeever G.McKnett B. McLean J. Menan C. Meredith M.Meyer

D. Miller G. Millichap M.Mills T. Mills W.Milne W. Minford P. Mohr P. Mooney D. Moore J. Morris C. Mowry' K. Mullineaux D. Murray J. Nagorny

H. Nelson D. Nocella J. Nonemaker L. Northwood M. O'Donnell T.O'Dore M.O'Hara

B. Olesen T. Oliver D.Omans P. O'Neill M. Osborne C.Otto C. Panczner

L. Papiernik B. Paradis

J. Parker J. Parker D. Parmiter E. Parsons D. Patchell



M. Patterson B. Paxton

A. Pearlman D. Pedigo

M. Pellegrini C. Peracchia

A. Petrillo K. Pflieger

G. Phillips M. Pietrangelo L. Pizzirusso S. Polinsky H. Postles L. Potter B. Prescott

P. Prodoehl \11. Ransom ::;. Reed L. Reger D. Reimund I. Rendi G. Reuling

K. Riegner

J. Riesenfeld M. Risser D. Rivers P. Roarty D. Roberts R. Robertson

J. Rogers

w. Rolfe D. Romano G. Rosa L. Rose A.Roth D. Rufus

R. Rumbaugh D. Russom P. Sacco S. Salidor J. Scheppman E. Schmid K. Schofield


J. Schoultz R. Schwartz

M. Scioscia D. Shadle D. Shankweiler

]. Sheehan R. Shell A.Silverman S. Silverman

LSimon K. Simpson R. Singley S. Singley S. Sinopoli

G.Small R. Smalley D. Smargiassi B.Smith D.Smith F. Smith

K.Smith N.Smith W. Smith A. Sosangelis L Spyes P. Stapleton A. Stevenson

D. Stitler ]. Stroud R. Supper D. Taylor P. Thayer C. Thomas G. Theno

R. Thomas K. Thompson D. Thorpe M. Toal L Toyzer M. Troutmann T. Triozzi

R. Truitt A. Tyler C. Ulrich B. VanPatter C. Ventriglia ]. Vignola L Vought


K. Wagner G. Waldie

B. Wallace K. Walls B. Walsh'

K. Waterhouse J. Waters D. Watts

A. Wegfahrt E. Weinerman J. Weitzel D. Welsh

K. Wesner M. Whitaker W.Wiley D. Wilhelm K. Williams

T. Williams R. Wilson C. Winkler C. Woj

T. Wolski M. Worthington G. Wright

K. Wyatt L. Yankanich C. Zavawski

K. Ziebelman C. Zirpoli

The time has come for a new dictatorship. Junior in the Commons - quick, hide me!




:/(:.:::~:) ..


If you believe in Women's Lib, why not go all the way?

- "


Move over Charles Atlas' 'cause here I come.

Class Of '75 Officers And Sponsors

Dave Gannett, President

Tom Stein, Vice-President

Janice Devine, Secretary

Diane Ferrell, Treasurer

Mr. Stephen Stefani, Sponsor Miss Linda Ciocciola, Sponsor 152

Joseph Patrick Abt 232 Orchard Rd. Mark George Alburger" Allby", "Burger", "Mrak", "Marky", "Marky- baby", "Jerk" 325 N. Lehigh Circle, Swarthmore pet peeve: .melodia books, oboe reeds, and people who don't appreciate charles ives albums; favorite memories: christmas dance, camp allegheny, all the good times with good friends; remembered for: being habitually late, telling the world's sickest jokes; orch. 1,2,3,4; disL orch. 3,4; musicals 2,4; pop group 3,4; band 1,2,3; disL band 2,3, stw 4; soc. servo club 2; ubs group 2,3,4; philos. club 4; hang-aroundthe-bandroom club 1,2,3; impeached 4; nhs treas. 3,4. Marianne Louise Alker "Mar" 541 Wayne Ave. pet peeve: always having to be in at 12:00 and grants; favorite memory: summer of ' 74, new year's eve of '74; remembered for: my good driving; always seen with: kathy and patti; hockey 1,2; basketball 1,2; lacrosse 1; chorus 1, pres. 2,3. Joseph Patrick Abt

Mark George Alburger

Marianne Louise Alker

Michael Demosthenes Anastas "Greek", "Mikey" 208 W. Woodland Ave. prize possession: my hat; favorite memory: 8/21/74; remembered for: showing film assemblies in. the auditorium; stage crew 1,2,3, vice pres. 4-associate dictator¡; social service 4; jets 1,2; chess club 1; stw 3. David Wilfrod Anderson" Andy" 450 Barker Rd. pet peeve: tailgaters; remembered for: jersey excursions, being late to class, first skiing trip with will, rich, and d.g., being rowdy, imitating teachers; secret ambition: pe a bachelor and become a doctor; bowling 2,3,4; band 1,2; rifle club 1; ski club 4. James Lester Anderson Jr. "Jay", "Andy" 109 Wood Rd. pri..ze possession: my car - the wagon; favorite memory: lyf retreats, all my friends at shs; remembered for: a&b lawncare, always being seen with bonge; choir 1,2,3,4. Michael Demosthenes


David Wilford Anderson

James Lester Anderson Jr.

Jill Diane Andrusko 537 Wayne Ave. prize possession: my "68" plymouth, my stuffed animals, I.r.; favorite memory: dec. 4, 1971; remembered for: writing notes in the morning in the g.r.; always seen with: l.i., p.f., j.e., d.j., d.p., j.s., c.L, d.m.; girls basketball 1,2; hockey 2,3; gymnastics 1, sas 1,2,3, 4; lacrosse 1,2. Daniel Lee Applegate 420 E. Woodland Ave. pet peeve: r.S., n.k., fataltie's, s.m.; favorite memory: b.i., beatles, j.b., Lc., r.p.; always seen with: m.m., g.j., gJ, I.m., r.j., b.w., s.b., m.f.; wrestling 2. John Thomas Arty "Curly", "Sporty" 527 LeHann Circle pet peeve; summer practices, people who are always bummed out; prize possession: my hat, omleburger; remembered for: imitating curly, and always having a comeback; football 1,2, 3,4; baseball 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3; advisory council 4; weightlifting club 4; varsity club 2,3,4; road rally club 3,4; mid-winter dance comm. 4; polish-american club 4; three stoogies club 2,3,4. Jill Diane Andrusko

Daniel Lee Applegate

John Thomas Arty


Ellen Marie Bachman 401 North~~oft Rd. pet peeve: pickle jokes and smokies; prize possession: j.e. and friends; remembered for: being ticklish, loving owls; orchestra 1,2; german club pres. 4; nhs 3,4; senior class play 4; musicals 2,4. Robin Alexandria Baltzer "Robby", "Arby", "Rob", "Rabbi" 331 Brock Rd. prize possession: my friends, burger king, my owls; favorite memory 12/3/74 summer"73, spring '74; secret ambition: to meet d.s.e.j.s.k., a dream come true, to cancel mod squad, to live in m'aine, spri-hian 1; scrivener bus. staff 4; pep club 1,2,3,4; chorus 1; choir 2,3,4; prom comm. 2,4. Gregory Hubbert Barber "Greg", "Gigs" 327 Lynn Rd. pet peev,,: my right arm, dopies, bucket seats, remembered for: having opinions of everyone and bubbles; secret ambition: be a cop, own a 350 honda; baseball 1,2,3,4; bowling 2; weightlifing 3. Ellen Marie Bachman

Robin Alexandria Baltzer

Gregory Hubbert Barber

Elaine Joanne Barberes "Elena", "Greek", "Mlk" 144 Snyder Lane pet peeve: 2-6-0, e. & s. lit., how much?, ouzo, quiet people, sept. 73,sbs, 12/6/74, w.i.g.d.a., "d.s.", d.m.h.; favorite memory: hockey 74, spain 74,(acrobatic skills, sang.), party car, mg (e.m.), not being able to take gym, teaching j. "boufo" w. greek; favorite saying: "cut me a break!", "what's your problema?", "86 it!", "que pasa?"; basketball 1,2,3; hockey 1,4; volleyball 1; softball 1; r.t.e. 2; u.d.e.r.e. 2; nhs 1,4; soe. servo club 4; scrivener bus. staff 4; spri-hian eire. staff 4. Catherine V. Barr "Cathy" 512 Old School House Dr. hockey 1; basketball 1; gymnastics 1,2. Donna Marie Lenore Bartivic "Bart" 115 Netherwood Dr. prize possession: tim e.; favorite memory: 5/10/74 remembered for: doing things other people don't do; library aide 2; lacrosse 1,2; aviation 1,2. Elaine Joanne Barberes

Catherine V. Barr

Donna Maria Lenore Bartivic

Michael Joseph Barotomei "Bart", "Stosh", "Peaceful Harry", "Muscles Pete" 135 Powell Rd. pet peeve: dunkin' donuts, dickey bees; prize possession: my fig newtons; remembered for: "how to be an italian"; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 1,2,4; tennis 4; track 1; spri-hian 2,3; band 1,2; aviation club 2. Robert Albert Baselice "Bas", "Bob" 320 Harwicke Rd. prize possession: my tool box; favorite memory: flyers winning stanley cup; remembered for: being short; vo-tech 2,3,4. Lisa Jean Batch "Mumpy" 212 Walnut St. Morton prize possession: my baby always angie, my best friend d.r. henery!!!; favorite memory: 9/23/73, going somewhere at 7:3q, sneeking into the blue t.; remembered for: my walk, getting others to fight; basketball 1,2; student council 1,2,3; hockey 1,2,3,4; track 1,2; lacrosse 1. Michael Joseph Bartolomei


Robert Albert Baselice

Lisa Jean Batch

Alice Elizabeth Beck "Rodney" 624 Laurel Rd. prize possession: joe; pet peeve; rah rah's; favorite memory; friday the 13th; chorus 1; gymnastics 2,3; stage crew 2; pep club 1,2,3; basketball 3,4; hockey 1,2; lacrosse 3; spri-hian 1,2. Carol Ann Behrle "Prudence," "Alkie," "Beagle" 145 Old State Rd. prize possession: caff, boo, all my friends; favorite memory: 12/31/73, car rides, '73 winter nights at r.p.'s, sassafrass '74; always seen with: caff, tons, barb, itch, 44, mugs, nose, whale, jirnrners, giblet, & the gang; hockey 1,2,4, gymnastics 1,2,3,4, basketball 1,2, lacrosse 1,2,3,4, track 1,3,4, stage crew 1, spri-hian 2,3,4, chorus 1,2,3,4, prom comm. 2,3, 4, canine court 4, pep club 2, the mcbunch 4, s.a.s 1,2,3,4. George Joseph Belk 137 N. Rolling Rd. pet peeve: summer practices, tools; football 1,2,3,4 intramurals 1,2,3, weightlifting 1,2,3,4, choir 1,2,3,4, glee club 2,3, varsity club 3,4, road rally 3,4, ski club 2,3,4, music man. Alice Elizabeth Beck

Carol Ann Behrle

George Joseph Belk

Sandra Marie Bennett "Sandy" 325 Lewis Rd. pet peeve: fuzzy speakers and flooded outdoor concerts; prize possession: my friends, my "dungs" and" g" -man; favorite memory: 7/28/71, 10/5/74, trip to canada, split rock lodge; "if you do not understand your friend under all conditions you will never understand him." Valerie Lynne Berg "Val" "Meeps" 618 Yale Ave. pet peeve: shallow people, latin class; prize possession: my dog, my a.p. poster, my b.s. album; favorite memory: 2nd "yes" concert, 11/14/74 drama club 1,3, lacrosse 3, soc. ser. 2, spri-hian 2, lit. mag. 4, sr. play, stud. council 2, libr. aide 2,3, musical 4. Steven Justus Bernard 25 N. Norwinden Dr. pet peeve: society, cliques and dedicated runners; prize possession; my life and my acquaintances; favorite memory: the" good old days" 3/2/74 to the present; band 1,2,3,4; soccer 1; track 2,3, 4; winter track 3,4; crosscountry 2,3,4. ~andra Marie


Valerie Lynne Berg

Steven Justus Bernard

Linda Susan Bewley "L" "Boe" 234 E. Springfield Rd. pet peeve: n.c., letters, gambling, gym; prize possession: w.s. O.r.; favorite memory: 4/25/72 s.u., car rides with earl, s.f. with n., "mcbunch" '69-camaro; gymnastics 1 stage crew 1, prom. corn. 2,3,4, lacrosse 1,2 spri-hian 3,4, orchestra 1,2, pep club 2, canine court 4. Harold Jack Blackmore "Blake" 6 'Curtig [Rd.\ pet ipeeve: birdlady; prize possession: lyn, all my referrals; favorile memory: homeroom with branconi; baseball 3. John Paul Bloodwell "Buzzy" "Mingo" 23 S. State Rd. pet peeve: s.p.s., r.r.'s porch, '75 movement, butterflies, moody girls; favorite memory: highston with cartoons, senile city '72, meadowmud '72, gannett parties, when mick jagger was at ace's o.c. house; varsity partying club 1,2,3 treas., 4, cheerleaders 4, c.d.t., spring. spirit soc. 3,4, chess club 1,2,3, tricapt. 4, van 3 ridley destruction 4, a.r.a. 4, rolling stones agent 1,2,3,4. Linda Susan Bewley

Harold Jack Blakemore

John Paul Bloodwell


Richard Harold Blue "Ricky" 465 Hawarden Rd. pet peeve: room 253, bird lady, suspensions, bloodwell eighth period; prize possession: friday and saturday nights, kegs; remembered for: sitting on the floor, eating; wrestling 1,2; 'band 1,2, 3; orchestra 1,2,3,4; pep club 1,2,3,4. Denise Bortz 602 Yale Avenue Edward Thomas Boyd "Hap" "Prepy" 144 Plymoth Rd. pet peeve: uncle bob's practices, long distance runners and knee operations; prize possession: bow and arrow, shot-put, and knee brace; always seen with: rab, chip, too-late, dirt and keg; wrestling 2,3,4; winter track 4; track 2,3,4; robin hood 3, 4; weightlifting 2,3,4; episcopal academy 1.

Richard Harold Blue

Denise Bortz

Edward Thomas Boyd

Joan Marie Colette Braconnier "Joanel" "Joanie" "J.B." 19 South Rolling Rd. prize possession: "memories", fridays, my holiday; remembered for: never talking on the phone, many moods, blushing, my chin and my four year crush; always seen with: wendeL c.a.r., tronce, rob and nay; hockey 3,4; basketball 2; lacrosse 1,2,4; pep club 2; football 2,3,4; senior play 4. Joseph John Brian Bradfield "Joe" 238 Claremont Rd. pet peeve: perfect pitch; remembered for: sp~aring; football 1,2, 3,4; wrestling 1,2,3; weightlifting 3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 3; musicals 2,4; c and s club 1,2,3,4; r.r. 4. Linda Bradshaw

Joan Marie Colette Braconnier Joseph John Brian Bradfield

Linda Bradshaw

Donald Braid 864 Springhaven Rd. pet peeve: almost going to the phillies games; remembered for: getting caught by the driver ed teachers; favorite saying: "do it"; band 1,2,3,4. John Joseph Branconi 842 Homestead Ave. prize possession: tinkerbell; fav. mem: 4/11/73, hockey game, junior prom, new years eve '74, christmas eve '73 and '74, north ave. park; football 1; hpc 2,3,4; weightlifting 2,3; d.e.c.a. 4; prom comm.4. Mark Eric Bratz "Bratz" 348 Valley View Rd. prize possession; bernie parent's autograph; fav. mem: l.y.f. retreat; remembered for: being "keeper" of the keys; cross country: 2; choir 1,2,3,4; locker service 1,2,3,4.

Donald Braid


John Joseph Branconi

Mark Eric Bratz

Donald Scott Brisbane "Frisbee" "Bird" "Briz" 421 Foulke Lane pet peeve: p.w., taxi for d.l., being small, the navy, emma, walls and guardrails; prize possession: w.a.w. and the twelfth of everything, my rug; remembered for: being open, being with w.a.w., being late, white spikes, helping certain skiers; football 2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4, capt.; basketball rowdy group 3,4 - pres.; sdc 2,3,4; ski club 4, road rally club 4. Kim G. Brookes "Pugs" "Kimmie" 340 Kent Rd. pet peeve: "FAT", big words, selling my m.g., running out of gas, and ice-cream thrown in my face; fav. memo bucknell weekends, vermont vac., past 3 Y2 years; remembered for; going with pete, being on a diet, high heeled sneakers, my driving; hockey 1,2; student council 2,3; Ad. Brd. 4; ski club 1,3,4; winter dance comm. 4; gymnastics 1,2,4; snow queen nom. 4; sprihian 2,3,4; h.o. club 1,2,3,4; scrivener bus. staff 4. Virginia Garrett Brown "Ginnie" "Friar Tuck" "Sherlock" 134 Greenhill Rd. pet peeve: people who smoke; fav. memo 5/19/74 at the spectrum; remembered for: eating carrots in

Donald Scott Brisbane

Kim G. Brookes

Virginia Garrett Brown

biology, telling pickle jokes, apricot imitations, and never being serious; pep club: 1,2,3,4; n.h.s. 4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2; print shop 3,4; sherwood forest gang 1,2,3,4; soccer 2,3,4; detective agency 3,4.

Nancilynn Bruning "Nanci" "Brun" 517 Kerr Lane fav. memo shore with w.w. and deadly sins 5/25-27, summer camp '74, 10/16-30 '74; remembered for: never getting the car; Happiness is like a butterfly, The more you chase it, the more it eludes you, But if you turn your attention to other things, It comes and softly sits on your shoulder. student council: 1,2,3; spri-hian: 1,2,3,4; gymnastics 1,2,3, scrivener bus. staff: 2,3,4; ski club: 1,2; h.o. club 1,2,3, vice pres. 4. Katherine Ann Bryan "Kathy" 433 Hawarden Rd. fav. memo russia '73, .spain '74, 6/7/74; scrivener bus. staff; 2,4; gymnastics: 1,2; lacrosse 2, srg 3,4. Michael Joseph Buongiorno "Bonge" 457 Hawarden Rd. prize possession: the "bug"; fav. memo s.w. trig class remembered for: a and b lawncare, always seen with Jim; class pres. 3; exec. council 4; service club 3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; pop group; 3,4; glee club: 3,4. Nancilynn Bruning

Katherine Ann Bryan

Michael Joseph Buongiorno

Edward Thomas Burkhalter "Ed" 1038 Crozer Place prize possession: my friends; fav. memo stacie; fav. saying: "what can I say?"; lib. aide 1,2; a.v. 1,2; jets 1,2; cross country 2,3, 4; indoor track 2,3,4; spring track 2,3,4. Chris Burrell Paul Richard Buzby "Buzz" 587 Rutherford Dr. pet peeve: classical music and choir; prize possession: my contacts and tennis racket; fav. memo my acceptance into drexel; choir; 1, 2; tennis 2,3,4.

Edward Thomas Burkhalter

Chris Burrell

Paul Richard Buzby


David Adam Cannataro 969 Providence Rd. pet peeve: exams; prize possession: my weights; "which one is that, dave or the other one?" weightlifting 1,2,3,4; wrestling 4. Glenn Peter Capri "P.R." 238 Powell Rd. pet peeve: cathy and amy's smelly feet; prize possession: my colorful tattoo from blew's; remembered for: always talking, class clown; gymnastics 1,2,3; weightlifting 1. Kathleen Marie Carney "Sister Kate" 420 Garden Rd. pet peeve: math; prize possession: my jewelry; favorite memory: 4/12/74,10/18/,19,20/74.

David Adam Cannataro

Glenn Peter Capri

Kathleen Marie Carney

Randy Carpenter 452 Prospect Rd. Richard Dunn Carter "Bo" 77 5. Rolling Rd. pet peeve: the pepsi generation; favorite memory: the "old neighborhood" and bim; soc. servo club 3,4; stage crew 1; choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 4; musical 4; one pea in a pod 4; b.a. club treas. 4. William Jay Carter "WI" 332 Lynn Rd. pet peeve: ok peeps, babe, son, you know what they say in russia, etc.; prize possession: my room; favorite memory: april '72, camp allegheny '74; choir 1,2,3, v.pres. 4; glee club 4; service club 1,2,3,4; stud. council 1,4; nhs 4; senior play 4; musical 4; pop group 4; moanotones pres .. 4. \'.'

~ (.

Randy Carpenter

Richard Dunn Carter

William Jay Carter

Anna Marie Carullo "Mertz" 242 Sedgewood Rd. pet peeve: having to be in on time at night; prize possession: eddie; favorite memory: 4/13/73; libr. aide 1; pep club 1; adv. board 3; scrivener bus. staff 4; m.g.f.h.s.c. 4. Mary Cellucci 400 Granite Terr. prize possession: my stereo, david, my buds; favorite memory: 10/29/71; remembered for: getting into rare moods at lunch. Nicholas John Centrella Jr. 319 Wayne Ave. prize possession: my sanity; favorite memory: the summer of '74; remembered for: not being remembered; cross country 3,4; winter"indoor track 3, capt. 4; spring track 3,4; libr. aide.

Anna Marie Carullo


Mary Cellucci

Nicholas John Centrella Jr.

Ann Eileen Cervino "Annie", "Curls" 426 Harwicke Rd. prize possession: the wild & wooly rhino; favorite memory: towanda '74, remembered for: the days that i was dressed in my good threads, being in the art rooms. Charles Kenneth Chacosky "Bomber" 46 Saxer Ave. pet peeve: senile cal tech teachers, 60¢ bridge tolls; favorite memory: my friends after 2/25/74; remembered for: next spring, 1.1., rubber chickens, centerfolds, garsh, my jokes; scott's hi-q 4; nhs 4; ski club 2,4; senior play 4; pol. amer. club 2, sec'y 3, pres. 4; weightlifting 3,4; 1.1. club 3,4. Joseph Anthony Chaippini "J.c." 205 Hemlock La. pet peeve: getting away with something when rabbit is there; favorite memory: beating key & borrowing a generator; always seen with: ed, rabbit, toad, keg; wrestling 4; weightlifting 2,3,4; crowers 4; robin hood 3,4; moonmen 3,4. Ann Eileen Cervino

Charles Kenneth Chacosky

Joseph Anthony Chaippini .

Jane Michelle Charles "Janie" 15 Sycamore Ave. Morton pet peeve: people being late & getting up in the morning; prize possession: carmine, my ring, my friends, my cat, my dog; favorite memory: the spring of '73, the summer of '74, & the shore; gym aide 1,2; scrivener bus. staff 3,4. Deborah Chester "Cheb", "Chef', "Ding" 125 Wood Rd. favorite memory: summer of '70, somers point n.j.; remembered for: my' laugh; always seen with: mary, cel, yvonne, & diane; hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball 2,3; lacrosse 1,2,3; nhs 4; pol. amer. club 4; omc v. pres. 2,3,4; swig 4; chorus 1,2,3; colorguard 3,4. Joseph c. Ciaramella "Clem", 1040 West Wood Dr. pet peeve: s.p.s., tri-county nurses, butterflies, r.r's; favorite memory: meadow green '72 remembered for: getting picked off; baseball 1; advis. council 2,3; chess club 1,2,3 trio capt. 4; varsity partying 1,2,3,4; a.r.a. 4; spirit soc. 1,2,3,4; c.d.t. 1,2, 3,4. Jane Michelle Charles ::

Deborah Chester

Joseph c. Ciaramella

Yvonne Marie Ciarlo "Charlie" 710 Saxer Ave. prize possession: friends, good memories; favorite memory: 8/73, streaker, clq, T.F. games, tennis, w.m. matches, dunebuggy rides; remembered for: being short but hanging around giants; prom. comm. 2,3,4; nhs 3, sec, 4; basketball 3; tennis 2,3,4; hockey 1,2,3 co. capt. 4; german club 4; swig 4; o.m.c. pres. 4; choir 1,2,3,4; varsity club 2,3, treas.4. Robert Andrew Clark "Bob", "Polock", "Bobish", "Snard" 350 Ballymore Rd. prize possession: aud & my pentax; favorite memory: 8/74; remembered for: bearing a close resemblance to a 2 by 4; stage crew 1,2,3,4; photo. club 3,4; spri-hian 4; stw 3; p.a. club 2,4; snard-crackers 7,22/7 Steve Thomas Clifford "The Cliff" 532 Le Hann Cir. prize possession: the car and van; favorite memory: drinking my medicine; remembered for: trying to keep out of trouble in school, "impossible." Yvonne Marie Ciarlo

Robert Andrew Clark

Stevp. Thomas Clifford


Raymond Talbot Clifton "Tick" 307 Gleaves Rd. pet peeve: weezer & mont; prize possession: beak's party room; always seen with: mont. wally,weezer, beak, w.b., beaver & wog; soccer 1,2,3,4. Joseph Anthony Cocola "P.R." "Kojak" 944 Rocklynn Rd. pet peeve: ra's; prize possession: a.b.; favorite memory: friday the 13th; wrestling 1; weightlifting 1; printer's aide 2,4; varsity spirit club 1,2,4; a.La. 4; g.e.c. 3. Brian Nemer Cole "Turk" 434 Kent Rd. pet peeve: trees in the middle of driveways, ob talk; favorite memory: summer of '73, "rolling bars"; secret amb.; to use all 36 in record time; band 1,2,3,4; ice hockey 1,2,3,4; ski club 4; pretzels treas. 3; halftime football 4.

Raymond Talbot Clifton

Joseph Anthony Cocola

Brian Nemer Cole

Nadine Catherine-Bernadette Colgan "Nay", "Dee", "Twiggy" 628 W. Rolling Rd. prize possession: my friends, future & my diary; remembered for: always being on diets & my unexpected piano solo for the winter concert; favorite saying: "take care", "i'm: swingin", "how ya doin"; chorus 3,4; pop group 3,4; soe. servo club 2,3; choir 1. Lorraine Elizabeth Conicella 439 Penn La. prize possession: bob s. & all the good times to come.; favorite memory 8/73, w.w.l.e. & debs; always seen with: melissa, denise, marg.; joane L, debbie m. & pam; band 1,2; vo-tech 3,4. Holly Anne Cook "Cookie", "Shrimpo" 50 Wayne Ave. prize possession: d.L and turtles; favorite memory: 6/23/73, 12/20/74; remembered for: being short, turtles; chorus 1,2,3; stud. council 1,3; the crazy gang 1,2,3,4. Nadine Catherine-Bernadette Colgan

Lorraine Elizabeth Conicella

Holly Anne Cook

Rene'e Cecelia Cooke 227 Woodland Ave. Morton prize possession: my family, my guitar, my hobbies and my charm bracelet; remembered for: being a quiet person, and always making something; secret amb.: to be like my mother, to make it in life; colorguard 3, co-sarg. 4. . Keith E. Cottrill 17 Greenhill Rd. prize possession: "g.m.", "mJ.", "e.k.", "m.x.", "e.t.", "a.m.", "e.k.", "s.k."; favorite memory: 3/1/73, 5/13/74, 12/23/74; remembered for: v.d.m.; baseball 2,3,4; locker problems 1,2,3,4; print shop 4; av 3; libL aide 1. Randall Charles Cox "Wally" 23 Plymouth Rd. pet peeve: mr. adam's home movies, underclassmen. rahs, weezer; remembered for: friday night parties, extensive gambling & hustling; always seen with: beak, tick, wog, jenks, yank.

RenEfe Cecelia Cooke


Keith E. Cottrill

Randall Charles Cox

Michael George Criston "Bong" 552 Maplewood Rd. prize possession: pontiac starchief; favorite memory: shenendoah camping trip, small keg get togethers, backyard concert starring longport, porch; remembered for: varsity partying club; football 1; chess club 1,2,3,4; rose tree 1,2. Jan Peter Cummins "J.c." 16 Duncan La. pet peeves: hypo. crites, fickle women, humorless people, & an overloaded schedule; prize possession: my snow bunny & a future-to look fo~ward't~; r'emembered for: an uncommonly good sense of humor & the lampoon library; football 3,4; soccer 1; wrestling 1,2; spri-hian 1,4; prom comm. 4; blueline 2,3; summer hockey 1,2,3; tennis 4. Rosemarie Ann Daddario "Roe" 953 Westfield Rd. pet peeve: pf. flyer, nicknames; prize possession: my souvenirs, necklace, memories; favorite memory: going to n.d. with friends, christmas eve '74, & north ave. park, (dee's) jersey; sec. am: to become a nun; spec. ed. aide 3; prom comm. 2. Michael George Criston

Jan Peter Cummins

Rosemarie Ann Daddario

Judy Davison. "Partner" 296 Avon Rd. prize possession: steve & great friends; favorite memory: 8/18/74, at the shore, the trip to the quarry; lisa's S.t. act in the feather factory, herman's facial expressions and whistling at parties with his safari hat on; remembered for: day dreaming & being in the art room, passing the bleachers with lisa to get some fresh air in the morning, listening to people's problems; choir 1; chorus 2,3; spec. ed. aide 4; soc. servo 2,4; intramurals 2. Barbara Rose Dawson "B.D.", "Barbie" 133 Wood Rd. pet peeve; "babes"; remembered for: being betly homemaker and a ketchup freak; always seen with: butts, ginti, n, & big grace; spri-hian 1,2; scrivener bus. staff 3,4; hockey 2,3; basketball 1,2; choir 1,2,3,4; colorguard 3,4; stud. council 1, 3,4; nhs 4; s .0. b.s. 1,2,3,4.

Judy Davison

Barbara Rose Dawson

Diane Marie D'Egidio

Diane Marie D'Egidio "Hotlips", "Swivel", "Baby Spaz", "Friarshire Tuck" 385 Lester Rd. favortie memory: 1/23/74 p.m., 11/10/7 p.m.; remembered for: my mouth & laughing; favorite saying: "smile"; pep club 1,2,3; basketball 1,2; stage crew 3,4; gymaide 4; f.ra. 4; sherwood forest group 2,3,4.

Janet B. Delany "Jan" 436 Stanfield Rd. pet peeve: being called janis, locked bathrooms, people who mooch; favorite memory: 8/21/74 (a certain e.l.p. concert)!; remembered for: all those close calls., being weird; hockey 2,3,4; basketball 2,3; lacrosse 2,4;teacher's aide 3,4. Carol Ann DePugh 33 E. Thomson Ave. prize possession: my honey bear; favorite memory: 7/27/74, all the good times; secret amb.: to find my special gift; chorus 1,2,3,4; soc. servo club 1; pep club 1,2; music man. Christina Desiderio "Snapper", "Rip-off" 544 Maddock Rd. pet peeve: little dunza, girls who fight other girls, this school, & the people in it; favorite memory: elp concert "396" being a football player for a day, my quad, "the spring", a ford, a vw & a chevrolet, and my poems; secret amb.: to figure out who glenn looks like, to own a silver capri, & to find "yesterday's tomorrow" - uriah heep; senior play 4; pep club 1,2; chorus 1,2; jets 1; stage crew 1,2. Janet B. Delany

Carol Ann DePugh

Christina Desiderio


Joseph Anthony Desiderio "Des" 420 Foster Dr. pet peeve: doc b. & the bear (s,[,&f); prize possession: peeete's driving course; favorite memories: s. werley's trig. class, musicals; baseball 1; bowling 2,3; choir 1,2,3,4; musicals 2,4; senior play; pop group 3,4; glee club 4; spri-hian feat. ed. 4; tennis 4.

James Edward Devine "Jim" 136 N. Highland Rd. pet peeve: talladega; prize possession: cindy, snuggles, my pink bunny rabbit; favorite memory: 2/1/74, summer '74; sec. amb.: to give c.w. her house in the country-as soon as possible; football 1,2; wrestling 1,2; stud. council 1; exec. council 2,4; nhs; choir 1,2; g.e.c. 3. Janice Marie Devine 136 N. Highland Rd. prize possession: pooh, prophet, trust; favorite memory: getting lost on the mountain; secret ambition: to be all i can be for myself and for others; hockey 1,2,3; class sec'y 2,3,4; 'choir 1,2,3,4; musicals 2,4; swig 4; nhs 3,4; stw 3,4; bmc 4. Joseph Anthony Desiderio

James Edward Devine

Janice Marie Devine

Wendy Jo DeWoody "Wen", "Woody", "Butch", "Wendle" 5 S. Rolling Rd. prize possession: the little hair i have left, my see-saw watch, my mad mag.; favorite memory: spain '74, 27ing (w.e.), hi-ho silvering the by-pass, weekends; secret amb.: to join rbb & bc, "keep cool", joan, stop being an airhead; orchestra 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; hockey 3,4; football 2,3,4; basketball 2; scrivener bus. staff 4; senior play (m.c.); nhs 4. John David Dickinson 331 N. Lehigh Cir. Swarthmore pet peeve: waiting; prize possession: "ni"; favorite memory 12/27/74; photography club 1,2,3. John Brock Dibeler "Seeds" 239 Parham Rd. pet peeve: ignorant deadbeats, total morons, "the clique"; favorite sayings: seeds, next spring,; always seen alone or with fern; football 2, 3,4; weightlifting 1,2,3,4; c & s club, 4; cheerleaders 2,3,4; kmg 3,4; 1.1. club 3,4; ph club 1,2,3,4; road rally 3,4. Wendy Jo DeWoody

John David Dickinson

John Brock Dibeler

MaryAnn DiMaio "Mare", "Midget" 618 Highland Ave. Morton prize possession: ray, our memories, my family, a special friendship with a special person, all my friends, my plymouth; favorite memory: 3/31/73, 5/29/73, 7/3/73, summer '74, & the shore jr. prom '74, 8/11/74, a day in december '74, new year's eve '74-'75; remembered for: being a nut, being short, being progressive in horne arts? getting bit on the nose by my dog! of course being so itaIian; guid. aide 1; gym aide 2; scrivener bus. staff 3,4. Lisa Marie DiNicola 562 Evans Rd. pet peeve: 8th per. english class; pep-club 1,2,4; intramuralsl,2; spri-hian 4; scrivener bus. staff 4; musical comm.4; gym aide 4; futuristics 4. Todd Dissinger 440 Ridge La. pet peeve: rabbit's luck, fines; prize possession: vette; favorite memory: beating keg; robin hood 3,4; always seen with: ed, rabbit, chip, keg; wrestling 1, 2,3,4; weightlifting 2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; moon men 3,4. MaryAnn DiMaio


Lisa Marie DiNicola

Todd Dissinger

Joseph Thomas Donell "Joe-no" 942 Edwards Dr. pet peeve: homeroom, loth grade; prize possession: t-bird; favorite memory: dan's speech to mr. t.; tennis 3. Thomas Donnelly 271 Powell Rd. Grace Elaine Dormer 113 Wayne Ave. pet peeves: 6th grade, open meetings; favorite memory: 1974; secret amb.: 6'8"; choir 3,4; chorus 1,2,3; pop group 3,4; cheerleading 1,2,3,4; exec. council treas. 3, chairwoman 4; snow queen nom.; nhs 3,4; "the music man"; 'sse 4.

Joseph Thomas Donell

Thomas Donnelly

Grace Elaine Dormer

Adele M. Dougherty "Del" 429 Parham Rd. favorite memory: summers down wildwood, just partying with "the girls"; always seen with: k.h., d.p., rd., c.k., d.m., n.k., c.t., d.n.; secret amb.: to be a barmaid, to travel, to make it through college; hockey 1,2; lacrosse 1; gymnastics 1. Michael D. Dougherty "Doc" 134 Wyndmoor Rd. pet peeve: study halls, monday mornings, the shaft; prize possession: my car & crome wheels, my hat; favorite memory: 1/11/75, s.k. with g.k., g.b., s.k., W.p., p.r.; intramurals 1,2,3,4; ice hockey 3',4; baseball 1,2. Frances P. Douglas "Francy" 325 Wyndmoor Rd. pet peeve: getting up in the morning and going to typing after lunch; favorite memory: partying with the girls, summers down the shore, me & k.h. teasing d.p., a.d. never partying out, trip to florida; always seen with: k.m." k.h., d.p., a.d., c.k.; gymnastics 1,2,3,4. Adele M. Dougherty

Michael D. Dougherty

Frances P. Douglas

Dorothy. Ann Drevyanko "Dottie", "Grandma", "M.V.C." Rolling Green Golf Club. prize possession: friends, my quote, my room; favorite memory: summer '74, sleep outs; remembered for: my room dow:l the hall, my football team; sec. amb.: to be a sports coach; hockey 3,4; lacrosse 3,4; varsity club; trivia team. Deborah Marie Dunn "Munchkin" 352 Sedgewood Rd. pet peeve: "pancakes", monday mornings, "rahs" of shs; favorite memory: 14 stitches, 9/21/74, appropriate costumes for holidays; always seen with: "devie", "mac", & "noisy"; stud. council 1,2,3; basketball 1,2; chorus 1,2,3; prom comm. 2,3. Keron Ann Durham "Kerry" 252 Maple Ave. Morton prize possession: dean; favorite memory: 6/14/72,6/1/73; remembered for: always saying "euh you're nasty"; soc. ser. club 2, 3; volleyball 3,4. Dorothy Ann Drevyanko

Deborah Marie Dunn

Keron Ann Durham


Steven Albert Durso "Dorse" 220 Wayne Ave. pet peeve: boredom, and making whoppers; prize possession: my stereo, the friends i have, and food; favorite memory: trip to california "65"; wrestling 2,3,4; 'weightlifting 2,3; track 1. Nancy Elizabeth Dyson "Dyson" 309 N. Lehigh Circle, Swarthmore pet peeve: hth, the decks, and "the marriage"; prize possession: j.a.n. and my schnauzer; favorite memories: hO,ho,ho, ssbq, mystic, 11/3/73, the summer of '74 and sailing on the delaware; souvenirs, comme les recoins de mon esprit, de l'eau brumeuse, souvenirs colore'S de ce que nous ~tions; basketball 2; choir 1,2,3,4; nhs 4; pop group 4; swig 4; lit. mag. ed. 4; scrivener 3, ed. 4; calculus club 4; macdonald;s lunch bunch; triumverate 3,4; s.e.s. 1717 3.4.

Steven Albert Durso

Nancy Elizabeth Dyson

Patricia Carol Ebsworth

Patricia Carol Ebsworth "Patty" 114 Althea Lane, Morton pet peeve: diets, deadlines, and "hey we gotta go!"; prize possession times with the triumvarate, ho-ho-ho; favorite memory: 1/4/74 and the "the cruise"; cheerleading 1; hockey 2,3; lacrosse 1,2,3; scrivener 2,3, ed. 4; girls chorus 2; choir 3,4; pop group 3,4; nhs 3,4; triumvirate 3,4.

Judith Ann Ellixson "Jude", "Non-stop", "Skinny" 117 Althea,Lane, Morton pet peeve: being skinny, going to the ortho and denno, people who are never on time; prize possession: my ltd, m&m's; remembered for: talking fast, being hyper-active, dancing like a chocolate drop; pep club 1; hockey 1,2; lacrosse 1,2,3; gym aid 1,2; stud. coun. 4; gymnastics 1; intramurals 1. Kathleen Marie Emerick "Kath" 420 E. Woodland Av. prize possession: black chevy, my mom, my grandparents; favorite memory: summer of '73, walks with kevin; favorite sayings: "ya know?", "hey sis!"; "you have the freedom to be your;elf here and now." -jonathan livingston seagull; gym aid 1; pep club 2; intramurals 2; gUidance'aid 3. Phillip Esgro Judith Ann Ellixson

Kathleen Marie Emerick

Phillip Esgro

Susan Ann Ewen "Sue" 81 Meetinghouse Lane "we have been dropped into the adult w'orld of worries and cares, like a pebble into a pond, and it is up to us to make a ripple." Donna Marie Ezzie "Ezzdretti", "Ostrich", "Ezz" 701 Buttonwood Dr. pet peeve: brigantine, slow drivers, feet, no money, backstabbers, grumps; favorite memoiy: 12/21/73, anvil inn, margate, 12/24/72, meadowmud days, 6/5/74; remembered for: always laughing, dippity ketchup, javelin, carving; advisory board 3; executive council treasurer 4; gymnastics 1,2,3; senior play 4; nhs 3,4; dance committee 2, 3,4; talent show 4; intramurals 2,3; snow queen nom. 4; h.o. club 1,2,3,4; r.p. 4; l.s.c. pres. 4; 1.1.4. Vincent Falabella

Susan Ann Ewen


Donna Marie Ezzie

Vincent Falabella

Mark Walter Fallon "Corpse" 645 Sherman Rd. pet peeve: fools; prize possession: not here but there, where ever that is; favorite memory: has yet to come; track 1,2,3,4; winter track 1,2,3,4; cross country 2,3,4; soccer 1. John Robert Falzone "Falz" 726 Dutton Circle prize possession: massa's car, reds; favorite memory: summer '74 and the hole; basketball 1,2; soccer 1. . . Suzanne Therese Fanelli "Tubs", "Nellie" 225 West Ave. pet peeve: nothing to do, the six of us, sun-poisoning; favorite memory: 4/5/74,6/1/74, easter "74"; remembered for: being moody, constant dieting; hockey 2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3; lacrosse 1,2; chorus 1,2,3,4; choir 3,4; nhs 4; spri-hian circulation staff 3; prom committee 2,3,4; advisory board council 3; varsity club 2,3,4; h.o. club 1,2,3,4.

Mark Walter Fallon

John Robert Falzone

Suzanne Therese Fanelli

Greg Farmer "Ziggy" 26 Fairhill Rd. Morton pet peeve: bunts, 75's; favorite memory: curve, half hour walk across the football field; remembered for: not remembering, my hair; baseball 1,2,3,4. Lorraine Marie Faulkner "Lori" 128 Bellevue Ave. prize possession: a certain 6'2" "animal", my ebf, very special friends; favorite memory: margate, summer '74, moylands, 5/4/74, hectic weekends and endless nights, "my man", the drive-in; secret ambition: to master the art of b.h., to know i've touched a heart and to understand why. Robert Edward Fenza "Fenz" 454 Foster Dr. pet peeve: women's libbers; prize possession: my ambitions, and my truck; favorite memory: camping trips with stan and patti, colorado; remembered for: always having a good excuse; football 1; wrestling 1,2; choir 1,2 V2; student council 2,3; executive council co-chairman 4; vo-tech 3,4; future farmers of america chapter president 3,4; d.e.c.a. 3; south pacifi~ 2. Greg Farmer

Lorraine Marie Faulkner

Robert Edward Fenza

David John Ferrari "Nort" 286 Valley View Rd. pet peeve: 330 yard kami-kazi hurdles, dude's picks, the "bomb"; prize possession: the "bomb"; favorite memory: 12/18/74; soccer 1,2,3,4; track 1,2,3,4; indoor track 3; service club 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; nhs 4. Diane Patricia Ferrell 1207 Providence Rd. favorite memory: 10/20/73; always seen with: j.g.; cheerleading 1; class treasurer 2,3,4; hockey 2,3, co-captain 4; executive council 3,4; nhs 3,4; girls' chorus 1,2,3,4; choir 4; snow queen nom.; lacrosse 1,2; scrivener business staff 2,3; spri-hian 2. Stephen Ferry 101 W. Springfield Rd.

David John Ferrari

Diane Patricia Ferrell

Stephen Ferry


Lisa J. Fierro "Prunkin" 84 Meeting House Ln. pet peeve: Brigantine; prize possession: vince and my diamond;' favorite memory: 12/25/74 and 10/10/73; advisory board 3,4; guid. aide 1,2; scrivener bus. staff 4. William Louis Fink Jr. "Will" 401 Brookhaven Rd. Wallingford pet peeve: working friday nights, rumors; remembered for: my black bumping car; always seen with: r.m., s.k., b.m., j.s. & a.b.; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; ski club 4; pretzels 3 pres.; halftime football 4; gatzgateers pres. 3, v. pres. 4. Karen Anne Finley "Phinea's", "Frog", est Rd. prize possession: my friends; period lunch; remembered for: frogs, and baseball; stage crew 3,4; guid. aide group 2,3,4. Lisa J. Fierro

William Louis Fink Jr.

"Robin Hood" 93 Forfavorite memory: 6th rutabagas, imitations, 2,3,4; sherwood forest

Karen Anne Finley

Eileen Lorraine Finnegan "Finn" 303 Ballymore Rd. pet peeve: decisions, "stick"; prize possession: bob g., memories, true friendships; favorite memory: 4/13/74; gym aide 1,2; pep club 1,2,3,4; basketball 1; prom comm. 3,4; majorettes 2, 3, sarg. 4. Linda A. Fitzgerald "Fitz" Cressor Ln. pet peeve: waiting for august; prize possession: dan; favorite memory: getting a buzz at the medical center. Michael A. Flicker "Flick" 537 Sherman Rd. pet peeve: algebra; prize possession: "mary jane"; favorite memory: my father.

Eileen Lorraine Finnegan

Linda A. Fitzgerald

Michael A. Flicker

Cynthia E. Flogaus "Cindy", "Flo", "Sandy" 447 Maris Rd. prize possession: my friends; favorite memory: summer '73, '74; secret amb.: to own a dark green firebird & a horse; pep club 1,2; scrivener bus. staff 2,4; soc. serv. club 2,3. Robert Scott Forrester "Jobber" 161 S. Rolling Rd. prize possession: my truck; favorite memory: the day we got mr. ledonne to smile!; remembered for: beating "twicky's" cougar; soccer 1,2; gymnastics 2,3; cross country 1; stud. council 1,2; a.v.1. Earl Alexander Foster "Slick" 302 Harding Ave. Morton prize possession: "fire"; favorite memory: 1/6/72; football 1,4; track 1,3,4.

Cynthia E. Flogaus


Robert Scott Forrester

Earl Alexander Foster

Pamela Elizabeth Fraim 919 North Ave. favorite memory: 6/8/74, summer of '74 wildwood; remembered for: parties in my little house? secret amb: to learn' to cope with certain situations & to be happy; hockey 1,2; lacrosse 1,2; ski club 4. Richard P. Freas "Rick" 346 Holt La. pet peeve: fire hydrant; prize possession: my cycle; track 2; advis. council 1; westling.1. Polly Louise Fritz "Pol" 311 Southcroft Rd. pet peeve: ignorant people; remembered for: never having enough time; secret ambo to get to where i am going; basketball 1,2; ski club 1,2A.

Pamela Elizabeth Fraim

Richard P. Freas

Polly Louise Fritz

Linda Anne Fry 429 Maplewood Ave. pet peeve: peoplestereotyping other people; prize possessions: memories - some good, some bad; favorite memory: senior class play; lit. mag. arted. 4; stw 3 A; senior play; choir 1,2,3 A; nhs 4. Richard Michael Gabe "Roach" 28 Colonial Park Dr. pet peeve: commons dwellers; favorite memory: longport weekends, kelly's pub; remembered for: monday night football; baseball 1. Marianne Kelly Gallagher 1832 Ashurst Rd. Phila. prize possession: "shannon;', ,', snoopy", flower from "hair"; favorite memory: pinochle marathons, backpacking, piano man, towanda, h. kegs, new england with petro, rocky road, oz, roaming in town with suds, eechka and twister; advis. council 1,3; soc. servo 4; explorers 1,2, V. pres. 3A; spec. ed. aide 4; libr. aide 3; senior play; swig 4; s.t.w.p. 3A; p.s.o.a. 1,2,3A; a.r.a. chairman 4. Linda Anne Fry

Richard Michael Gabe

Marianne Kelly Gallagher

. David Wayne Gannett 365 Hemlock La. pet peeve: jaguars, bridges, smoke; prize possession: my favorite rah, m.o.r.; favorite,memory: the times with my whips, florida '75, christmas vac. '75; basketball 1,2; baseball 1; class V. pres. 2,3, pres. 4; nhs 3A; stud. council 2; servo club 2,3A; ski club 4; chess club 1,2,3, capt. 4; c.d.t. 1,2,3,4. Walter Nicholas Gavula "Walt" 120 Rambling Way pet peeve: people who don't listen and buicks; prize possession: my walking shoes; favorite memory; summer of '73; band 1, 2,3 A; stud. council 1. John G. Gerace "Gumby" 100 Snyder La. pet peeve: '69 grand prix's, home'of the whopper, english '75; favorite memory: christmas eve '74; d.e.c.a. 1,2.

David Wayne Gannett

Walter Nicholas Gavula

John G. Gerace


Brain David Gibson "Bree" 224 Fairview Rd. pet peeve: buttons, "various and, or, and sundry"; fav. mem: dent's midnight parties and 6/5; remembered for: being unknown; band: 1,2,3; choir: 3,4 ace.; glee club: 3,4 ace.; social service club: 3; student council: 1; tennis team: 3,4; pop group: 3,4; b.a. club: 4 pres.; musicals: 2,4. Sheila K. Gibson "Shorty" 16 Walnut St. Morton pet peeve: math; prize possession: duck; remembered for: "Ain't nothing happining". Cheryl Diane Gilligan

Brian David Gibson

Sheila K. Gibson

Cheryl Diane Gilligan

Kathy Lee Glacken "Kilagram" "Airhead" 619 Prospect Rd. pet peeve: rules, school; prize possession: bessy and my necklace; remembered for: not remembering; choir: 1,2,3,4; majorettes; 2,3, co-capt. 4; social service: 1,2. John Daniel Norman Glaser "Esquire the first" "buzzhead" "Bomar Brain" "Snowflake" "Computer" 618 W. Rolling Rd. prize possession: Cheryl; fav. lmem: Mr. lee's "brush"; remembered for: crtuches, casts, absences, burr haircuts and NIXON; soccer: 1; volleyball 1,2,3,4; student council: 1,2; chess club 1,2; glee club 3,4; lib. aide/a.v.: 1,2,3,4; choir 4; senior class play; dramatics: 2,3,4; nhs: 4; scrivener ed.: 4; bowling: 4; intrarnurals: 1,2,3,4. Owen Michael Goldin "Big 0", "Ooie" 669 N. Bishop Ave. "when i was young, they kept telling me to wait; wait and you'll see. well here i am; and i have seen nothing." - eric satie social service club: 1,2,3,4; choir: 1,2,3,4; student council: 2; advisory board 3,4; lit. mag.: 3, ed. 4; nhs: 4; musical: 4. Kathy Lee Glacken

John Daniel Norman Glaser

Owen Michael Goldin

Carol Ann Gordon "Slow motion" "Gimp" "Hep" 218 Alliston Rd. "i am the eagle, i live in high country, in rocky cathedrals that reach to the sky; i am the hawk and there's blood on my feathers, but time is still turning they soon will be dry, and all those who see me and all who believe in me, share in the freedom i feel when i fly, come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops, sail o'er the canyons and up to the stars, and reach for the heavens and hope for the future, and all that we can be, and not what we are." - john denver Donald Robert Gosnay "Gos" 240 Sunny brook Rd. pet peeve: crooked noses; fav. mem.: election '74; remembered for: being late; band: 1,2,3, student dir. 4; orchestra: 1,2,3,4; dis. band: 2,3,4; reg. band: 4; sl. band: 4; social service: 4; senior play: 4; musicals: 2,4.

Carol Ann Gordon


Donald Robert Gosnay

Richard H. Gosser

Richard H. Gosser "Goose" 824 Sheffield Dr. prize possession: my blue jeans; fav. mem.: summer of '74, labor day weekend; remembered for: being a beach boy; basketball: 1, 2; football: 1.

Lawrence Steven Griffin "Griff" 606 prospect Rd. pet peeve: cops, cells and citations; prize possession: my army boots and my fake i.d. cards; remembered for: fighting hangovers in homeroom. Jacques Paul Grillet "Wolfman" 330 Sunny brook Rd. pet peeve: trig; prize possession: my car; fav. memory: 10/20/73; always seen with dJ.; band: 1,2,3,4; spring track: 3,4; weightliftng: 4. Ruth Barbara Gronlie "Ruff" 200 School Lane prize possession: "dave" friends, my ring; fav. mem.: 10/6/73, '74, spain, north ave. park; remembered for: being broke, "wait until i'm done my cigarette." hockey: 2,3; gymnastics: 1,2.

Lawrence Steven Griffin

Jacques Paul Grillet

Ruth Barbara Gronlie

Brenda Susan Guregian "Big" "Big Momma" "Greg" 324 N. Lehigh Cir. pet peeve: being called toots; prize possession: a.k., big momma a~d emily; fav. mem.: 3/16/72-6/74, big momma's mob; senior girl's chorus: 3,4; orchestra: 1,2,3,4; special ed. aide: 2; musical: 2. Bruce Franklin Guthrie 107 Wyndmoor Rd. prize possession: p.s.l. and m.g.a.; always seen with: p.s.!.; fav memory: 12/31/74, strawberries; service club: 1,2,3,4; spring track 2, 3,4; weightlifting: 3,4; soccer: 1. Diane Kathleen Hagy 705 Sheffield Dr. pet peeve: mod squad, dh, ce, cv; remembered for: drinking too much water, tissues, turtles; always seen with: mh, ch, cm, mm, rb, Ih, dp; pep club: 1,2,3; gymnastics: 1,2,3,4; basketball: 2,3,4; hockey: 2,3; lacrosse: 2,3; scrivener bus. staff: 4; capt. cougarettes: 4; volleyball: 1,2. Brenda Susan Guregian

Bruce Franklin Guthrie

Diane Kathleen Hagy

Kathryn Ann Hah" "Kathy" 416 Schollar Lane pet peeve: getting lost, locked bathrooms; fav. mem.: 1/11/74; elp concert, looking for the state park; always seen with: fb, chris, janet; pep club: 3; lit. mag. 4. Linda Susan Haigh 311 Ashwood Rd. pet peeve: writing term papers and getting up early; fav. mem.: christmas vacation '74; always seen with: sissy, marlene, cyndi and diane; band: 1,2,3,4; gym aide: 2; prom comm: 2; lacrosse mang.: 3. Kathleen Ann Handline "Kathy" 70 Forest Rd. pet peeve: getting up in the morning, Ii's big mouth; fav. mem.: dd's football team; hockey mngr.: 4.

Kathryn Ann Hahn

Linda Susan Haigh

Kathleen Ann Handline


Joseph Michael Hanrahan "Jost' 447 Andrew Rd. pet peeve: smoke, loud mouthed people; prize possession: sue b. & all the good times & memories in shs; favorite memory: celebrating weekends with fenell in the truck. John Harford 74 Lownes La. pt peeve: choker, always being on time; favorite memory: monday night football at roaches house. James Harper

Joseph Michael Hanrahan

John Harford

James Harper

Stephen F. Harriman "Harr" 213 School La. prize possession: my cata-pole; favorite memory: 9th grade lunch period; football 1,2,3,4; spring track 1,2,3,4. David Frederick Harrison "Harry" 432 Sherman Rd. favorite memory: american studies rehersals, camp allegheny '74; remembered for: ragtime, camp allegheny track team; always seen with: my schilke, my sweater, lag, stik, mom, tick, sneezy; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; pep band 2,3; dance band 2,3; pop group 3,4; dist. band 4; musical 4; stud. council 4; soc. servo club 4; hang around the band room club 1,2,3,4; fizix club 4. Susan Jean Hauslein "Sue", "Hausee", "Suzibell", "Happy Kakee" 456 Indian Rock Dr. pet peeve: collecting bucks for band; favorite memory: my seventeenth birthday; remembered for: being a girl tuba player; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; musicals 2,4; springfield symphony 1,2,3,4; big momma's club 1,2,3,4. Stephen F. Harriman

David Federick Harrison

Susan Jean Hauslein

Marlene Erika Hedrick 262 Pancoast Ave. pet peeve: people who constantly tell you that they don't like something you wear; favorite memory: 12/14/74; remembered for: getting to homeroom right before the bell rang, drawing a pickett fence in german class, c.n. jokes; pep club 1,2; cougarettes 4; ger. club 4; prom comm. 2,4. Susan Letitia Helmuth "Tutti", "Watt the Tinker" 8 Windsor Cir. pet peeve: smoking & cracking knuckles; prize possession: up & jesus; favorite memory: 5th & 6th lunch period, hilltop '72, colorado '73, young life; sherwood forest gang 4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; chorus 3,4; band man. 4; soc. servo club 2; pep club 2,3; senior play 4; musical prop. comm. 4; print shop 3,4.

Marlene Erika Hedrick


Susan Letitia Helmuth

Susan Jane Hemphill "Sue", "Bonnie" 1219 University Ave. Morton prize possession: never never land; favorite memory: todd 10/18/74, yes; favorite sayings: ;'you lose!", "later gater", "what's the scoop?"; choir 1,2,3,4; lit. mag. 3,4; photo. club 2,3,4; nhs; theatre workshop 3; musical 4; senior play. Susan Jane Hemphill

Thomas Richard Henderson "Rock" 39 Lownes La. pet peeve: english '75; prize possession: my '75 corvette & m.m.; always seen: playing hockey with bJ. r.l. & d.m. Joanne Hicks Silver Lake T err. Morton Janice Margaret Hillgartner "Janeus" 500 Vernon Rd. prize possession: muggin & my award; favorite memory: george harrison concert & penn state & night with "the six great pumpkins"; always seen with: t.w., g.r., & the rowdies; libr. aide 1; guid. aide 1; ski club 2,4,; chorus 1,2,3,4; colorguard 3,4.

Thomas Richard Henderson

Joanne Hicks

Janice Margaret Hillgartner

Lawrence Robert Hilliard "Larry" 949 Edwards Dr. pet peeve: missing shots; prize possession: my stevens double; favorite memory: hunting with j harford. William Joseph Hoath "Bill" 564 West Rolling Rd. pet peeve: caf. pizza; prize possession: ¡"butch" and pumas; favorite memory: tray girl '74, 6/2/57, and 12/28/74; tennis 2; ice hockey 3,4. Cynthia Ann Hoffner "Cindy" 240 Midland Rd. pet peeve: boredom, term papers, people who never smile; prize possession: friends lit. mag. 4; senior class play 4; musical prop comm. 4; sherwood forest gang 2,3,4.

Lawrence Robert Hilliard

William Joseph Hoath

Cynthia Ann Hoffner

Jeffrey Alan Hollinshead "Jeff", "Sherlock", "Olin" 319 Spring Valley Rd. pet peeve: filling out college applications; prize possession: a certain p.l.t. and my sweater; favorite sayings: "everythint's j ke" and "that's disgusting"; jets 1,2,4; photography club 2; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; musical orch. 2; choir 2,3,4; glee club 3,4; dance band 3; nhs 4; lmc aide 1,2; musical 4; stage crew 2; moanotones vice-pres. 4.

Walt Honsinger "Walt" 204 Foulke La. prize possession: beer mug and talisman; favorite memory: black oak arkansas concert; remembered for: one toke over the line. Cynthia Ann Hoshauer "Cyndi" 260 Pancoast Ave. favorite memory: summer '73; always seen with: marlene, linda; pep club 1,2; color guard 4; scrivener bus. staff 4.

Jeffrey Alan Hollinshead

Walt Honsinger

Cynthia Ann Hoshauer


Carol Ann Huckaba 434 Maris Rd. "0 temps, suspends ton vol! et vous, heures propices, suspendez votre cours! laisseznous savourer les rapides d~lices - des plus beaux de nos jours!" - lamartine; chorus 1; choir 2,3,4; "pop" group 3,4; lit. mag. 3, ed.-in-chief 4; color guard 2,3; sarg. 4; spri-hian 1; scott's hi-g; nhs. David Hudson "Hud" 424 E. Thomson Ave. pet peeve: marcy, dent's parties; band 1,2,3,4; soc. servo 2,3,4; spri-hian feature editor 4; philosophy club 4. Debra Lee Hudson "Hutchko", "Roundy", "Snake", "Debs" 1041 Westwood Dr. pet peeve: school, getting up in the morning, boredom; favorite memory: junior prom, summer of 1974, beach boys concert 1974, florida '73; remembered for: saying "0 my god", my laugh; always seen with: d.m. (big bird), pratt, k.b., t.k., m.o., d.e., j.m., s.f., c.t., c.l. Carol Ann Huckaba

David Hudson

Debra Lee Hudson

Diana Lynn Hudson "Turk", "Hutchko" 1041 Westwood Dr. pet peeve: people cutting up others; favorite memory: beach boys concert, summer of '73; always seen with: tinkerbell, finney, joyce; majorette 1,2,3; guidance office aide 1; prom comm. 4. Kathy M. Hunt 864 Church Rd. favorite memory: summers in wildwood, the girlsroom, and christmas night; remembered for: popcorn; always seen with: a.d., d.p., f.d., g.v., c.k., n.k., d.j., d.m., d.n., c.t., I.s. Daniel Huntzinger 616 Vernon Rd.

Diana Lynn Hudson

Kathy M. Hunt

Daniel Huntzinger

Lisa Marie Ipri 712 W. Rolling Rd. favorite memory: 2/1/74, 2/16/74, 3/23/74; always seen with: b.k., n.s., d.j., p.f., j.a., j.e.; secret ambition: to meet "super steve"; gymnastics 1; gym aide 1,2,4; special ed. aide 4; pep club 1. Jeffrey Frank Isaacson 513 Vernon Rd. pet peeve: girls who stand in the middle of the halls in groups and you can't walk by; prize possession: car; favorite memory: eleventh grade (flyers won stanley cup); ice hockey. Robert Alan Jackie "Rob" 568 Valley View Rd. pet peeve: b.h.'s hipchecks; prize possession: duster; favorite memory: penn state trip; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; soccer 1,2; community y swim team 1,2; sea scouts 3.

Lisa Marie Ipri

Jeffrey Frank Isaacson

Robert Alan Jackie

172 ----_.:..-._--------~--------------------------

Deborah Ann Jackson "Debbie" 275 Welsh Dr. pet peeve: bus from vo-tech, donna, and fights with d.m.; favorite memory: summer of '72, 4/28/73, 10/26/74; always seen with: debbie m.; gymnastics 1,2,3; vo-tech 3,4. Donna Marie Jackson ''OJ.'' 275 Welsh Dr. pet peeve: being a twin and being called debbie, crowded g.r.; favorite memory: 4/28/73, 10/26/74; always seen with: j.e., I.i., a.j., k.h., and with I.s., s.l., j.a.; gymnastics 1,2,3; pep club 1. Donna Geraldine James ;'Dino", "Allan-a-dale", ''OJ.'', "the OJ.'' 268 Orchard Rd. pet peeve: elephant kisses, donkeys; prize possession: w.w., j.k., my friends; favorite memory: 10/25/73, colorado-aug. '73; 'stage crew 3,4; print shop 3,4; sherwood forest 2,3,4; young life 2,3,4.

Deborah Ann Jackson

Donna Marie Jackson

Donna Geraldine James

Yvette Michele Jefferson "Caprice" 212 Pennington Ave. Morton pet peeve: solid!; favorite memory: aug. 10, 1974, jan. 6, 1974; remembered for: always shaking my head with my hands on my hips; black student union 2. Linda Jopski "Linda" 366 Wyndmoor Rd. prize possession: my suitcase; favorite memory: 11/23/74; favorite saying: "it figures"; mgfhsc 4; gymnastics 3. Thomas Richard Kain "Gilligan" 640 Cresson La. prize possesson: my car; favorite memory: thanksgiving "74"; remembered for: wearing my white hat.

Yvette Michele Jefferson

Linda Jopski

Thomas Richard Kain

Norbert Joseph Kane "Nib" 542 Sharpless Rd. pet peeve: getting up in the morning, walking to school when it's raining; prize possession: my car; favorite memory: english class; vica 2,3,4; vo-tech. Robert Campbell Kantner "Handy" 941 Edwards Dr. pet peeve: dead car batteries, dual meets; remembered for: eating huge lunches, making all-delco, being a runner; favorite saying: no problem; cross country 2,3; capt. 4; indoor track 2,3, 4; track 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 1,4; service club 1,2,3,4. Joe Steve Kardacz 327 Parham Rd. weightlifting 1,2,3,4; gymnastics 2; bowling 4.

Norbert Joseph Kane

Robert Campbell Kantner.

Joe Steve Kardacz


Susan Katz "Suzy" 116 Locust Ave. pet peeve: ping pong balls and doing nothing: favorite memory: being one of the peas in the pod and wednesday lunches; remembered for: being a human kazoo, making plans; choir 1,2,3,4; gymnastics 1,2,3; pop group 3; bowling 3; musicals 2,4; vice-pres. b.a. club 4. Crystal Kauffman "Twinky" 476 Kent Rd. prize possession: ed, and all my dear friends; favorite memories: the quarry 1974 and "the week" in avalon (aug. '74), mexico 1972, spain 1973; remembered for: my eyes and love of cats, acting like a cat, and squealing in woodshop; chorus 1,2,3; choir 4; gymnastics 2,3,4; volleyball 3.

Susan Katz

Crystal Kauffman

janis Ellen Kauffman

janis Ellen Kauffman 681 N. Bishop Ave. prize possession: henry, toads and clowns; favorite memory: 6/19/72,9/15/72, wild summer of '73, shore in '74; remembered for: my parties, 7&7's, being skinny, being logical and polish; s.r.g. 1,2,3,4; hrfc 2,3,4; grg 2,3,4; senior play 4; spanish tutoring 2,3; girls' chorus 1; social service 2; cl.c 2,3,4.

Carolyn Kaut "Candi" 273 Waverly Rd. Morton favorite memory: partying with "the girls", summers; remembered for: barbie doll and "i did it"; always seen with: a.d., d.m., n.k., d.p., f.d., k.h., d.n., e.t., n.r.; gymnastics 1; hockey 2,3, 4; lacrosse 2,3,4. Scott Allen Kaysen 546 Evans Rd. pet peeve: 8-10 split; prize possession: mercedes benz; favorite memory: 634 at gehris; remembered for: bowling; bowling 1,2,3,4; table tennis 3.

,--_cr1 Carolyn Kaut

Scott Allen Kaysen

Tina Elaine Kayser "TK", "T" 640 Cheyney Rd. pet peeve: competition, boredom; prize possession: tall boy, "sugar"; favorite memory: summer of '74, 6/5/74, 8/4/74; chorus 1; prom comm. 2,3,4; office aide 4; h.o. club 1,2,3,4; 1.1. 4.

Tina Elaine Kayser

Pamela june Kelly "Pammy Baby" 100 Kent Rd. pet peeve: short drum majors!, being assistant assistant; prize possession: my violin case; remembered for: getting 25¢ worth of gas; orch. 1,2,3,4; dist. orch. 3,4; colorguard 3, co-sarg. 4; "pop" group 3,4; musicals 2,4; scrivener 2,3, editor 4; sprihian eire. staff 4; lit. mag. 4; ski club 4. Stephen David Kelly "Big Steve", "Kel", "jake", "Lance" 500 Barry Dr. favorite memory: "the show"; secret ambition: to become a dj; favorite sayings: "hey, what's happening?", "you know it, too", "go 'head now", "ain't that the truth", "yo"; football 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; baseball 1,2,3,4; service club 1,2,3,4; student council 2; nhs 3,4; gatzgateers 3,4; road rally club 3,4.

~. Pamela June Kelly


Stephen Davia Kelly


Shirley Ann Kenneqy

Shirley Ann Kennedy "Emily", "Winky Dink" 1257 University Ave. prize possession: p.l.l., tiggies, and the smile never forgotten; favorite memory: hienton, pat's basement; "time it was and what a time it was, it was a time of innocence, a time of confidence. long ago it must be - i have a photograph preserve your memories - they're all that's left you" - p. simon; choir 1,2; big momma's mob 1,2,3,4.

Carol Jean Kenney "Smiles", "Kenney" 430 E. Thomson Ave. pet peeve: people who are not cheerful in the mornings; remembered for: walking everywhere with nancy or kim and popping in on people; secret ambition: to be the "king" of wall street (the world's best stockbroker); pep club 1,2; stage crew 1,2,4; gym aide 1; social service 4; spri-hian 4; winter track manager 3; soph hop comm. 2. Gary Arthur King 242 Ballymore Rd. pet peeve: blondes!; remembered for: absolutely nothing; secret ambition: to have a band director's nose full of nickels; service club 1,2,3,4; student council 1; band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 3; nhs 4. Kenneth John King "Ken" 242 Ballymore Rd. pet peeve: english teachers; prize possession: my wardrobe; remembered for: conversations with cougarettes; band 1,2,3,4; dist. band 4; senior play 4; musical orch. 4. ' Carol Jean Kenney

Gary Arthur King

Kenneth John King

Michael King 557 Andrew Rd. Nancy Lee Kiscaden 634 Hey La. pet peeve: feet, goodbyes, boring weekends; favorite memory: the year of 1974, 1/11/74, north avenue park, friends; remembered for: my laugh, being short, mustang; hockey 2,3; gymnastics club 1, 2.

Carol Adele Kistler 473 Southcroft Rd. prize possession: sweety and dorch; favorite memory: potter county; secret ambition: to stop worrying; hockey 1,2,3; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; basketball 1; choir 2,3; chorus 1,4..

Michael King

Nancy Lee Kiscaden

Carol Adele Kistler

John Anthony Klagho)z "Motia" 3'J1 Rambling Way pet peeve: being shafted at the palestra; prize possession: my dog, u.p.s.; favorite memory: summer of '74 with lynn, parties and monday night football at roach's, and becow inn; football 1; ice hockey 3,4. Karen Lee Knauss "Jellybean" 428 Burns Dr. pet peeve: people who walk show, being waken up early on weekends, being hassled, seeing people have arguments with judy, not being able to have a b.o.g.; favorite memory: seeing mr. me. in his gold sweater, 6th period research, summer '73, seeing k. blush, 12/31/74, 1/4/75; always seen with: j.s., k.l., and s.e.; secret ambition: to own a baby blue 914, take cruise around world. Sherry Lynn Knight 270 Powell Rd. pet peeve: gym.

John Anthony Klagholz

Karen Lee Knauss

Sherry Lynn Knight


Donna Lynne Knorr "Rootin' Tootin' Lil' Sprout" 45 Indian Rock Dr. prize possession: cabaret, holly's friendship and d.b.'s; favorite memory: keen stables, 12/14/74, beach boys concert; secret ambition: to own a farm in tenn.; cheerleading 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; nhs 3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; snow queen nom. George Kobasic 427 Harwicke Rd. pet peeve: s.k.'s bs, g.b.'s jokes; prize possession: my motorcycles, beer .mug; secret ambition: tour the country on my motorcycle, and own another van; golf 2; wrestling 2; ice hockey 3. Robert Steve Kollar "Kolla-Bear" 360 Gleaves Rd. pet peeve: the rink and lcd, zamboni; prize poss.: diving gear, skis; fav. mem.: summer '74, hainsburg.

Donna Lynne Knorr

George Kobasic

Robert Steve Kollar

Cynthia Suzanne Kolojeski "Cindy" 737 Buttonwood Dr. prize poss.: b.s.k.; fav. mem.: 1/13/73, summer '73, sassafrass '74, wildwood; always seen: in a shiny red vega, with tons, oyler, alkie, barb itch, mugs, ridley's star play no. 44, caff, jimmers; stage crew 1; lacrosse 3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; girls' chorus 1,2,3, vice-pres. 4; pep club 2; spri-hian cire. staff 4; senior class play 4; gymnastics 1,2; canine court, vice-pres. 4; office aide 3; the mcbunch 4. Cynthia Lee Kramer "Stork" 328 Ballymore Rd. pet peeve: the marriage, all jocks; prize poss.: my capability of totally confusing everyone and never being embarrassed to do anything once; favorite memories: c&s, b&s, ho, ho, ho, hey we golla go, the cruise, spain and of course the triumvirate; hockey 1; lacrosse 1,2; gymnastics 1; spri-hian 1,2,3; s.w.i.g. 4; musical 2,4; pop group 3,4; choir 2, sec. 2,3, see. 4; exec. council 4; nhs 3,4; calculus club 4; sss 1,2; ses 171 2 V2,3,4; c&s club; mac donalds lunch bunch triumvirate 3,4; f.t.g.d.s. club 3,4.

Cynthia Suzanne Kolojeski

Cynthia Lee Kramer

Scott Thomas Kreh

Scott Thomas Kreh 139 Claremont Rd. pet peeve: uhf commercials; prize poss.: my gold keg; fav. mem.: 5/75; secret ambition: to understand buzz; soccer 1; ice hockey 3.

Stephen Edward Kuerschner "Abner" 613 Vernon Rd. prize poss.: a great imagination; fav. mem.: israel 73 - a really great experience, which changed my previous outlook oh life to the better; secret ambition: to go to the moon, mars, or any other place nearby; choir 1,2,3,4; jets 3; soc. servo 4; musical 2; senior class play; special ed. assist. 4; stw 3,4. Kevin Kutys Lindsay Annette Lach 156 Morton Rd. pet peeve: explaining to people that lindsay is my real first name; fav. mem.: turning cartwheels and going bananas on chestnut street; always seen with: bj, juv, jk, ts, js, js, II.

Stephen Edward Kuerschner



Kevin Kutys

Lindsay Annette Lach

Jon Lafey "'Lafe"' 447 Maddock Rd. prize poss.: terry; fav. mem.: "'70"' chevelle 350, 6/6/74; 11/27/74; remembered for: flunking english tests; weightlifting 1,2; track 1.2. Raymond V. Lamorgese "'Ray"' 808 Markham PI. prize poss .. my surfboard and my car; fav. mem.: surfing trip to florida, christmas of "'74"'; remembered for: being late for homeroom; weightlifting 1,2; wrestling 2,3. Jeffrey Charles Lang "'Fro"' 526 Springview La. pet peeve: ambassaheaps, '75 movement; fav. mem.: bong's parties, camping trips; varsity partying club; s.s.s.; track 2; a.r.a. 4.

Jon Lafey

Raymond V. Lamorgese

Jetfrey Charles Lang

Karen Lapps 19 S. Britton Rd. pet peeve: arguments, motleys in white suburbans with gray spots, being heckled (!). people who squeeze through one side of a double doorway!, getting yudedi!!!; fav. mem.: visiting aquashicola, 6th period research; remembered for: starting things but never finishing them, being in the art room, always ready to socialize, being with: c.m., I.r., k.k., day dreaming; intra. basketball 1; intra. hockey 2. Keith Lapps 19 S. Britton Rd. prize poss.: morris minor 1000; fav. mem.: 8/21/74, stairwell 4; rem. for: never getting a set of tires, never finishing a statement; glee club 1; ski club 4. Donna Lynn Larish "'Loony Tuney"' 409 Kennerly Rd. pet peev~: '69 burnt orange mach I, getting up early for school; prize poss.: r.1. goldschmidt, my koala bear; rem. for: my hair, being one of the bigmouths with s.l.. I.s. and I.j. and doing goofy things; band 1,2,3; orch. 1,2,3; dist. band 2,3; reg. band 2; musical 2. Karen Lapps

Keith Lapps

Donna Lynn Larish Lois Christine Latini 126 W. Springfield Rd. pet peeve: having naturally wavy hair, humid weather, rainy days, someone chewing on a piece of ice, phonies, not haVing the money come out even at work, 12th grade english in room 266; prize poss.: russ, my cat snowflake, my hope chest, michelle's poems, my j.d. albums and my family; secret ambition: to marry r. u. in the near future, to take a trip allover colorado and sleep under the stars, to someday own a cabin in the mountains and own lots of animals; scrivener bus. staff 1. Cynthia Holly Laub "'Cindy"' 317 N. Lehigh Cir. Swarthmore fav. mem.: sumIrier '74,10/16/74 th'ru 10/30/74, long beach island, casablanca, being pushed in pools; remembered for: half a senior year, a prominent facial feature, bringing my own bottle; "'when you part from your friend you grieve not; for that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence."' - kahlil gibran; basketball 1,2,3,4; ski club 1,2; lit. mag.. 2; spri-hian bus. manager 4; prom comm. 2,3; nhs 4; advisory council 3; h.o. club 3,4.

Lois Christine Latini

Cynthia Holly Laub

Dennis Bernard LeVasseur

Dennis Bernard LeVasseur 428 Lynbrooke Rd. pet peeve: cigarettes, girls that can't go to the girls rooms by themself; sears men's dept.; s.b.; prize poss.: football, my 44 rug, my comb, d.b., oyles, cindy's nose; remembered for: p.w., dumb jokes, getting shafted; baseball 1,2,3,4; football 2,3,4; weightlifting 2,3,4; service club 1,2,3,4; decoration comm. midwinter dance 4; varsity club 2,3,4.


Sheryl Elaine Levin 252 Hemlock Lane prize possession: dave g., sam, and the "55"; favorite memory: new years '72, "never been to spain", (tdn), s.1. in "72"!; always seen: driving around with d.g. in the "55", and with d.j., j.a., I.s., second period, and with donna I. all the time. Phillip Lewis Robert Kenneth Lewis "Lew" 526 LeHann Circle prize possession: ucla sweatshirt; favorite memory: winning the hockey series against the "yes" freaks; secret ambition: to own a "z 28"; weightlifting club 4.

Sheryl Elaine Levin

Phillip Lewis

Robert Kenneth Lewis

Diann Clarissa Lihota "Crissie" 326 BallymoH; Rd. pet peeve: being wrong, incorrect grammatical speech, waiting; favorite memory: 4/26/74, t.1. jr.; light blue volkswagons, karen and the villa, and art museums; "time it was, and what a time it was. it was ... a time of innocence - a time of confidence. long ago it must be i have a photograph. preserve your memories, they're all that's left you - p. simon; pep club 1; hockey 1; drama club 1; yea 2; ski club 2; stw 3,4; senior class play; c.k.b. 3,4; i.l.d.c. 3,4. Patrick Lee Lindsey 613 Sherman Rd. remembered for: a warm soda and a cigarette; bowling 1,2,3. Bruce Eric Lingenfelter 726 Sheffield Dr. pet peeve: four-part harmony, people with common names; prize possession: my 2 bachs; secret abition: to sound like maurice andre'; band 1, 2,3,4; orchestra 3,4; musical 2,4; h.a.b.r. club 1,2,3,4; district band 4; pep band 1,2; dance band 1,2,3. Diann Clarissa Lihota

Patrick Lee Lindsey

Bruce Eric Lingenfelter

Deborah Jean Little "Debbie" 1224 Providence Rd. pet peeve: wooies; prize possession: #7, my diary; favorite memory: 12/5/74, tobart gobames; remembered for: being 1/3 of the odd squad, my thumbs, secret ambition: to skydive; basketball 1,2; hockey 2,3; ice hockey 4; gymnastics 2; S.c.S.t. 1,2,3', tri-capt. 4; spri-hian eire. staff 4. Louise Catherine Little 85 Worrell Dr. pet peeve: being grounded, early curfews, nothing to do; favorite memory: 11th grade, friends, long beach island, n.a. p.; remembered for: wearing turtlenecks, having gum, not getting jokes; basketball1; ski club 1; gymnastics 1,2; hockey 1,2,3. David Alan Locher "Dave" 473 Maplewood Ave. pet peeve: mark alburger jokes; prize possession: my harmony book!!; favorite memory: jan. 1, 1975; danceband 2,3; band 1,2,3,4; orchestra 1,2,3,4.; pop group 3,4; dist. band 2,3,4; dist. orch. 3,4; reg. band 3; musicals 2,4; pep band 2; nhs 4. Deborah Jean Little


Louise Catherine Little

David Alan Locher

Myron A. Lockley" Angie" 25 Baker St. Morton prize possession: my hat; favorite memory: august 7, 1974; remembered for: always having my levis hat on!; black student union 1,2,3,4; football 1,2,3,4; track 2,3,4. Daniel David Leb "Peeker" 333 Lewis Rd. prize possession: corvair; favorite memory: physics; remembered for: popping hudson. Pamela Sue Loeb 346 Wayne Ave. prize possession: bruce; favorite memory: 11/16/73, dee. 3 and 14, '74 with b.g.; remembered for: being paranoid and getting caught; intramurals 1,2; lacrosse 1,2,3,4.

Myron A. Lockley

Daniel David Loeb

Pamela Sue Loeb

Karen Ann Logan ."Shorty" 432 Maplewood Rd. pet peeve: being lazy, procrastinating; prize possession: h.b. and my bosom buddies; favorite memory: times in the mountains, d.t.d., the villa; drama club 1; stage crew 3; explorers 3,4; ski club 2,4; social service 4; stw 3,4; c.k.b. 3,4; i.b.c.c. 3,4. Mary Elizabeth Loro "Tinkerbell" 624 Andrew Rd. prize possession: j.a., my ring, my cross, watch; remembered for: looking up prices, my shoes, being short and walking slow; always seen with: j.a. and turk; social service 3; yea 3; speeial ed aid 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; guidance office aid 1.

Karen Ann Logan

Mary Elizabeth Loro

Sarah L. Lynch

Sarah L. Lynch "Sally", "Stopsign" 455 W. Woodland Ave. prize possession: bob, music, my family, my ring; favorite memory: 11/13/72, 4th period sr. christmas party; remembered for: always talking about a polish boy, being small and easily teased, being gullible, blushing easily, hanging out in 127; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; chorus 2; musical 2,4; yea 2, 3; stage crew 2; social service 4; gymnastics 1,2; sr. play 4; soph hop comm. 2; hang-around-the-band-room club 1,2,3, 4; dist. bana 2,3,4; dist. orch 2; reg. orch 2; scrivener 2,4. .

Douglas Robert MacDonald "MacDouglas", "Ronald", "Mac" 109 Locust Ave. pet peeve: ice cream; prize possession: my hiking boots, my pen; favorite memory: the porch (after closing); remembered for: my shirts; stage crew 3,4; band 3,4. Brian Marc Mackrides "Mack", "Mokrete" 504 Barry Dr. pet peeve: p.w.'s; favorite memory: the show, Ls. summers; secret ambition: to go back in time; football 1,2,3, co-eapt. 4; baseball 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3; service club 1,2,3,4; gatzgateers 3, pres. 4; nhs 3, vice-pres. 4; ski club 4; road rally club 4; varsity club 2,3,4; student council 1; mid-winter dance comm.4.

Douglas Robert MacDonald

Brian Marc Mackrides

John Robert Mander

John Robert Mander "Maniac" 235 Sedgewood Rd. secret ambition: to visit lenin's tomb, and to speak arabic well; remembered for: sitting on my -trumpet, my hat; favorite memory: jolly john and staying free, the media filmfestival/nature hike; band 3,4; orchestra 4; musical orchestra 4; cross-country 3,4; indoor hike 3,4; outdoor track 3,4; german club 4; top-button club 1.


Linda Woods Manley "Ram" 53 Snyder La. pet peeve: h.a.b. club, put-ons, tryouts; prize possession: friends, family and the "beast"; fav. mem.: 6/1/74, christmas '74; hockey 1; basketball 3; tennis 2,3,4; band sec. 1,2,3,4; orch. sec. 1,2,3,4; musical 2,4; ski club 2,4; dist. band sec. 3; dance band 2,3; pop group 3,4; hang-around-the-bandroom club 1,2,3,4. David Marchini Leonard Herbert Marcu "Lenny" 706 Dunwoody Dr. pet peeve: doubledates and haslett's car; prize poss.: physics book; fav. mem.: the double dump ugh ugh!!; choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 3,4.

Linda Woods Manley

David Marchini

Leonard Herbert Marcu

Ruth E. Mares "Ruthie", "Rick", "Holmes", "Root" 426 Blair Rd. pef peeve: people asking to borrow my gym socks; fav. mem.: summer '74; rem. for: asking stupid questions and saying "gross"; orch. 1,2,3; chorus 1,2,3; guidance aid 3; lit. mag. 3; sherwood forest 3. Michael R. Margulies "Margo", "King", "Fee" 434 Burns Dr. pet peeve: benches, ocean city, broken storm door windows, stolen cars; rem. for: breaking even, having a full schedule; fav. saying: f.t.s., what's the story?; basketball 1,2,3,4; track 2,4; nhs 4; weightlifting 3,4; student council 1,2. Lisa Anne Marone "Lee" 36 Greenhill Rd. fav. mem.: a question of balance '73; quarry '74; rem. for: my S.t. in the feather factory, and breaking bob's stickshift; secret ambition: judy and crystal know; chorus 1,3,4; soc. servo club 2; gymnastics 3; costume comm. for musical 2; student council 3. Ruth E. Mares

Michael R. Margulies

Lisa Anne Marone

Susan Patricia Marra "Sue" 211 Avon Rd. prize poss.: george; fav. memories: 4/24/74,7/4/74,9/20/74; "each man's life represents a road toward himself" -hermann hesse; library aid 1,2,3,4; video taping crew 4; lit. mag. 4; cuyahoga ecological society 2. Debbie Martin Tom E. Masson "Mass" 105 Wayne Ave. fav. mem.: spring valley, stairwell, green box, 252 bathroom; rem. for: "i only got a buzz"; ambition: be a skin diver for roto-rooter.

Susan Patricia Marra


Debbie Martin

Tom E. Masson

Greg G. Matthews 866 Rhoads Dr. pet peeve: bio. term paper; fav. mem.: camping trips and partying; rem. for: a shallow pool; basketba111,2. Toni L. Mauro "Bachi"761 Bradford Terr. pet peeve: ignorance and prejudice; prize poss.: w.j.m. and his love; fav. mem.: 10/11/73, the shore and mountains. Elizabeth Marie Mayberry "Liz", "Wilt" 52 N. Brookside Rd. pet peeve: library ladies, 12th gr. gym, being short; prize poss.: my friends; fav. mem.: 11/22/73,12/31/73, christmas "73" and easter "74"; always seen with: d.v.; guidance aid 1, 4; library aid 2; homeroom rep. 2; pep club 1,2,3,4.

Greg G. Matthews

Toni L. Mauro

Elizabeth Marie Mayberry

Daniel Carlo Mazzenga "Buddy" 801 Campbel1 La. prize poss.: super bowl coins, fritz, 4-seasons album; fav. mem.: going to florida; rem. for: iinitations; v.i.c.a. vo-tech vicepres. 3. Rita Eve Mazziol 430 Maris Rd. pet peeve: teachers who don't care about the progress of their students; rem. for: being shy; secret ambition: to go see a flyers game at the spectrum; lib. aid 1,2; gym aid 2; senior play make-up comm. 4; office aid 4; musical make-up comm. 4; sfg 2,3,4. Joyce Annette McClel1an 33 Bennett Rd. prize poss.: the guys at o.c.p.c., my austrian ski boots and memories; fav. mem.: 10/20/73, 6/1/74, 1/5/75, florida '74, mass. '72, all the u.t. concerts; always seen with: donna; hockey 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1; chorus 1,2 sec., 3,4 sec.; gym aid 1; prom comm. 2,3; sprihian eirc. staff 2; guidance aid 1. Daniel Carlo Mazzenga

Rita Eve Mazziol

Joyce Annette McClellan

Margaret Marie McCloskey "Sissy" 647 Sheffield Dr. fav. mem.: elton john 12/3/74, 12/14/74; rem. for: always smiling, "don't worry about it", always working; always seen with: linda, kathy, eileen; basketba112,3; german club. Virginia Leslie McCul1y "Leslie", "Mac" 431 Maris Rd. fav. mem.: spain '74, 11/14/74, friends, people and good times in jr. & sr. years; rem. for: my foot, my o'hara parties; always seen: not here; intramurals 1; pep club 1,2; soc. servo 2,3; scrivener 2,4. Vincent Joseph McDevitt 334 Powel1 Rd. "no man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the maine; if a clod be washed away by the sea, europe is the less, as wel1 as if a promontorie were, as wel1 as if a mannor of thy friends or of thine own were any man's death diminishes me, because i am involved in manhood and therefore never send to know for whom the bel1 tolls; it tol1s for thee." - john donne. Margaret Marie McCloskey

Virginia Leslie McCul1y

Vincent Joseph McDevitt


Timothy Joseph McGee "Bone" 263 Pancoast Ave. pet peeve: work; remembered for: cutting people up; vo-tech 2,3,4. Patricia McGillin 534 LeHann Circle Michael Henry McGonigle "Freak", "Irishman", "Riggi" 266 Saxer Ave. pet peeve: 9 lap mile, insincerity, commie coaches, "yez of coure"; prize possession: philosophy of life, friends, competition, a.j.; "it is better to die than commit suicide of the mind"; seen with: derelict, dude, semi; cross country 3,4; spring track 2,3,4; indoor track 2,3,4; choir 1,3,4; glee club 1, 2,3,4; ski club 1; student council 1; tennis 1; the fantastic four club 2,3,4.

Timothy Joseph McGee

Patricia McGillin

Michael Henry McGonigle

John Joseph McHugh JI. "Derelict" 36 Saxer Ave. pet peeve: short summers, swim club 74, mike!, 2.30 halves, russian coaches?; remembered for: 22 street o.c., christmas 74, duh!!, my name is .. ; seen with: dude, freak, semi, "such a deal", j.I.w.; cross country 3,4; indoor track 2,3,4; spring track 2,3, 4; rifle team 1; student council 3,4; fantastic four club 2,3,4. David A. McKeown "Seemore" 517 Evans Rd. favorite memory: popping in physics; remembered for: my big mouth; wrcp and wdsd: a poor representation; jets 1,2,3,4; bowling team 2,3,4; student council 1. Douglas Scott McLean 332 Prospect Rd. pet peeve: hamburgers, nicknames; prize possession; hockey stick; favorite memory; musicals; choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 3,4; ski club 2;4; musicals 2,4; pop group 3,4. John Joseph McHugh JI.

David A. McKeown

Douglas Scott McLean

James David McLean "Moose" 308 Spring Valley Rd. pet peeve: kids who think they are "cool' and "teenie-boppers"; favorite memory: summer of '74 and weekends, july 23, 1974, dances in high school commons; remembered for: being in the universal gym after school, being caught for doing anything at all, right or wrong; always seen with: rick, gooser, doc, george, scott, tic, lewie and hender; student council advisory board 3; weightlifting 4. Peter Ian McLean "Vache" 644 Evans Rd. pet peeve: I.c.i.; prize possession: my blue suede hiking boots; favorite memory: 9th grade french class, nights on brock rd.; tennis 2; soccer 1. .

James David McLean


Peter Ian McLean

Stephen James McMillan

Stephen James McMillian "Chink" 623 Vernon Rd. usually seen with: tom, smit, or rock; favorite memory: 4/12/57, 2/4/74, ccd '74; secret ambition: to go everywhere and meet everybody in the world; service club 1,2,3,4; ski club 2,4; football 1,2; baseball 1; lacrosse 3,4; spri-hian 4; half-time football 3,4.

David Arther McNamee "Mac", "Frankie" 471 Prospect Rd. pet peeve: t.g., r.w.; favorite memory: 74 june indiana college pa.; remembered for: falling asleep, wearing blue jeans and "t" shirts; wrestling 1,2; c.d.d.c. 4; gym 1,2,3,4; half-time football 2,3,4; b.k. 4; christmas tournament 3rd place. Suzanne Ruth McNamee "Mac", "Sue" 471 prospect Rd. pet peeve: aug. 29, '74; favorite memory: summer '74, sept. 21, dec. 3 and 22, oct. 4, s.m., b.r.; always seen with: munchkin, deve, l.m., p.l., b.r., g.t., t.v.; basketball 2; lacrosse 2,3,4; spfld. spirit society 2. Maryanne Therese McNicholas "McNick", "Mare" 241 Parham Rd. favorite memory: 12/22/73, elton john concert, 12/24/74; remembered for: blushing, smiling, wearing purple; always seen with: e.k., r.b., d.h.; pep club 2,3,4; scrivener bus. staff 4; office aide 4; class dance comm. 2,3,4. David Arthur McNamee

Suzanne Ruth McNamee

Maryanne Therese McNicholas

Daniel Joseph McTague "Dan", "Tague" 360 Lynn Rd. pet peeve: football benches, summer practice; prize possession: my splinters, practice jerseys; favorite memory: getting mr. ledonne to laugh in class; football 1, bench 2,3,4; ski club 2,4; student council 1,2,3; christmas decorations 4; lacrosse 4; basketball rowdy club 4; road rally club 4. Richard Anthony Menseck "poor" 421 Colonial Park Dr. favorite memories: new year's at jay's, shore with will, hockey at mack's, kell's jam sessions, public speaking with art, kez, joe, 8/15/73, 6/22/74; favorite classes: dad's chemistry class, ms. hall's algebra II class, miss fadden's public speaking class; service club 1,2,3,4; half- time football capt. 4; golf 2,3,4; baseball 1; soccer 1; ski club 4; lacrosse 3, capt. 4; gatzgateers 3, pres. 4.

Daniel Joseph McTague

Richard Anthony Menseck

Gary Alan Merkel

Gary Alan Merkel "Mert" 337 Brock Rd. pet peeve: "space kadettes"; prize possession: "grape"; favorite memory: mummer's parade "75", playing games with wha; band 1,2;3, 4; orch. 1,2,3,4; pop group 3,4; kumar kadettes 3.

Samuel Charles Messina "Paisan-sam" 412 Doe Run La. pet peeve: day after vacations, phonies, no g.c.; prize possession: red plants, skates; ice hockey 3,4; baseball 1; football 1,2; advisory council 4. Doris Jeanne Mewha "Ewa", "Dart", "David of Dancaster", "Dort" 517 Claremont Rd. pet peeve: modern dance and people who crack their knuckles; favorite memory: 6th period lunch; remembered for: fwas, beavers and baseball; band 1,2, 3,4; orch. 3,4; chorus 3,4; musical orch. 2,4; basketball 2; volleyball 2,3; social service club 3,,4; sherwood forest group 4. nhs 4; young life 2,3,4.

Samuel Charles Messina

Doris Jeanne Mewha

Anne Marie Miller

Anne Marie Miller" Anna", "Annie", "M.N.H.5." 233 Hemlock La. prize possession: friends and family, happy memories; favorite memory: summer '73, '74, streaker, tennis matches, s.b.b.s.?; sec. amb.: to make life worthwhile; chorus 1,2,3,4; intra. basketball 2,3,4; basketball 3,4; tennis 2,3,4; cross country manager 3,4; winter track manager 3,4; nhs 4; varsity club; omc (sec); prom comm. 2.


Linda Eileen Miller "Mil-Mil" 15 Schuyler Rd. pet peeve: work at b & r; prize posession: t.d.z., friends; favorite memory: 12/3/74, ocean city; pep club 1; volleyball 1; intra. basketball 2; gymnastics 2. William Peter Miller "Bill" 236 Franklin Ave. prize possession: my thumb; favorite memory: shore "72", "73", "74", schools' end 74; basketball 1,2,3,4; baseball 1; football 1,3. Patricia Jo Minteer "Patty" 238 Midland Rd. pet peeve: graduating juniors; prize possession: my friends from stage crew; remembered for: having a hard head; stage crew 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; ski club 1,2,4; girls chorus 1,2,3,4; gym leaders club 2; social service 4; pep club 1,2.

Linda Eileen Miller

William Peter Miller

Patricia Jo Minteer

Peter James Missiras "P.J.", "Peeete" 236 Hemlock La. pet peeve: phony people, gym class, j.p. '74, liars, geometry; favorite memory: germany '73, when elaine carne to s.h.s., camp '74; remembered for: always trying to be serious; secret ambition: to learn to play the piano; student council 1; advisory board 4; t.v. crew 1,2; choir 1,2,3,4; glee club 3,4; pop group 3,4; musical 4. James Joseph Mitchell "Jim" 334 Ballymore Rd. pet peeve: fro, snout, block, vince; favorite memory: 7/2/74; remembered for: remembering; ice hockey 3,4. Beverly Ann Mohr "Bev" 820 Westfield Rd. pet peeve: getting up at 6:30 in the morning, term papers; prize possession: my books, and friends; favorite memory: summer '74, colorado '73; senior play 4; library aide 1; gym aide 1; basketball 4; musical 4. Peter James Missiras

James Joseph Mitchell

Beverly Ann Mohr

Lorraine D. Mongiello "Monge" 179 S. Highland Rd. pet; peeve: class of '76; prize possession: my best friend; favorite memory: oct. '72, vw, folsom parties, spectrum concerts; remembered for: graduating a year early; always seen with: lunch bunches from '72-'75, tommy, ibm, assorted folsom freaks, stw people, etc.; secret ambition: to teach theatre arts at shs; scrivener h.r. rep. 1,2; deca 3; drama club 1; stw 2,3: James William Moore "Jim", "Ort" 925 Green Brian La. prize possession: my hockey equipment, my flyer's season tickets; favorite memory: paris 74, 5/19/74; remembered for: the C.p., my hip-checks in the hall, my hockey injuries; stage crew 2; ice hockey 3,4; senior play 4; musicals 2,4; wrestling 1; choir 1,2,3,4.

Lorraine D. Mongiello


James William Moore

Nancy Burris Morgan

Nancy Burris Morgan "Mor" 332 Oakdale PI. prize possession: friendship; favorite memory: a summer at cbm; band 1, 2,3,4; stage crew 2,3,4; soc. servo 4; lacrosse 2,3,4; spri-hian circ. staff 4; nhs 4.

Patricia Lou Morrison "Patty" 732 Hill Top Rd. prize possession: gjc, and free periods; favorite memory: 3/28/74; remembered for, always being seen with cp; lacrosse 1; stage crew 1; chorus 3; prom comm. 2,3,4; pep club 2; advisory bd. 3.

Darlene D. Morrone "Dar" 963 Lincoln Ave. favorite memory: the time i fell out of candy's car; remembered for: my shoes and laughing at my own jokes; always seen with: n.k., d.p., f.d., c.k., k.h., e.t., d.n., a.d., p.d., m.d., j.e. Mark Anthony Morrone 120 Parkview Dr. pet peeve: being a reds fan and taking gym twice a week; prize possession: my stereo and beatles collection; favorite memory: houston in summer and winter of '74; chess club 1.

d Patricia Lou Morrison

Darlene D. Morrone

Mark Anthony Morrone

Janine Lorraine Murray "Mur" 101 Colonial Park Dr. pet peeve: zap, crunge; prize possession: my friends; favorite memory: band, talking with n.s., p.k.'s laugh, all the times with k.m.; band 1,2:3,4; orch. 3,4; tennis 3,4; intra. basketball 1,2; scrivener 1, editor 4; nhs 4; cyhuga ecol. soe. 1; musical4; hang-around-the-bandroom club 1,2,3,4. Thomas Francis Naughton "Tom" 345 Holt La. pet peeve: broken beer tabs; prize possession:. my beer mug; favorite memory: summer of '74; remembered for: having a goodlooking sister; football 2; lacrosse 4. Margaret J. Negro "Margie" 523 Saxer Ave. prize possession: ed; favorite memory: 8/9/73; remembered for: being weird.

___1 Janine Lorraine Murray

Thomas Francis Naughton

Margaret J. Negro

Mark Joseph Nelson "Toot" 148 Schuyler Rd. pet peeve: deeee-merits, lab reports; prize possession: my stereo; remembered for: high-heeled sneakers; football 2,3,4; wrestling 2,3; baseball 2,3; lacrosse 4; nhs 4; choir 2,3,4; glee club 1,3; k.m.g. 4; weightlifting 4; tooot-club pres. 4. Allen L. Norrbom "AI" 125 Netherwood Dr. favorite memory: 12/24/74; remembered for: sleeping in physics. Debbie Ann Nye "NOD" 450 Stanfield Rd. prize possession: d.; fav. mem. 12/24/74 and love; remembered for: speeding around the halls, getting out of school and getting caught; always seen with: candy, d.m., a.d.

Mark Joseph Nelson

Allen L. Norrbom

Debbie Ann Nye


Kevin P. O'Keefe, Esq. 337 Prospect Rd. pet peeve: snobs, waiting, runaway horses; fav. mem.: summers of 73 and 74, nights at grosch's and my weekend excursions to chester springs; always seen: in the art room and with k.e. and j.c.;. "he that is slow to anger is stronger than the mighty."; ski club 4; photography club 4; tennis intra. 4; council advisory board 4. Nancy Carol O'Meara "N" 421 Larchwood Rd. pet peeve: colored rubber bands, clicks, fossils; prize possession: braces, time, hands; fav. mem.: summer of '74,12/27/74, labor day in margate, 10/26/74, s.f. with I., spain '74; gymnastics 2; spri-hian cire. staff 2,4; intramurals 1; dance comm. 2,3,4; t.d. 1,2,3, pres. 4; s.o.d.s. 4; g.r. 4. .

Kevin P. O'Keefe

Nancy Carol O'Meara

Marianne Catherine O'Reilly

Marianne Catherine O'Reilly "Missy", "Whips", "Orry" 646 Prospect Rd. pet peeve: moveable noses, ramblers, roots; prize possession: my buddy d.g., my t.b., my friends; fav. mem.; 9/28/74, xmas '74, day i sang autumn leaves; cheerleading 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; h.o. club 1,2,3,4; canine court 4.

William E. Orson "Bill" 160 Snyder La. pet peeve: knees, e.j.b.; secret ambition: find a cure for something; wrestling 1; biology club 2; scrivener 4; hellenic club 4. Parker Scott Owen 314 N. Lehigh Circle pet peeve: summer practice and "if he had any speed, he would have scored"; fav. saying: "yo!", "definitely"; always seen with: "the gang"; football 1,2,3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 4; r.r. 4; k.m.g. 3,4; ski club 3,4; weightlifting 2,3,4; varsity club 4. Cynthia J. Oyler "Cindy", "Mutt", "Oils" 759 Burnley Circle pet peeve: sears men's dept., ridley, always breaking up; prize possession: d.l., my cat, my friends, and my ability to cope with sick people; fav. mem.: 6/29/73, sassafrass lodge, beach boys, florida (i hope); pep club 2; stage crew 1; chorus 1,2,3, sec. 4; gymnastics 1,2,3,4; spri-hian 4; soph hop comm. 2; jr. and sr. prom comm. 3,4; mid-winter dance comm. 4; canine court sec. 4; mcbunch 4; s.a.s. 4. William E. Orson

Parker Scott Owen

Cynthia J. Oyler

Nancy Ann Ozer "Ozenort", "Ozone" 24 Server La. pet peeve: night before calc. tests with c.z., j.w., p.p., having high school come to an end; prize poss.: "stars", midnight discussions with p.p.; fav. mem.: "when you walk through a storm ", summer of '74, especially 7/22/74, hockey camp, "is it time yet?", canoe trip '73, a year with b.e.; hockey 2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; varsity club 3,4; sec. of varsity club 4; sbbs 3,4; pep club 1; nhs 3,4. Dina Jean Pad 11 Kedron Ave. pet peeve: pennsylvania rain, people who are always late; fav. mem.: the firehouse, indian bike; rem. for: my walk. Catherine Panis "Nina" 610 Laurel Rd.

Nancy Ann Ozer

Dina Jean Pad

Caherine Panis

186 ~-----~------------------- --




Guy Edward Parker "Guy" 26 Mansion Rd. pet peeve: rock 'n roll bands!!!; prize possession: "leslie"; rem. for: nurdlyego-park "we're an american ---"; stage crew 2,3; ad lib 2, 3; scribbler 4. Karen Parnell 145 S. Rolling Rd. pet peeve: school; prize possession: jim and everything he gave me: fav. mem.: 6/16/72, 7/10/72, 3/15/73, spring vac. 73', blue 63' chevy; rem. for: never being in school; fav. saying: what a rip-off; chorus 1,2, 3,4.

Cynthia Ann Patrucci "Cindy" 442 Colonial Park Dr. pet peeve: gossip, dishonesty, anything unorganized, cigarette smoke; prize possession: my "teddy bear" and e.c.i.o.v., my valor; rem. for: long nails, losing weight, wearing black body stocking and purple tights with white sneakers with the wa tan ye girls; choir 1; chorus 2,3; musical 4; intra. basketball 2; lacrosse 1; pep club 1,2; spri- hian staff 4; nhs 4; senior play comm. 3. Guy Edward Parker

Karen Parnell.

Cynthia Ann Patrucci

Karen Payne "Kabaraben" 152 Scenic Rd. pet peeve: fake i.d.'s, humming, wooies, m.e.d.; prize possession: a certain punk, memories, freedom; secret ambition: to raft the colorado, return to jesup; lacrosse 2,3,4; hockey 2,3,4; gymnastics 2,4; varsity club 3,4; scrivener 4; spri-hian 4; scst 1,2,3, tricapt. 4. Deborah Jean Peifer "Debbie" 231 E. Leamy Ave. pet peeve: clicks, d.h., k.p., s.c.; fav. mem.: springton lake and agnes irwin, rutledge dances, 11/1/74; always seen with: a.j., a.s., d.h., m.h., c.h., o.t., s.m., j.s., d.w.; gymnastics 1,2,3, co-eapt. 4; gym aid 1,4; pep club 1,2; special ed. aid 1; color guard 3,4; track 3,4; prop comm. for musical 4; office aid 4. Diane Pellegrini "Motormouth" 946 Stoneybrook Dr. pet peeve: gym; fav. mem.: partying with the" girls" and summers in sea isle; rem. for: my driving; always seen with: a.d., c.k., f.d., k.h., n.k., d.m., d.n., c.t. Karen Payne

Deborah Jean Peifer

Diane Pellegrini

Steven Richard Pemberton "Pemby" 42 Locust Ave. pet peeve: some people, sat; prize possession: p.t., car, drums; fav. mem.: 11/14/72; band 1,2,3,4; dance band 1,2,3; pep band 1; pop group 3,4; orch. 1,2,3, student director 4; dist. band 2,3,4; dist. orch. 2,3,4; habc 1,2,3. Debbie Susan Penn "Dippy" 22 Meetinghouse La. pet peeve: skiing trips while i'm in school; fav. mem.: american studies seminars and mr. werley's class; rem. for: "yeesh"; chorus 1; choir 2,3,4; musical 2,4; pop group 3,4; spri-hian circ. 3; lit. mag. 4; nhs 4.

Steven Richard Pemberton

Debbie Susan Penn

Paula Beth Petrie

Paula Beth Petrie "Peachtree", "Paw-Paw" 341 Parham Rd. pet peeve: coins taIls, odor-eaters, deadlines, nights before calc. tests with n.o., j.w. and c.z.; prize possession: trailblazers, mother mole, net stars, midnight discussions with n.o., and all my friends; fav. mem.: an un-season, a championship, b.b concert, gvc weekends, princeton; hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2,3, capt. 4; lacrosse 2,3,4; tennis 1; nhs 3,4; spri-hian staff 2,3,4; spri-hian editor 4; choir 1,2,3,4; girls varsity club 2,3,4; s.b.b.s. 3,4.


Cynthia Connie Petruzzelli "Petro", "Luigi", 'Tinny" 425 Pinecrest Rd. pet peeve: arguments, grumps, 3 cross countries, getting sick, boredom, pettiness, stop signs; fav. mem.: meadow mud days, florida '73, 12/21/73, sleeper, casablanca, 6/5/74, h.-s.t.,n.e. with grem, towanda, o.t., I & m, and skippy; rem. for: being italian, my love for pizza, getting sick, carving, nel-imp., private jokes and talking fast with twin; hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball 1,2; lacrosse 2; choir 1,2,3,4; var. club 3,4; spri-hian staff 4; scrivener staff 4; stud. council 2,3; nhs 4; ski club 2,3,4; b-ball fan 3; h.o. club 1,2,3, pres. 4; rp 4; 1.1. 4; spca 3,4. Wade Zeyer Phillips III 409 Bell Ave. pet peeve: getting up at 6:30, viral pneumonia; prize possession: m and m; fav. mem.: all; intra. 1; choir 1,2,3,4; bowling 3,4; saa; bowling, baseball soccer.

Cynthia Connie Petruzzelli

Wade Zeyer Phillips III

Carol Lynn Piatt

Carol Lynn Piatt "Spaz" 354 Rambling Way prize possession: my adidas, the queen beaver; fav. mem: pittsburgh, orest, epapplettes; remembered for: the goofies; band 1,2,3,4; orchestra i,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2; library aide 4; circ. staff 4; calculus club 4.

Joan Marie Pinder 538 Kennerly Rd. pet peeve: Imc, faculty; prize possession: meadowsides , sir dozier bozo; fav. mem.: 6/25/74; lacrosse 1,2,3; pep club 1,2; basketball 1. Alice Elizabeth Pinnock 260 Hawthorn Rd. Morton prize possession: super dog; fav. mem.: 7/20/74; fav. place: nag's head, nc; stage crew 2,3,4; library aide 2,3,4; nhs 3,4; calculus club 4. Barbara Pohlman "Bertha" 428 Kerr Lane remembered for: blushing; fav. saying: bmc; band 1,2; stage crew 3; stw 3,4; swig 4; lacrosse 1,2; spca 3,4; senior play 4; scrivener bus. ed. 4.

Joan Marie Pinder

Alice Elizabeth Pinnock

Barbara Pohlman

Geoffrey James Polischuk "Nutsie j" 120 West Leamy Ave. prize possession: my zinkies and my s's, my bosom buddies, carol mere\' hands; fav. mem.: my times with boswell, dyke, nutsie II on cascade rd., 1/26/74, 1/17/75, r & c parties, oz, bh; fav. sayings; dtd, bmc, lad, matm, rhtf, who cares?, i sazs to her ... esadfi, girls, choir 3,4; glee club 1,2,3,4; musicals 2, 4; football 1,2; scrivener 2; stud. council 1,2; stw 3,4; sr. play 4; stage crew 1; spri-hian 2; service club 1,2,3,4; s.b. 1,2; capt. 3; s.r. 3,4; pop group 3,4; should have been class officer 2,3,4.

Raymond David Pope "Ray" 319 Sunnybrook Rd. pet peeve: pulling weight for wrestling, an unsuccessful last rep; fav. mem.: 10/31/72; remembered for: breaking the law on my yamaha; wrestling 1,2,3,4. J. Christopher Potts "Schmotts" 255 Lewis Rd. pet peeve: chinky; fav. mem.: solo at ncobs; remembered for: bypass land speed record, roady class; soccer 1; track 1,2; stage crew 2,3,4; stw 3,4; aviation club 2; glee club 2,4; choir 3,4. Geoffrey James Polischuk


Raymond David Pope

J. Christopher Potts

Cynthia Ann Powell "Cindy", "S.B." 994 Edgewood Dr. fav. mem.: 1/30/73; remembered for: ice skating, always being with tommy; t.k.s. - we have had some rough times and disagreements, but every tomorrow brings a new vision of hope. remember all i have said to you and believe that what i have said is true. Constance Ann Powers "Connie" "Half Can" 124 Rambling Way prize possession: my plant; remembered for: back seat driving; chorus 3; canine court 4; pep club 2. Donna Jean Pratt "Pratt" 265 School Lane pet peeve: my height, flat shoes, 6:30 am, diets, my nickname, getting grounded, my accent; fav. mem.: summer of 74, 11/15/74, ÂŁ.2, gd, 6/28/72; always seen with: little joyce, snake, a red cougar; girls chorus 1,2; choir 3,4; hockey 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1; nhs 4; gym aide 1; prom comm. 3,4; guid. aide 1. Cynthia Ann Powell

Constance Ann Powers

Donna Jean Pratt

Robin Lynn Preston "Nibor" "Rob" 48 5. Forest Rd. prize possession: fred, beach boys albums, mia bracelet; fav. mem.: 6/1/74, 11/15/74, 11/17/74, 5/23/75, 6/4/75; always seen with: jane, len, gail, george, fred, janice, dave, robin, ed, sue, the gang at the cougar, fm.; chorus 1; guid. off. aide 1,2; pep club 1,2. Robert Joseph Pryor "Bob" 229 West Ave. prize possession: my volkswagen; fav. mem.: 7/74. Ulrich H. Pust "Duly" 0-4132 Kamp-Lintfort, Konradstr. 53; West-Germany Das Leben jedes Menschen ist ein Weg zu sich seIber hin, der Versuch eines Weges, die Andeutung eines Pfades. (Hermann Hesse); senior play; stw.

Robin Lynn Preston

Robert Joseph Pryor

Ulrich H. Pust

Lisa M. Quercetti 544 Vernon Rd. Kevin Aloysius Rail "Dude" 348 Hawarden Rd. "do all the good you can ... in all the ways you can ... in all the places you can ... for all the people you can ... while you can!!!"; always seen with: freak, semi, derelict; cross country 3,4; indoor track 3,4; spring track 2,3,4; fantastic four club. Susan Rachel Rebecca "Goofus" "Kiddo" 635 Kennerly Rd. pet peeve: penn st., m.m.; prize possession: c.l. and ralph; fav. mem.: 5/22/74; choir 1,2,3; hockey 1,2; basketball 1; prom. comm. 2; canine court 4; pep club 1,2.

Lisa M. Quercetti

Kevin Aloysius Rail

Susan Rachel Rebecca


Ann Elizabeth Reed" Annie" "F.G.P." 32 Thornridge Rd. "each new dawn that you are breaks light -touch life and value it; run through clean snow and see God's world - the beauty He has created - around you. treasure the miracle of each new day and grow; celebrate happiness; share yourself with others. give thanks for you are and tomorrow will again be." - niele; choir 2,3,4; chorus 1,3,4; scrivener 3, ed. 4; scott's hi-q 4; nhs 3,4; pop group 3,4; german club 4; sprihian 1; leaders club 2; basketball 2,3; big momma's mob 1,2, 3,4; f. b. widow 3. Daniel Edwin Reimund "Bagney" 513 Claremont Rd. pet peeve: "i'm tired" froggy, rah rahs; fav. mem.: 1/25/74, 7/5/74; s.c., partying, concerts, "meadow-mud"; remembered for: "what a joke", "blister", "marlboro lights", "being caught"; football 1,2; service club 2,3,4; c.d.t.1,2,3,4. Gary Reimund 408 Booker Rd. Ann Elizabeth Reed

Daniel Edwin Reimund

Gary Reimund

Gail Ann Reinstein 436 Harwicke Rd. pet peeve: rubber bands, g.o.; fav. mem.: summer '74, 8/24/73; always seen with; mag, june, sue, cupcake, missy, cathy, jan; band 1,2,3; chorus 3,4; social service 3; advisory council 4. Larry Rensel June Margaret Reynolds 121 Broadview Rd. pet peeve: back seat of celica toyotas, powell rd., tiny; fav. mem.: 3/5/74, summer of '74; prize possession: sheba; always seen with: caroL gaiL sue, maggie, cupcake, barb, janice; chorus 1,2,3,4; social service 3.

Gail Ann Reinstein

Larry Rensel

June Margaret Reynolds

James Joseph Ricci "Pancho" 114 Bellvue Ave. pet peeve: s.t.; fav. mem.: the j.w. dance, t.w., s.h.; secret amb.: to become a top engineer, extremely wealthy, and fantastically famous; a.v. aide 1,2; chess club 1. Sarah Jeanne Rice 309 Maple Ave. pet peeve: conceited people who think they are just "beautiful"; prize poss.: jake; fav. mem.: summer of '73. Christopher Russell Rice 100 Morton Ave. pet peeve: yo, scooter; prize possession: a certain woman; fav. memo summer '74, sat. 8/18/74; basketball 1,4.

James Joseph Ricci


Sarah Jeanne Rice

Christopher Russell Rice

Robert Henry Richards "Rich" 649 Cheyney Rd. pet peeve: 4-18's chemistry tests; prize possession: my car; fav. mem.: 6/10/74; choir 1,2,3,4; pop group 3; bowling 4; table tennis 3.

Curtis Darrell Richardson "Snake" 215 Woodland Ave. Morton prize possession: my car; fav. mem.: my new year's eve party; vo-tech 2,3. Robert Domenic Rocco "Rock" 652 Old School House Dr. prize possession: my wysp t-shirt; remembered for: the shut doods; secret amb.: to meet elton john; baseball 1; tennis 4; lacrosse 4.

Robert Henry Richards

Curtis Darrell Richardson

Robert Domenic Rocco

Marcia Jane Rodney "Marcy" "J.P." 427 Foster Dr. pet peeve: coiling anchor line, bailing; fav. mem.: england '74; always seen with: a typewriter; spri-hian: feature 1, asst. ed. 2, assoc. ed. 3, ed-in chief 4; nhs 3,4; theatre 1,2,3,4; photography 3. Steven G. Rosser "Sewer" 313 Sunny brook Rd. pet peeve: morning gatorade upchuck, rt. shclUlder, 10:30 lunch; prize possession: flutelips, tarty by; fav. mem: 10/12/74, st. marks, r.r., l.g.b., taking books horne and never touching them; football 1,2,3,4; baseball 1,2,3,4; weightlifting 2,3,4; choir 3,4; glee club 3,4; musical 4; nhs 4.

Marcia Jane Rodney

Steven G. Rosser

Kathleen Teresa Ruch

Kathleen Teresa Ruch "Kathy" "Rookie" 316 Pinecrest Rd. prize possession: panda; fav. mem.: coach's trig class, mr. doyle's and mrs. scheuer's seminars, irvin stern and seminar reports with kim, 4-18, frau harris and deutsch class,S years and linda, "Bobbsey Twins"; "et bientot c'est tout fini, et' nous ne jouons ¡plus." (james michener); lit. mag. 4; german club 3,4; chorus 1,2,3,4; choir 4; nhs 4; spri-hian 3,4; scrivener 3,4.

Melinda Laurie Ruse "Pocahontas" 509 Kerr Lane fav. mem.: 9/14/74, wildwood, n.j., 5/20/74 (flyers #1), $2.39 bing!, 711 club, partying in upper dump, m & m parties, partying with torch; remembered for: loving led zeppelin and being insane and messed up. Ernest William Russom III "Ernie" 874 Church Rd. pet peeve: no honor points for accelerated courses, the two percent; fav. mem.; 6/7/75; remembered for: being with the 418, four out of seven periods on tuesdays; soccer 1,2,3,4; ski club 4; winter track 3,4; spring track 1,2,3, capt. 4; weightlifting club 3,4; spri-hian 4. Carol Ann Mary Ryan "Carol" 309 Indian Rock Dr. fav. mem.: summer of '73; remembered for: going over curbs, always swinging my purse, talking too much; always seen with: j.b., w.d., !.t., r.b., w.m.; student council 1; hockey 3,4. Melinda Laurie Ruse

Ernest William Russom III

Carol Ann Mary Ryan


Thomas Saeli 276 Orchard Rd. Jeff Salidor 716 Parker La. Gary Peter Samano 16 Colonial Park Dr. pet peeve: cigarette smoke, getting caught, swig, gray fire hydrants; prize possession: two big sparks, grem; favorite memory: rocky road, florida '74 '75, tawanda; football 1; cross country 2; a.r.a. 4; p.s.o.a. 1,2,3,4; oggie club 3,4.

Thomas Saeli

Jeff Salidor

Gary Peter Samano

Susan Ivy Sanet "Sue" 548 Cheyney Rd. prize possession: paul; favorite memory: 5/1/74; secret ambition: to meet alice cooper. Kevin Scanlon 3 Essex A ve. Lansdowne Anne Christine Scanzaroli "Scimz" 158 Reese Rd. secret ambition: to become a physical therapist; always seen with pm, sm, dp, II, ck, Is, dp,; gym aide 1,2; basketball 2,3,4; guidance aide 1.

Susan Ivy Sanet

Kevin Scanlon

Anne Christine Scanzaroli

Cynthia Anne Scarani "Cindy", "Sinfer" 201 N. Rolling Rd. pet peeve: people in trunks, pink cars, obnoxious people; prize possession: galaxie 500, friends, waffle stompers; secret ambition: to return to jesu.p, to go soaring; orchestra 1,2,3,4; hockey 2,3,4; musical 2,4; gymnastics 2,4; spri-hian eire. staff 4; scrivener bus. staff 4; nhs 4; scst 1,2,3 tri-capt. 4. Suzanne Frances Scarlata "Sue" 48 S. Brookside Rd. prize possession: d.f. Lynn Rene'e Schmidt 234 Worrell Dr. prize possession: my friends, "n"; favorite memory: buese & schmidt's travels, the barn; remembered for: always singing; choir 1,2,3, pres. 4; musicals 2,4; pop group 3,4; hockey 3; aysc 2,4.


~ Cynthia Anne Scarani


Suzanne Frances Scarlata

Lynn Rene'e Schmidt

Alan Schweizer Timothy Scott 770 Bradford TerL Rosemary Sebastian "Rose" 520 Morton Ave. Morton prize possession: mp, my cat; favorite memory: 7/13/74, the shore summer '74; remembered for: being quiet.

Alan Schweizer

Timothy Scott

Rosemary Sebastian

Michael Joseph Semanik "Semi" 447 Keht Rd. prize possession: 2 mile relay medal; remembered for: sitting in corner of senior hall, wearing same pair of track shoes throughout seasons; seen with: freak, dude, derelict; cross country 3,4; indoor track 3,4; spring track 3,4; fantastic four club. Gordon Shank 30 Pennington Ave. Morton Amy Beth Shapiro 614 Sherman Rd. pet peeve: spanish term papers, bills; prize possession: my friends, pbg; favorite memory: summer of '72, '73, 5/23/75, 11/29/72, 7/12/72, 7/73, wishing on a star, infirmary '73.

Michael Joseph Semanik

Gordon Shank

Amy Beth Shapiro

Jeffrey Francis Joseph Shea "Jeff" 348 Ballymore Rd. favorite memory: 12/2/74; remembered for: "we all forget what he's remembered fOL"; vtr crew 1,2,3,4; stage crew 2; lit. mag. 3, 4; jv ice hockey 3. Lizanne Shea "Tons", "Air" 118 Summit Rd. prize possession: tillie, friends & family; favorite memory: summer '73, '74, & las vegas; always seen with: jimmers, barb, caroL cindy k., cindy 0., dennis, brendan, jim, judy budie, kathy h., donna j., nancy c., candy k.,; spri-hian 2,3,4; hockey 1,2; the lunch macbunch 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; snow queen nom. 4; ski club 1.

Georgette Margaret Shelling "George" 933 Green Briar La. pet peeve: term papers, getting up early; prize possession: my friends; favorite memory: 9/18/75, spring vacation '75; girls chorus 1,2,3,4; library aide 1,2,3,4; scrivener staff 4. Jeffrey Francis Joseph Shea

Lizanne Shea

Georgette Margaret Shelling


Michael James Shields "Shieldsy" 261 Waverly Rd. pet peeve: work, closed study halls, "the clique", spanish term paper; fav. mem.: 5/23/75, june- august '71, '72, '73, 5/19/74; rem. for: lack of school spirit; ski club 2,4; badminton 2,3,4. Kimberly Shunk "Kim" 328 E. Thomson Ave. "if a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." - henry david thoreau; majorette 1,2,3, feature 4; stage crew 2,3,4; track manager 3; hockey 1,2,3,4; tennis 1,2; gymnastics 1,2; lit. mag. 4; nhs 3, 4.

Michael James Shields

Kimberly Shunk

Stephen Roy Sieke

Stephen Roy Sieke "Pita", "Ace", "Seek", "Dolt" 819 Rhoads Dr. pet peeve: double dates, junior licenses, election returns, m.h., librarians, and limits; prize poss.: my friends and my q.w.u.f.; fav. mem.: "dies ist walter", tuesday mornings, "hello, dear", duke's, the patrol, "put the bomb on the left side", frolicking, "when in doubt ", tennis matches, "hey, cut the jazz!", 50 m.p.h. speed limit, 6/1/74, the roller derby, summer of '74, babysitting, songwriting, and brigantine; tennis 1,2,3,4; winter track 1; cross country 2; bowling .2,3; spri-hian 1,4; student council 1,2,4; nhs 3, pres. 4; choir 4; calculus club 4; los.c.g.s. club 3,4; captain of the gerchzh patrol 3,4; music man 4; roller derby 4; senior play 4.

Suzanne Caroline Sigler "Sig" Morton Ave. pet peeve: waiting for the man; prize poss.: jake; fav. mem.: 63rd and malvern; rem. for: being with l.f., d.h., and k.f. Judith Marie Sihler "Judy" 323 Orchard Rd. prize poss.: b.o.v. and skunks; fav. mem.: new year eve of '73 and '75, 9th and 10th grade; always seen with: karen, sue, jane, mary ann, judy lizanne, 6th ted b.; scrivener 3; girls chorus 1,2,3,4. Donna Lynn Silimeo 1025 Westwood Dr. prize poss.: david duncan; fav. mem.: 5/10/74; fay. place: margate, n.j. and our good times there.

Suzanne Caroline Sigler

Judith Marie Sihler

Donna Lynn Silimeo

Nancy Ellen Simon 331 Spring Valley Rd. "your world, the world you live in day by day, is what you make of it. it will be no better or bigger or finer than you are yourself" " n.v. peale. Donald L. Simpson "D'don" 645 Evans Rd. pet peeve: "twicky wabbit", the big b.k.; rem. for: causing rain at the drags; sec. amb.: to do the two minute mile; glee club 1; choir 2; wrestling 2,3; weightlifting 2,3; baseball 1." Ellen Sjostrom 342 Brock Rd.

Nancy Ellen Simon


Donald L. Simpson

Ellen Sjostrom

Anthony Smith 101 Pennsylvania Ave. Morton. Brian Kent Smith "Smit" 420 Hawarden Rd. pet peeve: shs, english 2~4, and wine; prize poss.: my marantz 6g's and albums; always seen in drexel hill and d'nd; vo-tech 2,3,4; ski club 4; lacrosse 2,3,4. Susan Ruth Solovey 433 Harwicke Rd. always seen with: maggie, gail, and june, or cathy cupcake, janice, and missy; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; dist. band 2; musicals 2,4.

Anthony Smith

Brian Kent Smith

Susan Ruth Solovey

Jay Steven Spahr "Sparks", "Turk" 521 Wayne Ave. prize poss.: a.d.~.g.s., my car; fav. ¡mem.: m's hall's algebra'il class; always seen with: rich, will, mack, kel, turk; choir 1,2, 3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; ice hockey 1,2, capt. 3,4; baseball 1; football 4; advisory board 3,4; gatzgateers 3, pres. 4; r.r. 4. Gregory Joseph Speidel 'Ham" 243 Lewis Rd. pet peeve: fat grouchy salesladies, and waiting for college admission; fav. mem.: summers of '73 and '74; rem. for: competing with r.j. Cheryl Lynn Spishack 300 Rambling Way 'prize poss.: my poem from a special guy, my rabbit fur, and chips; fav. mem.: 12/15/74 and xmas vacation '74; rem. for: always being late to pillsbury castle; girl's chorus 1,2,3; ski club 2; stw 3; senior play comm. 3,4; hockey 4; music man 4.

Jay Steven Spahr

Gregory Joseph Speidel

Cheryl Lynn Spishack

Francis Raymond Splane "Mama Spud" 43 Duncan La. pet peeve: fallen light boarders and words bouncing off the fan; rem. for: walking steady and chewing gum at the same time; fav. saying: illegitimae non carborundum; a.v. 1,4; 8 mm club 1; photography staff 4; j.e.t.s. 1; s.h.c.c. 3,4; stw 3,4; key copy club 2,3,4; stage crew 1,2, pres. 3. Joy May Stanley 130 Powell Rd. pet peeve: people who never smile!; prize poss.: my bible; "but what things were gain to me, those i counted loss for Christ. yea, doubtless, and i count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord." Philippians 3:7; tri-hi-y 2; sprihian typing staff 3,4; yea 3; office aide 4. Stephen Philip Stefani "King Zog" college prep; fav. saying: "boy, you're simple"; bowling 4. Francis Raymond Splane

Joy May Stanley

Stephen Philip Stefani


Thomas Gerard Michael Stein "Kamikaze", 'TS", "Pita", "Ace", 308 Parham Rd. pet peeve: emma's, seed merchants, librarians, bE, dI, "the munchies"; prize possession: stars on my kazi helmet, golf clubs, a.m.; favorite memory: friday night road rallies, "emma on the wall", 11/28, 30/74, 1/4/74, kmg; football 1,2,3,4; wrestling 1,2,3; golf 1,2,3,4; service club 1,2,3,4; class v. pres. 4; glee club v. pres. 4; nhs 3,4; musical 4; stud. council 1,2,4; executive council 3; c & s club 3,4; I.I. club 4; gerchzh patrol 3,4. Mark Stellfox 316 Sedgewood Rd. Raymond Carl Stengel "Ray", "Casey" 210 S. Norwinden Dr. pet peeve: fire sirens during football practice; remembered for: my sick jokes, my ability to gross people out; secret ambition: to play pro; wrestling 1,2,3; football 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; varsity club 2,3,4; road rally club 3,4; a.a.m. 3,4. Thomas Gerard Michael Stein

Mark Stellfox

Raymond Carl Stengel

Patricia Ann Stevens "Devil", "Legs" 129 Althea La. Morton prize possession: good old danny; favorite memory: scaring mrs. watson with a fake snake in english class 4th period, mariann in gym class, R & C - christmas eve, candy tieser, snow queen best thing that happened; vo-tech v. pres. Gary Thomas Stewart"Albert" 127 Morton Rd. Michael John Stieber "Mike" 225 S. Swarthmore Ave. foot ball 3,4; winter track 3; track 3,4.

Patricia Ann Stevens

Gary Thomas Stewart

Michael John Stieber

Raymond J. Stoccardo "Truck" 447 Ridge- La. prize possession: my van; remembered for: 10/10/73; golf 2. Michele Louise Stolar "Mitchel" 600 Cheyney Rd. prize possession: my giraffe; favorite memory: 5/24/74; spri-hian eire. staff 1,2,3, bus. mgr. 4; musicals 2,4; nhs 3,4; stud. council 1,3; cheerieading 3,4; choir 1,2,3,4; orchestra 1,2,3,4. Dianne Sudjian "Suds" 773 Dunwoody Dr. pet peeve: ppp, d squared, gym, sm's, b.s.o.s.h.s., applications; favorite memory: h-st, towanda, fnp, ot, bl-10/74, oz, hks w mg; favorite sayings: "bmc", "dtd"; stw 3,4; chorus 1,2,3, pres. 4; choir 3, 4; gymnastics 1; spri-hian 1,2,3,4; scrivener 1,2,3, bus. ed. 4; swig 4; nhs 3,4; explorers v. pres. 3,4; spca 3,4; tscgs 4; ara 1, 2,3 co-chairman 4.

db Raymond J. Stoccardo


Michele Louise Stolar

Dianne Sudjian

Margaret Mary Sullivan "Maggie" 208 Ballymore Rd. pet peeve: the greeks; favorite memory: 10/26/73 on saxer; always seen with: sue, gail, june, janice, cupcake, mis, cathy; band 1,2,3,4. Leiann Suszczynski 33 Andrien Rd. Glenn Mills favorite memory: last winter, sl & kk at sproul lane, scotty's, dl & bg, dp & tr & "d", springfield weekend '74, alpine (Ij, Ie, mm, and falcon), j.l., b.o., v.a., and jersey in the summer, Miss Pouge & Alg. II, L.L. & JS. Jane Ellen Sutherland "Mato Face" 524 Yale Ave. Morton prize poss.: len and my stereo; fav. mem.: 5/14/n, 4/28/73, 6/1/74, 11/15/74, 12/13/74; always seen with: I.\., r.p., j.1., Lt., g.t., s.m., S.W., S.S., j.m.

Margaret Mary Sullivan

Leiann Suszczynski

Jane Ellen Sutherland

Betsy Lynn Swan "Bits", "Buttsy", "Two-Bets" 929 Edwards DL pet peeve: hiney chin, tootsie roll toes, bleah moods, sundays, hypocritical rules; prize poss.: oscar, the ant, blister, friends and memories; "farewell to you and the youth i have spent with you noontide is upon us and our half waking has turned to fuller day, and we must part -k. gibran; choir 1,2,3; gymnastics 1,2,4; student council 1; prom comm. 2,3,4; scrivener 2,3,4; basketball 2; "rah" 3,4; spri-hian 3,4; nhs 3,4; snow queen nom.; talent show 4; s.o.b.s. 1,2,3,4. Linda Robin Tabor "Strib-Rob" 1327 University Ave. pet peeve: mike, summer nights down the shore, firemen; fav. mem.: 3/15/74, 5/1/74, summer of '73 with cin. and j.p.; always seen with: cin, j.s., 1.1., "Lp.", c.t., g.t., j.p., g.l., b.b., j.l., b.m., b.g., d.d., k.h., s.d., I.m. and the cougar gang; lib. aid 1,2; gym aid, pep club. Makoto D. Takashima 263 Beechwood Ave. "the comedie is finally oveL" - beethoven. Betsy Lynn Swan

Linda Robin Tabor

Makoto D. Takashima

Loretta Ann Talone 322 Yale Ave. Kenneth Michael Teore "Tork" 251 Avon Rd. pet peeve: lugging my baritone to school in the rain; prize poss.: my baby sister and my calculator; rem. for: boy's chef biscuits; band 1, 2,3,4; dist. band 4; musical 4; scrivener bus. staff 4; hangaround-the-bandroom club 1,2,3,4. Gail P. Thomas "Goofey", "Smokey", "Pigmy", "Cousin It", "Midget", "Monkey" 656 S. Chester Rd. pet peeve: car accidents!, strange phone calls, boys who cheat on their girlfriends, hospitals, losing jewelry; prize poss.: memories of bob, george, puff, my linde star necklace; always seen with: g.l., j.s., 1.1., s.m., Lp., Lt., I.m., d.a., s.b., e.b., c.t.; guidance office aid 1; driver ed aid 2,3; pep club 2; cougarettes 4.

Loretta Ann T alone

Kenneth Michel Teore

Gail P. Thomas


Candy Tieser 57 Mansion Road prize possession: chicken man & pook; fav. mem.: o.c. '73 & '74, d.d's party, deek's van, the cove, n.o.d.; remembered for: being late, forgetting things; always seen with: n.y.e., d.d., b.w., c.k., a.d., n.c., d.m.; circulation staff 1; gymnastics 1,2; ski club 1,2; snow queen. Wayne Hoyt Tingley "Legs", "Ting-lee", "John Denver" 646 East Leamy Ave. pet peeve: cliques, silent study hall and detention; prize possession: my imagination; remembered for: trying; fav. saying: "help"; spring track 2,3,4; indoor track 4; activities comm. David H. Tofsted 249 Powell Road pet peeve: compositions; remembered for: ruining test curves; spring track 2; winter track 1, orchestra 4; chess club 1. Candy Tieser

Wayne Hoyt Tingley

David H. Tofsted

Kevin Shawn Toney 653 Cheyney Road V.l.CA 3,4. Virginia Louise Toole "Gini", "Ginty" 239 Summit Rd. pet peeve: thunder thighs; prize poss.: eric beam, my friends; "for a .few minutes i have no fear of the future; no quarrel with the past; only the knowledge that it had to be; that i have to be.": student council 1,2; executive council 3, sec. 4; cheerieading 1,3,4; choir 1,2; business staff 4; spri-hian circ. staff 3,4; decoration comm. christmas dance 4; prom comm. 2,3,4; hockey 2; basketball 2; s.o.b.s. 1,2,3,4; canine court pres. 4.

Don Joseph Torelli "Hoody" 837 Homestead¡Ave. pet peeve: rahs; rem. for: plaid shoes; track 1,2; weightlifting 1,2,3; wrestling 1,2; cdt 1,2,3,4; varsity partying club ¡1,2,3,4; a.r.a. 4.

Kevin Shawn Toney

Virginia Louise Toole

Don Joseph Torelli

Theresa Marie Toussaint "Terry", "Toot", "Terence", "Tronce", "Ter" 539 Maddock Dr. prize poss.: jon I.; fav. mem.: 6/7/74, 11/27/74; rem. for: my eyes and blushing; hockey 2,3,4; basketball 2,3,4; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; senior prom comm.4. Barry Jay Toyzer 760 W. Rolling Rd. upstairs first right, bed on the wall pet peeve: locked boys rooms, plastic people; fav. mem.: 6/1/74,7/1/57; secret ambition: to bring turtleman to justice; gym 1,2,3,4; alg. 1,3; trig. 4; english 1,2,3; football 1; chess club 2; ice hockey 3,4; council advisory board 4. Leonard Triggiani 275 Saxer Ave.

Theresa Marie Toussaint


Barry Jay Toyzer

Leonard Triggiani

Patrick Joseph Trio "Rick", "Little Byrd" 631 Maplewood Ave. pet peeve: "cool people", missing a party, warm beer; fav. saying: "you're cool"; always seen: driving with moose in myel camino distilling our spirits; band 1,2,3,4; football 2, 3; weightlifting 1,2; half-time football 4. Bruce Allen Troutman "Moose" 1032 Westwood Dr. pet peeve: drunk drivers; fav. mem.: 2/7/74 - 2/9/74; rem. for: blowing up the hindenburg; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; dist. band 3: ski club 1,2,4; photography club 2; aviation club 2,3. Ken Wayne Troutt 909 Westdale PI.

Patrick Joseph Trio

Bruce Allen Troutman

Ken Wayne Troutt

Oya Tunca "Tigger" (in U.s.A.), Oyis (in Turkey} 636 Wynne Rd. pet peeve: fingers on the pictures, greasy hair, selfishness, letters returning for an extra stamp; fav. mem.: 9/1/73, good-bye from new-york '74, the beans guzin!, my first christmas '74; fav. sayings: "000 my gosh!", "you're kidding", "ya know"; interests: drawing, writing letters, collecting almost anything; hope: to travel all around the world; stage crew 4; in turkey: literature club, american field service (afs). Timothy Turner 402 Morton Ave. Morton Denise Mary Turtzo 201 Taylor Rd. pet peeve: clicks; fav. mem.: lunches - all of them; rem. for: my broken leg, being from upper darby, and always smiling.


Timothy Turner

Denise Mary Turtzo

Jeffrey Mark Uhler "Jeffy", "Hornier", "Hunterssss!" 34 Barbara Dr. pet peeve: getting towed out of the mud, porch, '75 movement, lending my car; fav. mem.: longport weekends, my backyard concert, bong's parties, meadowgreen '72; secret ambition: to own a restaurant by 1980; track 2; baseballl. Frederick David Utermohlen "Son", "Rick" 638 Sheffield Dr. pet peeve: I.c.i. - s.c.'s; prize poss.: t.b., m.a.; rem. for: going up to new york to see my friend!; soccer 1; soc. servo club 4; a.v. 1,2,3,4; photography club 2; film club 1,2; cuyahoga ecological soc. 1, pres. 2,3; scrivener 3,4. Eugene Joseph Vahey III 5200 Hilltop Dr. Brookhaven

Jeffrey Mark Uhler

Frederick David Utermohlen

Eugene Joseph Vahey III


Donna Maria Vogt "Skippie" 8 Wildwood Ave. pet peeve: english, gym, homework; prize poss.: little cliff; fav. mem.: 4/28/73, 12/31/73; always seen with: l.m.; guidance aid 4; pep club 1,2,3,4. Sandra Wadsworth 44 Highland Ave. Morton. Elizabeth Mary Walsh "Betty" 320 Bennett Rd. pet peeve: waiting, snobs; prize poss.: my teddy bear, memories, j.d.k.; fav. mem.: 1/1/73; aviation club 2; student council 2.

Donna Maria Vogt

Sandra Wadsworth

Elizabeth Mary Walsh

Marion Elizabeth Wank "Molly" 709 Evans Rd. prize poss.: frog; fav. mem.: summer of '73; rem. for: over-eating. Nancy Lynne Warrick 238 Harding Ave. Morton pet peeve: wearing a dress to school, and people who think they know it all; secret amb.: to travel; guidance aid 1; soc. servo 2,3; black student union treas. 2; volleyball 3; senior class play usher. Lisa Marguerite Wasshem 341 S. Rolling Rd. "If you want to be happy, be." -tennyson; choir 1,2, sec. 3,4; basketball 2,3; spri-hian circ. staff 3,4; soph hop decorating and ticket comm. 2; snow dance comm. 4; sr. play us"her 4; advisory council 4; nhs 4; commencement usher 3.

Marion Elizabeth Wank

Nancy Lynne Warrick

Lisa Marguerite Wasshem

Susan Marie Waters "Sue". 436 Foulke La. prize poss.: car, and all my memories; fav. mem.: 12/28/74, 11/19/74, new year '73, 4/6 - 4/13; florida, disney world; always seen ":'ith: liz, donna, and cheryl; pep club 2,3,4; band manager 4; soc. serv. 4; basketball 1,2. David Thomas Watrous 884 Church Rd. pet peeve: pulling weight, skinny wrestlers; fav. mem.: 64 vw, beating keg; always seen with: chip, dinghopper, e.b., ramon, keg; wrestling 1,2,3,4; football 2; track 1,3; robin hood 3,4; moon men 3,4.

Susan Marie Waters


David Thomas Watrous

Jennifer Lee Watt

Jennifer Lee Watt 537 Weymouth Rd. pet peeve: waking up, toy stores, term papers, jj and being a k-person, nights before calc. tests with c.z., n.o., and p.p., hockey shoes that break; prize poss.: half a hockey balL purple hair clip, malaka, stars; fav. mem.: 6/1/74, hockey '74, "is it"ti~ y-et?",we are #1, room 219, our un-season, alright!, sodee, perv, dances, duh, brother's parties, Itt, all my friends; hockey 1,2,3,4; basketball 2; lacrosse 1,2,3,4; girls' varsity club 2,3,4; ski club 1,2,3, 4; toot club 4; co-captain of hockey team 4; vice-pres. of girls' varsity club 4; nhs 4.

Deborah Wei "Chink" 430 Ridge La. pet peeve: the pepsi generation (crunge), coke bottle bottoms, 23 free pds./wk., my nickname; rem. for: my repetoire of jokes and peering through the steering wheel; "i think i'm gonna love it because i know someday someone else will see it my way and then i'll know i was not wrong. i know they won't believe it, they think that i'm no good but i'll make myself understood 'cause i believe it all along. i think i'm gonna love it when they finally see - i know they won't believe it ~hen they finally see the saving grace in me. -to rundgrun; soc. serv 2,3, pres. 4; stage crew 2,3, (#1 chink) 4; t.f.l.b. 2,3,4; s.S.e. 4; scrivener editor 4.

Grant Louis Weitzel "Beak" 508 Lawrence Dr. pet peeve: football; prize poss.: fahs and reeb; fav. mem.: red chevy station wagon; soccer 1,2,3,4; ice hockey 3,4; ski club pres. 4; german club 1,2,3; men's lacrosse 1,2,3,4.

Deborah Wei

Grant Louis Weitzel

Sandi Joy Welch

Sandi Joy Welch "5", "S'er" 315.Hawarden Rd. pet peeve: people who prejudge others before knowing them, meeting guard rails with scott and wendy, big words, fakes, dieting; fav. mem.: skiing with scott and wendy 1/7/75, roller derby b.k., k.b., p.h., 240 "z", driving jim's mgb, new year's 73, kelly (my dog), 3/8 with r.W., kristin criher, my best friends .. ; rem. for: taking my skis off and walking down the hilL dating older people, n.a., riding the clutch, getting "o"s ; cheerleading 1,3,4; ski club 1,3,4; hockey 2; sdc 3,4; gymnastics 1,2,3; snow queen nom.

John Whitehead 623 Yale Ave. Morton. John Kirk Wieder "Weed", "Fonzie" 104 Congress Ave. pet peeve: tri-county hospitaL being hassled, age restrictions; prize poss.: my green mean mary jean machine; fav. mem.: "feelin' no pain" with my rutledge buddies, 50's dance, summer '74, drive-in movies, thanks s.m., j.r., v.p., l.k., l.b., etc.; rem. for: b.s., 50's nostalgia, close calls, bone and crowbar; audio-visual 1,2,3; chess club 1; weightlifting 2; hospital porter 3,4; (the rest is best left unsaid). William Keith Wilson "Bill" 255 Gibbons Rd. pet peeve: 5th period environmental science class, black jack; prize poss.: my '66 mustang; fav. mem.: 6/1/74; rem. for: playing cards with pork, willy, scot, bill, and jeff; wrestling 1; chess club 2.

John Whitehead

John Kirk Wieder

William Keith Wilson

James Dennis Wisniewski "Wiz" 310 N. Bishop Ave. pet peeve: snapping bolts; prize poss.: my bug. Ellen Jane Wolf "E. J. Woluf" 626 Sherman Rd. prize poss.: a shark's tooth; fav. mem.: 7/26/74 - 8/10/74, "no rotten eggs", spain '74; fav. saying: sipsy hayo agil and poo (at the hop); soc. servo 2; tennis 2; t.v. crew 4; s.r.g. 1,2,3,4; scrivener bus. staff 4; ping pong 3. Wendy Ann Wolters 513 Kerr La. prize poss.: d.s.b., my.celica, "buddy"; fav. mem.: the 7 deadly sins with n.b., 5/25/74 - 5/27/74, the shore, the horses, the 12th of everything, casablanca, skiing with s. and S.; rem. for: my driving, being late; cheerleading 1,3,4; chorus 1,2, v.p. 3,4; ski dub 1,2,4; gymnastics 1,2,3; hockey 2; nhs 4; snow queen nom. 4; sprihian 1,2, bus. staff editor 4; scrivener bus. staff 3,4; prom comm. 2,3,4; pep club 1,2,3,4; h.o. club 1,2,3,4; sdc 3,4. James Dennis Wisniewski

Ellen Jane Wolf

Wendy Ann Wolters


Paul N. Woods "Woodsy" III Schuyler Rd. pet peeve: not going out for springfield basketball team; favorite memory: 12/31/72; remembered for: being quiet; advisory counciL 3; rifle team 1. David Ralph Yankoski "Yank" 450 Indian Rock Dr. pet peeve: fences, paranoid people loosing r. clips; favorite memory: florida '74 ice machine, ocean city '74 third floor, 6/1/74; remembered for: "always telling someone what to do", camping out and getting caught. quick thinking & staying cool, bad knees, football shoes; soccer 1,2,3; football 4; stud. councill,2; ski club 3,4; weight lifting club 4. Nancy R. Yannelli 730 Dunwoody Dr. prize possession: close friends (bestest buddies); favorite memory: 3/1/74, england, florida, sassafras, aug. '74; remembered for: being a dummy & falling for a sweet talker, taking the 5th, fire, oversize pocketbooks; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3,4; dist. band 3,4; dist. orch. 4; basketball 1; ski club 1,2,4; musicals 2,4; dance band 1,2,3; prom comm. 2; f.l. 4. Paul N. Woods

David Ralph Yankoski

Nancy R. Yannelli

Beverly Ann Young "Bev", "Morn" 450 Claremont Rd. pet peeve: plastic people, the "in" crowd; prize possession: sgr, my friends; favorite memory: 10/12/74, spring vacation '74, chemistry class; band 1,2,3,4; orch. 1,2,3, sec'y 4; habc 1,2,3, commander-in- chief 4; musicals 2,4; pop group 4; dist. band 4; nhs 4. Marge Zak 425 Valley View Rd. Carol Ann Zippi "Zip", "Mia" 508 Barry Dr. pet peeve: night before cal. tests with no, pp, & jw; prize possession: half hockey ball, stars, "unseason"; favorite memory: 6/1/74, summer '74, rm 219, 'is it time yet", hockey '74, sodee, bb concert, 1/1/75; hockey 1,2,3, co-capt. 4; basketball 1,2,3,4; lacrosse 2,3,4; girls varsity club 3, pres. 4; nhs 3,4; stud. council 1,4; sbbs 3,4; ski club 1,2,3,4; gymnastics club 1.

Beverly Ann Young


Carol Ann Zippi

Jonathan David Zischkau "Jon" 625 N. Bishop Ave. pet peeve: coke cans in the soccer locker room; prize possession: big q; favorite "memory: homeroom, working evenings in the darkroom, chern and bear; soccer 1,2,3,4; band 1,2,3,4; photography club 2,3,4; scrivener 2,3; jets 1,2,3,4; tennis 2,3,4; german club 4 nhs 3,4.

Jonathan David Zischkau

202 -----~~-

Not Pictured: Stephen Barkovich Chris Biondi Robert Bulkley Allen Coe Gloria Coe Lorraine Conic'ella Fred B. D'Ortone John Dunn Rita Flippen John P. Gryn Jonathan Hahn Robert Hogan James K. Howarth Mike Marinari Susan McGarrigle James O'Brien Meg L. Peterson Edward Sarkis Robert Shaw John S. Tyson Charles Zeiger

Kevin Joseph Bradley Kevin Joseph Bradley "Brad" 242 Lewis Rd. pet peeve: lousy service at patlers by noso, getting toto in sinbin; prize possession: '63 t-bird; favorite memory: 5/16, 17, 18/74; bother-me-boy 1,2,3,4; varsity partying club; football 1,2,3. Thomas Michael Burns Thomas Michael Burns "Bugs", "Plugs" 274 Gleaves Rd. pet peeve, blk. stang,. being late for homeroom; prize possession: blk. stang, lunch sessions; remembered for: blk. stang, bother-me-boys Joseph Alfred Dehnick Joseph Alfred' Dehnick "Joe" 507 Hawarden Rd. pet peeve: t-bird & tools & perkins; prize possession: my dog; favorite memory: heavy chevy, 8/74; soccer 1,2,3. Nancy Meryl Kaplan Nancy Meryl Kaplan "Kappy" 352 Foulke La. favorite memory: bob I. 11/2/74, the time darlene fell out of candy's car; remembered for: ralph & my hearty laugh; always seen with: dm, dk, ad, kh, dp, fd, dn, ct; pep club 1; lacrosse 1. Dave Marshall Parker Dave Marshall Parker "Peavy" 525 Cheyney Rd. pet peeve: mr. stefani and his all "pendulum" mixers, working 4 foot pedals, being lead guitarist & lead singer & also moving around for tom all at one time!; favorite memory: having won first prize in the battle of the bands at marple vo-tech '74; remembered for: nerdly-ego-asthma-statue; am presently with the new band: "silk wind" .

And now that it's all over. The birds can nest again. I'll only snow when the sun co.mes out, I'll shine only when it starts to rain. - Elton John-

Dianne Gail Plattner Dianne Gail Plattner "Platt Na" 540 Maddock Rd. prize possession: tr; favorite memory: poco, sr. prom '74, & five; secret ambition: to own a farm in the west; gymnastics 2,3,4; scrivener. Stephen Joseph Santoro Stephen Joseph Santoro "Devie", "Sano" 524.5axer Ave. pet peeve: '61 pontiacs; prize possession: d. dunn; secret ambition: to be a wonderful "tigger"; always seen with: debbi, gumby,_ d'don. John Robert Stroyek _ John Robert Stroyek "Choker", "Hunterssss!': 327 Gleaves Rd. pet peeve: when nobody else wants to drive; prize possession: my fox; favorite memory: monday night football at rOach's, hunterssss' party, florida '74, christmas dance, zz's van, jersey, country road cruising & gigging with flats, motai, omile & the others; franklin house 3,4; esp 1,2,3,4; roach's basement 3,4. Robert Louis Zizza Robert Louis Zizza "Ziz" 420 E. Thomson Ave. prize possession: '72 ford mercury capri; favorite memory: july '74 down the shore with judy; remembered for: always hangin around with vince & puerto rican & the gang at the lunch table; rifle club 1; basketball 1, wrestling 1,2.



Alternative Senior Year

Debra 5. Davis 204 Hemlock La. delaware county community college journalism major; dean's list; dccc newspaper; student government. Patricia Ann Lauer "Patti" 559 Evans Rd. washington college, chestertown, md. drama major 4.

Not Pictured: John Reid Florida Bible College Wendy Walsh Point Park College

Alan E. Schweizer, Jr. "Dent" 19 Rose La. delaware county community college accounting major; ski club; fav. mem,.: the extremely interesting and motivating american studies seminars; secret ambition: to make a million; band 1,2,3; stage crew 2.


Foreign Exchange Students

My country is better than your country!

I will never forget this year in the U.s.A. and Springfield High. Being an exchange student has given me opportunities to get to know people, different cultures, and myself better. Also, from meeting the other exchange students, I now have the ambition to visit their countries and to learn their life-styles. I should say the Americans are not more friendly or helpful than my people, unless you ask them for assistance. The best thing I like about Americans is the volunteer work they do. Everybody tries to get involved as best as they can. Life is restless, full of rushing here. There are too many things to do; but not enough time. I am so glad that I got a chance to have 9 months filled with nice experiences with the Cougars. I will be so happy if you come to Turkey to visit me. Oya

Oya Tunca, Turkey

One year in SHS has certainly been quite an experience for me in many ways. First of all I had the great opportunity to meet lots of people - students, teachers, parents -in a very short period of time (what is one year?). Besides this 'unique chance of getting to know people, I also had the chance to live with them. You know, some people confuse this year with a one-year holiday. They are wrong. Being an "exchange student" (I hate this word!) is work. -for me it was much more than I was used to at home. But this is what this year is all about. It is worthwhile doing it, not for the priviliges which go with it, not even for your possible improvement in English, but for one thing only: the experience to have lived in a foreign country, to have talked to people, and to have tried to understand them and be understood by them as well. For the slogan of AFS is: WALK TOGETHER - TALK TOGETHER. Uli 206

Ulrich Pust, West Germany

Senior Celebrities

Most Individual: Carol Gordon, John Mander.

Most Likely to Succeed: Kim Shunk, Torn Stein.

Most Literary: Marcia Rodney, Owen Goldin.

Flightiest: Nay Colgan, George Belk.

Most Conservative: John Glaser, Linda Fry.

C:;~fft'l:~ Most Artistic: Guy Parker, Lisa Marone.


Rowdiest: Debbie Little, Chuck Chacosky. 207

The Mouse That Roared Gloriana Mary Jane Fran Pam Ann Norma Helen Page Miss Johnson Miss Wilkins Mrs. Reiner Jill Debbie Mrs. Bascom Professor Smith Tully Bascom Count Mountjoy David Benter Chester Beston Professor Kokintz President General Snippet Soldier Soldier Assistant Announcer Will Tatum


Janice Devine Donna Ezzie Barbara Pohlman Marianne Gallagher Cindy Kolojeski Janis Kauffman Chris Desiderio Cindy Hoffner Debby Dunn Marcia Rodney Linda Fry Chris Lihota Karen Logan Sally Lynch Sue Helmuth Nancy Simon Geoff Polischuk John Glaser Joseph Desiderio Bill Carter Ulrich Pust Steve Sieke C. Ken Chaco sky Ken King Steve Kuerschner Don Gosnay Bill Carter Jim Moore

Standing room only crowds - great publicity? Pomegranite, anyone? ... making up our own lines ... Will the real" queen" please stand up ... fun tIme; work time ... Augh! .. performance time ... Miss Abramson - a doll We loved it!!! ... Roar Baby Roar!


Kim Brookes

Grace Dormer

Donna Ezzie

Diane Ferrell

Mid-Winter Dance

Snow Queen

Donna Knorr

Candy Tieser

Lizanne Sea


Betsy Swan

Sandi Welch

Wendy Wolters


THE FOUR YEAR RAP Initiation to the dungeon - Nixon's "What to do in Phase II" - a flop - Turna-bout-stock market dropping - SHS aids Chester disaster area - "Jesus Christ Superstar" rocks Broadway - Musicians prepare for Pittsburgh - Paul McCartney and Linda form "Wings" - Dooley Day -Olympics at Sapporo Donkey Basketball Game - Return of P.O.W.s is a major issue - Choir sings at the academy - Eagleton for Vice President - students placed in study halls - Nixon and Kissinger are Men of the Year - First class officers elected - critical devaluation of the dollar - the Howard Hughes hoax autobiography by Clifford Irvin creates controversy - Picasso is 90 -Liz Taylor is 40 - Joanne (ex-Mrs. Johnny) Carson loses her three lb. Yorkshire Terrier Muffin - Carlo Ponti, Jr. learns to swim - Ralph Nader checks on "the threatened extinction of kangaroos in Australia - FRESHMAN YEAR - Nixon landslide (good prospects for second term?) - Los Sandoval visits SHS - Stage Door - Ice 'Hockey comes to SHS - Jonathan Livingston Seagull becomes bestseller Patrick Gray questioned in F.B.I. proceedings - Candy Sale - Immunologist, Robert Good, works toward control of cancer - Pop experiences the music of Ian Anderson, Roberta Flack, Carole King, and Harry Wilson - Shirt Sale Liv Ullmann, the Nordic beauty, stars in Lost Horizon, 40 Carats, and the Emigrants - South Pacific - end of Vietnamese War? - Mark Spitz wins 7 gold medals - Olga Korbut is the darling of the Olympics - Mason Reese, the minature Arthur Godfrey, promotes Tastykakes, Underwood Chicken Spread and Post Raisin Bran - "Broadway Joe" Namath guest stars on Sesame Street (meets Big Bird) - Soph"Hop and young love come alive - Ryan O'Neal and, daughter Tatum shoot Paper Moon - Tragedy at Munich - POW'S returnKissinger emerges as a hero - Food Prices: The Big Beef - Watergate Scandal begins - Secretariat, the Super Horse, wins The Triple Crown - Fred Sanford, Cousin Maude and Archie Bunker are big hits - SOPHOMORE YEAR - Arrival of Stormin' Norman - Allende, Marxist President of Chili, d.ies as military junta takes over - Russian Prune - John Denver captures the rock audience with "Rocky Mountain High" - Israeli-Arab cunflict intensifies - Bobby Riggs vs. Billy Jean King (the liberated woman proves better!) -Greek Olive re-opens - Nixon vs. Congress - Watergate turns scandalous - Federal Judge Sirica carefully reviews Watergate hearings - struggle for Nixon's tapes and the missing 18 minutes (?) - Flyers win Stanley Cup - Patty Hearst incident - Kissinger seen romancing Margaret Osmer, Marlo Thomas, Jill St. John, and Nancy Maginnes, whom he marries -Penn State Glee Club at SHS Frank Rizzo shown guilty after taking lie detector test - Guru Maharaj Ji, the IS-year old Indian religious leader gets hit by shaving cream pie - no shortage of energy, or oil shortages - Commons is repaired - Alexander Solzhenitsyn is exiled from Russia - Henry Kissinger brings peace (?) to Middle East - health seminars -- Nixon: I say (expletive deleted) don't hold anything back - Impeachment coming - Junior Prom - students go to U.K. - Nixon resigns the end of governmental corruption -JUNIOR YEAR - the beginning of the end - Democrats win all over the nation - Dr. McLaughlin is new superintendent - Ford becomes President and is confronted with inflation -- Elton John concert at Spectrum - Chris Evert and Jimmy Connors hit it off! - We say hello to Mr. Gardner and Mr. Castafero -college boards burden us - Marcel Marceau comes to Philadephia - the approaching holiday seasons - unemployment -Oya and Uli join us - Susan Ford breaks up with chauvinistic boyfriend - Mouse that Roared - King Faisal is Man (king?) of the year - football season ends in glory - talent show impresses all- new cougar suit - MidWinter Dance - and the applications keep pouring into guidance -the arduous practices for Music Man being - Time is all too short - We gradually realize that those familiar faces won't always be with us - Senior Prom - Baccalaureate - Commencement - the end of the beginning ... SENIOR YEAR. "Cold hearted orb that rules the night, Remove the colors from our sight, Red is gray and yellow, white But we decide which is right and which is an illusion"

- Moody Blues

215 L.-


I wonder if Richard Burton is ready for a real woman? You've got to be kidding Spa?

Who ... me?

Wifty women.

Lauffer heads Cosmopolitan Figure


Two's company ... Three's a crowd.

Hmm Beetle Bailey's got himself into a real fix this time! This says it all!

"Gee if I don't shoe, Uncle Woody'!! think I'm a real heal."

Official turnout of Polish-Am. Club. 216

You're asking me the biology of a man?

You can use anything, your notes, your book, the only thing you can't use is your neighbor!

"Don't you know a male chauvinist pig never helps anyone!"

Relief at last!!!

I'm getting it ...



Hush little baby, don't you yelL or Barrett's gonna get you and send you to ..


\i- \





11 12 18 19 252t

An intelligent display of patriotism is never overdone.


My devotion is to S.W.I.G..... and Japan.

"Hunks Anonymous"

He's so much more attentive when the cheerleaders aren't practicing.

I nose it's funny!

If you've got it, flaunt it!

Coming attractions ...

Meanwhile back at the lab


joe- -. How we love those four letter )'\lords!

.... I

• •

• •B


• •

They don't make'em like they used to!

"Time is of the essence" - except at 2:45.

"1 vish to see you again - for supper perhaps (ha ha!) 220

"Some suckers never grow up"

"The enlightment comes

Hang-around-the-bandroom-Club - Who said balld members are wifty?

"It sure is getting drafty down there."


Hey you fans, clap your hands, Show them that we're Cougar fans. Yeeeeeeaaaaaaa Cougars! !!



Being a part of Scrivener '75 has truly been an incredible experience. The knowledge gained from working with different types of people is invaluable. I would like to thank those people who helped so much: Howard Liddle and John Ranhoffer from American Yearbook Company; thanks to Mr. Young, Barb Pohlman, Dianne Sudjian, and the business staff; to the photography staff, e$pecially Bob Clark, Richie Crowe and Ed Fowler, and special thanks to Mr. McClennan for his tremendous help and understanding. Thanks to Cindy Leo, Rhona Schwartz, Debbie Walls, Michelle Orson, Bill Orson, Vince McDevitt, and Keith Bernados for giving so much of their time, and to Guy Parker for his artwork and cover design. Unbelievable appreciation to my associate editors Nancy Dyson, John Glaser, Pam Kelly, Jan Murray, Ann Reed, Nancy Simon, Debbie Wei and of course to Mr. Montgomery, who gave so much encouragement when it was truly needed. Thanks to everyone who gave his help and support and made Scrivener '75 an enjoyable experience.

Patty Ebsworth


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