Saddle Up! Magazine March 2016

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KENSINGTON TRAIL RIDERS ASSOC., cont. Hanner, Billy Trusty and Pattie Pershuak). Thank you for stepping up and helping us run our club. We also want to say thank you to our retiring board members Joanna Gawrys, Heather Hess, Kim Thayer and Andrew Minaudo. It's been wonderful having you on the board and we couldn't have done it so well without you. All the hard work and effort you've put in at events and in shaping KTRA have been very much appreciated by your fellow board members and our membership at large. THANK YOU ALL! It’s Hoedown Time! KTRA will hold its Annual Banquet and Square Dance (with Dave Smith as caller) March 12th at the Highland Community Center, 6:30 pm. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $20 each members and $25 each for non-members. It's a potluck, so everyone please bring a dish and BYOB. KTRA will provide the main meat course. Dust off those boots and get ready to dance! We cannot run this club and keep the trails safe and tended without your help. Our members are important to us and to the Metropark. If you have not yet renewed your membership, please contact Deanna Hanner at dshagency You can also renew through Paypal on our website. Our next Board Meeting will be March 14th at 7:00 PM at Bakers Restaurant. We hope to see you there. Stay tuned for information on our upcoming events: Spring Campout (June 3-5); July 4th Parade; Bits, Bridles and BBQ (July 16); Appreciation Picnic (August 13); Fall Campout and Circle Ride (September 23-25); Holiday Parade (November 26). Don't forget March is still skiing season at Kensington if there is snow on the ground. Check their website to see which horse trails are unavailable because they are being used for cross-country skiing. And remember, when you do get out on the trails this winter, you can report a trail problem at: We would appreciate it if you would help us keep our trails clear. Don't forget to visit our website and like our Facebook page. Happy Trails until we meet again... MAYBURY STATE PARK TRAIL RIDERS Hello all you trail riders out there! We had a meeting January 10th to vote in some new officers and work on the scheduling for our two events for 2016.

Attending were: Chief Ranger Nikki, Assistant Ranger Trevor, Sandra and Ken W, Jennie P, Mary N, Lisa Z, Cindy K, Christina P, and Dennis H. Welcome Cindy K as our new President, Mary N will remain as V. President, Lisa Z as the new Treasurer, Christina P – Membership, Jennie P will remain our Secretary, and Sandra and Ken W will be our Members at Large. I must give a Big Thank You to Sandra and Ken W along with Jennie P for being the glue that has held Maybury State Park Trail Riders Association together for the past few years. Your dedication and hard work are so very much appreciated! We worked on some details for 2016 Events: Saturday, June 18th, 10am-2pm we will have a “Scrabble Ride” ending with a Potluck. $5 Donation. Saturday, October 1st, 4pm-8pm it will be “Find a Word In The Woods Ride” with a Potluck and campfire to follow. $5 Donation. Both these rides will need a park recreational passport if you are trailering your horse in. Ranger Trevor informs us that there is a Fire Pit in the works for the staging area, with luck it will be ready for our events. We discussed putting some fines on the new gravel staging area which will improve the footing for the horses. We are really excited for this brand new year and the wonderful new improvements that will make your experience at Maybury State Park memorable and enjoyable. HURRY SPRING!

MI COMPETITIVE MTD ORIENTEERING Another Michigan Horse Expo is upon us which means spring and trail riding are just around the corner. We have been working hard here at MiCMO to finalize the ride schedule for 2016 so that everyone can mark their calendars. The first ride of the year will be Spring Break Getaway at DBarD Ranch in Chase. We hope the first week in April is free and everyone can join us on April 7th, 8th and 9th for some serious fun on horseback. Be sure to watch Saddle Up! Magazines’ online calendar as we add each ride for the season. You can also check out our Facebook page. The ride in Chase, MI is about as far north as we are going to travel this year. For anyone near the 131 side of the state, looks like there will be a ride at Silver Creek County Park on June 4th and 5th and Yankee Springs in Middleville, MI on August 5th and 6th. The last ride on the west side of the state will be at Camp Eberhart

©2016 C & C PUBLISHING, INC. • MARCH 2016


in Three Rivers, MI on September 30th and October 1st. There are as many rides scheduled for the east side of the state as well. We are working on definite locations for these rides, but do know that the last ride of the season will be held at Kensington MetroPark in Milford, MI on November 12th and 13th. This ride was a huge success last year and I hope they are again blessed with decent weather. It can be challenging to find white plates if the ground is covered in that white stuff! If you have never tried Competitive Mounted Orienteering this would be a great year to join us. We love having new riders and there is always someone available to share their wisdom of the sport with beginning competitors. This is truly an event that welcomes riders of all ages and disciplines. If you love to camp or just like to trail ride and want a new challenge, come join us at the rides. See you on the trails! Janet

MI FOX TROTTER ASSOCIATION The Feb. 20th meeting held at Wheel Inn restaurant (St. Johns, MI) was called to order at 11:30 AM by Pres. Kathy Kruch. Those also in attendance were VP Bob Howell, Treasurer Char Ostrom, Sec. Marilyn Mannino, Director Chuck Fanslow, Jan Wolfin, Sandi Roath, George Ostrom, Missy Schafer, Kaylee Fase, new members Harley & Sandy Westdorp (McBain, MI), Karilynn Noppe & Matt Lillie (Jonesville, MI), Harland and daughter, Alora Jones-Fish, (Hastings,MI). A very warm welcome was extended to our new members! Chuck made a motion, which Bob seconded, to accept the minutes of the 1.16.16 meeting w/no errors. All voted in favor, motion carried. Kathy read the nice letter from lifetime member, Maggie Potter who really enjoys hearing about the activities that our association is involved in. Membership update: We currently have 26 paid MFTA members and 21 MFTHBA members! This count includes our members from Illinois, Indiana & S. Carolina. Thank you for your help! The financial report given by Char revealed that we have a positive balance in both savings and checking accounts. Jan made the motion, which Chuck seconded, to accept and file this report. All voted in favor, the motion carried. MFTHBA report: Char reported that the Rules Committee has disbanded. The members were working on condensing the rule book and WWW.SADDLEUPMAG.COM

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