Saddle Up May 2023

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Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521 Printed in Canada 40+ years of Fern Valley Appaloosas

Tails to be Told . . .A treasure chest of memories .

READERS Tell us stories!

We want you to look back, reflect, recollect, and share your photos and memories with us. This is not a contest - it is your moment to share with our readers anything from days gone by. The older the story (and photo), the more fascinating. Could be from 20 years ago, 50 years, or a story your grandfather shared with you.

Send Saddle Up one or two photos and your memoirs (up to 250 words maximum please). Memoirs will be printed as space allows each month. Please include your phone number and location for our files and verification if needed. We would like to print your name (or initials) and location with your submission. You are welcome to send one or more in the months ahead as well. This will be a regular monthly feature... So start looking through those photo albums and share your stories with us. Photos will only be returned if you provide a self-addressed stamped envelope. See page 4 for contact information.



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From the Editor…

As I write this I found out it is National Volunteer Week in Canada. Did you know that there are 24 million volunteers in our country? That’s pretty impressive! And how many of you volunteer? You do know that horse shows wouldn’t happen if there weren’t any volunteers? No one to open or shut the gate, to give out ribbons, set up and tear down the trail or jump course, move the cattle… you’d be at home, or riding out in a field or on a trail. There would be no show, because there would be no volunteer(s) to organize it. So you wouldn’t have any event to go to. No organized poker rides, no rodeos, no gymkhanas, no dressage tests, no cuttings, ropings or pennings… nothing for you to do with your horse… because no one volunteered to take it on.

So… let’s THANK THE VOLUNTEERS for giving us something to do every weekend. And if you having nothing else to do… why not VOLUNTEER! There is always a place for someone… whether it’s at a horse event or in your own community! Things wouldn’t happen without YOU the volunteer(s)! When you volunteer everyone benefits.

Would like to get some feedback from my readers… as this topic has come up before. Does your veterinarian accept after hours and weekend calls? Or are you told to call someone else? There are fewer veterinarians these days willing to work after hours. Your thoughts?

produced by in Armstrong, BC 250-546-6477

Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521

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ISSN No. 1701-6002

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$24.00 CDN plus tax per year or $42 US per year. (11 issues)

Reproduction of any materials without written permission from the editor is prohibited. Opinions and statements expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor.

Note to self: Wear my ski goggles next time I’m brushing the horses! Pffftthhh… hair everywhere! Or even better, a welder’s helmet – ha! ‘Tis the season!

Saddle Up magazine BUSINESS IS FOR SALE Please contact Nancy directly GREAT OPPORTUNITY!

ON THE COVER: Fern Valley Appaloosas,

Rachel Gedaliya, Pat Crema, Marijke van de Water, Kirsten Gjerde, Leah Hope, Jill Montgomery, Certified Horsemanship Association, Equine Guelph, Keelly Gordon, Lyle Sunada, Patricia E. Skinner

OKANAGAN PRINTING a division of Printed In Canada
OUR REGULARS KIDS 22 Top Dog! 24 Horse Council BC 26 Back Country Horsemen of BC 32 Clubs & Associations 33 What’s Happening? Let’s Go! 35 Business Services 36 On The Market (Private Sale) 38 Stallions & Breeders 38 Shop & Swap! 39 Rural Roots (Real Estate) 39 FEATURES Whole Horse Soundness Conference 6 Equine Foundation Donates to TRU 7 Spring Grass (Caution) 8 New Breakaway Series 12 A Closer Look at Low NSC… 13 Burnout 14 Colic Prevention Tips 16 Getaways 18 Horsey Ladies Donation 20-21 Pet Allergies & Itchy Skin 23 And more!
Back Country Horsemen of BC
5 MAY 2023 SADDLEUP.CA • COVER FEATURE Fern Valley Appaloosas UNFORGETTABLE SPOTS Sherry is also a Published Author with 3 volumes of Cowboy Poetry, 2 children’s book, as well as a farm safety/first aid book. Sherry is available for speaking engagements and/or storytelling. As an Equine Assisted learning facilitator certified through EAL Canada, Sherry offers 1:1 and group sessions. QUALITY YOUNG HORSES FOR SALE (watch for 2023’s foal crop) STALLION SERVICES (accepting select mares for 2023) Windwalker Cactus FernValleys Phoenix Martin and Sherry Sikstrom • Onoway AB  780-951-1090  Or keep up-to-date on the blog: Check out our for sale page at: Raising Quality Appaloosas in Central Alberta The Legacy continues…

The Evolution In Whole Horse Soundness Conference

Looking for something interesting to do this September 30th - October 2nd?

Come join us at the Delta Hotel in Regina SK for a conference on whole horse soundness!

This past decade in the equine world has seen a boom in technologies which record data, bring new light to old topics, and create materials all in the interest of improving horse soundness. But the plethora of information available can be overwhelming.

To this end, the Canadian Equine Hoof Care Association, started by a dedicated team of hoof care professionals, is excited to bring a cutting-edge team of researchers, vets and farriers to Regina this fall.

A s hoof care providers, we want all of our clients to be sound and happy, and see the undeniable need for networking across modalities in order to achieve our goal. Every part of the horse is connected! Sometimes the way to the hoof is via the rest of the body.

Presenting at the conference will be Caren Dougall RVT, from EquiBow Canada in Ontario. Caren brings the Bowen technique to the equine world, along with experience and intuition from her extensive riding career. The Bowen technique is designed to re-pattern the neuromuscular system into a healthier balance using noninvasive techniques.

Paige M. Poss from the Iron Free Hoof in Arizona, will present her knowledge which comes from her background as a research technician, and two decades spent under the hoof. Other than being an incredible teaching resource for horse owners and professionals alike, she is also dedicated to being at the forefront of the profession.

Coming from Nova Scotia, Julie Ann Lee DCH from Adored Beast Apothecary will also present. She is a veterinary technician who has studied worldwide with renowned homeopaths in order to usher holistic wellness into the veterinary world.

Also from Arizona, Dr. Tomas Teskey DVM is a holistic veterinarian with a keen interest for both horse hooves and teeth, and their curious connection. Since both of those elements thrive when the management program is species appropriate, Dr. Teskey is also passionate about teaching management to horse owners.

Attending from the UK, is Yogi Sharp DipWCF from The Equine Documentalist. Yogi is studying for his PhD in farriery science, which has evolved into a study on the way the hoof interacts with the rest of the body and changed the way he worked with hooves. Besides researching novel topics and providing quality education, he is also the creator of HoofmApp, an app designed to aid hoof care providers in verifying the accuracy of their trim.

All the way from the University of Georgia, Dr. Elizabeth Uhl DVM, PhD, DipACVP is presenting her unique perspective on biomechanics. Dr. Uhl has studied the mechanics of the horse from both inside and outside, as well as working with the Science of Motion in rehabilitating difficult cases. She promotes a revolutionary paradigm on pathologies such as navicular disease, extending our gaze upwards above the hoof itself.

The conference will also have vendors, includes lunch snacks and beverages in the ticket price, and is discounted for members of the CEHCA. We hope to see you there for a fun weekend of learning!

For more info visit our website- https://canadianequinehoofcare. com/conference/

Caren Dougall Paige M. Poss Julie Ann Lee Yogi Sharp Dr. Elizabeth Uhl Dr. Tomas Teskey

Thompson Rivers University Benefits from Equine Foundation of Canada

It has taken almost a year since my initial tour of Thompson Rivers University’s Veterinary Technology facility for the equine simulator to arrive on campus.

The $50,000 donation provided by the EFC allowed not only the ordering of the life-sized horse model but led the way in obtaining more subsequent funding to a total of $120,000!! As a result, the university has purchased a second equine simulator and also a cow simulator for their students’ learning.

I met with the vet tech staff on March 2, 2023 in Kamloops BC and was given a thorough, “hands-on” orientation to the black “mare.” The equine simulator had been prepared to display the major signs of colic in the abdominal organs, a clinical condition that students would be able to actually see. Being able to add air and body fluids to the various structures enhanced the clinical versatility of the model, providing students with many scenarios that affect equine health.

Below is a thank you note from Thompson Rivers University.

Hi Pat,

Thank you once again for joining us for the unveiling of the equine mannequin and for lunch. We are so happy to have this technology for our students, and it truly would not have happened without the support of the Equine Foundation of Canada.

We look forward to reporting back on the impact these mannequins have in the program and on learning outcomes for large animal care. Pat, if there are any other details you need in the meantime for your upcoming board report please let us know.

Lastly, we will most definitely be keeping in touch as Thompson Rivers University forges forward in conversations around the pursuit of a Veterinary Medicine program. Have a wonderful Friday and thank you once again for your support!


Heather Shannon, Veterinary Technology Program Chair, Greg Anderson, Dean of Science and a number of instructors led a lively discussion with me regarding the use of the models in their teaching and future plans for expansion of the program. They are also actively pursuing the establishment of a Veterinary Medicine program at TRU, the first in B.C. Informal discussions have been held with the provincial government’s Departments of Agriculture and Education. They foresee being able to share the resources and equipment of the technology program with a future medical one.

Following our discussion, photos were taken of the group in front of the equine simulator. The large ceremonial cardboard cheque for $50,000 took centre stage.

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Foundation of Canada (EFC) (l to r): Greg Anderson, Dean of TRU’s Faculty of Science; Pat Crema, EFC BC Director; Samantha Ruth, TRU Veterinary Technology Student; Heather Shannon, TRU Veterinarian Technology Program Chair; Geralyn Cormack, TRU Director of Development

Spring Grass… Graze Your Horses With Caution

Hay has more fibre and is generally lower in sugars than grass which is very high in both sugars including fructans. And since many equine diseases are associated with high sugar diets we need to exercise extreme caution. In addition, grass requires different species of probiotics than hay for effective digestion. But, most importantly, we have learned that our domestic pastures are not what they used to be and are therefore causing our horses a lot of grief.

What’s In Our Grass Pastures?

It used to be that the grass pastures were very suitable for our horses. But the quality has changed a lot over the last couple of decades because of the seed mixes and the various growing conditions. Whereas a horse’s natural grazing habitat on the range is native prairie grasses and slow growing bunch grasses; the lush grass that most of our domestic horses are eating on a modern farm these days is much higher in sugars: i.e. glucose, fructose, and fructans. Sugars are the basic building blocks for plant growth as the plants use the simple sugars of glucose and fructose for energy to grow. One glucose molecule combined with one fructose molecule together makes a disaccharide called sucrose (sugar). And many sucrose molecules stuck together makes a polysaccharide which is what a starch is. And fructans are a type of starch which are a combination of primarily fructose molecules. And while simple sugars may be a natural part of the grass plant, fructans definitely are not! Consequently, horses find it very difficult to digest fructans because a starch of this type was never part of their natural food chain. So, as a result, fructans are implicated in a number of equine health conditions.

How Is This “Modern” Grass Affecting Our Horses?

The problem is twofold:

1. Sugar Metabolism. High levels of simple sugars causes a horse’s blood sugar to rise during or after eating. Sugar requires insulin secreted by the pancreas to open up glucose receptors in the muscles and the liver. This allows the sugars to move out of the blood and into the tissues for energy or for storage. Normally sugars are stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen, which is the storage form of sugar. From here the glycogens are converted back into sugar and released into the blood again when needed for energy. However, when the muscles and liver storage depots are full the receptors become resistant to insulin and will therefore not open to allow the sugars entry into the tissues. Sugars which cannot be stored as glycogen must now try and convert to fat instead. But in the face of a continuing diet that is high in sugar both blood sugar and insulin levels continue to rise, as does the body weight. This condition is known as insulin resistance (IR).

But IR is responsible for more than just weight gain. Poor immunity, fatigue, thirst, increased appetite, increased urination, general inflammation, and body soreness are all signs of sugar metabolic problems. And, perhaps most significantly laminitis has now become an epidemic

With spring around the corner many horse people are preparing to transition their horses from an all hay winter diet or range forage to the sugar rich spring grasses which the horses love of course. But not all horses can tolerate pasture grass as a forage, and for those who can tolerate it the transition should still be gradual and carefully done.

due to the destructive effects of sugar and insulin on hoof tissues. High sugar diets including grass make it impossible for these sore horses to become sound.

(See my blog on Insulin Resistance for more information.)

2 . Fructan toxicity. Even though fructans don’t raise insulin and blood sugar levels they do cause serious digestive issues. Horses digest all of their food including carbohydrates, proteins and fats, in the stomach and small intestine. Only fibre is passed into the hindgut where it ferments to produce energy and is the reasons why horses need so much fibre in their diets. And since fructan is a carbohydrate it should be digested in the small intestine as well. However, horses don’t have enough amylase (a digestive enzyme that digests starches) to digest it so the fructans are passed into the hindgut where they ferment instead. And because only fibre should be fermented in the hindgut any fermentation of starches results in toxins, acids, a low pH, heat, gas, mal-digested debris, and pathogenic bacteria and parasites. It also depletes the friendly bacteria (probiotics). This eventually causes cecal acidosis, aka leaky gut, which then damages the colon membranes and leaks toxins and acids into the general system. Leaky gut is frequently responsible for immune breakdown, skin problems, sore joints, respiratory symptoms, allergies, fatigue, and laminitis; one of the primary underlying causes of laminitis is leaky gut.

So Why Does “Modern” Grass Contain Fructans?

Because forage researchers wanted to focus on fattening up cows with the intention of increasing meat and milk production. So they bred grass plants that could store a type of starch that would promote early spring growth as well as increased growth, and to make them

hardier to withstand environmental stress factors such as cold weather, low rainfall, poor quality soil, and artificial fertilizers. These high starch grasses are also low in fibre which increases hunger and makes animals eat more.

Now this designer grass might work well for the beef and dairy industry but the digestion and physiology for a cow is very different than it is for a horse. And somewhere along the way, the plant scientists forgot that horses would be eating the same grass as the cows, and that these new high fructan plants would become very problematic for our horses. And since these grasses are now seeded across the continent our horses are paying a big health price to keep the cows fat.

Which Horses Are Most Susceptible?

At-risk breeds for sugar intolerances and metabolic sensitivities include all of the easy keepers which are usually ponies, desert breeds, continued on page 10


continued from page 9

and mountain breeds, all of which are metabolically adapted to survive in harsh, low-nutrient environments. Ponies, Minis, Arabs, Paints, Mustangs, Fjords, Icelandics, Morgans, Drafts, and Gaited horses should be carefully monitored. However, all horses are at risk if they don’t get enough exercise, especially senior horses whose metabolic rate is lower.

Those horses with Thoroughbred blood and younger horses are more tolerant, however unlimited grazing for any horse, regardless of breed or age, can be risky due to the fructans. And younger horses should be watched carefully for signs of joint problems.

All horses with a history of Equine Metabolic Syndrome including Insulin Resistance and Cushing’s (PPID), laminitis, arthritis, or immune issues should be restricted from grass grazing or seriously limited until they have improved on a complete program which includes regular exercise. Nevertheless, grazing horses will usually get more exercise than those horses in dry lots, which is something to consider since lack of exercise is a key factor in metabolic imbalances.

When Is The Best Grazing Time?

Fructans levels can vary from field to field, from season to season (sugars are highest in April, May, and June) and with the time of day. Grass creates sugar during the day using the light of the sun (photosynthesis), carbon dioxide, and water. These sugars are used as fibre for the structure of the plant and for energy to grow. But during the night without light the sugar sources are used up and become depleted. So, by very early morning the grass is much lower in sugars and fructans making it an optimum time for horses to graze. But by afternoon the sugars are at peak levels again. Cloudy days will produce less sugars but an overnight freeze may accumulate sugars even in the morning because freezing temperatures stunt growth.

In fact, any factors that stress the growth of the grass plants will cause fructans to accumulate since the plant is then unable to use it for fuel. Thus, cold sunny days, lack of water (rain or irrigation), overgrazing, and depleted soils can quickly raise sugar levels.

Many times people ask which types of grass seed are lowest in sugars and whereas there is some variety with the different seed mixes, it is actually the growing conditions as described above that has the most influence over the sugar levels. But allowing horses to graze in tall grasses will help because the horses will nip off the top of the plant rather than the bottom stems where more of the fructans are stored. It’s also interesting to note the fructan levels are high in wheat, barley, and rye which is another reason to not feed these grains nor their grasses to horses.

Making the Hay to Grass Transition

Once you decide which horses can tolerate grass, when they can tolerate it, and for how long they can tolerate it, you can support the hay to grass transition with a gradual introduction to help prevent blood sugar problems, hindgut issues, immune conditions, and hoof problems.

Because hay and grass differ in types of sugar, starch, and fibre, as well as moisture content they each require different species of fermentative bacteria. This is why any time a horse’s diet is changed it must be done gradually to allow the different species of probiotics in the hindgut enough time to adapt rather than die off.

No matter what time of year the horses make the transition, it is best to start them with 20 to 30 minutes of grazing for the first 2 or 3 days and then gradually increase by 20 to 30 minutes every day until they are up to 4 to 5 hours of grazing time. This generally takes 10 to 14 days.

How much grass grazing a horse can tolerate is variable and depends on breed, level of exercise, lifestyle, health history, grass type, and the local climate. Some horses cannot be free-grazed at all while most others should be limited.

The Importance of Probiotics

The process of fermentation is accomplished with billions of units of various strains of bacteria. So to support any dietary transition horses should be supplemented with probiotics. Horses, perhaps more than any other species, rely on a high level of probiotics to maintain a balanced ecosystem in the gut and to ferment fibre for energy. A deficiency of probiotics can cause bloating, colic, diarrhea, bacteria and yeast infections, poor immunity, unhealthy weight loss or gain, and poor nutrient absorption. Thus, in all cases of dietary changes, digestive problems, leaky gut, weight changes, insulin resistance, and laminitis horses should be replenished with live bacteria. And probiotics should be provided for all grazing horses because high sugar diets deplete probiotics much quicker than hay only diets.

Keep Your Horses Healthy

To maximize your horses’ health, ensure that they have a varied diet, a low-sugar diet, nutritional supplements to prevent deficiencies, plenty of exercise, lots of friends, and a high-quality probiotic. And while grazing can be very good for the physical and psychological health of the horses, do be mindful of the effects of grass forage on all horses.

Marijke van de Water, B.Sc.,

Equine Health & Nutrition Specialist

Homeopathic Practitioner

Medical Intuitive & Healer Educator & Author

Marijke is a life-long horse lover, the author of the best-selling book Healing Horses Their Way, and the founder, formulator, and CEO of Riva’s Remedies. She is a gifted healer who helps horses, and their people, from around the world live happier, healthier lives. She is currently working on the 3rd edition of Healing Horses Their Way.


2023 - The Year of the BC Breakaway Ropers

The Canadian Finals Rodeo, National Finals Rodeo, WCRA, and major PRCA events like Rodeo Houston have started including it in their shows. In March, Jackie Crawford took home $600,000 at the American Rodeo and that kind of money is life-changing for cowgirls. Even the “Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth” the Calgary Stampede had it last year behind the scenes. Competitors are hopeful to see it amongst the major events in the coming years.

“ This is only one of two events open to women. We know barrel racers fought for equal money and equal opportunity to compete for decades - and now we’re doing the same. For us, that starts at the grassroots creating events to build our sport and support our cowgirls, putting their names on the map.”

The entire High Call Roping Jackpots Breakaway Series was planned by founders Arna Gavaga and Rika Antoine, breakaway ropers themselves. The pair of moms sat on the sidelines of their daughters' dance classes and went back and forth formatting events that could unite and showcase all of the talent BC has to offer.

“ We can see the growth in Alberta and Saskatchewan and we know BC has a lot of excellent ropers. We want BC ladies to be as competitive if not more and this is how we can build on that talent,” says Gavaga, mother of 2, ranch owner and owner of Charles Ranch Equine.

“ We wanted to give girls the opportunity to compete and get comfortable in a competition setting other than rodeo. It’s the perfect way to season young horses and open up opportunities to breakaway ropers in our home province,” adds Antoine, a mom, former BCRA BAW Champion, owner of “Equine Fit” and also a rancher.

The women have dedicated countless hours to the design of the series and gathering sponsors for prizes and added money. Every jackpot is a “Canadian Finals Breakaway” qualifier. They’ve even included a junior incentive to entice young ropers and to sweeten the pot the High Call Finals Champion will win an entry into the “All In Breakaway Roping” in Las Vegas, NV come December.

The series begins on May 6th and wraps up August 19th. For exact dates and more information including how to sponsor, be sure to check out

As the sport of Breakaway Roping takes flight across the continent, BC is ready to play catch up with a new Breakaway Series being offered. Breakaway Roping is one of only two female sports in the rodeo world, and has been “back-burnered” by professional associations until only a few short years ago.
Arna heading, Rika heeling

A Closer Look at Low NSC and Fat Based Energy

Fibre first!

Every equine diet should be built on a foundation of roughage! In an ideal world horses would live on pastures with access to forage 24/7 – this is not always possible, but for our horses to be healthy and perform well they need adequate fiber.

It is recommended that horses receive a minimum 1.5-2% of their body weight in roughage every day (500 kg horse = 7.5-10 kg roughage). Long stem roughage is best as it provides cellulose and hemicellulose, which fuel the ‘good bacteria’ in the microbiome of the hind gut. Horse’s that don’t have access to abundant, improved pastures 24 hours a day (we can all dream, right?) you may need to supplement their grazing with grass hay.

Non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) can have serious negative impacts on some horses including those with insulin sensitivity, insulin resistance and Cushing’s disease. It is believed that the negative impact on these horses is elicited through the effect of NSC on post feeding blood insulin concentrations. Recent research has shown that prolonged hyperinsulinaemia was enough to precipitate laminitis in otherwise normal ponies. The nutritional management of these metabolically sensitive horses therefore relies heavily on avoiding feeds that will cause significant changes in post feeding blood insulin parameters.

Therefore, feeds which contain low amounts of NSC should be preferentially selected as feeds for metabolically sensitive horses. The difficulty for horse owners is selecting a suitable low NSC feed, as currently NSC is not a labeling requirement.

Energy from oils, not grains

Horses that require more energy than can be provided by pasture alone have historically been supplemented with grain based “hard feeds.” As knowledge of equine digestive health has improved, it has become clear that grain based feeding is not the healthiest option for most horses. Grains contain high amounts of starch and sugar, referred to collectively as non-structural carbohydrates (NSC). A diet high in NSCs has been linked to digestive upsets, stomach and hindgut ulcers, poor behaviour and poor performance. So what else can provide “safe” energy to working horses?

Oils (fat based energy) can easily meet the energy requirements of performance and pleasure horses, even during sustained or intense work. Feeding a grain free, high fibre diet will support good hind gut health, by promoting the development of a healthy microbiome –which in turn supports good behaviour and performance. Fat based energy utilizes an alternative metabolic pathway in the horse, when compared to grain based energy. This alternate pathway is associated with reduced lactic acid production during exercise and may result in improved muscle recovery post activity.

Oils vary considerably however in the way they are metabolized. Most vegetable oils are polyunsaturated, slowly absorbed, and prone to rancidity. By comparison, tropical oils such as coconut oil contain the unique medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) which are readily absorbed and digested. These oils are saturated and are not prone to rancidity, are very palatable, and can promote gut health.

Little Oasis Equine
Good nutrition is the cornerstone to good health and ultimately good performance, but you don’t need to be a scientist to get it right.

When Burnout Steals the Joy from Working with Horses (

Don’t Lose Your Love for the Lifestyle)

I have a friend who is a very successful horse trainer, judge, owner of a beautiful facility and many champion horses. He teaches riding lessons, volunteers for civic and youth groups and seems to be ready to help whenever a person is in need and a horse is involved. He is a great guy. He is also tired, bone tired.

He says, “Jill, it feels like I am putting 10 days into every 7, and I am still having trouble keeping up with everything that I want to get done.” My friend is at high risk for burn out.

People who teach riding lessons, provide boarding services, or otherwise have the care and management of horses as their job are often passionate about their work. For many it isn’t just a job, it is their purpose in life. As rewarding as it can be, finding balance can be a challenge.

Many equine professionals work in very demanding environments. Seven-days a week, wearing most of the hats, if not all, for necessary tasks and weather dependent revenue can dampen the spirits of even the most passionate. When your livelihood and lifestyle depend on sustaining this passion, the old saw, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life,” can get a little thin. It can become a lifestyle lacking balance and lead to burn-out.

To better understand what burnout is and how to avoid or reverse it, I reached out to Tara Gamble, Past CHA President, multi-talented horse person from Edmonton, Alberta and Lisa Lombardi, a highly accomplished horse person from Santa Rosa, CA. Both of these women are credentialed in many Certifications CHA has to offer and Certifiers in several specialties. They also both provided talks for CHA Members on this topic. Their research and tips lay out a practical guide to recognize and fight off burnout. I put a set of questions to them. The following lists compress their answers into points you can use for a quick self-check and perhaps adopt some ideas to help fireproof yourself from burnout.

What is Burnout?

• Burnout is a term usually related to work, most often your regular job.

• Burnout is emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by relentless stress.

• When you are burned out, the job you used to love is now a chore, it is overwhelming.

• Burnout can show up as physical pain, chronic fatigue, irritability, and inability to focus.

• Burnout is often characterized by hopelessness, detachment, and resentment.

Are Equine Professionals More Susceptible to Burnout than Others?

• Few jobs demand the 24/7 responsibilities that can go along with owning and running a lesson barn or boarding stable. Horses must be cared for every day.

• Few jobs provide an activity that carries a real risk of someone being killed or maimed for life.


• Horse people have strong work ethics and may not recognize when they need to take a break.

• The knowledge and skill required to do these jobs effectively may keep some from being good delegators. This may lead them to become overcommitted.

• Many equine businesses don’t produce healthy profit margins which creates financial stress. For some, one unexpected large expense, such as a vet bill, can be catastrophic.

Are there Early Warning Signs an Equine Professional is Headed toward Burnout?

Whether these changes have crept up on you or they have crashed in seemingly all at once, check for these kinds of behaviours and decide if they are persistent changes or represent a temporary mood, perhaps linked to a specific stressful event. Tasks that may never have been your favourite, now seem impossible to do, or even start.

• Behaviours in people or horses that were previously just unwelcome, now really irritate you.

• You lose patience with people or horses while teaching them.

• You feel exhausted physically, mentally, or emotionally most of the time.

• You have physical pains like headaches, sore back, upset stomach, with no discernable cause.

Any of the points listed above may occur in a perfectly healthy person temporarily. But, when they represent distinct change in how you have traditionally approached your work or feel, you may want to consider taking steps to fight burnout. If most of the list applies to you, seeking change is important.

What Can an Equine Professional Do to Avoid or Reverse Burnout?

CHA has educational resources on their website to assist in managing areas of your business that may help you to avoid burnout. Tara Gamble’s webinar on Managing Stress in the Horse Industry is one great example and can be found on our website. CHA Facebook groups offer networking and potential problem solving support from people who know the business and its unique challenges. Talking with fellow horse people can be a great outlet for the Equine Professional who is feeling burned out.

• Re-evaluate your workload and prioritize how you are spending your time and resources.

• Intentionally put variety in your work every day.

• Delegate where you can. Be that feeding, cleaning, or admin, get some help.

• Set clear expectations and boundaries for your clients and yourself.

• Schedule downtime and take it.

This list can go on and on. Give yourself permission to take good care of yourself. You only get one body in this trip through life. Finding balance and recognizing that even if you need to push hard reaching a high value goal, there must be recuperative time, too. Don’t be the frog in the pot who fails to recognize the water is boiling because when it got in there it was cool.

I leave you with Lisa’s excellent advice.

Lisa’s Short List of Important Ways to Take Care of Yourself.

• Have Proper Footwear. (No hoof no horse goes for people too.)

• Eat Well.

• Sleep Enough.

• Ride Your Own Horse.

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Tara Gamble

Colic Prevention Tips

Increase Forage in Diet

Forage refers to the fibrous (fibre-containing) vegetation that horses eat; this could be hay or grass and can be included in high fibre feeds from feed manufacturers.

It should be the foundation of your horse’s diet – It is recommended that horses are fed 2% of their body weight in forage (dry matter basis) to keep the gut functioning properly. For example, a 500 kg horse should consume a minimum of 10 kg/forage per day.

Feed Small Meals Frequently

The horse’s digestive tract is designed to handle a continuous supply of forage and did not evolve to digest large amounts of concentrates (i.e. grain). However, some horses will not be able to meet their energy requirements through forage only. As a result, concentrates are fed to supplement diets of horses that have higher energy requirements such as performance horses and racehorses.

When feeding concentrates, it is recommended to feed smaller meals of concentrates often throughout the day rather than one large meal. Large concentrate meals can cause digestive disturbances which may lead to colic.

Feed Good Quality Feedstuff

Not all forages are created equally so we need to take into account grass types and the quality of the forage. As hay quality decreases (i.e. mature hay), it becomes ‘more stemmy’ and less digestible which can lead to impaction in the large intestine. Mouldy hay, more often associated with round bales, contain dust and mycotoxins (fungus) that can also increase the risk of colic as well as other respiratory problems.

If you are feeding ‘whole’ grains, such as oats or barley, you want to make sure they are processed (cracked, rolled, ground, etc.) so that the horse is able to digest them properly. Whole or cracked corn is not digested well by the horse so it is not recommended to be included as part of the horse’s diet.

Reduce Stall Time

Horses in the wild will travel up to 8 km/day –a natural activity pattern that assists in intestinal motility. New research is showing that stabled horses have decreased intestinal motility in the large intestine.

Reducing the amount of time your horse spends in a stall will encourage movement and promote intestinal motility.

Maximize Turnout & Grazing

A horse in its natural environment will graze for 16-20 hours/day. Pastured, domestic horses also spend the majority of their time grazing (i.e. eat 75% of the day and 50% of the night), whereas stalled horses are fed a fixed number of larger meals/day.

Increased opportunity to graze is associated with reduced incidence of colic since it matches the natural feeding pattern of continuous grazing. This accommodates the trickle feeding design of the horse’s digestive system in which small amounts of food are needed continuously

throughout the day to keep the gut functioning properly.

Consistent Exercise

Horses that have consistent exercise routines such as school horses have been shown to be at a lower risk of colic. A change in activity level – be it a decrease in frequency, change in duration of exercise or change in intensity – will increase the risk of colic. It is believed that risk could also be associated with changes in diet and stabling which often occurs at the same time as a change in activity level.

Provide Clean, Fresh Water

Water and forage go hand in hand; you can’t have one without the other! Horses need to consume large volumes of water to keep digesta (forage) lubricated and traveling through the gut (≈37-45L/day!). If the digesta becomes too ‘dry,’ there is a higher chance that it can get stuck and cause an impaction.

When feeding forages that are lower in moisture, for example hay, horses need to drink more to compensate for the lower water content in the feed. Providing fresh, clean water at all times is important as it encourages water intake. It is also recommended to heat the water source if the temperature falls below 0°C to prevent the water from freezing.

Have a Parasite Prevention Program

Parasites can cause motility disturbances, inflammation, lesions and blood clots in the gastrointestinal tract – all of which can cause colic. It is important to work with your veterinarian on a parasite prevention program which, ideally, includes performing fecal egg counts. Other management techniques that can help reduce the parasite populations in your pasture include:

~ removal/composting of manure

~ harrowing pastures in summer (only if followed by five days of warm weather)

~ paddock rotation

~ co-grazing with other ruminants

Provide Routine Dental Care

Horses grind their food by moving their jaw in a lateral (side to side) motion. As a result of continuous grinding, they wear their teeth down an average of 4mm/year. Uneven wear can cause sharp edges/hooks to form, causing pain and impaired chewing capacity, which may impact digestion. This may result in longer dietary fibre and undigested feed ingredients passing into the digestive tract of the horse, thereby increasing the risk of impaction/gas colic.

Schedule regular dental check-ups with your veterinarian (at least one/year) to ensure that your horse’s teeth are properly aligned.

Be Consistent and Make Changes Slowly

Consistency is key in preventing colic. Any changes to your horse’s diet, whether it is the quantity or type of feed, should be rolled out slowly

16 • MAY 2023 SADDLEUP.CA,

using a transition/adaptation period (the amount of time that is taken to gradually introduce a new hay batch or feed in combination with the old hay/feed).

Why do you need an adaptation period?

Microbial populations in the horse’s digestive system change according to what the horse is eating. As a result, different microbial species will flourish and reproduce based on the horse’s diet. When changing concentrates or batches of hay, the microbial population needs time to change and adapt to its new environment. If there is not enough time for the microbes to adapt, this can cause digestive disturbances which can lead to colic.

Microbial Population

There are many types of microbes that inhabit the horse’s digestive tract including bacteria, protozoa and fungi. Bacteria constitute the majority of the microbial populations which includes different species of cellulolytic and lactic acid producing bacteria (Lactobacilli). These bacteria ferment different components of the horse’s diet.

Cellulolytic bacteria ferment the fibrous portion of the horse’s diet in order to produce volatile fatty acids (a significant energy source for the horse!). These bacteria thrive in an environment with a pH of 6-7.

Lactic acid producing bacteria such as Lactobacilli will ferment starch that escaped enzymatic digestion in the small intestine. This results in the rapid production of volatile fatty acids and lactic acid which causes a sudden drop in pH where cellulolytic are not able to survive – impairing fibre fermentation.

Monitor your Horse

Early colic signs such as subtle changes in behaviour and eating are more likely to be detected if your horse is being monitored often throughout the day. It is recommended that you check your horse at least twice/day, however, the more often the better!

Monitor the following:

~ Water intake/signs of dehydration

~ Manure output (frequency, changes in consistency, colour and odour)

~ Feed intake

~ Behaviour

Know your Horse, Pay Attention to Changes

Each horse may exhibit colic signs differently than others, especially the earlier more subtle signs, so it is important to know your horse! Being aware of what is normal will make it easier to detect if something is wrong.

Performing a horse health check on your healthy horse is a useful tool in getting to know your horse’s normal bodily parameters. Learn how to perform a horse health check.

Equine Guelph is the horse owner’s Centre at the University of Guelph, supported and overseen by equine industry groups, and dedicated to improving the health and well-being of horses through education and research.



Saddle up and join Saddle Peak Trail Rides as we celebrate 45 years of guiding and outfitting along the Eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies in 2023.

From 1 hour to 2 days at our main ranch homestead (1934), you will explore old wagon trails, ride through meadows and enjoy the peace and quiet that surrounds the ranch. Accommodation can be arranged with neighbouring country inn, local Air B&Bs, or camp in your own rv/ tent. (No services).

A Rustic Adventure awaits You in the Canadian Rockies


All you need to enjoy your vacation is right here at The Flying U Ranch; your all-inclusive resort.

Before British Columbia was settled and even before the gold rush, The Flying U Ranch had set the simple timeless principles of cowboy life. It turns out that the cowboy traditions struck a chord with people from all walks of life for generations that followed. At The Flying U Ranch the spirit of the old west lives on and things remain pretty much as they were 100 years ago.

The ranch grounds are situated on the shores of Green Lake with rolling hills, forests, and pastures that border 60,000 acres and 200 kms of trails that date back to the Alaska/Yukon wagon trail of the early 1800s.

You leave the groceries at home because the all-inclusive resort prepares 3 meals per day. They take great pride in serving excellent food, whether on a cook-out BBQ, or in the oak log dining room. They offer a fabulous mix of guest ranch cuisine with a gourmet flare. Plus there is a 24 hour refreshment centre with hot coffee and snacks.

At The Flying U you can go exploring thousands of acres of trails meandering through meadows, forests, and groves of aspen. You are assigned a horse for your stay that is matched to your riding capabilities by their expert wranglers. Returning guests often forge lifelong friendships with their herd member.

Green Lake is a 22 km freshwater lake that has been described as the most beautiful ‘crown jewel’ lake in the Cariboo. Water activities include sailing, canoeing, kayaking, tubing, swimming, fishing or just enjoy yoga on the dock! The ranch has a 14-passenger cruise boat that heads out every afternoon with guests.

You might also enjoy relaxing by the campfire, playing a game of pool or darts in the saloon, maybe go for a hayride or take in a movie at their very own theatre showing some good old-fashioned classics!

Longer trips are offered with rustic cabin, lodge along the Red Deer River. Day rides into the Panther/Dormer River area and the Yaha Tinda. 3, 4 days with a maximum of 6 guests.

New this year, a 6-day trip combining 3 days at the cabins and a 3-day traditional pack trip. This trip will cover 3 different riding regions. So many options are available. We hope you will reach out and let us help you plan an Alberta adventure on horseback.

There is so much more to see and do at The Flying U… check out their website at for special events and package rates. See “U” soon!

Established 1978
Guided Rides from 1 hour to multi-day
west of Cochrane, Alberta 403-922-7430
Anniversary! Canada’s Oldest Guest Ranch
acres of Riding Trails
Lakeside Resort on crystal clear Green Lake 100 Horses! Your choice of Private Log Cabins or Executive Homes Sailing, Canoeing, Fishing and more! 70 Mile House BC ~ 1-877-456-7717 ~
Located 45th
Photo by Victor Aerden

Spring is here, and summer is just around the corner. Horse enthusiasts and wannabes everywhere are beginning to merge and want to play! Family, friends and co-workers come from out of the woodworks… and ask to ride your horses?! You want to share your love of the horse, but that beautiful steed in the pasture is all yours!

Why not bring them all out to Rafter Six Ranch – The Trail Riding Specialists of the Canadian Rockies. Satisfy your yearning to get out on the scenic horseback riding trails to share some awesome memories and get some solid saddle time on trustworthy horses that are suitable for all levels of riders! Rafter Six Ranch is where the West stays Alive!

Rafter Six Ranch offers rides that will satisfy the greenest beginner to the adventure seeking advanced rider. One and 2 hours, half day and full day rides, private and custom rides are also available. And for more ranch time, entertain them with fireside gatherings such as birthday parties, family gatherings, corporate functions and more!

The “Cowboy College” is a fun and educational way to entertain and introduce folks to our way of life. Take a wagon down the trail for added western flair.

Also worth noting, Rafter Six Ranch’s peaceful Mountain Meadow Campground is the perfect place to watch the sun go down behind the mountain range and view the stars sparkling across the night sky. Get away and enjoy rustic camping for as little as $29 per night!

Family owned and operated since 1976, Rafter Six welcomes visitors to join us in an intimate and interactive setting with guided horseback rides. Rafter Six Ranch is back in the saddle – The Trail Riding

arkerville is located in the shared ancestral territories of the Dakelh (Carrier) and Secwépemc (Shuswap) Peoples. Several nations have history and territory in the area, and evidence of early Indigenous settlement in the region dates back over 10,000 years. British Columbia’s central interior has been profoundly shaped by gold thanks to Barkerville’s twenty-year, multibillion-dollar industrial revolution.

By the mid-1880s, Chinese residents made up half of the Cariboo region’s population. Declared a National Historic Site of Canada in 1924 and a Provincial Heritage Property in 1958, Barkerville is now the largest living-history museum in western North America.

This year’s main season runs June 3rd to September 10th with live interpretation programs and open shops and restaurants. July 1st will see Barkerville’s Dominion Day celebrations and the season’s opening of the Theatre Royal. Barkerville’s 8th annual Indigenous Peoples Celebration will return as a two-day event on the weekend of August 19th & 20th and will include an artist’s market, games, dancers, stories, and complimentary Bannock. The Chinese Mid-Autumn Moon Festival will take place on September 9th and will include contests, lion dances, and special evening performances.

There are plenty of places to stay with two campgrounds nearby that can accommodate tents and RVs with both first-come-first-served and reserved sites available. The Barkerville Cottages are the perfect retreat for any time of year. Each of the four cottages has a wheelchair-accessible main floor and come fully equipped with a queen bedroom, full bathroom, laundry, kitchen, living room facilities, and two additional bedrooms. For those interested in luxury heritage accommodation, the King and Kelly Guest Houses are situated in the centre of town in restored Barkerville

Specialists of the Canadian Rockies!

Find us online at We would love to chat with you and reserve your ride today at 403-673-3622!

Bhomes. Guests will be surrounded by period décor that will transport you back to the Cariboo’s great gold rush era.

To learn more, visit

TRAIL RIDING SPECIALISTS of the CANADIAN ROCKIES Guided Trail Rides | Custom Rides & Pony Rides RV & Trailer Camping 403-673-3622
Between Calgary & Banff Photo A. Gibson

No Fooling with the Horsey Ladies!

The Spring Tack Sale was a tremendous success held on April 1st at the Armstrong Curling Club.

Hosted by the Horsey Ladies Okanagan group, hundreds came out to shop and find some great deals… and that they did… one gal even picked up a western saddle for just $30 – now that’s a deal, whoa!

Normally the Horsey Ladies host a fundraising banquet in November each year; but “what’s to stop us from hosting a second fundraiser earlier in the year?”

For this spring fundraiser, we decided proceeds from the table rentals would go to an Okanagan-area equine coach who in turn would give the funds to a student(s) of theirs to further their riding lessons or equine learning experience… the brainchild of one of our committee members, Kathy Mydske of Enderby.

So after we paid out the rental fee for the venue, gave a monetary donation to the Armstrong Kin Club for the use of their banquet tables, and took out a one-day insurance policy to host the event, we were able to give $891.40 to the winning coach. Each person who came through the door, including the 36 vendors, was given a ballot slip to nominate an equine coach of their choice.

Twenty-four names were put forth (proving the caliber of horse

professionals we have in the area) and the top vote-getter was Armstrong’s own Keelly Gordon of On Stride Equestrian.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support the sale and to cast their vote. You can see more about the Horsey Ladies Okanagan group on their Facebook page. This volunteer group of gals have raised and given back over $126,000 to horse/animal groups over the years.

(Editor’s note: See more on the next page)

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In addition to BBB Accreditation, many of our courses are RACE approved for CE.

Check out our website for more information

20 • MAY 2023
“Your Canadian home to the Equinology and Caninolgy curriculum!”
Receiving $891.40 is equine coach Keelly Gordon (on left) presented by Kathy Mydske. Trade Show

Thank You Horsey Ladies Okanagan

I was so very excited and honoured to be offered this amazing gift from the fundraising Tack Sale held April 1st in Armstrong BC.

The Okanagan horse community has been my horse family since I was very young. I’m pretty sure most of the ladies in the Horsey Ladies group have witnessed me getting into mischief at horse shows and events for the past 25+ years. Now, as a local stable owner and coach, I pride myself in the programs I offer and have created to keep horses accessible to all the little girls and boys dreaming of their unicorns! I thought hard about how best to distribute this $891.40 gift fairly, and it really wasn’t too hard. I have picked 4 amazing young ladies in all different stages of their equine journey.

First, I have little 8-year-old Kaylee Waines and her pony Spice! This little lady has worked hard to be a strong enough rider for her spicy little pony and really, to be honest, reminds me of myself bombing around at top speed wanting to jump higher and higher! Kaylee always puts Spice first and is always early to her lessons, and always the first to help out around the farm. Kaylee is gifted $200 to put towards lessons to keep advancing with her and her pony!

Next we have Jaylynn Jespersen. Jaylynn has been working cleaning paddocks at my farm for over a year. Never complains, always shows up rain or shine and works her buns off! She often rides her bike which is 30 minutes of backroad hills to get to work early. Always the brightest smile and most gracious helpful attitude. Truly the nicest young lady I’ve ever met. Jaylynn is gifted $200 to put towards her next horse show with her new pony Douglas!

Teens these days struggle to have focus, dedication and passion; but not this next one! Quinn Puhlmann has been a student for the past 8 years. She’s got an amazing network of family helping her along this journey, but she works hard for everything she gets. This winter, I gave Quinn a young pony and told her, “better get him broke and going for my son.” Well, with dedication, she has brought along this fun little 3-year-old pony from unbroken wild man to entered in his first jumping show. Quinn and Ace are given $200 to put towards their next show.

Finally, I believe in creating the next generation. As my business grows, the hours of the day don’t get any longer, so I’ve had to clone myself. Brooke Krause is my final recipient. As a young, new coach, she’s working hard to follow all the guidelines and get her certification. When I was becoming a coach I know how much all the little costs add up, when the pay doesn’t often ride with the costs. Brooke is being offered the remaining $291.40 to put towards her coaching and insurance fees which amount in the thousands.

I just can’t express how grateful I am to share this gift with these young ladies. No matter what stage of horsing around you’re at, the support of your community is so wonderful. From the bottom of my heart thank you Horsey Ladies Okanagan.

Kaylee Quinn Jaylynn Brooke coaching little rider Mila
22 • MAY 2023 SADDLEUP.CA GI DD Y UP Kids... What Are You Doing With Your Horse? It's your turn to tell us about YOU! Send in ONE photo with a caption (no more than 40 words). Include your first name, age, city/province. Photos will be printed on a space availability basis. Email to with the subject line “KIDS” Here is Della back in the saddle after a long, snowy winter. Getting reunited with the horses at Melissa's. - Della, age 4, Quesnel BC It's all about the kids! 22 • MAY 2023 SADDLEUP.CA KIDS! Where Are You? This Could Be You!!

Pet Allergies & Itchy Skin Problems –The Root Cause

Our pets are loyal companions that offer unconditional love and affection, so in recognition of National Pet Day (April 11), I thought I would write on one of the most common problems pet owners ask me about… itchy skin, ears, and paws and allergies. This can lead to excessive scratching and skin infections. One of the most common causes is Leaky Gut Syndrome. Our intestinal wall lining is like a sieve or cheese cloth and should only let the smallest of particles into the blood stream. Protein gets broken down or digested into amino acids, similarly to a string of pearls being broken down into single pearls. The single pearls are what gets through the gut lining into the blood stream. If the lining of the intestines is damaged, then larger strands of the pearl necklace (“pearl strand”) can sneak through into the blood stream. Your body will see this as a foreign invader and attack, triggering an immune response causing inflammation throughout the body including on the skin, paws, and ears. Toxins, bad bacteria, and yeast by-products and licking environmental allergens off their paws, can also be triggers.

Studies have shown that gliadin proteins in gluten/wheat can cause damage to the lining and trigger antibodies to the “pearl strand.” If the “pearl strand” is eaten again then it can trigger an inflammatory response. This is why grain-free diets are recommended. Food allergies can occur when “pearl strands” of different meat proteins get into the blood stream, so switching to meat proteins with no artificial ingredients and fillers that the pet has never been exposed to is recommended.

I recommend various products to help repair the damaged

gut lining. Herbs like slippery elm, marshmallow root, deglycerrhizinated licorice, NAG, and L-glutamine can help strengthen and repair the gut lining. Older dogs/cats can produce less digestive enzymes from their pancreas. Digestive enzymes can help to break down protein into “single pearls.”

Prebiotics and probiotics are a mainstay in promoting gut health. There are probiotics you can feed, which has no taste and easy to give to cats. There are also products with species-specific probiotic strains which may provide diversity of good bacteria not seen in other products. Fulvic and humic acid may help support gut health and immunity.

If yeast is suspected, then products containing caprylic acid and pau d’arco may help with eliminating the yeast. It’s important to make sure elimination pathways are working well to help clear the yeast by-products as the yeast die-off. Liver supporting herbs like milk thistle, dandelion root, and berberine may be helpful.

Ideally, one would like to stay away from immunosuppressive agents like steroids, cyclosporine, and JAK inhibitors (e.g. Apoquel, Cytopoint) as they only manage symptoms and not the root cause. By focusing on the root cause, maybe you can help your furry friend lead a happy, healthy life, free from uncomfortable and frustrating skin issues.

Lyle Sunada is a pharmacist specializing in veterinary medicine and alternative medicine at Cloverdale Pharmasave. Lyle has helped small and large animal owners for over 30 years and believes in looking at the root cause of health conditions.

TIP of the MONTH
(See their listing in our Business Services section under “Equine Health”)

Did You Know… ?

Dogs can produce like wildfire. A female and male dog, along with their offspring, can produce 67,000 dogs in just 6 years –assuming they haven’t been spayed or neutered.

There are roughly 900 million dogs in the world. That’s about one dog for every 8 people on earth! However, two-thirds of these dogs are stray dogs.

The popular phrase, “raining cats and dogs” originated from England in the 17th century. It was believed that many cats and dogs died during these heavy storms.

Dogs are capable of sensing drops in barometric pressure and shifts in static electricity field, which allows them to spot an approaching storm.

On average, a one year old puppy is as physically mature as an adolescent teen. However, large dogs age faster than small dogs.

Dogs and humans release the same “love hormone,” called oxytocin. It explains why we develop such strong bonds with our canine friends.

Tip of the Month - Need Therapy for these Stressful Times?

(Courtesy of Harmony Farm Kennel & Lamb)

Watching the world news these days is enough to stress anyone out... thank goodness dogs don't care about human news!

Everyone is soooo busy these days that often taking time to meditate or be mindful or just sit quietly (without multi-tasking or making a mental to do list) is often completely overlooked (and underestimated!).

Why not take a little quality personal time out of your non-stop 24 hour day to lighten your mind, rest your spirit and recharge that ever loving relationship with your awesome dog?!

It's great that your dog insists that you get outside to walk, but... do you ever consciously have the mindfulness to walk your dog for your own personal benefit as well?

What about taking that walk without your phone or social media or ear buds? What about being present enough to benefit you in ways other than just physical exercise? You might be fascinated by the benefits of taking your 'dog time' to another level, for both of you!

Dogs love your company. Your dog is always happy to see youwho else in this world greets you like that? Your dog is constantly looking for ways to please you! Dogs never judge, they are the best listeners ever, and... are labelled human's best friend (in every language) for a very good reason! Really! Stress reduction is just one of the many ways your dog can help improve your physical, mental and your emotional health. So who needs a therapist when they have a dog?!

Here are some suggestions to help you, help yourself, via your dog: * first and foremost, while walking your dog, leave your phone at home! * embrace the opportunity to breathe deeply, awaken your senses; smell the fresh air, feel the ground you walk on, listen to your footsteps,

the birds and chipmunks, observe what surrounds you... take it all in. * one of the best ways to calm your busy mind is simply taking a few minutes to sit with your dog and just be, quiet and present * while sitting on a log, park bench or the grass, focus solely on your dog (I challenge you to do this without talking). Stroke them slowly with your heart in your hand. Feel of them and for them - feel the sensation of their hair and skin and temperature. Be with your dog, for soothing tactile 'relief' of tension, for both of you!

* get down on the ground with your dog and play together! They might be surprised to find you 'there' for them. You'll be delighted how they want to make you laugh and will joyfully respond to your lightened self! * go for a slower walk than usual, 'saunter' not for exercise but to actually s.l.o.w. your body and mind.

Your dog will love the extra time to check the doggy news!

Enjoy a few of these approaches and enjoy how your dog gains a new appreciation for when you are actually present with them. They will acknowledge your shift to calm and quieting your worlds will do you both a world of good! As for the chaos of the rest of the world and your endless list of things to do... they will still be there waiting for you but, your own perspective will be much healthier. Soon you'll wonder why you ever lived with your dog any other way!

Patricia Skinner-Porter is the owner/operator of Harmony Farm Kennel & Lamb at Monte Lake BC. Offering custom care boarding (non-dog park style) Patricia provides personal care, attention and daily exercise for ALL dog types, breeds and doganalities! She also offers one-on-one dog-owner training, helping individuals to create healthy happy relationships with their dogs. Here she shares her vast array of experience with a beneficial monthly tip for you and your pooch to enjoy!

(See her listing under Pet Central)


A male dog will usually prefer playing with a female dog. On the other hand, a female dog does not discriminate between sexes. Scientists believe this evolved from a dog mother’s need of taking care of both sexes.

Dogs can feel jealously, but they can’t feel guilt. Don’t believe those “guilty-looking” puppy eyes!

Male dogs raise their legs when urinating because they want to leave their mark as high as possible. This gives the impression that they are tall, thus intimidating.

It is illegal for residents of Anchorage, Alaska, to tie their dogs to the roof of a car. Who actually tried this?


This is Smokey, my 1-year-old purebred black Labrador. He is very energetic and loves to chase my snowmobile. He tries to play with our cat who wants nothing to do with him.

- Niki, Dawson Creek BC

Pet Central

EVERYTHING PETS (Princeton BC) 250-295-7381

Quality Foods & Supplies for all your Pets! See us on Facebook. 10/23

HARMONY FARM KENNEL AND, Monte Lake BC, 250-375-2528. “Custom Care” boarding welcomes ALL dogs! 12/23

Do you offer a dog service or training business? Sell pet feeds and supplies? You can advertise here! Prices start at only $250 per year (11 issues). Call 1-866-546-9922 or e-mail

Canine Capers


Your one-stoP Pet shoP

Farm, Fencing & Horse Supplies

Pet and Livestock Feeds 604-894-6740

Pemberton BC

For more information on any of these events go to unless another website is provided


This is my dog Sol, he is a Shepherd mix and is 4 years old. Sol had a rough start to life. We rescued him from Mexico where someone had cut his ears and tail off. Sol saved my mom and I from a deer one time. Sol is the best dog I could ever ask for, he is my best friend. Two of his favourite things to do is going for a run and laying in the sun. I love Sol.

- From Hurley, age 9, Logan Lake BC

Send us a photo of your favourite pooch!

Tell us the dog’s name, breed, and up to 50 words about him/her. We will print your first name (or initials) and your city/province.

E-mail to and put in subject line: TOP DOG OF THE MONTH. Photos will be printed on a first come first serve basis.

Do you have a WORKING DOG event coming up?

Let us know! Call 1-866-546-9922 or email

5-7 ASCA
5-7 CKC
WALKING FIELD TRIAL for Pointing breeds, Irricana AB

Horse Council BC - Notes from the Office


L ast year the Shuswap Chapter of Back Country Horsemen ran a Horse and Awareness Week at the Mt. Rose Swanson Trail Network. Two guided rides were offered during this week with an informational booth setup to educate other user groups on horse behavior and how to approach horses on the trail. HCBC supported this event by creating event posters, offering educational materials and providing a draw prize for the booth!

If you’re interested in doing a trail awareness day or week at your favourite trail network contact for support!

Introducing C.H.A.R.

C .H.A.R. is a new online digital platform for Instructor and Coach candidates to work self-paced through the training and evaluation process to get EC NCCP certified!

C .H.A.R. simplifies the learning process and is always up-to-date with the latest coaching information. You can access this service  free with your Horse Council BC membership  and experience the many benefits such as:

• Self-paced learning

• Access to virtual (video) evaluation

• Access to rubrics and resources

• Step-by-step walkthrough preparing for and completing coach certification

• Progress is tracked and recorded

• Accessible anytime online

Visit our website to register for the CHAR program and start your pathway to Certification.

55+ Games are happening August 22-26

If you are 55 years or over, the 55+ Games equestrian competition is a fun, inviting, low key, social event, so we hope you will plan to attend.

Disciplines to be included in the Equestrian portion of the 2023 Games are:

• Dressage

• Western Dressage

• Arena Driving Trials

• Working Equitation and 2’3” Working Hunter. Our Sport Chair for 2023 will be Debbie Rogal.

The Equestrian Competition will take place at Maple Ridge EquiSports Centre.

55+ Registration is open: equestrian/


It looks like we are in for a packed season of equestrian competitions around the province.

Horse Show Organizers, visit organizers/ to sanction your competition either Provincially or EC Bronze.

For a full tutorial on how to use the Horse Sport Pro online sanctioning system go to: watch?v=APBfSJAPn8U


P ’tit Trot is an exciting program for children who love horses and want to learn about riding English or Western and caring for horses.

The P’tit Trot book is fully illustrated throughout and introduces children 5 and over to the basics of English or Western Riding and learning how to care for a horse or pony.  The colourful drawings and the amusing antics of P’tit Trot (the name of the mascot pony), help the child discover and teach themselves the ABC’s of riding and how to care for their horse or pony.


Parents and coaches are invited to use this entertaining and educational presentation that is ideal for horse lovers. It can also be used to prepare and support activities offered at riding camps and as preparation to begin the English or Western Learn to Ride levels.


The complete program is available from Horse Council BC’s bookstore for $30.00 plus postage and GST.

Included in the program package is a colourfully illustrated manual and certificates for each level. The children will also enjoy the Game Book that accompanies the manual.

Each of the chapters – Bronze Horseshoe, Silver Horseshoe, Gold Horseshoe and Platinum Horseshoe – cover specific topics on horse care and riding.

Coaches, parents, camp operators and teachers can use P’tit Trot in their programs as a teaching tool.

Contact for more information or go to the HCBC Store to order a package.

Horse Council BC • How to Reach Us Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Address: 27336 Fraser Highway, Aldergrove, BC V4W 3N5 604-856-4304 or Toll Free 1-800-345-8055 • Fax: 604-856-4302 •

Vintage Riders… for the love of horses!

Vintage Riders Equestrian Club held our second Liberty clinic in March, this time with Brianna Frewin. Our first Liberty clinic focused on trick training taught with halter and lead rope – bowing, Spanish walk, fancy turns. Brianna took us to pure liberty work.

We practiced some useful communication skills with halter and lead, learning to read our horse’s reactions and regulate our body language. Then we took turns working at total liberty, using only sticks to help guide our horses. It was a fascinating exercise, to see the horse trying to understand what you were asking and to feel that moment when you as leader communicated effectively so your horse could respond appropriately.

This is a discipline that shows, perhaps better than any other, that all progress comes from fixing handler error! On the first day of the clinic, we were treated to a demonstration by 9-year-old Lily with her mini Dudley. Lily and Dudley have been working together for 2 years. It was a treat to see these two flowing beautifully around the ring as Lily guided Dudley through turns and changes of gait. Their expression of the “draw,” with Dudley sidepassing towards Lily, was beautiful to see! On Day two, Brianna demonstrated with two of her horses, clearly showing us many of the “why’s” that accompany the “what’s” we had been learning.

If Liberty work is something you’re curious about, we will be holding another clinic on May 19-22. The clinician is Juliette Cimetere, a trainer based out of Redmond, WA. Juliette will do a demo evening on the 19th, approximately 90 minutes. You are invited to join us. The cost is $35 for just the demo evening. You are also welcome to audit the following days’ lessons, or bring your own horse. Auditing the entire clinic

is $50. Participating with your horse will be $410. Please email if interested. We have a couple of spots open.

Update on that Pole Clinic with Jessie Blackmon we talked about last month – it was, as expected, tons of fun and very educational for horses and riders. Jessie gave us some simple-to-set-up patterns that can be used in a huge variety of ways to test where we’re at with rideability and rhythm. Team Icy rocked it again and 28-year-old Sam enjoyed strutting his stuff, showing that not only youngsters can benefit from working over poles.

Continuing our preparation for looking great this summer, Stephanie Clogg presented a very informative Grooming Clinic. If we put to use a small fraction of the knowledge she shared, we will soon be looking quite spiffy on the trail and in the ring!

There was a very green St. Patrick’s Day Ride in March, with our riders finding their pot of gold at the end – ok, it was chocolate, but just as good! Here’s hoping the Luck o’ the Irish gives us a sunny, or at least mostly dry, day for our Easter Bonnet Ride.

Happy Trails, till next time!

Vintage Riders Equestrian Club… for the love of horses! We are a gathering of horse enthusiasts within the Fraser Valley. Anyone over the age of 21 is welcome. We meet every 3rd Tuesday in Fort Langley to enjoy fellowship and a speaker and host a variety of clinics.

Find us on Facebook at Vintage Riders Equestrian Club – public, email: 2023 Upcoming Events: Dressage with Samantha Balogh Liberty with Juliette Cimetere Square Dancing with Carolyn Hunter

Grooming clinic with Stephanie Clogg Team Icy Reta Eddleston & Raffi looking for the Pot of Gold Penny Mcgregor St. Patrick’s Day Ride 28 year old Sam, ready to play Lily & Dudley, Liberty demonstration Found the Pot of Gold! Jessie Blackmon Pole Clinic

Equestrian Canada Equestre,

We recently caught up with EC Licensed Driving Coach and Driving Committee member François Bergeron to answer our questions about the discipline he has been involved with for over 35 years. Having practiced all driving disciplines such as hacking, pleasure driving, and combined driving, he has been coaching and competing since 1998. He became a combined driving competition judge in November 2021 and is now the first judge to reach the FEI 2* level in Quebec and is the only FEI Combined Driving judge in Canada.

Where are you from?

I was born in St-Etienne de Beauharnois, Quebec, and now live in nearby Ormstown. I grew up on a farm where horses were always around.

Describe the driving community in Canada and Quebec.

Our community is very diverse. Its members come from different disciplines, including recreation driving, pleasure driving, combined driving and derby.

Few driving enthusiasts head into competition. It’s a real shame how few sanctioned competitions we have in Canada. Being evaluated by judges allows competitors to build on their strengths and improve on their weaknesses.

How did you first get involved with horses? Driving?

I grew up around horses and ponies on our farm. At a young age, my father – an avid driver himself – introduced me to the discipline. We did all kinds of driving, from recreational driving and trail driving to agricultural fairs, pleasure driving competitions, combined driving competitions and derbies.

What inspired you to compete? To become a coach?

My father wanted me to go with him to a pleasure driving competition and enter with one of my driving mares. Surprise! I won the Championship that day. Since then, I’ve wanted to do more and better. I’ve picked up several championships in single and tandem pleasure driving. I have also competed with single, pair, tandem and four-in-hand turnouts.

There weren’t any driving trainers in Quebec. In 1998, I was in the first cohort of trainers. That allowed me to run clinics and workshops across Canada to help drivers perfect their knowledge.

What are some memorable moments from competition as a team coach?

Without a doubt, the high points were the two years when we were reserve riders in combined driving singles for Team Canada at the World Championships.

And I will never forget the two years we were Tandem Champions at the Canadian Carriage Driving Classic in Caledon, Ontario. In fact,

our picture was published in Horse Illustrated magazine in the United States.

Also, in 2019, I was the North American Champion at the Preliminary level with a Large Pony.

Are there differences in coaching driving versus riding? If so, what are they?

Yes, there’s a huge difference between the two disciplines. Equestrian teams are made up of a rider and a horse. In driving, the team includes the horse or horses, the driver and one or more groom(s) and passenger(s).

Obviously, the mindset is different since our team is much more extensive. Training and approaches vary from one discipline to the next. You need a horse that has properly assimilated the basic training before hitching it to the vehicle. More harness adjustments are needed. Those are just a few quick points, but we could go into greater detail.

What are some of the misconceptions about driving?

I have come across many mistaken beliefs. For example, “Driving is easy. You put on the harness and go.” You know, “My horse has years of equestrian experience. He’ll be good for driving.” That’s not always true. For example, the whip, which replaces the rider’s leg, has to be handled with care. For good results, it needs to touch the horse in just the right spot. It’s not for punishment.

What would you say is your biggest accomplishment?

Without a doubt, my greatest achievement was going to Poland in November 2021 to obtain my FEI CCA 2* Combined Driving Competition Judge rating. I have been judging competitions since 2003, and every step along the way was preparation for this. Before achieving the FEI level, I was an Equestrian Canada Senior Judge, an American Driving Society Senior Judge and a USEF “R” Judge. But being an FEI CCA 2* Judge is the pinnacle for me right now. I am particularly proud to be the only FEI driving judge in Canada.

Which do you prefer - coaching or judging? Why?

I like both sides of the sport because they complement each other. As a combined competition judge, you work on a team of three or five judges. In dressage, you discover an X-ray vision for how movements are executed. Meanwhile, the trainer perfects the training program for both the horses and drivers to attain the most precise movements possible.

After being in the sport of team driving for over 35 years, how has it changed over the years?

Everything has changed: the level of competition, the event sites with the new surfaces, the new competition vehicles, the horses, the


quality of training influenced by the Europeans, the rules and the training courses for officials, trainers and drivers. The sport has evolved at a furious pace over the past 15 to 18 years.

What advice would you share with someone who is thinking about starting to drive?

The best advice I can give anyone starting in the discipline is to meet with a trainer before making any purchases. They will be able to guide you, taking into account your tastes and way of thinking. Too often, people do it backwards. They start by making purchases then go looking for advice, only to discover that they haven’t made the right buying decisions.

What do you see for the future of the sport?

Even if you stay optimistic, everyone in driving needs support, encouragement and guidance, and that’s what’s hardest to find. That applies equally to every driving discipline, including trail driving, pleasure driving competitions, combined driving competitions and derbies. The different federations should offer driving enthusiasts a range of resources, information and trainers in every part of Canada to help them progress in this sport.


Canadian Show Jumping Team veteran Jonathon Millar of Perth ON, suffered a serious head injury on March 12, 2023, following an accident while driving his sport utility vehicle. Surgery was successfully performed to stop a bleed and relieve swelling on his brain. As of March 26, Millar is off sedation, breathing on his own, and is in stable condition. He is getting stronger each day and showing promising signs of communicating with facial expression and hand signals. A long road to full recovery lies ahead for the 48-year-old athlete who operates Millar Brooke South in Wellington FL, with his wife, Kelly Soleau-Millar.

Anyone wishing to help with medical expenses related to his care can make a donation through GoFundMe at https://www.gofundme. com/f/jonathon-millar-recovery-fund.

April 6th update: Yesterday, Jonathon Millar was flown by air ambulance from St. Mary’s hospital in West Palm Beach, Florida to the Shepard Center in Atlanta, Georgia in order to begin his extensive rehabilitation therapy.

For further updates, follow Millar Brooke South at www.facebook. com/mbfsouth.

News from The Canadian Registry of the Tennessee Walking Horse

When did Walking Horses arrive in Canada and who were the early owners and breeders? We know that the very first USA studbook from 1935 shows horses registered in Ontario.

In the late 40’s and 50’s there were Walkers registered in Manitoba and Saskatchewan in the Canadian General Stud and Herdbook, and more showed up in the Prairie Provinces in the 60’s. We also know there were Walkers in BC in those early years.

Then the Canadian Tennessee Walking Horse Registry was formed in 1982, but as far as we know, there are no other official records of Walking Horse history in Canada.

However, in 1977 a newsletter, the Walking Horse News, was started in Alberta, and it is still publishing the tales and tributes to the breed in Canada. Over the years it has grown from two or three mimeographed pages to a professionally printed colour magazine. Now the CRTWH intends to publish the entire WHN archive from 1977 to the present on

their website.

The first year, 1977, is up now, as well as the most recent six years of 2017 to 2022. It’s a big task but we hope to have them all on the website by the end of this year. And that will provide a snapshot into some of the history of TWH in Canada. You can find the WHN Archives on Check it out. History, horsemanship, training hints, heritage of the breed – it’s all there.

By the time you read this, we will have been and gone to the second annual Horse Expo in Red Deer on April 27 to 30. We were there in conjunction with the Alberta Walking Horse Association, who happen to have a great line-up of clinics and rides coming up. You can visit them at

Also, our CRTWH Annual General Meeting will be held this year on May 16. Members from across Canada will be able to attend via Zoom. Just email to receive the information and Zoom link. We look forward to seeing you!


Kelowna Riding Club News 

KRC Fun Nights

The KRC is happy to be hosting a weekly “Fun Night” on Wednesdays starting at 6 pm. The weekly activities will be alternating, and will include ranch patterns with obstacles, trail obstacles, barrels, poles, and more. All levels of Western and English horses and riders are welcome. It’s free for members and non-members can join for a dropin fee. Ring side trail obstacles will stay up and be available anytime at the club.

Evenings are not structured and riders are welcome to start anywhere they like and practice on their own or receive guidance.

The “Fun Nights” are hosted by member Raema Racher who is an EC-Certified Western Coach.

April 5th was the first “Fun Night” of the season and was enjoyed by a number of long-standing club and board members. Riders worked on a ranch pattern, then moved onto trail obstacles with Raema’s guidance.

To learn more, please check out the KRC’s website at www. or contact Raema directly at 780-841-8744.

So far the Fun Nights will be every Wednesday, weather permitting. For May, that would be May 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31.

March 30th Season Opener

A large number of members came out for the season opener held at the clubhouse. There was a meet and greet, information session, snacks, and good company! There was representation from a number of different disciplines and volunteers who will be hosting clinics and shows this coming season.

It is with the utmost gratitude that the KRC would love to thank some very special sponsors and volunteers for their incredible contributions to upgrade our barn and make it structurally safe for the horses.

~ Thank you to Susanne Zimmerman who stepped up for the club with her financial contribution that enabled us to get this project off the ground.

~ Thank you to Terry Avery who sourced the materials, and managed this project.

~ Thank you to the Men’s Shed headed up by one of our very amazing volunteers, Lloyd.

~ Thank you to Ian Nutley, Craig Paynton, Julie Loverin, and Jennifer Marshall for the hours, expertise, and help you’ve put into this project, we couldn’t do it without you.

~Thank you to our amazing board members Kevin Day and Tracy Avery from Day Century Growers for donating 16 man hours for this project.

We can’t say it enough, “THANK YOU!”

Megan & Leeroy, Joanne & Eddie Lynne & Charlie Horse Julie & Simon, Susanne & Charlie, Remi, Raema Riders working on some obstacles Colleen and Angel KRC’s new stalls

Canadian Cowboy Challenge Update

The spring weather has been okay and I think most riders are well underway conditioning the team. To help out preparing for the Challenge season, there are Play Days listed with confirmed dates. They are all in Alberta so far, and the dates listed are: May 20, June 10, August 4, August 19 and September 9. For further information and location, go to the CCC website under Clinics/Play days.

A s of yet, there are no confirmed Challenges in Saskatchewan. Dates should be confirmed soon and listed on the CCC website.

Clinics and Play Days are the best way to address questions and issues that CCC members (or where non-members can experience a Challenge) may have. Melissa explains that, “my horse Ally was off for a year due to having a foal. Since her restart in October, we’ve been working a lot on that transition from faster to slow when we are approaching the obstacle, and slow to faster when we leave the obstacle. She’s the type of horse that will go over or through anything. We have been trying out what works better for us, a voice (cue) or that push down on the seat. Due to her favourite gait being stopping when I push down to slow her down, she is thinking I want her to stop. So a work in progress. I feel with time and practice we will get there.”

Tricia has two questions asking, “gates are something I’m always wondering about. And those backup L things.” I will try to explain both questions in a general manner. Both obstacles ideally are executed in one fluid motion. It is important to be able to maneuver both the front and hind quarters of your horse independently and/or at the same time. Initial set up (or entry) of both obstacles is extremely important as it leads into the execution of the obstacle. With a slight hesitation before your execution, it is important to be able to control the front and hind quarters around corners. To be fluid, the communication

within the team needs to be such that the front end moves in one direction as the hind quarters move in the opposite direction. This maneuver is used around the gate or the corner of the L. Now the task is to maneuver both the front and hind quarters to be in line for the exit. Clearing the obstacle finishes that aspect of the course so that the team can now proceed to the next obstacle.

On the same theme, Petra had a question on the “hind end on the tire turn on the haunches.” This obstacle is similar to the gate and L as the rider needs to be able to control the front and hind quarters independently. The difference is the gate and L are a fluid motion and the turn on the haunches requires the hind quarters remain on the tire (pivot point) while the front end rotates around the tire.

In summary, being able to direct the front and hind quarters independently is important. Being able to maneuver the gate or L in a fluid motion, or to be able to hold the hind quarters in place while moving the front end around the tire, are the tasks that are required. Communication within the team is all important.

The obstacles described did not include the side pass but relied on independent maneuvering of the front and/or hind quarters. These are basic communication skills both the rider and horse need to master to work as a team. Communication includes stability through the hands/reins and direction with the rider’s legs. Understanding and coordination of both is the task required of the team.

Hopefully the statement and questions are helpful. As Mellisa indicated, “with time and practice” progress within the team will be realized.

Enjoy and have fun with your riding.

Petra and Zangelena Mellisa and Ally Tricia and Windy

The Back Country Horsemen of BC

BCHBC Valuable Volunteers - part of the “Ripple Effect”

BCHBC is a volunteer driven organization. Volunteers are vital to the success of all non-profit organizations. They are highly valued and come in all ages, sizes, shapes, makes and models!

According to national volunteering stats, an impressive 13 million Canadians (44%) have participated in volunteer work that equals 2 billion hours!

Why do people volunteer and what can volunteering provide?

- participate with family

- make new friends with similar interests

- give back to the community

- have been personally affected by a cause

- see new places

- make a difference, have an impact

- feel needed, feel good

- help where there is a need

- gain skills and share skills

- be part of a team

- have some fun

- add to a resume

- lead to job opportunities

- recognition of efforts

BCHBC has many dedicated valuable volunteers in each of our 19 chapters. Here are a select few to give you an idea of what our valuable volunteers believe:

Jennifer Marshall is a new Okanagan Chapter member with a definite passion for the concept of what BCHBC stands for - preserving equine use on trails. That includes education for both riders and the general public so we can all share the trails in a positive manner. Coming from a small community she knows how important volunteer efforts are! Jen recognizes that by stepping up, she can meet like-minded riding friends, learn about other riding areas in the province and know that she has made a difference in her community and our province. Her advice: “We all need to work together and learn from each other. Everyone has something to contribute, from making coffee to designing bridges! Every bit of effort matters!”

Scott Walker is a long-time member of BCHBC, and past President. He felt he could be a part of BCHBC which is a diverse group of people who sincerely enjoy riding trails, gathering for social events, and putting their hands, minds, and backs to work

on projects for equestrians. Scott has been true to his word. He has been a leader on many major projects, like the Lundbom and Kane Lake equestrian campgrounds, bridge replacements on the Dewdney Trail in EC Manning Park and other projects. Rebuilding the 28 corrals at Lundbom Lake with 42 other BCHBC volunteers is a cherished memory for him. Scott believes supporting recreational horseback riding in BC cannot be overvalued, nor taken for granted and must be pursued with passion to be sustainable in the future. But the most rewarding is in the friendships he has made along with the gained knowledge and skills while participating and joining in BCHBC rides, events, and activities. He says, “Volunteering takes effort and some level of commitment, and everyone has something to offer. Join us, it is totally worth it.”

Eric Becker belongs to the Northwest Chapter near Smithers. Eric is one of the leaders in the Coalmine Equestrian Camp project. He puts his efforts into working with others that have the same interests. He enjoys working on projects that benefit BCHBC members and that strengthen our BCHBC Chapters and Society as a whole. As proof, Eric has been a Chapter Chair and currently is a Provincial Vice President. Eric says, “Join us and volunteer. You get to indulge yourself in the things you enjoy!”

Brian Marriott is our President and from the East Kootenay Chapter in Cranbrook. There is a saying, “United we stand, divided we fall.” According to Brian, BCHBC is the link between recreational riders and the future of trail riding in BC. His goal would be to see all recreational riders join us to speak as one. There is strength in numbers, and this will help keep trails open for long term equestrian use.

Back Country Horsemen of BC – serving BC trail riding enthusiasts since 1989! Check out our beautiful website at / Questions? Contact BCHBC respectfully acknowledges that our members are privileged to recreate on the unceded traditional lands of First Nations people of British Columbia.
You can visit the BCHBC website at and join or donate to help with that goal. Eric Becker on a chapter ride. Photo by Patricia Klym. Okanagan Chapter member Scott Walker hard at work at Lundbom Lake. Photo by Rose Schroeder. Talented volunteer Jen Marshall entertaining around a campfire. Photo by Rose Schroeder. BCHBC President Brian Marriott.

Alberta Donkey and Mule Club

ARMSTRONG ENDERBY RIDING CLUB S chooling Shows (Eng/West/Games), Armstrong Fairgrounds, April to Sept. 10/23


BC CARRIAGE DRIVING SOCIETY, Pres: Ellen Hockley 250-572-7516, Pleasure, Combined, Recreation from Minis to Drafts, 6/23

BC INTERIOR ARABIAN HORSE ASSOC. Pres: Wally Goertz 250-546-6004 11/23, clinics, Recreational riding programs, Awards/Social Activ.

BC INTERIOR MORGAN HORSE CLUB see our FB page. Pres: Bev Routledge email: Activities: trail rides, obstacle fun day, barn tour/pot luck. 5/24

BC PAINT HORSE CLUB, Open Show & Competition Program, award sponsorships for local clubs, youth scholarship. 3/24

BC QUARTER HORSE ASSOCATION, Contact Carolyn Farris, email 12/23

BC Team Cattle Penning Association

March 18-19 (Barriere)

April 29-30 (Barriere)

May 20-21 (Quesnel)

May 27-28 (Barriere)

June 17-18 (Knutsford) & Sorting Jackpot June 19

Sept 9-10 Finals (tba)

Join us at our 2023 shows! •

BC WELSH PONY & COB ASSOC. (see FB) Pres: Rosanne 604-302-7650, Breed promotion program throughout the province 4/23

BOUNDARY HORSE ASSOCIATION (Grand Forks BC), Offering shows, gymkhanas, clinics & more. See us on Facebook, 250-443-3191, 4/23

Canadian Cowboy Challenge

A SPORT for the whole Family!

Seven Divisions to accommodate all!

For more info please call 403-828-2044 or visit

INTERIOR CUTTING HORSE ASSOCIATION New cutters always welcome. Lee Poncelet 250-938-2034 9/23 11/23 10/23 Want to enjoy miles of beautiful new trails with your equine partner in BC? Try Endurance Riding! Info on clinics and events at We welcome all levels of riders and all breeds of equines. 6/1612/23 2/24 Join the Canadian Quarter Horse Association Membership is FREE! The CQHA is the Canadian affiliate of the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), and representative of the largest breed population within the Canadian herd. Visit us at 12/22 CHILLIWACK RIDING CLUB, Drill Team, Horse Shows (Heritage Qualifiers), Gymkhana, Trail Rides, Clinics, Open Ride, Socials, 12 /23 11/23
Clubs & Associations
Days • Clinics • Shows • Trail Rides • Community Events • Knowledge Sharing High Point in Competitive and Recreational Categories 6/23
A charitable equine organization funding veterinary colleges and
and other worthy equine causes.
Watson, President • 403-378-4323
WELCOMED THE EQUINE FOUNDATION OF CANADA PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE HELPING HORSES 4/24 BC ANIMAL OWNERS ASSOC. Mission is to get ‘legal’ access to non-vet practices to support our companion/farm animals. 4/23 6/23
1980, Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association has
Certification of therapeutic riding instructors -
to senior level
Prerequisites through Equestrian Canada  • Equine assisted wellness, learning, team building & personal development
National accreditation of therapeutic riding programs
Partner with Equine Guelph Phone: (519) 767-0700 Email: 12/23 Promoting therapeutic riding, equine-based therapeutic services, and para-equestrian activities throughout BC through networking, educational programming, and outreach activities. JOIN US! 2/24
been the leader in Canada for therapeutic riding and is recognized as such by HETI (the International Therapeutic
Federation). •

Clubs & Associations

IEBWA Members are Certified & Insured… Is your Body Worker?

Equine & Canine Memberships available!


Welcoming a diverse equestrian community by fostering an environment of enjoyment, development, and competition. Introducing the 2023 Interior Desert Hunter/Jumper Circuit Show Series More details and dates available at 3745 Gordon Drive, Kelowna BC 12/23

LANGLEY RIDERS SOCIETY, English/Western, Games, Jumping, Drill Team, Rodeo. 604-530-5981 11/23


NORTHERN SADDLE CLUB, Smithers BC. Check out our website at and follow us on Facebook 2/24


Join us in this incredible sport of Horseback Archery in the Okanagan Valley, BC

Intro Clinics • Skills Clinics • Family Clinics • Practices • Competitions • Community ‘The Obstacle Is The Way’

Contact: FB & IG • • • 250-899-4344



100 Mile & District Outriders

Promoting equine activities and knowledge in the south Cariboo with Shows, Clinics, Gymkhanas and more.

President: Mike Kidston

E-mail: ~

PEACHLAND RIDING CLUB, Pres: Kevin Froese (Kevin.leroy.froese@gmail. com). Info, Gymkhana dates & events 6/23

RUSTY SPURS 4-H HORSE CLUB (Abbotsford BC) Open to Youth 6-19, & Find us on Facebook!  12/23

SOUTH CENTRAL QUARTER HORSE ASSOC., Host of April Fuzzy Horse Show and September AQHA Circuit Show, 12/23

VERNON DISTRICT RIDING CLUB (Vernon BC), check out our website at or visit our Facebook & Instagram pages 2/24

VI MINIATURE HORSE CLUB,, bcminiaturehorseclubs/ vimhc Driving and/or halter shows, clinics & performance competitions 2/24

VINTAGE RIDERS EQUESTRIAN CLUB (Fraser Valley BC), English/Western, lectures, clinics, socials, safe and fun,, on Facebook 4/23

WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE ASSOCIATION, Barb Stephenson (Secretary) phone 403-933-5765 (8:00 am to 8:00 pm) 6/23

Award-winning multi-media artist and musician Tamara Williamson offers an unbridled account of a life in the world of horses in her memoir Mirror Horse.

From her first clever little bay pony, Stroller, to brilliant ribbon-winning Fletcher, Williamson recalls the many significant horses in her life, grappling with what it means to be horse-obsessed and what drives this desire to connect with horses. As she discovers, during the tumultuous years of relationships with people and horses, these complicated equine creatures reflect back to us our best and worst selves.

Woven throughout the stories of individual horses is her own story of a creative, chaotic, challenging and adventurous life. Raised by an eccentric family, Williamson struggles with dyslexia and a sense of increasing detachment. Horses, and the exacting sport of dressage, provide her with opportunities to connect, sometimes imperfectly. Her drive for accomplishment in equestrian sports, whether as a trainer or a rider, is regularly at odds with the fear that lingers from a traumatic childhood riding incident.

Williamson never loses sight of the responsibility she feels toward horses and the respect she has for their individual characters, memories and instinctcrafting a complex story about courage, family and the unexpected places we find a reflection of our souls.

Douglas & McIntyre


$26.95 CAD

Paperback, 257 pages May 2023

Equine Body Workers Association


tba PLOWING MEET, Silver Creek (Salmon Arm) BC, Inland Draft & Teamster Assoc. on Facebook

Weds KRC MEMBER FUN NIGHTS starting at 6 pm, every Wednesday, Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC,


4-5 NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP w/Glenn Stewart, Stage 1, Smithers BC, contact Anika 250-846-5494 or

5 REAL DEAL RANCH HORSE SALE, Perlich Bros. Auction Market, Lethbridge AB, 403-329-3101,

5-6 WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE SALE, Cow Palace, Olds AB, Barb 403-933-5765,,

5-7 KRC SPRING CLASSIC H/J SHOW, Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC,

6 SPRING HORSE SALE, Perlich Bros. Auction Market, Lethbridge AB, 403-329-3101,


6-7 BC MOUNTAIN TRAIL CLINIC, Hanging H Arena, Chilliwack BC, e-mail Debbie,,

6-8 NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP w/Glenn Stewart, Advanced Workshop, Smithers BC, contact Anika 250-846-5494 or

12-14 SPRING DRESSAGE SHOW, Gold, Southlands Riding Club, Vancouver BC,

13 SCQHA CLINIC w/Wayne Soderberg (& Fuzzy Horse Show judge), Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC,,

13-14 BC MOUNTAIN TRAIL CLINIC, Circle Creek, Kamloops BC, e-mail Colleen,

14 SCQHA FUZZY HORSE SHOW, Judge Wayne Soderberg, Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC,,

14 DRESSAGE TEST PRACTICE DAY (2 of 4), Copper Hills Equestrian Centre, Kamloops BC, Ann Wallin 778-220-7898,

18-21 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Grenfell SK, 204-771-5335,


25-28 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Grand Forks BC, 204-771-5335,

26-28 BACK COUNTRY HORSEMEN “Roots and Boots” Rendezvous in Merritt BC,

27 TRICK TRAINING CLINIC w/Amanda Preston, New Beginnings Equestrian Centre, Onoway AB, call 780-264-8057, email

27-28 BCMT BUCKLE SERIES SHOW, Circle Creek, Kamloops BC, e-mail Colleen,

27-28 VERNON DRESSAGE SHOW, Gold/Bronze, Vernon Riding Club, Vernon BC,

27+28 AERC HORSE SHOW (co-hosting with APHA), Agriplex, Armstrong BC,,


28 VIMHC Lombard Cones & stuff,, www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc

28 DRESSAGE SHOW SERIES, Beban Park Equestrian Centre, Nanaimo BC, Monique Fraser

28 ALL BREEDS FUN SHOW (in-hand, riding & driving classes), Onoway AB, more info at


Weds KRC MEMBER FUN NIGHTS starting at 6 pm, every Wednesday, Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC,


1-4 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Princeton BC, 204-771-5335,


3-4 ALL BREED RANCH RIDING SHOW, 100 Mile House BC, Danita 250-644-5686,

8-11 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Langley BC, 204-771-5335,

9–10 VIMHC Spring Classic Show,, www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc


10-16 NOVA SCOTIA, Learn Equine Massage! Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF,

15-18 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Campbell River BC, 204-771-5335,

16-17 APHC SPRING CLASSIC, Red Deer Westerner, Red Deer AB, follow us on Facebook and

16-18 TOUCH OF CLASS DRESSAGE SHOW, Gold/CDI, Thunderbird Show Park, Langley BC,

17-18 BCMT BUCKLE SERIES SHOW, Hanging H Arena, Chilliwack BC, e-mail Debbie,,

17-18 CAMPOUT via horse drawn carts & wagons in the Chu Chua area BC, Inland Draft & Teamster Assoc. on Facebook

18 VIMHC Lombard Mini Show,, www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc

18-24 GUELPH ON, Learn Equine Massage! Certification Course, Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF,

22-25 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Pemberton BC, 204-771-5335,

24-25 RANCH HORSE REVOLUTION SHOW, Armstrong BC, more info on Facebook page or email


24-25 CCC DOUBLE HEADER, Pine Rock Ventures, Bluffton AB, Janet Goltz 403-848-1790,,

25-July 1 OTTAWA ON, Learn Equine Massage! Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF,

29-Jul 2 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Heffley Creek BC, 204-771-5335,


6-9 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Clearwater BC, 204-771-5335,

8 SCQHA CLINIC (Clinician TBA), Kelowna Riding Club, Kelowna BC,,

LET US KNOW – THIS IS A FREE SERVICE FOR NON-PROFIT EVENTS. REQUIRED FORMAT FOR EACH DATE: Jan 1-3 OPEN HORSE SHOW, Smith Arena, Smithsville, BC, John 604-123-4567, MORE DATES AT SADDLEUP.CA Do you have your 2023 dates booked yet? Send them in (required format only, as above) – our readers want to know! Remember, we can only fit so many in the magazine, but we print them ALL on our website! What’s Happening? Let’s Go!
Do you have your 2023 Event Dates yet?

WWW.REIMERSFARMSERVICE.COM (BC Interior) 1-855-737-0110 or 250-838-0111. Bulk & Bagged Shavings, 4x4x4 Totes, Sawdust, Bark Mulch

Wanted Wranglers / Trail Guides

DAWSON CO-OP HOME & AGRO CENTRE, 250-782-3371 10020 Parkhill Drive, Dawson Creek BC,

Otter Co-op Dealer & Pet Foods. You can find us on Facebook 11/23 FENCING
PANELS & GATES ARMSTRONG 250-546-9174 NANAIMO 250-912-0095 12/23
RANCHES 5/23 7/23 RED DEER 3/24 • Horse Shavings • Hog Fuel • Bark Mulch • Compost Ph: 250-503-7432 NATA FARMS Serving BC’s Interior including South Okanagan 5/23 5/23 SANDRA MAITLAND, Reiki Practitioner & Animal Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki, Serving the Okanagan Valley, 250-462-4283, 9/23 HEIDI GRANT, Equine Health & Emergency First Aid Instructor Trainer for Equi-Health Canada. Serving Northern BC & Vancouver Island, 306-717-4932, 12/23 CLOVERDALEPHARMASAVE.COM, Integrative Pharmacy for People & Animals,  5778-176A Street, Surrey BC, 604-576-2888 2/24 5th of each month DEADLINE Ride in Bright, Natural Light Year-round Riding Arenas Designed For You 3/24
HOME BUILDING CENTRE (Ashcroft) 250-453-2281
1-877-847-3735 WHOLESALE


FOOTNOTEFARM.COM (Langley BC) 778-822-3276 Certified instructors, safe & sound horses, curriculum followed, privates for beginners. 5/23

Business Services


SANDY LANG HORSEMANSHIP (Abbotsford BC) 778-344-3804, Foundation Focus Working Equitation, Natural Horsemanship, 9/23


BC’s Leader in Agricultural Real Estate

604-852-1180 •


DIAMOND H TACK INC. (Kelowna BC) 877-762-5631 English & Western Saddlery, Clothes, Farrier, Feed, Blanket & Leather Repairs 10/23


PETERSEN TRAILERS LTD. (Langley) 604-533-4209 Service and Repairs. All makes 7/23


KITT EQUIPMENT TRAILER SALES, (Chilliwack & Aldergrove), 1-877-8237199, Horse ~ Stock ~ Utility ~ Dump ~ Flatdecks, 4/24

CANADIANEQUESTRIANARTSACADEMY.COM, French Classical dressage, coaching,  clinics, sales. Standing Xihao AR, Lusitano stallion. Sarah Southwell 403-915-0616 3/24

ELISA MAROCCHI (100 Mile House BC), EC Licensed Driving Coach 250-706-2824

LEE PONCELET TRAINING STABLES (Vernon, BC) 250-938-2034 Starting Colts. Training all levels. Specializing in Cutting/Cowhorse. 8 /23

Clinics, Lessons, Training on/off farm,   5/23 VETERINARIANS PUBLISHING ANIMAL CARE HOSPITAL Williams Lake 250-392-5510 / Quesnel 250-747-3053 Drs. Magnowski, Scheidt, Thompson, Jordan, Deitrick   4/24 INTERIOR VETERINARY HEALTH SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-769-4217, Mobile Equine, Brytann Youngberg DVM, VSMT, College of Animal Chiropractors 9/23 WALES EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-258-2299 Drs. Alex Wales and Dr. Susan Wales, 9/23 CONNECT VETERINARY SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-212-3513 Mobile Equine, Dr. Savannah Beavers, 12/23 YOUR BUSINESS SHOULD BE HERE! LISTINGS START AT ONLY $250 PER YEAR (FOR 11 ISSUES); PLUS WE CAN ADD A WEB LINK FOR JUST $50 PER YEAR. Once you are a ‘print’ advertiser in Saddle Up, you can advertise on our website with a sidebar or banner ad starting at just $20 per month. See page 4 for contact info. KAMLOOPS LARGE ANIMAL VETERINARY CLINIC 9/23 Elisha Bradburn is available for Clinics & Events Based out of Faithful Farm in Langley, BC Follow Legacy Horsemanship on Facebook and Instagram E-mail inquiries to HORSE FIRST HORSEMANSHIP Build Something Lasting 7/23 HATS & ACCESSORIES Hand-crafted 100% Beaver Custom Hats Cleanings, repairs and renovations “A hat is an extension of your personality” 403.936.5090 • 12/23 3/24

AW Poco Kintaro | AQHA/NFQH 98% Palomino with dun dilution Axels N Steel Dust | AQHA/NFQH 98% Grullo Aaron & Colleen Wangler 250-843-7337 (Dawson Creek BC)

Stallions & Breeders

APPALOOSACENTRE.COM 250-963-9779 Real Appaloosas for Today and the Future!

5 Panel Negative AQHA Stallion Standing at: Charles Ranch Equine, Ashcroft BC and (owners) Circle M Farm, Qualicum Beach BC For breeding inquiries email

FOOTNOTE FARM FJORDS (Langley BC) 778-822-3276. Registered & imported breeding stock. Bred for performance and built to last. 5/23

SUNSET VIEW RANCH (West Kelowna BC) 250-878-9807. Top Performance AQHA/APHA bloodlines, Breeding & Sales, on

Approved Puro Sangue Lusitano (APSL) LA - 360866 Stallion

Noble Promise KD

Standing at Benton Family Farms in Summerland BC

Double Registered APSL & IALHA

15.1+ HH (still growing)

Smokey Black (E/e) Heterozygous (1 cream gene)

All foals eligible for IALHA Part-bred registration or full registration depending on the mare’s papers

STUD FEE: $1,500 for Andalusian & Lusitano mares

$1,300 All other mares

Frozen Semen | Available offspring

Noble is a very athletic, fast learner, and very forward moving. He will start to work towards Dressage and Working Equitation this summer.

E-mail: | Phone: 250-274-6100


38 • MAY 2023 SADDLEUP.CA On The Market (Private Sale)
to the future with: 12/23
AW Blue Fire N Te AQHA Blue Roan

MOUNTAIN VIEW HORSE BLANKET LAUNDRY & REPAIR has partnered with Buck’n Clean Horse Laundry Service, offering pick up & delivery service in the Chilliwack & Lower Mainland area, 604-8457179,

5/23 Shop & Swap! Leather & Stitches The Leather Lady Custom Sewing Leather Hats, Belts, Moccasins Holsters, Knife Sheaths Upholstery Work & many Repairs Sherri DeBoer 250.838.0778 Box 62 Grindrod BC, V0E 1Y0 12/23 ULTRAKELP.CA 1-888-848-9988 Complete Balanced Bioavailable Source Of Essential MACRO and MICRO nutrients for HEALTHY HORSES Contact: Brigitte MacKenzie, 604-768-9558 (cell/text) REALTORS YOUR AD SHOULD BE HERE! 1/9 PAGE ONLY $90 OR LESS 1-866-546-9922 for more info 5th of each month DEADLINE Rural Roots
Repairs. Clean used
for sale. Town Centre Dry Cleaners, Town Centre Mall. 250-546-0104 (Armstrong BC)
The Art of Classical French Riding (Dancing with Horses in the BC Interior) August 28, 29, 30, 2023 Riders $650 Auditors $20/day Join us in Horsefly BC E: | P: 250-620-3325 6/23

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Articles inside

Noble Promise KD

pages 38-39

Business Services

pages 37-38


pages 34-37

Clubs & Associations

page 34

The Back Country Horsemen of BC

pages 32-33

Canadian Cowboy Challenge Update

page 31

Kelowna Riding Club News 

page 30

News from The Canadian Registry of the Tennessee Walking Horse

page 29

Equestrian Canada Equestre,

pages 28-29

Vintage Riders… for the love of horses!

page 27

Horse Council BC - Notes from the Office

page 26

Tip of the Month - Need Therapy for these Stressful Times?

pages 24-25

Did You Know… ?

page 24

Pet Allergies & Itchy Skin Problems –The Root Cause

page 23

Thank You Horsey Ladies Okanagan

pages 21-22

No Fooling with the Horsey Ladies!

page 20


pages 18-19

Colic Prevention Tips

pages 16-17

When Burnout Steals the Joy from Working with Horses (

pages 14-15

A Closer Look at Low NSC and Fat Based Energy

page 13

2023 - The Year of the BC Breakaway Ropers

page 12

Spring Grass… Graze Your Horses With Caution

pages 8-11

Dynamint Equine

page 7

Thompson Rivers University Benefits from Equine Foundation of Canada

page 7

The Evolution In Whole Horse Soundness Conference

page 6

From the Editor…

pages 4-5

READERS Tell us stories!

pages 2-4
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