Saddle Up February 2021

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wks a H d e g n i W Appaloosa

Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521 Printed in Canada

Celebrating our Equine Beauties

10 Years Raising Quality Foundation Appaloosa Horses 2011 -2021 Introducing our great stallion of older foundation Appaloosa bloodlines Wakons Snow Leopard FEBRUARY 2021


2 • FEBRUARY 2021


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HCBC 2010 Business of The Year 2014 A/S Chamber President’s Choice Award Publisher/Editor Nancy Roman MAIN OFFICE TOLL FREE 1-866-546-9922 250-546-9922 MAILING ADDRESS Saddle Up magazine PO Box 371 Armstrong, BC, Canada V0E 1B0


nybody else seeing spots? I know I am. How’s that for a front cover? I hope you all had a great Christmas and were able to enjoy the holidays – as best you could. I know I did. The ‘puzzling’ never stopped! So now we welcome 2021 with open arms, with the hopes that things will get better for us all. Time will tell. Looking at our What’s Happening calendar some events are able to happen, with proper distancing of course, so we can still get out and about with our horses. Let’s hope there is no provincial shut down like some of our other provinces. If we follow protocol(s) folks!!! Our 2020 Photo Contest is now over, but our sponsor The Finn & Fletcher Co. would like to offer more in 2021… details will be announced in the March issue. Our Horsey Ladies ‘online’ fundraiser was a tremendous success – and much easier on our volunteer committee! Might have to repeat that for 2021 – who knows! Enjoy the read folks, some good stuff (as always) inside… Take care, and stay safe everyone,

Printed In Canada produced by OKANAGAN PRINTING a division of

EPublishing in Armstrong, BC 250-546-6477

ON THE COVER: Winged Hawks Appaloosa, CONTRIBUTORS: Rachel Vowles, Alison King, Brenda Minor, Glenn Stewart, Birgit Stutz, Lisa Wieben, Kaitlyn Graff, Russ Shandro

Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521 GST Reg. No. 865839567 ISSN No. 1701-6002 © All Rights Reserved

OFFICIAL VOICE FOR: Back Country Horsemen of BC, Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association





DEADLINE 5TH OF EVERY MONTH SUBSCRIPTIONS $24.00 CDN plus tax per year or $42 US per year. (12 issues) Reproduction of any materials without written permission from the editor is prohibited. Opinions and statements expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor.

4 • FEBRUARY 2021


Top Dog!


Horse Council BC


What’s This?

23 24

Photo Contest WINNERS


Calgary Stampede Update


Lower Mainland QH Assoc.

New to Western Dressage


Back Country Horsemen of BC 25

Some Things Aren’t for Sale


Clubs/Associations 26

10 Things Dressage Judges…


What’s Happening? Let’s Go!


BC Animal Owners Association


Business Services


Equine Guelph (Covid-19)


On the Market (photo ads)


Horsey Ladies Fundraiser


Stallions/Breeders 30 Shop & Swap


Tails to be Told – A treasure chest of memories invitation by Nancy Roman, Publisher


the way things were back then… be reminded of what your horse did for you or your family. We want to see that horse or pony with the old saddle, the old bridle, the shape and size of the horse in those good old days – they were different for sure! Times have changed and we’d like to share that bit of history.

here are your childhood stories? Where’s your grandpa’s story, your grandma’s story… all about horses? Were they in a parade or a rodeo in years past? Just acquired their first pony or horse, used to run the milk wagon in your community (horse-driven)?? The older the story – the better – and more intriguing. Saddle Up has always offered to print your stories from years gone by… the old days… when things might have been simpler (or maybe tougher)… we’d like to know. And I am sure our readers would be interested too. We all seem to love history… to reminisce of

2 year-old FILLY for sale, Daughter of Wakons Snow Leopard x Wakons Pristine Rain.

For information about this beauty contact Marlene Ross, Wakon Appaloosas at 360-436-1904, proud breeder of old foundation Appaloosa bloodlines for over 60 years, in Darrington Washington USA. Wakons Still Meadow

War Skylark

If you are interested to send in your photo(s) and story, please contact me via email or toll free phone call. The story need not be long, pictures say volumes. Thank you.

FEATURE STALLION Wakons Snow Leopard

ApHC, FAHR & ICAA registered Wakons Snow Leopard, 15.1HH stallion from Wakon Appaloosas, Washington USA. Great old foundation bloodlines. STALLION SERVICE WAKONS SNOW LEOPARD LIVE COVER 2021 CONTACT In BC, Judy at or contact us from In AB, late May to August Wakons Snow Leopard is standing at STJ Acres in Sherwood Park, Alberta. Contact Tara at producing quality foundation Appaloosas for 35 years. This spring 2021, Tara is expecting foals by ApHC registered War Skylark. Tara will be expecting Wakons Snow Leopard foals in spring 2022. FEBRUARY 2021


Saddle Up's Facebook


Supplying Your Pets with NEW and Unique Products!

Our Photo Contest is now over and we thank everyone who submitted their photos each month and congratulations to all the winners! A very special THANK YOU to The Finn & Fletcher Co. who sponsored the contest for 9 months – that’s a lot of prizes!!! Very generous of you – and much appreciated. The Finn & Fletcher Co. would like to continue with another contest for 2021… watch for the March issue for more details.

JULY WINNER: Allison Hymers, Sundre AB Theme: OH Canada! APRIL WINNER: Lenka Kolar, Lake Country BC Theme: Puppy Love

MAY WINNER: Sheena Morris, Chilliwack BC Theme: And…Action!

JUNE WINNER: Amber Bond, Keremeos BC Theme: Happy Father’s Day!

AUGUST WINNER: Claudia Vogt, Quesnel BC Theme: What a Team We Are! SEPTEMBER WINNER: Holli Vander Wyk, Chilliwack BC Theme: In Dog We Trust

“I would like the Goliath Turnout Blanket please. I want to give it to some folks that lost everything in a fire. I’ll get back to you on the size.” – Julie Hett 6 • FEBRUARY 2021


OCTOBER WINNER: Chelsey Felling, Chilliwack BC Theme: You Make Me Laugh

CONGRATULATIONS to the December winning photos – our judges just couldn’t pick one! DECEMBER WINNERS: (Tied) Julie Hett, Cherryville BC and Dawn Spencer, Clearwater BC Theme: Snow Games

NOVEMBER WINNER: Carly Zielke, Knutsford BC Theme: That Special Moment

“Thank you to the judges for picking Amos and Ted for first place. The other photo that we tied with is just as stunning! The prize I choose is the Doggie Bag Caddie Pack.” - Dawn Spencer

Calgary Stampede

Community Spirit News, NFR 2020 - A December to remember! Nine months off. Nine months without travelling, without rodeos, without the energy of a cheering crowd or a rider on their backs. That’s how the Calgary Stampede’s top bucking horses rolled into the National Finals Rodeo (NFR), December 3-12. And night after night, they proved why they were invited to compete among the best-of-the best in the world of rodeo, capturing an incredible 6 go-round wins over the 10 days of competition. To top off the remarkable performance, one of two rookies in the Stampede string was voted Bareback Horse of the NFR, and incredible honour.

A record 17 Calgary Stampede horses were invited to compete in 2020. Some, like Stampede Warrior and Special Delivery, were NFR veterans. Two horses were new to the experience, and show the diversity and depth of the Stampede herd. At 15 years old, Redon Acres received his first NFR invite. He was joined by another rookie, seven-year-old Agent Lynx. The young mare, offspring of Stampede superstars Grated Coconut and Lynx Mountain, made a huge impact. After bucking off two riders, she was selected as the Bareback Horse of the NFR by the competitors and stock contractors.

The lasting legacy of Calgary's first Stampede Queen It is with great sadness that the Stampede family is saying goodbye to the woman who paved the way for generations of Stampede Royalty. The very first Calgary Stampede Queen, Patsy (Rodgers) Henderson passed away last month at the remarkable age of 95. “As the first Stampede Queen crowned in 1946, Patsy was our pioneer, a trailblazer, and a woman of ultimate class,” said Calgary Stampede Queens’ Alumni Chair, Amy Smith. “She truly embodied the traits of a royal with poise and grace. She will be greatly missed and always hold a special place in our hearts.” According to her family, Patsy never stopped promoting the culture and values of the Calgary Stampede. She last rode horseback in the Stampede Parade in 1996, the 50th anniversary of her reign. In 2008, she was invited to lead the Parade as the Marshal, flanked by all of the other alumni as honourary Marshals. It was a special moment for everyone involved and was indicative of her life-long dedication to the Stampede Queens' Alumni as well as her commitment to community that began back in 1946.

BMO Centre Expansion enters a new phase of construction As we near the end of 2020, Stampede Park is beginning to see significant change with a new phase of the BMO Centre expansion now moving forward. Exhibition Hall F, the newly constructed 100,000 SF exhibition space on the north side of the existing convention centre is now complete, marking a key milestone in the enabling works for this project and the future of Stampede Park. The next phase of the project includes the removal of the Stampede Corral and BMO Centre Exhibition Hall A. “As we prepare to say goodbye to the Corral, we are proud to be building the future of Stampede Park with the BMO Centre as a catalyst for Calgary’s continued economic growth and diversity.” says Jim Laurendeau, Vice President of Park Planning & Development, Calgary Stampede. "We continue to receive interest from around the world,

with the unique western culture and community spirit of Calgary a significant attraction for those planning future events. Despite the current challenges, there remains no better way to learn and share ideas than to do so gathered together in person." The visually stunning BMO Centre expansion, valued at $500 million, will significantly grow and modernize the facility and enable Calgary to host major conventions on a global scale. Funded equally by the federal, provincial and municipal governments, the BMO Centre will become the largest convention centre in western Canada and will significantly increase Calgary’s profile in the international meetings and conventions industry. The project will also create thousands of jobs for the community, both during construction and after its completion. FEBRUARY 2021


New to Western Dressage

– where to begin? By Lisa Wieben and Birgit Stutz Lisa Wieben riding You Otta Have Me, 8-year-old APHA/ AQHA mare. Photos by Gary Wieben.

You’ve decided Western Dressage is something you want to try. Now what? How do you get started? First on the list is to find clubs in your area or province that you can go to with questions. They will be able to tell you which rules and tests they follow as there are a few different ones to choose from.


hey will either be Western Style Dressage Association of Canada or Western Dressage Association of America or Horse Council BC tests. Each association has their own tests so you will want to know that you are practicing the correct ones. The rules will let you know what tack and attire is acceptable. Check for any local clubs that are offering shows and clinics. Also check with English Dressage Associations as most shows offer Western Dressage classes. Attire is what you feel most comfortable in as it can range from jeans and a western shirt, to full show attire and chaps, to chinks, tall boots, and a western shirt with or without a vest. Shows in Canada require helmets to be worn. Once you know which rules/tests you will be required to learn then you can start to look at what the judge will be looking for. In the lower levels (Introductory-walk/jog and Basic - walk/jog/ lope) the first three levels of the dressage training scale will be the most important to focus on. Rhythm - work on getting a consistent rhythm and tempo at each gait. If the horse is constantly speeding up/slowing down, it will detract from the performance and cause tension. Imagine riding to a metronome. 1,2,3,4 for a walk, 1-2, 1-2 for a working jog, 1,2,3, 1,2,3 for a lope. The pace should be nice and even. Too quick, and the horse will likely show tension. Too slow, the horse will likely not track up. Ideally the horse will step his hind foot into the front foot step. Depending on the conformation of the horse, some horses will step over the front foot step while others will have trouble tracking up fully. Eyes on the ground can help you determine where your horse is stepping. Stepping over is ok. Relaxation - this goes along with rhythm - as the horse relaxes it is 8 • FEBRUARY 2021


The layout. Poles are measured 10 metres from the centre pylon to the last white marking on poles. Poles are 12’ long. Blocks are 6” in height.

easier to maintain a consistent rhythm. Relaxation describes a calm demeanor as well as a supple body without muscle tension. A horse that is comfortable with the movements will be relaxed. Connection - this is the push from behind into the rider's hands, also called contact. Contact should be light and elastic, following the movement of the horse. In the lower levels the ring size will be 20 metres x 40 metres. One of the main components to work on is the 20-metre circle. Sounds easy, but it takes time to master (check our article in the May 2016 issue of Saddle Up; see ‘Archive’ on the website). Many horses will want to fall in or drift out, or keep their body too straight if they are lacking suppleness. Every test will have a 20-metre circle so it is always good to practice this. To turn onto the centreline you will need to ride half a 10-metre circle to line up to the centreline and a half 10-metre circle to return to the rail at the end of the line. Measuring the circles out and setting out pylons or markers will help tremendously as you practice! Working on the basics is the perfect thing to do in the winter months. Strong basics will carry you through all levels of dressage. Even the top dressage riders still need to work on rhythm, relaxation, and connection when practicing flying lead changes and advanced lateral work. Spending lots of time here will pay off later. Here is an exercise that you can do to start working on all three components: Measure out a 20-metre circle and place a pole at each quarter of the circle with the outside edge of the pole set just outside of the circle (we used 12-foot poles in the photos). You can raise the inside end of the pole, which will discourage the horse from leaning into the circle as they spiral in.

Riding the 10-metre circle. Nice bend in the circle. Rider is looking ahead on the circle.

Turn on the haunches in centre of spiral (as seen in the video).

There are several ways to ride this layout. 1. Ride the outside of the circle away from the poles in walk, jog, and lope, practicing transitions. 2. Ride over the pole to the outside of the circle (with our painted poles we can pick the colour to ride over). If the inside edge of the poles are raised you would start to the low side. 3. Spiral the circle in from the outside edge of the poles to the middle of the poles, then to the inside edge of the poles, finish by riding a circle on the inside of the poles without going over the poles (do one circle with each new circle size to give the horse a chance to adjust.) Slowly spiral back out either using a leg yield or guiding the horse from your body. Note: the amount you spiral in will depend on the ability of your horse. If the horse starts to struggle, lean in, or wants to speed up or slow down, immediately move back out on the circle. 4. 20-metre circles/10-metre circles. Ride to the outside edge of the poles or over the outside part of the pole on the 20-metre circle. As you get to each pole ride a small circle around the pole. It will help in the beginning to have markers set to determine the size of a 10-metre circle. This is a great suppling exercise and perfect practice for both the 20- and 10-metre circles that you will need in the ring. 5. Feeling confident with your lope you can ride outside of the poles in working jog, pick up your lope, then lope over a pole, then back to the outside of the circle. Work up to going over all the poles. This will take time for the horse and rider to gauge the distance, but is something to work up to. There are certainly more ways to add onto this exercise, but for now this will have you working on the three basics of the lower levels. For a video on these exercises, check out wnQmxmdOBlE If you are unsure of where you are heading it is always a good idea to connect with a coach that knows the sport you want to prepare for. We (Lisa and Birgit) are both available for online and in-person lessons. Be sure to send your questions to as we will answer another reader question next month.

Jogging over the pole.

and off the horse. Balance the Rider, Balance the Horse! Book a clinic that incorporates all the modalities! As an Irwin Insights Level 6 Master Certified trainer and coach, Birgit Stutz helps riders of all levels and backgrounds advance their horsemanship skills by developing personal and situational awareness, focusing on indepth understanding of equine behaviour, body language, psychology and biomechanics. Driven by her passion for both equine welfare and performance, Birgit believes that facilitating effective communication between horse and rider is an approach that fulfills our responsibilities to the horse and elicits great results. (See their listings in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)

Lisa Wieben’s passion is empowering women in their own self-care. As an Energy Medicine Practitioner and Clinical Somatics Practitioner she addresses pain, tension, hormones, stress, and the issues that appear as a result. As a Centered Riding Instructor and Irwin Insights Master Level 7 Trainer she works with riders incorporating awareness exercises both on



Remember That Some Things Aren’t For Sale By Glenn Stewart

The Code Of The West has a code “Remember That Some Things Aren’t For Sale. I thought about this code for a minute and I got to thinking how some things aren’t for sale and how some things can’t be bought.


or instance, if you’ve owned horses for very long, you probably understand what I mean when I say “I’ve got some horses that I could never sell.” I might not be using them anymore, but I’ll buy their feed, trim their feet, deworm them and look after them forever. They will have a home with me until their last day. They aren’t for sale at any price. When it comes to horsemanship, there are things that we can buy, but the things that horses like the most can’t be bought. There are three things that jump out at me when I think of the most important things that a horse would pick if they could in their owner, trainer, or rider. Those three things are feel, timing, and emotional fitness. All three are connected as most anything we do with horses are. I don’t know if I’ve ever written about “emotional fitness.” I have mentioned “feel” and “timing” often and, contrary to many people’s beliefs, feel and timing are not things you are born with, but they can be learned, developed and improved. The same goes for emotional fitness. If you have a program you follow to develop your horsemanship skills, the program should be set up so that the exercises and layout of that program will help you develop and improve our feel, timing and along with that emotional fitness as you move upwards through the program.

10 • FEBRUARY 2021


Feel and timing comes from reading the horse correctly. You must understand what is going on with the horse, what is he thinking in order to use the correct feel and timing for the situation. We are not born being able to read a horse. That ability comes over time and only if we are trying to grow and improve. The program should be designed for us to move forward and we will run into difficulties that we will need to work through. Generally, it always requires us to have better feel and timing and a higher level of emotional fitness. What is emotional fitness? In short, it is staying calm in all situations and it’s very impressive. Hopefully, we have had a role model or someone we know that we have been around in our lives that we have been able to watch, learn and admire and that just doesn’t seem to get rattled no matter what is going on. They can deal with the tough situations while others are panicking, freezing up, yelling, crying, scared, or mad which are all emotions that don’t serve us well in most situations and for sure not with our horses. These emotions get in the way of good feel and timing. They cause us to make poor decisions. Some people seem to get upset about almost everything and take the smallest thing to unbelievable levels of emotion. That is just a lack of emotional fitness. As luck would have it, we can always get better in all three areas. The journey is actually quite fun and something to be very proud of. Your horses will be forever thankful and they will show it in the way they behave. As I have worked on my horsemanship, I have had to continue to develop in all three areas and any one of the three could stop me from moving forward. It has become something I look forward to always try to get better because it shows up in my horses and, frankly, in other areas of my life. I work towards having a horse that is emotionally fit so it only stands to reason and fair that if we ask it of them we need to ask it of ourselves. It makes them safer to ride and a pleasure to be around. Feel, timing and emotional fitness are three separate but very much connected entities that have great value to your horse, friends and family. They have great value but we won’t find these things for sale in a catalogue or on a store shelf or on a website. When we are playing with our horses and emotions are getting away from

us, it is an opportunity to improve how long it goes on and how bad it gets. Lack of emotional fitness will affect our feel and timing which, in turn, creates the horse we have or contributes to the situation we are in such as a horse that won’t load, or rears up, pulls back, is bad with his feet, prances around, spooks, is hard to catch and so on. If any of that happens, how do you handle it? What do your emotions do? Staying calm, thinking, figuring out why and start developing the horse so we don’t have these or other problems is the answer. Getting emotional in any way will not fix the problem and, most likely, makes it worse. The best techniques and exercises are only as good as the feel, timing and emotions behind it. Some of the best things just aren’t for sale. Have fun and be safe, Glenn Stewart

Glenn is now offering year round educational horsemanship programs at his facility near Fort St. John BC and is available to travel and conduct clinics. For more information on Glenn and The Horse Ranch visit www. (See his listing in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)



10 Things Dressage Judges Really (really!) Want Riders to Know By Alison King | Originally appeared on, reprinted with permission

FEI 4* judge Brenda Minor shares her view from the judge's booth and what she wishes riders would do - and avoid doing. 1. We’re on your side!

5. No, we don’t hate your horse

Judges are there to help, not hinder. It’s so exciting to give a score of 9 or 10 for a particular movement that was “very good” or “excellent.” Alternatively, it’s very disappointing to have to give a low score for a poorly performed movement. Most judges recognize when a capable team is having a bad day and we try to reward the good moments. We want you to succeed, and even if the test isn’t high scoring, there should be some positive words of encouragement in the comments.

Judges are trained to evaluate the quality of training and along with that, the quality of the horse. Some horses are blessed with a higher quality of gaits than others and even if they make a mistake, they may still score higher than a horse that is an average mover. That’s where correct training comes in to level the playing field. Often the ‘little’ things make the difference between a good score and a great score: consistent rhythm, suppleness, steady contact… oh wait, it’s the training scale again! Low scores are usually the result of training issues, accuracy issues and mistakes (or one member of the team being inexperienced in a scary ring). To learn how to improve your scores, compare the judge’s comments for each movement with the criteria stated in the rule book or on the test sheet.

2. First impressions count Just like your mother told you, first impressions do count. You may not get a score for turnout, but how you and your horse are presented and how you enter the ring help create the judge’s first impression. Dress for success, enter the ring with confidence and let the judge know you are there for the high scores! Get that 10 for an excellent entry, halt and trot off. Even if the remainder of the test might not go according to plan, at least you looked the part and got off to a great start.

3. We don’t expect miracles to happen – and neither should you There’s a reason conventional wisdom suggests you should show at a level below that which you are comfortably schooling at home – miracles don’t happen in the ring. Your horse must be confident in the movements and able to execute them easily and accurately, following that training scale which is so important. Isn’t it better to get a high score in an easier test than to struggle through a higher-level test and get a low score? That’s not a confidence-builder for horse or rider.

4. There are no “do-overs” The old adage “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” may work in most cases, but not during a dressage test. Judges must score your first attempt at a movement, and that should be your only attempt. Repeating a movement which had a mistake or was poorly executed is marked as an “off course” error, adding a costly deduction to your already low score for that movement. Best to get on with it, forget that it happened and perform the remainder of the test to the best of your ability. 12 • FEBRUARY 2021


6. We can hear you Judges don’t just have eagle eyes; we have sharp ears, too. If you click your tongue or speak to your horse in the ring we’ll probably hear it. Yes, even when you’re at A and we’re sitting at C. Using your voice is a costly, since it’s marked as an error and results in a 2 point deduction every time it happens. Not only that, clicking or clucking also alerts the judge that your horse may not be in front of your leg, which will garner a reduced score for rider effectiveness and impulsion. Judges are trained to notice everything!

7. We don’t assign marks at random Do you know what each mark means? Judges don’t just assign a number to a movement arbitrarily; those numbers each mean something specific. A 10 means “excellent,” not “perfect” (there’s no ‘perfect’ in dressage). Getting a 5 doesn’t mean the judge thinks you should take up another sport. Know the score; read the rule book section concerning the marking scale and review the judge’s comments, which should reflect why that score was given.

8. There’s no need for speed Professionals know how to get every score possible out of a ride. Often, less experienced riders are nervous and just steer their horse around the ring, going for speed rather than accuracy. Take your time. Use

every corner to balance and bend your horse. Each movement in the test is often a setup for the next, so take the time to perform each movement correctly. Prepare ahead of time for transitions and ensure they happen where they are supposed to. Plan your “attack.” You won’t break any world records for speed, but you will achieve higher scores.

9. We have rules, too Judges invest thousands of hours (and dollars) to become certified and to progress up the judging levels. A large part of our education focuses on learning and understanding the rules so that we can apply them fairly to each horse and rider that enters our ring. Riders need to know the rules too; “I didn’t know” is unfortunately not an acceptable excuse for breaking a rule that forces us to deduct marks or worse, eliminate you from the ring. The rule book contains a wealth of information, covering everything from how each movement should be performed, to what pieces of tack and equipment are prohibited. We wish all riders would read them!

10. We’re only human Things don’t always go as planned – both in the ring and in the judge’s booth, too! There are times when we don’t have the correct tests, or a mini-tornado sends test papers flying, coffee spills, a sneezing fit… any number of things can happen to disrupt our concentration momentarily on a ride. If a judge misses a movement, we’re trained to give the rider the benefit of the doubt with a positive score. Mistakes do happen, so check your test as soon as it is available. If you believe a numerical mistake has been made on your test, approaching the judge to complain isn’t the answer. There is a process to be followed, and it begins with bringing your concern to the competition management within two hours of the officially posted scores. They will handle it from there. Should you wish to discuss your test with the judge, you must first approach the tournament director or steward, who will then arrange an appropriate time to do so. They will also act as a “referee,” since as we all know, dressage can be very emotional. Most judges are more than happy to calmly discuss your test; however, you must also know that once a score has been posted, it cannot be changed.

Brenda Minor is a Canadian FEI 4*, FEI Young Horse Judge, EC Senior and USEF Senior Dressage Judge as well as a Level II Coach. Brenda was on the panel at the Pan Am Games in Lima Peru in 2019.

Brenda Minor and Pan Am Mascot

Brenda with Naima LaLiberte at the Pan Ams

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Animal Welfare in the Equine Industry By Rachel Vowles, Mile 0 Farrier Company

I’d like to introduce the BC Animal Owners Association (BCAOA). Their mandate “is to promote an increased variety of wellness options available, including veterinary and complementary animal health care services.” (BCAOA, n.d.). The BCAOA feels that animal owners should have the freedom to access complementary animal health care services without the threat of legal recrimination to the hired practitioner.


urrently, in Canada, the British Columbia Veterinary act states that a person is prohibited to "perform, offer to perform, or imply that the person is entitled to perform, in British Columbia, any act described in the definition of "veterinary medicine" in section 1;" (College of Veterinarians of British Columbia, 2010). Section 1 of definitions goes on to describe "veterinarian medicine" as "the diagnosis and treatment of animals for the prevention, alleviation or correction of disease, injury, pain, defect, disorder, or other similar condition." (College of Veterinarians of British Columbia, 2010). In response to this, the BCAOA would like to "encourage the recognition of accredited education and certification programs for complementary animal health care practitioners." This group of welfare enthusiasts believes that horse owners will be able to provide better health care to their equine partners if they can hire professionals that are specialists in their trade, as opposed to a general practitioner. Without supervision from a CVBC registered vet, the following equine services are currently conducted as unauthorized practitioners: - Massage and Reiki - Acutherapy - Physiotherapy - Behavioural training - Dentistry - Homeopathy - Botanical medicine - Nutraceutical medicine - Acupuncture & Acupressure - Chiropractic’s - Tellington Touch - Traditional Chinese Medicine - Holistic care - Herb Therapy - Pharmacy - Craniosacral Therapy The BCAOA has joined forces with groups such as the Western Canadian Farriers Association (WCFA) to try and educate not only complementary Equine health practitioners but also the general horse-owning public of this situation. These two groups (among others) feel that if these practitioners were given the right to educate, regulate and certify their trades, they would therefore be setting a standard of provided alternative health care as well as promoting more professional, educated, and skilled practitioners to join these trades. This would not only benefit the trades, the horse owners (knowing they're paying for a qualified practitioner) but most importantly, the horse! 14 • FEBRUARY 2021


Currently, the BCAOA and the WCFA have support on this matter from the Horse Council of British Columbia and the BCSPCA and the matter has been proposed to the BC Ministry of Agriculture. In an open public meeting, the BCAOA stated that the time for these practitioners to regulate is now. Mostly because if other complementary health care groups self-regulate, then the rest will be forced to and they asked the question of, "do you want someone else to decide when and how you practice or should we decide that for ourselves?” (BCAOA, personal communication, May 2019). As the WCFA Vice President, Will Clinging, stated in a phone interview, “the benefits of regulation of these sectors of equine health care are a higher quality standard of craftsmanship, higher education standards, support for practitioners from a governing body, malpractice insurance options for practitioners, and most importantly animal welfare standards will improve.” (W. Clinging, personal communication, March 8, 2020). The BCAOA's purpose is not to take such services away from veterinarians entirely, but to “promote the freedom of CVBC registered veterinarians to collaborate with complementary equine health care service providers without the threat of legal action” and to “​ encourage open communications between the CVBC registered veterinarians and complementary animal health care providers.” (BCAOA, n.d.). The current work of the BCAOA is dedicated to the promotion of equine welfare in the province of BC, supports the freedom of choice for equine and animals owners, and hopes to one day see a time where all equine practitioners can work together (without the threat of legalities) for the common good of the horse. References BC Animal Owners Association, personal communication, May 2, 2020. BC Animal Owners Association. (n.d.) Welcome to the BC Animal Owners Association. Queens Printer (2010). Veterinarians Act. bclaws_new/document/ID/freeside/00_10015_01#section1 W. Clinging, personal communication, Mar 8, 2020. (See Mile 0’s listing in our Business Services section under FARRIERS & SUPPLIES)

The Silver Lining of COVID-19 for Horse Communities, Story by: Kaitlyn Graff, Equine Management student, December 2020

Looking Back on the 2020 Equine Industry Symposium & Webinar Replays


ver the course of the last nine months, COVID-19 has proved to be challenging for everyone. People in the equine industry have faced significant hardship, isolation and financial impacts. These unforeseen circumstances provided an opportunity for horse enthusiasts to come together and discuss how to best support each other during these unprecedented times. The 5th annual Equine Industry Symposium, organized by students in the Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management Equine Management major at the University of Guelph, and hosted in partnership with Ontario Equestrian and Equestrian Canada, focused on specific topics within the Symposium’s theme of “Resilience: Rethinking, Restructuring, Reevaluating due to COVID-19” from November 16-20, 2020. As with many gatherings this year, the Equine Industry Symposium was held for the first time virtually, allowing almost 300 participants to attend from eight different countries. Whether facilities were financially impacted, owners were unable to take care of their horses, or students were unable to attend their lessons, the pandemic caught many people in the equine industry off guard. The Equine Industry Symposium addressed these circumstances by facilitating dialogue about how we as a community can overcome these challenges. The first evening presentations highlighted the overarching impacts of the pandemic on the equine community. Bronwynne Wilton from Wilton Group Consulting presented the main findings from an examination of the equine industry in Canada undertaken in March of this year. Essentially, the number of equids in Canada is unknown due to their many and varied uses which does not accurately classify them. The recommendation was to accept the term “active equine” to describe an animal who directly contributes to revenue generation in an “active equine facility.” It was clear that the majority of equine businesses had one month or less of reserves to care for their animals in the face of revenue cessation due to COVID-19 restrictions, and the cost of assistance to cover the basic care of these horses would be $12.9 million per month. Danielle Glanc from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture supported these statements, indicating that equine facility owners need to work to place active equines visibly in the agricultural sector. Christine Reupke, organizing director of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Horse Show, explained the impact of COVID-19 on the decision to cancel the show and steps taken to keep the Royal spirit alive through virtual events. Jonathan Zammit, CEO of Ontario Racing, focused on the impact of COVID-19 on all three racing sectors, and how the racing industry provided financial support by redirecting almost $12 million of purse money to directly offset the costs of care for horses that were no longer able to race due to closures of race tracks. The second evening session discussed methods of restructuring the business for success. Dr. Melanie Barham, a veterinarian and an MBA candidate with a major in Sustainable Commerce, discussed the importance of business planning, different models of business plans, as well as how these can help determine value propositions. Sean Jones, an advisor with Sun Life Financial and an avid equestrian, enlightened the audience by presenting five important considerations for business owners: revenue streams, revenue generation per horse, elimination of unnecessary expenses, virtual teaching/monetization and emergency funding. Mike King, Partner and National Equine Industry lead at the general insurance brokerage CapriCMW Insurance Services, and Catherine Willson, a specialist in equine law, answered questions most people would

have regarding risk assessment and the legal obligations that facilities face during COVID-19, as well as how businesses can protect themselves and others during this time. The third evening featured Gayle Ecker, director of Equine Guelph, who introduced the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Equines. This was aptly followed by Dr. Roly Owers, CEO of World Horse Welfare, who expanded on what is meant by welfare and how to monitor and meet equine welfare needs during the changing landscape of the pandemic. Finally, veterinarian Dr. Bettina Bobsien tackled the difficult topic of end of life planning with consideration to ethics, quality of life, finances and contractual obligations. The fourth evening was all about the importance of emergency preparedness and equine traceability. Stewart Everett, CEO of Equine Register in the UK, presented the innovative technology that not only identifies an animal, but can track movement, enter equestrian competitions, and provide secure access to health records. Dr. Nic de Brauwere, Head of Welfare and Behaviour at the Redwings Horse Sanctuary, UK, discussed the benefits of this centralized equine database including reaching owners to share relevant, trusted information and advice essential for protecting and promoting the welfare and health of their horses. Kristy House, Manager of Welfare and Industry with Equestrian Canada, followed up with plans for implementing a traceability program in Canada. Subsequent to the symposium, Equestrian Canada announced its partnership with Equine Register to launch the Canadian Equine Identification Program (CEIP). Kristy House from Equestrian Canada returned for the final evening to highlight the pandemic positives from a national level perspective as a governing body of the industry. Both federal and provincial government recognition of the equine industry has moved forward which bodes well for the acceptance of the “active equine” definition provided on the first evening. Tracey McCague-McElrea, executive director of Ontario Equestrian, echoed their steps in supporting the equine industry, including the For the Herd initiative to assist riding lesson facilities during these times of financial crises. The Equine Information Source, a group of undergraduate students, demonstrated the resources they created over the summer to assist horse owners and facility managers such as infographics and short video interviews with industry professionals. Finally, Assistant Deputy Minister Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Frédéric Seppey discussed how the government can support the equine community and how the industry is positioned to adapt to the support given. The Equine Industry Symposium provides an important outlet for networking and maintaining industry connections. As participants of the equine industry, we may at times feel disconnected or isolated from one another, and COVID-19 has created further isolation. By exploring and discussing these challenges, we are able to become more resilient and prepared for future industry hardships. Thank you to all presenters and attendees for making this year’s Symposium such a success. Web Link: Story web link: FEBRUARY 2021


Horsey Ladies Fundraiser a Total Online Succe$$! By Nancy Roman

Over $114,000 raised to date


s our Horsey Ladies Okanagan committee knew we would not be able to hold our annual fundraiser with a banquet and auction in November, thanks to technology and social media, we were able to host the fundraiser online. The ten committee members decided to donate their own $30 ticket money (to purchase some items), as well as 10 bottles of wine and chocolates to offer up some prizes. Normally the committee members would be out in their communities seeking donations and prizes for the auction tables holding 100 items or more. But not this year. We were very appreciative of the donations that came in from Henry’s Hay in Enderby, a getaway at Timber Ridge Trails in Lumby, and a lovely horse head Patio Bench from the Chudyk & Pulver families from Armstrong. We were very appreciative because none of us were actively seeking donations whatsoever, due to the pandemic, and we realized businesses could be suffering. So we chose to try this online fundraiser with our own methods and resources offering just 8 prizes up for grabs. And it worked! We are so happy and grateful to those who pledged their money on our Facebook page, and easily e-transferred the funds. Also to those who shared our posts with their friends, which gathered more pledges. Thanks to everyone we were able to raise $5,765.00 for the Old Friends Canada Society in Lake Country (aka Winfield) BC. The Society rescues, re-homes and re-habilitates horses, donkeys and mules. Currently, they have 20 in their care and this money will go towards their winter hay for the animals. Society member Deb Battrum was so pleased to receive the funds on Saturday, November 21st in Vernon, she said, “My, what an amazing day. I can’t tell you how much we really needed help. Now I think it was a good year for OFC, even if bad for so many others. Let the hay begin!” We thought to make our draws and presentation a bit more fun, with social distancing and safety measures in place of course, so we made a video (courtesy of Meghan) which can be seen on our Horsey Ladies Okanagan Facebook page, along with other photos of how we went about the prize draws, etc. CONGRATULATIONS to our 2020 winners… Angela Holtom – $100 BC Liquor Store Gift Card Bridget Frick - $100+ Christmas Basket Elizabeth Morrison - $130 Scratch ‘n Wins Basket Laura Cull – Timber Ridge Trails Getaway Marijke van de Water – Concrete Horse Head Bench Pamela Dyrda - $100 Canadian Tire Gift Card Sue Connolly – Wine (10 bottles) & Chocolates Crate Sue Henstock – 30 Bales of Henry’s Hay And just a reminder to everyone reading, Horsey Ladies Okanagan is neither a club nor a society, we don’t have a board or a bank account… we are just a bunch of horsey gals that get together once a year for our fundraising social event! The committee members are volunteers who want to get involved and seem to want to help out just a little bit more. – Nancy Roman, Elspeth Manning, Donna McNab, Kathy Mydske, Lisa Warren, Sheila Sperling, Lauri Meyers, Dana Martin, Marilyn Gaythorpe, Paulette Quibell.

16 • FEBRUARY 2021


Envious friends hope Sue Connolly will share her win!

OFCS Deb Battrum receiving our donation

8 prize buckets ready to be drawn

"This is the brass plaque for our donors wall. Thanks once again." – Deb Battrum, Old Friends

This could be YOU!

It’s your turn to tell us about YOU! BECAUSE IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU! Send in ONE photo with a caption (No more than 40 words). Include your first name, age, city/province. Photos will be printed on space availability basis. Email to Put in the subject line “KIDS”. FEBRUARY 2021




Supplying Your Pets with NEW and Unique Products!

How Remley the Dog gives Back to his Community Courtesy of

We all need a little pick-me-up as we head into the New Year. Enter: Remley. This handsome border collie, is a popular canine in his community. From "working" at his dad's body shop to dropping off cookies at the local fire station, this is the feel good story to kick off 2021!


ou might call Remley, a dog-about-town. The border collie, who was adopted by Brian Borsoff and his wife, Shannon, in 2011 from the Burnaby SPCA, is a popular canine in his community. He quickly became the “face” of Borsoff’s autobody business shortly after his arrival. “Most people don’t come to see me. They always ask for Remley,” says Borsoff. “My wife specifically made a sign to put on the reception desk that indicates if he is in or out. Each one of my customers love him. Some come in after an accident and are feeling upset, and Remley is always there to comfort them.” Remley is also known to greet the mailman, and take the mail from him. He also “gives” cheques to the suppliers.

same for the Sasamat Volunteer Fire Department in the near future. Borsoff says it was “love at first sight” when he and his wife first spotted Remley and adopted him on the spot. “He is loving, kind, a gentle soul,” says Borsoff. “He reacts to others’ moods and actions. He wants to be a peacekeeper. At the dog park he will step in between two dogs that are a bit aggressive to snap them out of it. When we have company, he does not leave anyone out. He has to have his time with everybody.” Remley’s also a natural for the camera. According to Borsoff and his wife, all they have to do is ask, “Want to take a picture?” and “as soon as he sees the camera he puts his paws up on a tree or hydrant or fence to pose for the photo.”

Says Borsoff: “Some people call me just to see if he is in before they stop by.”

(When asked if he could pose for a Christmas photo for this article, apparently Remley’s ‘response’ was: “No problem.”)

Up until recently, Remley was making the rounds at the Port Moody Hospice every third Sunday to help spread some warmth and wet kisses to the patients. And when he’s not at the body shop with his dad, Remley serves as the mascot for the Port Moody Fire and Sasamat Volunteer Fire Department Pet Oxygen Mask Program. The cause is special to Borsoff and his wife who supported the Port Moody Fire Rescue with a donation of $1,600 worth of masks for animals ranging from a mastiff to a mouse. Borsoff says he (and Remley) plan to do the

Over the holidays, Remley popped by the Port Moody Police Department and the Port Moody Fire Department to deliver cookies and went for hikes every other day. Remley is the second dog the couple have adopted together from the BC SPCA and Borsoff says he would not do it any other way.

18 • FEBRUARY 2021


“We can’t believe how lucky we were to get our Remley. He was perfect. No trouble at all. It was like he’s been with us forever.”


Supplying Your Pets with NEW and Unique Products!


Valentine's Day y p p a H

Pet Central EVERYTHING PETS (Princeton BC) 250-295-7381 Quality Foods & Supplies for all your Pets! See us on Facebook. 9/21

Do you offer a dog service or training business? Sell pet feeds and supplies? You can advertise here! Prices start at only $250 per year (12 issues). Call 1-866-546-9922 or e-mail

Canine Capers SPONSORED BY Your one-stoP Pet shoP Farm, Fencing & Horse Supplies Pet and Livestock Feeds 604-894-6740 Pemberton BC


5/19 4/21

For more information on any of these events go to unless another website is provided DUE TO THE CORONA VIRUS, EVENTS MAY BE CANCELLED – CALL AHEAD

FEBRUARY 6-7 13 19-21 27


MARCH This is Ubbe and Freya. They are Leonbergers, known as the gentle giant of large dogs. Just the best with horses and even cats. Friendly and loving to say the least. Ubbe (on the right) is 18 months old and will mature at around 150 pounds. - Joseph A., Vernon BC

Send us a photo of your favourite pooch! Tell us the dog’s name, breed, and up to 50 words about him/her. We will print your first name (or initials) and your city/province. E-mail to and put in subject line: TOP DOG OF THE MONTH. Photos will be printed on a first come first serve basis.

6 6 13 14 14 20-21 21 26-28 28 28


APRIL 2 3-4 10-11 16-18 16-18 23-25 24-25


Do you have a WORKING DOG event coming up? Let us know! Call 1-866-546-9922 or email FEBRUARY 2021


Horse Council BC - Notes from the Office ITS TIME TO RENEW!


our membership not only includes insurance benefits but also helps Horse Council BC represent the equine industry in agriculture, industry, sport, and recreation through education, grant funding, club support, government advocating, and participant programs! Read more about Membership Benefits and automatic insurance coverage at Once you have purchased your membership and received your confirmation, you will have the option of printing out the emailed printable card or downloading a digital card to your phone. Both versions (Apple and Android) are available. You also have the option of having your card printed and mailed to you as well. If that is the option that you would like, please look for it in your membership walkthrough.

JOIN OR RENEW FOR 2021! * 2021 Youth Associate – $47.00 (with tax) * 2021 Adult Member – $62.00 (with tax) * 2021 Family – $150.00 (with tax) To renew or join visit and click on Join Today or Member Login, or call the office at 1-800-345-8055. OPTIONAL HORSE COUNCIL BC MEMBER INSURANCE BENEFITS All individual HCBC members living in BC are eligible to purchase the following optional insurance benefits upon joining. The optional insurance benefits are in force 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and cover members anywhere in the world. All insurance programs are provided by CapriCMW Insurance. Additional Accidental Death and Dismemberment Provides Additional Accidental Death & Dismemberment: Provides an additional $50,000 Principal Sum AD&D, fracture benefit of $7,500/$2,500 principal sum (helmet/no helmet) and Dental benefit of $5,000 principal sum. Under 75 Years of age only. Not available to US Residents. * Cost – $30.00 Members Named Perils Insurance Covers the death of an owned horse resulting from causes such as fire, lightning, collision/overturn of a conveyance in which a horse was being transported. It also extends to windstorm/hail, earthquake

or flood, attack by a dog or wild animal, collapse of building, result of government authority and more. This insures up to a maximum of $10,000 which can be applied regardless of the number of horses owned. Losses are restricted to one claim per year. Not available to US Residents. * Cost: $15.00 Members Tack Insurance Insures tack and equipment from loss or damage anywhere in North America. Limit - $10,000 ($500 deductible). Does not cover clothing or protective equipment worn by riders, wear & tear/abuse, mysterious disappearance or horse drawn vehicles. Not available to US Residents. * Cost: $45.00 Weekly Accident Indemnity Insurance Member Only This exclusive insurance policy provides income replacement in the event you are unable to work due to an accident. Coverage is in force 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and includes (but is not limited to) injuries arising from an equine related incident. The policy will provide up to $500.00 per week in income replacement for up to 26 weeks. (Some restrictions apply) To qualify for this special program and be eligible for benefits, you must meet the following minimum requirements: * Be a resident of Canada. * Be a member in good standing of your provincial equine association; * Be employed full time (minimum of 25 hours a week with a single employer); and * Be under the age of 70 years old; and * Filed an income tax return to Canada Revenue Agency in the most recent year. The combined benefit from this policy and all other benefits available to you (WCB/WSIB/CPP/Employer Group Programs, etc.) cannot exceed 75% of reported gross income to Canadian Revenue Agency in the most recent taxation year. * Cost: $180.00 Further questions regarding your HCBC Membership Optional Insurance can be directed to CapriCMW Insurance Service Ltd. the official insurance provider for Horse Council BC. Please contact CapriCMW Insurance directly for any questions regarding coverage, limitations or exclusions at 1-800-670-1877 (Equine Department).

Horse Council BC • How to Reach Us Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Address: 27336 Fraser Highway, Aldergrove, BC V4W 3N5 604-856-4304 or Toll Free 1-800-345-8055 • Fax: 604-856-4302 •

20 • FEBRUARY 2021


Equestrian Canada Equestre, Letter from the Chair - Karen Sparks, Chair, EC Jumping Committee What a year 2020 has been! We have faced challenges in our personal, professional, and sporting lives that we never could have imagined and may possibly never experience again. While the COVID-19 global pandemic is far from over, we are beginning to see the light at the end of a long, dark tunnel with many countries approving vaccines and inoculations starting to take place. While the show season certainly wasn’t typical by any stretch of the imagination, several competition organizers did their best to offer smaller, regional shows that gave their local communities an opportunity to compete. One organizer, Thunderbird Show Park in Langley BC, successfully ran Canada’s only Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) sanctioned event in 2020, staging a CSI2* and CSI Under 25 competition in October which was gratefully appreciated by all in attendance. All shows put safety guidelines in place and, true to

our Canadian natures, riders and trainers were happy to respect them. For our part, the EC Jumping Committee allowed these competition organizers to keep the JC Levy monies they collected to help cover the costs of masks, hand sanitizer, plexiglass, and other measures that helped keep everyone safe. We take everyone’s health and safety very seriously, and we felt that was the best way to show our support to those organizers who did go above and beyond to keep horse shows going in a limited capacity. Our sport is nothing if not resilient. In the face of adversity, leave it to horse people to figure out a way to overcome. Instead of looking at the lack of horse shows as a negative, many instead took the opportunity to focus on their training at home. Online instructional videos, master classes, and even virtual horse shows proved to be extremely popular over the past nine months, helping to provide educational opportunities while we were stuck at home. The end result is improved horsemanship and a stronger bond with our mounts. It’s still too early to say exactly what the horse show landscape will look like in 2021 but I’m confident that it’s going to be a much better year than the one we’ve just been through. I hope you enjoyed the holidays, and let’s all look forward to a brand-new year.

Ian Millar named Algonquin College “Alumnus of the Year” Ten-time Canadian Olympian Ian Millar of Perth ON, was honoured during Algonquin College’s Alumni of Distinction Awards for 2020. The virtual awards ceremony was held on December 3. Millar, who graduated from the Ottawa-based college in 1968 with a Bachelor of Administration, was one of 11 individuals recognized for their significant contributions to the community. Awards are given in nine different categories with Millar being awarded the title of “Alumnus of the Year.” Holding the world record for most Olympic appearances by any athlete from any country in any sport, Millar was a member of the silver medal team at the 2008 Beijing Olympics riding In Style.

Athlete Numbers Announced for Paris 2024 Olympic Games The numbers are in for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, to be held July 26-August 11 in France! The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has confirmed the number of horse-and-athlete combinations that will get a chance to go for the gold in both team and individual equestrian competition: Dressage: 60 combinations Eventing: 65 combinations Jumping: 75 combinations Across all sports, 10,500 athletes will compete at the Paris Olympics. While that number is less than the projected Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games total by 592, it does illustrate an increased focus on gender equity with 50-50 male to female representation.



WINTER FUN with our Tennessee Walking Horses By Kristy Coulter


’m not going to lie, I love winter. There are a lot of fun things you can do in the winter with a Canadian Registered Walking Horse. Many of our members enjoy riding in their sleighs. There are other things you can do as well. Many of us enjoy a relaxing ride through our little winter wonderlands. It’s good for us and our horses to get out and get in a little exercise. I always take it slow in the winter as I do not want to get my horse all sweated up, and I am aware that it takes longer for their muscles to warm up. If I am riding in deeper snow, I go for shorter rides as I know the deeper snow can be a more difficult workout for my mount. When footing permits, I like to do short sessions in the round pen to keep my horse active and thinking in the winter. This way, I do not start out in spring with a very fresh horse who has not been touched since October. On really cold days, it takes no time to run out, halter and do a couple little exercises that make my horses think a little. Ten minutes a day can do wonders for them. Skijoring is another activity that some of our members do as well. This has got to be the most fun I have ever done in the winter. I love it! But… be sure the horse you use is fine with things dragging behind him before pulling a human on skis. Winter doesn’t have to be long and boring. Bundle up and go have some fun with your Canadian Registered Tennessee Walker! “There is a lot of support and a whole bunch of fun for anyone wanting to join our registry ( or participate in the Canadian Triple Challenge Programs on If you are not sure where to start, follow us on Facebook The Canadian Registry of the Tennessee Walking Horse Triple Challenge group - and reach out to our members. We are always ready to give you a helping hand.”

Ski-joring… Frank riding Envy, pulling Lisa

Vintage Riders Equestrian Club …for the love of horses! By Simonne Rempel


n lieu of our annual Christmas Party, we had a Virtual Party with Secret Santa gifts. Twenty-three of our members met on Zoom to celebrate Christmas as a club. We participated in a gift exchange using a Secret Santa generator called Elfster. It automatically picked our Secret Santas and allowed for the gifters and giftees to exchange secret messages to help in the gift giving. During our Zoom meeting, we opened our pre-delivered Secret Santa gifts so our members could watch us open them. We also watched a slideshow of members showing us their Christmas spirit by dressing up themselves and their horses. It was great to see their enthusiasm. All the while, we enjoyed a beverage of choice and good conversation. Success! Our club prides itself on staying connected with our members and supporting one another. To help achieve this, we have been meeting regularly on Zoom for “Happy Hours.” This has been a fantastic way to socialize and stay connected. With the new COVID-19 BC Health order, we are not getting together. We will wait to see what the new protocols entail before moving forward with a Pole Clinic. If protocols allow for it, then we will proceed with the clinic in small groups, following the COVID-19 protocols, and using the appropriate waivers.

22 • FEBRUARY 2021


Until then, we met online for our January meeting. Marta MacIntosh, who is a pony club mom extraordinaire, taught us through a game of “Two Truths and a Lie.” Our job was to determine what horse-related statements were correct. It was an educational and a fun evening. As 2021 rolls in, we wish you a Happy New Year and hope this year brings you good health and happiness. Find us on Facebook at Vintage Riders Equestrian Club – public, email: Vintage Riders Equestrian Club …for the love of horses! We are a gathering of horse enthusiasts within the Fraser Valley. Anyone over the age of 21 is welcome. We meet every 3rd Tuesday in Fort Langley to enjoy fellowship and a speaker and host a variety of clinics. 2021 Upcoming Events: Virtual Happy Hour Poles Clinic – Orders Permitting

Fran enjoying a ride on Northern Star

From the December issue

Kristy works Vxen in the round pen

Walker TEAM Work!

We’re going to give you a bit more time to figure this one out! This item stands 8” high and weighs 4 lbs. Congratulations (so far) to: Paul Landry, Blackfalds AB Wendy Hayes, Kamloops BC **Best answer! (next month) Mary Delter, Princeton BC Joanne Pue, Delta BC Maureen Averill Rod Parkinson, Falkland BC

From the November issue

This was a Flour Sifter! Congratulations to: Rod Parkinson, Falkland BC Jim Schenk, Rocky Mtn House AB Bernice Yeadon, South Langley BC Barbara Kinsey, Prince George BC Deb Savage, Kamloops BC Sandy Davey, Langley BC Sandra Krivak, Salmon Arm BC Henry Pranke, 100 Mile House BC Joanne Hansen, Maple Ridge BC Cathy Spence, Mission BC Paul Landry, Blackfalds AB

Christmas Spirit!

This unit is 11” wide x 4” deep x 4” high, weighs approximately 5 lbs, and over 125 years old. The unit is loaded with product, lid closed, the wheel on the side is hand rotated to engage the gears. After a few minutes of rotation the finished product is retrieved. Good luck!

READERS – What’s your guess? Discuss this item with your friends and send your guess to

Do include your city and province please. Saddle Up will print names (and location) of those with the correct answer in a future issue. GOOD LUCK! If you or your company would like to sponsor this monthly brain teaser, do call 1-866-546-9922 or email nancyroman@ for details. Our virtual Christmas Party FEBRUARY 2021


Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association By Marilyn Griffin WELCOME 2021…GOODBYE 2020!


hat a year this has been for all of us! Looking back, shows were cancelled and our 50th anniversary of the LMQHA Horseman’s Bazaar & Country Fair couldn’t happen. In spite of the Covid-19 Pandemic we managed to hold one show in September at Maple Ridge which was small and socially distanced but everyone who attended had fun. We also held our first annual Christmas Basket Auction which was very successful. Our heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to the Auction. While the funds did not replace what the Bazaar would have made, those funds go a long way toward keeping our club running and putting on shows in 2021. We received such great feedback on the Auction that we are planning to hold an Easter Basket Auction. Please contact us through our Facebook page if you have an item you would like to donate. Stallion Auction By the time this article is published the LMQHA Stallion Auction will be over. We would like to thank the owners of all of our wonderful Stallions and look forward to pictures of next year’s babies. Obviously Im McDreamy, The Mile High Club, Mechanic, Sir Array, Spooks Hired Gun, Original Cowboy, Only The Best Willdo, Ment To Be, Mightty Mouse,

Irwinvitation, Royal Cartel, Ice N Tidy, Kissin The Girls, NSP Broker Than Zip, Hesamanfromsnowyriver, Tru Cadet, Coos Ima Ramblin Man. We look forward to holding our upcoming Futurity. We held the futurity virtually in 2020… we hope you watched it! Save the dates * May 2, 2021 Schooling Show (Delta Riding Club) * We are also hoping to hold a combined LMQHA/BCPHC Show August 14-15, 2021 at MREC. All dates still tentative and will be held with strict social distancing rules in place if we are allowed to hold the shows. We are also in the midst of planning two Virtual Shows, details to be announced soon. Saying so long… We are saying adieu to Mellissa, Jeremy and Colton Buckley, as well as Jenn Merriam as they all embark on new adventure in Strathmore Alberta. We will definitely miss them both as friends and as big contributors to the LMQHA Board. We will need more volunteers to keep this club going and to put on our events. Please contact any of our directors on Facebook at Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association | Facebook if you wish to volunteer.

Show at MREC

Tamara’s horses and sister Natasha all decked out for Christmas!

Jenn Merriam with Got Good Moonlight

24 • FEBRUARY 2021


Avery Caron and Emily Firth enjoying the day at our September show

Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association President: Tamara Jameson, Website: Visit our Facebook page


By Riley Barrie, with help from Jim McCrae, Sheila Sowerby and Sandra Erickson


hen a small, frail man shuffled onto the stage and began to recite Baxter Black’s “The Buckskin Mare,” the Back Country Horsemen (BCHBC) who had gathered in 2011 for the annual Rendezvous all held their breath. The old cowboy was stooped and slow and trying to recite this very long poem from memory, stumbled over words and forgot others, even as he attempted to get through the first verse. Then something happened.

With each verse that came his voice, almost inaudible to begin with, gained strength, his memory recovered and for the next 15 minutes, as he told the story of the hapless cowboy who couldn’t quite catch the mare, he held everyone there in the palm of his hand. Little did Ernie know that from his inauspicious start, a tradition would be born. Watching Erne Buckle at Rendezvous 2011 were Rose Schroeder and Sheila Sowerby, members of BCHBC, who like many others that night were moved to tears by his performance. The year after he passed, Sheila and Rose got together and created The Ernie Buckle Annual Cowboy Poetry Contest as a way of commemorating this kind and quiet man who brought so much joy to Back Country Horsemen around the campfire. Not only did they create the event (held annually since 2014) but with the help of the Buckle family and Montana Silversmiths, created a prize buckle with Ernie’s face on it, worn proudly by all who have been lucky enough to receive this award. Typical of cowboy poetry, Ernie’s poems reflected much of his personal experience. In his younger years, he cowboyed for several ranches, Little Cowboy By Riley Barrie How big will your boots be, little one Like your Daddy’s scuffed and worn? Will you wear them proudly like he did We won’t know ‘til you’re born.

moving both cattle and horses through the Chilcotin. But his favourite time was when the trail crew headed for home and he got to run the remuda down the back trail on a good horse with “legs”! Little surprise that he was one of the founding members of Back Country Horsemen of BC. The winner of the 2020 Ernie Buckle Cowboy Poetry competition is Riley Barrie who has never before written a cowboy poem, or pretty much any kind of poem at all! As a child Riley listened to stories about her father’s teams as they delivered Wonder Bread around Toronto in the ‘30s and was My Dad showing off his team. a confirmed horse addict by the time she was 10. He had many tales to tell about working with horses to deliver Having tried different horse activities throughout baked goods for Wonder Bread her life (including driving), Riley has come back to in Toronto, some of them pretty the joy of riding a horse in partnership through the hair-raising! trails, and the profound connection that gives her to the natural world. BCBCH has been the perfect landing! In her entry to the 2020 Ernie Buckle Cowboy Poetry contest, “Little Cowboy,” Riley talks from a grandmother’s perspective about the generational aspect of the love of horses, about how that love impacted her son and the hopes and dreams she has that her grandson (then unborn) would carry on those same values as he grows into his cowboy The famous Ernie Buckle. boots! “Little Cowboy” is an example of how cowboy poetry has grown to include much more than what might have been traditionally written, while still honouring cowboy ethics. As Jim McCrae, a longstanding member of BCBCH who knew Ernie well has said, the annual Ernie Buckle Cowboy Poetry Our Newest Little Cowboy – my grandson Elias, already sporting Contest is a “fitting tribute to those who, like Ernie, his first pair of boots! He was born would share the wit, humour and wisdom of cowboy on November 28, 2020, after the poetry.” poem had been written.

Three big brothers before him Wore those same boots with pride But the cracks just made them better Nothing shortened his stride.

He outgrew those boots many years ago Now lost though loved so much But the man who wore them as a boy Still has the cowboy touch.

Into the paddock he marched one day Barely three years old Boots on the ground and arm on the horse “She’s a beauty” all were told.

Be like your Daddy, grandchild to be Whether you wear them to walk or ride Be kind, be honest and help where you can Fill your boots with cowboy pride!

Back Country Horsemen Provincial Executive ~

President: Scott Walker,, 250-764-8555 or 250-300-8415 Vice President(s): Karl Arnold,; Verna Houghtaling,; Sandra Erickson,; Marie Reimer, Treasurer: Debra Oakman,, 250-897-5779 Secretary: Christine Heffernan,, 250-714-6001 Past President: Brian Wallace, 250-569-2324



Clubs & Associations 31 Years of Celebrating Long Ears


members from across Canada and the US

Our low cost membership includes $5 Million and $30,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment. Check out our web site for more information 3/21

CRHRA is a voice for the Recreational Rider.


ARMSTRONG ENDERBY RIDING CLUB  Schooling Shows (Eng/West/Games), Armstrong Fairgrounds, April to Sept. 9/21 2/22


BC CARRIAGE DRIVING SOCIETY, Pres: Ellen Hockley 250-572-7516, Pleasure, Combined, Recreation from Minis to Drafts, 5/21 BC INTERIOR ARABIAN HORSE ASSOC.  Pres: Wally Goertz 250-546-6004 10/21, clinics, Recreational riding programs, Awards/Social Activ. BC INTERIOR MORGAN HORSE CLUB Pres: Tom Nobles 250-838-2228, leetom., Clinics, Pot O Gold Show, Trail Rides, see our FB page 4/21 BC PAINT HORSE CLUB, Open Show & Competition Program, award sponsorships for local clubs, youth scholarship. 2/21 BC QUARTER HORSE ASSOCIATION, Contact Carolyn Farris, email 7/21

Contact: • Website:

dedicated to promoting the sport of cutting to enthusiasts of all levels See us on acebook & Instagram


CERTIFIED HORSEMANSHIP ASSOCIATION (CHA) Certifies equine professionals, accredits equestrian facilities, & publishes educational manuals, webinars & videos. 8/21 CHILLIWACK RIDING CLUB, Drill Team, Horse Shows (Heritage Qualifiers), Gymkhana, Trail Rides, Clinics, Open Ride, Socials, 12 /21 Equestrian Canada (EC) is the national governing body for equestrian sport and industry in Canada, with a mandate to represent, promote and advance all equine and equestrian interests. 1-866-282-8395 | |


CanTRA promotes the benefits of therapeutic riding across Canada through awareness, education, and setting standards for therapeutic riding instructor certification, centre accreditation, hippotherapy, and equine-facilitated wellness.

10/18 2/22

Want to enjoy miles of beautiful new trails with your equine partner in BC? Try Endurance Riding! We welcome all levels of riders and all breeds of equines.


or e-mail:

Info on clinics and events at

11/21 6/16

A charitable equine organization funding veterinary colleges and students, and other worthwhile equine causes.

Team Cattle Penning is a race against the clock to have 3 riders pen 3 of 30 numbered head of cattle. Each rider is rated to their current abilities and the three riders on a team make up the maximum allowed number for the division they are riding. Example: a 10 Class is made of a 4-rated rider and two 3-rated riders. The herd is on one end of the arena and the foul line is usually 1/3. DON’T BLOW OUT!! YEE HAW!!

2/21 11/18


Bob Watson, President 403-378-4323

3/21 10/21

BOUCHIE LAKE GYMKHANA CLUB (Quesnel BC). May to September. All info on our Facebook Page: B LAKE Gymkhana CLUB. Tel: 250-249-9667 6/21 BOUNDARY HORSE ASSOCIATION (Grand Forks BC), Offering shows, gymkhanas, clinics & more. See us on Facebook, 250-443-3191, 3/21

Canadian Cowboy Challenge


A SPORT for the whole Family! Hoping to host a full season of Challenges in 2021 For more info please call 403-828-2044 or visit


INTERIOR CUTTING HORSE ASSOCIATION New cutters always welcome. Lee Poncelet 250-938-2034 8/21 KELOWNA RIDING CLUB, contact and event info. Daily drop-in rates & facility rentals open to all. 3745 Gordon Dr, Kelowna, BC. 3/21 12/21

D E A D LI N E 5th of each month

26 • FEBRUARY 2021


LANGLEY RIDERS SOCIETY, English/Western, Games, Jumping, Drill Team, Rodeo. 604-530-5981 10/21 LOWER MAINLAND QUARTER HORSE ASSOC. Pres: Mellissa Buckley,, 12/21

Clubs & Associations NORTH OK THERAPEUTIC RIDING ASSOC. 250-549-0105 Providing therapeutic horseback riding for children and adults with disabilities 8/21

SOUTH CENTRAL QUARTER HORSE ASSOC., Host of April Fuzzy Horse Show and September AQHA Circuit Show, 11/21

OLIVER & DISTRICT RIDING CLUB, Pres: Dawn MacRae 250-689-0156,, Clinics, Summer Show & more, see our FB page 4/21

SPIRIT OF THE HORSE GARDEN, a place to honour our equine friends; memorial plaques available,, FB 11/21

100 Mile & District Outriders

7/18 10/21

Promoting equine activities and knowledge in the south Cariboo with Shows, Clinics, Gymkhanas and more. Harvey President: Adam Mike Kidston E-mail: ~

VINTAGE RIDERS EQUESTRIAN CLUB (Fraser Valley BC), English/Western, lectures, clinics, socials, safe and fun,, on Facebook 3/21 WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE ASSOCIATION, Barb Stephenson (Secretary) phone 403-933-5765 (8:00 am to 8:00 pm) 5/21

PEACHLAND RIDING CLUB, Pres: Calista Collins,, 250899-0830. Info, Gymkhana dates & events at 5/21

Clubs - you should be listed here.

Peruvian Horse Club of BC Smooth • Versatile • Intelligent

Non-profit rates start at only $100 per year.


PRINCETON RIDING CLUB, Pres: Stephanie Antonick, See us on Facebook. Offering shows, clinics and more! 2/22 RUSTY SPURS 4-H HORSE CLUB (Abbotsford BC) Open to Youth 6-19, & Find us on Facebook! 12/21

What’s Happening? Let’s Go!


Jan 1-3 OPEN HORSE SHOW, Smith Arena, Smithsville, BC, John 604-123-4567,





FRONT ROW SEATING w/Glenn Stewart at The Horse Ranch, Baldonnel/Fort St John BC, 250-780-3072,, 5 or 10 days sets


22-28 EDMONTON AB, Learn equine massage! – Certification Course, Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF, 29-May 7 LANGLEY BC, 6 week advanced Equine Massage Therapy Certification Course, Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF,

6-9 MOTHER’S DAY ARENA TO TRAIL WORKSHOP w/DawnFerster, at Timber Ridge, Lumby BC, 8-14 LADYSMITH (V. Island) BC, Learn equine massage! – Certification Course, Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF, 21 ARENA TO TRAIL WORKSHOP w/DawnFerster, at Timber Ridge, Lumby BC, 22-23 ARENA TO TRAIL COMPETITION (1 of 2), w/DawnFerster, at Timber Ridge, Lumby BC, 28-30 ARENA TO TRAIL WORKSHOP w/DawnFerster, 100 Mile House BC,



STAGE 1, HORSEMANSHIP CAMP w/Glenn Stewart at The Horse Ranch, Baldonnel/Fort St John BC, 250-780-3072,



Business Services ACCOMMODATIONS


Ask for Chilliwack Heritage Park rate LSPECI East of Heritage Park at mall & restaurants

FREE Comfort Sunshine Breakfast 604-858-0636 or 1-800-228-5150 • Chilliwack, BC 4/15





CATTLE FEEDERS, free-standing Panels, fence line Feeders, bunk silage Feeders made from oil field pipe. Call Dan 250-308-9218 (BC wide) 6/21 HORSE HAY SALES (Calgary AB) Meadow Brome Grass/Alfalfa mix, tested,, 403-325-5556 2/22 2/21




Horse Shavings  Hog Fuel  Bark Mulch Serving the BC Interior 250-503-7432 4/21

formerly David Beerstra Trucking


KPU Advanced Farrier Science Graduates

t: 250-280-0155 | 250-886-7595 • e:





DEAD STOCK REMOVAL THE BLUE GOOSE CATTLE CO. (Ok/Shuswap) 250-309-0629 or 250-838-2157, Providing prompt dead stock removal service when the decision has to be made. 3/21


FEED DEALERS ASHCROFT HOME BUILDING CENTRE (Ashcroft) 250-453-2281 Otter Co-op Dealer & Pet Foods. You can find us on Facebook 10/21

Wanted Wranglers / Trail Guides Guide on Guest Ranch / Horse pack trips

100% Canadian


31852 Marshall Place 5410 Trans Canada Hwy. 103-1889 Springfield Rd. 975 Langford Parkway 1-1227 Island Hwy. S. 587 Alberni Hwy. 1970 Keating Cross Rd. 1771 10th Ave SW 2565 Main St.

8/19 10/21


EQUINE HEALTH CANPRESSCO CAMELINA OIL. Omega 3-6-9 & Vitamin E., Brand Rep: Amy Langevin 604-828-2551, 5/21 For Horses DR. REED’S Supplements 4/21

Gates, Panels, Feeders, Continuous FenCe deer & Farm FenCe installations

Custom built and installed to your needs

GRK Fasteners Dealer * Customized Bale Spikes * Custom Welding * Horse Trailer Repairs *Serving BC/AB/WA for over 10 years

Alan Cossentine, Oliver, BC • 250-490-5662 •


EQUINE SERVICES NATURAL TOUCH THERAPY INSTITUTE (BC/AB/SK) Certified Farrier & Equine Therapy Programs 4/21

28 • FEBRUARY 2021


556-7477 748-8171 860-2346 940-4499 753-4221 248-3243 652-9188 832-8424 768-8870


D EAD LI N E 5th of each month


WWW.REIMERSFARMSERVICE.COM (BC Interior) 1-855-737-0110 or 250-838-0111. Bulk & Bagged Shavings, 4x4x4 Totes, Sawdust, Bark Mulch

Business Services TRAILER REPAIRS


TRANS NATIONAL TRAILER INC. (1645 Eagle Rock Rd., Armstrong BC) 250-308-8980, RVs to Horse Trailers. Your Trailer Parts Superstore! 7/21


CHILLIWACK 1-877-847-3735

PETERSEN TRAILERS LTD. (Langley) 604-533-4209 Service and Repairs. All makes. 6/21



KITT EQUIPMENT TRAILER SALES, (Chilliwack & Aldergrove), 1-877-823-7199, Horse ~ Stock ~ Utility ~ Dump ~ Flatdecks, 3/21


FERRIS FENCING “PastureLine” 4mm : “No Wire” Polymer : Complete ElectricSystems HorseRail products : No-Climb & Diamond Mesh

30 years Serving the Horse Industry / / 1-800-665-3307 5/21 3/19


ALICIA HARPER of Hylee Training, EC Comp. Coach/Trainer. Specializing in Western, available for training, lessons/clinics, 2/22 BIRGIT STUTZ, Irwin Insights Master Level 6 Cert. Trainer, www.fallingstarranch. ca, Training/lessons/clinics/student programs, Dunster BC, 250-968-6801 9/21 DAWN FERSTER (Kelowna BC) Coaching/Training/Workshops 250-808-0738 Mountain Trail/Western/Dressage, see Damarhe Training on FB 2/21 9/21

International Clinician and Horseman 1-877-728-8987


SPRING LAKE GUEST RANCH, (100 Mile House BC) 250-791-5776 Beautiful Ranch on 600 acres & private lake,

JONATHAN FIELD HORSEMANSHIP - Inspired by Horses®, 1-888-533-4353 10/21


LESSON PROGRAMS WWW.FOOTNOTEFARM.COM (Langley BC) 778-822-3276 Certified instructors, safe & sound horses, curriculum followed, privates for beginners. 4/21

REALTORS Listing and Selling – Rural and Residential Properties in the North Okanagan and Shuswap Cell: 250-549-0996 / Office 250-546-3119 Armstrong 10/21

SADDLEMAKERS & REPAIRS DON LOEWEN SADDLERY, 1802 Houston St., Merritt BC, 250-525-0220 Custom saddlery, chaps, repairs, leather bags & more,


DIAMOND H TACK INC. (Kelowna BC) 877-762-5631 English & Western Saddlery, Clothes, Farrier, Feed, Blanket & Leather Repairs 9/21


SANDY LANG HORSEMANSHIP (Abbotsford BC) 778-344-3804, Foundation Horsemanship & Working Equitation, Clinics & Lessons, 8/21

VETERINARIANS ANIMAL CARE HOSPITAL Williams Lake 250-392-5510 / Quesnel 250-747-3053 Drs. Magnowski, Scheidt, Thompson, Jordan, Meier, Ree , Bennett 3/21


WWW.HORSEGEARCANADA.COM - online shopping - always open! Tack, hoof boots, nutritional products, grooming products & more. 4/21

LISA WIEBEN (Bowden AB), Clinics, Training, Lessons, Centered Riding/Western & English Dressage 6/21 LUTTMER TRAINING AND CLINICS, starting horses, building trust and confidence, Quesnel BC 250-249-9613, see updates on Facebook 10/21



LEE PONCELET TRAINING STABLES (Vernon, BC) 250-938-2034 Starting Colts. Training all levels. Specializing in Cutting/Cowhorse. 7/21

INTERIOR VETERINARY HEALTH SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-769-4217, Mobile Equine, Brytann Youngberg DVM, VSMT, College of Animal Chiropractors 8/21 OKANAGAN EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICES (Kelowna) 250-764-9888 Sheila McDonald DVM,


WALES EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-258-2299 Drs. Alex Wales and Dr. Susan Wales, 8/21


Starting at just $250 per year (for 12 issues). Plus we can add a link on our web site for only $50 per year! WWW.THETRADINGPOSTFEEDANDTACK.COM (Nanaimo) 250-245-2115 English/Western Tack & Apparel, Feeds & Hay, Bedding, Footwear 4/21

1-866-546-9922 for more info FEBRUARY 2021


On The Market (Private Sale) The Peruvian Horse

The smoothest riding horse in the world! For Pleasure, Trail, Show, Work... Discover the versatile Peruvian Horse at!


We Have the Blues!

for Trail ~ Work ~ Show

2020 Foals will be available sired by:

LBJ Sierras Blue Te | AQHA Blue Roan and his son AW Blue Fire N Te | AQHA Blue Roan 12/21

Aaron & Colleen Wangler 250-843-7337 (Dawson Creek BC)

To learn more about this beautiful & unique breed of horse, and for a complete Sales List, please visit our website.

Visit for more Information on this Incredible Breed! • 403-860-9763 Locations in Chase BC and Cayley Alberta 10/21

7/21 3/17

Glynn Irish Sport Horse If you’re looking for your “Heart Horse” look no further!

We breed and train GYPSY COBS AND VANNERS


Champion bloodlines and amazing temperaments to suit everyone’s adventure! 4/21

Aimee & Luc Beauchamp 250-438-1066 (Princeton BC) 10/21


Stallions & Breeders APPALOOSACENTRE.COM 250-963-9779 Real Appaloosas for Today and the Future! 9/21 FOOTNOTE FARM FJORDS (Langley BC) 778-822-3276. Registered & imported breeding stock. Bred for performance and built to last. 4/21 OLD BALDY RANCH (Dawson Creek) 250-843-7337 SS: Breeding AQHA/NFQH Grullo & Blue Roan, 12/21 SUNSET VIEW RANCH (West Kelowna BC) 250-707-7271. Top Performance AQHA/APHA bloodlines, Breeding & Sales. SS: Dunit Canadian Style 2/21 30 • FEBRUARY 2021




HORSE BLANKET LAUNDRY & REPAIRS HORSE BLANKET & SADDLE PAD WASHING & Repairs. Clean used Blankets for sale. Town Centre Dry Cleaners, Town Centre Mall. 250-546-0104 (Armstrong BC) 3/21


Custom Made Chaps Any Style Saddle, Tack & Blanket Repairs Top Quality Australian Saddles


Sherri DeBoer • 250-838-0778 email: Hwy 97, Grindrod, BC Open Mon - Sat 9-6 pm



that has a little bit of everything

Save your Hay! Save you Money!

BIG BALE BUDDY Round Bale Feeder

Dealer for




Pet Food & Supplies Wood Shavings and MORE


3455 Pleasant Valley Rd. Armstrong, BC


Also Available


3 sizes starting at $109.95  1-866-389-9952

in either a group pasture or paddocks with run-in sheds with access to pasture • Overnight camping with paddocks available • Heated auto waterers • Round pen and • 120 x 160 sand Arena 10/21

Contact: Indigo Ridge Farm 4784 Stepney Road, Armstrong BC 250-898-4075 /




32 • FEBRUARY 2021


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