Celebrating a job well done.
We are proud to announce that, for eight years, more Kaiser Permanente physicians have been named as Top Doctors in a survey of local practitioners than any other health system in the Sacramento area. With a great team like this, it’s no wonder our members thrive.
For all that is Sacramento. For all that is you.
Sactown Magazine’s 2024 Top Doctors are selected by a peer-to-peer survey of local practitioners. Conducted by Professional Research Services (PRS), the survey’s goal is to determine which doctors in a specific geographical area are considered outstanding by their peers. PRS licenses this data to city and regional magazines and other media around the country.
Top Doctors
Without your health, as they say, you have nothing. To that end, we’re excited to publish our annual list of peerselected top doctors from around our region. This list of 991 doctors in 69 different specialties was compiled in partnership with the national research firm Professional Research Services, which surveyed and vetted Sacramento-area physicians on who they would trust to treat themselves and their families.
Mudita Gogna
The Allergy Center at Sacramento Ear, Nose & Throat 916-736-6644
Mark I. Grijnsztein Sutter Medical Group 916-478-6555
Rosemary Hallett UC Davis Health 916-783-7109
Marc Ikeda Kaiser Permanente 916-627-7500
Rubina Inamdar Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-526-1325
Alicia Agnoli
UC Davis Health 916-734-3630
Daniel K. Colby
UC Davis Health 916-734-3790
Jagdeep Kaur
UC Davis Health 916-734-3574
Martin Leamon
UC Davis Health 916-734-3574
Allison Meisner
Kaiser Permanente 916-482-1132
Mary Kathryn Orsulak
UC Davis Health 916-734-3630
Manu Saini
Kaiser Permanente 916-482-1132
Joanna C. Shepherd
Kaiser Permanente 916-482-1132
Anne Hsii
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4060
Laura Margaret Kester Prakash UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Matthew S. Bowdish
The Allergy Center at Sacramento Ear, Nose & Throat 916-736-6644
Sean Deane Kaiser Permanente 916-627-7500
Victoria R. Dimitriades UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Gordon Garcia Kaiser Permanente 916-627-7500
Nayoung Kim
Kaiser Permanente 916-631-3088
Arvind Kumar Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4220
Binita Mandal Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4329
Rajan Merchant Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Travis A. Miller
The Allergy Station 916-238-6238
Anh Huynh Nguyen
Anh Huynh Nguyen M.D. General Practice 916-391-9497
Anh Phuong Nguyen UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Neil Parikh Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-542-2908
Chiraag S. Patel Granite Bay Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 916-771-2531
Troy Scribner
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4220
Suzanne S. Teuber
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Rani Vatti
Kaiser Permanente 916-480-6500
Angelina Crans Yoon Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Anitha Ayyalapu
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2520
David Cain
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5000
Karyn D’Addio-Riley
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5000
Rajvinder Singh Dhamrait
UC Davis Health 916-734-5031
Robert Dong
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2520
Richard Dunbar
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4000
Kenneth “Ken” Furukawa
UC Davis Health 916-734-5031
Amardeep Heyer CASE Med Group 916-481-0777
Erin Kong
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5000
Robert Scott Kriss
UC Davis Health 916-734-5031
Seth Lerner
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2520
James Littlejohn
UC Davis Health 916-734-5031
Niroop R. Ravula
UC Davis Health 916-734-5031
Jian-Cheng Shen
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5000
Catherine Whang
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4000
Breast Surgery
Catherine M. Baker Sutter Medical Group 916-878-4950
Yona Barash
Yona Barash, M.D. 916-863-1805
Lisa M. Guirguis Sutter Medical Group 916-733-9660
Joelle Jakobsen Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4147
Candice Anne Marcum Sauder
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Melinda Mortenson
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5235
Brie Nardy
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4144
Lakhbir Sandhu
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2014
Christian Swanson Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-993-5955
Annabelle Teng
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4144
Brooke Vuong
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2014
Cardiac Surgery
Sabrina A. Evans
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Joseph Huh
Kaiser Permanente 916-733-4100
Michael T. Ingram, Sr. Sutter Medical Group 916-887-4845
Bob Kiaii
UC Davis Health 916-734-2680
Addiction Medicine Allergy and Immunology Adolescent Medicine
The professionals listed herein were selected by their peers in a survey conducted by Professional Research Services Company of Troy, Michigan. Professionals may be screened and selected through the verification of licensing and review of any infractions through various applicable boards, agencies and rating services. For further information, visit prscom.com or email PRS at sshevin@prscom.com To purchase Top Doctors plaques, please see prsawards.com
Top Doctors 2024
Robert Kincade
Sutter Medical Group
Timothy John Pirolli
UC Davis Health 916-734-2680
Gary W. Raff
UC Davis Health / Shriners Children’s Northern California
Victor M. Rodriguez
Sutter Medical Group 916-887-4845
Kapil Sharma
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group
Henry Zhu
Kaiser Permanente 916-733-4100
Sundeep Adusumalli Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group
Arash Aryana
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 844-283-4440
Radhika N. Bukkapatnam
UC Davis Health
Peter Czobor
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-4000
Howard Dinh
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-4000
Richard P. Ericson
Sutter Medical Group 916-887-4040
Dali Fan
UC Davis Health 800-348-0499
George Fehrenbacher Roseville Cardiology
Kathryn Glatter
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Hans Huang
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5282
Rajbarinder Singh Hundal Elk Grove Cardiology
Krisztian Kapinya
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5282
Anuradha Khurana
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5657
Peter Kim
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5282
Robert Kirchner Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5657
David Lao
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-633-1131
Reginald Low
UC Davis Health 916-734-3761 ext. 1
Walt Marquardt
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4982
Peter Miles
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-4000
Sandeep Mittal Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5657
Sarwar Hassan Orakzai Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4351
Stephen R. Peters Roseville Cardiology 916-782-2146
David K. Roberts, III Sutter Medical Group 916-887-4040
Gagan D. Singh
UC Davis Health 916-736-5101
Thomas Smith
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Jeffrey Allen Southard
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Uma N. Srivatsa
UC Davis Health 916-734-3761
Benjamin R. (Benny)
UC Davis Health 916-734-3761 ext 1
Neelima Vallurupalli Sutter Medical Group 916-887-4040
Garrett B. Wong
UC Davis Health 916-734-3761
Zijian Xu Sutter Medical Group 916-887-4040
Yingbo Yang Sutter Medical Group 916-887-4040
Zoe Yu Kaiser Permanente 916-688-4000
Colon and Rectal Surgery
James M. Conner
Sacramento Colon & Rectal Surgery Medical Group, Inc. 916-966-6121
Burzeen E. Karanjawala
Sacramento Colon & Rectal Surgery Medical Group, Inc. 916-231-1050
Robert Jon Kucejko
UC Davis Health 916-734-2680
Thomas Magrino
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Ankit Sarin
UC Davis Health 916-734-2680
Daniel Shibru
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2014
Sarath Sujatha-Bhaskar
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4144
Jeanne Yu
Sacramento Colon & Rectal Surgery Medical Group, Inc. 916-231-1050
Critical Care Medicine and Pulmonary Disease
Jason Yeates Adams
UC Davis Health 916-734-8230
Muhammad Afzal Pulmonary Medicine Associates 916-325-1040
Sherry Andrews
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5375
Mark Avdalovic
UC Davis Health 916-734-8230
Parimal Thakorbhai Bharucha
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-537-5000
Hugh Black
UC Davis Health 916-734-8230
Samjot Dhillon
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5375
Darshan R. Dhingani
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-512-6262
Brooks Thomas Kuhn
UC Davis Health 916-734-8230
Francis Lam
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-4821
Katrina Lam
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5375
Petey Lao
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-4821
Gregory Marelich
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-4821
Imran Mohammed Pulmonary Medicine Associates 916-679-3590
Dan-Vinh Nguyen
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-4821
Seth Robinson
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Christian Sandrock
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Christian M. Sebat
UC Davis Health 916-985-9300
Walter Shakespeare
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5375
Ernest Stewart
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-4821
Vanessa Jane Walker Pulmonary Medicine Associates 916-679-3590
Oma N. Agbai
UC Davis Health 916-734-6111
Mirza A. Alikhan
Sutter Medical Group 916-733-3792
Susan L. Boone
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2685
Elyn Bowers
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-827-1219
Barbara A. Burrall
UC Davis Health 916-734-6111
Jacqueline M. Calkin Calkin & Boudreaux
Dermatology Associates 916-646-3376
Christie Carroll
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Cindy Chambers
Pacific Skin Institute 916-925-7020
Aieska De Souza Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4766
Maulik Dhandha
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Christine Doherty
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-7700
Sean Doherty
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-7700
Daniel Eisen
UC Davis Health 916-734-6111
Kate Gant West Oak Dermatology 916-755-0077
Farzam Gorouhi Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2045
Ann F. Haas Sutter Medical Group 916-733-3792
Yong He
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-844-1591
Mary E. Horner Dermatology Consultants of Sacramento 916-739-1505
Victor Huang UC Davis Health 916-734-6111
Mary Ann Johnson Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-3690
Jayne Sejin Joo UC Davis Health 916-734-6111
Anna Magembe Juern Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-733-3304
Jesse Kramer Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-844-1591
Wen Kuo
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-7700
Karen Y. Nishimura Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4766
Kory Parsi
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2045
Margaret E. Parsons Dermatology Consultants of Sacramento 916-739-1505
Adam Pettey Kaiser Permanente 916-771-7700
Jasdeep Sharma
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2045
Marc Silverstein
UC Davis Health 916-734-6111
Danielle Marie Tartar
UC Davis Health 916-734-6111
Sima Torabian Kaiser Permanente 916-771-7700
Byron Van Dyke
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-7700
Ingrid Wahjudi Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Peggy Wu UC Davis Health 916-734-6657
An Yen Pacific Skin Institute 916-925-7020
Meghan Brady Zavod Sutter Medical Group 530-747-5010
Ear, Nose and Throat
Marianne Abouyared
UC Davis Health 916-734-5400
Ben Balough Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6350
Arnaud F. Bewley
UC Davis Health 916-734-5400
Montague Carr
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5322
Aaron Centric Sutter Medical Group 916-773-7920
Anton Chen Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5322
Craighton Chin Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
David Cua
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5322
Vishal Doctor Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5880
Tim A. Fife
Sacramento ENT Surgical & Medical Group 916-782-1291
Jamie Funamura
UC Davis Health
Ben G. Goldwyn Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9456
Eli R. Groppo
Sacramento ENT Surgical & Medical Group
Camille Huwyler
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Anne Johnstone
Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6350
Maggie A. Kuhn
UC Davis Health 916-734-5400
Levi Ledgerwood
Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6350
Scott McCusker
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-857-9844
Richard McHugh
Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6350
Conor W. McLaughlin
Sacramento ENT Surgical & Medical Group 916-736-3399
Deanne Nyland
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 844-556-5492
Katharine Ostedgaard
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2600
Randall A. Ow
Sacramento ENT Surgical & Medical Group 916-782-1291
Nima Pahlavan
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5322
Shannon Poti
Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6350
Brian Rubinstein
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2600
Saurabh Sharma
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5322
Shoab Siddique
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-857-9473
Toby O. Steele
UC Davis Health 916-734-5400
E. Bradley Strong
UC Davis Health 916-734-5400
Travis Tollefson
Dr. Travis T. Tollefson, M.D., M.P.H. 916-734-2347
Steven Wright Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Yuk Yee Yau
Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6350
Matthew Zavod Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Emergency Medicine
Emily Andrada
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Trevor Cadogan Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Nolan Caldwell Kaiser Permanente 916-973-6600
Rupinder Chima Kaiser Permanente 916-627-7685
Daniel K. Colby
UC Davis Health 916-734-3790
Andrew Elms
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Melissa Jones
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Nathan Kuppermann
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Julia Magana
UC Davis Health 916-734-5010
Kara Agee Toles
UC Davis Health 916-734-3790
Samuel Dean Turnipseed
UC Davis Health 916-734-3790
Leah Stephenson Tzimenatos
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Shazia Faiz
Dignity Health
Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Aili Guo
UC Davis Health 916-286-8700
Kent Ishihara
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4004
Joyce Leary
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-4644
Lara Levin
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-4644
Jagmeet Mangat
Sutter Medical Group 916-774-8384
Mark M. Moriwaki
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Sonal V. Phatak
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Chaithra Prasad
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4004
Saima Sajid-Crockett
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4004
Dana M. Sheely
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
You Sher Tay
Kaiser Permanente 916-497-3040
Polly Fu Teng
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Alicia Agnoli
UC Davis Health 916-734-3630
Ashley Anderson
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Roger Ang
Sutter Medical Group 916-774-8300
Megan M. Ash
Sutter Medical Group 916-451-4400
Kimberly Cafarella
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-546-1220
Rino Dizon
Kaiser Permanente 866-454-8855
Mark Ewens
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Matthew Fields
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5200
Micaela (Mika) Godzich
UC Davis Health 916-734-3630
Dineen J. Greer
Sutter Medical Group 916-451-4400
Nathan C. Hitzeman Sutter Medical Group 916-451-4400
Anthony F. (Tony) Jerant
UC Davis Health 916-734-3630
Janis Koh
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
David W. Lin
Sutter Medical Group 916-399-6015
Sarah Anne Marshall
UC Davis Health 916-734-3630
Toussaint Mears-Clarke Dignity Health Mercy Family Health Center 877-959-5817
Christopher Olson
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-857-9476
Roger Raimundo
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Uzma Rashid
Dignity Health
Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
J. Bianca Roberts
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4590
Olivier Seban
Adeela Ansari
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-535-3460
Shaunye Belcher
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-631-8087
Gabriel J. Belsky
Sutter Medical Group 916-731-7770
Allison Byrne
Kaiser Permanente 866-454-8855
Christopher Swales
Dignity Health
Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Mark Vaughan
Auburn Medical Group 530-886-8630
Leon Williams
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Jojet Zara Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-633-1698
Dawei Zheng
Top Doctors 2024
Rana Khan Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-461-9231
Linda Lee
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5380
Robert Levy
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2028
Anand Madan Capitol Gastroenterology Consultants Medical Group 916-773-6200
Dawei Zheng, M.D., ABFM 916-619-1853
Yasser Al-Antably Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2028
Ali Azarm
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5380
Sreepriya Balasubramanian
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-6221
Christopher Lawson Bowlus
UC Davis Health 916-734-0779
Vadim Bul Sutter Medical Group 916-465-7029
Albert Chang
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2028
Rahul S. Dhillon Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9370
Serag Dredar Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9370
Juan Carlos Garcia
UC Davis Health 916-734-8616
Jason Guardino
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2028
Dignity Health
Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Parul W. Singh
Parul Singh, M.D. 916-781-9885
Ryan M. Spielvogel
Sutter Medical Group 916-451-4400
Chhaya Hasyagar Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5380
Drew Ingram Gastroenterology Medical Clinic 916-983-4444
Abdul M. Khaleq Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9370
Palaniappan Manickam Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-633-5370
Eric Ji-Yuan Mao UC Davis Health 916-734-8616
Valentina Medici UC Davis Health 916-734-0779
Roger E. Mendis Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9370
Koorosh Moezardalan Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5380
Jasbir S. Rangi
Capitol Gastroenterology Consultants Medical Group 916-773-6200
Kuldip Sandhu Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-536-6117
Bhavneet Singh Kaiser Permanente 916-474-6221
Gurpreet Singh Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Cecilia Reyes Terrado UC Davis Health 916-734-0779
Loc Ton Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2028
Jason Umphress Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Anastasia C. Waechter UC Davis Health 916-683-3955
Charles Wang
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-6221
Diabetes and Metabolism
Family Medicine
Top Doctors 2024
Ying Wu
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2028
Johnathan Zhang
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4811
General Surgery
David C. Beffa
Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9404
Michael Beneke
Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9404
Natasha Bir
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Christopher Chiu
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4144
Andres Crowley
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2014
Thomas Dugoni
Kaiser Permanente
Joelle Jakobsen
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4147
David E. Leshikar
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Hilary Loge
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4144
Jason Londeree
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5235
Eric T. London
Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9404
Richard Parent
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4144
Jonathan L. Pierce
UC Davis Health 916-734-2680
Michael Schlieman
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2014
Hazem Shamseddeen
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Christian Swanson
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-993-5955
Thomas Walbolt
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4144
Karen Win-Vroom
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Kristin Curtis Herman
UC Davis Health 916-703-0300
Ariel Lee
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4075
Madelena Michele “Maddy” Martin
UC Davis Health 916-703-0300
Billur Moghaddam
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4075
Suma Prabhu Shankar
UC Davis Health 916-703-0300
Joseph J. Shen
UC Davis Health 916-703-0300
Kamer Tezcan
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4075
Geriatric Medicine
Silvia Arizaga Peverini
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Kirill Berejnoi
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Shivani Bhutani
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-733-3460
Lisa Chai
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4040
Ashkan H. Javaheri
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-733-3460
Huey Chi-Yu Lin
UC Davis Health 916-734-3630
Jessica Masocol Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Pradeep Mohanroy Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Amir Obbehat Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5200
Alia Tuqan
UC Davis Health 916-734-7005
Gynecologic Oncology
Rebecca Ann Brooks
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Hui Chen
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Christa L. Dominick
Sutter Medical Group 916-733-4440
Kevin Elliott
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-9893
Wiley Fowler
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-9685
Max Horowitz
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4055
Gary Scott Leiserowitz UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Vikas Mahavni
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4055
Rachel Ruskin
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Allison Margaret Saiz
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4055
Neha Shah
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4055
Nell Suby
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4055
Hand Surgery
Robert H. Allen
UC Davis Health 916-734-2700
Christopher O. Bayne
UC Davis Health / Shriners
Children’s Northern California 916-734-2700
Benjamin Bluth
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4297
Aditya S. Chawla
Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9440
Jonathan A. Gant
Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4725
Jacob Gire
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5275
Stephen Hankins
Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4725
Andrew I. Li
UC Davis Health
Clifford T. Pereira
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Sean Rocha
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2030
Dora Storelli
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2030
Daniel N. Switlick
Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4725
Nathan Taylor
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4045
Hoang Tran
Dignity Health
Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Michael Vance
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5275
Hematology and Oncology
Alborz Alali
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Mili Arora
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Deepti Behl
Sutter Medical Group 916-453-3300
Kristie A. Bobolis
Sutter Medical Group 916-782-5106
Helen K. Chew
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Michael Crist
Kaiser Permanente 916-497-3100
I-Yeh Gong
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2086
Richard Guy
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5626
Lai Hui
Kaiser Permanente 916-497-3100
Elias Nicolas Kiwan Sutter Medical Group 916-733-4400
Luko Laptalo
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-9632
Lisa Law
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5626
Tianhong Li
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Mamta Parikh
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Sivakumar Reddy
Sutter Medical Group 916-782-5106
Aaron Seth Rosenberg
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Philip Sardar
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5626
Gurvinder Shaheed
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4921
Samer Shihabi Dignity Health Mercy Cancer Center 916-864-9616
Ryan Stevenson
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2086
David Sun
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2086
Joseph Michael Tuscano
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Stephen Wang
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2086
Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Gerald Anthony Cantelmi
Kaiser Permanente 916-648-6920
Nathan P. Fairman
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Shelly Garone
Kaiser Permanente 916-977-3017
Annemarie Hargadon
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Pouria Kashkouli
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Margaret Leung
Kaiser Permanente 916-648-6920
John F. MacMillan, Jr.
UC Davis Health 916-734-8230
Janelle Minter
Kaiser Permanente 916-627-7685
Theresa Murdock-Vlautin
UC Davis Health 916-734-2011
Greg Naughton Kaiser Permanente 916-648-6920
Jennifer Lynette Osborn Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-733-3460
John Scharf
Kaiser Permanente 916-977-3017
Jeffrey Stoneberg Sutter Medical Group 916-887-7955
Jeffrey Yee
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-560-0209
Hospital Medicine / Hospitalist
Olana Aberra Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Nelson Chiang
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Geoffrey D’Cruz Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Hayssam Hajar Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Stephen J. Jerwers Sutter Medical Group 916-733-3777
Robert Jobe
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Andrew Lee
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Dat Lu
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Mithu S. Molla UC Davis Health 916-734-7506
Nadeem Mukhtar Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-733-3400
Christopher R. Pease Sutter Medical Group 916-733-3777
Debby Sentana Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-537-5079
Eric Daniel Signoff UC Davis Health 916-734-2011
Voltaire R. Sinigayan
UC Davis Health 916-734-2011
That’s why we’re working to make the world better.
If we can remove tumors, let’s remove hunger. If we can rebuild bodies, let’s rebuild communities.
If we can give second chances at life, let’s give first chances at opportunity.
Now is the time for better.
Building a better future where we all come together for a common goal — to transform lives.
Because we believe every person deserves access to health care and to be well. We believe in pushing forward — to find the next cure, to solve the next problem.
For our patients. For our employees. For us all.
Top Doctors 2024
Jason T. Spears
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-537-5079
Jeffrey Stenger Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Olof Sultan
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Neal Waechter
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Infectious Disease
Sanaz Abderrahmane
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-727-6266
Derek John Bays
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Stuart H. Cohen
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Nathaniel Defelice
Pulmonary Medicine Associates 916-325-1040
Matthew Eldridge
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6166
Jose Mario Deogracias Fontanilla Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5230
Mohammad Kabbesh
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-727-6130
Ranjani R. Kalyan
Pulmonary Medicine Associates 916-679-3590
Brett R. Laurence
Pulmonary Medicine Associates 916-325-1040
Lenora Lee
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5230
Randy McCreery
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-727-6130
Andrew McNeil
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6166
Bilal Naseer
Pulmonary Medicine Associates 916-786-7498
Meryl Perez Pulmonary Medicine Associates 916-786-7498
Sriharsha Rao Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6166
Shobha Sharma Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5230
Sudershan Singh Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
George Thompson
UC Davis Health 916-734-7766
Angelique Tjen-A-Looi Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5230
Sarah Waldman
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Robert Zimmerman
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-579-6575
Internal Medicine
Nitu Aryal Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4923
Joi Barrett Sutter Medical Group 916-733-8713
Brigitte Lee Berry UC Davis Health 916-734-7777
Kevin James Burnham
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Olivia Marie Campa
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Jason K. Chang
UC Davis Health 916-734-7777
Alexander King Chen Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Jennifer “Jen” Chen
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Katerina Nicole Christiansen
UC Davis Health 916-734-7777
Garth Davis Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4040
Michael Emerzian
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Namrita Gogia
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-827-0908
Jason Gritti
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Meghan E. Hayes
Sutter Medical Group 916-733-8713
Lisa Ho
UC Davis Health 916-734-7777
Zachary Holt
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Thomas Wardell Hopkins Hopkins M.D. 916-446-4449
Shahnaz Iqbal
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Dheeraj Kamra Capitol Gastroenterology Consultants Medical Group 916-966-8500
Craig Raymond Keenan
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Shirley S. Koon
Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4715
Jerry Lai
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Kathryn Diane Newell
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Geetha Pingili
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5200
Milin Ratanasen
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Teresa Sandoval-Phillips
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-9184
Malvika Suri
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Jane Tsai
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4325
Liana Turkot
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Heather A. Vierra
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Morgan Waters
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2106
Linda Jane Woo
UC Davis Health 916-734-7777
James Yang
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Eduardo Zapata Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Yunli Zheng
UC Davis Health 916-783-7109
Maternal and Fetal Medicine
Nina M. Boe
UC Davis Health 916-734-6900
Nancy T. Field
UC Davis Health 916-734-6900
Matthew Garabedian
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4148
William M. Gilbert Pediatrix Medical Group 916-862-9900
Herman Locsin Hedriana
UC Davis Health 916-734-6900
Amelia S. McLennan
UC Davis Health 916-734-6900
Kristina Milan
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4148
Carey Moreno-Hunt
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4148
Unzila Nayeri
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4148
Véronique Taché
UC Davis Health 916-985-9300
Sarah Watson
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4148
Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine
Geoanna Marie Bautista
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Nwando Eze
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4190
Shayna Gaman-Bean
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4190
Kristin Robbins Hoffman
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Kara Kuhn-Riordon
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Satyan Lakshminrusimha
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Steven James McElroy
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Catherine Anne-Marie Rottkamp
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Christina Anna Sollinger
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Shubha Ananthakrishnan
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Adarsh Bhat
Summit Nephrology 916-789-1505
Janeline Daubert
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6988
Joseph De Leon
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6988
Lana Gafter
Summit Nephrology 916-789-1505
Hiba Hamdan
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Kai-Ting Hu
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6988
Niti Madan
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Jasminder Momi Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-943-9264
Tuan Nguyen
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5230
David Pai Capital Nephrology Medical Group 916-683-8774
Rekha Pareek Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5230
Jignesh Patel
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5230
Ushir Patel Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-3736
Roopinder Poonia Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-347-0261
Satpreet Sekhon
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5230
Michael Tan Sim
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Gregory Spin Summit Nephrology 530-878-5950
Jeffrey Stewart
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5230
Brian Thornton Summit Nephrology 916-789-1505
Suneet Verma
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6988
Nasim Wiegley
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Brian Yim Young
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Nick Youssefi
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6988
Annie Yu
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5230
Franklin Yuan
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5230
Jason Chang
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2050
Alexandra O’neill (Sasha) Duffy
UC Davis Health 916-734-3588
Arish Y. Eduljee Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Howard Fan Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-536-3670
John Geraghty
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-6380
Ehsan Hadi
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-536-3670
Halima Karim
Dignity Health
Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Suketu Khandhar
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5175
Shawn J. Kile
Sutter Medical Group 916-454-6850
Suzanne Koopmans
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2050
Neuzil Lai
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2050
Marc Eugene Lenaerts
UC Davis Health
Nicole A. LopezSeminario
Sutter Medical Group 916-773-8711
Lucian Maidan Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group
Deepinder S. Sidhu Kaiser Permanente 916-474-6380
Peter Skaff Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-536-3670
Lin Zhang
UC Davis Health 916-734-3588
Hamidreza Aliabadi Spine & Neurosurgery Associates
Jesse Babbitz
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4798
Amit Banerjee
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5490
Orin Bloch
UC Davis Health
David Michael Brandman
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Yi-Ren Chen
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-536-2015
Samuel F. Ciricillo
Sutter Medical Group 916-454-6850
Huy Duong Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5490
Kern Guppy Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5490
Mark Hawk Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5490
Kee D. Kim
UC Davis Health 916-734-7463
Matthew M. Kimball Sutter Medical Group 916-773-8711
Joshua Lucas Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-536-2015
David Moller Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5490
Praveen Prasad Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4752
Kavian Shahi Spine & Neurosurgery Associates 916-771-3300
Kiarash Shahlaie
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
James Silverthorn Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5490
Nuclear Medicine
Jason B. Cohen Sutter Medical Group 916-878-3495
Erno Gyetvai Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5720
Andrew L. Holz Sutter Medical Group 916-878-3495
Lorenzo Nardo
UC Davis Health 916-703-2108
Holly Thompson Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4000
Penny R. Vande Streek Sutter Medical Group 916-878-3495
John Webb Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2029
Dina M. Canavero Associates in Women’s Health Care 916-782-2229
Melissa Joy Chen
UC Davis Health 916-734-6900
Rachel Dong
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2055
Jocylen Glassberg
UC Davis Health 530-747-3000
Laurie C. Gregg Sacramento Women’s Health 916-927-3178
Jacqueline Ho Associates in Women’s Health Care 916-782-2229
Melody Y. Hou UC Davis Health 916-734-6900
Michael Kezmoh
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4148
Sanjeev Khurana
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4148
Rebecca King
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4055
Kim Kopecky
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4148
Leslie Lindgren
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5300
Juliana Melo
UC Davis Health 916-734-6900
Judy Mikacich Sacramento Women’s Health 916-927-3178
Kathryn Nauss Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4148
Bahareh M. Nejad
UC Davis Health 916-783-7109
Jennifer Overbey
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-9497
Joahnna Padilla Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Clara K. Paik
UC Davis Health 916-734-6900
Wilfredo Ramos
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2055
Kathleen Rooney
Sacramento Women’s Health 916-927-3178
Natalie Rose
Kaiser Permanente 866-454-8855
Debra D. Swanson
UC Davis Health 916-703-3030
Sarah Takekawa
Kaiser Permanente 916-544-6500
My-Le To Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Michael David Trifiro
UC Davis Health 916-985-9300
Carrie C. Yiakis Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9414
Amira Zaid
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-526-3742
Occupational Medicine
Enass Awad Arahman
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Wanda Blaylark Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Christina Bosserman
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5667
Rebekah Caravelli
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-6455
Stella Dao
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5667
John Forsyth
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Eleanor A. Loomis
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5499
Matthew Anger
Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6400
Robert Bellinoff
Top Doctors 2024
James David Brandt
UC Davis Health 916-734-6602
Jacob W. Brubaker
Sacramento Eye Consultants 916-915-0300
Carmine Cammarosano Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Margaret Chang
Retinal Consultants Medical Group 916-339-3655
David Cupp Retinal Consultants Medical Group 916-339-3655
K. Camille DiMiceli Sutter Medical Group 916-887-7474
Mark Drabkin
Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6400
Marcela Maria Estrada
UC Davis Health 916-734-6602
Richard Fentzke
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4185
Nandini G. Gandhi
UC Davis Health 916-453-2000
Alexander Grand Medical Vision Technology 916-731-8040
Sukhjit Johl
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4015
Richard Jones Eye Site Sacramento 916-452-8105
Esther Kim UC Davis Health 916-734-6602
David Kira Eye Site Sacramento 916-452-8105
Samuel H. Lee
Sacramento Eye Consultants 916-915-0300
Sung Lee Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6400
Michele Corina Lim
UC Davis Health 916-734-6602
Xiongfei Liu
Mark Joel Mannis
UC Davis Health
Rominder Momi
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4185
Ala Moshiri
UC Davis Health 916-734-6602
Filbert Nguyen Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Sang-Rog Oh
Kaiser Permanente 916-641-4568
Susanna S. Park UC Davis Health 916-734-6602
Robert R. Peabody, Jr. Medical Vision Technology 916-731-8040
Joel Abrahm Pearlman Retinal Consultants Medical Group 916-339-3655
Bonnie Quiroz
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-4015
Patricia B. Sierra Sacramento Eye Consultants 916-915-0300
Aaron Skelton Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-526-3373
Tony Tsai Retinal Consultants Medical Group 916-454-4861
Robert T. Wendel Retinal Consultants Medical Group 916-339-3655
Peter Wu Sacramento Eye Consultants 916-915-0300
Glenn C. Yiu UC Davis Health 916-734-6602
Orthopedic Surgery
Christopher O. Bayne UC Davis Health 916-734-2700
Amy Black
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2030
Alison Sumiko Breen
UC Davis Health 916-683-3955
Jenise Phelps
UC Davis Health 916-734-6900
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-963-7578
Sacramento Eye Consultants 916-915-0300
William Bragg Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-963-7525
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Top Doctors 2024
Christian Bromfield
Kaiser Permanente
Aaron Cullen
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5275
David English
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4045
Ellen P. Fitzpatrick
UC Davis Health
Mauro Giordani
UC Davis Health 916-734-2700
Domingo Hallare
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2030
Brian M. Haus
UC Davis Health / Shriners
Children’s Northern California
Mark Hofer
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5275
Raphael Klug
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4045
Michael P. Leathers
Michael P. Leathers, MD 916-252-9701
Cassandra A. Lee
UC Davis Health 916-734-6805
Mark A. Lee
UC Davis Health 916-734-2700
Holly B. Leshikar
UC Davis Health / Shriners Children’s Northern California 916-734-2700
Richard A. Marder
UC Davis Health 916-734-6805
Dennis Meredith Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Ravi Patel
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-7325
Gavin Caesar Pereira
UC Davis Health 916-734-2700
Robert Lawrence Randall
UC Davis Health 916-734-5885
Marty Reed
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5275
Mark Sucher Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2030
Hoang Tran Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Matthew L. Tweet Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9440
Jason Zemanovic Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4045
Osteopathic Medicine
Jeffrey M. Brodovsky Sutter Medical Group 916-451-4400
Kyle Crooks Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Khang Hoang Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Pain Medicine
Charles Aguilar Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2000
David Copenhaver UC Davis Health 916-734-7246
Heather R. Davids Sutter Medical Group 916-454-6850
Scott Fishman
UC Davis Health 916-734-6824
Brian Kim Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-999-4773
Gagan Mahajan UC Davis Health 916-734-7463
Navdeep Nijher Sutter Medical Group 916-454-6850
Scott Gregory Pritzlaff
UC Davis Health 916-734-7246
Vinay Reddy Spine and Nerve Diagnostic Center 916-419-9900
Sameer Sharma Northern California Spine & Rehabilitation Associates 916-389-7100
Samir J. Sheth Sutter Medical Group 916-773-8711
Naileshni Sanjinita Singh
UC Davis Health 916-734-6602
Rod Youssefi
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2000
Pediatric Cardiology
Daniel Lee Cortez
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Jonathan Gil Dayan
UC Davis Health 916-734-3456
Danielle Harake
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
James Hill Capital Pediatric Cardiology 916-750-2328
Frank F. Ing
UC Davis Health 916-734-3456
Luz Natal-Hernandez Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Ernesto Rivera
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Sherzana Sunderji
UC Davis Health 916-734-3456
Luca Trento
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Stanley Wright
Capital Pediatric Cardiology 916-750-2328
Jay Yeh
UC Davis Health 916-734-3456
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Robert Alisharan
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4190
Anne Camerlengo
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4190
Moonjoo Han
UC Davis Health 800-823-4543
Kevin Haug
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4190
John Holcroft
UC Davis Health 916-734-3456
Stephanie Nicole Mateev
UC Davis Health 916-734-2131
JoAnne E. Natale
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Jennifer Plant
UC Davis Health 916-734-5177
Jessica Kim Signoff
UC Davis Health 916-734-2994
Pediatric Dermatology
Smita Awasthi
UC Davis Health 916-734-6111
Stephanie Jacks
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-7700
Pediatric Endocrinology
Christina Chao
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Stephanie Crossen
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Mirna Escalante
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Nicole Glaser
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Francis Hoe
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Lindsey Loomba-Albrecht
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Prakasam Center of Excellence in Diabetes and Endocrinology 916-426-1902
Sudha Reddy
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Dennis Michael Styne
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Sindhura Thatipelli Batchu
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Arthur John de Lorimier
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Kelly Beth Haas
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Maheen Ahmed Hassan
UC Davis Health / Shriners
Children’s Northern California 916-453-2180
Pratima Kodali
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Trinh Thi Nhat Truong
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Daphne Sy Say
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Emilia Shin
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Danielle Usatin
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Scott Adams
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Elysia Marie Alvarez
UC Davis Health 916-734-5500
Reuben Antony
UC Davis Health 916-734-5500
Jonathan M. Ducore
UC Davis Health 916-734-5500
Sonali Lakshminarayanan
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Christina Lettieri
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Marcio Henrique Malogolowkin
UC Davis Health 916-734-5500
Arun Ranjan Panigrahi
UC Davis Health 916-734-5500
Anjali Pawar
UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Aarati Rao
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Yung S. Yim Northern California
Hematology Oncology Medical Group 916-469-9337
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
John Belko
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Dean A. Blumberg
UC Davis Health
Ritu Cheema
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Daniel Scott (Danny) Dodson
UC Davis Health
Natasha A. Nakra
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Elizabeth Helen Partridge
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Pediatric Nephrology
Ari Auron
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Lavjay Butani
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Maha Haddad
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Arundhati Kale
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Stephanie Tram-Anh
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Gia Oh
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Pediatric Neurology
William Steven Benko
UC Davis Health 916-734-3588
Amy R. Brooks-Kayal
UC Davis Health 916-734-3588
Celia H. Chang
UC Davis Health 916-734-3588
Katie Friederich
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4190
Trishna Kantamneni
UC Davis Health 916-734-3588
Brian Masselink
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4190
Gregg Nelson
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4190
Exceptional care never stops.
When we innovate healthcare, we have one thought in mind – you.
With ever-evolving cardiology services, time-focused stroke care and ground-breaking cancer treatments, we’re here for you, every time and always.
We’re proud of the doctors at Sutter Medical Group who were recognized among Sactown Magazine’s top doctors.
Top Doctors 2024
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Samuel F. Ciricillo
Sutter Medical Group 916-454-6850
Sean McNatt
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2600
Julia Devi Sharma
UC Davis Health 916-734-3588
Marike Zwienenberg
UC Davis Health 916-734-3588
Pediatric Psychiatry
Vladislav Afanasevich Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5300
Srihari Bangalore
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5300
Melissa Arielle Berg Hopkins
UC Davis Health 916-734-3574
Andrew Bregman
Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6100
Anne B. McBride
UC Davis Health 916-734-3574
Pediatric Pulmonology
Sara Abu-Nasser
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Diana Go
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Sanjay Jhawar
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Rory John KamermanKretzmer
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Myrza Perez
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Wan Tsai
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Shaina Willen
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Pediatric Pulmonology and Pediatric Sleep Medicine
Kiran Nandalike
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Pediatric Sleep Medicine
Ambika Gnanam Chidambaram
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Diana Go
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Myrza Perez Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Pediatric Surgery
Lisa P. Abramson Sutter Medical Group 916-887-4220
Erin G. Brown
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Jerry Chen Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Diana L. Farmer
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Shinjiro Hirose
UC Davis Health 916-734-7844
Noah Keller Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Jonathan E. Kohler
UC Davis Health 916-734-7844
Douglas Miniati Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Payam Saadai
UC Davis Health 916-734-7844
Minna Minsing Chen Wieck
UC Davis Health 916-453-2180
Pediatric Urology
Andrew Huang Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4160
Eric A. Kurzrock
UC Davis Health 916-734-2222
Pediatrics (General)
Sheila Asare-Bediako
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-9659
Diane Chan
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4190
Sean Cooke
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6800
Eric J. Crossen
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Erik Orlando Fernandez y Garcia
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Anita Jain
UC Davis Health 916-734-5846
Rebecca Lee Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-857-9743
Thomas March
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Nkechi Nzerem-Johnson Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4304
Lisa Rasmussen
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Mitch Surabhan Ratanasen
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Jonathan Thygeson
American River Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine 916-924-8754
Lena Claire van der List
UC Davis Health 916-734-5846
Serena Yang
UC Davis Health 916-874-9670
Stephanie Yee-Guardino
Kaiser Permanente 916-478-5200
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Carol Vandenakker Albanese
UC Davis Health 916-734-7463
Shawna B. Arsenault
UC Davis Health / Shriners Children’s Northern California 916-453-2191
Ryan Carver
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-6611
Steven Chan
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-7481
Loren T. Davidson
UC Davis Health / Shriners Children’s Northern California 916-453-2000
Satinderpal Dhah
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2036
John Andrew Dorsett
UC Davis Health 916-734-7041
Maya Capoor Evans
UC Davis Health / Shriners Children’s Northern California 916-453-2191
Michael Hembd Northern California Spine & Rehabilitation Associates 916-389-7100
Albert Hwang
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-526-3706
Peter Hyun
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-6611
Nanette Cunningham
UC Davis Health 916-734-7041
Jean Lai
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-6611
Hai Luong
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-6611
Lawrence Manhart
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Craig M. McDonald
UC Davis Health / Shriners
Children’s Northern California 916-453-2180
Vanessa McGowan
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2036
Kevin M. Mullins
UC Davis Health 916-734-7041
Lynn Nakamura
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-6611
Andres Pena
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-827-4457
Vinay Reddy Spine and Nerve
Diagnostic Center 916-419-9900
Joel Schaffer
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2036
Akshat Shah
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2036
Chris Sterling Shin
UC Davis Health 916-734-7041
Mark Tyburski
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-6611
Neal Abraham Varghis Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-453-4545
Brandee L. Waite
UC Davis Health 916-734-7041
Jeremy Wren Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-526-3169
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Carrie Black Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-608-9860
Rudy Coscia
The Plastic Surgery Center 916-929-1833
Jonathan R. Freed
Freed Plastic Surgery 530-885-4151
Lin Lin Gao
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5515
Jesus A. Garcia
Kaiser Permanente 916-641-4568
Scott D. Green
The Plastic Surgery Center 916-929-1833
Donald Hause
Sacramento Aesthetic Surgery 916-646-6869
Karly Kaplan
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5515
David Kaufman
The Natural Result 916-907-1419
Gerald Khachi
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2045
James Kim
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2045
Liza S. Kim
LSK Plastic Surgery 916-705-2798
Andrew I. Li
UC Davis Health 916-734-7844
Alan Y. Lim
Sutter Medical Group 916-733-9588
Charles T. Longo
Charles T. Longo, M.D. 916-456-8756
Pirko Maguiña Ideal Plastic Surgery 916-664-3391
Minh-Bao Mundschenk Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5515
Clifford T. Pereira
UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Charles Perry Chrysalis Cosmetics 916-248-4447
Kenneth Phillips Kaiser Permanente 916-641-4568
Lee L.Q. Pu UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Ara A. Salibian
UC Davis Health 916-734-7844
Jeffrey Sweat
J. Sweat Plastic Surgery 916-400-0822
Travis Tollefson Dr. Travis T. Tollefson, M.D., M.P.H. 916-734-2347
Granger B. Wong Centre for Plastic Surgery 916-791-7088
Wayne I. Yamahata
The Plastic Surgery Center 916-929-1833
Michelle Zaldana-Flynn
UC Davis Health 916-734-7844
Shuhao Zhang Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-633-2521
John Benson Kaiser Permanente 916-543-5153
Timothy Bernard Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Amy Duckworth Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4045
Daniel Lee
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2030
Namjong Lee
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4045
Roya Mirmiran
Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9464
Damon Namvar Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9464
Hienvu Nguyen
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2030
Beth Noe
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4045
Kene Ofili
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Benjamin Van Pham Benjamin Van Pham, DPM 916-786-3434
Lindsay Russell Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2030
Michael Scatena
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5275
Tanya Singleton Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2030
Michael Starkweather Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Gregory Tovmassian
Sacramento Foot and Ankle Center 916-459-4398
Kirsten Van Voris-Scatena Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5275
Donavon Wright
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4045
Christina Bilyeu
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5300
Jeremy DeMartini
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Pachida Lo Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6100
Julie Motosue-Brennan Kaiser Permanente 916-525-6100
Sarah Telles
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Anna Vinter Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5300
Aileen Yap-Lacap Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5300
Karl Zeff
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-883-3389
Megan E. Daly
UC Davis Health 916-734-5810
Ruben Fragoso
UC Davis Health 916-734-5810
Christopher U. Jones Sutter Medical Group 916-781-1225
Derrick Koo Kaiser Permanente 916-771-2871
Charlotte D. Kubicky Sutter Medical Group 916-781-1225
Vincent Lee Kaiser Permanente 916-683-9616
Melissa LeMieux
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-9870
Anna O. Likhacheva Sutter Medical Group 916-454-6600
Mark D. Logsdon Sutter Medical Group 916-454-6600
Arta M. Monjazeb
UC Davis Health 916-734-5810
Nathalie Nguyen
Kaiser Permanente 916-631-2730
Paul Page
South Sacramento Cancer Center 916-683-9616
Hubert Y. Pan Sutter Medical Group 916-454-6600
Mahesh Pant Kaiser Permanente 916-631-2730
Bihai Peng Kaiser Permanente 916-771-2871
Shyam Rao UC Davis Health 916-734-5810
Seth Rosenthal Sutter Medical Group 916-781-1225
Janice K. Ryu
Sutter Medical Group 916-454-6600
Derrick Schmidt
Kaiser Permanente 916-771-2871
John Marshall Stevenson
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-306-7951
Richard K. Valicenti UC Davis Health 916-734-5810
Matthew Wheatley
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-907-9210
Xiao (Jason) Zhao UC Davis Health 916-734-5810
Matthew Bobinski UC Davis Health 800-282-3284
Charles H. McDonnell, III Sutter Medical Group 916-878-3495
Tan Nguyen
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2029
Eleanor Ormsby Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5250
Gregory Rogalski
Dignity Health Advanced Imaging 916-379-3995
Lillian Xiong
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5250
Leena Adhikesavan
Kaiser Permanente 916-480-6990
Shirin M. Ahmad
UC Davis Health 916-985-9200
Anupama Bhat
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5616
Minzi Chen
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Rose Chumo
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5616
Mohammadomid Edrissian
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6158
Shanthi Giri
Kaiser Permanente 916-480-6990
Angel Alberto Herrera Guerra
UC Davis Health 916-734-3112
Arshia Islam
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5616
Joey Kim
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6158
Anand Lal
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-5616
Diana Lau
Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Kavitha Mattaparthi
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6158
Manuel A. Doblado
Northern California
Fertility Medical Center 916-773-2229
Sara Ann Babcock Gilbert
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-5005
Laurie P. Lovely
Northern California
Fertility Medical Center 916-773-2229
Vicky Moy
Kaiser Permanente 916-614-5005
Michael J. Murray
Northern California
Fertility Medical Center 916-773-2229
Sahar M. Stephens
Northern California
Fertility Medical Center 916-773-2229
Barton L. Wise
UC Davis Health 916-734-2737
Top Doctors 2024
Daniel Parker Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Gloria Rho
Paramjeet Atwal
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6671
Robert Dias
Joy Mombourquette
Kaiser Permanente 916-474-2250
Minhchau Nguyen
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6158
Thitinan Srikulmontree
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-844-1592
Simran K. Thiara
Sutter Medical Group 916-455-3700
Lei Wang
Dignity Health
Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Kenneth B. Wiesner
Sacramento Rheumatology Consultants 916-922-7021
Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4870
Kimberly A. Hardin
UC Davis Health 916-734-0779
Nour Karzoun
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-7618
Jose P. Miranda Sutter Medical Group 530-886-2300
Swapna Parikh
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-7618
Frederick Edward Ramos
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6671
David Tzeng
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-6671
Lydia M. Wytrzes
Lydia Wytrzes M.D. 916-564-3610
Sleep Medicine Sports Medicine
Jason Brayley
Kaiser Permanente 916-544-6160
Kevin James Burnham
UC Davis Health 916-734-6805
Biljinder Chima
Rocklin Family Practice & Sports Medicine
Marcia I. Faustin
UC Davis Health 916-734-7041
Susan Joy
Kaiser Permanente 916-326-8200
Robert Masocol
Kaiser Permanente 916-478-5100
Scott Meier
Kaiser Permanente 916-544-6160
Kevin M. Mullins
UC Davis Health 916-734-7041
Kaiser Permanente 916-326-8200
Adrian Tabares Sutter Medical Group 916-731-7770
Brandee L. Waite UC Davis Health 916-734-7041
Chill C. Yee Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4725
Craig Ziegler Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4050
Thoracic Surgery
Matthew Agnew Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2014
Lisa Marie Brown UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
David Tom Cooke UC Davis Health 916-734-3861
Costanzo DiPerna Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-9586
Luis Armando Godoy UC Davis Health 916-734-5959
Sterling L. Humphrey Sutter Medical Group 916-878-2555
Stephen D. Maxwell Sutter Medical Group 916-878-2555
Allen Morris Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-9225
Rick Peng
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2014
Brian Rezvani Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2014
Trevor Williams Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-735-4658
Transgender Health
Allison Byrne
Kaiser Permanente 866-454-8855
Radiation Oncology Reproductive Endocrinology / Infertility
Top Doctors 2024
Carolina Alvayay
Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4720
Kirk M. Anderson
Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9386
Aron Bruhn
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4160
Noah Eliezer Canvasser
UC Davis Health 916-734-2222
Samuel Chan
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4160
Kit Chang
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5355
Marc A. Dall’Era
UC Davis Health 916-734-2222
Jonathan Eandi
Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9386
Allison Glass Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Alan Iverson
Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5355
Patrick S. Kilday Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9386
Ina W. Kim Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4720
Eric B. Levy Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4720
Joyce Loeffler Dignity Health Woodland Clinic 530-668-2600
Megan Matrenec Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2081
Uday Poonamallee Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-864-9836
Jennifer Rothschild
UC Davis Health
Carmen Stapp
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4160
Genevieve H. Sweet Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4720
Kimberly Takahashi
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4160
Kadee E. Thompson
Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9386
Scott Troxel
Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4160
Alice Tsao
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2081
Jared Whitson
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2081
David S. Yee
Sutter Medical Group 916-797-4720
Vascular / Interventional Radiology
Braden Boice
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5250
Benjamin G. Coombs
Sutter Medical Group 916-783-8114
Matthew Danielson
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5250
Lawrence Davis
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2029
Brandon Doskocil
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5250
Farhad Farzanegan
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2029
Robert Freed
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5250
Isaac Kim
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5250
Christopher J. Laing Sutter Medical Group 916-732-7777
Maud Morshedi
Kaiser Permanente 916-688-2029
Derek Vien
Kaiser Permanente 916-817-5250
Catherine T. Vu
UC Davis Health 916-734-3606
Vascular Surgery
Aaron Baker Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4502
Richard Campbell Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5235
Josefina A. Dominguez Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9400
Richard Florio Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4502
Dmitri V. Gelfand Sutter Medical Group 916-773-8750
Blake Hamby Kaiser Permanente 916-973-5235
Nasim Hedayati
UC Davis Health
Misty D. Humphries
UC Davis Health 916-734-3800
Keith Jones Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group 916-535-3394
Mimmie Kwong
UC Davis Health 916-734-3800
Steven Maximus
UC Davis Health 916-734-3800
Addison Lee McMurtry Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4502
Brian D. Park Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9400
Thomas C. Park Sutter Medical Group 916-262-9400
Samantha Stradleigh Kaiser Permanente 916-784-4502
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The Big Print on Top Docs
Welcome to our annual Top Doctors section. As always, our goal with this list is to be as transparent as possible. To that end, here are some questions we anticipate you may have about the winners.
How were these doctors selected?
This is a great question. And it’s important for you to know that we didn’t actually select these doctors. Other local doctors did. We feel like physicians know other physicians better than we ever could. Our role in this was to partner with the national research firm Professional Research Services (PRS), who conducts surveys and compiles and vets Top Doctor lists for publications in cities from Los Angeles and Seattle to Detroit, Cincinnati, Atlanta and many others.
I don’t see my doctor on the list and they are a great doctor.
We don’t doubt it. The fact that your great doctor may not be on this list isn’t because they’re not worthy. It’s simply that the physicians that were polled did not nominate them, perhaps because they didn’t know them. It’s important to understand that PRS does not poll every single doctor in the region, and of the ones they do poll, not every doctor responds. Doctors are busy people and they get a lot of emails.
So you’re saying these aren’t all the great doctors in the region. Of course. There are hundreds of doctors who likely deserve to be on this list but simply aren’t yet. Since we rely on the advice of medical experts, we can only make the list as good as the doctors who respond.
Do any of these doctors get on the list because they advertise?
Absolutely not. That’s PRS’s policy and ours, as well. Yes, these doctors had the option to advertise in our “Featured Profiles” ad section (which is clearly marked as an advertising section at the top of each page) if they chose to publicize more information about their practices and areas of specialty, but that was only after they were notified that they would be on the list. In other words, it’s impossible for a doctor to buy their way onto the list.
UC Davis Health 2024 Highlights
Whether they’re providing nationally ranked specialty care for the toughest challenges or support for every-day wellness concerns, our Top Doctors help UC Davis Health serve as a unique source of world-class care and crucial health knowledge for our region.
And we’re hard at work expanding the scope and reach of their efforts, both in Sacramento and beyond, to support the growing needs of our patients and community.
Dr. Anita Jain, a Top Doctor in pediatrics
Congratulations on the nearly 300 Top Doctors honors for UC Davis Health physicians in Sactown Magazine’s annual list of our region’s best doctors! We’re proud of each of our Top Docs — and of all UC Davis Health primary and specialty care physicians and providers. Thank you for your work to improve health for all.
UC Davis Medical Center California Tower
to meet the needs of our shared community — now and into the future
Big changes at our Sacramento health campus
Construction is underway for a state-ofthe-art new hospital tower at UC Davis Medical Center, adding to a health care complex that’s served the area for 150 years. When completed in 2030, the 14-story California Tower and its fivestory pavilion will add nearly a million square feet of additional space, with operating rooms and about 400 singlepatient rooms to replace others being
trials at the UC Davis Eye Center. The four-story, 78,500-square-foot facility was started with an initial $18.5 million gift from philanthropist Ernest E. Tschannen, whose sight was restored at t he Eye Center, and his contributions now exceed $38.5 million.
Expanding services in fastgrowing Folsom and Elk Grove
taken out of service for seismic reasons. Many of the medical center’s nearly 700 beds will also become adaptable for special use during pandemics and other critical-care surges.
Just down the street, our new ambulatory surgery center will be one of the largest in the U.S. upon its expected opening in 2025, in terms of number of operating and procedure rooms. The four-story, 268,000-square-foot 4 8X Complex will ease operating room crowding, reduce wait times and expand services.
UC Davis Health has already welcomed patients to the new Ernest E. Tschannen Eye Institute Building, where dozens of exam and imaging rooms and dedicated research space increase capacity for care and clinical
As the region’s only academic medical center, we’re also making our nationally ranked care more convenient by bringing our experts directly into local neighborhoods, closer to home. One example is the Folsom Medical Office Building at Hwy 50 and E. Bidwell near Folsom Ranch. Set to be completed in 2025, the three-story 112,000-square-foot outpatient facility will include primary and specialty care, eye services, imaging, and infusion for cancer patients and others. It’s the first of several projects planned for the 34-acre Folsom Center for Health site.
Further south, UC Davis Health has purchased 20 acres at Elk Grove Blvd. and Laguna Springs Drive to expand our local clinics and offer additional primary and specialty care.
Serving our community outside the clinic walls
Meanwhile, UC Davis Health is also working beyond our walls to help advance health and wellness for all. Research shows that factors such as access to job opportunities, stable housing, healthy food and clean air have huge impacts on health — so we’re acting to help change these circumstances, too.
See areas where we’re making a real, impactful difference — from healthy food to climate change to the local economy — at believe.ucdavis.edu .
48X Complex
Folsom Medical Office Building
Ernest E. Tschannen Eye Institute Building
UC Davis
Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine
A level IV NICU (the highest level of care) and experts in key areas
We’re proud to share these highlights from our renowned neonatology service, led by Steven McElroy a nd several other Top Doctors:
UC Davis Children’s Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is a designated level IV nursery (the highest level of care) for the Sacramento region.
Top Doctors like Geoanna Bautista , Kristin Hoffman, Kara Kuhn-Riordon, Catherine Rottkamp, Christina Sollinger and pediatrics chair Satyan Lakshminrusimha are experts and researchers in key areas such as newborn breathing and intestinal conditions, telemedicine, opioid withdrawal syndrome, brain/nerve protection, and breast milk nutrition.
National recognitions in areas such as neonatal nursing excellence, life support, safe sleep practices, breastfeeding standards and other aspects of care. UC Davis Medical Center is also one of Newsweek’s Best Maternity Care Hospitals for 2023.
This level IV NICU includes a special small baby unit with a dedicated team of nurse practitioners, nurses and neonatal physicians exclusively for the care of extremely preterm infants, including preemies at 22–23 weeks gestation.
Compassionate support for parents, with overnight rooms and live cams to help connect with baby and providers while away.
UC Davis Neonatology & NICU Appointments and Referrals: 800-UCD-4-KIDS (800-823-4543) health.ucdavis.edu/children
Close cooperation with UC Davis Health’s unique Fetal Care and Treatment Center, and part of a fetal-neonatal consortium leveraging world-class expertise in fetal and pediatric surgery and other medical and surgical specialists from across the UC system.
Developmental follow-up options for NICU graduates at the renowned UC Davis MIND Institute.
Front row: Steven McElroy, Geoanna Bautista, Christina Sollinger, Kara Kuhn-Riordon, Satyan Lakshminrusimha. Back row: Catherine Rottkamp, Kristin Hoffman.
UC Davis Emergency Medicine
We’re grateful for the experience and excellence of our emergency medicine team, home to a number of Top Doctors and a crucial source of lifesaving care for our region.
A s home to inland Northern California’s only American College of Surgeons-verified level I trauma center for both adult and pediatric emergencies, UC Davis Medical Center provides the highest-level trauma care for more than 33 of California’s 58 counties. Our emergency rooms see more than 200 patients per day on average (and have treated as many as 300 a day during COVID-19 surges).
We’re proud to be a major source of new knowledge about injury treatment. For example, department chair Nathan Kuppermann helped to found and lead the nation’s first and only federally funded pediatric emergency medicine research collaborative, the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN). Its studies help care teams worldwide make treatment decisions with more evidence-based confidence and less side effects on kids.
Academic physicians such as Daniel Colby, Emily Andrada , Julia Magana , Kara Toles, Samuel Turnipseed and Leah Tzimenatos specialize in providing — and improving — treatment in a wide variety of lifesaving areas, ranging from pain evaluation and treatment to toxicology, child abuse trauma and health inequities.
Our emergency department team has increased its expertise to best serve older adults, earning national recognition as a Level 1 Geriatric Emergency Department from the American College of Emergency Physicians and also Age-Friendly Health Systems Committed to Care Excellence designation.
Level-1 adult and pediatric trauma care and evidence-based emergency care
UC Davis Medical Center
Nathan Kuppermann.
See body copy for more emergency medicine
Top Doctors.
UC Davis Ear, Nose and Throat
One of the nation’s most comprehensive and highly-ranked programs
Our nationally ranked ENT program includes several Top Doctors. Together they provide the highest-level quality of care and the latest approaches for the full r ange of head and neck conditions. Some highlights:
Department chair Arnaud Bewley, Marianne Abouyared and their team provide expert surgical treatment for both benign and malignant tumors of the head and neck. They have a special interest in advanced surgical techniques such as trans-oral robotic surgery and microvascular reconstruction.
Toby Steele and E. Bradley Strong provide comprehensive surgical care for patients seeking management of sinus and sinonasal disorders. Steele also studies treatments for long COVID, and Strong is recognized for expertise in computer-aided surgery and treatment of facial trauma.
Maggie Kuhn and other Center for Voice and Swallowing faculty provide specialized care to some of the world’s most challenging voice, swallowing, and airway patients.
Fellowship-trained pediatric otolaryngologist Jamie Funamura cares for children with conditions affecting breathing, swallowing, hearing, and speech, with a special focus on complex ear and airway issues.
Travis Tollefson’s double board certifications allow him to specialize in the full spectrum of pediatric and adult surgery.
UC Davis Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Appointments: 916-734-5400
Referrals: 800-4-UCDAVIS (800-482-3284) health.ucdavis.edu/otolaryngology
Clockwise from front: Jamie Funamura, Maggie Kuhn, Toby Steele, E. Bradley Strong, Arnaud Bewley, Marianne Abouyared. Not pictured: Travis Tollefson.
Major-league services for adults and kids
Congratulations to our orthopaedic surgery physicians who were named Top Doctors this year. We’re proud to be nationally renowned for our care of both adult and pediatric patients with musculoskeletal disease. Some examples of our researchd riven expertise:
Sports medicine physicians Cassandra Lee, Richard Marder and colleagues help care for Olympians and major-league athletes — and offer the same high-level service for our patients.
Hand and upper extremity surgeon Christopher Bayne treats athletes and others with complex hand, shoulder and peripheral nerve problems.
Our joint replacement team includes surgeons using the latest technologies for shoulder, hip and knee replacement to keep patients active and enjoying life ( Bayne, Mauro Giordani and Gavin Pereira).
UC Davis Orthopaedic Surgery
We are nationally recognized for our comprehensive care for bone and soft tissue tumors in children as well as adults (chair R. Lor Randall) with referrals from well beyond California.
We provide comprehensive rheumatology expertise for arthritis treatment and research ( Barton Wise).
Brian Haus is double-board certified in pediatric orthopaedics and sports medicine, and handles the most complex injuries in young athletes. He and colleagues like Holly Leshikar and Lor Randall help drive our nationally ranked pediatric ortho care, in partnership with Shriners Children’s Northern California.
Trauma experts like Mark Lee and Ellen Fitzpatrick make us a key player in UC Davis Medical Center’s level I trauma program — one of the nation’s largest and most sophisticated, and a major source of new knowledge about injury treatment.
UC Davis Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Clinic: 916-734-2700 or 800-252-3456
Referrals: 800-4-UCDAVIS (800-482-3284) health.ucdavis.edu/orthopaedics
Front row, left to right: Mauro Giordani, Cassandra Lee, R. Lor Randall, Mark Lee, Richard Marder.
Back row, left to right: Holly Leshikar, Barton Wise, Ellen Fitzpatrick, Gavin Pereira. Not pictured: Christopher Bayne, Brian Haus.
Experts in high-risk pregnancies and unique situations
UC Davis Maternal-Fetal Medicine
In addition to skilled partnership for routine pregnancies, UC Davis Health’s Birth Center provides the highest standard of management for high-risk pregnancies, unique health concerns, complications and unexpected situations. This expertise — available on-site 24/7 — is a special hallmark of our care as the region’s only academic medical center, and as one of Newsweek’s Best Maternity Care Hospitals for 2023.
Our Maternal-Fetal Medicine service includes nine board-certified specialists focused on different aspects of maternal and fetal health, including Top Doctors such as director Herman Hedriana a nd colleagues Nina Boe, Nancy Field, Amelia McLennan, and Véronique Taché.
They offer expertise across all areas of high-risk obstetrical care, such as diabetes in pregnancy, complications from multiples (twins, triplets, quads), preventing early deliveries, detecting inherited conditions, postpartum depression, early-onset preeclampsia, and placenta accreta spectrum.
Our team works to quickly coordinate care across multiple specialties, leveraging advantages such as:
UC Davis Health Birth Center
Birth center: 800-2-UCDAVIS (800-282-3284) health.ucdavis.edu/birth-center
Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Appointments: 916-734-6900 health.ucdavis.edu/ obgyn/specialties/mfm
a level IV neonatal intensive care unit (the highest level of care)
a Fetal Care and Treatment Center that’s able to intervene in utero or in real time during the birthing process, and is the only center providing in utero fetal surgery in the Sacramento Valley region and Northeastern California
the West Coast’s first level I Children’s Surgery Center
the nation’s highest recognition for nursing excellence
Left to right: Nina Boe, Amelia McLennan, Nancy Field, Herman Hedriana.
Not pictured: Véronique Taché.
Congrats on our 283 UC Davis Health Top Docs across multiple specialties
Addiction Medicine
Alicia Agnoli
Daniel Colby
Jagdeep Kaur
Martin Leamon
Mary Orsulak
Adolescent Medicine
Laura Prakash
Allergy and Immunology
Victoria Dimitriades
Rosemary Hallett
Anh Nguyen
Suzanne Teuber
Rajvinder Dhamrait
Kenneth Furukawa
Robert Kriss
James Littlejohn
Niroop Ravula
Breast Surgery
Candice Sauder
Cardiac Surgery
Sabrina Evans
Bob Kiaii
Timothy Pirolli
Gary Raff
Radhika Bukkapatnam
Dali Fan
Reginald Low
Gagan Singh
Thomas Smith
Jeffrey Southard
Uma Srivatsa
Benjamin Stripe
Garrett Wong
Colon and Rectal
Robert Kucejko
Ankit Sarin
Critical Care Medicine and Pulmonary Disease
Jason Adams
Mark Avdalovic
Hugh Black
Brooks Kuhn
Christian Sandrock
Christian Sebat
Oma Agbai
Smita Awasthi
Barbara Burrall
Daniel Eisen
Victor Huang
Jayne Joo
Marc Silverstein
Danielle Tartar
Peggy Wu
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Marianne Abouyared
Arnaud Bewley
Jamie Funamura
Maggie Kuhn
Toby Steele
E. Bradley Strong
Travis Tollefson
Emergency Medicine
Emily Andrada
Daniel Colby
Nathan Kuppermann
Julia Magana
Kara Toles
Samuel Turnipseed
Leah Tzimenatos
Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism
Aili Guo
Mark Moriwaki
Sonal Phatak
Dana Sheely
Polly Teng
Family Medicine
Alicia Agnoli
Micaela Godzich
Anthony Jerant
Sarah Marshall
Christopher Bowlus
Juan Garcia
Eric Mao
Valentina Medici
Cecilia Terrado
Anastasia Waechter
General Surgery
David Leshikar
Jonathan Pierce
Hazem Shamseddeen
Kristin Herman
Madelena Martin
Suma Shankar
Joseph Shen
Geriatric Medicine
Huey Lin
Alia Tuqan
Gynecologic Oncology
Rebecca Brooks
Hui (Amy) Chen
Gary Leiserowitz
Rachel Ruskin
Hand Surgery
Robert Allen
Christopher Bayne
Andrew Li
Clifford Pereira
Hematology and Oncology
Mili Arora
Helen Chew
Tianhong Li
Mamta Parikh
Aaron Rosenberg
Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Nathan Fairman
Annemarie Hargadon
Pouria Kashkouli
John MacMillan
Theresa Murdock-Vlautin
Hospital Medicine/ Hospitalist
Mithu Molla
Eric Signoff
Voltaire Sinigayan
Infectious Disease
Derek Bays
Stuart Cohen
George Thompson
Sarah Waldman
Internal Medicine
Brigitte Berry
Kevin Burnham
Olivia Campa
Jason Chang
Jennifer Chen
Katerina Christiansen
Lisa Ho
Zachary Holt
Craig Keenan
Kathryn Newell
Heather Vierra
Linda Woo
Yunli Zheng
Malignant Hematology/ Cellular Therapy and Transplantation
Joseph Tuscano
Maternal and Fetal Medicine
Nina Boe
Nancy Field
Herman Hedriana
Amelia McLennan
Véronique Taché
Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine
Geoanna Bautista
Kristin Hoffman
Kara Kuhn-Riordon
Satyan Lakshminrusimha
Steven McElroy
Catherine Rottkamp
Christina Sollinger
Shubha Ananthakrishnan
Niti Madan
Michael Sim
Nasim Wiegley
Brian Young
Alexandra Duffy
Marc Lenaerts
Lin Zhang
Orin Bloch
David Brandman
Kee Kim
Kiarash Shahlaie
Nuclear Medicine
Lorenzo Nardo
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Alison Breen
Melissa Chen
Jocylen Glassberg
Melody Hou
Juliana Melo
Bahareh Nejad
Clara Paik
Jenise Phelps
Debra Swanson
Michael Trifiro
Occupational Medicine
Enass Arahman
James Brandt
Marcela Estrada
Nandini Gandhi
Esther Kim
Michele Lim
Mark Mannis
Ala Moshiri
Susanna Park
Glenn Yiu
Orthopedic Surgery
Christopher Bayne
Ellen Fitzpatrick
Mauro Giordani
Brian Haus
Cassandra Lee
Mark Lee
Holly Leshikar
Richard Marder
Gavin Pereira
Robert (R. Lor) Randall
Pain Medicine
David Copenhaver
Scott Fishman
Gagan Mahajan
Scott Pritzlaff
Naileshni Singh
Pediatric Cardiology
Daniel Cortez
Jonathan Dayan
Frank Ing
Sherzana Sunderji
Jay Yeh
Pediatric Critical Care
Moonjoo Han
John Holcroft
Stephanie Mateev
JoAnne Natale
Jennifer Plant
Jessica Signoff
Pediatric Dermatology
Smita Awasthi
Pediatric Endocrinology
Stephanie Crossen
Nicole Glaser
Lindsey Loomba-Albrecht
Dennis Styne
Sindhura Batchu
Arthur de Lorimier
Kelly Haas
Maheen Hassan
Trinh Truong
Daphne Say
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Elysia Alvarez
Reuben Antony
Jonathan Ducore
Marcio Malogolowkin
Arun Panigrahi
Anjali Pawar
Pediatric Infectious Disease
Dean Blumberg
Ritu Cheema
Daniel Dodson
Natasha Nakra
Elizabeth Partridge
Pediatric Nephrology
Lavjay Butani
Maha Haddad
Arundhati Kale
Stephanie Nguyen
Gia Oh
Pediatric Neurology
William Benko
Amy Brooks-Kayal
Celia Chang
Trishna Kantamneni
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Julia Sharma
Marike Zwienenberg
Pediatric Psychiatry
Melissa Berg Hopkins
Anne McBride
Pediatric Pulmonology
Sara Abu-Nasser
Sanjay Jhawar
Rory Kamerman-Kretzmer
Shaina Willen
Pediatric Pulmonology and Pediatric Sleep
Kiran Nandalike
Pediatric Sleep Medicine
Ambika Chidambaram
Pediatric Surgery
Erin Brown
Diana Farmer
Shinjiro Hirose
Jonathan Kohler
Payam Saadai
Minna Wieck
Pediatric Urology
Eric Kurzrock
Pediatrics (General)
Eric Crossen
Erik Fernandez y Garcia
Anita Jain
Lisa Rasmussen
Mitch Ratanasen
Lena van der List
Serena Yang
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Carol Albanese
Shawna Arsenault
Loren Davidson
John Dorsett
Maya Evans
Nanette Joyce
Craig McDonald
Kevin Mullins
Chris Shin
Brandee Waite
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Andrew Li
Clifford Pereira
Lee Pu
Travis Tollefson
Ara Salibian
Michelle Zaldana-Flynn
Jeremy DeMartini
Radiation Oncology
Megan Daly
Ruben Fragoso
Arta Monjazeb
Shyam Rao
Richard Valicenti
Xiao Zhao
Matthew Bobinski
Shirin Ahmad
Angel Herrera Guerra
Barton Wise
Sleep Medicine
Kimberly Hardin
Sports Medicine
Kevin Burnham
Marcia Faustin
Kevin Mullins
Brandee Waite
Thoracic Surgery
Lisa Brown
David Cooke
Luis Godoy
Noah Canvasser
Marc Dall’Era
Jennifer Rothschild
Vascular/Interventional Radiology
Catherine Vu
Vascular Surgery
Nasim Hedayati
Misty Humphries
Mimmie Kwong
Steven Maximus
DEC 2023-DEC 2024 USA
Featured Profiles
Your guide to the greater Sacramento region's top medical specialists
Sp E c IA l A DVERTISIN g S E c TI o N
Retinal Consultants Medical Group
M A rGA re T C HA n G , MD, MS
J O e L Pe A r LMA n, M D , P H D
TO n Y T SAI , M D
rO berT wen D e L , MD
Our expert retina specialists and surgeons provide the highest level of care for all retinal conditions including diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, macular hole, and macular degeneration. What sets us apart: The Retinal Consultants are honored to again be named top doctors in the Sacramento area. Serving Northern California for 40+ years, all our specialists are boardcertified by the American Society of Retina Specialists. Our group has special expertise in the management of intraocular tumors, uveitis and retinal dystrophies. We also conduct research to develop the next generation of therapies in our field.
Retinal Consultants has 12 locations throughout Northern California, easily accessible to patients from Chico, Sacramento, Merced and everywhere in between.
Visit reTInALMD.COM or scan the QR code for more information!
Left to right: Natalie Huang, MD; Cameron Pole, MD; Margaret Chang, MD, MS; Joel Pearlman, MD, PhD; David Cupp, MD; Eliot Dow, MD, PhD; Carlos Medina, MD; Tony Tsai, MD; David Telander, MD, PhD; Robert Equi, MD; J. Brian Reed, MD; Maryam Ghiassi, MD, MHS; Sarju Patel, MD, MPH, MSc; Kin Yee, MD; Robert Wendel, MD; Meera S. Ramakrishnan, MD
Children’s Northern California
Maya Evans, MD, is the medical director of the spina bifida program and a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist with the inpatient rehabilitation program at Shriners Children’s Northern California. Dr. Evans has treated and cared for thousands of children with spinal cord injuries, and children with spinal cord dysfunction like spina bifida.
Shriners Children’s Northern California is home to one of the largest spina bifida programs in the country. Dr. Evans is recognized as a national leader in spina bifida care by the national Spina Bifida Association (SBA) and was appointed to SBA’s Research Advisory Council in 2020. Under Dr. Evans’ leadership, Shriners Children’s Northern California’s spina bifida program was named a SBA Clinic Care Partner, a care designation given to few spina bifida programs in the nation.
Shriners Children’s multidisciplinary clinic is staffed by renowned physicians and surgeons who have dedicated their academic and clinical careers to caring for children with spinal cord disorders and spinal cord injuries.
The most common cause of spinal cord injuries in children and adolescents is motor vehicle crashes, followed by violence and sports injuries. The rehabilitation team at
Shriners Children’s is well equipped to handle even the most complicated injuries. The medical team consists of speech therapists, respiratory therapists, child life specialists, therapeutic recreation therapists, neuropsychologists, social workers, case managers,
teachers, nurses, orthotists, prosthetists and physicians—all working together to help children and families heal both physically and mentally.
Dr. Evans is grateful to be named one of Sacramento’s top doctors!
Pulmonary Medicine Associates
nAT e De f e LIC e, MD
rA n JA n I kALYA n, MD
b re TT L AU ren C e, MD
I M r A n M OHAMM e D , MD
bILAL nAS eer, MD
MerYL Perez, MD
VA ne SSA wAL ker, DO
The physicians at Pulmonary Medicine Associates are honored to again be named among the top doctors in the Sacramento area. FOCUS: Pulmonary, Critical Care, Infectious Disease, Neurocritical Care, Palliative Care, Pediatric Pulmonology, Sleep Medicine, COPD Transitional Care, Wound Care and Travel Medicine. WHAT SETS US APART: Serving Northern California for over 50 years, our providers are committed to providing patients with the best treatment options available, compassionately and respectfully, so they receive the highest quality care. OUR APPROACH: With over 70 medical specialists, our boardcertified providers and specially trained ACNP and Nurse Practitioners care for patients of all ages: babies, children, teenagers and adults. Recognizing that no two patients are the same, the PMA team understands the importance of finding the right physician. All PMA providers vary in education, interests, backgrounds, cultures and specialties.
1508 ALHAMbrA bLVD., STe. 200
5 MeDICAL PLAzA Dr., STe. 190
916-679-3590 | PMAMeD COM
Meryl Perez, MD; Muhammad Afzal, MD; Ranjani Kalyan, MD; Bilal Naseer, MD; Imran Mohammed, MD
Established 1973
PULMO n A rY & I nfe CTIOUS DIS e AS e S
Ideal Plastic Surgery
We are the #1 certified medical center in California. We have a state-of-the-art facility and a team of board-certified surgeons focused on ideal results. Dr. Pirko, Dr. Deb, Dr. Boone and Dr. Wong, with over 60 years of combined experience, are at your disposal when you are ready for an ideal change.
77 CADILLAC Dr., STe. 170 SACrAMenTO, CA 95825 916-664-3391
Somos el centro médico certificado #1 en California. Contamos con instalaciones de primera y un equipo de cirujanos certificados, enfocados en resultados ideales. Dr. Pirko, Dr. Deb, Dr. Boone y Dr. Wong con más de 60 años de experiencia combinada están a su disposición, cuando esté listo para un cambio ideal
Michael Wong, MD, FACS; Pirko Maguiña, MD, FACS; Debra Johnson, MD, FACS; Luke Boone, MD, FACS
Shriners Children’s Northern California
MAH een HASSA n , MD
In almost every case, the path that brings families to the bowel management program at Shriners Children’s Northern California has been difficult. Thankfully, families who meet pediatric gastroenterologist Maheen Hassan, MD, find relief.
Dr. Hassan is part of a close-knit pediatric colorectal team at Shriners Children’s Northern California who understand the physical and emotional impacts of colon and rectal diseases.
The colorectal and bowel management program is multidisciplinary, comprised of gastroenterologists, pediatric surgeons, nurses, nutritionists, social workers and child life specialists who are dedicated to caring for children with colorectal issues. Whether it be complex surgery, medical management or psychosocial support, the team addresses each patient’s individual needs.
In all cases, the goal is to put patients on the path to independence by freeing them from the social stigma that may leave them feeling ashamed, depressed and alone.
Dr. Hassan specializes in pediatric neurogastrointestinal motility, a relatively new subspecialty in which a gastroenterologist specializes in how the nerves and muscles work together in the gastrointestinal tract to help propel food forward through the stomach and intestines, and eventually, out. A
series of specific tests can help diagnose very serious swallowing, nausea, vomiting and pooping problems. Dr. Hassan is trained in performing these tests, which can help a family figure out what is going on with their child when experiencing complications and
2425 STOCkTOn bLVD
SACrAMenTO, CA 95817
ensure that their condition is properly diagnosed and managed.
Dr. Hassan sees herself as a kind of “digestive tract detective” and is grateful to be named one of Sacramento’s top doctors!
SHrInerSCHILDrenS.OrG/SACrAMenTO 916-453-2000
UC Davis Center for Pain Medicine
UC Davis Center for Pain Medicine
2024 top doctors:
DAVID C OP en HAV er, M . D .
S COTT fISHMA n, M . D .
G AGA n M AHAJA n, M . D .
S COTT Pr IT z LA ff, M . D .
nAIL e SH n I S I n GH , M . D .
The UC Davis Center for Pain Medicine provides state-of-the-art care that allows individuals living with pain to regain function and enjoy healthy, active lives. Our faculty has received international and national recognition and includes multiple recipients of Sactown Magazine’s Top Docs award. Our entire team works together to create and implement individualized treatment plans that address both physical and emotional well-being. We offer leading-edge clinical treatments such as specialized injections, implantable devices, minimally invasive surgery for spine pain, medication therapies and behavioralbased interventions. Our research center draws on the expertise of specialists across different fields to develop pain therapies for the future. We are honored to serve our greater Sacramento community.
provides state-of-the-art care that allows individuals living with pain to regain function and enjoy healthy, active lives. Our faculty has received international and national recognition and includes multiple recipients of Sactown Magazine’s Top Docs award. Our entire team works together to create and implement individualized treatment plans that address both physical and emotional well-being. We offer leading-edge clinical treatments such as specialized injections, implantable devices, minimally invasive surgery for spine pain, medication therapies and behavioralbased interventions. Our research center draws on the expertise of specialists across different fields to develop pain therapies for the future. We are honored to serve our greater Sacramento community.
4860 Y ST., SACrAMenTO, CA 95817 health.ucdavis.edu/pain
PhySIcIan referraLS: 800-4-UCDAVIS (800-482-3284)
The Plastic Surgery Center
The Plastic Surgery Center is celebrating its 60th anniversary in Northern California. With over 100 combined years of experience, we have served over 250,000 patients. The group’s combination of rigorous plastic surgery training, state-of-theart technologies, and being skilled in the latest techniques sets them apart in the region. Each of the physicians exemplifies honesty, artistry, safety and compassion. Additionally, the entire medical staff takes pride in providing each patient a safe and supportive experience that is customized to their needs and goals. Book your consultation with The Plastic Surgery Center today.
SACRAMENTO: 95 SCRIPPS DR. | 916-929-1833
Scott D. Green, MD; Georgina Nichols, MD; Wayne I. Yamahata, MD; J. Rudy Coscia, MD
PAI n M e DICI ne
Davis Center for
Left to right: David Copenhaver, M.D.; Scott Pritzlaff, M.D.; Chinar Sanghvi, M.D.; Gagan Mahajan, M.D.; Naileshni Singh, M.D.; Ravi Prasad, Ph.D.; Michael Jung, M.D.; Scott Fishman, M.D.
Capital Pediatric Cardiology
We are proud to be the most comprehensive congenital heart program in the region. We provide subspecialist care in every aspect of congenital heart care, including interventional, electrophysiology, fetal, advanced heart failure, cardiac intensive care, advanced imaging, single ventricle, transplant and adult congenital. We work closely with Sutter, Mercy, UCSF, Stanford and many other hospital systems to deliver care that fits anyone. We also accept virtually all insurances so no one is left without care! If you want to ensure you are already getting the best care, we will also give honest and transparent second opinions.
Sacramento: 2929 k ST., STe. 200 | PLUS 8 OTHer nOrTHern
916-750-beAT (2328) | kIDSHeArTMD.COM
Rocklin Family Practice and Sports Medicine
SPECIALTY: Sports medicine and concussion care and management. EDUCATION: Family Practice residency at San Joaquin General Hospital; Sports Medicine fellowship at Arizona State University; Credentialed ImPACT Consultant. MEMBERSHIPS: American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, American Academy of Family Physicians, Sacramento Valley Concussion Care Consortium. PERSONAL: I am a husband and father of two children. I coach soccer and basketball. PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENT: Being double board-certified in family practice and sports medicine by the age of 29. INNOVATIONS: I am a certified ImPACT provider (a neurocognitive test that assists in the assessment and management of concussions and patients’ return to play).
BEDSIDE MANNER: I am approachable and like to laugh and engage with my patients.
ADVICE: Stretch and stay flexible.
Top row: Umair Yousufi, MD; Stan Wright, MD; Wendy White; James Hill, MD; Muluneh Yimer, MD
Bottom row: Stephanie Santana, MD; Naveen Manohar, MD; Amelia Ortega; Guru Prasad, MD
3104 SUnSeT bLVD., STe. 2b, rOCkLIn, CA 95677 TeL: 916-624-0300 | fAx: 916-624-0631 rOCkLInfAMILYPrACTICe.InfO
Granite Bay Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Dr. Patel grew up locally in Roseville and attended Jesuit. He completed his fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, one of only eight Ivy League institutions. His specialties include rare immune disorders, extreme forms of allergic disease and severe asthma. His philosophy hinges on the well-being of the entire patient with a crucial focus on patient education.
8735 SIerrA COLLeGe bLVD., STe. 200 rOSeVILLe, CA 95661
Wellness Podiatry
At Wellness Podiatry, our mission is to provide a professional and honest approach to foot care. We take pride in our community and treat our patients with compassionate, knowledgeable and comprehensive care. We have the latest technologies and techniques, and multiple locations to treat a whole range of foot conditions.
roSeVILLe: 1650 LeAD HILL bLVD., STe. 100 | 916-786-3434
LIncoLn: 685 TweLVe brIDGeS Dr., STe. f | 916-408-5580
auburn: 3257 PrOfeSSIOnAL Dr., STe e | 530-823-7171
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION Don’t miss Sactown’s inaugural Top Dentists section in the May/June issue. Interested in advertising for yourself or your practice? Email us at: TopDentists@sactownmag.com ALL erGY & IMMU n OLOGY