Ntshebele Magazine-Dec 21/Jan 22

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MAGAZINE DEC 2021 / JAN 2022


Muvhango cast & crew receive their COVID-19 jabs


Getting to knoW


Nomazwe Ntlokwana Editor-in-Chief Kefilwe Mphake Editor Vinolia Chere Creative Director Lebohang Bell Graphic Design & Layout

Kefilwe Mphake Lebohang Bell Tumelo Taunyane

20 Getting to know NTANDO NGOBENI



SACR Events

Lifestyle & Fashion




e have inroduced a Picture of The Month feature on this magazine. Submit pictures of anything that inspired you, made you laugh, brought you joy or gave you some level of peace over the last month. Give us a simple caption so that we know what’s going on in the picture.

Caption: Season’s Greetings! Is it the bee that’s gifting the flower or the flower is gifting the bee? Nature gives the gift that keeps giving. Image By: Kefilwe Mphake


Good Day & Happy 2022 ! 2021 came with its many challenges, most notably the spread of the global pandemic The bad news is that we’re not over the hill yet but the good news is that with a new year comes new energy and goals. We would all like to see the back of coronavirus in 2022 so I’m reminding you to keep safe, social distance and always wear a mask. I wish you all a prosperous New Year and remind you that our department will continue to lift up the provincial happiness index through various Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation spaces that you can still enjoy, while observing safe and healthy protocols as we continue Growing Gauteng Together.





ecember is only a few weeks away, and while that may still seem like plenty of time to gear up to host your festive get-togethers, it may be time to start getting prepped. Luckily, we’re here to help you with our list of handy tips to help to make your festive planning hassle free!

TIP 1 Begin to gradually stock up on smaller staples (butter, sugar, flour, spices, Knorr stock pots) when grocery shopping. TIP 2 Start asking family and guests about dietary restrictions. TIP 3 Have a good answer for guests when they ask you what they can bring, or you may wind up with a bunch of bottles of wine and not enough food. A great request is a cold dessert, because it’s usable even if the guests arrive late. TIP 4 Begin tidying up. This is also the perfect time to start polishing any silverware and glasses, and to do a thorough audit of your grocery cupboard. TIP 5 Start stocking up on gifts and taking advantage of any sales. Be sure to always stay mindful of your budget and spending. TIP 6 Start emptying your fridge and freezer now and making room for snacks, desserts and leftovers. You will need every bit of space. TIP 7 Begin your meal prep well ahead of time. Start printing out recipes and making sure you have a list of all the ingredients needed.

TIP 8 Last but certainly not least, try to have fun, and if all our advice isn’t enough, indulge yourself in a calming bubble bath on the big day, put on your favourite festive playlist and countdown till you see the last car disappears down the road.

16 09 07



• Remember to get your second dose if you received a 2 dose vaccine. • You can get your second dose at any vaccination site in Gauteng, you do not need to return to the site where you received your first dose. Play your Part. Stop the Spread.

#IChooseVaccination #VaccinesSaveLives


Call the COVID-19 Hotline: 0800 029 999 | Web: www.sacoronavirus.co.za Send ‘hi’ on Whatsapp to COVID-19 | Connect: 060 012 3456 Use the MPILO APP and answer questions for self screening. (Download at App store or at Google Play Store)




he Gauteng MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation Mbali Hlophe led her department in launching the DJ Skills Development programme aimed at training many of the province’s aspirant DJs on the craft of dj-ing and the broader business of creative arts. The launch was held on 09 December 2021, at Makubenjalo Pub and Restaurant in Diepkloof, Soweto. The forward - looking program was first introduced in 2010 where it was aimed at exposing young struggling musos who found it difficult to break into the tough craft of deejying dominated by big names including the likes of Oskido, DJ Fresh, Vinny, Cleo and many others. Unlike now where it is easy to release music, artists then needed to knock at many doors to have their music taken up and released. The industry was not giving much space to new and unknown talent. Over 10 years later, the program now seeks to take in those who have never been exposed to the craft including some who never thought they could become DJs. According to MEC Hlophe many have only been exposed to the craft of dj-ing from dancing and seeing their favourites DJs on the decks. She said "the programme has been able to identify and train some of young people who had given up on the ambition to develop themselves in any skill. "Many of them lack resources and opportunities to dare dream and that's where the programme comes in to ignite their passion and give them skills to use to change their lives and most importantly increasing Gauteng's entertainment value chain" said MEC Hlophe. Earlier this year 46 newly trained DJs were recipients of certificates and DJ equipment after going through the training. Through the program, the group will also look forward to advanced training skills 09


ABOUT THE PROGRAMME: The relaunched 3 phased programme will include a beginner’s programme; a master class; and an advanced training programme. Candidates are given an opportunity to learn how to DJ and capacitate them with necessary entrepreneurial skills within the creative industries. The beginners’ classes will have 100 youth and the master classes will have 100 emerging and already trained DJs. As one of the priority projects in the Department, the programme looks forward to recruiting more young people, especially young women. Some of the names already committed to getting involved in the programme (with more names to follow) are DJ Oskido, Miss Cosmo, DJ Shimza among others. Said MEC Hlophe; "Working with some of the established names we are also providing an opportunity for them to give back and handover the baton to the youth, to carry through the music into the future". "The Department will be working towards bringing more partners on board including the media as we to increase and consolidate the gig economy and entertainment value of Gauteng, 'kwa Ndonga ziyaduma';" said MEC Hlophe. The Department is already working with Tshepo 1Million, which is the Gauteng Province's youth empowerment project. 11

Muvhango cast & crew receive their COVID-19 jabs

Staff Reporter


he Cast and Crew of popular SABC 2 soapie Muvhango on Wednesday, 15 December 2021, visited the Pop-up vaccination site at the SABC offices in Auckland Park to receive their vaccination jabs. They were joined by Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla, MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation Mbali Hlophe and the MEC for Health Dr Nomathemba Mokgethi for their vaccination. About 200 members including actors, directors and everyone involved in production were expected to get their vaccination as part of the drive to get more people to vaccinate. With more people vaccinating this will give much-needed boost to country, especially Gauteng’s Creative and Sports economies with bigger concerts, music festivals and more allowed and fans able to go to the stadiums. 12


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By: Nyeleti Shivuri


FOR SAVING MONEY IN 2022 It can be hard to stay motivated to save, which is why it’s often viewed as a rare and difficult thing to achieve. However, saving money doesn’t have to be so complex. Follow our six tips that will help you save money.

1. PAY OFF YOUR DEBT Even if you’re just making the minimum required payments every month, keep it going. Your debts will get paid off soon enough and you’ll have more money to save each month. 2. HAVE A VISION When you have a clear goal of what you’re saving for it’s so much easier to stick to it. Work out how much you’ll need to save each month and then save pictures, follow relevant social media and everything else you need to do to keep your dream alive. 3. THE POWER OF HABIT By paying money into your savings account first-thing every month, or even setting up a debit order, you’re creating a savings habit that’s more likely to last than when you’re only saving occasionally.

Source: https://www.standardbank.co.za/southafrica/


4. SET UP A BUDGET See how far you can get on the least amount of money. You’ll be surprised how innovation kicks in when you give yourself a budget for everything. 5. CUT DOWN ON EXPENSES Evaluate and re-evaluate your spending regularly to see where you can cut down on costs. Perhaps you can join a lift club and save on petrol, eat less take-aways, buy cheaper household products, etc. 6. GET THE RIGHT ACCOUNT FOR YOUR GOAL Do you have a short- or long-term goal? Depending on your answer, you need to open a savings or investment account that is tailored to your needs. Saving really gets so much easier when you have a clear plan and you know what you need to do.


Source: Google Images


Mental health to-do list TRY THESE DAILY BOOSTS




Physical activity releases endorphins, which boost your mood.

Reach out to people you trust to help relieve symptoms of anxiety.

Limit your exposure to the news and be mindful of what you bring into your world.




Meditating, journalling or taking a relaxing bath is nurturing.

Most situations are temporary; you won’t always be in a crisis.

For confidential assistance on psychosocial matters, contact your ZINAKEKELE EMPLOYEE HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROGRAMME

on toll-free

0800 611 169


You are unique and you have a lot to offer the world.

HEALTH Information


FINANCIAL Assistance

LEGAL Assistance


Ntando Ngobeni

MANY OF OUR COLLEAGUES MAY NOT BE AWARE THAT YOU ARE ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO ‘GREW UP’ IN THIS DEPARTMENT, PLEASE TAKE US THROUGH YOUR JOURNEY. I came to the Department in June 2008, I was on Contract appointed to be Mr. Veli Mnyandu's Personal Assistant. I was young and very energetic. I later moved to assist in Mr. Ivor Hoff's office, I had a very interesting journey being a Personal Assistant. I also worked for the Communications unit as Athi Geleba's PA , also worked at HR, I was Puleng Ratlabala's PA. It was a very interesting journey because all these managers had different personalities and their own style of working. I had to adapt and learn the different directorates and the different personalities. I later then moved to where I am now as a Sports Promotional Officer. HOW HAS COVID-19 AFFECTED THE FESTIVE SIDE OF YOU AND HOW HAVE YOU BEEN ABLE TO DEAL WITH THAT? Festive season is one of the most important time in my family's life. Since I was young Christmas time has always been a big deal. Our gathering starts from the 24th December to the 3rd January with more than 30 people in the house. So since COVID-19 started, it has been difficult for us because we will be worried that if we still gather we will be putting everyone at risk. Sometimes travelling was restricted and we ended up not getting together, and we also have lost close friends and family members to the virus. IF YOU COULD PICK ONE THEME AND TURN IT INTO A BOOK ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? "The Rollercoaster" our office has so many changes every day. Happy times and horrible times. There are new challenges every day. Nonetheless, we wake up and go ride the rollercoaster each day.




WHAT DO YOU FIND TO BE THE MOST CHALLENGING PART OF YOUR WORK? Our department is not allocated enough budget, yet the expectations from communities are high. There is a lot that the Department can do to change people's lives but due to minimum resources it makes it difficult to excel. WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT YOUR WORK? I really love my job especially when I see a young person achieving their goals in life through sport. I love engaging with the young people. HOW DO YOU BALANCE WORK AND FAMILY TIME? Most of the sporting activities take place on weekends, so I make sure that I spend a lot of time with the family during the week. WHAT IS YOUR DREAM HOLIDAY DESTINATION? When I was in High school I read a lovely love story of a couple from Venice in Italy. From then I have dreamt of going to Venice. DURING THE FESTIVE SEASON MANY PEOPLE GET TOGETHER WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS FOR FOOD AND DRINKS. WHAT IS THAT SPECIAL DISH THAT YOU BRING TO YOUR FAMILY GATHERING WHICH YOU KNOW WILL NEVER DISAPPOINT? Malva pudding - everyone knows that I come prepared only for that dish. It’s always a bit burnt but it’s one of the dishes everyone looks forward to. WHAT’S IN YOUR SHOPPING LIST FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON? Always a pair of shoes that goes with a beautiful green dress and a spa voucher.


HOW DO YOU CREATE A BALANCE BETWEEN YOUR LOVE TO CELEBRATE GREAT MOMENTS WITH FAMILY DURING THE FESTIVE SEASON AND BEING A MOM WHO NEEDS TO THINK ABOUT BACK-TO-SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS IN JANUARY? My mom used to say when something is in seasonal demand it becomes expensive. So I buy all the school supplies in November because no one thinks of them and I get all the sizes without struggling. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE FOR SOMEONE TO KEEP A SMILE ON THEIR FACE? • Always be yourself, be original. • Remember to consider yourself first in all situations. • Do what you love, not what you're told to love. • Choose your friends wisely. • Accept yourself as you are right now. GIVE US FIVE FACTS ABOUT YOU, THAT YOU BELIEVE COLLEAGUES DON’T KNOW. • I love being alone, I love my space. • I am daddy's girl. • I am not very good with kids. • I love crafting. • I have a tattoo which I regret getting.





tick to your budget with these ideas that'll impress your family, friends, and co-workers

Chances are, you have quite a few people to shop for this holiday season. And while spending money on family and friends is a sweet way to express your love, you know very well that the people in your life don't want you to stretch yourself too thin, especially during the most wonderful time of year.


This two-in-one candle radiates warmth, but still fills her space with nature’s beauty (even though it’s artificial).

Help her stay organized, clear clutter and more for the next 365 days.

Give the stylish man or woman in your life a pair of patterned socks


WAYS TO EAT HEALTHY DURING THIS FESTIVE SEASON LIFESTYLE NEWS - Stick to these tips this festive season and you’ll be sure to usher in a healthier you in the New Year. It’s that time of the year when we look forward to breaking away from work to spend time with our families and friends. The time to relax and enjoy ourselves is important for our wellbeing, but unfortunately it is also during this period that we tend to throw our clean healthy eating habits to the curb and overindulge in unhealthy food. Endless options of food for the whole family can make it easy to overeat, and you might fall off your healthy eating bandwagon. When January hits we are all left regretting the unhealthy decisions we made during the festive season. However, it is possible to strike a balance between allowing yourself the odd treat here and there and overindulging in everything that is being served. Registered dietitian Mbali Mapholi gives tips on how to try and stay healthy during the festive season:

34 Source:https://www.georgeherald.com/News/Article/LifeStyle/10-ways-to-eat-healthy-during-thisfestive-season-201812180923

1. MAKE SURE YOU EAT BREAKFAST: Skipping breakfast can make you eat more poorly through the day. Try to eat a breakfast comprising protein and fibre that will stabilise your blood sugar and keep you going till midmorning. 2. MAINTAIN YOUR CURRENT WEIGHT: This is not the best time to lose weight, not when you have all the delicious festive treats at your disposal. be realistic and aim to maintain your current weight. 3. KEEP EXERCISING: Stick to your exercise routine to keep yourself feeling good. A moderate and daily increase in exercise can help offset the increase in eating and calories. 4. NEVER SKIP MEALS: Skipping lunch to compensate for a dinner full of calories is not a good idea. Eating regular small meals, in addition to dinner, will keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent cravings and you are far less likely to overeat. 5. DON’T EAT EVERYTHING ON THE BUFFET: Choose your favourite foods in smaller portions and skip those that you don’t like to avoid overeating. Eating everything on the buffet is never a good idea. 6. AVOID SUGARY FOODS: Limit your intake of sugary foods as they increase sugar content in your body and make you crave more rich and sugary foods. 7. STOCK UP ON VEGGIES AND FRUITS: Any meal should include a large portion of vegetables and fruit. Be it cucumber sticks, a mixed salad or fruit kebabs, make them a part of your diet during this season. 8. PRACTICE HEALTHY COOKING: Try and make your favourite dishes healthier. Use margarine when cooking to ensure you getting all the good nutrients and omegas e.g. use margarine to sauté veggies, or steam veggies and add in a bit of margarine. However, like everything else that one consumes, fats also need to be used in moderation.

9. LIMIT YOUR BEVERAGE INTAKE: The non-alcoholic beverages that we drink during the day and with meals are often loaded with sugar and calories, and tend to make you want to eat more. Limit your intake of these beverages and drink water instead. 10. KEEP AN EYE ON THE ALCOHOL: Control the amount of alcohol you drink over this season and try not to overindulge. Alcohol is fattening but most of us tend to forget this fact during the festive season. Try opt for lower calorie beers and wines.


December Staff Birthdays


Nonhlanhla Josephine Ntlahla Annie Judith Trevor Joyce Tshwarelo Mirriam Bongiwe Dikeledi Nokonwaba Charles George Nomfundo Nonhlanhla Christinah Patrick Phethile Fezeka Sylvia Mpumelelo Thabang Thapedi Lefa Sizwe Rabi Cedric Emily Innocent Anelisiwe Zandile Zinzile John Sanelisiwe Selinah Mokgadi Patricia Phindile Christina Mawethu

Mtshali Maphumulo Lurewana Motsepe Sehlangu Marcus Tshabalala Mathebula Mokono Nzutha Chakane Mkhubukeli Makhubu Ramatlhape Mahesu Dlova Molubi Maseng Stuurman Ngubombi Nhlapo Mtimkulu Kgophane Maema Makoloane Mbuyisa Mvelase Seroke Nama Langa Mabona Mogane Motsusi Mncube Monaheng Lelimo Ndawo Sehloho Mogale Nhlabathi

2-Dec 3-Dec 3-Dec 4-Dec 5-Dec 5-Dec 6-Dec 6-Dec 9-Dec 10-Dec 10-Dec 10-Dec 12-Dec 12-Dec 12-Dec 12-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 15-Dec 16-Dec 16-Dec 17-Dec 17-Dec 17-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec 19-Dec 20-Dec 20-Dec 21-Dec 22-Dec 22-Dec 23-Dec 23-Dec 23-Dec 24-Dec 24-Dec 24-Dec 25-Dec 26-Dec

Nokonwaba Charles George Nomfundo Nonhlanhla Christinah Patrick Phethile Fezeka Sylvia Mpumelelo Thabang Thapedi Lefa Sizwe Rabi Cedric Emily Innocent Anelisiwe Zandile Zinzile John Sanelisiwe Selinah Mokgadi Patricia Phindile Christina Mawethu Nhlanhla Primrose Reuben Bongile Lucas Petrus Mmbuiseni Charles Gcobani Shirley Thalitha Siphamandla Joseph

Mkhubukeli Makhubu Ramatlhape Mahesu Dlova Molubi Maseng Stuurman Ngubombi Nhlapo Mtimkulu Kgophane Maema Makoloane Mbuyisa Mvelase Seroke Nama Langa Mabona Mogane Motsusi Mncube Monaheng Lelimo Ndawo Sehloho Mogale Nhlabathi Maseko Gama Kgatle Ndlakuza Moloantoa Ramocha Mashau Mathetha Nomandindi Chainee Morelle Magubane Madikela

10-Dec 12-Dec 12-Dec 12-Dec 12-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 15-Dec 16-Dec 16-Dec 17-Dec 17-Dec 17-Dec 18-Dec 18-Dec 19-Dec 20-Dec 20-Dec 21-Dec 22-Dec 22-Dec 23-Dec 23-Dec 23-Dec 24-Dec 24-Dec 24-Dec 25-Dec 26-Dec 26-Dec 26-Dec 26-Dec 29-Dec 27-Dec 27-Dec 28-Dec 29-Dec 31-Dec 29-Dec 29-Dec 30-Dec 31-Dec



January Staff Birthdays


Gundo Felicia Josephine Refilwe Samuel Modupi Nokuthula Tyrone Jerry Nkosinathi Theo Mateboho Life Katleho Noluthando Thabo Thomas Abram Solomon Matshepo Molefe Tomas Zimbini Andile Cecilia Mogomotsi Nomthandazo Pheello Lebohang Mandla Ntombizodwa Amanda Gladwin Kekeletso Lynette Mosima Nomvula Anton Buyisile Tebogo Teboho

Maalakano Mnisi Seloise Mokoka Nkuna Magampa Nxumalo Hammond Ngwenya Gumede Sihlangu Ndlovu Sihlangu Molete Shushu Ndlovu Blaai Seeqela Hlubi Ramochela Nkogatse Segaecho Mwanda Mabusela Phiri Molubi Mnguni Motloung Semousu Masango Maphalala Mpetha Mchalla Moalosi Mengwai Letsoalo Dlamini Van Vollenhoven Tshabalala Mogapi Mantsoe

1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 1-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 2-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 3-Jan 4-Jan 5-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 6-Jan 7-Jan 7-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 9-Jan 9-Jan 10-Jan 10-Jan 10-Jan 12-Jan 12-Jan 13-Jan 13-Jan 13-Jan 14-Jan 14-Jan 14-Jan 19-Jan 19-Jan 19-Jan 20-Jan 20-Jan 20-Jan 20-Jan

Solomon Matshepo Molefe Tomas Zimbini Andile Cecilia Mogomotsi Nomthandazo Pheello Lebohang Mandla Ntombizodwa Amanda Gladwin Kekeletso Lynette Mosima Nomvula Anton Buyisile Tebogo Teboho Fortunate Majane Makhozazana Sibusiso Kgaogelo Neo Keagile Sibongile Zamani Dineo Wonga Arshad Magdalena Margaret Martin Fhatuwani Mandla Nare Nonhlanhla Gerald Nonhlanhla Anna Neil Ntombokhanyo Sizwe

Hlubi Ramochela Nkogatse Segaecho Mwanda Mabusela Phiri Molubi Mnguni Motloung Semousu Masango Maphalala Mpetha Mchalla Moalosi Mengwai Letsoalo Dlamini Van Vollenhoven Tshabalala Mogapi Mantsoe Mathekga Lebona Motaung Gumbi Moagi Madlopha Mokoena Lerale Mbanjwa Mdlalose Msikinya Dukandar Pace Kola Makoeya Rambau Yengeni Lebepe Dlamini Molokoane Mashinini Kabini Machanie Songhane Kubheka

7-Jan 8-Jan 8-Jan 9-Jan 9-Jan 10-Jan 10-Jan 2022 10-Jan 12-Jan 12-Jan 13-Jan 13-Jan 13-Jan 14-Jan 14-Jan 14-Jan 19-Jan 19-Jan 19-Jan 20-Jan 20-Jan 20-Jan 20-Jan 21-Jan 21-Jan 22-Jan 22-Jan 23-Jan 23-Jan 24-Jan 24-Jan 24-Jan 25-Jan 25-Jan 26-Jan 27-Jan 27-Jan 27-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 28-Jan 29-Jan 29-Jan 31-Jan 31-Jan 31-Jan 31-Jan


I Am A Man - A Memoir (Paperback) Dr Jerry Mofokeng wa Makhetha

Dr Jerry Mofokeng wa Makhetha, beloved and award-winning actor, always felt like an outsider in his family. Not only did he not look like any of his brothers or sister, his mother told him how he was wailing as a baby when he was introduced to his father's family for the first time. At the age of 58 he discovers who his real father is. Suddenly his search for identity makes sense. Dr Jerry gives the reader a glimpse into his family life, his children and his love for his wife. He writes humorously and poignantly about his career, sharing his wounds and his victories. Along the way he learnt some very important lessons about manhood. This is a memoir, but also a challenge for men to take up their masculinity in a responsible way.


White Wedding This movie is about a groom and his best man’s road trip adventure as they race across South Africa to attend a wedding. They hitched a ride with a pretty British doctor, and sparks start flying. This movie stars Jodie Whittaker, Kenneth Nkosi, Rapulana Seiphemo, and Zandile Msutwana


#GrowingGautengTogether @GautengSACR

Tel: 011 355 2534/2814/ 2766 SACR.communications@gauteng.gov.za www.gauteng.gov.za Surrey House, 35 Rissik St, Marshalltown, Johannesburg, 2001

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