SABS 2023 Brochure in English

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Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers

Welcome to Calpe!

Introduction from SABS President Ángel Rodríguez Rivero

Dear barbershopper friends, It is my pleasure to welcome you to the SABS convention “In Harmony 2023”. It has been 4 years since we closed our last convention and we can certainly say that this waiting time has seemed endless.

Fortunately, it is no longer a time for regrets, but quite the opposite, although in our minds and in our hearts we will especially keep in mind all those who cannot be with us this weekend.

Get ready to enjoy the wonderful experience that is to share this beautiful artistic form that is the barbershop music. Our entire team is at your disposal so that an exciting, fun event takes place in your lives that, in short, you can never forget. You are the reason for our effort and you will make all this make sense.

Sing, sing, sing!!

Happy En Armonía 2023!!

Ángel Rodríguez Rivero, SABS president ———

Estimados amigos barberos, Es un placer daros la bienvenida a la convención SABS "En Armonía 2023".

Han pasado 4 años desde que cerramos nuestra última convención y ciertamente podemos decir que este tiempo de espera se ha hecho interminable. Afortunadamente ya no es tiempo de lamentaciones, sino todo lo contrario, aunque en nuestra mente y en nuestro corazón tendremos especialmente presente a todos aquellos que no pueden estar con nosotros este fin de semana.

Prepárate para disfrutar de la maravillosa experiencia que es compartir esta hermosa forma artística que es la música de barbería. Todo nuestro equipo está a vuestra disposición para que en vuestras vidas se produzca un acontecimiento apasionante, divertido y que, en definitiva, no podréis olvidar jamás.

Sois el motivo de nuestro esfuerzo y haréis que todo esto tenga sentido.

¡¡Cantad, Cantad, Cantad!!

¡¡Feliz en Armonía 2023!!

Ángel Rodríguez Rivero, presidente de SABS

All of our contests and shows plus the afterglow will take place in the Salon Leonardo da Vinci, which is accessed via stairs at the end of the corridor past the piano bar. If you’re unable to use the steps, please tell a member of the team who will make arrangements for you. For rehearsal and warm up rooms and timetable please see the notice board next to the SABS desk in reception.

The Team

Convention Manager - Denise Addis

Stage Manager - Donn Roberts

Contest Admin - Samantha Roberts & Melanie de Jong

Registrations Manager - June Mulligan

Photographer - Eric Ideler

Couriers Manager - Aileen Lightfoot

Couriers - Sally, Val, Chloe & Marysia

Videographer - KRB

SABS Reception - Donna Walsh

SABS Education Desk - Kara Hickman - Martin

behind the scenes

The team who make the SABS convention possible!

Àngel Rodríguez - President

Nico de Penas - Vice President

Ricardo Leal - Secretary

Mike Phillips - Treasurer

Donna Walsh - Marketing & PR

Pablo Lorenzo - Vocal & Website

Polly Rimmer -


Mar Elena - Vocal

Daniel Morales - Vocal

June Mulligan - Registration Manager

Aileen Lightfoot - couriers manager

Sam Roberts - contest admin

Denise Addis - Convention manager plus our many volunteers who help to make our convention such a success.

Thanks also to Alicia Bordes and all of the team at the AR diamanté.

The Judges

Debi Cox

Music Judge

Alex de Bruin

Music Judge

Mike Taylor

Singing Judge

Paula Taylor

Singing Judge

Nickie James

Performance Judge

Anna Conochie

Performance Judge

National Quartets Hanfris Shiraz WhyNot! Bertullo’s Tic Tag Toe 4 x 4 Four on the Road Barbersocks The Wet Crickets Metropolitan Union Les Fourchettes International Quartets Unchained Melody Peridoto In Cahoots Powerhouse Moonglow Weird Sisters Versatile High mileage Indigo J.E.E,P, Horizons Met44 Flea Quartet Typecast
The Quartets
The Choruses National Choruses Pilarmonics BARBERIDAD The Barbees Tag Time International Choruses EQ Rendezvous Yours in Harmony London City Singers Tapestry 12 Tones Munster Mix Heartbeat UK Chorus

The Guest Quartets

Sound Central

Sound Central was formed after a chance meeting of musical minds at SABS a few years ago. Susanne (Lead In Heartbeat Chorus) and Jen (Tenor in Milltown Sound) sang together and instantly appreciated each other’s vocal quality (and drinking capacity!). The hunt was then on to find a Baritone and Bass to compliment the sound. They didn’t have to look far to find the perfect singing buddies. Sarah (Baritone) and Sam (Bass) already sang in their choruses and after an evening of singing Sound Central was borne in late 2017. Since then they have been the proud recipients of bronze medals at LABBS 2018, silver medalists at Sweet Adelines and more recently LABBS Quartet Champions in 2019. Time spent together is full of fun and friendship but with lots of hard work and coaching too! It’s been an exciting beginning to their journey but the ladies are always ready to take on a new challenge and can’t wait to see what the future brings!

The Guest Quartets

One Foot in the Stave

At a British Quartet Champions Chorus rehearsal back in November 2017, four Barbershop singers of the older persuasion found themselves relegated to a dark corner during a break. “Where did the time go, isn’t it strange? “ they mused. “What is left to achieve?” Aha! To form a seniors’ quartet, that seemed like a great idea. Now here we are, One Foot in the Stave, several months older and proud to be the 2018 Senior Quartet Champions of the British Association of Barbershop Singers. Our focus of attention was to compete in the Barbershop Harmony Society’s MidWinter Convention in Jacksonville, Florida in January 2020 where age presented no barrier! The outcome was a super performance that brought our highest score to date, and the 2020 International Senior Silver medals. Age is no barrier to being thrilled and honoured, as we are, to be invited to the SABS 2023 Convention! Andy, Brian, Pete and Rod - One Foot in the Stave Barbershop Harmony Society, International Seniors Gold Medallist Quartet, 2022

New SABS Song

Singing together as one

Simon has very kindly written and gifted a brand new barbershop song for SABS. This song is available to all SABS convention attendees and for all SABS members. The Masterclass by Simon will take place in the Salon Leonardo da Vinci on Saturday at 17:30, where Simon will add his magic to it so that we can perform it during the Saturday night show.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Where is...?

SABS Reception Desk is situated in the main reception area of the AR Diamante and will open at 2:00 pm on Thursday. The opening hours will be displayed on the board.

The SABS shop will be selling pitch pipes, blingy lanyards, fans, bags, and other merch. Opening times will be displayed on the board.

SABS Education. We will have an education desk available to give you information about Harmony College in Seville and our Spanish-language barbershop songs.

If you are staying in the main convention hotel, AR Diamante, you'll find the restaurant on the 1st floor up the stairs from reception, or via the lift behind reception.

Meal times are: 08:00 - 10:30 breakfast

13:00 - 15:00 lunch

19:00 - 22:00 dinner

Lunch & dinner finish 30 minutes later on Saturday & Sunday

Warm up rooms are upstairs on the 1st floor

Pitagoras & Fleming

Rehearsal rooms are on the ground floor

Picasso & Pergola

The timings are all displayed on the notice board at the SABS desk.

Save the date for 2024

4th - 7th April 2024

The SABS convention will take place in Calpe once again and we’re sure that you’ll agree the AR Diamanté is the perfect location. Guests to be announced and registration opens soon with earlybird offers. Keep an eye on social media!

Harmony College in Seville

M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a t t h e E d u c a t i o n d e s k i n r e c e p t i o n


Thank you for attending SABS 2023 En Armonia. We hope that you have an amazing weekend of fun, friendship, sunshine & laughter, but most of all enjoy the reason we are all here. singing. Barbershop. Harmony.

From Angel and the entire SABS Team!

We hope to see you again at a future SABS event.

If you have any queries or suggestions please contact a member of the team. Thank you!

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