Sabrina Sguanci Baroni
Since 2016, the F R A C A S gallery, co-founded and directed by ceramic artist Romain les Bains, specializes in objects, from sculpture to contemporary crafts. The gallery houses authentic pieces created by over 20 in ternational artists such as Anton Reijnders, Coline Ro soux or Nitsa Meletopoulos.
Sabrina Sguanci Baroni
Sabrina Sguanci Baroni
To promote its artists, F R A C A S has developed two editorial lines: a semi-permanent collection, which is for sale online, and temporary curated exhibitions, which are organized in different locations in Brussels, mainly, but also in different places in Europe. In doing so, the gallery wishes to ignite an open dialogue on all things related to contemporary craft, design and art. F R A C A S also wants to decompartmentalize practices: let’sstopseparatingtheartistfromtheartisan! The gal lery regularly participates in art and design fairs such as Collectible fair, Brussels Gallery Weekend, BAD fair or Lake Como Design Festival. The gallery also often realizes collaborations and partnerships such as with the famous floral artist Thierry Boutemy, the Milanese agency Mr Lawrence or the art space Atelier Jespers as well as more institutional partnerships such as the museum CIVA, the platform Artecetera or the WWF Belgium.
For the 2022 edition of art-o-rama, the Belgian galle ry F R A C A S presents a selection of 9 contempora ry artists who have worked around a common theme: the planter. Each piece presented at the fair is a unique work, created especially for the occasion by marvelous artists. In addition to the very embodied form, particu lar attention has been paid to the function of each pot: which plant will grow in it and how will the container allow it to evolve? What kind of watering can be done in it, how is the water conserved, or not, and how does it drain? Is it intended to be used indoors, outside, or both? Each artist has appropriated the constraints of the object and offers a singular vision of it, rendering a somewhat banal object extraordinary. Real objects to live in and which permit life which is adapted to the contained plants. The diversity of the proposals is in credibly rich and directly references the richness of the biodiversity contained and attracted by these objects. These works are odes to the living world and to pa tience, care, the beauty of plants and crafts.
A celebration of life!
Sabrina Sguanci Baroni
1968, IT) designer and creative coordinator, trained in the artis tic-design area of the Italian radical avant-garde. Graduated in indus trial design at ISIA Industrial and Communication Design, Firenze (IT).
prefers overall visions for business innovation particularly on tech nological decoding applied to product design, digital productions with low impact materials and processes. She has worked, as research and innovation manager for Artex (Centro per l’Artigianato Artistico della Toscana) on projects for the development of industrial districts. Profes sor
ISIA Firenze
Faenza, Accademia di
Arti di Firenze, she is a member of the board of Dcomedesign, Milano.