Eagle Star #302 - "The Mission"

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Bruce raised an eyebrow. Bolter said, “Signal the Dominion ships that their assistance is welcome and—” A transporter beam fizzled to life before the mater operations table, depositing a female shapeshifter and a Jem’Hadar guard. The Dominion still had an upper hand when it came to technological achievements, Bruce thought. And beaming through shields. Bolter quickly held up his hand to hold of security rushing in. She said, “I am Consul Iselte. I have been sent here to assist the Federation, as we have been mutually attacked by the Avkar.” “I’m Admiral Karl Bolter, commander of Deep Space Fifteen. This is Captain—” “Captain Bruce Space of the Starship Eagle Star,” Iselte finished, “We are quite aware of your personnel and your commanding officers, Admiral. I was sent here to offer assistance, but also to collect any information you may have recently gathered on the Avkar’s theft of ancient artifacts that belong to the Dominion.” Unsure of what she meant, Bolter said, “May I show you to the conference room?” Bolter indicated the turbolift. Iselte turned to Bruce as she passed, saying, “And Captain Space, order Ninth Sandarklan to report to the flagship. This exchange between the Dominion and Starfleet is ended.”

Bruce stepped onto the Eagle Star’s bridge finding it much the way he left it. Given the battle at the starbase, he figured that he’d be dealing with a mess. Xanthus sat in his chair, but rose upon seeing his captain. Xanthus said, “Captain on the bridge.” “At ease, Lieutenant Commander. Damage report?” “Lieutenant Thompson is still assessing, however, shields are at forty-four percent and weapons at sixty percent.” “I want the ship ready by the end of the day to head back out to the library planet. There’s a reason it’s so important to Diabolus. I want to know why.”

An hour later Bruce reading over reports in his ready room. He set down the padd he'd been reading and said, "Come." Sandarklan entered. Bruce said, “Crewman, there is a new Dominion consul here on the station, talking with Admiral Bolter as we speak. She ordered the exchange program ended and you to report to her dreadnought.” “I understand,” he said, then said after a long pause, he added, “I am a Jem’Hadar. I serve the Founders in all things.”


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