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rebeca valls moragas

while fashion magazines are known to portray their own idea of fashion, as of late this is changing in favour of promoting‘individuality’. it seems that high fashion magazines are cottoning on to what “alternative” people have been saying since the seventies, but the execution leaves much to be desired. if personal style is an reflection of an individual’s personality, why are we forcing elements of boho, gothic, punk and vintage to people who only see this as a passing trend?

and how is that individuality?

while the practice of decorating walls with memorabilia and paraphernalia brings up images of angst fuelled teens in search of self-expression, the impression they leave should be appreciated.

roots and influences manifest themselves subconsciously and influence style and fashion, it is important to acknowledge other outlets which represent this.

decorating habitable spaces with personal effects or objects which symbolise memories is a subtle expression of individualism and transcends character to places and buldings. and it cannot be argued that a strong representation can be overwhelming, and induce chaos in spaces where others might desire peace.

it is unsurprising that such quirkiness has been criticised and notably disliked by those who relish in order and synchronisation.

despite criticisms it is inarguable that the influence personal style is becoming important, and encouraged in fashion.


is knowing who you are... and not giving a damn.”

while every decade and era had a certain conduct to follow, the current age is relies on the self: eclectic mixing of vintage with modern pieces, as well as contrasting styles. past elements are being recycled and reshaped while opinions, fads and trends remain key.



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