Ruxuan Zheng' portfolio Fall 2016

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Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio Semester 1 Fall 2016

Exercise 1 Form and Making Charrette to produce a 6'' cube from ether linear, planar or volumetric materials

Volumetric: I divide the cube into layers and then into stripes, carve out some part of it.

Planes: Inside of the cube are corners arranged from small one to big one. Those corners arranged in different directions create a multidimensional space.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio




These three cubes have the same operation—grade. 1. Three cubes lay together, create stairs in two sides. 2. stairs which start from two corners and meet at the same corner. 3. Stair that lean on one side of the cube, which creates space under it at the same time.

Exercise 2.2 Elements and Operations of Form Charrette to produce a 6'' cube w/ internal spaces from planar elements ordered by one operation

This model can be see through from top to the bottom. With each layer get narrow and then wide, inside space also changes.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

Exercise 2.3 Elements and Operations of Form Charrette to produce a 6'' cube w/ internal spaces from volumetric elements ordered by one operation

A spiral shape that changes direction in each layer, which creates a continuous gap from the top to bottom.

A repetitive shape lock together, creates a space in the middle.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

This one is inspired by traditional Chinese eave. Cuboids weave through each other.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

Exercise 2.4 Elements and Operations of Form Charrette to produce a 9'' cube w/ internal spaces from a choice of any two formal elements ordered by any two operations.

The operation is offset-a cube inside a cube inside another cube. I want to make it looks like the cube is floating inside another one.

A crux shape model with each face been covered.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

The final model has six sides which look the same. It is a cube with each face shift in to the middle. And the cube in the middle has parts that shifted inside, which creates space in each corner.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

Exercise 3.1 Crouse college Analysis of a campus building

The plans show the way that travel around the building. From the front door, lobby, then go upstairs. Section is cut through the middle of the big staircase, which shows the stair on each floor. Perspectives show the movement inside the house—2 main staircases.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

Exercise 3.2 The application of Scale and Movement to Abstract Form Transfermation of object from Exercise 2.4

The idea is to create space made by wooden sticks that floating around the stairs.

I made the second one more complicated with stairs spiral from for corners to the middle.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

Exercise 3.3 Reacting to and Act on Context

This one has three layers formed by ‘S� shape foamcore placed in several directions in each layer. Wooden sticks create space in each floor.

Transfermation of individual building by designing a collective organization including other students' buildings

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

On the ground floor, the narrow is the only way up. After get to the platform, there are several way to go upstairs. And the platforms that face outside have relatively large space, which make them public space. The balcony on the third floor are the private space.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

This one is the only entrance for the neighborhood. Ground at the outside is connected with second floor of it. Going downstairs and then out of the building, people could choose either go with diagonal line and into my building, or go straight forward, then go upstairs, entering another building. Two buildings with balconies have their balconies face different ways and separated with relatively long distance to give more privacy for people inside.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio





Exercise 4 Case Study Analysis Formal and programmatic analysis of a house

1.Context and movement: It’s at the top of a mountain, 2 entrances to get inside and go up to the second floor. 2.A plan which is cut from the middle. It shows the operation—carve (the platform which is shown by dashed line) 3.The main entrance—only curve that exist in the building, is formed by a carved out corner. Height of the person is about 5 feet, which shows the size of the house. 4.Darker lines shows the space on the second floor. Light lines show space on the ground floor.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

This axo mainly shows the movement inside of the house. I separated the ground floor and the second floor. Every entrance is shown by dark lines. People show the movement in it— Entering the house, going upstairs, going to the platform.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

Exercise 5 A Public-Private Studio Design of an artist's studio

A study model which shows my original idea—a studio inside of the gallery. Since the performance for my artist is his daily routine.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

1st Sketch model

In my original idea, each stair in the gallery has the same wildness—10 feet. Platforms are almost the same. There are 3 floors of the studio—work place, living room and bedroom.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

2nd Sketch model

This model is designed for performance art—a transparent glass studio surrounded by gallery. I made the stairs in the gallery really wide since the main focus for the gallery is for the audience to have a full view of the studio, at the same time, have interaction with the artist while go upstairs.

Each floor of the studio and the gallery has a 5 feet shift, which creates privacy for the artist since the audiences cannot look at the front horizontally.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

2 entrances,2 ways to go from the ground floor to third floor. Each way provides half view of the studio. At the third floor, the platform has the largest space, so the audiences get a comprehensive look of the whole studio at the end of their trip.

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

Views inside of the studio form the ground floor to third floor

Ruxuan Zheng's portfolio

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