Rural Leader Magazine November 2017

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The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for advneture. — Christopher McCandless | NOVEMBER 2017 1

Contents 4 Discover Your Passion 7  Five Ways Businesses can Collaborate with the Education Sector to Close the Skills Gap 9  How to Save on Healthcare Costs in 2018

13 Step-by-step game plan to save the most on Black Friday 14 Fifty under Fifty Honorees 15 Ways to Boost Engagement and Productivity in the Office

12 Seven Steps to Improve Cybersecurity Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication that highlights every day people doing extraordinary things nationally and abroad.

Contact Us Rural Leader Magazine, LLC 400 West Peachtree Street Suite #4-529 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 1-866-293-1162 Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, in English, or other languages, is prohibited without written consent. Send editorial ideas to Kuanita Murphy, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

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Editor’s Note Dear Readers,   Inside this issue, there are a number of great articles about leadership best practices, building positive self-esteem and productivity! We hope you enjoy this issue.   As always, I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, and LinkedIn.   Thanks again for your continual support! Sincerely,

Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

What you do matters. | NOVEMBER 2017 3 @RuralLeaderMag

Discovering Your Life’s Passion By G. Eric Allenbaugh, Ph.D.

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain   What is your life’s passion, and are you “on purpose?” Have you clearly identified your talents and interests, and are you applying those to their fullest potential? When you align your gifts and interests with what you do in life, you move from surviving to thriving.   By discovering, developing, and directing your gifted areas, you experience making a positive – even joyful – difference in both your inner and outer world. Inside, you experience enhanced self worth and greater life fulfillment. What you attract from the outside reflects what is going on inside.   When you are “on purpose,” appropriate resources and resource people are frequently drawn into your expanding sphere of influence. You can achieve more with a greater sense of ease. Resources, interestingly enough, tend to follow a dream. 4 | NOVEMBER 2017

But the dream has got to come first. “I am my message.” Gandhi   When you do what you love, you never have to “work” again. Some wonder: “How can I earn a living doing what I love to do?” Making your avocation your vocation is a key to experiencing passion and fulfillment.   One man, for example, loves to back pack. How can one earn a living backpacking? Through exploring his passion and letting his limited thinking go, he ultimately became a field researcher for a major manufacturer of outdoor products – testing new products while backpacking. A woman in my own city who loves to shop formed a personal shopping business for busy executives – and is making a comfortable living. A man who loved music created a band that performed on weekends while he continued to work his regular job. Remember, it is the experience you are seeking, and that experience of following your passion can take many forms. The options are limited only by your mind.— “Life doesn’t happen to you. It happens from you.” Mike Wickett

Research supports that the two primary motivators are 1) doing something that makes you feel good about yourself, and 2) doing something that makes a difference. Discovering your passion energizes, enlightens, and enlivens your life experience. What better time than now to clarify and live your life’s purpose? “The more you seek security, the less of it you have. But the more you seek opportunity, the more likely it is that you will achieve the security that you desire.” Brian Tracy HOW CAN I DISCOVER MY LIFE’S PURPOSE?   Most of the time, the answers are within. In one sense, you already know what you need to know. But your own limited thinking, self doubts, or constraints placed on you by others often speak louder than that small, inner voice that says: “I can create more of what I want in life!” Now is the time to take charge of your life at a higher level and to create your own “magic.” “If not now, then when? If not me, then who?” Hillel   The following exercise will make a significant difference in your life, so give your very best to discovering and developing your life’s passion. What better time than now to clarify and live your life’s purpose?   Identify the most creative part of your day to work through this self-discovery process. I encourage you to write out your responses to the following questions, for writing engages both the logical and creative parts of your brain. Be willing to let your creative energy flow, and consciously resist that part of you that may want to put limits on your own development. In this important exercise, you want to be fully present and in a positive resource state.   Let the following questions guide your inner wisdom – the part of you that already “knows.” Let your pen explore ideas you have only dreamed about in the past as you create new insights, new clarity, and new direction. Be willing to experiment, venture into new territory, and discover the learning.   The 15 Discovering Your Passion questions will give you new insights, provide greater clarity of purpose and vision, and open up new adventures in your life. Enjoy the discovery.

1. TALENTS: What are your most significant talents and gifts that you bring to both your career and to life? This is not a time to be humble, so list no less than seven major gifts you possess. (The emphasis here is not “How smart am I?” Instead, ask “How am I smart?” 2. INTERESTS: What do you like to do most? What gets your creative juices flowing and feeds your soul? 3. ENERGY DRAINS: What do you like to do least? What turns you off and drains energy from you? 4. DREAMS: If you had no limits, what would you be, do, and have? Let your imagination flow and resist the self-imposed limitations that could stifle creativity. 5. “GOING TO” VALUES: If you were going to join a particular company, group, or association, what would you look for within that entity that would light your fire? What about their values or culture attracts you? 6. “MOVING AWAY FROM” VALUES: What would cause you to leave a particular company or group? What about their values, culture, or behaviors repels you? 7. WAKE-UP CALLS: If you were told by a physician that you were likely to die suddenly within one year, what would you do differently with your life in the remaining time? Who would you contact? And, why are you waiting? 8. FINANCIAL FREEDOM: If you were to win a multi-million dollar lottery, what would you do differently in your career and in your lifestyle? What does that say about how you are living your life now? 9. ALIGNMENT: Think about times in your life when you were working hard, yet experiencing great fulfillment. What were you doing? Describe your actions and feelings. 10. BALANCE: Think about times in your life that you were playing and thoroughly enjoying yourself. What were you doing? How much of that kind of experience are you currently building into your priorities? 11. AVOCATION: Bring to mind your most pleasurable hobbies or interests. What are they and how might you incorporate these into a new career, your existing career, or to simply create more of this experience in your life? 12. CHILDLIKE PERSPECTIVE: Imagine that you are now eight years old and looking ahead at your life with all the imagination and confidence of a child. What dreams do you want to fulfill? 13. SAGE WISDOM: Imagine that you are now eighty years old and looking back over your life with | NOVEMBER 2017 5

the wisdom and insight of a sage elder. What pleases you most about your accomplishments? What do you regret not having done? 14. CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE: Imagine that the most highly respected people you know are having a conversation about you. What positive things would you want them to be saying about your principles, your values, and your contributions? 15. PASSAGES: Imagine that your life came to a close, and people gathered to celebrate your life. What would you like them to be saying in your obituary about you as a person and about the difference you made in this world? “Don’t die with your music still in you.” Wayne Dyer   After several days of reflection time, return to your written responses and refine them where appropriate. Then read each response individually in an effort to learn what messages are coming through. Next, do a “vertical cut” through all fifteen questions to identify what themes might be emerging. You are now operating in a diamond field of priceless ideas that will make a long-term difference. “If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you’re right!” Henry Ford CHOICE POINT: Making a Difference In Your Life Manifestation of your dreams requires a decision to take that first step, then another, then another. After you have refined your responses to this “Discovering Your Life’s Passion” exercise, explore the following action steps: 1. What major challenges must I overcome to manifest this dream? 2. What old ways, behaviors, and non-productive attitudes do I need to release to make room for this dream? 3. What major costs would I experience if I elected not to pursue this dream? 4. What major benefits will I experience as a result of manifesting this dream? 5. What action steps do I intend to take now that will bring me closer to realizing my dream? “You can show up in life any way you want to. You just have to decide how you want to show up.” Karen Sheridan BE WHAT YOU SEEK!   Being “on purpose” requires a conscious 6 | NOVEMBER 2017

commitment to living your dream, your principles, and your values on a daily basis. You have three ways of converting your dream into reality: 1) making a series of small, incremental changes that inch you toward your dream; 2) practicing “quantum leaps”—engaging in a process of making major life changes; or 3) coming from what you are seeking.   While each strategy works, coming from what you want engages your spirit while producing highly desirable results. You get to experience both the passion and the tangible outcomes!   Because the answers are within (most of the time), coming from what you seek to create in your life is faster and more fulfilling. In other words, be what you seek! At the choice points in your life, pause and ask yourself these questions: 1. Are my thoughts and actions in alignment with my purpose, passion, and principles? 2. Is what I am doing right now bringing me closer to or further from realization of my dream? 3. Am I coming from that place of being “on purpose?” “Ask yourself this daily question: How would the person I want to be do the thing I’m about to do? Jim Cathcart   Everything is created twice: first in your mind and, second, in reality. You cannot have the second without the first. This process of discovering your passion starts first with creating a compelling vision, and second, converting that vision into reality. Having explored this “Discovering Your Passion” exercise, you are now positioned to have greater clarity about your passion and direction. Decide now to do something about positively shaping your future — and have the courage to take bold action to manifest your dream.— “If you want to know your future, look at what you are doing in this moment.” Ancient Tibetan Teaching About the Author G. Eric Allenbaugh, Ph.D. is an Author, Leadership Consultant, Keynote Speaker, and Executive Coach.

5 Ways Businesses can Collaborate with the Education Sector to Close the Skills Gap

With U.S. graduation rates being at an all-time high, one might expect employers to have a wealth of qualified candidates to hire. Instead, many employers are finding that these recent graduates are unprepared to succeed in the workforce.   While many are graduating with technical skills, their “soft skills” are lacking. These skills - from professional communication and critical thinking to collaboration and time management - are seen as critical by employers, yet have not historically been taught with consistency or prioritized.   A recent whitepaper commissioned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), an education nonprofit that equips students with the necessary soft skills needed to be successful in college and their careers, highlights recent partnerships between the business and education sectors to tackle this skills gap.   “Bridging the Soft Skills Gap: How Employers Can Partner with Educators to Prepare Students for the 21st Century Workforce” offers practical recommendations for businesses to make an impact and profiles

strategic partnerships being successfully implemented across the country by Nike, Ernst & Young, Wegmans, Wynn Las Vegas, and the Northern Kentucky Education Council.   According to a 2016 analysis by the Wall Street Journal, 92 percent of nearly 900 surveyed executives said soft skills were as or more important than technical skills, yet 89 percent reported some level of difficulty finding employees who have mastered these skills.   “With almost 6 million unfilled jobs in America, this lack of soft skills hurts workers, businesses and the economy,” says Cheryl Oldham of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Center for Education and Workforce. “Businesses recognize the critical need for soft skills and are working hard in their communities to help students obtain the skills they need to succeed in the jobs of tomorrow.”   A growing number of companies are focusing on student education as a part of their business strategy. By equipping students with the skills for workplace success, they strengthen their talent pipeline and create shared value. The following insights from the | NOVEMBER 2017 7

whitepaper offers successful approaches to collaboration between the education and business sectors to help youth become better prepared for their careers.

a holistic set of needs through multifaceted programming, ranging from tutoring and mentoring to specific grants for programming and facilities.

Classroom solutions   Investing in classroom solutions empowers teachers to better help young people develop the skills they need in school, work, and life. Since promoting soft skills is less about what is taught than how they are taught, access to hands-on methodology training for educators is vital. Employers can help by ensuring that teachers and administrators across local schools have access to proven professional development programs from established education nonprofits.

Work-based learning   Instead of solely offering traditional internships for college students, businesses can partner with high schools to establish pre-employment apprenticeship programs designed to introduce students to workplace demands. The Department of Labor supports employers that establish Registered Apprenticeships to build a robust talent pipeline.

Mentoring for college and career readiness   Businesses can mobilize employees to mentor students based upon a college and career readiness curriculum. Proponents of these mentoring programs say that they enhance employee satisfaction and retention; strengthen the talent pipeline; and contribute to thriving communities. Adopt-a-school   In adopting a specific school or school district, businesses typically identify and commit to meeting 8 | NOVEMBER 2017

Coalition building   Building a coalition of representatives from industry, the education system, and the community creates the space for meaningful dialogue about common priorities and unique local challenges. It also facilitates collective action around solutions.   For more on how the business and education sectors are closing the skills gap, click here to read “Bridging the Soft Skills Gap: How Employers Can Partner with Educators to Prepare Students for the 21st Century Workforce.”—BPT

How to Save on Healthcare Costs in 2018   Your cable bill, entertainment expenses, grocery extras - these often top the list when people sit down to discuss where they can save money.   One expense you should consider in 2018 is your healthcare costs. Since autumn marks the beginning of the annual open enrollment period for employees, now is the ideal time to sign up for a new health benefit plan or make adjustments to your current plan.   Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are two options for people looking to save money pre-tax in the New Year. An FSA, which is provided by your employer, allows you to save funds for eligible healthcare expenses. An HSA - which you can obtain on your own or through your employer - is a tax-advantaged savings account that allows you to set aside money to cover medical expenses throughout your lifetime.   Both accounts have the major advantage that the full amount of your pre-tax dollars may be used toward care that you or your family may need. Employees who enroll in an FSA can contribute a portion of their salary pre-tax to pay for qualified medical care expenses within the plan year, while an HSA provides people with qualifying high-deductible health plans the ability to rollover balances and pay for current and future medical expenses.

Awareness and interest in HSAs has increased this year, with the highest levels of interest stemming from Millennials and Gen Xers, according to the 2017 Flexible Spending Account and Health Savings Account Consumer Research study commissioned by Visa and conducted by C+R Research. This nationwide online research was conducted in March 2017, with the FSA survey conducted among 1,306 consumers and the HSA survey conducted among 1,090 consumers.   Key features of HSAs that are most appealing to consumers include the ability to roll over unused dollars from year to year, pre-tax contributions, and having money available to pay for healthcare services.   The study indicates that 91 percent of FSA users agree that saving money, since contributions are pre-tax, tops their list of reasons for having an FSA. Sixty-four percent of FSA users believe that FSAs help them be more prepared and plan for healthcare expenses. In fact, 22 percent of their healthcare purchases (most notably routine doctor visits and vision expenses) on average would not be made if they didn’t have an FSA.   One of the most convenient ways to access funds | NOVEMBER 2017 9

in an HSA or FSA is with a Visa Healthcare Card, which allows people to use funds in their HSA or FSA to pay for qualified medical expenses wherever Visa debit cards are accepted, making it easy to pay for expenses such as: *Co-pays and deductibles *Prescriptions *Dental services: Cleanings, orthodontia, dentures *Physical exams *Vision care, including exams, new glasses, laser eye surgery *Hearing exams and aids *Medical equipment such as blood pressure monitors, thermometers *Smoking cessation programs   For added convenience, many pharmacies, grocery stores and other retailers that sell healthcare products have the capability to distinguish between covered items and non-covered items when you pay for them, 10 | NOVEMBER 2017

so you don’t have to wonder whether something is covered.   By using a Visa Healthcare Card at these locations, you no longer have to pay out-of-pocket and then submit receipts to be reimbursed for your medical expenses, saving you time and money!   These are all great reasons why 80 percent of FSA users surveyed prefer to access their funds with their FSA card over other methods, and why 76 percent of HSA users surveyed say a debit card linked to an HSA makes paying for medical expenses convenient. As you review your options this open enrollment season, ask your employer if it offers an HSA or FSA with a Visa Healthcare Card to provide easy access to your funds. To learn more, visit www.visahealthcare. com.—BPT | NOVEMBER 2017 11

Seven Steps to Improve Cybersecurity   There was a time you could run a small business with a bank account, a telephone, an internet connection and some sort of physical base. These days, cybersecurity has been added to this list as a necessity nearly every small business owner needs to consider.   This is especially true for small businesses such as law offices or accounting firms that deal with a client’s highly sensitive information.   Despite recognizing the need for effective IT security to guard against the next cyberattack, 83 percent of businesses say organizational difficulties put their company at risk, according to a global survey conducted by Citrix. In addition, 74 percent of businesses say they need a new IT framework to improve security and reduce risk.   Because of the highly technical and complicated nature of cyberattacks, many small business owners don’t understand the enormity of these threats, and most learn the hard way.   For example, Dr. David Krier, whose Volunteer Voyages lost over $14,000 through fraudulent withdrawals, learned that banks do not always offer protection against these attacks. His organization was not reimbursed for the money the cyberthieves stole. The situation is not improving. Recently, CBS reported a drastic rise in phishing scams. In 2017, 200 organizations were victims of a phishing scam that resulted in the theft of the data of several hundred thousand employees.   “Because most of the news coverage happens when big companies like Equifax or Target are attacked, many small business owners mistakenly believe that only larger companies are at risk of a security breach,” says Nate Spilker, vice president, product management at Citrix. “The fact is, the majority of cyberattacks will have a detrimental impact on small businesses if they do not have a cybersecurity plan in place.”   Cybersecurity is a very real and very serious matter, but the more you know about it, the better you can prepare against an attack. These seven steps lay the groundwork for establishing an advanced and cost-effective way for small businesses to better guard against the ever-present reality of a cyberattack.   1. Assess current security tools Your company’s data is only as safe as the technology it employs. Instead of thinking how well protected you are, consider bringing in an outside consultant to expose your vulnerabilities. This will help you to 12 | NOVEMBER 2017

honestly analyze the current tools your company uses and understand where you can improve.   2. Invest in staffing   It can be challenging for a small business to hire new employees. But because the cyber threat is so real and potentially devastating, hiring knowledgeable and experienced security personnel might be the most important step you can take to protect your business.   3. Encrypt your data   You may trust your personal photos and music to the web, but your business’s and your clients’ data raises a whole other host of concerns. Many business-class cloud services employ encryption technology, which transforms data in an indecipherable code that can only be opened with a specific key as it travels between secure destinations.   4. Think beyond passwords   It’s safe to say most people are unable to remember all their passwords. Not only are passwords cumbersome, but poor password practices can create major security problems. In fact, 91 percent of security professionals think passwords will be a thing of the past within a decade. Many security experts now recommend user authentication technology to make protecting data both easier and more effective.   5. Use a consolidated platform   By implementing a secure, company-wide tool such as Citrix ShareFile, which includes file sharing, storing and document signing as well as remote desktop access that integrates with common business apps like Microsoft Office 365, employees will be more collaborative and productive. They will also be able to work from anywhere, on any device, at any time.   6. Create and enforce a standard IT policy   Whether you have a traditional office setup, contractors working remotely or a bring-your-owndevice policy, make it a priority for employees to understand the security risks involved with using unapproved applications.   7. Be proactive   Stay updated on the latest developments and concerns in the cybersecurity landscape and how you can improve your company’s defenses. For instance, take the time to review how the ever-expanding Internet of Things (IoT) can both benefit and add new security risks to your company.   A solution that takes into account many security measures involves implementing a cutting-edge file

sync-and-sharing system, like Citrix ShareFile.   With more than 80,000 business customers and 20 million business users, Citrix has developed their systems to be easy to use and capable of handling all types of files, from sensitive legal briefs to 3D architectural designs. Combining user experience with

security, ShareFile safeguards data through leading industrial security standards.   To learn more about small business technology solutions, visit—BPT

Step-by-step game plan to save the most on Black Friday Pretty much every American knows that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are big days for sales. But for many, Black Friday is more than just a chance to save big; it’s a tradition in its own right.   And this isn’t a trend that’s going away anytime soon. In fact, the age group that is into Black Friday the most is millennials. Sixty percent of people between the ages of 18 and 34 say they are excited about shopping on Black Friday, according to a recent Flipp survey conducted by Ipsos. Clearly, shopping great sales is as hot as ever with this younger generation.   This year, we’ll probably see even better deals, and more people than ever will be flocking to the stores. This means that you’ll need a strategy to get the things you need at the price you want.   To help you do this, here’s a game plan to follow from Lauren Greutman, Flipp App Savings Expert.   Create a budget. On average, shoppers plan to spend $475 over the Black Friday and Cyber Monday time frame. Create a budget outlining how much you want to spend on high ticket doorbuster items, or if you’re buying gifts, make a budget for each person on

your list. This way, you stay on track of your spending and don’t fall for every deal in-store.Go digital. Rather than shuffling through dozens of paper circulars searching for the best Black Friday deals, join millions of others by using the free shopping app, Flipp.   This ingenious app brings hundreds of digital circulars right to your phone. Search for products by name and Flipp will show you all the deals in your area, or build an in-app shopping list that automatically shows you deals for everything on your list, making it easy to plan ahead and save.Focus on the big items.   There’s a secret to shopping that often holds true: the bigger the item, the bigger the savings. So if you have a long list and don’t know where to start, look to the higher ticket items, like electronics. This is where you’ll catch the biggest windfall, and your bank account will thank you!Check out the store before Black Friday. Check the store websites for “Store Maps” the days leading up to Black Friday, so that you can find where the doorbuster deals will be inContinued from page 17 | NOVEMBER 2017 13

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5 Ways to Boost Engagement and Productivity in the Office   Step into the office of the future on the first day of work, and the things that you expect in a traditional workplace are not going to happen here.   There’s no landline, no file cabinet, no bulletin board. The employee is never taken to an assigned cubicle. In fact, it’s highly unlikely that employees will spend much of their day in the same chair.   The forward-looking workplace design discards all the usual trappings of the traditional office that lock employees into physical departments with seating arrangements, moving toward an open design. While perks such as catered lunches and ping pong tables are getting attention for changing workplace culture, it’s actually the power of technology that is quietly transforming the way we work. Technology is a tool that gives us a fluid and flexible use of time and space, changing how people get the job done.   “Eventually, the open digital workspace design will not be simply nice to have, it’s becoming more and more expected. It’s going to become mandatory if you want to attract top talent,” says Donna Kimmel, the senior vice president and chief people officer of Citrix.   Welcome to the era of the open workspace, where people can work and collaborate anywhere in the office, wherever they need to be. What do these modern workspaces look like? These are the five traits they have in common:   They ditch the cubicle farm: It’s no longer necessary to spend the day alone in a cubicle rooted to

one spot for access to a desktop computer or landline phone. Today, you can easily and securely access, store and share your information from anywhere whether you’re on your laptop, tablet or mobile phone. Without the need for space-wasting cubicles, your building space needs are reduced, in some cases up to 50 percent. And a collaborative environment is created when walls are torn down and open seating arrangements invite conversation and brainstorming.   They accommodate work needs: Because technology frees knowledge workers from being rooted to a single cubicle, the new way is to offer an entire floor of flexible workspaces that accommodate various needs and styles. For example, one day an engineer could be working at a long table with fellow engineers, vendors and a project manager. The following week, that engineer might duck into a small privacy room for a marathon session of focused work.   They invite collaboration: Unlike the traditional cubicle farm, a flexible workspace sends a different message to the team. It invites conversation and innovative ideas by actively engaging with colleagues throughout the day, rather than rushing through a meeting agenda and hustling out.   They increase employee engagement and productivity: Flexible workspaces send a message that employees are entrusted to do their jobs wherever they feel most productive. Great leaders know and understand that their actions speak louder than words. Things like corporate policies and company | NOVEMBER 2017 15

culture send powerful messages to employees about how they are seen in the organization. With feelings of increased autonomy and trust often come increased levels of employee engagement. Once they have autonomy, the magic starts happening.   “... The data tells us - greater autonomy leads to better engagement, better engagement leads to greater productivity, which leads to better bottom-line results,” says Amy Haworth, director, organizational readiness at Citrix.   They embrace BYOD: That is, bring your own device. Sure, many employers may still provide hardware, but as workspaces become more flexible with a burgeoning work-anywhere ethos, employees simply wish to access their work platforms using their own laptops, tablets and mobile devices.   Luckily, it is now much easier to give employees seamless access to documents and networks safely without draconian security measures to slow connections and processing speed. And as information, applications and work resources move to the cloud, 16 | NOVEMBER 2017

businesses can securely deliver them to any device that has a secure network connection.   For example, Citrix offers a suite of solutions, including Citrix Cloud, XenApp, XenDesktop and ShareFile that makes BYOD secure without sacrificing user experience. If you are interested in learning more, visit   The benefits of the redesigned workspace are numerous, says Kimmel. “They break down barriers between managers, employees and departments. The increased, casual encounters make it easy to approach others to ask questions, make suggestions and solve problems,” says Kimmel. “As a result, work gets done more quickly, and employees and managers alike report higher productivity.   “In the end, employees report greater satisfaction, which leads them to stay with a company longer.”— BPT

Black Friday, continued from page 13 store and plan your route. Keep in mind that stores keep their best deals in the back of the store.Research store policies in advance. Once you’ve mapped out where you need to go, be sure to call the stores in advance so that you clearly understand their policies on price matching, returns, exchanges and gift receipts.   A little planning in this department could save you a lot of headaches!Buy gift cards. To save even more money, buy gift cards at your grocery store the days before you shop. This works great if your grocery store offers gas points for money spent at the store. Many stores offer additional gas points for gift card purchases in the days leading up to Black Friday.    Know the “best” deals aren’t always the best. This

may seem counterintuitive; after all, Black Friday is all about deals, deals, deals. But keep in mind, just because you get a monster discount doesn’t mean you’re getting the best product. It’s all about doing your research beforehand so you don’t end up buying a super cheap, low quality item.   With so many opportunities to save money and items to cross off your shopping list, the excitement that comes with Back Friday can be a little overwhelming. Using a free shopping app like Flipp, can help you stay organized, plan ahead and stick to your game plan.—BPT | NOVEMBER 2017 17

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.