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The art of Noam Elyashiv

SARAH PERKINS. Corroded, 2017. Copper, enamel. 3.75 inches x 4.5 inches x 4 inches. Photo Credit: Tom Davis. Collection of Emily Berg.



As a metalsmith I use properties of the metal: its plasticity, permanence, and dimensionality. As an enamelist I use properties of the glass: its preciousness, surface qualities, and color. In my work these properties function together to make a whole, with the two materials complementing and completing each other, rather than either being more visually important than the other. I find enameled containers to be eloquent, a compelling blend of self-containment, secrecy, and preciousness.


SARAH PERKINS. Orchid Container, 1992. Copper, silver, vitreous enamel. 4 inches x 4 inches x 3.5 inches. Photo Credit: Tom Davis. Collection of Janet Bouley.


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