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Curriculum Vitae cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles We are going to Tokyo next week,” they said. They said they are going to Tokyo next week. * “I’ll cut my hair tomorrow,” Nina said. Nina said she is cutting her hair tomorrow. * “I’ll go to the movies tomorrow,” John said. John said he would go to the movies tomorrow. * “Will you help me move?” she asked. She asked me if I would help her move. * Debra said, “Allen can work tomorrow.” Debra said Allen could work tomorrow. “Can you open the window, please?”, he asked. He asked me if I could open the window. * “You must wear your seatbelt,” mom said. My mom said I had to wear my seatbelt. * She said, “You must work tomorrow.” She said I had to work tomorrow. * “Shall we go to the beach today?” Tom asked. Tom asked if we should go to the beach today. * “What shall we do tonight?” she asked. She asked me what we should do tonight. * Jane said, “I may not be in class tomorrow.” Jane said she might not be in class tomorrow. * the boy asked. “May I use the bathroom, please?” the boy asked. The boy asked if he could use the bathroom. Gareth H. Jones @gar_jones Cómo expresar cerca en INGLES Lo he organizado I have organised it Lo tengo organizado I have it organised Vivo cerca I live nearby NOT I live near. cerca (tiempo) near /nia/, close /clohs/ cerca (proximidad) nearby /niabái/, close by /clohsbái/ cerca de (proximidad) near, close to cerca de (aproximadamente, casi) nearly, close to de cerca (poca distancia) close up, up close de cerca (atentamente) closely cerca The end is near. El fin está cerca. The exams are very near / close. Los exámenes están muy cerca. The holidays are very near / close. Las vacaciones están muy cerca. Do you live near here? ¿Vives cerca de aquí? Do you live nearby / close by? ¿Vives cerca? The getaway car was waiting nearby / close by so the bank robbers got away easily. El coche de fuga estaba esperando cerca así que los ladrones del banco escaparon fácilmente. cerca de They were very near the edge of the cliff. They were very close to the edge of the cliff. Estaban muy cerca del borde del acantilado. There were nearly one million people at the demonstration. There were close to one million people at the demonstration. Había cerca de un millón de personas en la manifestación. de cerca On the safari, we were fortunate to see elephants close up / up close. En el safari, tuvimos la suerte de ver elefantes de cerca. Scientists have been studying these elephants closely for years. Los científicos llevan años estudiando los elefantes de cerca. 1.¿Hay una gasolinera cerca? 2.No me gusta ver la tele de cerca. 3.La Navidad está cerca. 4.Cerca de cien personas asistieron a mi presentación. 5.Su padre lo miraban de cerca mientras jugaba cerca del agua. 1.Is there a petrol station nearby / close by? 2.I don’t like watching television close up / up close. 3.Christmas is near / close. 4.Nearly one hundred people attended my presentation. 5.HIs father watched him closely while he was playing near the water / close to the water. BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking At least 70 people killed in attacks on checkpoints and markets in #Iraq on Monday lamansiondelingles @mansiontwit If you live in the Valencia area, you could win a free British Council summer school course English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR run up (a) acumular (b) against - encontrarse con, tener que vérselas con alguien We ran up a huge bill in the restaurant. Acumulamos una factura astronómica en el restaurante. If you go to the olympics you'll run up against a lot of competition. Si vas a los juegos olímpicos tendrás que vértelas con muchos competidores. run on prolongarse, durar, seguir hablando The movie ran on for over two hours. La película duró más de dos horas. run away escaparse, fugarse My daughter ran away from boarding school. Mi hija se escapó del internado. run in hacer el rodaje Elisa is running her car in, it is still very new. Elisa está haciendo el rodaje de su coche, todavía es muy nuevo. run by repetir algo dicho Could you run that by me again? I wasn't paying attention. ¿Podrías repetirme otra vez lo que has dicho? No estaba prestando atención. run off escaparse, fugarse Her best friend ran off with her boyfriend. Su (de ella) mejor amiga se fugó con su novio. (USA) Hick Paleto, pueblerino You won't offend me by calling me a hick. I'm proud of my rural upbringing. No me ofendes llamándome paleto. Estoy orgulloso de mi educación rural. I have lived in the city for years but I still haven't lost my hick accent. He vivido durante años en la ciudad pero aún no he perdido mi acento pueblerino. I bought a pick-up truck, does that make me a hick? He traído una camioneta pick-up, ¿eso me hace ser un paleto?


15 English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR to get off one's back/case dejar a alguien en paz John, get off my back ! I have enough stress as it is. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Clashes continue in #Taksim Square between Turkish police and protesters South African President Jacob Zuma says Nelson Mandela 'very serious but stabilised' and adds 'we are all praying for him' 32 people have been arrested in central London during protests ahead of the G8 summit Taliban say they carried out attack outside Supreme Court in #Kabul, Afghanistan, that killed at least 16 people 16 people killed and 40 injured in suicide attack outside Supreme Court in #Kabul, Afghanistan Police make 6 arrests in London, as demonstrations take place ahead of next week's #G8 summit in Northern Ireland Tear gas & water cannon continue to be deployed by Turkish police in #Taksim Square 2 protesters removed by police from central London building ahead of planned #G8 protest At least 3 killed in suicide attack on the Supreme Court in Afghanistan's capital #Kabul, police say South Africa's ex-President Nelson Mandela remains in 'serious but stable' condition, latest government update says An explosion hits Kabul close to the US embassy and Isaf headquarters, no immediate reports of casualties Sir Henry Cecil, 10-time champion trainer, has died at the age of 70 Turkey PM Recep Erdogan tells #Taksim Square protesters his "tolerance" has run out Horse race trainer Sir Henry Cecil has died aged 70 South Korea says high level talks with the North, planned for Wednesday, have been called off Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan defends tactics of police who raided #Taksim Square on Tuesday Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan says demonstrators have hijacked environmental concerns to cause vandalism Two serving prison officers arrested by UK police investigating inappropriate payments to public officials Vaughan Systems ?@VaughanSystems Until vs Up to Empleamos “until” para decir “hasta” con una referencia en el tiempo (día, mes, hora o acción en concreto.) Tienes hasta el próximo viernes para terminar el proyecto. You’ve got until next Friday to finish the project. No me iré hasta que llegues. I won’t go until you arrive. Se quedará allí hasta que se muera. He will stay there until he dies. No lo sabré hasta que no se publiquen los resultados. I won’t know until the results are published. Te esperaremos hasta las cinco. We’ll wait for you until five o’clock. Sin embargo, cuando queremos decir “hasta” referido a un punto físico (por ejemplo una cumbre) o a un periodo de tiempo se suele decir “up to”. A veces tengo que esperar hasta 30 minutos. Sometimes I have to wait for up to 30 minutes. Llegó hasta la cumbre sin oxígeno. He climbed up to the summit without oxygen. Tuvimos que reenviar el documento hasta 20 veces. We had to resend the document up to 20 times. Tienes seis meses para mejorar tu inglés. You have up to six months to improve your English. El agua me llegó a las rodillas. The water came up to my knees. I don’t play sport anymore. Ya no juego deporte. To take down convencer a alguien. Take down my name and number. Apunta mi número de teléfono. Self-confident seguro de si mismo. Why are you so self-confident? ¿Por qué estás tan seguro de ti mismo? Fíjate que otra persona me hizo la misma pregunta Funnily enough someone else asked me the same question lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit If you're bored in the 21st century, you're not paying attention To dye one's hair teñirse el pelo. "When I was a teenager I dyed my hair blonde." Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones Verbos Irregulares drink beber drank drunk swim nadar swam swum begin empezar began begun ring llamar, tocar rang rung sing cantar sang sung sink hundirse sank sunk stink apestar stank stunk shrink encoger shrank* shrunk shrink encoger shrunk shrunk stick pegar(se) stuck stuck sting escocer / picar stung stung strike hacer huelga / golpear hang* colgar hung hung I’ve drunk too much wine and I feel a little drunk. He bebido demasiado vino y me siento un poco bebido / borracho. I drank too much wine last night and I have a headache now. Bebí demasiado vino ayer por la noche y ahora me duele la cabeza. John: Has the meeting begun yet? Paul: Yes, it began an hour ago. John: ¿Ha empezado la reunión ya? Paul: Sí, empezó hace una hora. The Rolling Stones sang a song (that) they hadn’t sung in years. Los Rolling Stones cantaron una canción que no habían cantado en años. Anna:I’ve never been stung by a wasp. Maria:Lucky you! One stung me just last week! Anna: Nunca me ha picado una avispa. Maria: ¡Qué suerte! Una me picó sólo la semana pasada.


15 Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones 1.Mi amigo me llamó para decirme que un barco se había hundido en el Mediterráneo. 2.Mark apestaba porque nadó en el Támesis. 3.Natalia pegó su foto a la pared con blu-tack pero yo colgué la mía en un marco. 1.My friend rang to tell me (that) a ship / boat had sunk in the Mediterranean. 2.Mark stank because he swam in the Thames. 3.Natalia stuck her photo on the wall with blu-tack but I hung mine in a frame. English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR draw back volver atrás She drew back when the car accelerated past her. Ella se fue hacia atrás cuando el coche aceleró draw in/into llegar (un tren) The train drew into the station. El tren llegó a la estación. draw near acercarse The dog gets excited when he hears his owners drawing near. El perro se entusiasma cuando oye a sus dueños acercarse. draw out (a) estirar (b) retirar dinero de una cuenta bancaria His speech was supposed to finish at 7pm, but he drew it out one more hour. Se suponía que su discurso acababa a las siete de la tarde, pero lo extendió una hora más. I need to go to the bank to draw out some money. Is there one near? Tengo que ir al banco a sacar dinero, ¿hay alguno cerca? draw up detenerse (un vehículo); redactar un plan o un documento formal A taxi drew up at the door but nobody had ordered one Un taxi se detuvo a la puerta pero nadie había pedido uno. Our lawyer is drawing up the contract as we speak. Nuestro abogado está redactando el contrato como hablamos. To teach taught - taught : enseñar You can't teach an old dog new tricks. No puedes enseñarle trucos nuevos a un perro viejo. My grandfather taught me how to fish. Mi abuelo me enseñó a pescar. My teacher has taught hundreds of people. Mi profesor ha enseñado a cientos de personas. to give someone a break darle a alguien una oportunidad Jane, give him a break, he said he'd never do it again. BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking #RBS chief Stephen Hester leaving will "give new CEO time to prepare for privatisation process", bank says The chief executive of Royal Bank of Scotland, Stephen Hester, is stepping down, the bank announces Lionel Messi "always fulfilled all tax obligations", Barcelona star writes on Facebook, after fraud allegations Nick Clegg says Lib Dems have "let women down" after report following Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg should have ordered an inquiry into alleged inappropriate behaviour by Lord #Rennard, independent report finds Footballer Lionel #Messi denies any tax law infringement, says he only heard about fraud investigation through media Edward #Snowden tells Hong Kong paper he is "neither traitor nor hero. I'm an American" & vows to fight extradition Lionel #Messi & father filed fraudulent tax returns, defrauding Spain of 4m euros (£3.4m; $5m), tax officials allege http:// Spanish tax authorities accuse Argentine football star Lionel Messi of fraud amounting to more than 4m euros Ariel Castro pleads not guilty to raping and kidnapping three women in Cleveland, Ohio Jordanian parliament approves treaty with UK designed to lead to deportation of radical cleric Abu Qatada from UK My English class with Zapatero: http://goo.gl/ctWCi What do you think of his English? #Zapatero Electronic cigarettes to be licensed as medicine in UK from 2016 under new rules South African President Zuma happy with progress being made by ex-President Nelson Mandela after "difficult few days" South Africa's former leader Nelson Mandela is 'responding better' to treatment in hospital, President Zuma says Fifth teenager arrested in connection with fire at Islamic Darul Uloom School in south-east London Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt's suspension of plans to cut child heart surgery units affects England only Syrian government helicopter fires rockets at Lebanese border town, injuring several people, security officials say Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt suspends plan to cut number of child heart surgery units in England & Wales, but says "case for change remains" Unemployment falls and average wages rise - official UK figures UK unemployment fell by 5,000 to 2.51 million from February to April Australian cricket batsman David Warner investigated over claims he attacked England player Joe Root Scottish oil worker kidnapped in Indonesia, reports say Vaughan Systems @VaughanSystems Es mejor pájaro en mano que ciento volando A bird in hand is worth two in the bush Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones vender algo a alguien to sell something TO somebody My friend sold the car to me Mi amigo me vendió el coche a mí comprarle algo a alguien to buy something FROM somebody I bought my car from a friend en el sentido de me compré su coche ¡OJO! "comprarle algo a alguien" en el sentido de "regalar" o "comprar algo para alguien" to buy something FOR somebody Yo podría I would be able (to) Tú podrías You would be able (to) Él podría He would be able (to) Ella podría She would be able (to) Podríamos We would be able (to) Podríais You would be able (to) Ellos/as podrían They would be able (to)


15 Would be able to v Could Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones Ella podría ayudarte She could help you She would be able to help you ¿Podrías venir? Could you come? Would you be able to come? No podrían aceptarlo They couldn’t accept it They wouldn’t be able to accept it ¿Él no podría repararlo? Couldn’t he repair it / fix it? Wouldn’t he be able to repair it / fix it? Se puede utilizar tanto could como would be able (to) cuando se trata de capacidad, cuando podría tiene el sentido de sería capaz de Sin embargo, si se trata de posibilidad, una sugerencia o de hacer una petición formal, could sería la única opción correcta. Capacidad: I could speak English better if I had a good teacher. I would be able to speak English better if I had a good teacher. Podría (Sería capaz de) hablar inglés mejor si tuviera un buen profesor. Would you be able to help me? ¿Podrías (Serías capaz de) ayudarme? Discurso Indirecto (Reported Speech) He said he would be able to come to the party. Dijo que podría venir a la fiesta. He said he could come to the party sería: Dijo que podía venir la fiesta. Posibilidad: It could rain this afternoon. Podría llover esta tarde. Sugerencia: You could ask David if he knows where it is. Podrías preguntarle a David si sabe dónde está. Petición Cortés: Please could you send me information about your room rates? ¿Por favor, podría enviarme información sobre la tarifa de sus habitaciones? 1.Creo que Gales podría ganar a Inglaterra. (posibilidad) 2.Creo que Gales podría ganar a Inglaterra. (capacidad) 3.Podrías decirles que no tienes tiempo. 4.(Ella) no podría pagar tanto. 5.Me dijeron que no podrían ayudarnos. 1.I think (that) Wales could beat England. 2i.I think (that) Wales could beat England. 2ii.I think (that) Wales would be able to beat England. 3.You could tell them (that) you don’t have time. 4i.She couldn’t pay that much. 4ii.She wouldn’t be able to pay that much. 5.They told me (that) they wouldn’t be able to help us. "Mystery of the man who fell to earth" lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit To fit like a glove quedar como un guante “That’s a really sexy dress. It fits like a glove.” BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking No "reliable" evidence #Syria opposition has used chemical weapons, White House statement says Sarin used against #Syria opposition "multiple times" in last year, with up to 150 killed from detected chemical attacks - US officials Sen McCain says no decision by President Obama on arming rebels, decision is that the "red line" has been crossed Syria's President Assad used chemical weapons against opposition - US officials South African President Zuma appeals for people to keep Nelson Mandela in their prayers, after seeing ex-leader in hospital Nelson Mandela continues to improve, says South African government, but condition remains serious News Corp's Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch has filed for divorce from his wife Wendi Deng, the company confirms Judge: "Cregan, you are sentenced to a whole life order. You will never be released? Dale Cregan to spend rest of his life in jail for four murders including two police officers in Greater Manchester US Supreme Court rules human genes may not be patented in a move that could impact on genetic research US Supreme Court says companies cannot patent human genes Dale Cregan to be sentenced for murdering 2 Manchester Police officers and a father & son. Follow @JudithMoritz for updates 41-year-old man arrested on suspicion of criminal damage after portrait of the Queen was defaced at Westminster Abbey 3 protesters arrested for trespass after being found in non-public area of Palace of Westminster, Met Police say Westminster Abbey says visitor sprayed paint on Ralph Heimans' portrait of Queen while on show in Chapter House Portrait of the Queen in Westminster Abbey defaced with paint, an Abbey spokesman says Dale Cregan, killer of 2 Manchester police officers in grenade & gun attack, due to be sentenced shortly "Our patience is at an end" - Erdogan gives activists "final warning" to leave Gezi Park in Istanbul Turkey's prime minister has given Istanbul park protesters a "final warning", saying his patience has run out. Turkey PM Erdogan gives protesters "final warning" to leave Istanbul park, saying patience has run out Nelson Mandela "responding well to treatment" on his sixth day in hospital, South African government says UN says at least 93,000 people killed in Syria since start of conflict. True number "potentially much higher" More than 5,000 people a month killed in Syria since July Six Afghan police shot dead by colleague at checkpoint in south, officials say Briton Malcolm Primrose, kidnapped in Indonesia, has been found safe & is with embassy officials, Foreign Office says Kidnapped Briton Malcolm Primrose found safe and in good health in Indonesia, Foreign Office announces AKP official urges protesters to leave Gezi Park, Istanbul, but raises idea of referendum on redevelopment plans Secretary of State @JohnKerry says US & UK "deeply concerned" about involvement of Hezbollah & Iran in Syria More to be done to "save lives" in Syria, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague says, after talks with US counterpart 5

15 InglesParaUsted @InglesParaUsted "Quiero el poder.":"I want the power. Gareth H. Jones @gar_jones He won't help me! ¡No me ayuda! (en el sentido de "rechaza ayudarme"). Utiliza "won't" para representar rechazo en presente He wouldn't help me No me ayudó (en el sentido de "rechazó ayudarme"). Utiliza "wouldn't" para representar rechazo en pasado usos de would 1.Formalidad / Educación. 2.Rechazo / Falta de disposición. 3.Acciones habituales o rutinas del pasado. 4.Después de ciertas expresiones como I didn’t think, It was possible that, etc. 1.Formalidad En un restaurante con un cliente: A:What would you recommend? B:I’d recommend the steak. Literalmente: A:¿Qué me recomendarías? B:Le recomendaría el bistec. Traducción más habitual: A:¿Qué me recomiendas? B:Le recomiendo el bistec. En una estación de tren: I’d like a return ticket to Oxford, please. Literalmente: Quisiera un billete de vuelta a Oxford, por favor. Traducción más habitual: Quiero un billete de vuelta a Oxford. 2. Rechazo / falta de disposición The bank wouldn’t lend us the money. El banco rechazó prestarnos el dinero. El banco no estaba dispuesto a prestarnos el dinero. He lost his job because he wouldn’t relocate to the north of the country. Perdió su trabajo porque rechazó trasladarse al norte del país. Perdió su trabajo porque no estaba dispuesto a trasladarse al norte del país. 3.Acciones habituales o rutinas del pasado At university, I would often study until the early hours. En la universidad, a menudo estudiaba hasta las tantas. When Mark was younger, he would get up early and go for a run before breakfast. Cuando Mark era más joven, solía madrugar e ir a correr antes del desayuno. Very often, my grandfather would sit at the window and reflect on his life. He would think about both joyous and painful moments so sometimes he would be happy but other times he would feel sad. Muy a menudo, mi abuelo se sentaba en la ventana y reflexionaba sobre su vida. Pensaba tanto en los momentos de alegría como en los dolorosos, de ahí que a veces estuviera feliz pero otras veces se sintiera triste. 4.Después de ciertas expresiones como I didn’t think, It was possible that, etc Pensaba que vendrían. I thought they would come. Pensaba que no vendrían. No pensaba que vinieran. No pensaba que vinieran. I didn’t think they would come. I didn’t think they would come v I didn’t think they came I didn’t think they came. No pensaba que vinieran. en el sentido de: Pensaba que no vinieron. es más natural decir I didn’t think they came que I thought they didn’t come. I didn’t think they would come. No pensaba que vinieran. en el sentido de: Pensaba que no vendrían. sería más natural decir I didn’t think they would come que I thought they wouldn’t come. Pensaba que me despedirían. I thought they would dismiss me. No pensaba que me despidieran. I didn’t think they would dismiss me. Era posible que no aceptaran la propuesta. It was possible they wouldn’t accept the proposal. No era posible que el otro equipo nos ganase. It wasn’t possible the other team would beat us. 1.¿Qué quieres tomar (para beber)? 2.Desafortunadamente, él no cambió / rechazó cambiar / no estaba dispuesto a cambiar su opinión. 3.Jugaba al fútbol casi cada sábado cuando era pequeño. 4.No pensaba que fuera tan difícil. / Pensaba que no sería tan difícil. 1.What would you like to drink? 2.Unfortunately, he wouldn’t change his opinion. 3.I would play football almost every Saturday when I was younger. 4.I didn’t think it would be so difficult. silencioso, sin ruido quiet sosegado, plácido (lugar, ambiente, momento) peaceful, quiet, tranquil sosegada, serena (persona) calm despreocupado (persona) relaxed, laid-back quieto (p.ej. el mar) still, calm tranquilamente (acción) calmly tranquilamente (descansar) peacefully Sin ruido He’s a very quiet baby; he doesn’t cry or make much noise at all Es un bebé muy tranquilo; no llora ni hace mucho ruido en absoluto Ambiente sosegado Our holiday in the country was very peaceful and relaxing; just what we needed Nuestras vacaciones en el campo fueron muy tranquilas y relajantes; justo lo que necesitábamos Lugar sosegado At night, the beach is the perfect place for a romantic liaison because it’s very quiet De noche, la playa es el lugar perfecto para una relación amorosa porque es muy tranquilo The mountains are peaceful and with the clean, fresh air, they’re perfect for clearing one’s head Las montañas son tranquilas y con el aire fresco y limpio, son perfectas para despejarse Visit the beautiful, tranquil beaches of Malaysia Visite las playas bonitas y tranquilas de Malasia Persona sosegada, serena He’s so laid-back that nothing ever seems to bother him Es tan tranquilo que nada parece molestarle / preocuparle nunca Relax! ¡Estáte tranquilo! Quieto The sea is still calm / The sea is still still El mar está todavía tranquilo Tranquilamente (acción) She always speaks very calmly Siempre habla muy tranquilo / tranquilamente






Gareth H. Jones @gar_jones Tranquilamente (acción) He needs to drive more calmly if he wants to reach 30! ¡Necesita conducir más tranquilo / tranquilamente si quiere llegar a los treinta! Tranquilamente (descansar) My mother says I used to sleep very peacefully when I was a baby Mi madre dice que dormía muy tranquilo / tranquilamente cuando era bebé English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR put down (a) apuntar (b) sacrificar un animal enfermo (c) bajar, dejar (d) to - atribuir algo a alguien Would you put your phone number and email address down on this list? ¿Podrías apuntar tu número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico en esta lista? The cat was so ill that we had to put it down. El gato estaba tan enfermo que tuvimos que sacrificarlo. Would you please put your mobile phone down while I am talking. Podrías, por favor, dejar tu teléfono móvil cuando estoy hablando I put Jenny's depression down to her divorce. Yo atribuyo la depresión de Jenny a su divorcio. put away poner en su sitio, guardar Once you have put away the shopping I'll make dinner. Una vez que hayas guardado la compra haré la cena. put aside (a) dejar a un lado, apartar (b) ahorrar Put the video games you want aside, I'll keep the rest. Aparta los video juegos que quieres, yo me quedaré el resto. I put a little money aside each month so I could afford to go on holiday. Ahorré un poco de dinero cada mes y así me pude permitir irme de vacaciones. put to presentar I'll put the idea to her, but I don't think she'll like it. Le presentaré la idea, pero no creo que le guste. put towards usar una cantidad de dinero para pagar parte del costo de algo I am saving money to put towards a new car. Estoy ahorrando dinero para destinarlo en un coche nuevo. (UK) Can't be arsed No apetecer I can't be arsed going to work today. No me apetece ir al trabajo hoy. She couldn't be arsed going out, so she stayed at home. No le apetecía salir de fiesta, así que se quedó en casa. I can't be arsed arguing with you. No me apetece discutir contigo. to let it be dejarlo estar We shook hands and decided to let it be. Vaughan Radio y TV ?@vaughanradioytv En inglés, nunca ‘hacemos’ preguntas, sino ‘preguntamos’ preguntas. Repite esta lista hasta que no cometas este error más. Me gustaría hacerte una pregunta, por favor. I’d like to make ask you a question, please. Adelante. Hazme una pregunta. Go ahead. Make Ask me a question. De hecho, tengo una lista de preguntas para hacerte. In fact, I have a list of questions to make ask you. Pues, hazme una pregunta tras otra. Well, make ask me one question at a time. Vale, empezaré por hacerte una pregunta difícil. Ok, I’ll start by making asking you a difficult question. ¿Por qué no puedes hacerme una pregunta fácil primero? Why can’t you make ask me an easy question first? La gente siempre te hace preguntas fáciles. People always make ask you easy questions. Debes de estar harto de que te hagan preguntas fáciles. You must be tired of being made asked easy questions. Si me haces una pregunta difícil, puede que no la conteste. If you make ask me a difficult question, I may not answer it. ¿Te hago la pregunta? Shall I make ask you the question? Guía de estudio cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” Carlos - InglesTotal ?@InglesTotal Found es el pasado del verbo find (encontrar) . Founded existe pero significa “fundado“ the company was founded in 1977 BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking Blackadder actor Tony Robinson knighted in Queen's Birthday Honours, while co-star Rowan Atkinson receives CBE US Army psychiatrist accused of 2009 Fort Hood shootings cannot use defence he was protecting Afghan Taliban, military judge rules Prince Charles after visiting his father in hospital says Prince Philip is "much better" Chilean Manuel #Pellegrini becomes Manchester City boss on 3-year contract Manchester City appoint Manuel Pellegrini as manager Missing 14-yr-old Lorna Vickerage found near London Euston with man suspected of abducting her N Ireland FM Peter Robinson says economic package unveiled at Downing St "will help us grow. We can turn the corner" Syria says US allegations of chemical weapon use are based on "lies" and "fabrications" UK Home Office and five other government departments reach deal with chancellor over new spending cuts Voting hours in Iran's presidential election are to be extended, the country's interior minister says UK Foreign Secretary William Hague welcomes and agrees with US assessment of chemical weapon use by Syria Man accused of defacing a painting of the Queen in Westminster Abbey is bailed until later in June Bank of England deputy governor Paul Tucker to step down later this year



15 Ferry sinks off Burias Island in Philippines, 20 passengers rescued so far as search continues for survivors, says coastguard English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR "To Be". estar detrás de/en busca de John has always been after the respect for children's rights. John siempre ha luchado para que se respetaran los derechos de los niños. to be back estar de regreso Sarah is back from her vacation in the USA. Sarah regresó de sus vacaciones en los Estados Unidos. to be on (a) acontecer/tener lugar: exhibiciones, conciertos, películas (b) to someone about something - estar constantemente criticando a alguien The film is on next Saturday. Will you come? La pelicula es el sábado que viene. ¿Vas a ir? Rob's always on to Claire about her manners. Rob siempre le está criticando sus modales a Claire. to be through with terminar con algo Susan is through with her report. Susan terminó su informe. to be up to (a) sth/no good estar involucrado en algo deshonesto/raro (b) tener condiciones para/estar físicamente apto para (c) ser resposabilidad de I know he's up to no good. Estoy seguro de que algo raro está tramando. I feel I'm not up to start English lessons. Siento que no tengo condiciones para empezar a dar clases de Inglés. It's up to you to decide whether to go or not. Es tu responsabilidad decidir si ir o no ir. chubby - chubbier - the chubbiest : rechoncho, rollizo, gordinflón I should start exercising, I'm starting to get chubby. Debería empezar a hacer ejercicio, estoy empezando a ponerme gordinflón. He's chubbier than I remember him, but his smile is unforgettable él está más rechoncho de lo que recordaba, pero su sonrisa es inolvidable. I'm the chubbiest guy in the gym. Soy el más gordinflón del gimnasio. to throw someone for a loop dejar a alguien pasmado He threw me for a loop when he asked me to marry him. (UK) Billy no mates Solitario, persona que no tiene amigos. If she wasn't so rude she wouldn't be such a billy no mates. Si fuera tan maleducada no sería una tía sin amigos. Don't be a billy no mates. Come over here and sit with us. No seas tan solitario. Ven aquí y siéntate con nosotros. Since my girlfriend left me I've been a billy no mates. Desde que mi novia me dejó he sido un tío solitario. Vaughan Systems thanks for following me it's a great honor and thanks for helping me to improve my english everyday cursoingles @curso_de_ingles Conditional Sentences If you heat water to 100° C, it boils. / Water boils if you heat it to 100° C. Si calientas agua a 100 ° C hierve. If I don't practice the piano everyday I play poorly. / I play the piano poorly if I don't practice everyday. Si no practico el piano cada día toco mal. Does your mom get mad if you don't call her? / If you don't call your mom, does she get mad? ¿Si no la llamas a tu madre, se enoja? If Bill studies, he will pass the exam. / Bill will pass the exam if he studies. Si Bill estudia, aprobará el examen. If it doesn't rain, we will go to the beach. / We will go to the beach if it doesn't rain. Si no llueve, iremos a la playa. Will you take the train if you miss the bus? / If you miss the bus, will you take the train? ¿Cogerás el tren si pierdes el bus? If it doesn't rain, we may go to the beach. [*Con el uso de "may", el significado de esta frase cambia. Ahora, el hablante reconoce que puede ir a la playa pero no esta tan seguro de si irá.] If it doesn't rain we should go to the beach. [*En este caso, el uso de "should" expresa la opinión del hablante.] If it doesn't rain we can go to the beach. ["Can" significa que es posible ir a la playa, pero no indica la probabilidad.] If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. / I would travel around the world if I won the lottery. Si ganara la lotería, viajaría alrededor del mundo. If Rachel had more time, she would learn to play the guitar. / Rachel would learn to play the guitar if she had more time. Si Rachel tuviera más tiempo, aprendería a tocar la guitarra. Would you be happy if you were to get married? / If you were to get married, would you be happy? ¿Estarías feliz si te casaras? If I had known then what I know now, I would have done things differently. / I would have done things differently if I had known then what I know now. Si hubiera sabido en el pasado lo que sé ahora, hubiera hecho las cosas de manera diferente. Suzanne wouldn't have had the heart attack if she had gone on a diet as her doctor recommended. / If Suzanne had gone on a diet as her doctor recommended she wouldn't have had the heart attack. Suzanne no hubiera tenido el infarto si hubiera hecho dieta como su médico le recomendó. Would you have liked to go to university if you had been able to afford it? / If you had been able to afford it, would you have liked to go to university? ¿Te hubiera gustado ir a la universidad si te lo hubieras permitido pagar? lamansiondelingles @mansiontwit To freak out desmadrarse “When I asked him if I could borrow his car, he totally freaked out.



Irregular Verbs Gareth H. Jones @gar_jones El "to" es importante: He has to put it there Tiene que ponerlo allí He has put it there Lo ha puesto allí to bet apostar bet bet (apostado) to cut cortar/recortar cut cut (cortado) to fit caber / encajar fit fit (encajado) to hit golpear / pegar hit hit (golpeado) to let dejar (permitir) let let (dejado) to put poner / meter put put (puesto/metido) to set poner / colocar set set (puesto/colocado) to cost costar cost cost (costado) to hurt doler / hacer daño /lastimarse hurt hurt (dolido) to quit dejar (de) / parar (de) quit quit (dejado) to shut cerrar shut shut (cerrado) The company cut its client entertainment budget in order to save money. La empresa recortó su presupuesto de entretenimiento a clientes para ahorrar dinero. My brother finally let me take his car last week. Mi hermano finalmente me dejó llevar su coche la semana pasada. Do you know that this painting cost him an arm and a leg? ¿Sabes que este cuadro le costó un ojo de la cara? Unfortunately, he has hurt his leg and he won’t be able to play tomorrow. Desafortunadamente, se ha lastimado una pierna y no podrá jugar mañana. Liverpool have beaten Everton in five out of the last eight matches they have played against each other. El Liverpool ha ganado al Everton en cinco de los últimos seis partidos que han jugado entre sí. Mark and Janet sat at a table and ordered a bottle of wine. Mark y Janet se sentaron en una mesa y pidieron una botella de vino. Spain won the World Cup in 2010. España ganó el mundial en 2010. 1.El camarero puso el vino en la mesa. 2.No han cerrado la puerta. 3.El perro escarbó un agujero grande en el jardín. 4.¡Les ganamos (a ellos)! 1.The waiter put the wine on the table. 2.They haven’t shut the door. 3.The dog dug a big hole in the garden. 4.We beat them! I got a letter saying I'd got the job. Now I get up at 6.30, I get dressed and I get the train in order to get to work by 8.00 Get What did you get for your birthday? ¿Qué recibiste para tu cumpleaños? I’m going to get / take a taxi. Voy a coger/ tomar un taxi. I’m going to get a book to read. Voy a coger (buscar) un libro para leer. I don’t get what he’s trying to say. No cojo / pillo / entiendo lo que está intentando decir. We must get to the meeting on time. Debemos llegar a la reunión a tiempo He got a new job at the beginning of the year and he loves it! Consiguió / Obtuvo un nuevo trabajo a principios de año y ¡le encanta! estar casado to be married casarse to get married Casarse / to get married describe el cambio de estado de estar soltero a estar casado They’re getting married next week. Se casan la semana que viene. He needs to get fit. Necesita ponerse en forma. They got rich by investing in oil. Se hicieron ricos por invertir en petróleo. Bad La comida está mal. The food is bad. La idea me parece mal. The idea seems bad to me. La música suena mal. The music sounds bad. Hoy me siento mal. I feel bad today. Badly La fotocopiadora funciona mal. The photocopier works badly. Su novia canta bastante mal. His girlfriend sings pretty badly. Yo cocino super mal. I cook really badly. Me llevo mal con él. I get on badly with him. Mi amigo habla mal inglés. My friend speaks English badly*. Él juega muy mal al fútbol. He plays football very badly*. * Fíjate en que se coloca badly al final de la oración aunque no sea así en español. My cat smells bad. Mi gato huele mal. (Tiene mal olor.) My cat smells badly. Mi gato huele mal. (Tiene mal sentido del olfato.) bad v badly Él está mal vestido He’s badly dressed. Ella es mal hablada. She’s badly spoken. La noticia fue mal recibida. The news was badly received. 1.David conduce mal. 2.El resultado estaba mal. 3.Su voz suena mal; ella canta muy mal. 4.Mi habitación está mal organizada. 1.David drives badly. 2.The result was bad. 3.Her voice sounds bad; she sings very badly. 4.My bedroom is badly organised. English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR "Widow" is the only female form in the English language that is shorter than its corresponding male term ("widower"). “Widow” (viuda) es la única forma femenina del idioma inglés que es más corta que su término correspondiente en masculino “widower” (viudo). give away (a) regalar (b) revelar, delatar (c) entregar a la novia en el altar She didn't want to throw her old clothes in the bin, so she gave them away No quería tirar su ropa a la basura, así que las regaló. I didn't want anyone to know I'd been drinking, but my eyes gave it away. No quería que nadie supiera que había estado bebiendo, pero mis ojos me delataron.


15 English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR Her father is going to give her away at her wedding. Su padre va a entregarla en el altar en su boda. give out distribuir I love it when they give out free samples at the supermarket! ¡Me encanta cuando dan muestras gratis en el supermercado! give in (a) rendirse (b) to- ceder, sucumbir ante Don't gave in now, there are still 30 minutes of the game left. No te rindas ahora, todavía quedan 30 minutos de juego. I've quit smoking! I can't give in to the cigarettes! ¡He dejado de fumar! ¡No puedo sucumbir ante los cigarros! give over to entregarse We knew he was guilty, that's why he gave himself over to the police. Sabíamos que era culpable. por eso se entregó a la policía. give off despedir, emitir The barbeque is giving off a lot of smoke. La barbacoa está emitiendo mucho humo. (uk)The dog's bollocks Genial That movie was the dog's bollocks! ¡La película ha estado genial! This pizza would be the dog's bollocks if it had anchovies. Esta pizza estaría genial si tuviera anchoas. "English on the Rocks" is the dog's bollocks. "English on the Rocks" está genial. to go by the board dejar a un lado, tirar por la borda All the efforts to keep the peace went by the board after last nights riots. BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking "I'll set this plane on fire" note found by BBC producer on Egyptair plane diverted to Glasgow Prestwick Airport Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan issues new warning to protesters to evacuate Istanbul's Gezi Park before Sunday Moderate conservative cleric Hassan Rouhani wins Iran's presidential poll outright, officials results say Egyptair plane from Cairo to New York lands at Prestwick airport in Scotland after being diverted UK PM David Cameron reaches deal with overseas territories and Crown dependencies on tax haven clampdown Former South African President Nelson Mandela is 'recovering well' in hospital, his grandson says At least 10 students killed in a blast in a bus at a university for women in Quetta, Pakistan, police say Investigation into disappearance of Madeleine McCann to be taken on by UK police, after funding deal agreed Turkish protesters vow to continue occupying Istanbul's Gezi park despite the PM's pledge to halt redevelopment plan Gareth H. Jones @gar_jones OJO con los imperativos: Lo llevas You take it PERO Llévalo Take it. Infinitivo sin "to" y también sin "you" delante. lamansiondelingles @mansiontwit “The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion.” El blog para aprender inglés Pregunta formal: Do you have a car? ¿Tienes coche? Pregunta informal: You have a car?¿Tienes coche? Pregunta formal: Does she know you? ¿Te conoce? Pregunta informal: She knows you? ¿Te conoce? Pregunta formal: Did they go the party? ¿Fueron ellos a la fiesta? Pregunta informal: They went to the party? ¿Fueron ellos a la fiesta? BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking Explosion reported in Syrian capital, Damascus - state TV says "terrorist attempt to target military airport" Czech PM Petr Necas to resign on Monday following arrest of aide in illegal surveillance scandal UK PM David Cameron says 'we can overcome our differences' on Syria, after meeting Russia's President Putin Two Turkish trade unions call one-day strike, saying: "Our demand is for police violence to end immediately" Unions to stage one-day strike on Monday in protest at violence against Turkish demonstrators Liberal Democrat peer Lord Rennard interviewed by police under caution over sexual harassment allegations John Bush, 35, charged with child abduction, South Yorkshire Police say 32-year-old man arrested after a police officer and three other people are stabbed at a mosque in Birmingham, police say English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR catch on (a) ponerse de moda (b) empezar a entender después de un tiempo de no comprender Twitter has caught on in Spain. Twitter se ha puesto de moda en España. I was new to the job, but worked in a similar area, so I caught on fast. Yo era nuevo en el trabajo, pero trabajé en un área similar, así que empecé a entender rápido lo que tenía que hacer. catch out pillar/agarrar/descubrir She is always flirting with other guys, if she's not careful her boyfriend will catch her out. Ella siempre está flirteando con otros chicos, si no pone cuidado su novio la va a descubrir. catch up (a) alcanzar (b) alcanzar el nivel (c) be caught up in - estar involucrado en (d) on somebody's sleep - aprovechar para hacer algo para lo que antes no había tiempo (e) ponerse al día I left my wallet in my room. Leave, I'll catch you up in a minute. Me he dejado mi cartera en la habitación. Vete, te alcanzo en un minuto. The politician was caught up in the scandal. El político estuvo involucrado en el escándalo.


15 English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR John has missed a lot of classes, it will take him a while to catch up with the rest of the group. John se ha perdido muchas clases, le va a llevar tiempo alcanzar el nivel del resto del grupo. Friday nights I'm tired. I catch up on my sleep on Saturdays. Los viernes por la noche estoy cansado. Aprovecho para hacer cosas atrasadas los sábados. I haven't seen you in ages! We should go for a drink and catch up sometime. ¡Hacía mucho que no te veía! Deberíamos tomarnos algo y ponernos al día alguna vez. (UK)Mental Loco My ex-boyfriend is mental, he won't stop calling me! ¡Mi ex novio está loco, nunca parará de llamarme! Be careful when you go to her house, her dog is mental. Ten cuidado cuando vayas a su casa, su perro está loco. If I tell my dad I smoke marijuana he'll go mental. Si le digo a mi padre que fumo marihuana se volverá loco. to cut it fine dejar algo para último momento I know I cut it fine, I got here as soon as I could. lamansiondelingles @mansiontwit Hi, How's things? / Hi, What’s up?/ Hi, How’s it going? Hola ¿Qué pasa? Gareth H. Jones @gar_jones Weather Idioms 4 We couldn’t play football last weekend because it was raining cats and dogs and the pitch was waterlogged. No pudimos jugar al fútbol el fin de semana pasado porque llovía a cántaros y el campo estaba inundado. Adam and Steve were looking forward to going camping but Steve’s mum rained on their parade when she told him he couldn’t go. A Adam y Steve les hacía ilusión ir de camping pero la madre de Steve les aguó la fiesta cuando le dijo a éste que no podía ir. I have a bit of a headache but I’m sure I’ll be as right as rain after a good night’s sleep. Me duele un poco la cabeza pero estoy seguro de que estaré fresco como una rosa después de una buena noche de sueño. We feared the worst when he had to have an operation after the accident, but he’s right as rain now. Temimos lo peor cuando tuvo que operarse después del accidente, pero ahora está fresco como una rosa. First Paul got fired, then he had a car accident on his way home and while he was recovering in hospital, his wife left him. It never rains but it pours! Primero a Paul lo echaron, luego tuvo un accidente de coche de camino a casa y mientras estaba recuperándose en el hospital, su mujer lo dejó. ¡Las desgracias nunca vienen solas! Can we take a raincheck on the cinema this evening? I’m feeling a little under the weather. ¿Podemos dejar lo del cine esta tarde para otro momento? Me siento un poco pachucho. David: Do you fancy playing football tonight? Michael: I’ll take a raincheck; I have an exam tomorrow. David:¿Te apetece jugar al fútbol esta noche? Michael:Lo dejo para otro momento; tengo examen mañana. I’m not going to spend my bonus; I’ll save it for a rainy day. No voy a gastar mi bonificación; la ahorraré para los tiempos de vacas flacas. verbos seguidos por el gerundio Disfruto caminando en la arena suave. I enjoy walking on the soft sand. Mi padre disfruta leyendo en su tiempo libre. My father enjoys reading in his free time Siguieron / Continuaron trabajando aunque tenían más de 65 años. They continued working although they were more than 65 years old. Tuvimos que seguir / continuar buscándolo porque era importante encontrarlo. We had to continue looking for it because it was important to find it. He continued driving although he was tired. o He continued to drive although he was tired. Me gusta jugar al fútbol los sábados. I like to play football on Saturdays. o más habitual: I like playing football on Saturdays. Le encanta hacer fotos de edificios antiguos. He loves to take photos of old buildings. o más habitual: He loves taking photos of old buildings. ¿Por que odias viajar en avión? Why do you hate to travel by plane? o más habitual: Why do you hate travelling by plane? Empezó a llover. It started to rain. o It started raining. Han empezado a planificar la nueva estrategia. They’ve started to plan the new strategy. o They’ve started planning the new strategy. ¿Cuando van a terminar de construir la Sagrada Familia? When are they going to finish building the Sagrada Familia? Espero que (él) acabe de leer el periódico pronto porque lo quiero leer yo. I hope that he finishes reading the newspaper soon because I want to read it. I miss (Echo de menos) I don’t mind (No me importa) I feel like / I fancy (Me apetece) ¡Cómo echo de menos dormir hasta tarde los fines de semana! How I miss sleeping (until) late on the weekends! ¿No echas de menos vivir en inglaterra? Don’t you miss living in England? No me importa esperarte si hace falta. I don’t mind waiting for you if it’s necessary. No les importaría probar el pastel de chocolate. They wouldn’t mind trying the chocolate cake. ¿Te apetece visitar a mis padres el fin de semana que viene? Do you feel like visiting my parents next weekend? o Do you fancy visiting my parents next weekend? ¡No me apetecerá hacer eso en absoluto! I won’t feel like doing that at all! o I won’t fancy doing that at all! En resumen, con los verbos que siguen es más común o en algunos casos obligatorio utilizar el gerundio: to like to love to hate to enjoy to finish to miss to feel like to fancy to not mind


15 Y después de estos verbos se puede utilizar el infinitivo o el gerundio con muy poco o ningún cambio de significado: to continue to start / to begin 1.Espero que hayas disfrutado leyendo este artículo. 2.No me importaría leer otro artículo de este blog. 3.¿Os apetece hacer algo esta noche? 4.Hemos empezado a finalizar los detalles. 1.I hope (that) you’ve enjoyed reading this article. 2.I wouldn’t mind reading another article in/from this blog. 3.Do you feel like / Do you fancy doing anything tonight? 4.i.We’ve started / We’ve begun finalising* the details. 4.ii.We’ve started / We’ve begun to finalise* the details. @vaughansystems Signing one more time in the Feria del Libro this afternoon. In caseta 57 from 5-7, then 7-9:30 in caseta 2 BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking Solicitor representing some of Stuart Hall's victims confirms some plan to sue both Mr Hall & BBC for compensation Obama: "America and Europe can forge an economic alliance as strong as our security alliance" Iran "will show greater transparency" over its nuclear programme, says President-elect Rouhani BBC offers an "unreserved apology" to Stuart Hall's victims, over crimes which took place in connection with his work Two Gaddafi-era Libyan officials acquitted of "squandering public funds" by compensating Lockerbie bomb victims Former BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall sentenced to 15 months in prison after admitting indecently assaulting 13 girls, one aged nine Iran's President-elect, Hassan Rouhani, says he will pursue "constructive interaction" with the world UK & Ecuador talks make "no breakthrough" on Julian #Assange, Ecuadorian embassy in London continues to offer asylum Turkish Deputy PM Bulent Arinc says army could be used to quell unrest, first such threat since protests broke out. Duke of Edinburgh walked unaided to his car on leaving hospital & is being driven to Windsor Castle President Obama says US will support those who choose path of peace in Northern Ireland "every step of the way" Duke of Edinburgh leaves a London hospital 11 days after having exploratory surgery He's only been in Belfast an hour, but Obama has gone native, asking: "What's the craic?" (Before you know it, he'll be eating soda bread.) Prince Philip is leaving the private London Clinic. Justin Rose wins the US Open, the first British golfer to win the title since Tony Jacklin in 1970 Big explosion at #Mezzeh military airport in Damascus, a hub for distribution of supplies for Syrian troops @vaughanradioytv congrats on a job well done guys!!! Closing down the stand yesterday at the Feria del Libro. A job well done Amazing, your family is growing up. lamansiondelingles @mansiontwit To get down to the nitty-gritty no tener pelos en la lengua “Ok, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. How much is it?” Gareth H. Jones @gar_jones miss, lose, waste to miss /mis/ perder(se) :llegar tarde o no llegar to lose /luss/ perder : i) no encontrar, no saber dónde está ii) relacionado con juegos o deportes to waste/weist/ perder : malgastar, no aprovechar to miss: Transporte: to miss the bus, train, flight, perder el autobús, tren, vuelo, Citas: to miss an appointment, a meeting, a conference, a class perder(se) una cita, una reunión, una conferencia, una clase Otros ejemplos: He’s going to miss his flight if he doesn’t leave soon. Va a perder su vuelo si no sale pronto. She missed her English class last week because she was ill. Perdió su clase de inglés la semana pasada porque estaba enferma. to miss echar de menos Do you miss your girlfriend? ¿Echas de menos a tu novia? to lose: Objetos comunes: to lose your wallet, your money, your watch, your keys perder tu cartera, tu dinero, tu reloj, tus llaves Otras cosas que ya no tienes: to lose the thread of a conversation, to lose control, the plot, your head perder el hilo de una conversación, perder el control, los papeles, la cabeza Otros ejemplos: If you want to drive home, don’t lose your keys this time! Si quieres conducir a casa, ¡no pierdas tus llaves esta vez! I‘m sorry; I’ve lost the thread. Can you repeat that last part? Lo siento; he perdido el hilo. ¿Puedes repetir esa última parte? to waste: to waste money, time, to waste an opportunity perder/malgastar el dinero, el tiempo, perder/no aprovechar una oportunidad Otros ejemplos: The food went to waste. La comida se echó a perder. Why do you waste your money on rubbish like that? ¿Por qué malgastas tu dinero en basura como ésa? to waste para deperdiciar to waste food, electricity (desperdiciar la comida, la electricidad) 1.¿Dónde crees que perdiste tu cartera? 2.¡No pierdas más tiempo!¡Llama ahora para ganar un premio! 3.Ella perdió el tren y tuvo que tomar un taxi.


15 1.Where do you think you lost your wallet? 2.Don’t waste any more time! Call now to win a prize! 3.She missed the train and had to take a taxi. Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones in/at the market en el mercado (dentro del/en el mercado físico) They sell fresh fish in/at the market on the market en el mercado (disponible en el mercado "global") They're the best phones on the market English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR 6)Las siglas y acrónimos, siempre se escriben con todas las letras en mayúscula. UN (United Nations) ONU (Organización de las Naciones Unidas) UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) OVNI (Objeto Volador No Identificado) 7)Todas las palabras de un título comienzan con mayúscula, excepto las conjunciones (and, but, or), los artículos (a, an, the) y las preposiciones cortas (in, out, by, for, from). Estas preposiciones cortas irán en mayúscula si están formando parte de un "phrasal verb". Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Blancanieves y los siete enanitos. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. El bueno, el feo y el malo. 8) Los parentescos no llevan mayúscula, a no ser que se utilicen como sustitución del nombre propio de la persona a la que hacen referencia. Have you called Grandpa today? ¿Has llamado al abuelo hoy? I love Auntie Rose, but I hate my other aunts. Adoro a mi tía Rose, pero odio a mis otras tías. 9) Comienzan por mayúscula los nombres propios y títulos de personas. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Su Majestad, la reina Isabel II. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Consort of Queen Elizabeth II. Príncipe Felipe, duque de Edimburgo, consorte de la reina Isabel II. 10) Comienzan por mayúscula los nombres geográficos. (Los puntos cardinales comienzan con mayúscula cuando hacen referencia a un área en concreto, no cuando informan de la orientación). Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain, Europe. Alcobendas, Madrid, España, Europa. The North of England. El norte de Inglaterra. We'll walk north for a mile. Andaremos un kilómetro hacia el norte. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Greek state broadcaster #ERT cleared to resume transmission after court suspends closure order Vaughan Classroom Lesson Dame el mío. Give me mine. Dale (a él) el suyo. Give him his. Dale (a ella) el suyo. Give her hers. Danos el nuestro. Give us ours. Dales el suyo. Give them theirs. Enséñame el tuyo. Show me yours. Enséñale (a ella) el suyo (de él). Show her his. Enséñales el nuestro. Show them ours. Enséñanos el suyo (de ellos). Show us theirs. Enséñale (a él) el mío. Show him mine. "Yet" significa "ya" cuando se trata de una pregunta. Has he asked her for it yet? ¿Ya se lo ha pedido? A chip off the old block. De tal palo tal astilla. To get over superar. You'll get over it. Ya lo superarás. Flimsy poco sólido / endeble The material for the shelves is too flimsy to bear any weight. - El material para los estantes es demasiado endeble para soportar peso. espressoenglish Congratulations! Say “Congratulations” when something good happens to a person: Getting engaged or married Having a baby Having a wedding anniversary Being accepted into college, or graduating from college Getting a job or promotion Receiving an award or recognition (for example, “Employee of the Month”) Having some success – opening a new business, buying a house, etc. Don’t say “congratulations” on birthdays – say “Happy birthday!” instead! You can also make a sentence using “on”: Congratulations on your promotion! Congratulations on getting into Harvard University! Good job! Say “Good job!” when a person did something good: The person did good work on a project The person played well in a game or sang/danced well in a performance The person got the answer to a question right in school Some variations are “Great job!” and “Nice job!” You can also make sentences with “on”: Good job on the sales report – it was accurate and well-organized. Lucky you! Differently from “good job,” we say “lucky you!” when something good happened to the person by luck, when they received something nice or a good opportunity. Winning the lottery Receiving free tickets to a show Going on three months of vacation We don’t make sentences with “Lucky you!” – you say it alone. you can make sentences with “You’re so lucky that…”


15 espressoenglish You’re so lucky that you get the day off from work tomorrow! You’re so lucky that the teacher didn’t notice you were late to class! That’s great news! Say “That’s great news!” (or one of the variations below) to respond to some information or a piece of news, for example: “My son passed all his exams.” “That’s great news!” “Our company grew 20% this year.” “That’s wonderful news!” “A new cultural center is opening in the neighborhood.” “That’s fantastic news!” I’m so happy for you! Say “I’m so happy for you!” when there is (or will be) a very positive change in someone’s life, especially when their life will be very different as a result. Getting engaged or married Having a baby Getting into college Getting a job or promotion You can also use it together with “Congratulations”: “We’re going to have a baby!” “Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! You’ll be great parents.” Good for you! Say this when a person has done (or is going to do) something to make their life better: “I quit smoking last year.” “Good for you!” “I’m going to study abroad.” “Good for you! I’m sure it’ll be a great cultural experience.” “I signed up for a cooking class.” “Good for you! I bet you’ll really enjoy it.” I’m so sorry to hear that. Say “I’m so sorry to hear that” when you hear about sickness, death, divorce, job loss, financial trouble, big disappointment, and other serious problems or pieces of bad news that can make a person very sad. “My father’s in the hospital. The doctors say he only has about a month left.” “I’m so sorry to hear that.” That must have been awful. Say “That must have been awful.” when someone tells you about a bad experience they had. This phrase can be use for a serious bad experience (like the first example) or a less serious bad experience (like the second example): “After the accident, I couldn’t work for two months, and I got really depressed because I felt so useless.” “Wow. That must have been awful.” “I had to wait in line for three hours at the bank today – and there was no air conditioning.” “That must have been awful!” An alternative (only used in more serious situations) is “It must have been really hard for you.” “It must have been really hard for you to have two deaths in the family within a year.” Oh no… You can say “Oh no…” as an initial reaction to bad news. It’s common to say “Oh no” and then another one of the phrases: “My sister just got the results of the tests – she has cancer.” “Oh no. I’m so sorry to hear that.” “My computer crashed, and I lost all my data.” “Oh no – that stinks.” “That stinks” is usually used when something is annoying, not sad. If the bad news is surprising or funny, you can say “Oh no!” as an exclamation. “I was talking about how much I hated the name ‘Shelby,’ and then I found out that it was their daughter’s name.” “Oh no! What did you do?” To react to the bad news and ask for more information, you can say “Oh no, really?” “What are you doing here? I thought you were on vacation!” “We had to cancel our trip because my daughter got sick.” That’s rough We generally say “that’s rough” to respond to bad news that is difficult or unfortunate, but not very emotional: “I’m going to have to work overtime every day this week.” “That’s rough.” “Our dog died yesterday. We’re all devastated – he was like a member of the family.” “That’s rough” – incorrect, because this bad news is emotional. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” “Oh no, really?” “Yeah, she’ll be OK, but she’s really disappointed she couldn’t go to Disneyland.” Anytime you need to talk, just call me. Say this if you want to offer to listen to your friend. It’s common to use this phrase when someone is going through a current difficulty. “My husband and I have been arguing a lot lately. It’s gotten so bad that I hate going home every day after work, because I know we’ll probably have a fight.” “I’m really sorry to hear that. Anytime you need to talk, just call me.” It’s also common to use this phrase not as a direct response to bad news, but instead as a form of “goodbye” at the end of a conversation after bad news was discussed. If there’s anything I can do, just let me know. Say this if you want to offer help: “I’m so stressed out. I have a million things to do and not enough time in the day.” “If there’s anything I can do, just let me know, OK?”


15 espressoenglish When responding to bad news, the tone of voice (the emotion when you speak) is important in how you say these phrases. Don’t say them in a happy or excited way. Instead, speak in a quiet, compassionate way to show that you care about the other person’s feelings. Expressions for Polite Disagreement I’m afraid I disagree. “We’ll need to buy at least 10 new machines this year in order to keep up with the increased production.” “I’m afraid I disagree. If we focus on improving the efficiency of the equipment we already have, we could avoid making new purchases.” I beg to differ. “Books are a thing of the past. The future is in online publications.” “I beg to differ – a lot of people still prefer to have a book in their hands rather than read on a screen.” I’m not so sure about that. “China will definitely be the dominant world power over the next century.” “I’m not so sure about that. I just don’t think their current level of growth is sustainable.” Not necessarily. “If everyone took shorter showers, the world’s water shortage problems would be solved.” “Not necessarily. Far more water is used in the production of food, for example, than for taking showers.” I don’t see it that way. “Globalization is just another way for rich countries to exploit poor countries.” “I don’t see it that way. I think it’s a mutually beneficial relationship, and in fact a lot of developing countries have benefited quite a bit.” I’m sorry, but I don’t agree. “I think we should completely change the packaging of our product – it really needs a more modern look.” “I’m sorry, but I don’t agree. If we change our product’s appearance, our current customers won’t recognize it anymore.” Yes, but… “This backpack is only $9 – what a bargain!” “Yes, but it doesn’t look like it’s made of very strong material.” Indirect Disagreement One way to disagree indirectly is simply to say your own opinion. It’s common to use the words well and actually, which signal that you are going to express a contrasting opinion. Well, in my opinion… “Studying English grammar is the key to speaking correctly.” “Well, in my opinion, it’s more important to practice listening.” Actually, I think… “Maradona was the best soccer player of the past century.” “Actually, I think Pele was better.” Informal Expressions for Disagreeing Note: Use these only among close friends, because they could be offensive in a professional context. No way! “Titanic was Leonardo DiCaprio’s best film.” “No way! Inception was so much better.” You can’t be serious. “I think we should buy a new car.” “You can’t be serious. We can’t afford that right now.” 1.Oops, sorry. / Sorry about that. Say these phrases for very small accidents and mistakes, like when you step on someone’s foot. 2.I’m sorry for… / I’m sorry that… / I apologize for… Say these phrases to apologize for specific bad things you did. The last one is more formal. “I’m sorry that I yelled at you last night.” 3.It was my fault. Say this phrase to accept your responsibility for the mistake. 4.I’m so sorry. / I’m really sorry. These phrases express stronger regret for a more serious mistake. 5. I should have… / I shouldn’t have… Use these phrases to say what you wish you had done differently in the past. “I’m sorry – I should have called and told you I’d be late.” 6.We deeply regret / Please accept our apologies These phrases are more formal, and are typically used in business letters. “Please accept our apologies for the delay in delivering your order.” 1.Can you tell me…? Could you tell me…? This is the most common way to ask for information. You can use either can or could. Can is probably a little more informal. “Could you tell me how to get to the train station?” 2.Can anyone tell me…? / Could anyone tell me…? Use these phrases when you are addressing a group of people, not an individual. “Can anyone tell me what time the bank opens?” 3.Do you know…? Use this phrase if you’re not sure whether or not the person you’re speaking to knows the answer. “Do you know how long the movie is?” 4.Do you have any idea…? Do you happen to know…? These phrases, like #3, are used if it’s possible the person doesn’t know the answer. “Do you have any idea why today’s class was cancelled?” 5. I wonder if you could tell me… This phrase is the most indirect. “I wonder if you could tell me who I need to contact to talk about job openings.”


15 espressoenglish 1.I like… After the word like, you can use a noun, or a verb in either the -ing form or the to form: I like books. I like reading. I like to read. Avoid this common error: I like read. 2.I enjoy… After the word enjoy, you can use a noun, or a verb in the -ing form only! I enjoy Italian food. I enjoy cooking. Avoid these common errors: I enjoy to cook. I enjoy cook. 3.I love… I love is stronger than I like. You can also use a noun, or a verb in -ing or to form: I love sports. I love playing soccer. I love to play soccer. 4.I’m really into… Use this phrase for an activity or interest that you’re very involved in, or very interested in: I’m really into computers. I’m really into travel. 5.I’m a big fan of… Use this phrase for something or someone you admire, not something you do. I’m a big fan of Tom Hanks. He’s a great actor. I’m a big fan of classic rock music. 1.It’s a snap. / It’s a breeze. / It’s a cinch. These are informal expressions for saying something is easy. 2.It’s a piece of cake. / It’s easy as pie. Two more phrases for saying something is easy – you can remember them because both cake and pie are very easy to eat! 3.It’s as easy as ABC. Learning the alphabet (also called the ABCs) is one of the first things children learn when they are 3 years old. So if something is “as easy as ABC,” it means it is very simple. 4.It’s not rocket science. This phrase is often used in a sarcastic way. “Rocket science” is considered difficult, so saying that something is NOT rocket science means that it is not so difficult. 5.I could do it with my eyes shut. This phrase is used when you want to boast about your own ability, saying that you can do something without even looking BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking Ex-UBS trader Tom Hayes charged by UK's Serious Fraud Office in Libor investigation At least 7 people killed in suicide bomb attack in Shia mosque in eastern al-Qahira district of Baghdad King of Jordan endorses a treaty with the UK, paving the way for the extradition of radical cleric Abu Qatada Flooding & landslides in northern #India kill 60 people, state media say US President Obama to announce $300m in new humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees, at #G8 summit Protesters in Brazil's capital Brasilia climb on roof of parliament, breaching high security area Turkish police arrest silent protesters in #Taksim Sq, take them away by bus An explosion is heard in the Afghan capital, Kabul, on the day Nato hands over security duties to local forces. Attack outside Human Rights Commission in #Kabul kills 3 Afghan employees and injures 6, police say Afghan President Hamid Karzai says local forces now taking security lead from Nato at formal handover ceremony in Kabul Nazi war crimes suspect Laszlo Csatary, 98, charged by Hungarian prosecutors UK’s CPI inflation rate rose to 2.7% in May, up from 2.4% in April, the ONS says Ministry of Defence says more than 80% of UK Army redundancies are voluntary @VaughanSystems I hope you are sinking your teeth into the book cursoingles @curso_de_ingles Banking and Money account cuenta balance balance/saldo bank banco bank charges gastos bancarios/comisión bank machine (ATM) cajero automático bank teller cajero bills billetes branch sucursal cash dinero check cheque coins monedas credit card tarjeta de crédito currency moneda deposit ingreso exchange rate el cambio in cash en efectivo interest interés interest rate tasa de interés loan préstamo overdraft la cuenta al descubierto small change suelto signature firma statement estado de cuenta traveler's check cheques de viajero wire transfer transferencia bancaria withdrawal retirada to charge cobrar to deposit ingresar to sign firmar to withdraw retirar, sacar Is there a bank machine near here? ¿Hay un cajero automático cerca de aquí? Where is there a bank? ¿Dónde hay un banco? Where can I change money? ¿Dónde puedo cambiar dinero? Can you change money for me? ¿Me puede cambiar dinero? What is the exchange rate? ¿Qué es el cambio? Do you accept traveler's checks [credit cards]? ¿Acepta cheques de viajero [tarjetas de crédito]? Can I cash a check? ¿Puedo cambiar un cheque? Is there a commission/fee? ¿Cobra comisión? Where do I sign? ¿Dónde firmo? Good morning, how can I help you today? Cajero: Buenos días. ¿Cómo le puedo ayudar? Anne: PlayHello. I would like to make a wire transfer from my bank account to this number, please. Anne: Hola. Quiero hacer una transferencia de mi cuenta bancaria a esta cuenta, por favor. Bank teller:PlayOkay. Can you give me your I.D. card for identification? Cajero: Vale. ¿Me puede dejar un carnet de identidad? Anne: PlayYes, here it is. Anne: Sí, aquí lo tiene. Bank teller: PlayThere is a $3 charge for wire transfers.Cajero: Hay una comisión bancaria de $3 para transferencias.


15 cursoingles @curso_de_ingles Anne: PlayOkay, that's fine. Anne: Vale, está bien. Bank teller: PlayHere is your copy of the wire transfer. Cajero: Aquí tiene la copia de la transferencia. Anne: PlayThank you, good-bye. Anne: Gracias, adiós. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Mali rebels and government agree deal over last rebel-held town, paving way for elections next month Pakistan funeral bomb "kills 27" in Mardan, including lawmaker linked to Imran Khan's party G8 leaders issue joint statement on #Syria agreeing to push for Geneva peace conference "as soon as possible" G8 countries agree $1.5bn humanitarian support for victims of Syrian conflict, David Cameron says David Cameron says new "international tax tool" will ensure "proper tax payment and proper tax justice" UK PM David Cameron gives news conference at #G8 summit Suicide bombing at funeral in northwest #Pakistan kills at least 27 people, police say US to open direct peace talks with Taliban, White House says G8 leaders sign declaration on corporate tax evasion, calling on countries to share information Russia will sign up to Syria talks but not to language that implies that President Assad is only part of his country's past Death toll rises to at least 31 killed, close to 60 injured in double suicide bomb attack at Baghdad Shia mosque Russia Deputy Foreign Min says Moscow will sign G8 Syria statement but both sides must be free to choose own delegation monicatstocker ?@monicats Tear suena "tir" cuando significa "lágrima" y suena "ter" cuando significa "rasgar" Colleague compañero de trabajo suena "colig". NO suena "colich". Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones I used to do it Solía hacerlo / Lo hacía (pasado). I tend to do it Suelo hacerlo (presente) as 1.como 2.tal y como 3.tan ….. como (tanto(s) ….. como) 4.como / por ejemplo – such as 5.como si – as if 6.ya que – seeing as 7.a medida que 8.porque 9.mientras / cuando 10.frases hechas 1.Como Él trabaja como camarero. Él es camarero. Él = camarero He works as a waiter. ¿Puedo darte un consejo como amigo? Soy tu amigo. Yo = tu amigo. Can I give you some advice as a friend? Como decía, ….. Exactamente como decía / Igual que decía As I was saying, ….. Lo describiría como un poco infantil. Él es infantil. Él = infantil I’d describe him as a little childish. para decir igual que o lo mismo que en inglés, se dice “lo mismo como”, es decir, the same as (NO the same that ni the same than). Su vestido es igual que el mío. Her dress is the same as mine. 2.Tal y como Nuestra sociedad, tal y como la conocemos, está cambiando. Our society, as we know it, is changing. Hazlo tal y como te enseñé. Do it as I showed you. 3.tan ….. como – as ….. as La gasolina no es tan barata como era el año pasado. Petrol isn’t as cheap as it was last year. El inglés no es tan complicado como cree mucha gente. English isn’t as complicated as many people believe / think. tanto como as much as Michael no gana tanto como su hermano. Michael doesn’t earn as much as his brother. tantos como as many as No tenemos tantas opciones como nos gustaría. We don’t have as many options as we’d like. 4.como / por ejemplo – such as A María le gustaría visitar muchas ciudades europeas (tales) como Londres, Paris y Roma. Maria would like to visit many European cities such as London, Paris and Rome. David hace mucho deporte como correr, salir en bici y natación para mantenerse en forma. David does a lot of sport such as running, cycling and swimming to keep fit. 5.como si – as if / as though She ran for the train as if her life depended on catching it. Corrió al tren como si su vida dependiera de cogerlo / tomarlo. He looked at me as if I were a stranger. Me miró como si fuera un desconocido. He lives every day to the full, as if it were his last. Vive cada día al máximo, como si fuera su último (día) He always apologises afterwards as if that’s going to change anything. Siempre se disculpa después como si fuera a cambiar algo. 6. ya que – seeing as Ya que vas a la cocina / Como vas a la cocina, ¿me traes una cerveza por favor? Seeing as you’re going / As you’re going to the kitchen, will you bring me a beer, please? 7.a medida que A medida que pasa el tiempo. As time goes by. A medida que se hacía mayor, empezó a darse cuenta de lo que era importante en la vida y lo que no. As he got older, he began to realise what was important in life and what wasn’t. 8.porque situaciones en las que se podría reemplazar porque con ya que I’d like to grab a bite to eat now as I’m hungry. Me gustaría comer algo porque (ya que) tengo hambre.





Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones They went to the cinema as they wanted to watch the latest James Bond film. Fueron al cine porque (ya que) querían ver la última película de James Bond. 9.mientras / cuando as como alternativa de while o when siempre que la acción corta que ocurre durante la acción con mientras / cuando (while / when) sea algo puntual. As she was driving to work, she realised that she’d left her purse at home. Mientras / Cuando conducía al trabajo, se dió cuenta de que se había olvidado su cartera en casa. He worked on a farm for a few weeks while / when he was travelling around Australia. Trabajó en una granja durante unas semanas mientras / cuando viajaba por Australia. Trabajar en una granja durante unas semanas no es algo puntual así que as no es posible como opción para mientras / cuando 10.frases hechas. as long as siempre que (más subjuntivo) I’ll accept the job as long as they offer me a good salary. Aceptaré el puesto siempre que me ofrezcan un buen sueldo. as far as I know que yo sepa / por lo que sé As far as I know, the meeting was postponed. Que yo sepa, la reunión se pospuso. as far as I remember que yo recuerde / por lo que recuerdo As far as I remember, the entrance to the park was just behind the library. Que yo recuerde, la entrada al parque estaba justo detrás de la biblioteca. as soon as en cuanto As soon as possible. (abreviado asap)En cuanto sea posible / Lo antes posible / Cuanto antes. As soon as I get home, I’ll give you a call. En cuanto llegue a casa, te daré un toque. As far as I’m concerned En mi opinión, Por lo que a mí respecta As far as I’m concerned, the key factor in learning a language is motivation. Por lo que a mí respecta, el factor clave para aprender un idioma es la motivación. As far as …… is/are concerned Respecto a……, Por lo que se refiere a …… And as far as working weekends is concerned, forget it! Y respecto a trabajar los fines de semana, ¡olvídalo! English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR Make Tracks Irse We should make tracks before the metro closes. Deberíamos irnos antes de que cierre el metro. They made tracks when the concert finished. Se fueron cuando acabó el concierto. I'd better make tracks if I want to get home in time for dinner. Más me vale irme ya si quiero llegar a casa a tiempo para la cena. English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR to make one's mark dejar su impronta John Lennon made his mark on music history. obsessive - more obsessive - the most obsessive : obsesivo, obsesionado Your ex seems a little obsessive. I wouldn't talk to her for a while. Tu ex parece un poco obsesionada, yo no hablaría con ella durante un tiempo. Are men more obsessive about their appearance than they were 50 years ago? ¿Están los hombres más obsesionados con su aspecto de lo que lo estaban hace 50 años? Justin Bieber has the most obsessive fans in pop music. Justin Bieber tiene a los fans más obsesivos de la música pop. to let nature take its course dejar que la naturaleza siga su curso We should let nature take it's course, we shouldn't interfere. BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking Afghanistan suspends talks on a bilateral security agreement with the US, citing confusion over peace talks afghanistan govt now suspends talks with US on bilateral security agreement. Sources say unhappy over issues re Taliban Doha office. Brazil to deploy troops to 5 cities hosting Fifa football tournament to help control protests Taliban militants say they carried out attack which killed 4 US soldiers at #Bagram airbase, Afghanistan 130 people now known to have died in India's flood-hit northern states Protesters try to break into City Hall in Sao Paulo Some bankers should have bonuses deferred by up to 10 years, report on how to clean up UK #banking recommends Four US soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan hours after US announced direct talks with Taliban, reports say monicatstocker @monicats ¿Cómo se escribe miércoles? Se escribe Wed-nes-day- Wednesday-. La "d" no suena. Se dice: /Wensdei/ Wensdei/ lamansiondelingles @mansiontwit And we all end up dead in the end but I am going to do something worthwhile and do it right. expressoenglish run run after To chase or pursue I ran after the bus, but it didn’t stop for me. run around 1.To run around an area When I was a kid, I used to run around the neighborhood with my friends. The kids are running around the neighborhood. 2. To be very busy doing many things Sorry I haven’t had the chance to call you this week – I’ve been running around between work, school, and soccer practice.


15 expressoenglish run away 1.To run away from somebody who is chasing you, or in the opposite direction from something. Everyone ran away from the explosion. The dog is running away from the boy. The boy is running after the dog. 2.When a child or teenager leaves home because of problems with the family. She ran away from home when she was just 15. run for Try to be elected to a political or leadership position. Mark is running for state senator this year. run into Run into someone = Meet someone unexpectedly. I ran into my English teacher at the shopping mall. Run into a problem = Encounter a problem. I ran into a few problems when I tried to install the computer program, so I had to call a technician. Run into a brick wall = Encounter an obstacle that is difficult or impossible to overcome. The peace negotiations ran into a brick wall when both leaders refused to compromise. run off To make photocopies. Can you run off 200 copies of this report? Run off with (someone) = When a married person abandons their husband or wife and stays together with a new lover. The actor left his wife and three kids and ran off with a 20-year-old model. run on Be powered by Electric cars run on electricity, not gas. run out of Have none left We ran out of beer at the party, so we had to go buy some more. The car ran out of gas. run over 1.To hit with a vehicle (car, train, truck) She’s upset because she ran over a cat while driving home from work. 2.Take more time than planned The meeting ran over 20 minutes, so I was late for my next appointment run through 1.Explain quickly Let me run through the schedule for the tour. 2.Quickly practice or rehearse a play, performance, song, or presentation. I’d like to run through the presentation one more time to make sure everything’s perfect. run up 1.Run to somebody or something As soon as I come home from work, my kids run up to me and hug me. 2. Spend a lot of money on credit My parents ran up a debt of $10,000 on their credit cards. run with Spend time with people (normally bad) My son’s been running with a bad crowd – his friends like to cut class. (cut class = not go to class) Fall Fall apart 1.Break into pieces That chair is so old, it looks like it’ll fall apart if anyone sits on it. This chair has fallen apart. 2.Become emotionally upset and incapable of behaving normally After Tanya lost her job and her husband left her, she completely fell apart. Fall back Retreat (especially in the case of an army) The general ordered the soldiers to fall back to a safer location. Fall back on Have the option to use something if other plans are not successful. If I don’t get this job, I still have my freelance work to fall back on. Fall behind Not make sufficient progress to stay on schedule. We fell behind on the project and finished it ten days late. Fall down / fall over When a person or structure falls to the ground. The skaters fell down in the middle of their performance. The skaters fell down in the middle of their performance. The ladder fell over when he tried to climb it. The ladder fell over when he tried to climb it. Fall for 1.Fall in love, develop a romantic attraction to someone I think I’m falling for Jeremy – I just can’t stop thinking about him! Fall for = Fall in love 2.Believe a lie or a story that is false Vivian told the teacher that she missed class because her dog was sick – and the teacher fell for it. Fall off When something detaches from a bigger object. My glasses fell off when I bent down to pick up the paper from the floor. The wheels have fallen off the bike! Fall out 1.To fall out of some enclosed space (a box, a basket, a car, a train) Excuse me – is this your wallet? It fell out of your pocket. 2.To have an argument with someone and then be angry with each other John left the company after falling out with his business partner. Fall through Be unsuccessful (usually used with “plans”) We were going to travel to Russia, but our plans fell through because we couldn’t get a visa. lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit Everyday day I wake up English in a city that isn’t “You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.” Gareth H. Jones @gar_jones In British English, you can’t use “yet” in the past, you must use “still” He still wasn’t there Still Yet Already BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking Sir Mervyn King speaks at Mansion House, his last event as Bank of England governor


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