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10 Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones a diferencia de can y could que van seguidos del infinitivo sin el “to”, would be able va seguido por el infinitivo completo con “to” como sucede con to be able (to) Ella podría ayudarte She could help you She would be able to help you ¿Podrías venir? Could you come? Would you be able to come? No podrían aceptarlo They couldn’t accept it They wouldn’t be able to accept it ¿Él no podría repararlo? Couldn’t he repair it / fix it? Wouldn’t he be able to repair it / fix it? Capacidad: I could speak English better if I had a good teacher. I would be able to speak English better if I had a good teacher. Podría (Sería capaz de) hablar inglés mejor si tuviera un buen profesor. Would you be able to help me? ¿Podrías (Serías capaz de) ayudarme? Discurso Indirecto (Reported Speech) He said he would be able to come to the party. Dijo que podría venir a la fiesta. (He said he could come to the party sería: Dijo que podía venir la fiesta.) Posibilidad: It could rain this afternoon. Podría llover esta tarde. Sugerencia: You could ask David if he knows where it is. Podrías preguntarle a David si sabe dónde está. Petición Cortés: Please could you send me information about your room rates? ¿Por favor, podría enviarme información sobre la tarifa de sus habitaciones? 1.Creo que Gales podría ganar a Inglaterra. (posibilidad) 2.Creo que Gales podría ganar a Inglaterra. (capacidad) 3.Podrías decirles que no tienes tiempo. 4.(Ella) no podría pagar tanto. 5.Me dijeron que no podrían ayudarnos. 1.I think (that) Wales could beat England. 2i.I think (that) Wales could beat England. 2ii.I think (that) Wales would be able to beat England. 3.You could tell them (that) you don’t have time. 4i.She couldn’t pay that much. 4ii.She wouldn’t be able to pay that much. 5.They told me (that) they wouldn’t be able to help us. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead enters UK singles chart at two, after campaign by opponents of late Baroness Thatcher Met Police launch murder inquiry after man, 23, shot in head in south London dies in hospital At least 20 people dead in several attacks in Somali capital Mogadishu, including two Turkish aid workers GraspEnglish ?@GraspEnglish Where we were made to feel at home Donde nos hemos sentido como en casa Happy after a spectacular weekend at @SolazdelMoros Felices después de un fin de semana espectacular en @SolazdelMoros Freshly baked! ¡Recién hechas! Open-air carrot cake workshop Taller de tarta zanahoria al aire Really nice experience, thanks to @christonge . When can we repeat it? English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR código postal post code zip code llevar a alguien en coche to give someone a lift to give someone a ride teatro theatre theater get down (a) escribir (b) deprimir (c) agacharse (d) on - pensar que alguien o algo está mal y criticarlo por eso (e) to - ponerse a hacer algo seriamente y con mucho esfuerzo Get the agreement down on paper so we can all sign it. Pon el acuerdo por escrito para que todos podamos firmarlo. Kyle looks so sad. His divorce has really got him down. Kyle parece triste. Su divorcio lo ha deprimido realmente. When I saw the man with a gun, I got down immediately. Cuando vi al hombre con la pistola, me agaché inmediatamente. My mother keeps getting down on me for going out every night. Mi madre sigue criticándome por salir todas las noches. We have to deliver the report tomorrow, so let's get down to work. Tenemos que enviar el informe mañana, así que vamos a ponernos a trabajar en serio. get into comenzar a estar interesado en algo o comenzar a estar involucrado en una actividad, comenzar a tener un hábito o comportamiento en particular, involucrar a alguien o involucrarse en una difícil situación sin intención I'm really getting into "Game of Thrones", you should watch it.. Estoy realmente enganchado a "Juego de Tronos", deberías verlo... get off (a) dejar, librarse I need medical help to get off drugs. Necesito ayuda médica para dejar las drogas. get on (a) ponerse (b) llevarse bien (c) to - ponerse en contacto con Get your jacket on, we're already late. Ponte la chaqueta, ya vamos tarde. Jane's daughter and her stepfather are finally getting on. La hija de Jane y su padrastro por fin se están llevando bien. Get on to the plumber, this is something I can't fix. Ponte en contacto con el fontanero, esto es algo que yo no puedo reparar. get to (a) estar (b) hacer enojar o hartar a alguien (c) comenzar a hacer algo Where did my pen get to? I need to take notes. ¿Dónde está mi bolígrafo? Necesito tomar apuntes. Rob's constant complaining finally got to Elisa and so she left him. Rob se está quejando constantemente, al final hartó a Elisa y por eso ella le dejó.


10 English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR You should get to work instead of playing video games. Deberías empezar a trabajar en vez de jugar a videojuegos. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Boston authorities press conference following #marathon explosions Boston police confirm another explosion at city's JFK Library following two blasts near Citing intelligence official, Associated Press reports 2 more explosive devices at #Boston #Marathon being dismantled President Obama directs administration to provide assistance needed after #Boston #Marathon blasts Two dead in #Boston #Marathon explosions and more than 20 injured, police say New York police step up security in city following explosions near Boston Marathon in US - Reuters news agency Boston Marathon explosions leave unknown number of people injured Two explosions near finish line of Boston Marathon leave unknown number of people injured Bloodied people taken to medical tent after two explosions near Boston Marathon. "Lot of people down" runner tells US media reporting multiple injuries from "large explosions" near finish line of Boston Marathon Authorities in US city of Boston investigating reports of two explosions near marathon finishing line US media report two explosions near finish line of Boston Marathon Police probing death of woman thought to have fallen from car park find bodies of 3 children in Lowestoft, UK Bodies of three children found at a property in #Lowestoft, Suffolk, by police investigating death of a woman Scandal-hit #MidStaffs NHS Foundation Trust is to be put into administration, health regulator Monitor announces Three boys who beat homeless man to death told they will be in jail until UK home secretary allows release Six-time Olympic champion Sir Chris Hoy is expected to announce his retirement from #cycling on Thursday Three teenage boys who beat a homeless man to death in Liverpool, UK, are sentenced to a minimum of 6, 8 and 12 years in jail Deadly bombings hit Iraqi cities including Nasariyah and Kirkuk At least five people killed in car bomb attacks in towns in #Iraq, officials say Nicolas #Maduro elected #Venezuela President with 50.7% of votes; poll followed death of Hugo Chavez Acting leader Nicolas Maduro wins presidential poll in #Venezuela, election authority says Conductor Sir Colin Davis has died aged 85, @Londonsymphony Orchestra announces Australia's Adam Scott wins #Masters golf championship in Augusta China's growth rate slows to 7.7% in Q1 of 2013, down from 7.9% in Q4 of 2012 SELVA inglés ?@SELVAingles ONLY el mejor Acording to your resume, you are the only man for the job. De acuerdo con tu currículum, tu eres el mejor hombre para el trabajo. The only way to success is through hard work. El mejor camino para el éxito es a través del árduo trabajo. ONLY siendo el único o uno de pocos (only = único) The only shirt I have is now stained. La única blusa que tengo ahora está manchada. He is the only man in my life. Él es el único hombre en mi vida. She’s an only child. Es hija única. Just como Adjetivo (just = justo/justa) It was a just cause, so I supported him. Era una causa justa, entonces lo apoyé. The court’s veredict was just. El veredicto de la corte fue justo. You like ice cream, right? She went to work, right? He’s a farmer, right? We aren’t out of money, right? It’s Your Turn, Right? English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR "Ago" es un adverbio que significa "hace" y se refiere a un tiempo acabado. Se usa con el verbo en pasado (no en presente perfecto) y en la frase se coloca tras una expresión de tiempo.Lo usamos para contar hacia atrás DESDE EL PRESENTE y poder decir cuándo ocurrió algo. "Before" significa "antes" y se refiere a un tiempo acabado. Se usa con el verbo en pasado (no en presente perfecto) y en la frase se coloca tras una expresión de tiempo. Igual que "ago". Pero "before" lo usamos para contar hacia atrás DESDE UN PUNTO DEL PASADO y poder decir así cuándo ocurrió un hecho en un pasado lejano, en referencia a un punto de un pasado más cercano. We got married two years ago; we started dating five years before that. Nos casamos hace dos años. Empezamos a salir cinco años antes. My dog died six months ago; she was diagnosed with cancer two years before. Mi perra murió hace seis meses. Le diagnosticaron cáncer dos años antes. My parents adopted me twenty-three years ago; my brother was adopted a year before that. Mis padres me adoptaron hace veintitrés años. Mi hermano fue adoptado un año antes. She was promoted to manager a week ago, but only started working for the company ten months before. Ella ha sido ascendida a directora hace una semana, pero había empezó a trabajar en la empresa sólo diez meses antes. "To Be" (a) terminar (b) at one's friend - estar de visita It's all over between them. Ya no queda nada entre ellos. I'm going to Madird this Summer. I'll be over at my parents's house. Voy a ir a Madrid este verano. Me voy a quedar en la casa de mis padres.


10 English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR to be off (a) irse (b) cancelarse (c) terminar de trabajar (d) descomponerse/echarse a perder I have to be home before dinner, so I'll be off soon. Tengo que estar en casa antes de la cena, así que me iré pronto. The game was off due to bad weather. El partido se canceló a causa de mal tiempo. My girlfriend is off from work at 5 p.m. Mi novia termina de trabajar a las 17.00. This milk is off, look, it's rancid. La leche se echó a perder, mira, está rancia. to be down with caer enfermo My brother is down with a sore throat, so he will have to stay in bed. Mi hermano tiene angina, así que tendrá que hacer reposo. to be away estar afuera/lejos del hogar, ausentarse Bill is not in town. She is away for this month. Bill no están en la ciudad; va a estar afuera por esta mes. beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful guapa/o, bonito That girl is beautiful. Do you know her? Esa chica es guapa, ¿la conoces? My girlfriend is more beautiful than yours. Mi novia es más guapa que la tuya. Angelina Jolie is the most beautiful actress in Hollywood. Angelina Jolie es la actriz más guapa de Hollywood. Idiot box Tele, caja tonta No plans for this evening, I'll just spend the night in front of the idiot box. No hay plan para esta noche, sólo voy a pasar la noche en frente de la caja tonta. What's on the idiot box tonight? ¿Qué hay en la tele esta noche? I prefer to surf the web than watch the idiot box. Prefiero navegar en internet antes que ver la caja tonta. to make waves causar problemas If they don't start treating me with respect I'll make waves! monicatstocker ?@monicats Right away inmediatamente, enseguida I'll be there right away. Estaré allí inmediatamente to do with venir bien. I could do with a cup of coffee. Me vendría bien una taza de café Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones Cuanto más dinero ganas, más gastas. The more money you earn, the more you spend. Cuanto más importante eres, más presión tienes. The more important you are, the more pressure you have. Cuanto más me ayudes, más agradecida estaré. The more you help me, the more grateful I’ll be. Cuanto más exitosos son, más famosos serán. The more successful they are, the more famous they’ll be. Cuanto más tarde llegues, más enfadados estarán. The later you arrive, the angrier they’ll be. Cuanto más rápido hablo, más errores cometo. The faster I speak, the more mistakes I make. Cuanto más sol hace, más felices somos. The sunnier it is, the happier we are. Cuanto más tiempo te quedes en ese trabajo, más amargado te quedarás. The longer you stay in that job, the more bitter you’ll become. Cuanto más frío hace, menos salgo. The colder it is, the less I go out. Cuanto menos chocolate comas, más adelgazarás / más peso perderás. The less chocolate you eat, the more weight you’ll lose. Cuantos menos problemas me des, más fácil será mi vida. The fewer problems you give me, the easier my life will be. mejor better peor worse Cuanto más me relajo antes de acostarme, mejor duermo. The more I relax before going to bed, the better I sleep. Cuanto más nervioso estés antes del examen, peor lo harás. The more nervous you are before the exam, the worse you’ll do. Cuanto más lleno está el restaurante, más lento es el servicio. The fuller the restaurant (is), the slower the service (is). Cuanto más motivados están los alumnos, más aprenden. The more motivated the students (are), the more they learn. Cuanto más caro es el coche, mejor debería ser. The more expensive the car (is), the better it should be. Sin embargo, si no se utiliza un sustantivo sino el it o they, hay que incluir el is o are sin contraerlos, Cuanto más simple es, más fácil es de entender. The simpler it is, the easier it is to understand. Cuanto más de moda son las prendas, más incómodas son. The more fashionable the clothes (are), the more uncomfortable they are. Cuanto antes mejor. The sooner the better. 1.Cuanto más trabajes, más ganarás. 2.Cuanto más fácil sea, más alta será la nota. 3.Cuanto mayor te haces, menos necesitas dormir. 4.Cuanto más estresante es la situación, mejor parecen responder. 1.The more you work, the more you’ll earn. 2.The easier it is, the higher the mark will be. 3.The older you get, the less you need to sleep. 4.The more stressful the situation (is), the better they seem to respond. "I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." ¿Podrías venir? Could you come? o Would you be able to come? ¿Cuándo se usa could y cuándo would be able News for Students of English. Read the news according to your level Chavez heir Maduro wins #Venezuela presidential election But challenger #Capriles demands recount OM Personal English ?@ompersonal FIRE UP become angry. She fired up when Peter told her to leave. Enfureció cuando Peter le dijo que se retirara. Obama urges Senate to approve immigration reform quickly Blasts at Boston Marathon Kill 3 People


10 BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Second victim of #Boston bombings named by US media as 29-yr-old Krystle Campbell Obama on #Boston: "We don't yet know who carried out this attack, or why... but we will find out" Local media reporting passengers are being allowed to return to the central terminal of NYC's LaGuardia airport after an earlier evacuation Obama calls #Boston bombings "a heinous and cowardly act of terror" Baroness Thatcher's coffin rests in Crypt Chapel of St Mary Undercroft on eve of her funeral Local media reporting that the central terminal at NYC's LaGuardia airport has been evacuated French police revise death toll in crash on road from resort of Alpe d'Huez to one 3 dead, 4 seriously injured in coach crash on road from French ski resort - AFP. Foreign Office confirms British nationals involved Doctors removed nails and metal objects from victims of #Boston bombings, hospital official says More than 150 people injured in #Boston bombings, some of the "gravely" FBI says there are "no known additional threats" after #Boston bombings "Boston will overcome" says Mayor Thomas Menino, after marathon bombings "No unexploded bombs" were found after #Boston Marathon, despite earlier reports, authorities say FBI holds #Boston bombings news conference: Iranian state media say no #earthquake deaths confirmed, despite earlier reports of at least 40 people killed Iran-Pakistan #earthquake kills at least 5 in Pakistan and 40 in Iran, officials say At least 40 dead in 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Iran, say early reports Magnitude 8 earthquake reported in Iran, tremors felt across the Middle East and as far away as Indian capital, Delhi Pakistan's former military leader Pervez Musharraf barred from running for parliament UK consumer price inflation was unchanged at 2.8% in March, latest figures show Massachusetts General Hospital says "several amputations" performed after #BostonMarathon explosions "Very powerful blast with serious injuries," #Boston police commissioner says At least 3 people killed in #BostonMarathon explosions, #Boston police commissioner says More than 100 injured, some gravely, after #BostonMarathon explosions - Massachusetts governor Officials giving latest briefing after #BostonMarathon explosions Keep checking our live page for latest on #Boston #Marathon explosions - text, video & pics "Scenes from #Boston shocking & horrific - thoughts are with all those affected", says UK PM David Cameron President Obama on #Boston explosions: "We will find out who did this & we will hold them accountable" "We still do not know who did this or why & people shouldn't jump to conclusions," says President Obama President Obama sends "deepest thoughts & prayers" to families of victims after "senseless loss" at #Boston #Marathon Fire at JFK Library in #Boston not linked to #Marathon explosions at present, police commissioner says President Obama addressing US after #Boston #Marathon explosions English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR give up (a) dejar, abandonar (b) rendirse (c) on - renunciar a I want to give up smoking, I think I'm going to try the patch. Quiero dejar de fumar, creo que lo voy a intentar con el parche. The enemy will give up when they see our weapons. El enemigo se rendirá cuando vea nuestras armas. John has given up on trying to change his father's mind. John ha renunciado a tratar de cambiar la mente de su padre. give out (a) repartir, distribuir (b) divulgar (c) emitir (d) acabarse, agotarse Did you give out eggs this Easter? ¿Has repartido huevos esta Semana Santa? The exam results were given out on Monday morning. Los resultados del examen salieron el lunes por la mañana. The candle doesn't gave out enough light. La vela no emite suficiente luz. Fresh water supply will give out in a few days, we should find another. El suministro de agua dulce se agotará en unos días, deberíamos encontrar otro. give back (a) devolver (b) hacer que alguien recupere una cualidad o habilidad después de haberla perdido Michael will give back all the money he has borrowed. Michael devolverá todo el dinero que ha tomado prestado. Will the new surgical procedure give me my hearing back? ¿Me hará recuperar la audición el nuevo tratamiento quirúrgico? to make a splash causar sensación I expect our new podcasts will make a splash in our English learning community. Get it up Levantársele I'd had too much to drink so I couldn't get it up. Bebí demasiado y por eso no se me pudo levantar. Baby, I can't get it up, I'm not in the mood. Cariño, no se me levanta, no tengo ganas. When he couldn't get it up he told me it had never happened to him before. Cuando no se le levantó me dijo que nunca le había ocurrido antes. lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit Get real! ¡Qué te crees tú eso! We won't get a raise in salary this year. Get real!! Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones Job significa trabajo en el sentido de puesto de trabajo o empleo David finally got a new job last week. Finalmente, David consiguió un nuevo trabajo/puesto/empleo la semana pasada. Job también se utiliza para referirse a un trabajo o proyecto específico y puntual,


10 Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones The building of the channel tunnel was a very big job. La construcción del Túnel del Canal de la Mancha fue un trabajo/proyecto muy grande. Además, si en tu oficina hay una fotocopiadora o impresora con las instrucciones en inglés, quizá hayas notado que salían comentarios como: 2 jobs in the queue (2 trabajos en la cola) 55% of job completed (55% del trabajo hecho/terminado) Job también es una palabra contable, lo que significa que se puede decir a job, one job, two jobs, etc (un empleo, dos empleos, etc), John had two part-time jobs while he was studying at university. John tenía dos trabajos/empleos de media jornada mientras estudiaba en la universidad. Work significa trabajo cuando se refiere a las tareas en las que consiste el trabajo o el lugar donde se trabaja. Work es incontable así que nunca se dice a work, one work, two works, etc. I have a lot of work at the moment so I’m very busy. Tengo mucho trabajo en este momento así que estoy muy ocupado. The work an archeologist has to do must be very interesting. El trabajo que tiene que hacer un arqueólogo debe de ser muy interesante. Cuando se utiliza work para referirse al lugar de trabajo, no se pone ningún artículo, es decir, ningún the, my, your, etc delante de work aunque sí se pone en español delante de trabajo, por ejemplo: What time do you start work in the mornings? ¿A qué hora empiezas el trabajo por las mañanas? I want to leave work early this evening. Quiero salir del trabajo pronto esta tarde. A veces, tanto work como job valen, Estoy buscando trabajo. I’m looking for work. (en el sentido de “tareas pagadas”) I’m looking for a job. (un empleo) Ella no tiene trabajo. She doesn’t have work. (en el sentido de “tareas pagadas”) She doesn’t have a job. (un empleo) 1.¿Qué tipo de trabajo te gustaría hacer cuando seas mayor? 2.¿Vas al trabajo en autobús o en coche? 3.¿Cómo llegas al trabajo normalmente? 4.Mi padre tenía dos trabajos para ayudar a pagar los gastos. (literalmente: pagar las facturas) 1.What type/kind of job would you like to do when you’re older? 2.Do you go to work by bus or by car? 3.How do you normally get to work? 4.My father had / used to have two jobs to help pay the bills. What’s the best job you’ve ever had? Do you have a lot of work at the moment? Obama addresses the nation after the explosions in #Boston cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles Time La hora ten twenty (10:20) two fifteen (2:15) five forty-five (5:45) nine or nine o'clock (nueve en punto) twelve or twelve o'clock (doce en punto) Four [o'clock] in the morning / 4am (4:00) Five [o'clock] in the afternoon / 5pm (17:00) one o'clock (1:00) 7am (7:00) 3pm (15:00) ten past [after] five (5:10/17:10) quarter past [after] six (6:15/18:15) half past eight / eight thirty (8:30/20:30) twenty to eleven (10:40/22:40) quarter to twelve (11:45/23:45) En inglés británico se dice "quarter past" o "half past" y en inglés americano "quarter after" o "thirty" (no se dice "half after"). What time is it? (¿Qué hora es?) What's the time? (¿Qué hora es?) It's ... (Es la... /Son las...) BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Suspect in #BostonMarathon bombings arrested Foreign Office names UK national who died in Alps crash as coach driver Maurice Wrightson from County Durham Boston marathon bombing investigators believe they have identified a suspect from CCTV, US media report Letter addressed to Obama tested positive for deadly poison ricin, sources tell ABC Letter with "suspicious substance" addressed to President Barack Obama - US Secret Service Baroness Thatcher's coffin departs St Paul's Cathedral for Royal Hospital Chelsea http://bbc New Zealand is to become the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to make #gay marriage legal following a parliamentary vote Baroness Thatcher's coffin arrives at St Paul's Cathedral for her funeral The Queen arrives at St Paul's Cathedral for Baroness #Thatcher's funeral Baroness Thatcher's coffin is placed on a gun carriage to begin its procession to St Paul's for her funeral Baroness Thatcher's coffin is transferred to the hearse for her funeral procession Baroness Thatcher's coffin begins its procession from Westminster to St Paul's for her funeral Boston: FBI recovers possible fragments of a black nylon backpack and nails contained in a "pressure cooker device" President Obama will attend a memorial service for #Boston bombing victims on Thursday 3rd person killed at #BostonMarathon was postgraduate student watching race with friends, Boston University says University student killed at #BostonMarathon was Chinese citizen, #China's consulate in New York says


10 English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR break up (a) deshacer, hacer pedazos (b) empezar las vacaciones (c) terminar una relación The children were very happy about the school breaking up. Los niños estaban muy felices porque comenzaban las vacaciones. He took his cookie and broke it up into pieces. Tomó su galleta y la hizo pedazos. Mike and Jill broke up, they're no longer together. Mike y Jill terminaron; ya no están juntos. break away desprenderse, separase Rob has broken away from his boss to start his own company. Rob se ha separado de su jefe para comenzar su propia empresa. break for moverse rápidamente hacia algo When you see my signal, break for the door. Cuando veas mi señal, corre hacia la puerta. break out (a) escaparse (b) estallar, producirse (c) in brotar en la piel Yesterday I read an article about a man breaking out of prison. Ayer leí un artículo acerca de un hombre que se escapaba de prisión. The fire first broke out in the third floor. El fuego se produjo primero en el tercera piso. Pablo got the measles and he broke out in spots. Pablo se contagió de sarampión y le salieron granos. To stand - stood - stood : estar de pie Stand there and don't move! ¡Estate ahí de pie y no te muevas! She stood on my foot while we were dancing. Ella estaba sobre mi pie mientras estábamos bailando. I have stood here waiting for you for an hour. He estado aquí de pie esperándote durante una hora. (UK) Blag Conseguir algo con camelos, currárselo I blagged my way into university by lying on my application. Me curré mi entrada a la universidad mintiendo en mi solicitud. I had no idea what to say in the presentation but I managed to blag it. No tenía ni idea de qué decir en la presentación pero conseguí currármelo. You have to study to improve your English, you can't blag it. Tienes que estudiar para mejorar tu inglés, no puedes mentirte. to cut a fine figure causar una buena impresión Don't wear those jeans if you want to cut a fine figure on your first date GraspEnglish ?@GraspEnglish to (dirección) a I’m going to the shops Voy a las tiendas Lucca is to the west of Florence Lucca está al oeste de Florencia She came up to me Se acercó a mí lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit Buy the most comfortable bed and pair of shoes you can afford. If you’re not in one, you’ll be in the other. Hang about! ¡Espera! "Hang about! That's not what I meant at all." cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles "I am going to London next week," she said. "Voy a Londres la semana que viene," ella dijo. "Do you have a pen I could borrow," he asked. "Tienes un bolígrafo que puedas prestarme," él preguntó. Alice said, "I love to dance." Alice dijo, "Me encanta bailar." Chris asked, "Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?" Chris preguntó, "Te gustaría cenar conmigo mañana por la noche?" "He's American," she said. She said he was American. "I'm happy to see you," Mary said. Mary said that she was happy to see me. "He asked, "Are you busy tonight?" He asked me if I was busy tonight. Present Continuous Past Continuous "Dan is living in San Francisco," she said. She saidDan was living in San Francisco. "He said, "I'm making dinner." He told me that he was making dinner. "Why are you working so hard?" they asked. They asked me why I was working so hard. Past Simple Past Perfect Simple "We went to the movies last night," he said. He told me they had gone to the movies last night. "Greg said, "I didn't go to work yesterday." Greg said that he hadn't gone to work yesterday. "Did you buy a new car?" she asked. She asked me if I had bought a new car. Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous "I was working late last night," Vicki said. Vicki told me she'd been working last night. "They said, "we weren't waiting long." They said that they hadn't been waiting long. "He asked, "were you sleeping when I called?" He asked if I'd been sleeping when he called. Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple "Heather said, "I've already eaten." Heather told me that she'd already eaten. "We haven't been to China," they said. They said they hadn't been to China. "Have you worked here before?" I asked. I asked her whether she'd worked there before. Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous "I've been studying English for two years," he said. He said he'd been studying English for two years. "Steve said, "we've been dating for over a year now." Steve told me that they'd been dating for over a year. "Have you been waiting long?" they asked. They asked whether I'd been waiting long. Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple (*NO CHANGE) "I'd been to Chicago before for work," he said. He said that he'd been to Chicago before for work. Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous (*NO CHANGE) "She said, "I'd been dancing for years before the accident."


10 cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles She said she'd been dancing for years before the accident. "I'm 30 years old," she said. ? She said she is 30 years old. Dave said, "Kelly is sick." ? Dave said Kelly is sick. "We are going to Tokyo next week," they said. ? They said they are going to Tokyo next week. "I'll cut my hair tomorrow," Nina said. ? Nina said she is cutting her hair tomorrow. "I'll go to the movies tomorrow," John said. John said he would go to the movies tomorrow. "Will you help me move?" she asked. She asked me if I would help her move. Can Could "Debra said, "Allen can work tomorrow." Debra said Allen could work tomorrow. "Can you open the window, please?", he asked. He asked me if I could open the window. Must Had to "You must wear your seatbelt," mom said. My mom said I had to wear my seatbelt. "She said, "You must work tomorrow." She said I had to work tomorrow. Shall Should "Shall we go to the beach today?" Tom asked. Tom asked if we should go to the beach today. "What shall we do tonight?" she asked. She asked me what we should do tonight. May Might/Could "Jane said, "I may not be in class tomorrow." Jane said she might not be in class tomorrow. "the boy asked. "May I use the bathroom, please?" the boy asked. The boy asked if he could use the bathroom. SELVA inglés ?@SELVAingles walk – walked (caminar) start – started (empezar) save – saved (ahorrar) close – closed (cerrar) smile – smiled (sonreír) bake – baked (hornear) tie – tied (amarrar) stop – stopped (parar) tap – tapped open – opened (abrir) visit – visited (visitar) target – targeted (apuntar) treat – treated (tratar) pour – poured (derramar) travel – travelled (viajar) equal – equalled (igualar) cry – cried (llorar) try – tried (probar, intentar) play – played (jugar) panic – panicked (entrar en pánico) mimic – mimicked (hacer mímica) traffic – trafficked (traficar) Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones cercano (tiempo) near, close cercano (lugar) nearby, close by cercano (vínculo, relación) close cercano a close to cercano (tiempo) near, close The near future (el futuro cercano/próximo) es una expresión hecha (no se dice the close future). I hope to speak better English in the near future. Espero hablar mejor inglés en el futuro cercano. Our summer holidays are very near / close. Nuestras vacaciones de verano están muy cercanas. He is very close to fulfilling his dreams. Está muy cercano a realizar sus sueños. The nearby villages The villages nearby The villages close by Pero NO: The close by villages La planta industrial cercana contamina mucho el ambiente. The nearby industrial plant pollutes the atmosphere a lot. The industrial plant nearby pollutes the atmosphere a lot. The industrial plant close by pollutes the atmosphere a lot. Pero no: The close by industrial plant pollutes the atmosphere a lot. cercano (vínculo, relación) close Avoid close contact with people who have a cold or the flu. Evite el contacto cercano con personas que están resfriadas o que tienen gripe. David doesn’t seem to have any close family or friends. No parece que David tenga familia o amigos cercanos. She and her sister were very close. Ella y su hermana eran muy cercanas. cercano a close to She was very close to her sister. Era muy cercana a su hermana. Thailand is a country very close to my heart. Tailandia es un país muy cercano a mi corazón. 1.Cuando era pequeño, mi abuelo se bañaba en un río cercano. 2.La familia tiene una relación cercana. 3.Espero cambiar de trabajo en el futuro cercano. 4.¿Crees que la política exterior del Reino Unido es cercana a la de los EEUU? 1.When he was young, my grandfather used to bathe in a nearby river / river nearby / river close by. 2.The family has a close relationship. 3.I hope to change my job in the near future. 4i.Do you think the foreign policy of the United Kingdom is close to that of the USA? 4ii.Do you think the United Kingdom’s foreign policy is close to the USA’s? BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Graphic designer Storm Thorgerson, whose album covers included Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon, dies McLennan County declared disaster area after deadly blast at Texas fertiliser plant, says Mississippi man accused of sending letters containing #ricin is charged with making threat to President Champion jockey @AP_McCoy taken to hospital after taking a heavy fall from Quantitativeeasing at Cheltenham Obama at service for #BostonMarathon victims: "The spirit of this country shall remain undaunted." US President Obama to speak at #boston service for blast victims FBI says 3 letters now thought to contain #ricin - sent to president, senator & also justice official Fertiliser plant explodes near #Waco in Texas, authorities say - several people injured


10 BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking North #Korea says it will only enter talks with South Korea & US if UN sanctions are removed & military drills are ended #Israel has right to stop weapons falling into wrong hands in #Syria, PM Benjamin Netanyahu tells Dozens seriously injured after fertiliser plant explosion in Texas town of #West, medical directors say "I've never seen anything like this; it looks like a war zone" - sheriff after blast devastates Texas town of #West Official confirms deaths after huge blast at fertiliser plant in Texas town of #West - number unclear Court orders arrest of General Pervez #Musharraf, #Pakistan's former president UK retail sales down by 0.7% in March, reports the Office for National Statistics Pakistan ex-President Gen @P_Musharraf says order to arrest him is part of vendetta, will appeal to supreme court Five to 15 people killed and more than 160 people injured in fertiliser plant blast in Texas, officials say Fire department has fire under control at fertiliser plant in Texas, police say. Live news conference Kimberley Hainey, convicted of murdering her son Declan and hiding body, cleared of all charges Jury finds Opemipo Jaji guilty of raping 11-year-old girl in north London 4 men from Luton jailed on terror charges discussed using toy car to deliver a bomb & how to make homemade bombs @chrishoy on retirement: "Not a decision I took easily or lightly but I know it’s the right decision." Swansea measles epidemic rises to 808 cases in total, officials say English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR cut out (a) dejar de beber o fumar (b) cortar, omitir, eliminar As I have a cold, I'm gonna cut out smoking for a few days. Como estoy resfriado, voy a dejar de fumar unos días. John cut out many details of the story. John omitió muchos detalles de la historia. cut back on reducir, cortar, economizar We should cut back on our expenses if we want to make ends meet. Deberíamos reducir nuestros gastos si queremos llegar a fin de mes. cut in (a) interrumpir (b) adelantar con el coche de repente, colarse Don't cut me in when I'm speaking! ¡No me cortes cuando estoy hablando! The police cut in the thieves in the avenue. La policía adelantó a los ladrones en la avenida. cut through abrirse camino a través de, sortear, saltarse Cut through all that criticism and carry on with your plan. Evita todas esas críticas y sigue adelante con tu plan. to do drugs consumir drogas Another celebrity died while they were doing drugs. Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones el valor the value valioso valuable /váliu-abal/ It's a very valuable work of art Es una obra de arte muy valiosa lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit If I were God there would be no parking tickets. Donkey's years mucho tiempo Haven't seen you for donkey's years! Hace mil años que no nos vemos... GraspEnglish ?@GraspEnglish Rise es un verbo irregular (rise-rose-risen) aumentar, subir, incrementar, subir en pendiente, alzarse.. No acepta complementos es decir, tiene sentido por si solo; no necesita una ayuda externa para tener el significado de subir, aumentar, etc The sun rises every day El sol sale todos los días Her spirits rose at the news La noticia le levantó el ánimo Her voice rose angrily Alzó el tono de voz enfadada Mientras "raise" es un verbo regular (raise-raised-raised) y significa levantar, subir algo, cultivar, criar, conseguir, plantear Necesita complemento, es decir, para que tenga el significado de “subir” necesitamos añadir un “qué es lo que sube” She raised her hand Ella levantó la mano We need to raise our expectations Necesitamos aumentar nuestras expectativas Unemployment is still rising Sigue aumentando el desempleo They are trying to raise standards in education Están intentando mejorar el nivel de la enseñanza He rose at six Se levantó a las seis The article raises an interesting question El artículo plantea una cuestión interesante The cake didn't rise El pastel no subió They raised all their children in the country Criaron a todos sus hijos en el campo cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles Saludos en inglés: Hello. Hi. What's up? How's it going? How are you? What's new? How are things? How's life? Everything okay? Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones A:What would you recommend? B:I’d recommend the steak. A:¿Qué me recomendarías? B:Le recomendaría el bistec. A:¿Qué me recomiendas? B:Le recomiendo el bistec. I’d like a return ticket to Oxford, please. Quisiera un billete de vuelta a Oxford, por favor. Quiero un billete de vuelta a Oxford. The bank wouldn’t lend us the money. El banco rechazó prestarnos el dinero. El banco no estaba dispuesto a prestarnos el dinero.


10 Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones He lost his job because he wouldn’t relocate to the north of the country. Perdió su trabajo porque rechazó trasladarse al norte del país. Perdió su trabajo porque no estaba dispuesto a trasladarse al norte del país. Would es una alternativa a used to cuando se trata de acciones habituales o rutinas del pasado que ya no ocurren At university, I would often study until the early hours. En la universidad, a menudo estudiaba hasta las tantas. When Mark was younger, he would get up early and go for a run before breakfast. Cuando Mark era más joven, solía madrugar e ir a correr antes del desayuno. Very often, my grandfather would sit at the window and reflect on his life. He would think about both joyous and painful moments so sometimes he would be happy but other times he would feel sad. Muy a menudo, mi abuelo se sentaba en la ventana y reflexionaba sobre su vida. Pensaba tanto en los momentos de alegría como en los dolorosos, de ahí que a veces estuviera feliz pero otras veces se sintiera triste. “I used to live in London” (Vivía en Londres). “I would live in London” sólo significa “Viviría en Londres”. Pensaba que vendrían. I thought they would come. Pensaba que no vendrían. No pensaba que vinieran. No pensaba que vinieran. I didn’t think they would come. I didn’t think they would come v I didn’t think they came I didn’t think they came. No pensaba que vinieran. en el sentido de: Pensaba que no vinieron. sería más natural decir I didn’t think they would come que I thought they wouldn’t come. Pensaba que me despedirían. I thought they would dismiss me. No pensaba que me despidieran. I didn’t think they would dismiss me. Era posible que no aceptaran la propuesta. It was possible they wouldn’t accept the proposal. No era posible que el otro equipo nos ganase. It wasn’t possible the other team would beat us. 1.¿Qué quieres tomar (para beber)? 2.Desafortunadamente, él no cambió / rechazó cambiar / no estaba dispuesto a cambiar su opinión. 3.Jugaba al fútbol casi cada sábado cuando era pequeño. 4.No pensaba que fuera tan difícil. / Pensaba que no sería tan difícil. 1.What would you like to drink? 2.Unfortunately, he wouldn’t change his opinion. 3.I would play football almost every Saturday when I was younger. 4.I didn’t think it would be so difficult. to tell también se utiliza para: contar notar/distinguir asegurar phrasal verbs 1.contar What did Martha tell you about her new relationship? ¿Qué te contó Martha de su nueva relación? to tell a joke contar un chiste to tell a story contar una historia / un cuento My mother used to tell me children’s stories before I went to sleep when I was a child. Mi madre me contaba/solía contar cuentos infantiles antes de que me fuera a dormir cuando era pequeño. to tell a secret contar un secreto You can’t trust him; he always tells secrets. No puedes confiar en él; siempre dice secretos. 2.notar / distinguir to tell the difference notar/distinguir la diferencia Can you tell the difference between a merlot and a cabernet? ¿Puedes distinguir / notar la diferencia entre un merlot y un cabernet? No I can’t. You can tell I’m not an expert on French wines, right? No. Se puede notar que no soy experto en los vinos franceses, ¿verdad? 3.asegurar I tell you! I paid the bill! I don’t know why they’ve sent us a reminder. ¡Te lo aseguro! ¡Ya he pagado la factura! No sé por qué nos han enviado un aviso. This is the best lamb I’ve ever tasted, I tell you! Éste es el mejor cordero que he probado nunca, ¡te lo aseguro! 4.phrasal verbs to tell off regañar His mother told him off for hitting his sister. Su madre lo regañó por pegar a su hermana. to tell on (somebody) chivarse Given that he always misbehaves, his sister tells on him a lot. Puesto que siempre se porta mal, su hermana se chiva mucho. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Savita Halappanavar died as a result of medical misadventure after being refused an abortion in Ireland 12 confirmed dead, approximately 200 injured in #West fertiliser plant explosion in Texas, say state officials Surviving Boston Marathon bomb suspect named by police officials as Dzokhar Tsarnaev, of Cambridge, Boston subway and bus services suspended; residents told "stay indoors" as police hunt bomb suspect Beth Israel Medical Center say police brought man with gunshot wounds who died despite resuscitation attempts Police describe gunfire, explosions and manhunt for #Boston Marathon bomb suspect Police search for white-capped #Boston Marathon bomb suspect "on the loose" after shooting and carjacking Police confirm they are seeking a #Boston Marathon bomb suspect and a man is on the run after #Watertown incident Police say one of two suspects "deceased", one on run, after shooting, carjacking and police chase in 1 person arrested in #Watertown, close to Boston, as major police operation continues after officer killed at Police officer dies after being shot several times at #MIT campus near Boston in US Police officer dies after being shot on #MIT campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, @CambridgePolice says Fire at JFK Library, minutes after #BostonMarathon blasts, accidental & probably due to discarded item English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR angry - angrier - the angriest : enfadado, cabreado I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed. No estoy enfadado, lo que estoy es decepcionado.


10 English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR The more you provoke him, the angrier he'll get. Cuanto más lo provoques, más cabrerado se va a poner. That's the angriest I've ever seen him. Nunca he visto a nadie más enfadado.. Headcase Loco/a, chalado/a I really like her, but her father is a headcase. I don't think he likes me. Ella me gusta mucho, pero su padre es un chalado. No creo que a él le gustara yo. There is a headcase on the bus talking to himself out loud. Hay un chalado en el autobús hablándose a sí mismo en voz alta. I'm not watching the football with Ian, he turns into a total headcase when we lose. No voy a ver el fútbol con Ian, se vuelve completamente chalado cuando perdemos. to hold ones breath contener la respiración I held my breath for nearly a minute in the swimming pool. lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit Hi! / hiya! / What’s up? / How’s it going? / How’re you doing? ¡Hola! / ¡Buenas!. cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles Despidos: See you! Bye-bye. See you later. Have a good day. Good-bye. Take care. See you around. Hope to see you again. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking 60-70% of #Watertown covered door-to-door, but hunted suspect not yet apprehended - state police's Timothy Alben 25-year-old man who died in Swansea was infected with #measles, Public Health Wales confirms Prince Harry announces he will take part in a race to the South Pole with a team of wounded British servicemen and women English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR fall into caer en, caerse en Sam fell into a coma after the heart attack. Sam cayó en coma después del infarto The kid tripped and fell into the bushes. El niño tropezó y se cayó en los arbustos. fall on caer en This year my boyfriend's birthday will fall on Sunday Este año el cumpleaños de mi novio caerá en domingo. fall out (a) romper filas (b) with - pelear con alguien The soldiers fell out after the colonel's order. Los soldados rompieron filas después de la orden del coronel. The goal keeper fell out with the referee after the penalty. El portero se peleó con el árbitro después del penalti. fall over caerse, tropezar The puppy is still clumsy and falls over everything. El cachorro todavía es torpe y se tropieza con todo . fall through fracasar My plan has fallen through because of the bad weather. Mi plan ha fracasado por el mal tiempo. Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones You've hit the nail on the head Has dado en el clavo I like listening to the radio in the mornings. Me gusta escuchar la radio por las mañanas. to arrive at llegar a (lugares en general) to arrive in llegar a (países, ciudades, pueblos, etc) to get to alternativo a to arrive at/in. I need to arrive at / get to work early tomorrow. Necesito llegar temprano al trabajo mañana. What time are they arriving in / getting to London? ¿A qué hora llegan a Londres? to invest in invertir en to be interested in estar interestado en We are interested in investing in your company. Estamos interesados en invertir en tu empresa. to focus on centrarse en You must focus on improving sales.Debes centrarte en mejorar las ventas. to concentrate on concentrarse en Please concentrate on what you are doing. Por favor, concéntrate en lo que estás haciendo. to congratulate on felicitar por Congratulations on passing the exam! ¡Felicidades por aprobar el examen! to report on informar sobre I’m going to report on the latest trends in social media. Voy a informar sobre las últimas tendencias de social media. to depend on depender de It depends on what you need. Depende de lo que necesites. to work in trabajar en (dentro: oficina, edificio, ciudad, etc) to work on trabajar en (proyectos, documentos, tareas, etc) to work for trabajar en (empresa, empeador) He works in the MLC tower near Sydney harbour. Él trabaja en el torre MLC cerca de la puerta de Sydney. The IT department is working on the implementation of some new software. El departamento informático está trabajando en la implementación de nuevo software. She would love to work for Google. A ella le encantaría trabajar en Google. to play for jugar en (equipo, empleador) Steven Gerrard has always played for Liverpool. Steven Gerrard siempre ha jugado en el Liverpool. to look for buscar What are you looking for? ¿Qué estás buscando? to wait for esperar algo / a alguien (en el sentido de “una espera”) ¡Espera! Wait! ¡Espérame! Wait for me! to ask for pedir algo, preguntar por alguien (cuando quieres ver o hablar con esa persona) Shall we ask for the bill? ¿Pedimos la cuenta? When you get to the reception, ask for Mr Jones. Cuando llegues a la recepción, pregunta por el Sr Jones. to pay for pagar (lo que compras), pagar por You have to pay for the internet connection. Tienes que pagar la conexión de internet. How much did you pay for that watch? ¿Cuánto pagaste por ese reloj? to apply for solicitar (p.ej. un trabajo, un curso, una beca) In the end, did you apply for that job your saw advertised in the newspaper? Al final, ¿solicitaste el trabajo que viste anunciado en el periódico?


10 Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones to speak/talk to hablarle a (alguien) to speak/talk with hablar con to speak/talk about hablar de/sobre Don’t speak to me like that! ¡No me hables así! I would like to speak with Mr Jones, please. Me gustaría hablar con el Sr Jones, por favor. Let’s talk about our current problems. Hablemos de nuestros problemas actuales. to worry about preocuparse por Don’t worry about me! ¡No te preocupes por mí! to reply to responder a, responderle a (alguien) I need to reply to this email urgently. Necesito responder a este correo electrónico urgentemente. Can you reply to Angela and tell her we’ll be there next week. ¿Puedes responderle a Angela y decirle que estaremos allí la semana que viene? BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking 152 people killed and 2,600 injured in #Sichuan earthquake, Chinese officials say Italy's President Napolitano is reelected - the first president in Italian history to serve two terms Italy's President Giorgio Napolitano agrees to stand again for presidency following cross-party appeals "We've a suspect in custody. It's a night where we're all going to rest easy," Marathon bombings suspect in serious condition in hospital, #Boston police's We owe a "tremendous debt of gratitude" to law enforcement officers involved, President Obama says Obama: Question now is what motivated "terrorists" who carried out #Boston attack and was anyone else involved At least 100 people dead or injured after earthquake in #China's Sichuan province, state media report "The citizens of this city have been incredible," #Boston police commissioner Ed Davis says Police in #Boston holding press conference after saying marathon bomb suspect captured in #Watertown Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick says #Boston transport is reopening, lifts request to stay indoors Latest #Boston bomb manhunt press conference confirms no arrest has yet been made authorities giving press conference with latest update on#Boston bomb suspect manhunt in Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick says 200 rounds and explosives were used in overnight firefight Boston police believe suspect has not left Massachusetts but cannot be sure he is still in city of Boston Police say Boston bombing suspect fled firefight on foot. No evidence he has a vehicle Local #Boston reporter tells BBC News that a person was found hiding under canvas in a boat in Visit our live page for the latest news and developments about the capture of the #Boston Marathon bombing suspect English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR keep ahead mantenerse al frente His restaurant keeps ahead because of its good quality. Su restaurante (de él) se mantiene al frente por su buena calidad. keep away (a) prevenir una enfermedad (b) mantener alejado The doctor vaccinated me to keep away the flu. El médico me vacunó para prevenir la gripe. Keep your dog away from me, I'm really scared! ¡Mantén a tu perro alejado de mí, le tengo mucho miedo! keep back (a) ocultar (b) retrasarse (c) from - alejarse He's keeping some information back from the police. Él está ocultándole algo a la policía. Ana has been kept back after school. Ana se ha retrasado al volver del colegio. Keep the child back from the edge of the swimming pool! He doesn't know how to swim yet! ¡Aleja al niño del borde de la piscina! ¡Aún no sabe nadar! keep from no contarle algo a alguien Sam is keeping something from me and he doesn't want to tell me what it is! ¡Sam me está ocultando algo y no quiere decirme qué es! Hot Tío/a bueno/a Wow! Your girlfriend is hot! ¡Guau! ¡Qué buena está tu novia! My grandmother only wants to go to the beach to see hot men. Mi abuela sólo quiere ir a la playa para ver tíos buenos. My personal trainer is the hottest guy in the gym. Mi entrenador personal es el tío más bueno del gimnasio. to get a grip on oneself controlarse She's hysterical over nothing, she needs to get a grip of herself! English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR Slash Meada Either you stop the car so I can have a slash or we'll be scuba diving home! ¡O paras el coche para que pueda echar una meada o iremos buceando hasta casa! Is he dancing or does he just need a slash? ¿Está bailando o sólo necesita mear? It's always harder to get your key in the door when you need a slash Siempre es más difícil meter la llave en la puerta cuando necesitas echar una meada. to play ball cooperar We'll keep teaching you as long as our fans play ball and keep reading our classes. To "testify" was based on men in the Roman court swearing to a statement made by swearing on their testicles. "Testify" (testificar) viene de la toma de juramento que los hombres hacían en la corte romana. Una declaración llevada a cabo jurando sobre sus testículos. BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking BostonMarathon suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev remains in a serious condition, hospital says Syrian troops seize town west of Damascus, killing at least 80 people, opposition activists say Bombing suspects "were going to attack other individuals" before one died in shootout, says


10 BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking Authorities don't know if they will ever be able to question #BostonMarathon bombing suspect, Boston mayor says 30-second silence held at start of #LondonMarathon for #BostonMarathon victims: An avalanche in the US state of Colorado kills five snowboarders but a sixth survives, officials say SELVA inglés @SELVAingles Solía con acciones en el pasado: Solía hacer ejercicio todos los días. I would exercise everyday. I used to exercise everyday. Solía con estados en el pasado: Él solía tener paciencia. He used to have pacience. Cuidado con “Would”: tiene otros significados y se puede confundir con “solía”. I would work. Solía trabajar. Trabajaría. No se puede usar “would” en negación para decir “solía”. I wouldn’t work. No quise trabajar. No trabajaría. Acostumbrar to BE used to something Estoy acostumbrado al olor. I am used to the smell. Ella estaba acostumbrada a vivir sola. She was used to living alone Acostumbrarse to GET used to something Me acostumbré al olor. I got used to the smell. Ella se acostumbrará a vivir sola. She’ll get used to living alone. SO y TOO con Verbos Regulares Joe trabaja mucho. Joe works a lot Ella tambien. So does she. (SO va al principio de la oración.) She does too. (TOO va al final de la oración.) Yo tambien. So do I. I do too. Me too. Forma informal SO y TOO con el Verbo TO BE Joe es raro. Joe is wierd. Ella tambien. So is she. (SO va al principio de la oración.) She is too. (TOO va al final de la oración.) Yo tambien. So am I. I am too. Me too. Forma informal SO y TOO con Verbos Modales Joe puede nadar. Joe can swim. Ella tambien. So can she. (SO va al principio de la oración.) She can too. (TOO va al final de la oración.) Yo tambien. So can I. I can too. Me too. Forma informal SO y TOO con HABER (has, have) Joe ha limpiado la casa. Joe has cleaned the house. Ella tambien. So has she. (SO va al principio de la oración.) She has too. (TOO va al final de la oración.) Yo tambien. So has I. I has too. Me too. Forma informal lamansiondelingles @mansiontwit Hold on a sec! ¡Espera un momento! El blog para aprender inglés to control controlar, manejar (maquinaria) Yogis learn to control their minds through disciplined meditation. Los yoguis aprenden a controlar sus mentes mediante meditación disciplinada. You must control yourself in these situations and not get angry. Debes controlarte en estas situaciones y no enfadarte. He has an HGV licence which means he knows how to control large vehicles like these. Tiene una licencia de transporte de cargas pesadas, lo que significa que sabe manejar vehículos grandes como estos. to check verificar, asegurarse de, comprobar, revisar, corregir (en el sentido de “mirar” o “echarle un vistazo a”), mirar (en el sentido de “verificar” o “comprobar”) Have you checked that we have enough petrol for the journey? ¿Has verificado / Te has asegurado de que tenemos suficiente gasolina para el trayecto? I’m just going to check my emails a moment. Sólo voy a mirar mis correos electrónicos un momento. (Sólo voy a comprobar si tengo algún nuevo correo electrónico un momento.) Can you check my essay before I hand it in? ¿Puedes corregirme / revisarme el ensayo antes de que lo entregue? Can you check that everything’s ok? ¿Puedes verificar / mirar / comprobar / asegurarte de que todo está bien? En algunos contextos se podría utilizar check como alternativa a control: He had to control/check his emotions when he came face-to-face with his brother’s killer. Tuvo que controlar sus emociones cuando se encontró delante del asesino de su hermano. to supervise supervisar As a manager, my job is to supervise the project and make sure everyone’s roles are well coordinated and that everything runs smoothly. Como gerente, mi trabajo es supervisar el proyecto y asegurar que los papeles de todo el mundo están bien coordinados y que todo funciona adecuadamente. Presente: It is crucial that he ask the right questions. Es crucial que él haga las preguntas correctas. Pasado: It was crucial that he ask the right questions. Era crucial que él hiciese las preguntas correctas. It is essential that the report be read. Es esencial que se lea el informe. Si esta misma oración se dijera en inglés británico, sería: It is essential that the report is read. Es esencial que sea lea el informe. The boss recommended that they read the report thoroughly. El jefe les recomendó que leyesen el informe en profundidad. (Inglés americano) The boss recommended that they should read the report thoroughly. El jefe les dijo que deberían leer el informe en profundidad. Nota: En español no puedo usar el verbo "recomendar" con "deberían", por eso he cambiado a "dijo". (Inglés británico) If he were here he wouldn't do it. Si él estuviese aquí no lo haría. The CEO asked that the sales managers not be late for the meeting. El Consejero Delegado pidió a los jefes de ventas que no llegasen tarde a la reunión. Forma pasiva: They recommended that he be accepted as a new member. Ellos recomendaron que él fuese aceptado como un nuevo miembro.


10 El blog para aprender inglés Continuous: It is advisable that you be waiting at the reception. Es aconsejable que estés esperando en la recepción. Los verbos que suelen ir en subjuntivo son: be ser, estar. ask preguntar, pedir recommend recomendar demand solicitar, pedir request solicitar, pedir insist insistir propose proponer urge solicitar, rogar Los adjetivos que suelen ir en subjuntivo son: advisable aconsejable important importante crucial crucial desirable deseable necessary necesario preferable preferible vital vital Gareth H. Jones @gar_jones to cut cortar / recortar cut cut (cortado) to fit caber / encajar fit fit (encajado) to hit golpear / pegar hit hit (golpeado) to let dejar (permitir) let let (dejado) to put poner / meter put put (puesto/metido) to set poner / colocar set set (puesto/colocado) to cost costar cost cost (costado) to hurt doler / hacer daño / lastimarse hurt hurt (dolido) to quit dejar (de) / parar (de) quit quit (dejado) to shut cerrar shut shut (cerrado) to beat ganar a beat beaten (ganado a) to sit sentarse sat sat (sentado) to spit escupir spat spat (escupido) to win ganar won won (ganado) to dig cavar / excavar escarbar dug dug (cavado) The company cut its client entertainment budget in order to save money. La empresa recortó su presupuesto de entretenimiento a clientes para ahorrar dinero. My brother finally let me take his car last week. Mi hermano finalmente me dejó llevar su coche la semana pasada. Do you know that this painting cost him an arm and a leg? ¿Sabes que este cuadro le costó un ojo de la cara? Unfortunately, he has hurt his leg and he won’t be able to play tomorrow. Desafortunadamente, se ha lastimado una pierna y no podrá jugar mañana. Liverpool have beaten Everton in five out of the last eight matches they have played against each other. El Liverpool ha ganado al Everton en cinco de los últimos seis partidos que han jugado entre sí. Mark and Janet sat at a table and ordered a bottle of wine. Mark y Janet se sentaron en una mesa y pidieron una botella de vino. Spain won the World Cup in 2010. España ganó el mundial en 2010. 1.El camarero puso el vino en la mesa. 2.No han cerrado la puerta. 3.El perro escarbó un agujero grande en el jardín. 4.¡Les ganamos (a ellos)! 1.The waiter put the wine on the table. 2.They haven’t shut the door. 3.The dog dug a big hole in the garden. 4.We beat them! BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking US musician Richie Havens, who opened Woodstock festival in 1969, dies aged 72, his agent says Woodstock icon Richie Havens dies at 72 Boston observes moment of silence to honour victims of marathon bombings a week ago FA charges Luis Suarez with violent conduct after biting Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic. Surviving Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev formally charged in hospital but indictment remains sealed, US media reports say Taliban says 9 foreigners abducted after helicopter makes forced landing in Afghanistan Up to nine foreigners captured by Taliban insurgents after civilian helicopter crashes in Afghanistan’s eastern Logar province Horacio Cartes declared winner of #Paraguay’s presidential election Magnitude 5.9 earthquake hits Mexico - US Geological Survey. Tremors felt in Mexico City, reports say English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR “All” significa “todo/ toda/ todos/todas” y “every” significa “cada”. Ambos hacen referencia a los integrantes de un grupo, con la diferencia de que “all” se refiere a todos los miembros del grupo, en conjunto; y “every” a cada miembro del grupo, sin excepción. Al referirnos a expresiones de tiempo, “all” significa “durante todo el”. My son has spent every weekend of the summer studying. Mi hijo se ha pasado cada fin de semana del verano estudiando. My son has spent all weekend studying. Mi hijo se ha pasado todo el fin de semana estudiando. “Every” se usa con sustantivos en singular y “all” se usa con sustantivos en plural. Every person has the right to be free. Cada persona tiene el derecho de ser libre. All people have the right to be free. Todas las personas tienen el derecho de ser libres. “Every” no va seguido de preposición y “all” puede ir o no seguido de la preposición “of”. Every employee is important. Cada empleado es importante. All my employees are important. Todos mis empleados son importantes. let down decepcionar My sister let me down when I counted on her. Mi hermana me decepcionó cuando conté con ella. let in dejar entrar (b) on - revelar Let me in, please! It’s pissing down! ¡Déjame entrar, por favor! ¡Está lloviendo a cántaros!. Don’t let me in on the secret. I don’t want to be your accomplice. No me reveles el secreto. No quiero ser tu cómplice. let into abrir la puerta para permitir entrar The bouncer let us into the club for free. El portero nos dejó entrar en la discoteca sin pagar.


10 English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR let off (a) liberar (b) explosionar The judge let the murderer off by mistake. El juez dejó al asesino en libertad por error. At the end of the wedding, the guests let off beautiful fireworks. Al final de la boda, los invitados hicieron explotar bonitos fuegos artificiales. let on revelar un secreto Rose let on to Lucy that she was going to be fired. Rose le contó a Lucy que iba a ser despedida. let out (a) dejar salir (b) contar, revelar Let me out, mum! I want to meet my friends! ¡Déjame salir, mamá! ¡Quiero ir con mis amigos! Do what I want or I’ll let your secret out. Haz lo que digo o contaré tu secreto. let up (a) mejorar el tiempo (b) no dejar de hablar When the storm lets up I’ll drive home. Cuando pare la tormenta conduciré a casa. Jane never lets up when she drinks beer. Jane nunca deja de hablar cuando bebe cerveza. satisfied more satisfied - the most satisfied : satisfecho I’m not satisfied with the service I get from my mobile phone company. No estoy satisfecho con el servicio que recibo por parte le mi compañía de telefonía movil. I couldn’t be more satisfied with the service in the hotel. No podría estar más satisfecho con el servicio del hotel. People who buy what they need, instead of what they want, are always the most satisfied customers. La gente que compra lo que necesita, en lugar de lo que quiere, son siempre los clientes más satisfechos. (UK) Boffin Coco, cerebrito The boffins in the R&D department created a new product. Los cerebritos del departamento de I+D han creado un producto nuevo. I don’t mind being a boffin. Geeks are sexy! No me importa ser un cerebrito, ¡los frikis somos sexy! You need to be a boffin to be a scientist. Necesitas ser un coco para ser científico. to run the risk of correr el riesgo de If you keep acting jealous you run the risk that she actually will cheat on you in the future. El blog para aprender inglés Promise no suena “promais”. Suena “prómis”. lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit Howayoo? (How are you?) ¿Qué tal? ¿Qué hay? GraspEnglish ?@GraspEnglish neither (adjetivo) ningún Neither answer is correct Ninguna de las respuestas es correcta neither (pronombre) ninguno, -a, -os, -as Both were to blame but neither accepted responsibility Los dos tenían parte de culpa pero ninguno aceptó la responsabilidad Neither of these telephones works Ninguno de estos dos teléfonos funciona “Which tie do you want?” “Neither of them.” “¿Qué corbata quieres?” “Ninguna de las dos.” Se usa neither of delante de artículo, adjetivo posesivo o demostrativo (the, this, my, etc.), así como delante de otro pronombre tanto el sustantivo como el pronombre van en plural, pero el verbo va en singular en el habla formal Neither of us wants to go Ninguno de nosotros quiere ir Are/Is neither of your parents coming? ¿No vienen ni tu madre ni tu padre? neither (adverbio) tampoco Cuando neither significa tampoco se puede sustituir por nor. Con ambos se utiliza la estructura: neither/nor + v aux/v modal + sujeto ‘I didn’t go.’ ‘Neither did I.’ ‘Yo no fui.’ ‘Yo tampoco.’ ‘I haven’t seen that film.’ ‘Neither have I./Me neither.’ ‘No he visto esa película.’ ‘Yo tampoco.’ Nótese que me neither significa lo mismo que neither do, did, etc. I I can’t swim and neither can my brother Yo no sé nadar y mi hermano tampoco ‘I’m not angry.’ ‘Neither is she.’ ‘No estoy enfadada.’ ‘Ella tampoco.’ cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles I’d visited the Louvre before so I knew where the Mona Lisa was. Había visitado el Museo del Louvre antes, así que sabía donde estaba la Mona Lisa. They’d studied English before they went to London. Habían estudiado inglés antes de irse a Londres. Henry changed careers because he’d worked as an accountant for many years and was bored. Henry cambió de profesión porque había trabajado como contable durante muchos años y estaba aburrido. I hadn’t visited the Louvre before so I didn’t know where the Mona Lisa was. No había visitado el Museo del Louvre antes, así que no sabía donde estaba la Mona Lisa. They hadn’t studied English before they went to London. No habían estudiado inglés antes de irse a Londres. Henry changed careers even though he hadn’t worked as an accountant for long. Henry cambió de profesión a pesar de que no había trabajado como contable durante mucho tiempo. How did you know where the Mona Lisa was? Had you visited the Louvre before? ¿Cómo sabías dónde estaba la Mona Lisa? ¿Había visitado el Museo del Louvre antes? Had they studied English before they went to London? ¿Habían estudiado inglés antes de irse a Londres? Had Henry worked as an accountant for long before he changed careers? ¿Henry había trabajado como contable durante mucho tiempo antes de cambiar de profesión? I’d read the book before I saw the movie. Había leído el libro antes de ver la película. Donna had just left when you called. Donna había salido justo cuando llamaste. Had you ever flown before the trip to France? ¿Alguna vez habías volado antes del viaje a Francia?


10 cursoingles ?@curso_de_ingles I had already woken up when the alarm clock rang at 7am. Ya me había despertado cuando sonó el despertador a las 7. He hadn’t been to France before the trip in 2008. No había estado en Francia antes del viaje del 2008. She had only owned one car before she bought her new BMW. Había tenido un coche antes de que lcompró su nuevo BMW. I’d been depressed for a long time before I changed jobs. Había estado deprimido durante mucho tiempo antes de que cambiara de trabajo. English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR (UK) In bits Destrozado, hecho polvo, muy afectado I was in bits when I heard that my mother had died. Me quedé hecho polvo cuando oí que mi madre había muerto. She was in bits when she caught her husband cheating. Ella estaba destrozada tras pillar a su marido engañándola. When he came out of the boss’s office he was in bits! I think he was fired. ¡Cuando él salió de la oficina del jefe, estaba muy afectado! Creo que lo habían despedido. to draw a veil over something correr un velo sobre algo The company drew a veil over losing the university contact, they never spoke about it. SELVA inglés @SELVAingles Can y Could Habilidad She can talk on the phone for hours. Ella puede hablar por teléfono por horas. She is able to talk on the phone for hours. Ella es capaz de hablar por teléfono por horas. She could talk on the phone for hours when she was a teenager. Ella podía hablar por teléfono por horas cuando era una joven. She was able to talk on the phone for hours when she was a teenager. Ella era capaz de hablar por teléfono por horas cuando era una joven. He can run 15 miles straight. Él puede correr 15 millas sin parar. He is able to run 15 miles straight. Él es capaz de correr 15 millas sin parar. He could run fifteen miles straight when he was twenty. Él podía correr quince millas sin parar cuando tenía veinte años. He was able to run fifteen miles straight when he was twenty. Él era capaz de correr quince millas sin parar cuando tenía veinte años. Why can’t you apologize? ¿Porqué no puedes pedir una disculpa? Why couldn’t you apologize? ¿Porqué no pudiste pedir una disculpa? Why aren’t you able to apologize? ¿Porqué no eres capaz de disculparte? Why weren’t you able to apologize? ¿Porqué no fuiste capaz de disculparte? We can’t swim because we never learned how. No podemos nadar porque nunca aprendimos. We couldn’t swim because we didn’t know how. No pudimos nadar porque no sabíamos cómo nadar. We aren’t able to swim because we never learned how. No somos capaces de nadar porque nunca aprendimos. We weren’t able to swim because we didn’t know how. No fuimos capaces de nadar porque no sabíamos cómo nadar Can y Could Permiso She can’t date until she’s sixteen. No puede salir con muchachos hasta que tenga dieciséis años. She couldn’t date until she was sixteen. No pudo salir con muchachos hasta que tenía dieciséis años. She isn’t allowed to date until she’s sixteen. No tiene permitido salir con muchachos hasta que tenga dieciséis años. She wasn’t allowed to date until she was sixteen. No tenía permitido salir con muchachos hasta que tenía dieciséis años. We can’t swim today because the lifeguard said that it was too dangerous. No podemos nadar hoy porque la salvavidas dijo que era demasiado peligroso. We couldn’t swim yesterday because the lifeguard said that it was too dangerous. No pudimos nadar ayer porque la salvavidas dijo que era demasiado peligroso. We aren’t allowed to swim today because the lifeguard said that it was too dangerous. No nos permite nadar hoy porque la salvavidas dijo que era demasiado peligroso. We weren’t allowed to swim yesterday because the lifeguard said that it was too dangerous. No nos permitió nadar ayer porque la salvavidas dijo que era demasiado peligroso. COULD El Condicional If I could only sleep well at night, I could wake up feeling fresh in the mornings. Si tan sólo pudiera dormir en la noche, podría despertar sintiendome fresca por las mañanas. I could do it if I wanted to. Lo podría hacer si quisiera. Could you pass me the salt? ¿Me podrías pasar el sal? TO BE ABLE TO Uso del Infinitivo She’ll be able to visit us tomorrow. Ella va a poder visitarnos mañana. She has been able to visit her mama once a week this year. Ella ha podido visitar a su mamá una vez a la semana este año. They’d like to be able to speak English. Les gustaría poder hablar inglés. TO BE ALLOWED TO Uso del Infinitivo When will you be allowed to leave? ¿Cuando te van a permitir irte? We have been allowed to do whatever we want for years. Nos han permitido hacer lo que queremos por años. She’d like to be allowed to smoke in bars. Le gustaría tener permiso de fumar en los bares. ALLOWED TO y LET Para hablar del pasado sin el estilo indirecto (e.g. Ella dijo…) se usa “allowed to” y “let.” My mama allowed me to go to the movies with you. Mi mama me dejó ir al cine contigo. Her dad didn’t let her see you any more. Su papá no dejó que ella te vea más. BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Independent Scotland would be taking “very deep dive into uncharted waters” - UK Chancellor


10 BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking At least 26 people killed in clashes in northern Iraq after security forces raid anti-government protest camp At least 14 people killed in clashes between security forces and anti-government protesters in northern Iraqi town of Hawija, officials say Car bomb explodes at French embassy in #Tripoli, Libya, injuring two security guards, officials say French embassy in #Tripoli hit by “car bomb” Iran denies any link with alleged plot to attack Canadian train, after overnight arrests in Toronto and Montreal lamansiondelingles @mansiontwit Listen and Learn:I don't give a damn! = Me importa un pimiento. She can tell the police if she wants to. I don't give a damn!... BBC Breaking News @BBCBreaking Second of two men suspected of plotting to derail trains in #Toronto area appears in #Canada court, rejects case French parliament approves gay marriage law HSBC to cut 3,166 UK jobs, but hopes to redeploy more than 2,000 affected staff English on the Rocks @EnglishOTR make after seguir a, perseguir He made after the thief when he saw him steal a lady's handbag. Él persiguió al ladrón cuando le vio robando el bolso de una señora. make away with robar The thieves made away with my wallet. Los ladrones robaron mi cartera. make for dirigirse hacia, atacar The cat made for the door when it heard the dog. El gato se dirigió a la puerta cuando oyó al perro. make up (a) inventar una historia (b) maquilla (c) for - compensar (d) to - recompensar a alguien (e) with - reconciliarse I'm making the story up as I go along. Me estoy inventando la historia sobre la marcha. She's not ready yet! She still has to do her make up! ¡Todavía no está lista! ¡Aún tiene que maquillarse! The manager will make up for the inconvenience with a free drink. El encargado compensará por el incidente con una bebida gratis. Sorry I'm late, I will make it up to you tomorrow. Lo siento, llego tarde, te compensaré mañana. After the misunderstanding John is making up with Mary. Después del malentendido, John se ha reconciliado con Mary. Gareth H. Jones @gar_jones weather (tiempo), thunder (trueno) y lightning (relámpago) I can’t go to the party tonight; I’m a bit under the weather. No puedo ir a la fiesta de esta noche; estoy un poco pachucho. I discovered that Mark was a fair-weather friend as he hardly called me after my father died. Descubrí que Mark era un amigo por el interés porque apenas me llamaba después de que muriera mi padre. When Manchester City got relegated from the Premier League, many fans abandoned the club. Now that it has a lot of money and success, they’ve returned. I can’t stand fair-weather fans. Cuando el Manchester City descendió de la primera, muchos aficionados abandonaron el club. Ahora que tiene mucho dinero y éxito, han vuelto. No soporto a los aficionados por el interés. Our boss had a face like thunder when he realised that we had forgotten to include an important part of the presentation. Nuestro jefe tenía cara de pocos amigos cuando se dió cuenta de que se nos había olvidado incluir una parte importante de la presentación. Laura wanted to tell her family the news about the marriage in person, but David stole her thunder and phoned both their parents that night. Laura quería contar a su familia en persona la noticia sobre la boda, pero David le robó la primicia y llamó a las dos familias esa noche. He ran like greased lightning when he saw the wild boar amongst the trees. Corrió como un relámpago cuando vió el jabalí entre los árboles. weather-related idioms modismos relacionados con el tiempo 1.eatures /fichas/ características (de un producto); rasgos (de una cara) 2) a) What new features (características) does the latest iPhone have? b) She has very fine features (rasgos) cursoingles @curso_de_ingles Verbos Irregulares http://www.curso-ingles.com/verbos-en-ingles/irregular.php BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking 10-match ban for Liverpool footballer Luis Suarez covers final 4 games of season, first six of 2013-14 English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR get up (a) levantarse, ponerse de pie (b) to - llegar a un punto de algo que estás haciendo y detenerte ahí It's polite to get up if someone enters the room. Es educado ponerse de pie si alguien entra en la habitación. I couldn't finish the book, I only got up to the sixth chapter. No pude acabar el libro, sólo llegué hasta el sexto capítulo. get over (a) superar (b) with - acabar de una vez Rob couldn't get over his fear of flying. Rob no pudo superar su miedo a volar. Once I've gotten the housework over with I'll call my mother. Una vez que acabe con las tareas domésticas, llamaré a mi madre. get in (a) llegar (b) entregar (c) entrar (d) on - involucrarse en una actividad que otra gente ya está realizando generalmente sin ser invitado (e) with - juntarse con


10 English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR Let's go! The plane will get in soon and James will wonder where we are. ¡Vamos! El avión llegará pronto y James se preguntará que dónde estamos. Get your essays in by nine o'clock sharp. Entrega tus ensayos antes de las nueve en punto How did you get in here? ¿Cómo entraste allí? What do I need to get in on the action? ¿Qué tengo que hacer para unirme a la acción? You have a higher chance of joining if you get in with some of the other members. Tienes más posibilidad de unirte si te juntas con alguno de los otros miembros. get away (a) irse, apartarse,tomarse unas vacaciones (b) salir, escaparse (c) with - lo lograr no ser criticado o castigado por algo malo que hayas hecho You should get away for a couple of days and rest. Deberías irte un par de días y descansar. Quickly! Catch them before they get away. ¡Rápido! Cógelos antes de que se escapen. Sally thought she could get away with lying to me, but this time she's been caught. Sally pensó que podría salir indemne después de mentirme, pero esta vez ha sido pillada. get ahead tomar la delantera, progresar Mike's really getting ahead in the company. Mike realmente está progresando en la empresa. get along (with) llevarse bien, manejar una situación Please don't invite her, I don't get along with her. Por favor, no la invites, no me llevo bien con ella. Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones a nuisance /niúsans/ molestia, fastidio, pesadez, lata, What a nuisance! ¡Qué molestia! / ¡Vaya lata! Don’t allow your emotions to cloud your judgement. No permitas que tus emociones te nublen el juicio. Maria realised that every cloud has a silver lining when, just a few weeks after being made redundant, she found a better job with a major company in the same sector. Maria se dió cuenta de que no hay mal que por bien no venga cuando, justo unas semanas después de ser despedida, encontró un puesto mejor con una empresa importante en el mismo sector. John has his head in the clouds if he thinks he’s going to be a rock singer. John está en una nube si piensa que va a ser cantante de rock. Andy Murray was on cloud nine after winning the US Open shortly after winning Olympic Gold in London in 2012. Andy Murray estaba muy emocionado después de ganar el US Open poco después de ganar la Medalla de Oro en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres de 2012. The politician resigned under a cloud after admitting using public money to pay for his personal trips. El político dimitió deshonrado después de admitir haber usado dinero público para pagar sus viajes personales. Lance Armstrong was left under a cloud after admitting doping during his cycling career. Lance Armstrong quedó deshonrado después de admitir haberse dopado durante su carrera ciclista. 1.to get conseguir en el sentido de “obtener” 2.to manage (to) conseguir cuando va seguido de infinitivo 3.to achieve conseguir en el sentido de “lograr” David quiere conseguir / obtener un nuevo trabajo porque está harto con el suyo actual. David wants to get a new job because he’s fed up with his current one. Si no conseguimos / obtenemos ayuda, nunca podremos acabarlo a tiempo. If we don’t get any help, we’ll never be able to finish it on time. After a lot of negotiation, they finally managed to reach an agreement for the sale of their house. Afortunadamente, Angela consiguió llegar al aeropuerto a tiempo para tomar su vuelo a pesar del retraso de su tren. Fortunately, Angela managed to arrive at the airport on time to catch her flight despite the delay to her train. ¿Consiguió/logró el equipo sus objetivos para el año pasado? Did the team achieve its objectives for last year? Jess Ennis consiguió su sueño de ganar una medalla de oro en el heptatlón en las Olimpiadas de Londres. Jess Ennis achieved her dream of winning a gold medal in the heptathlon in the London Olympics. 1.¿Conseguiste dormir bien anoche? 2.¿Qué quieres conseguir en tu vida? 3.Tenemos que conseguir algo para comer pronto si no queremos morir de hambre. 1.Did you manage to sleep well last night? 2.What do you want to achieve in your life? 3.We have to get something to eat soon if we don’t want to die of hunger. English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR To keep - kept - kept : guardar, mantener Don't keep your credit card in the same pocket as your mobile phone. No guardes tu tarjeta de crédito en el mismo bolsillo que tu teléfono móvil. He stripped naked, but he kept his hat on. Él se desnudó, pero se dejó puesto el sombrero. I have kept in contact with my old boss, just in case I ever need a job. He seguido en contacto con mi antiguo jefe, por si acaso alguna vez necesito trabajo. (UK) Porkies Trolas, bolas Don't tell porkies. I know you're not telling the truth. No digas trolas. Sé que no estás diciendo la verdad. There is no such thing as a politician that doesn't tell porkies. No hay nada como un político que no diga trolas. If you tell porkies your nose will grow! ¡Si dices trolas, tu nariz crecerá! to cut one's losses cortar por lo sano They weren't happy in America so they cut their losses and moved back to Spain.


10 BBC Breaking News ?@BBCBreaking Leftist Enrico Letta asked to form next Italian government - presidency At least 70 dead and many more feared trapped after eight-storey building collapses in Bangladeshi capital, 21 people killed, incl 15 police and community workers, in clashes in Chinese region of Xinjiang - local government UK banking group Lloyds' planned sale of more than 600 branches to Co-operative Group collapses after the Co-op pulls out of deal Lloyds hopes to sell more than 600 UK branches through stock market listing, after sale to Co-op collapses UK newspaper industry to reject government plans for future of press regulation & propose own system of self-regulation 3 Britons who travelled to Pakistan for terrorist training each jailed for between 4 & 9 years Crimes recorded by police in England & Wales fell by 8% in 2012, compared with 2011 More details: #Spain unemployment figures hit record high of 27%, with 6m out of work At least 147 people confirmed dead in Bangladesh building collapse, as rescuers search for survivors 10-match ban for Liverpool footballer Luis Suarez covers final 4 games of season, first six of 2013-14 lamansiondelingles ?@mansiontwit "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." English on the Rocks ?@EnglishOTR Burn rubber Cagando leches You'll have to burn rubber if you want to get there on time. Tendrás que ir cagando leches si quieres llegar puntual. Wow, you got here early! You must have burned rubber! ¡Guau, has llegado pronto! ¡Debes haber venido cagando leches! Let's burn rubber, I want to get home before dinner. Vámonos cagando leches, quiero llegar a casa antes de cenar. to set the scene crear un ambiente The constant pay cuts and reduction in quality set the scene for the companies collapse. get up (a) levantarse, ponerse de pie (b) to - llegar a un punto de algo que estás haciendo y detenerte ahí It's polite to get up if someone enters the room. Es educado ponerse de pie si alguien entra en la habitación. I couldn't finish the book, I only got up to the sixth chapter. No pude acabar el libro, sólo llegué hasta el sexto capítulo. get over (a) superar (b) with - acabar de una vez Rob couldn't get over his fear of flying. Rob no pudo superar su miedo a volar. Once I've gotten the housework over with I'll call my mother. Una vez que acabe con las tareas domésticas, llamaré a mi madre. get in (a) llegar (b) entregar (c) entrar (d) on - involucrarse en una actividad que otra gente ya está realizando generalmente sin ser invitado (e) with - juntarse con Let's go! The plane will get in soon and James will wonder where we are. ¡Vamos! El avión llegará pronto y James se preguntará que dónde estamos. Get your essays in by nine o'clock sharp. Entrega tus ensayos antes de las nueve en punto How did you get in here? ¿Cómo entraste allí? What do I need to get in on the action? ¿Qué tengo que hacer para unirme a la acción? You have a higher chance of joining if you get in with some of the other members. Tienes más posibilidad de unirte si te juntas con alguno de los otros miembros. get away (a) irse, apartarse,tomarse unas vacaciones (b) salir, escaparse (c) with - lo lograr no ser criticado o castigado por algo malo que hayas hecho You should get away for a couple of days and rest. Deberías irte un par de días y descansar. Quickly! Catch them before they get away. ¡Rápido! Cógelos antes de que se escapen. Sally thought she could get away with lying to me, but this time she's been caught. Sally pensó que podría salir indemne después de mentirme, pero esta vez ha sido pillada. get ahead tomar la delantera, progresar Mike's really getting ahead in the company. Mike realmente está progresando en la empresa. get along (with) llevarse bien, manejar una situación Please don't invite her, I don't get along with her. Por favor, no la invites, no me llevo bien con ella. Gareth H. Jones ?@gar_jones "Spain unemployment hits record high" Spain hardship (privación): No money for food. a nuisance /niúsans/ molestia, fastidio, pesadez, lata, What a nuisance! ¡Qué molestia! / ¡Vaya lata! Don’t allow your emotions to cloud your judgement. No permitas que tus emociones te nublen el juicio. Maria realised that every cloud has a silver lining when, just a few weeks after being made redundant, she found a better job with a major company in the same sector. Maria se dió cuenta de que no hay mal que por bien no venga cuando, justo unas semanas después de ser despedida, encontró un puesto mejor con una empresa importante en el mismo sector. John has his head in the clouds if he thinks he’s going to be a rock singer. John está en una nube si piensa que va a ser cantante de rock. Andy Murray was on cloud nine after winning the US Open shortly after winning Olympic Gold in London in 2012. Andy Murray estaba muy emocionado después de ganar el US Open poco después de ganar la Medalla de Oro en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres de 2012. The politician resigned under a cloud after admitting using public money to pay for his personal trips. El político dimitió deshonrado después de admitir haber usado dinero público para pagar sus viajes personales.


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