RTC Magazine, Summer 2022

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Real World Connected Systems Magazine

Second Quarter Summer 2022

The The Missing Missing Link Link to to Additive Additive Manufacturing: Manufacturing:

Merging DfAM and Data

Holographic Touch is Here!

For the first time, your customers can experience and interact with ground-breaking Holographic Touch™ displays in mid-air!

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The future is here.


Real World Connected Systems Magazine. Produced by Intelligent Systems Source


Publisher Notes

Autonomous Trucking is Closer than You Think


By John Reardon, Publisher


Industry Watch

Enea Provided Batelco with Seamless Wi-Fi Connectivity at the Bahrain Grand Prix

The Missing Link to Additive Manufacturing:

Merging DfAM and Data

An end-to-end digital manufacturing solution, designed for the DoD, will enable large organizations to manage and scale their AM processes. By Greg Rankin

20 Innovative Products

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PUBLISHER John Reardon, johnr@rtc-media.com

EDITORIAL Editorial Director John Reardon, johnr@rtc-media.com Contributing Editors Rob Hoffman, rob.hoffman@highassurance.com Glenn ImObersteg, glenn@convergencepromotions.com

ART/PRODUCTION Creative Director & Layout Dave Ramos, drdesignserices@ymail.com Digital Marketing Manager Scott Blair, scott@blair-media.com

ADVERTISING Sales Manager Vaughn Orchard, vaugho@rtc-media.com Program Development John Reardon, johnr@rtc-media.com

CIRCULATION Dawn Dunaway Controller Paige Reardon, paiger@rtc-media.com

TO CONTACT RTC MAGAZINE: Home Office RTC Media 3180 Sitio Sendero Carlsbad, Ca. 92009 Main line: (949)226-2000 Sales: (949)226-2032

Web: www.rtc-media.com Published by RTC-Media Copyright 2022, RTC-Media. Printed in the United States. All rights reserved. All related graphics are trademarks of RTC-Media. All other brand and product names are the property of their holders.

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Publisher Notes John Reardon Publisher

Autonomous Trucking is Closer than You Think More than 70% of the freight moved in the United States is moved by truck. Facing severe shortages of drivers and increasing fuel costs, technology companies have turned to the industry that has not changed much in the last decade

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to offer solutions that are changing the logistics market significantly. One such company, TuSimple has gone public on the promise of delivering an autonomous truck under certain conditions by 2024.

TuSimple offers a Level 4 solution that is just shy of the Level 5 solution that is defined as fully autonomous or having the ability to perform all driving tasks, in the same manner as a human driver could. The TuSimple solution has focused on what they refer to as the “Middle Mile”. This is not the difficult task of driving a large semi from its origin to the highway through traffic and surface streets, and it is not the distance from the exit to the point of delivery that might include navigating small parking lots or double parking to make a delivery. By positioning terminals at each end of a long haul over an interstate, TuSimple sides step many of the technology challenges that are required at either end of a long journey. Through a series of ~250 patents, they have developed technology that includes a 1000-meter range on its sensor array with a fully redundant sensor suite that is monitored through a cloud-based oversight center. By operating in this “Middle Mile”, TUsimple simply avoids many Edge cases that could adversely affect the vehicle and are highly difficult to anticipate. Edge Cases are those solved and unsolved scenar-

ios that challenge programmers, one such example might be fog. TuSimple is being tested in the Southwest where events related to the Edge are more predictable and less common. Although the economic advantages seem significant if you can eliminate 40% of the cost of moving freight – the driver. The system is currently being tested with a human driving ahead of the autonomous vehicle to identify any Edge concerns. But assuming that is just part of the testing, TuSimple has a business model where the customer would pay $0.35 a mile for access to the autonomous freight network. In considering the costs of the driver, the regulatory oversight limiting behind-the-wheel time, and the inefficiencies of human driving, the value of what TuSimple offers may be significantly understated. Other solutions under consideration include linking multiple trucks together with a single driver which is being pursued by Locomotion. Or Kodiak, a company that claims a Level 5 solution by the year 2025. As the race to address autonomous trucking roles forward it brings the promise to make long-haul trucking safer, cheaper, more comfortable, and better for the environment by eliminating drugs, alcohol, and fatigue from the equation.

TuSimple has a business model where the customer would pay $0.35 a mile for access to the autonomous freight network.

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Industry Watch congatec and S.I.E join in a strategic partnership to Focus on OEM platforms for regulated industries congatec – a leading vendor of embedded and edge computing technology – and System Industrie Electronic GmbH (S.I.E) – an expert in system design and integration, mass production, and assembly of OEM platforms – announced their strategic value-adding partnership today. The focus is on solution platforms for regulated industries, such as healthcare and medical technology requiring MDRcertified medical computers and systems for critical infrastructure needing cyber security certification from federal agencies such as the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). OEMs in these markets – already served by both vendors – will benefit from a full service that combines the strengths of both partners to create a value package that offers full system responsibility – from the design of dedicated carrier boards and housings to mass production of entire systems that conform with all targeted industry-specific regulations, certifications and life cycle management requirements. “We are the only leading embedded computing vendor worldwide that focuses on its core competencies. To better serve our OEM customers, who demand individually tailored system-level products with full system responsibility, we invest in strong vertical market partnerships such as the one with S.I.E. With congatec and S.I.E already serving joint customers in regulated markets such as medical and healthcare as well as critical infrastructures, we have a solid foundation to catapult our established and prospering cooperation into a strategic partnership to multiply this success,” said congatec CSO Gerhard Edi, expressing his delight over the cooperation with S.I.E. “Looking at the rising risk of cyberattacks to critical infrastructures and the need for a higher class of quality, traceability, and documentation that comes with MDR regulations, we see an ever-increasing amount of applications that can benefit from the strategic partnership between congatec and S.I.E, which bundles each of our strong core competencies into best-in-class quality for our OEM customers. We see ourselves as one company and together we offer an unparalleled value proposition with full system responsibility – from the computing core to certification, mass production, and life cycle management. This is especially valuable if customers in regulated markets are looking for a source with central European roots,” underlines Josef Krojer, General Manager at S.I.E System Industrie Electronic. Among other OEM solution platforms, the two partners have already jointly developed the BSI-certified secunet Konnektor for cybersecurity specialist secunet. This Konnektor is now part of gematik’s telematics infrastructure. As Germany’s national agency for digital medicine the company promotes and coordinates the introduction, maintenance and further development of digital applications in healthcare and ensures the interoperability of the components involved. The secunet Konnektor is offered as a single-box connector for smaller facilities such as doctors’ offices or pharmacies, and as a data center connector for hospitals and large medical facilities as well as other service providers. To date, secunet has already installed more than 83,000 units. The three companies are taking the next step with the development of an MDR-certified gateway for medical technology. In such complex projects, the proven close cooperation of specialists makes a decisive difference.

Gerhard Edi, CSO at congatec, and Markus Dillinger and Josef Krojer, both General Managers at S.I.E, now work even more closely together (from left to right)

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Industry Watch John Deere Launches Innovation Hub in Austin, Texas Austin office will serve as a collaboration hub for new hires including data scientists, data engineers, embedded software engineers, systems engineers, and computer vision and machine learning operations engineers. Deere & Company is expanding its U.S. footprint and technology operations with a new office in Austin, Texas. The new location enables Deere to further strengthen its technology capabilities and attract talent interested in solving some of the world’s most pressing challenges — including feeding a growing population. A picture of the building where John Deere’s new offices will be housed in Austin, Texas. “Austin is a growing destination for some of the brightest minds in technology. Opening this office was a strategic decision from both a talent and collaboration perspective, particularly in software and data analytics,” said Jahmy Hindman, Chief Technology Officer at John Deere. “Deere’s mission has always been about helping farmers sustainably feed a growing global population. We’re looking for people who want to help create technology that will have a significant impact on their communities and the world.” Deere’s investment in Austin will mutually strengthen the city’s position as an innovation hub and the company’s portfolio as a global tech leader, driving further momentum towards Deere’s goal of bringing advanced technological solutions — including automation and autonomy — to the agriculture industry. “A presence in Austin allows us to access and recruit from a robust and diverse technical talent pool, supplemented by the region’s university ecosystem and startup community,” said Andrez Carberry, Director of Global HR Operations at John Deere. “This office will help us continue to develop industry-leading technology and solutions for farms and construction worksites.” “While we continue to embrace a flexible work environment for employees, this new office will provide an in-person space for innovators to inspire pivotal moments in collaboration and creativity,” Carberry added. The new office will be in Austin’s vibrant South Congress district. The Austin location is part of Deere’s broader strategy to expand and diversify its technology talent. In December 2021, the company announced a new Chicago office in the Fulton Market neighborhood designed to build out the company’s Information Technology capabilities.

Enea Provided Batelco with Seamless Wi-Fi Connectivity at the Bahrain Grand Prix Enea announced that its Wi-Fi Service Management Platform (SMP) was deployed by Batelco to seamlessly connect visitors at the Bahrain International Circuit (BIC). The BIC has a capacity of over 70,000, and the Enea Aptilo Wi-Fi SMP authenticated and connected Batelco’s customers automatically, and subscribers from other networks via a dedicated portal, during the Grand Prix event. The BIC is part of Batelco’s ‘Bahrain Wi-Fi’ service, the Kingdom’s WiFi digital network. For over ten years the operator has used Enea’s solution to connect subscribers in hotspots nationwide. “Enea is a valuable partner, and we share a common ethos,” said Batelco General Manager Enterprise Abdulla Danesh. “When we launched our service for people in the Kingdom to benefit from a uniform, island-wide network – we relied on Enea’s technology. They have helped us deliver secure and reliable connectivity not only for our subscribers but for all people in Bahrain and visitors to the country.” Enea’s Wi-Fi SMP not only provides secure connectivity but also enables communication service providers (CSPs) to secure revenue streams with their Wi-Fi service. The technology has been deployed by over 100 CSPs in 75 countries and has a subscriber footprint of over 250 million. “Our expertise supported Batelco’s delivery of Wi-Fi on one of the most important days in the sporting calendar,” said Jonas Jacobsson, Senior Vice President of Service Provider Sales at Enea. “Wi-Fi is a critical component of any sporting event adding the extra dimension on connecting fans to the action.” RTC Magazine Summer 2022 | 9

Industry Watch Emerson Improves Device and Process Visibility with FieldComm Group Registration AMS Device Manager is the first software of its kind to be registered under the Field Device Integration standard, making it easier to monitor and optimize plant health Global software, technology, and engineering leader Emerson announced that its device management software is the first host software to be fully registered by FieldComm Group® to support the Field Device Integration (FDI) standard. This is a further step in Emerson’s ongoing efforts to reduce the time and effort spent installing and configuring the field devices plants rely on to achieve their digital transformation goals. Field devices collect and transmit important data that personnel use to improve plant health, performance, and reliability. FDI registration will reduce the need for plants to support two different technologies to integrate and maintain field devices. Full FDI registration is important to avoid having a patchwork of systems and devices that only support individual elements of FDI but still require extensive integration effort. Because manufacturers can pick and choose individual FDI features to support, some device management applications will likely not contain every feature a plant requires. Emerson worked side by side with FieldComm Group for nearly two years to enable AMS Device Manager to pass the group’s rigorous testing process for registration, which requires all features to be supported by the software. “Today’s intelligent field devices offer a broad range of data and functionality that plant personnel can use to optimize operations, but without a common standard, collecting that data can be complex and cumbersome,” said Ted Masters, chief executive officer of FieldComm Group. “By completing the process to fully register AMS Device Manager’s FDI support, Emerson is providing its customers the tools to more easily implement a wider range of devices for holistic plant health.” The newest release of AMS Device Manager will make it easier, more secure, and more cost-effective to access device data. FDI integration technology eliminates the need for plants to support the two most common technologies for installing and configuring devices: Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) and Field Device Tool/Device Type Manager (FDT/DTM). Instead, all FDI devices support a single installation package, so organizations will no longer have to double up on time, training, and effort when installing field devices. “FDI integration technology takes the best features of EDDL and FDT/DTM and combines them into a single common standard, making it far easier to select, install, configure, and support new devices,” said Erik Lindhjem, vice president of Emerson’s reliability solutions business. “By adding full FDI registration to AMS Device Manager, Emerson continues its tradition of supporting and innovating on industry standards to help organizations drive more value from digital transformation initiatives.”

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Industry Watch Spell Partners with Graphcore to Deliver Next-Generation AI Infrastructure for Lower TCO and Faster Time-to-Value Spell, the leader in operationalizing AI for natural language processing (NLP), machine vision, and speech recognition applications, and Graphcore, maker of the Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU) for next-generation AI compute, have announced a partnership to deliver the next generation of AI infrastructure. With the emergence of AI-based on large neural nets, transformers, and other advanced AI models, there is a growing demand for more specialized AI compute instances, like Graphcore IPU systems, to accelerate model training, lower cost, and enable breakthroughs in ML. Conventional MLOps tools for traditional machine learning do not provide the abstraction and automation needed to enable and assure compliance, reproducibility, and resource management, both human and computational, for deep learning AI. To overcome these challenges, Graphcore and Spell are delivering a comprehensive deep learning platform that is powerful, easy to use, and highly cost-effective. And they are offering a free trial of this powerful hardware and software combination to commercial AI practitioners and academic researchers. Graphcore’s IPU has consistently demonstrated its ability to accelerate the most widely used AI models and workloads, while also unlocking new directions in artificial intelligence, made possible by its unique processor, system architecture, and mature Poplar software stack. Graphcore will utilize Spell to provide developers free access (limited to 6 hours of total compute time) to both interactive Jupyter notebooks and direct remote execution to run IPUs in the cloud, supported by a range of quickstart code tutorials leveraging popular AI models, including natural language models (e.g., BERT), computer vision models (e.g., EfficientNet, ResNet) and Graph Neural Networks (e.g., temporal graph networks). “Graphcore is delighted to be partnering with Spell in our shared mission to broaden access to artificial intelligence while accelerating its progress. Spell Workspaces make it easier than ever before for developers to try out the IPU and experience the Graphcore advantage first-hand,” said Graphcore CEO, Nigel Toon, adding, “Our integration with the Spell platform more broadly means that Graphcore can simply and seamlessly deliver leading-edge AI compute as part of the rich and expanding Spell ecosystem.” Spell has been recognized by Gartner, Forrester, and others as an AI infrastructure pioneer for its unique end-to-end software platform’s ability to orchestrate and automate the entire AI workflow and provide users with a single, common interface that hides the complexity and differences of underlying hardware and systems software. With integrated support for the Graphcore IPU, Spell’s AI infrastructure platform now gives Spell users transparent access to state-of-the-art AI acceleration for existing and new workloads. “We are pleased to collaborate with Graphcore to produce powerful next-generation AI infrastructure that meets the needs of deep learning practitioners for quickly delivering the most advanced AI applications at scale,” said Serkan Piantino, co-founder & CEO of Spell. “And our self-guided free trial means it could not be easier for users to get hands-on with this solution to see what it can do for them.”

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Industry Watch Lincoln Harris Selects Honeywell Forge SaaS Solution To Help Lower Costs And Improve Occupant Experience Honeywell announced that Lincoln Harris, a full-service commercial real estate firm in North Carolina, has implemented Honeywell Forge enterprise performance management software-as-a-service to drive digital transformation. Lincoln Harris first implemented Honeywell Forge at the SIX50 building at Legacy Union in Charlotte, N.C. Another Charlotte site developed and managed by the company at Legacy Union includes Honeywell’s new global corporate headquarters at 855 South Mint Street. Lincoln Harris uses Honeywell Forge Predictive Maintenance at the sites to reduce operating costs and improve building resilience by analyzing and optimizing systems maintenance. The solution recommends early and proactive actions based on live and historical data to avoid costly, unnecessary changes and reduce unplanned, reactive work on their building systems. Proactive actions can help reduce energy usage from unnecessary maintenance visits, improving the overall environmental impact of the building. “As a premium provider in real estate development and building management, we look to provide value-added services that optimize operating costs and enable our customers to thrive in their workplace,” said Patrick Stark, vice president of sustainability at Lincoln Harris. “Honeywell Forge helps us to improve the occupant experience by better addressing maintenance issues while reducing costs and becoming more sustainable.” With a broad real estate portfolio stretching across multiple cities, Lincoln Harris can use Honeywell Forge as a scalable solution to pull thousands of building maintenance data points across multiple properties proactively into one dashboard and receive a real-time analysis of building performance. Honeywell Forge Predictive Maintenance uses a proactive maintenance process of curated recommendations to improve how its assets are maintained. “Lincoln Harris has embraced digital transformation and sees the value of having a system of record for each building to meet its operational efficiency and sustainability targets while growing its real estate portfolio,” said Usman Shuja, vice president and general manager of Connected Buildings for Honeywell. “Insights from Honeywell Forge continue to help Lincoln Harris better manage its buildings while enabling the company to deliver a quality occupant experience, help lower operational costs and address maintenance problems before they become costly issues.”

Great Timing! ViaLite Supports Fortune 100 Giant with Distributed GPS Systems ViaLite is supplying mission-critical GPS timing and synchronization systems to a new client, Morgan Stanley. The leading edge distributed GPS systems are being deployed at two of the financial services giant’s strategic locations in the USA. Using optical fiber to carry the timing signals from the GPS antennas, the equipment includes ViaLite’s ODE-A4 outdoor enclosure and GPS 1U chassis with integrated 1x8 and 1x16 GPS splitters, as well as Blue OEM modules for the fiber link. “ViaLite equipment was chosen as it deploys the signal speed, strength, and accuracy needed by our global client to offer best in class service and reliability for their mission-critical financial transactions,” said ViaLite Director of Sales Craig Somach. Financial services companies require highly

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precise timing signals to provide the accurate timestamps needed for fast electronic transactions as well as traceability and compliance purposes. Morgan Stanley is an American multinational investment bank and financial services company headquartered in New York. With offices in more than 42 countries and more than 60,000 employees, its clients include corporations, governments, institutions, and individuals.

Industry Watch SensiML Teams with Infineon to Provide Complete AI/ML Solution for PSoC™ 6 MCUs and Wide Range of Sensors SensiML™ Corporation announced that it has teamed with Infineon Technologies to deliver a complete AI/Machine Learning (ML) solution for the Infineon PSoCTM 6 family of microcontrollers (MCUs) and the wide range of sensors they support. The collaboration combines SensiML’s Analytics Toolkit AI development software with the Infineon ModusToolboxTM and ultra-low power dual-core PSoC 6 MCUs, offering developers a quick and easy way to record data from Infineon XENSIVTM sensors, create sophisticated AI/MLbased models, and implement them on PSoC 6 MCUs. Using this approach, designers with little to no data science expertise can add local intelligence to their IoT designs for smart homes, industrial, fitness, and other applications. SensiML and Infineon are marking the beginning of the collaboration with a “Build AI for the IoT Design Challenge” on Hackster. io. The contest will challenge innovators to use the SensiML Data Analytics Toolkit and Infineon ModusToolbox™ software along with Infineon’s XENSIV sensors, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth connectivity ICs, and PSoC 6 MCUs to capture and label sensor data, train AI/ML models, and deploy the resulting AI/ML solution on a PSoC 6 MCU to create intelligent endpoint applications. The goal of the challenge is to highlight how quick and easy it is for developers to use the complete end-to-end development platform provided by the two companies to implement local, low-power, sophisticated AI-based IoT edge devices.

The SensiML Analytics Toolkit uses labeled datasets to quickly create efficient AI models and allows developers to use them to implement smart, high-performance edge algorithms without the need for hand coding or data science expertise. This toolkit nicely complements the PSoC 6 family, which is based on an ultra-low-power architecture ideal for battery-powered edge IoT applications. The PSoC 6 family features dual-core Arm® Cortex®-M4 and Cortex-M0+ processors, which enable design partitioning for simultaneous power/ performance design optimization. The dual-core architecture also enables users to run their AI application generated by the SensiML tools on one processor, and their application code on the other processor. “Infineon has a large and loyal following for their innovative and extensive sensors, MCUs, and associated development tools,” said Chris Rogers, chief executive officer of SensiML. “SensiML complements that offering with AI/ML tools that make it easy for developers to add sophisticated AI functions in a small memory footprint with ultra-low power consumption. With AutoML support covering a broad array of sensor inputs, SensiML is an ideal solution for IoT edge processing across Infineon’s XENSIV portfolio.” “SensiML offers a quick and easy path for our PSoC 6 MCU, connectivity, and sensor customers to add low-power, local intelligence to their edge IoT applications,” said Steve Tateosian, vice president of IoT Compute and Wireless Product and Business Line at Infineon. “Through our mutual collaboration, we can now offer a complete suite of software and hardware development tools and products, enabling developers and Hackathon participants to create next-generation smart endpoint IoT devices for a wide range of end uses.”

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The Missing Link to Additive Manufacturing:

Merging DfAM and Data An end-to-end digital manufacturing solution, designed for the DoD, will

An end-to-end digital manufacturing solution, designed for the DoD, will enable enable large large organizations organizations toto manage manage and and scale scale their their AM AM processes. processes.

By: Greg Rankin Greg Rankin is a Houston-based freelance journalist with over 20-years of experience covering technology, CAD and industrial design engineering. 14 | RTC Magazine Summer 2022

Advanced manufacturing has yet to even crack the surface of what is possible. From generative design and lightweighting to software simulation and decentralized production, the transition to digital manufacturing promises to unlock an enormous amount of potential. Yet, large organizations – including military, aerospace, and automotive – are struggling to fully capitalize on these benefits due in large part to the complexities of integrating these technologies into an enterprise-wide solution.

An ideal platform would combine the capabilities of automated design for additive manufacturing (DfAM), additive manufacturing build preparation with machine learning, data analytics, and manufacturing execution systems (MES) into one interface. This would enable design cycle times to be slashed from weeks to hours, project costs would greatly decrease, while at the same time the quality of each part would be perfected. Additionally, supply chain complexities would be virtually eliminated because components could be designed in one part of the world and printed anywhere else on the planet, or even in space, with a push of a button. The U.S. Navy has been trying to tackle this very problem. Recently, through a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) project, it requested bids on the development of an end-to-end additive manufacturing (AM) system that could be utilized across the entire Department of Defense (DoD).

Figure 1 - Deterministic-software

“The Navy was looking for a streamlined process that would also have auditability and compliance certification,” explains Dr. Michael Bo-

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gomolny, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at ParaMatters Inc., a California-based industry-leading DfAM and generative design software provider. “I think CAD / CAM Services was intuitive enough to know that this solution just can’t be done by anyone player.” CAD / CAM Services – a Texas-based prime contractor for the U.S. federal government – was brought in to integrate the commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies into a single interface. This would enable the DoD, as well as other large manufacturers, to manage and scale their AM processes. “As a starting point, the Navy wanted to solve the increasingly problematic issues of supply chains and logistics for, let’s say, an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Indian Ocean that needs a specific part immediately,” explains Scott Shuppert, CEO of CAD / CAM Services. “They want to be able to just push a button and have that part start printing directly on the ship’s 3D printer or the closest one available.” To enable this to take place, Shuppert and his team had to provide a workable solution for each step along with the lifespan of a part, from development and certification to service and replacement. This required

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matching each solution with the best possible technology provider along the way. Starting on the frontend “Eventually, the Navy and the DoD want to have a complete repository of every single part in its arsenal cataloged, certified, and ready to be digitally manufactured by a 3D printer anywhere in the world,” says Shuppert. Transitioning to this advanced manufacturing process requires that each component undertake a thorough assessment of its design. For example, as a starting point, is the part even capable of being digitally manufactured? “Think of the rotor blade on a helicopter. That is just too big to be 3D printed, at least right now. So, that part gets rejected,” adds Shuppert. “Maybe the part has to be manufactured using an exotic metal or complex geometry which is not currently possible for AM. That would also get dropped.” If the part is deemed acceptable, is it best suited for additive or subtractive manufacturing? Could it be improved through generative design or material science? Does it need digital simulation and/or finite element

analysis (FEA) – which can mathematically predict how a component will hold up under real-world forces like vibration, heat, fluid flow, and other physical effects? “For the DfAM and generative design aspect of the system, we wanted to remove as much of the human element as possible from the design process. ParaMatters’ platform does this, and the things they are doing with additive simulation and FEA go far beyond what anyone else is capable of,” says Shuppert. “This made them our first choice for the Navy project because it reduces the complexity of having to integrate more than one system on the front end.” With ParaMatters’ platform the Navy can simply input the characteristics it needs for a specific component and the software will optimize it through testing, simulations, and inspection. The software selects the appropriate material, determines the best orientation for printing, were to include support structures, nests the parts on the build tray, and generates all slicing data for each component. It is also technology and material agnostic which was a critical feature for the Navy. Through generative design, this approach will improve weight versus performance, structural integrity, and a variety of material properties. It can also reduce the number of parts required in an assembly by combining them into a single printed piece. “This is something that human knowledge wouldn’t be able to do in the first step of the design process,” says Bogomolny. “So, you are then shortening the design cycle by order of magnitude.” These elements are then incorporated into a machine learning system that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure future design work becomes even smarter. “The AI engine in the design phase has learning and heuristics capabilities,” says Dr. Bogomolny. “It creates repeatability, accuracy, standards, and the ability to streamline the operation through remembered systematic processes that can be applied repeatedly allowing automation to begin taking place in developing the output.” Beyond manufacturing execution Once a component has gone through the DfAM and RTC Magazine Summer 2022 | 17

simulation processes it then can automatically move to a manufacturing execution system provided by AMFG. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, AMFG designs MES and workflow software that enable businesses to more easily transition to digital manufacturing. The AMFG software manages the production of the additive or subtractive manufacturing system. This includes auto-scheduling, auto-routing of parts, and managing all 3D printers – both internally for the Navy, or manufacturer, as well as any external solutions that may be required. “The system will guide certain decisions like logistically where that part should be produced based on certain requirements, based on resources, and any complexities within the workflow to execute that project effectively,” explains Luke Bierman, head of U.S. sales for AMFG. However, this solution will go way beyond the execution and management of these manufacturing systems. It is also able to capture data-driven insights from the beginning concept through to the end of the process where that component has now been validated or certified. “This is where it really gets to be cutting edge because you can take that data from the entire process and continually improve that part,” explains Shuppert. “Not only are you going to be making them faster and more efficiently, but each component can now be easily revised as technology advances to create an even more superior version.” The system can also capture intelligence around what is happening to the component throughout its lifecycle, known as product lifecycle management (PLM). This data would be used to create a digital twin which will provide further insights into both the part’s design and maintenance requirements. “Let’s say you have a component that needs to be switched out every four years,” says Bierman. “The software can then schedule a replacement component to be printed and delivered right before that maintenance is set to occur. So, you can see where this begins to create a smart industry that is both proactive and intuitive.” This type of data could also greatly reduce the heavy burden currently being placed on the DoD and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) by minimizing, or even eliminating, supply chain problems and the need for massive areas of inventory. “If you’re able to execute components anywhere in the

world in under 24 hours, maybe you don’t produce and store all these components to satisfy some sort of critical inventory,” says Bierman. “You could now just create them on-demand using a virtual inventory.” Inspection and certification Quality, security, and traceability were also key factors for this new integrated system. For the DoD, parts must be certified before they can be deployed for service. “Every part has to meet certain requirements, whether that is AS9100 for aerospace, IATF 16949 for automotive, or a certified part for the Navy,” explains Bierman. “Through this platform, we can verify that the component is 100% capable of being used for its application.” That process begins as soon as the part is manufactured and then inspected with either an industrial CT scan or laser scanning device. The software takes the original CAD file and can find any geometrical deviations and advance or eliminate the component automatically. These capabilities can be further expanded when needed to incorporate non-linear acoustics or wave stimulation – like MASER – as the inspection method. All the inspection data is again processed back into the AI where it can learn how to decrease the number of disqualified parts in the future. “Once that’s certified, we can take all that metadata and upload it into a repository of certified components that going forward can be consistently executed around the globe at any site that meets those requirements to execute that with the same exact process,” says Shuppert. That repository of data analytics could then be applied to future projects for not just the Navy, but across the entire military supply chain. The final goal of this strategy was to optimize cybersecurity protections throughout the process. This requires the digital manufacturing interface to adhere to any Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) level requested by the Navy, which can be as high as Level V. The DoD is also looking to increase the security of its digital data and network connections. As part of that, digital twin technology will be used to validate and prevent tampering with the DoD’s digital supply chain. For more information on services mentioned in this article please contact scott@cadcam.org or https://www. cadcam.org/ RTC Magazine Summer 2022 | 19

Innovative Product KI Rugged Computer RPC RSL A3 (NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier) Syslogic develops and manufactures robust, AI-assisted embedded systems. Syslogic Rugged computers are among the most robust systems on the market and are used in agricultural robots, agricultural and construction machinery, and special vehicles. NVIDIA Jetson – a leading platform for edge AI and robotics applications NVIDIA Jetson™ is a leading AI-at-the-edge computing platform with over a million developers. Accordingly, developers across industries are using NVIDIA Jetson developer kits as the base for their AI applications in areas like sensor fusion or inferencing. However, series production in agricultural technology or construction machinery requires robust hardware that is qualified for these types of applications. This is exactly the kind of solution Syslogic offers, helping customers take advantage of NVIDIA Jetson technology even under difficult environmental conditions. Heavy-duty machinery for dust, wetness, shock, and vibration Thanks to its robust electronics design, aluminum housing, and M12 connectors, the new AI Rugged Computer RPC RSL A3 E2 meets the IP67 and IP69 protection classes. That means it is waterproof and dustproof. The RPC RSL A3 does not have any moving parts and is shock and vibration resistant. This makes it suitable for 24/7 operation in temperature ranges from –40 °C to +70 °C (–40 °F to +158 °F). Furthermore, a Gore vent element ensures pressure equalization inside the device and thus prevents dew formation during rapid temperature fluctuations. The Rugged Computer has been tested to ISO 15003:2006, meeting the requirements for use in agricultural vehicles and machinery. Designed for autonomous machines and vehicles The new AI Rugged Computer RPC RSL A3 was designed from the ground up for autonomous machines and vehicles. With its powerful NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier industrial module, the embedded computer becomes the computer vision unit and handles tasks such as object recognition, environmental perception, or intelligent control of autonomous machines and vehicles. The rugged computer can process and evaluate data from multiple sensors simultaneously and practically in real-time. New features: Serial interfaces and digital I/Os The newest version of Syslogic’s AI Rugged Computer RPC RSL A3 has been fundamentally redesigned and offers additional serial interfaces compared to its predecessor. Instead of TTL level GPIO, Syslogic uses robust digital I/O. They are suitable for an input voltage of 12 or 24 volts, are electrically isolated, and are protected against overload. This makes the interfaces extremely robust and suitable for field applications on mobile systems. Another new feature is the additional mPCIE slot for connecting expansion boards. Among other things, the Rugged Computer can be equipped with a high-precision GNSS module that supports heading. Heading is used to determine the rotation angle of a vehicle or machine. As before, the RPC RSL A3 has Ethernet and CAN interface, supports CAN J1939, and can be integrated into ISOBUS networks. Florian Egger, Head of Sales at Syslogic, says: “The new computer provides the hardware base to combine robotics and sensor technology.” Syslogic is thus paving the way for new AI applications in the fields of agricultural technology and construction machinery, explains Egger. Version with GMSL2 and PoE in the pipeline Syslogic is one of the leading manufacturers of robust, AI-enabled embedded systems. Correspondingly, the company is continuously expanding its product portfolio. A rugged computer based on the RSL A3 is about to be launched with up to eight GMSL2 camera inputs combined with four PoE inputs. Syslogic is thus particularly targeting demanding computer vision applications.

20 | RTC Magazine Summer 2022

Percepio Releases Tracealyzer 4.6 with Improved Zephyr and ThreadX Support Percepio®, the leader in visual trace diagnostics for embedded systems and the Internet of Things (IoT), today released Tracealyzer 4.6 with official support for Zephyr RTOS and Microsoft Azure RTOS ThreadX. The new release also includes Percepio’s next-generation trace recorder library with improved support for snapshot trace. Snapshot recording opens the door to using Percepio DevAlert®, Percepio’s cloud service for monitoring application code executing in deployed IoT devices. “The new trace recorder library is our next-generation platform for runtime monitoring that benefits both Tracealyzer and DevAlert. This enables us to accelerate development over the coming years and has been crucial for the new support for Azure RTOS ThreadX and Zephyr RTOS,” said Percepio CEO and founder Johan Kraft. The new trace recorder in Tracealyzer 4.6 is designed to be far easier to port to other software platforms and to allow more efficient monitoring of deployed IoT systems and tracing of multi-core systems. The new recorder library features more efficient snapshot recording, where trace data is saved in a ring buffer on the target system, for both Zephyr and ThreadX, in addition to the previously supported streaming recording. Johan Kraft adds: “Both streaming trace and snapshot trace are now supported in the same solution and use the same trace format, which makes it far easier to maintain and improve. Moreover, this will soon enable us to provide an official SDK for partners and customers that wish to integrate Tracealyzer and DevAlert with their RTOS of choice, or with bare-metal firmware.” “Tracealyzer support for Zephyr is a very welcome addition to the embedded and IoT ecosystems. The ability to visualize code execution is a key tool for developers working with resource-constrained devices to be able to efficiently debug defects and release products,” says Kate Stewart, VP of Dependable Embedded Systems, The Linux Foundation. Another innovation is the new dynamic legend feature, which improves the legibility of Tracealyzer’s timeline views, so users can quickly see which events belong to which process or thread. This is particularly valuable for operating systems such as Linux, where the number of threads can become unwieldy.

ViaLite’s New Monitoring & Control Module is the Simple Choice for Single Site Monitoring ViaLite’s new HRC-5 rack chassis-based Monitoring and Control (M&C) module is designed to fully monitor and control ViaLiteHD RF over Fiber systems in a single chassis. The module provides similar features to the company’s top-of-the-range HRC-3, but without the optical fiber connections, making it an ideal cost-effective option for monitoring local systems. Compatible with ViaLiteHD 1U and 3U rack chassis units and cards, it provides alarm monitoring and event logging. Connectivity includes a 10/100/1000 MB/s RJ45 connection and a micro-USB control port. “We developed the HRC-5 to maintain all the local functionality of our existing Monitoring and Control modules, but with an entry-level price. This will be great news for customers who only need single chassis access to their equipment,” said ViaLite Product Manager, Edward Levack. The M&C module uses the company’s Horizons software with integrated web GUI and SNMP protocol, which provides standalone control without requiring Java, Windows drivers, or a separate web browser. A maintenance mode enables modifications to be carried out offline. RTC Magazine Summer 2022 | 21

Innovative Product Secure Thingz delivers Security Made Simple For All Secure Thingz, an IAR Systems® Group company announced a major new version of its industryleading security solution, Embedded Trust®, extending device support and enabling all embedded applications to be integrated into the secure supply chain. This supports zero-trust production control, preventing cloning through copying between devices, and protection against malware by ensuring all code and data is robustly encrypted, signed, and structured. Embedded Trust is an integrated security solution, leveraging the secure hardware built into next-generation microcontrollers to provide the low-level trust anchors and secure services needed for trustworthy IoT solutions. Version 2.0 of the solution enables existing applications to leverage advanced security capabilities simply, quickly, and robustly. With production security capabilities integrated into the solution, it is now possible to support production control for any application code which enables existing applications to be managed securely, adding identity, production control, and intellectual property protection. This critical capability enables organizations to support existing applications in meeting the emerging requirements outlined in emerging standards and legislation around the world. “The release of Embedded Trust 2.0, plus the aligned Secure Deploy flow, is a game-changer,” commented Haydn Povey, CEO, of Secure Thingz. “There is a huge number of companies who are challenged to add security to their applications but who cannot justify starting over their development project to add security from the start. Our new technology enables these companies to rapidly integrate security into their existing applications, no matter where they are in their lifecycle and the development tools they used to create their code.”

IAR Systems extends powerful RISC-V solutions with 64-bit support IAR Systems® proudly presented support for 64-bit RISC-V cores in the professional development toolchain IAR Embedded Workbench® for RISC-V. With this extended core support, IAR Systems continues to be at the forefront of providing professional development solutions for RISC-V. IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V is a complete C/C++ compiler and debugger toolchain with everything embedded developers need to be integrated into one single IDE, including integrated code analysis tools ensuring code quality. Through its excellent optimization technology, IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V helps developers ensure the application fits the required needs and optimize the utilization of onboard memory. Version 3.10 of IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V supports RV64 RISC-V cores, including several RV64 devices from Andes, Codasip, Microchip, Nuclei, and SiFive further extending the toolchain’s wide support for available RISC-V devices. In addition, symmetric multicore processing (SMP) is now supported, enabling high-performance debugging of multicore RISC-V devices. “64-bit support is an important milestone for our investment in the RISC-V technology and ecosystem,” commented Anders Holmberg, CTO, IAR Systems. “RISC-V technology adoption and interest continue to grow, especially in the Asia Pacific region, and we are committed to staying in the forefront when it comes to professional development solutions for building high-quality embedded applications across all industries.”

22 | RTC Magazine Summer 2022

OnLogic Raspberry Pi-powered Industrial Computer OnLogic has announced that their new Factor 201 Raspberry Pi-powered device is available for pre-order. In addition, they’ve released more details about the next model in the Factor 200 Series, the Factor 202. Both devices are powered by the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, which was developed specifically for industrial products. “We’re delighted that OnLogic has chosen to develop the Factor 201 around Raspberry Pi. Using Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 with their custom-designed carrier boards and the industrial enclosure has allowed OnLogic to offer their customers flexible and reliable solutions, and we see Raspberry Pi hardware being increasingly widely adopted in an industry with products like this one,” said Gordon Hollingworth, Chief Product Officer at Raspberry Pi Ltd. “OnLogic has been designing computers for industrial applications for nearly two decades, so the CM4 was a natural fit for us to develop a new device around,” said Maxx Garrison, Product Manager at OnLogic. “When Raspberry Pi unveiled the CM4, they mentioned that over half of the Raspberry Pi computers sold were being used for industrial and commercial applications. The Raspberry Pi community already has a huge wealth of experience building Industry 4.0, SCADA, and IoT solutions using Raspberry Pi. Our goal with the Factor 200 Series is to provide them with new tools to continue to innovate, no matter where they may need to install these systems.”

AdaCore Launches GNAT Dynamic Analysis Suite The most comprehensive code coverage, analysis, and testing tool package available for Ada users AdaCore announced the availability of its new GNAT Dynamic Analysis Suite - a powerful bundle of analysis, testing, verification, and code coverage technologies to help Ada developers build safe, secure software as well as meet internal security and quality procedures. “From decades of experience helping customers build critical software systems, we know that the most successful workflows incorporate multiple approaches to testing,” said Arnaud Charlet, Lead of Product Engineering at AdaCore. “Our new GNAT Dynamic Analysis Suite does just that, integrating into one package our code coverage and unit testing tools, as well as emerging technologies, like fuzz testing, which is on the near-term roadmap.” Features and Benefits of the GNAT Dynamic Analysis Suite: The GNATtest automated test-harness generator for Ada The GNATcoverage tool that analyzes and reports Ada and C program coverage Sound analysis, test, and verification evidence that satisfies certification requirements for a variety of industry software safety standards (available as an option for GNAT Pro Assurance customers) Early access to emerging cybersecurity technologies, such as fuzzing Fuzzing is Coming! Fuzz testing (fuzzing) is becoming increasingly important in the age of cybersecurity. It is already required in DO-356 compliance (Airworthiness Security Methods and Considerations) and is becoming mandatory as part of national efforts to secure the software supply chain. In Q2 2022, AdaCore will be issuing the beta release of a new fuzzing tool for Linux native platforms, which will be available for select GNAT Pro customers. RTC Magazine Summer 2022 | 23

Innovative Product Cincoze’s Latest Sunlight Readable Display Modules—The Cornerstone of IoT’s Evolution Cincoze has added to its Display Computing - CRYSTAL product line 15” (CS-W115FHC), 21” (CS-W121C), and 24” (CS-W124C) 16:9 wide-screen high-efficiency sunlight-readable display modules with a robust design for industrial automation and other industrial applications. The CRYSTAL display modules can be combined with the P2000 or P1000 embedded system modules to make a panel PC or the M1000 series display modules to make an industrial touch monitor. In any combination, the CRYSTAL product line provides the high brightness, high resolution, high modularity, and high strength needed for applications in harsh outdoor environments. In recent years, human-machine interface (HMI) applications have become a critical factor in the evolution of IoT, and depending on the application requirements, they can be divided into two main categories: HMIs for automation in industry, and public service HMI, such as kiosks. The newly launched highefficiency sunlight-readable display modules are highly suited for these outdoor applications. Connecting to the Core of Intelligent Computing The core of intelligent manufacturing and automation lies in using IoT technology to integrate equipment, network communication, and control drivers, with HMI as the final connection layer. Cincoze CRYSTAL - Sunlight Readable Display Modules are ideally suited for outdoor HMI applications and are available in a comprehensive selection of sizes and screen ratios, including 8” to 19” in 4:3, and 15”, 21”, and 24” in 16:9, that combine with embedded system modules (P2000 and P1000 series) to make a sunlight readable panel PC with rich I/O interfaces such as GbE LAN, USB 3.0, VGA, DisplayPort, and more, to quickly implement data networking and collect production and machine health data. The built-in Mini PCIe slot can be used for wireless communication modules with WiFi, 3G, LTE, and GPS to achieve wireless networking and positioning suitable for outdoor energy extraction equipment such as drilling control and truck scale systems, allowing IoT data collection and monitoring. In addition, the whole series provides various protection mechanisms, including overvoltage and overcurrent protection, to prevent malfunction due to abnormal power supply or environmental factors. These protection measures are critical for any HMI installed in outdoor factory systems. Outdoor Kiosk for Convenient Living HMI has a wide range of applications in our daily lives, most commonly in the form of interactive kiosks, such as self-service ticket machines or drive-thru food ordering machines. The Sunlight Readable Display Module of the Cincoze CRYSTAL product line has a display brightness of up to 1600 nits and full HD (1920x1080) resolution, so even when operating in the sunlight, the screen is still easy to read. Durability and strength come from the high standard industrial-grade design, with a die-cast aluminum front frame, 50,000 hours backlight life, and 7H high-hardness projective capacitive screen. The system is verified IP65 waterproof and dustproof, so there’s no fear of sun and rain. And the exclusive CDS technology makes maintenance easy and provides flexibility for future upgrades. The Cincoze CRYSTAL product line is suitable for outdoor applications such as waste oil recovery cabinets, parcel lockers, electric vehicle charging piles, and vending machines.

24 | RTC Magazine Summer 2022

Supermicro’s SuperBlade, Twin, and Ultra Server Families Powered by 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ Processors with 3D V-Cache™ Technology Accelerate Critical Product Design and Key Technical Super Micro Computer, Inc. announces breakthrough performance with the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC Processors with AMD 3D V-Cache Technology in Supermicro advanced servers. The high density, performance-optimized, and environmentally friendly SuperBlade® and multi-node optimized TwinPro® and the dual-processor optimized Ultra systems will show significant performance improvement when using the new AMD EPYC 7003 Processors with AMD 3D V-Cache for technical computing applications. Supermicro Systems with AMD EPYC 7003 Series Processors with AMD 3D V-Cache Technology “Supermicro servers, leveraging new AMD CPUs, will deliver the increased performance gains our manufacturing customers are looking for to run higher-resolution simulations to design better and more optimized products using the latest CAE applications,” said Vik Malyala, President, EMEA, senior vice president, WW FAE, solutions and business. “Our high-performance server platforms will solve more complex problems for engineers and researchers with the new 3rd Gen AMD EPYC Processors with AMD 3D V-Cache.” The AMD 3D V-Cache technology is built on ground-breaking AMD 3D Chiplet architecture and is designed to be the world’s highest performance x86 server processor for technical computing. L3 cache has increased to 768MB, which will allow technical computing applications to keep more data close to the CPUs, delivering faster results. Since each core can process more data than previous generations, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) will be lower, and licensing costs can be reduced. With servers that use the AMD EPYC 7003 Processors with AMD 3D V-Cache technology, fewer servers may be needed for specific workloads, reducing data center power consumption and administration needs. In addition, all AMD EPYC 7003 Processors with AMD 3D V-Cache come with AMD’s Infinity Guard, a state-of-the-art set of modern security features that help decrease potential attack surfaces as software is booted and executed and processes critical data. “We designed the 3rd Gen AMD EPYC processors with AMD 3D V-Cache technology to give our customers exactly what they said they needed, increased performance, better energy efficiency and lower total cost of ownership for critical technical compute workloads,” said Ram Peddibhotla, corporate vice president, EPYC product management, AMD. “With leadership architecture, performance, and modern security features, 3rd Gen AMD EPYC processors with AMD 3D V-Cache technology are an outstanding choice for complex simulations and rapid product development.” The SuperBlade has achieved back-to-back world records for the SPECjbb 2015-Distributed critical-jOPS and max-jOPS benchmark, with up to a 17% improvement using AMD EPYC 7003 Processors with AMD 3D V-Cache technology over AMD EPYC 7003 Processors without AMD 3D V-Cache technology, which is a significant boost to satisfy performance-hungry enterprise workloads. Based on AMD testing, technical workloads on the AMD EPYC 7003 Processors with AMD 3D V-Cache Technology can show an improvement of up to 66%* on a range of targeted applications when compared to comparable 3rd Gen EPYC processors without stacked cache. The Supermicro SuperBlade with AMD EPYC 7003 Processors with AMD 3D V-Cache, contains up to 20 CPUs in an 8U chassis, including a network switch built into the chassis. Shared cooling and power systems reduce the power usage while using the highest performing AMD EPYC Family of Processors. Maximum memory when fully populated is 40TB in the 8U chassis. Supermicro’s Twin systems are an industry-leading multi-node platform with up to four servers in a compact 2U rack-mountable enclosure. The Supermicro TwinPro System has flexible storage and networking options and shared cooling and power systems, reducing electricity consumption with high density. The Supermicro FatTwin® series are multi-node servers designed for highdensity environments where a large number of discrete servers and high capacity storage and interconnects are required in a single chassis. The rackmount Supermicro Ultra servers are traditional 1U or 2U high performance, dual-processor servers that accommodate a wide range of CPUs, I/O options, and large amounts of memory and now are available with the new AMD EPYC 7003 Processors with AMD 3D V-Cache technology. RTC Magazine Summer 2022 | 25

Innovative Product Moku:Go’s instrument suite expands, adds three new instruments Moku:Go, an integrated engineering education tool, now has even more features for students and engineers alike to test and design projects. At the end of this month, a new version of the Moku:Go app will add three new instruments to the platform. Moku:Go users can now use the Digital Filter Box to create IIR filters, the FIR Filter Builder to design FIR filters, and the Lock-in Amplifier to extract a signal of known frequency from a noisy environment. This update will be of particular interest to signals and systems professors, who can now easily teach concepts such as fundamentals of signals, analog radio, and of course FIR and IIR filtering with hands-on practical labs using Moku:Go. New Instruments Digital Filter Box A tool to design and build Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, Moku:Go’s Digital Filter Box enables users to create up to eighth-order lowpass, highpass, bandpass, and bandstop IIR filters with adjustable parameters. This instrument is useful for noise filtering, selective signal amplification, and more. Featuring an integrated oscilloscope and data logger, understanding the parameter changes throughout the signal processing chain and logging those effects over time has never been easier. FIR Filter Builder Create and deploy Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters with Moku:Go’s FIR Filter Builder. Use the intuitive user interface to fine-tune your filter’s response in both the time and frequency domains. Lock-in Amplifier The first fully-featured lock-in amplifier made available on an education platform, Moku:Go’s Lock-in Amplifier empowers professors to teach advanced labs such as laser frequency stabilization and software-defined radio. A flagship instrument on Liquid Instruments’ Moku:Lab and Moku:Pro, the addition of the Lock-in Amplifier to Moku:Go sets students up to grow with Moku products through their careers.

26 | RTC Magazine Summer 2022

Highly integrated embedded SBC is ideal for demanding image-intensive applications A graphics-rich computing platform supporting up to four high-resolution displays Embedded systems and display solutions provider, Review Display Systems Inc. (RDS) has announced the availability of the new AMD-based Kontron D3714-V/R mini-STX single-board computer (SBC). Able to support four independent displays, with resolutions of up to 4K, the highly integrated Kontron D3714-V/R is ideally suited for use in a wide range of embedded systems such as digital signage, and information terminals, ticketing kiosks, medical displays, thin clients, and ultra-small industrial PCs. Manufactured in Germany, the Kontron D3714-V/R mini-STX motherboard series supports fan-less operation with AMD Ryzen Embedded V1000 and R1000 series processors. Exceptional graphics performance is provided with the integrated AMD Radeon Vega GPU (graphics processor unit) providing support for up to three DisplayPorts (V1.4, including DP++ support) and one HDMI port (V2.0b), driving display resolutions of up to 4K (4096 x 2160 pixels). The board also offers dual-channel 24-bit LVDS, an embedded DisplayPort V1.3 (4K), 8-bit GPIO & HD audio onboard. Other interfaces include USB 2.0, USB 3.1 (Gen1/Gen2), and SATA III. An M.2 SSD interface (Key-M: 2230/2242/2280) enables the connection of SSD storage. Additionally, the motherboard supports M.2 WLAN/Bluetooth (Key-E: 2230) and the AMD-integrated TPM V2.0 enables a high-security standard for trusted computing. Depending on the graphics performance requirements, three different motherboard versions are available. The V2 variant is equipped with the AMD V1605B processor (Quad-Core 2.0/3.6 GHz), GPU @ 1.1 GHz, eight compute units, and supports four displays. The R2 variant is based on an AMD Embedded R1305G (Dual-Core 1.5/2.8 GHz), GPU @ 1.0 GHz, three compute units, and supports three displays. The R1 version uses an AMD R1102G (dual-core 1.2/2.6 GHz), GPU @ 1.0 GHz, also three compute units, and supports two displays. The D3714-V/R is Kontron’s first completely new motherboard development following the acquisition of Fujitsu’s industrial motherboard division. The new product implements the compact mini-STX format which features dimensions of just 140mm (h) x 148mm (w). An operating temperature range of -10°C to +60°C is supported. The Kontron D3714-V/R mSTX SBC will operate with a Microsoft Windows 10 or Linux-64 operating system. Review Display Systems can create customer-specific options for both firmware and OS support, such as custom embedded Windows system images, and exclusive configurations to provide corporate branding or logos on BIOS start-up splash screens. Designing and delivering fully integrated embedded systems, Review Display Systems can create turnkey solutions for the integration of computing hardware, high-resolution displays, touchscreens, interconnect, mechanical fixtures and fittings, firmware, and OS support.

RTC Magazine Summer 2022 | 27

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