BLER DUKE OF EDINBURGH Thank you and goodbye to our patron ROLE MODELS Round Table catches up with more awe inspiring individuals from around the UK RECORD BREAKING BALLS Testicular Cancer World Record Attempt BEWARE OF POLAR BEARS And the need to control our inner caveman Summer 2021
THE PERFECT STEAK BBQ and wine suggestions for your favourite cut KEEPING IT IN THE FAMILY - Raising men who don't hurt women 48 HOURS IN... - Ottawa and Cardiff
Welcome gents to the second issue of our new look Tabler magazine. Thank you all for your positive comments and feedback on the first issue. We seem to have achieved the right balance of Table related content as well as “other stuff”.
Spent a lot of time slowing the process down. Adam Baggs (Cirencester 286)
Actually did most of the written work. Tom Hall (
Input hard to define. Liam Bauckham
Made the rest of us look good. Clare Ferris (
This is our first issue since Paul has stepped up as President. I am delighted to say that he wishes us to continue producing Tabler for you on a quarterly basis so please keep the stories coming. This month we decided to take some time to remember our patron, Prince Philip, consider the positive impact he had on so many people and what we can learn from his life and work. In addition we once again have Table news, interviews, travel ideas, the latest gadgets and health advice. Since the last issue we have been through AGM season and I am sure you are all finalising your AMRs as I write this and will have them all submitted very soon… From a National perspective the AGM saw a host of new faces on both the Board and Council – tune into the Council meeting on 26th June to find out who they are. If you have any questions for the Board you have a few days left to feed up via your local chair to your regional rep. Whilst a great deal was reported on at the AGM of particular note was the fact that three new Tables Chartered across the year, despite COVID – well done to all those who put in the hard work to get City of Newport 15, Chiltern Hundreds 1291 and Mold and Buckley 399 off the ground. Positive feedback and constructive ideas always greatly received. Yours In Table
Contents From the President...................................... 4 Stories from Table........................................ 6 Al Collins.................................................... 7 Andrew Thorne........................................... 8 Matt Fallon.................................................. 8
Gadget Roundup....................................... 11 E-Club........................................................ 12
Duke of Edinburgh................................... 14 Iwan Lewis................................................. 18
Record breaking balls!............................... 21 Be prostate aware....................................... 22 Beware of polar bears................................ 24
The perfect steak....................................... 27 Beer for the win......................................... 28
Steve Biddulph........................................... 30 Table Families............................................ 32
Kenton Cool.............................................. 35 Out and About.......................................... 37 National events.......................................... 40 From the IRO............................................ 41
Members Businesses.................................. 43 41 Club....................................................... 46 Father Agnew............................................. 48 Ladies Circle.............................................. 50 Award Winners.......................................... 51 Cover: By Allan Warren - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https:// P.16: By Titanic Belfast - Queen and Prince Philip visit to Titanic Belfast, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia. org/w/index.php?curid=81047825
From the editor
President's address There is a short Chinese proverb, which reads: • If your vision is for a year, plant wheat • If your vision is for ten years, plant trees • If your vision is for a lifetime, plant people
PAUL THOMPSON 07537 985215
Every new ‘Table Year’ is accompanied by excitement, opportunity and a new vision and it’s my distinct pleasure to lead on this year’s theme, which celebrates our great movement. Our awesome community.
Rooted in community, does exactly that. It’s a vision for a lifetime and is a continuance of the shared vision of all presidents, throughout my time on the board. It builds upon those successes. It aims to change cultures, attitudes and hearts through planting seeds, cultivating ideas and growing communities. Our goals are to: • Celebrate the impact of Round Table in our local community • Recognise and embrace the community of our own Round Table • Share learn and influence within our Round Table community Through delivering these goals, I hope that we will attract new members, grow Tables, experience fresh challenges and have a darned
good time along the way. However I ask, what does community mean to you? For me, community is about belonging. As humans, as mammals, we crave to belong and be accepted. Through this belonging and acceptance, we are happy. Community is a bunch of people looking after each other. When a bunch of people see each other, look after each other and take the time to really enter into relationships with each other, then it will derive an end result. This end result is a sort of joyfulness. You can be happy alone. You win a game, you get a promotion, you feel big about yourself. Happiness is the expansion of self. Joy is the merger of self. It's the kind of thing that happens when you forget where you end and something else begins. It’s at that point, you become a community. Round Table is a thriving community. It’s a catalyst for belonging. But we must also remember that the strength of community is when the power
is in the hands of all of its members. It’s being said a lot now that we live in strange times and our movement is facing the most challenging situation since the Second World War. However, in true Table style, we are rising to these challenges. And we are doing so, because we are a community and that’s what communities do. Round Table is fun and we are all itching to get back to our soap box races, firework displays, beer festivals and general naughtiness. Its now time to ‘scratch that itch’ and get back to doing what Round Table Great Britain and Ireland does best – serving our communities.
Round Table is a thriving community. It’s a catalyst for belonging.
Canoes used to collect rubbish
DEEP ROOTED SOLUTIONS Deeping Round Table’s project ‘Community Payback’ is based on Table giving up one of their usual activities (one night every quarter) and spending the Evening doing things for the community
The Table has teamed up with the local Parish Councils to offer its services, from gardening, painting and fixing to tidying.
It is now looking to start a ‘Womble’ group following on from its Feed Deeping Group and using our address book of volunteers to cover bigger areas and bring people out from their homes and get out in the country side. The Wombles aim to tidy areas of the town one step at a time. Four new potential members joined recently, so with a good programme, this should keep the ball rolling this year.
CASTLES OF CHANGE Burton Round Table were proud to hand over some new, hand crafted play equipment to Horninglow Primary School Tablers have been working around the lockdown restrictions to meet up outside and put their skills to good use. The Burton contingent built a new mud kitchen and a sandpit, along with half a tonne of play sand. It was very humbling to hear how some of the youngsters who attend the early years at this school have never been to the beach. We hope it will provide lots of fun to both kids and teachers alike. As you can see everyone loves building a sandcastle. Great work boys! It's fair to say that you earnt your trip to the pub that week.
You can call me Al Setting out a game plan Fellow Tablers,
AL COLLINS NATIONAL COMMUNITY OFFICER Fun facts about me… I have 4 kids?! I love Country Music I’m a huge rugby fan And did you know? Organiser of the newest and most awesome charity banger rally in the world (said in a very Jeremy Clarkson style)! Head over to SkinflintRally to find out more!
So what next? Well firstly I want to engage with as many Tables as I can , I want to find out how you are doing, is your Table meeting? Is there anything I can do to help you rebuild your Table community after the pretty grim year we have had. I’ d also like to get a view of what events you are planning to run this year, if any. If we can get a better picture of wha t is happening out there across our organisation we can offer assistance where it is wan ted or needed, we can also put Tables in touch with each other to share best practices and experience. I’ ll be making contact with Table cha irmen and vice chairmen over the com ing weeks, please do respond if you can, even if it’s just a simple: “Go Away! ”. At leas t I’ ll know that you don’ t need any help. Another tool I’ d like to make use of is the National Community Officer Fac ebook page, this is a great way to share the awe some work our Tables are doing out the re in your communities, so if you are doing som ething, no matter how big or small, which benefits your local community in any way, please do let me know and I’ ll share it from the community page. For now I think that’s about it from me, I look forward to working with you all over the next two years. Yours in Table Al Collins
I would like to thank those Tables who embraced the election process and vot ed for me as your new Community Officer. It is a great honour to serve the members of this incredible organisation, in a post that means a great deal to me. I’ d also like to mention the incredib le work that my predecessor Chris Bus h has put in over the last three years, I have big boo ts to fill and will work hard to ensure I don’ t let anyone down.
Keep the Kindness Going through2021
The Kindness shown by Round Tables throughout our movement since the pandemic took hold in our nations has been nothing short of exceptional.
CARRICK 1258 07786 735355 membership@ The ‘Built by Kindness’ message captured our DNA and the amazing work and fellowship shown throughout the most difficult of table years! As we move into a new
Table year it is now more important than ever to ensure that the kindness we hold is turned into fellowship. Now is the time to turn to our communities and reach out to those that desire and need what Round Table provides to young men. This year we are coming together under the message of our National President and his message and vision ‘Rooted in Community’, we have shown time after time this is true of our clubs and the communities we serve. I’m going to ask what might be some difficult questions: are your own Table’s roots wide and strong, do you look into all corners of your communities to engage and bring good men into our movement? Isolation can occur for so many reasons; poor work life balance, family pressures, poor health and mental wellbeing, social
circumstances, financial issues, addictions or just moving into a new community. Over the last few weeks, I’ve started working on two new guys for my Table; one has just arrived in Ayrshire straight off the plane from New Zealand with his family. The second came up through a local mental health and fitness Facebook group, his marriage had broken down and he was struggling with his mental health. He had been strong enough to come forward, realising he had no support network and reached out for some simple friendship. So, what are guys at my Table doing? Just meeting up once a week for a walk and a catchup to provide support and a listening ear, whilst starting to build a friendship and dropping in the odd positive Table story as we walk. Will either of these guys become Tablers? Who knows! What
I do know is by being kind and offering friendship and a welcome to something positive, we have opened the door. As you move into your new Table year, get back to reestablishing existing friendships, don’t forget now is the time to extend our roots into all areas of our communities. Be innovative and open in your recruitment, there is no single type of Tabler, just as there is no single species of tree! Remove that picture in your head of the perfect Tabler. It might just be stopping you extending the offer of fellowship and building the diverse and interesting woodland of local Tablers, which the young men and communities of our post lockdown world deserves.
It’s fair to say that when Paul Thompson announced that I would be next Vice President of RTBI I was surprised. In fact, I was gobsmacked. I had been in an epic battle with Table Legend Mike Round for six weeks. We had been all over the country at virtual Table & Area AGM’s presenting our thoughts on how we would approach the role of President and asking for their votes. From the outset I knew the task ahead of me was huge. What Mike doesn’t know about Table isn’t worth knowing. But, I had to be myself and stick to my values of Table; Fun, Friendship & Community.
“Deep breath and count to 10”. That’s what I told myself as my video was turned back on... Despite not being able to attend the meetings in person, we were able to attend multiple meetings which meant we really were covering the ground. Sometimes, five meetings in one night. Despite the regular ‘Zoom fatigue’, the friendship that shone through all of the meetings was tangible. A real sense of togetherness and desire to see each other again and put on the events that have had to be postponed. Black-Tie, Shirt & Tie, Table Tops, Sombreros, Naked – it all took place and I loved every second. I’ve never been so tired, but I probably haven’t laughed as much either.
I can’t wait to re-join the Board and throw my support behind Paul and his plans for the next 12 months. We share the passion for our communities in which we live, you live and where the next generation of Tablers live. It is our responsibility to get back out there and demonstrate who Round Table are and what Round Table do. Young men need us more than ever. We have one hell of a 12 months ahead of us and I for one can’t wait! 07970 227207
Matt Fallon on becoming Vice President
Going digital
clean lines were concocted by French designer Ora-ïto, and developer Marc Simoncini. Plus you can mock your mates for not keeping up.
Angell E-Bike, £2860
KEEPING TRACK RETRO COOL Yeah, your phone pics are great and all, but now that you can mix with your mates again, going analogue just seems fitting. This nod to the past is a truly tiny device that packs a few surprising extras, Polaroid’s pocket sized model produces the brand’s signature square prints, and offers double exposure, a self-timer and a selfie mirror too. It’s also rechargeable, making it a far more cost-effective option than rivals like the Instax Mini.
Polaroid Go, £109.99
ELECTRIC FEEL The wow-factor of riding an electric bike for the first time is a modern game changer. Indeed, the popularity of this burgeoning mode of transport is prompting a low key revolution. One that Tablers should be part of. Deceptively light and packed with useful tech (an LCD screen that displays calories burned, GPS instructions that feed through to vibrations in the handlebars, a weather and pollution index, an anti-theft alarm, and unique speed settings of up to 15 mph), the Angell is a true King among e-bikes. Its classic
While being back in the office is a mixed blessing, many will still be working from home. And, what better way to flex your dedication to the cause than with a motorised phone stand? This unit will pair with your iPhone 12’s face-tracking to follow you around a room making it great for TikTok and shooting YouTube video as well as the obligatory Zoom calls. It capitalises on the iPhone 12’s MagSafe tech, so you can just magnetically snap the phone into place and get going.
APPLE OF OUR EYE Speaking of working from home... Apple’s new 11.5mm thin iMac is frankly an aesthetically pleasing and technologically top tier addition. Its slender frame is made possible by Apple’s new M1 chip. Previously, Apple put Intel tech at
its core and connected it to various components to build its Macs. Now the company has channelled its work on smartphone and iPad chipsets to build a complete “system on a chip”. There’s also 4K Retina display onboard, with a six-speaker sound system crammed in behind it. Plus, the iMac now has Touch ID so you can unlock your computer, log in and pay for shopping with your fingerprint.
From £1,249
WORLD IN MOTION Imagine having mates around your flat again? What a novelty. But how to entertain them without resorting to baking banana bread or showing off your questionably crafted bird box? The new generation of Sony’s PlayStation consoles are just the ticket. Details are thin on the ground about virtual reality on next-gen consoles, but Sony has revealed what its motion controllers (which will translate your hand movements into the virtual world) will look like. Of particular interest is the fingertouch detection that senses where your digits are placed on the remote. This will enable you to pick up and manipulate objects in the virtual world in natural way.
As Covid19 restrictions ease, we check out the gadgets that’ll help you embrace this newfound freedom
What's cooking for e-club? of being asked to speak at earlier this year.
the last issue of this magazine, however we have since distilled this into two words – Growth and Retention.
Whilst most Tables are looking to attend less online meetings, for us they are business as usual. After an amazing year under the leadership of our now National Vice President Matt Fallon, we are now faced with the challenge of what to do next. We will continue to focus on our core purpose, which Matt covered in
We want to help Grow Tables by giving young men the opportunity to join up as full members, with all the benefits this brings, whilst they look to wake up a dormant Table or create a new one. We also want to play our part in helping to Retain guys who are thinking of leaving Round Table by giving them an alternative. We’re now focussing on how to continue developing our Table offering. We will be continuing the awesome initiative Matt kicked off at the height of the first lockdown, and we have already planned a Question and Answer session every quarter, again open to all. This commenced with an evening spent talking to Karen Winchcombe from Round Table Children’s Wish. What is unique about this event is that we hosted it with our sisters at Ladies Circle, whose inaugural charter night I had the honour
This is not the first event we will be holding jointly – after this year’s National AGM we put on a joint ‘Disco in your Kitchen’ during which we were treated to the superb DJ skills of Tabler Marcus Bennett, as well the amazing voice of Circler Ellie Haim. We’re looking forward to building on this special family relationship.
As most Tablers know, awesome socials really can be held online and we will be continuing to Adopt, Adapt and Improve. We have had great fun with our ‘virtual’ cook-alongs, which have resulted in varying levels of edibility – despite this we’ll be looking to hold more in the hope that one day we will be able to enjoy an actual meal together! We have also recently enjoyed an awesome evening of online comedy with professional comedians, after which many of us stayed on to enjoy a few additional chuckles. We are also putting a particular focus on our international offering. At E-Club, your physical address does not dictate whether you’re eligible for membership so we are
able to admit members from anywhere in the world. In fact, our current Secretary joined after moving to an area of India that does not currently have a Table, and his involvement has given us a unique glimpse into how Table is done over there. We have Adapted in order to get around the issue of time differences, so we don’t just depend on WhatsApp. Once a quarter we put aside one Saturday, during which we hold International Meetings at times to suit members, both existing and prospective. Above all we are just another Table, made up of guys from a variety of backgrounds, who enjoy having the craic. We would obviously prefer meeting up in the pub and whenever possible you will find us at Area, Regional and National events. As well as having to enjoy our pints virtually, the other thing offered by traditional Tabling that we are unable to experience is community involvement but we are working on this (watch this space). However, in the meantime, if you have an event for which you need support, give us a shout and we’ll see if one of our guys can come and help out.
Inspiring individuals
The loss of His Royal Highness Prince Philip felt particularly poignant to Tablers, given his passionate support for our organisation and his oft-aligning sense of purpose
Given the Prince’s famous contribution to youth movements, notably the Duke of Edinburgh Award – which bares his namesake – it’s not hard to see why he chose to become a patron of Round Table way back in 1958, six years after Elizabeth II had taken the throne. Prince Philip, Patron of the National Association of Round Tables Great Britain and Ireland, had an exhaustive record of service to this country, completing 22,219 solo engagements, including meeting many members of Round Table throughout our 90-year history. Most notably, HRH attended both the 40th and 80th anniversary of the Association in 1967 and 2007. The Prince’s arrival at Round Table’s 40th Anniversary in 1967 Surely ranks among our organisation’s most prestigious moments. And, listening back to an archived recording from the night, the sense of excitement at the Prince’s presence is palpable. The Table luminaries that speak on the night draw attention to the synergies between HRH’s vision and the Round Table organisation to rapturous applause and merriment. This all-important mirth reaches a peak when the man himself takes to the podium to address the rowdy Tablers in his inimitable style: “I realise now you do make a lot of noise, but I never thought it would reach all the way from here to Windsor,” he quips. HRH then went on to draw allusions to
the rowdy Table audience, their plethora of Round Table medals and his own experiences of rowdy military brass: “When I was introduced to all these grand gentlemen up here I thought I’d come to an ex-serviceman’s event... I felt a little naked. I thought, I can compete in uniform, but not so well in plain clothes.” A Prince Philip speech was always deserving of its hype. But while he would please the crowd’s with his off-the-cuff
“I realise now Tablers make a lot of noise, but I never thought it would reach all the way from here to Windsor,” witticisms, his pre-crafted messages of support were always equally memorable, and at Table’s 40th Anniversary, HRH did not disappoint: “We’re here to celebrate 40 years,” he began. “Which seems almost as remote as pre-history. Indeed, anything before the
last war seems to have achieved a sort of dream like quality which the extremes of wealth and poverty of that time make all the more fantastic. “I think it’s slightly surprising and encouraging that Round Table should be founded with the motto ‘adopt, adapt and improve’ and I can’t help but think, if that had been adopted nationally, maybe we wouldn’t be in the mess we are today.” It was clear that Philip understood what it means to be a Tabler, and anecdotes from across our organisation attest to this. Marcus Jones, National Past President 2015/16, remembers his encounter with HRH at an event during which Philip, after being introduced to a fitness instructor, turned to him: “He had just been introduced to a famous PTI instructor and shouted “she’s a physical trainer I reckon she can help you lose some weight!”. The line burst out laughing and with a wry smile and a wink, he moved on and his staff moved past. I realised at that very
Prince Philip was perhaps the last bastion of the British stiff upper-lip. He stood for duty, tradition, honour, stoicism and hard work: virtues still alive at Table – and immortalised throughout this issue no less.
moment that he understood what a Tabler meant, the humour we possess, along with the determination to improve the communities we live in.
“Have no doubt HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh was a Tabler at heart. He loved the association and what it stood for, most of all he understood its worth in society during difficult times. Like the time we are in today after 18 months of Covid19, the impact will be felt for years to come. “He understood that the young men of this country could adopt, adapt and
improve society with their energy and drive, that these young men can engage and encourage all generations of society to move forward, that the grass roots approach was the way forward. He truly understood Round Table could mean different things to different people, and that makes our organisation very unique and relevant.” Ted Whitaker, Chatham Round Table 1964 – 1987 (Past President), also reminisced about the Duke of Edinburgh’s time with Round Table: “I attended the 80th Anniversary at The
National Motorcycle Museum at Solihull in 2007 and, as the Duke of Edinburgh entered the dining hall and walked past the other side of my table, he was fined for his poor attendance as he last joined us for the 40th Anniversary! After he left there was the obligatory ‘Dam Busters’ theme rendition with outspread arms!” Round Table maintained strong ties with the Prince throughout his service, and, upon his retirement from formal duty, thanked the Prince ‘for his service to the military and to our great nation’. Notably however, his commitment to Table
remained until his last breath. Indeed, earlier that year, Prince Philip had spoken fondly of Round Table: “The motto ‘Adopt, Adapt, Improve’ is as valid today as it was when Round Table was founded, and it is very encouraging to know that it continues to attract enthusiastic and dedicated members.” Long live the memory of Prince Philip, and we look forward to hearing more anecdotes about your times with HRH.
"these young men can engage and encourage all generations of society to move forward"
Following roles in films including Legally Blonde, actor Iwan Lewis now finds himself championing the arts as artistic director of Barn Theatre, Cirencester. He discusses how he turned lockdown into an opportunity
How did moving to Cirencester change your career path?
career, and thought I don’t have what it takes to be an actor.
I wanted to be involved in the arts, and an opportunity came up. I first came across the Severn Bridge into Cirencester to do a show at the Bingham Hall. It was a great experience, and I made a home here, so much so that it now this feels more like home to me than the village in Wales I grew up in. This is where I fell in love with the arts, and made so many friends.
Acting wasn’t big in my school either. I attended a rugby school with a lot of farmers in an area with a long agricultural history. But, despite that, the arts in West Wales are huge. Wherever you go, you are singing: in church, at pubs, in choirs. It’s in our blood, and singing is a celebration of the Welsh culture.
Five years ago we decided to develop the Barn Theatre into a professional outfit that fosters talent. I didn’t always have fond memories of acting, nor do I necessarily think it was my calling. I did a terrible adaptation of a play in my early
I developed a passion from afar, but it wasn’t until I was 15, and came to Cirencester that I decided to take it seriously. What was your first acting role? We did a school production of Les
Miserables at school, and I only auditioned because I fancied a girl in the play (which didn’t work out unfortunately). They asked me about my experience in the arts, and while I initially thought it was minimal, I then remembered that actually, singing had been a huge part of my life. I had sang every Sunday at my Auntie Betty’s house in Wales. After lunch, we’d walk three doors down into Ponteherty, a mining village, and we had to sing for our supper. She was a professional pianist and a big critic. She never complimented my singing. It’s great to see so many impressive voices in Round Table though.
I always wanted to be in production, so as artistic director, it’s amazing working with a team who all contribute. I think I only have one skill - I’m so stubborn that when I set a goal there’s no chance I’m not achieving it. What we’ve seen during this time, is that the theatre industry dies almost completely during a lockdown, but I point blank refused to believe I couldn’t build an audience during this time. We set about building a host of online attractions to keep the Barn Theatre thriving. We did quiz shows, and looked at what our community needs; our MP did a show, the head of local council did a show, we had Kenton Cool, the mountaineer, doing a show. As a result, our audience feeds tripled.
I refuse to acknowledge COVID19 as a negative. Some people have to learn to jump or side-step obstacles.
Five years ago we decided to develop the Barn Theatre into a professional outfit that fosters talent.
had to shut them all down. And like any business, we had to raise funds. For the first time in a long time, we found ourselves time-rich: and that’s an opportunity. If you can remain focused during a lockdown, then you’ll set yourself up well for the longer term. My approach is that there was a gaping hole in the Barn Theatre and we had to focus.
Before the lockdown, we had so many shows about to happen, Ben Hur, The Mozart Question, to name a few, but we
What makes you great at your current role, and how have you faced the lockdown?
health & wellbeing
Record breaking balls TESTICULAR CANCER IS HIGHLY CURABLE, BUT IT’S BEST CAUGHT EARLY, SAYS MATT EATON, IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT You find in Round Table ideas are often born just by chatting. You know that mad programme event, fundraiser or challenge that you’ve been roped into because you were down the pub with your Table mates and it seemed a good idea at the time? (And it always is!).
A couple of years back, Toby Freeman and I were sitting in the offices of fellow Tabler, Jordan Bright having completed filming for Space Balls, which saw Toby launch a pair of (prosthetic) balls into space as part of testicular cancer awareness month. “We have so many ideas to continue raising awareness,” Toby said once we wrapped. “Such as?” I recall asking. “Breaking the world record for a simultaneous check of your balls.” So the idea was planted in my mind years ago, and in Toby’s even longer. As a little known fact, we had planned to do this at the AGM in Chelmsford but we all know why we didn’t have the opportunity to do it then.
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men 15-45 and is 98% curable if detected early. And I instantly recollected that chat on a balmy spring day in the Capture House offices that set in motion the world record challenge. This was, and rightly so, a Robin Cancer Trust-led attempt. They have built up such expertise and a following that it was the right way to go about doing this. For those that don’t know, RCT is run by Toby Freeman, my fellow Tabler in Colchester Colne 842 after he lost his brother, Robin, to testicular cancer aged just 24. Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men 15-45 and is 98% curable if detected early.
So you can see the real need to educate Tablers. The World Record stood at 236 and on the day that record was broken with 260 attendees. The support from Round Table International was phenomenal, and we were joined by Tablers from across the world, it was wonderful to see on the day. The self-check was important as the feedback was how Toby really educated us on what we should look for and how we should go about doing it. But Toby and I would both agree. The story isn’t about setting a new World Record. The story is that there are hundreds of Tablers now aware of the danger of testicular cancer in young men and how we self check ourselves. However, this has to be done monthly. So, if we have raised awareness but also educated the young men of Round Table globally to do this, then we’ve done something magical. We’ve taken an idea into a world record but something far more important: a legacy. You can find out more about the work of the Robin Cancer Trust and how to self check at:
Cue the second part of the story. Paul Vreeburg, our international community service officer, while on a phone call to me said he wanted to raise awareness of testicular cancer in young men outside the normal parameters of Movember.
Be prostate aware
PROSTATE CANCER IS THE SECOND LARGEST KILLER OF MEN IN THE UK AFTER LUNG CANCER, AND AWARENESS SAVES LIVES Many prostate cancers grow slowly and are confined to the prostate gland, where they may not cause serious harm. However, while some types of prostate cancer grow slowly and may need minimal or even no treatment, other types are aggressive and can spread quickly.
More men die of Prostate Cancer than women with Breast Cancer every year. One out of three men with a raised PSA level will have cancer.
Prostate cancer is cancer that occurs in the prostate. The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland in males that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm.
Prostate cancer that is detected early — when it is still confined to the prostate gland — has the best chance for successful treatment. If a PSA test is carried out and symptoms are found early, it is not a death sentence. Catching this insidious disease early can prolong a life. All it takes is a simple blood test.
What are the symptoms? • A painful or burning sensation during urination or ejaculation. • Frequent urination, particularly at night. • Difficulty stopping or starting urination. • Sudden erectile dysfunction. • Blood in urine or semen. Most men ignore the symptoms and do not bother investigating why they need to go to the toilet more frequently at night, or perhaps must go immediately when they suddenly have the urge to pass urine. Or maybe they just feel
uncomfortable and think there might be an issue. Annual monitoring of PSA levels can highlight any significant or gradual increase, so that even when the PSA is within the ‘normal’ range, one maybe alerted to the need for further investigation. Our online system monitors and provides a PSA velocity over the years. As there is currently no prostate cancer screening programme on the NHS, The Graham Fulford Trust [GFCT] was set up to provide a level of support for men who would otherwise not have been aware of the risks of Prostate Cancer. GFCT started testing men in 2005 since then we have found 2,082 men with prostate cancer. To get tested is easy and extremely quick, it is just a pain free blood test. The PSA Test is a blood test which can detect the early signs of prostate cancer. The test measures the level of PSA (prostate specific antigen) in the blood. PSA is made by the prostate gland. Some of it will leak into your blood, and the amount depends on your age and the health of your prostate. A raised PSA level in your blood may show that you have a problem with your prostate.
GFCT hold testing events for all male employees over the age of 40. We are restarting Public Events in July 2021, but during the Pandemic we started a new service - Home
Testing Kits, which can be sent to a home address. It is a simple finger prick test. Once the test has been completed the blood is sent to the laboratory and the result is then viewed and approved by clinicians, we then inform the men that their result is available to access online in his unique account.
ROUND TABLE PSA EVENT In the summer of 2019 Cirencester 286 organised a PSA testing event. Working with the local football club to provide the venue, Cirencester Round Table funded the tests for all the men who showed up. Word was raised through word of mouth, social media, pubs, sports and social clubs. In all 210 men from the town and local area were tested with 194 showing green (all clear). The other 16, which included nine “red” results were followed up and referred through the appropriate channels by GFCT allowing them to seek further medical help and support at a far earlier stage than might otherwise have been the case. (Follow up events were planned for 2020 and 2021 but due to COVID were put on hold) If you would like to find out more information about organising a public event, contact Susan Hart, Trustee at GFCT at
Catching this insidious disease early can prolong a life. All it takes is a simple blood test. To book a Home Testing Kit, visit
However, this may not be prostate cancer. Other conditions, such as an enlarged prostate, prostatitis, or a urinary infection, can also cause a raised PSA level.
Beware of polar bears LURKING IN THE BACK OF YOUR MIND...
When explaining the primitive versus rational mind to clients – and the reason we sometimes respond the way we do to certain situation – I often use a wonderful metaphor involving... a polar bear.
Mental health is crucial in these difficult times. Luckily there’s a lot you can do, says Adam Baggs, Cirencester Round Table
A discussion covering caveman and polar bears might seem an odd place to start a hypnotherapy session, but they provide wonderful examples of our primitive mind and the way it reacts under certain situations.
On a recent adventure with his son, Adam Baggs stumbled across a polar bear... in a park! Too good not to write an article about, he says
Unless you happen to work with wild animals, particularly polar bears (my son’s ideal job) then hopefully your reaction to a polar bear outside your front door would be a raised heart rate, blood pumping, sweaty palms and a desire to run – or similar symptoms. Standing there assuming the polar bear wants a cuddle is not an ideal response!
An actual polar bear with big teeth and claws is something we should be afraid of – but much of what else we experience in life is down to individual perceptions and experiences. To some extent we make our own ‘polar bears’ and cause the resulting stress, anxiety and mental health challenges. These metaphorical polar bears, and the impact they have on our lives, is different for everyone, but we do all experience them on some level and in the most basic way our responses take the form of anxiety, anger and depression. Take the caveman (or woman) for example, unable to head outside to hunt and feed the family for one reason or another, anxious due to wild animals (more polar bears perhaps), poor weather and the like. Hiding around the fire with the rug pulled up over their heads
age where the closest we get to a stressful hunt is the fight for a Tesco delivery slot. And yes, I do appreciate the irony of that statement given they have been rarer than hen’s teeth throughout Covid19.
The caveman’s source of anxiety (poor weather, wild animals etc) is fairly clear to see, but there is the potential for frustration and anger due to an inability to hunt, as well as the additional possible need for anger to provide the strength to hunt and defend against competitors – be they man or beast.
When we operate from our rational and intellectual mind, we understand the impact of the polar bear, we recognise and make the right decisions, we look after ourselves and generally get things right in life. There is nothing wrong with responding instinctively to an actual polar bear – but I am here to help clients separate living breathing polar bears from challenges and issues that can be dealt with and moved from the primitive mind into the rational mind.
Mental health is crucial in these difficult times. As metaphors neither of these are too far from many people’s experiences of modern life – and vitally it’s important to know that the primitive mind that drove those responses is still alive and kicking 10,000 years on – in our head during the digital
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy might start with polar bears and cavemen – but it ends with successful goals and positive change. I covered polar bears and cavemen in more depth in a couple of seminars you can see on my website. You can also find a far more in-depth study of Cavemen and Polar Bears in Andy Workman’s book by the same name.
that pub or meeting room full of guys laughing, it can feel like they are entering a whole room full of polar bears. Don’t forget to allay their fears, have someone meet them in advance and take them into the room – be welcoming.
2. As we each move on up through the ranks in our local Table, perhaps, area, region or even at a national level, putting ourselves forward for the role can feel scary. Your fellow Tablers can help, reminding you of your value and capabilities. 3. Finally, keep an eye out for fellow
Tablers who might be facing polar bears in their own lives. Maybe they have dropped off the radar, become more quiet, drink a bit more than usual, or make odd comments. Check in on your buddies and look after them – there might be more going on under the surface than you realise.
keeping warm and safe sounds like a good plan – but it cannot go on forever, it is not a long-term solution – but it is also not unlike many modern-day descriptions of depression.
food & drink
50oc and let the steak come to temperature for at least 2hrs.
This is for two, but can easily be for more by adding extra sides. I like to use both a charcoal BBQ and either a sous vide, or we can use a conventional home oven to create the same effect.
When using a conventional oven, pre heat the oven to 50oc then season your steak in the same way, and put on a rack. Now place in the oven for 2hrs then remove from the oven and rest for 20 mins before flashing on the BBQ.
When using sous vide put the seasoned steak in a vacuum pack bag with rosemary, thyme, garlic and a little olive oil. Set the sous vide bath to
To serve mix up your favourite salad. Cool up your favourite chips or onion rings. And garnish with your favourite sauce. You will never cook steak differently again.
AND HERE WE HAVE SOME GREAT RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OUR FRIENDS AT HIDDEN VINES TO ACCOMPANY YOUR STEAK: BOZZOVICH ROSSO - A gorgeous representation of Campania in a glass. Using two local red grapes, Aglianico and Piedirosso this is a full, yet soft and elegant wine with a history going back to 1920. It offers hints of red fruits and blackberries and compliments a great sirloin or fillet cooked on the BBQ. "MAMMUT" A very Special Montepulciano from the region of Abruzzo. The family has been farming here since the 1950's and the wine showcases the potential of the local red grape, Montepulciano and how it evolves to a very high level. Each bottle has a limited release and is hand-numbered. The wine has notes of a fantastic combination that include oak, vanilla, and an earthy smokiness. It is perfect to accompany any BBQ Steak - but those that want excellence - get that porterhouse or t-bone on the grill now!
The ultimate summer steak night is easier than you think. This is my guide to cooking the ultimate steak and impressing anyone.
Beer for the win!
We asked home brewers to submit two bottles of their home-made beer to Blackstorm Brewery for tasting by their master brewer
Blackstorm, owned by Tabler Paul Hughes from Whitley Bay Round Table, made notes on its choices. James King from Ellon Round Table emerged as the winner. He’s the Region 1 rep, so if you want to know more about his recipe you can ask him. However, his recipe used Scots Porridge Oats to give it a North East IPA flavour.
ENTRIES CAME FROM: James King Ellon Round table Murray Skinner Inverurie Round Table
Johnathan Starr Manchester Round Table
Johnathan Starr Marshmallow Stout
Tony Start E-Club
Very over-carbonated, unusual flavour for a marshmallow stout. Both bottles underfilled, so possibly have become oxidised?
James, as the winner, will get the chance to go to Blackstorm Brewery later this year to produce his recipe in a commercial brewery which will then be on sale to Tablers to raise money for charity.
HERE ARE THE BREWER’S NOTES: James’ Marvellous Medicine James King 7.2% NEIPA Well-conditioned, good hoppy aroma, well balanced flavours. A good example of the style. Very minor soap flavour aftertaste. Red Revival Murray Skinner 4% Slightly low carbonation, good colour, sweet malty aroma and flavour. Tastes thin due to low carbonation.
Tony Start NG10 3PZ Very under-carbonated, very sweet aroma, no head retention. Under-hopped for a pale ale. The winner is James King and his 7.2% NEIPA
like father, like son
Raising men who don't harm women We know how to raise men who don’t harm women, so why are there still problems? We asked author Steve Biddulph The world of manhood is a very divided place right now. There are two whole different kinds of man in co-existence. Most contemporary men, and most teenage boys thankfully, are caring and ethical. They like and value the women and girls in their lives, and treat them with empathy and respect.
Steve Biddulph is the author of Raising Boys, The New Manhood, and the upcoming Fully Human – a new way of using your mind.
Shortly after the publication of the last issue of Tabler, a police officer was formally charged with the murder of Sarah Everard. The subsequent and rightful outcry and public discussion about violence against women is a subject we felt was imperative to cover – particularly in a publication with an entirely male audience. After significant debate regarding the best way forward, we decided to approach bestselling author, Steve Biddulph for his thoughts, advice and opinion on the subject.
But coexisting with this, and present all around us, is a dark shadow masculinity. Dangerous and predatory men still abound in our culture, in sufficient numbers to make it grimly unsafe to be a girl or a woman. Recently the UK and Australia have been galvanised by some horrible crimes against women, and perhaps even worse, accounts from hundreds of schoolgirls and young women about how aggressive and predatory young people’s experience of love has become. Young women are coming into doctors with actual and sometimes lasting injuries, tearful and feeling betrayed by boys they thought they knew and could trust. Pornography has been blamed, probably rightly, for miseducating our kids about how lovemaking works, and the simple fact that tenderness and boundaries really matter for relationships to go well. But even the fact that some boys and men actually want to rape women is horrible for any parent to contemplate.
We can’t solve this by exhortation, or finger wagging. We have to ask what practical and evidence-based methods – in our families, in schools – can change this terrible state of affairs. We must picture a small new-born boy lying in his cot asleep, and ask ourself, what is going to decide whether they will grow up to be a predator or a loving and respectful man. The answer is a sequence of developmental stages which are fraught but entirely manageable if we apply what we know. Firstly, a baby boy has to be treated with tenderness. Boys’ neurological development has been shown by scientists such as UCLA’s Allan Schore to be hampered by their slower development, making them prone to separation anxiety and damaged attachment, and in many ways not suited to the modern world where we hurry and stress ourselves. Empathy is a quality that has to be experienced in order to become a part of us. We learn little by little to be tender and keep our hearts open, so that we can feel for others and never want to harm them. Damaged men come disproportionately from both ends of the socio-economic scale: the poor and stressed victims of an unfair society, and the overprivileged but time-poor who tend to not spend a lot of time with their children.
Eventually, by about the mid-teens, it’s important for dads and mums to talk about how to be protective around girls’ safety and wellbeing. In one of my books I suggest raising a scenario for discussion – they are at a party, one of the girls has had too much to drink and is almost comatose on a couch in a side room. Some boys – perhaps their friends – are starting to pull at her clothing and joke and mess around with her, and she
is too drunk to really be aware or protect herself. What could they do to get her to safety? To intervene in a non-argumentative way to make sure she does not get harmed
Empathy is a quality that has to be experienced in order to become a part of us. or humiliated. By having an actual plan
of action (and your clearly conveyed expectation that they are a good person and would want to do this) they are prepared in case this ever happens. Since it almost certainly will. So, these are the steps… a gentle and attached infancy, an unstressed and tender small boyhood. Engaged and challenged movement into healthy masculinity with adults who spend years around them. And a specific series of conversations around never harming or sexually mistreating girls, and being actually protective and aware of their safety. These are the keys to making better men. No girl or woman of any age is safe in the world today, and that has to give us pause. Let’s not pretend we don’t have the answers – it’s the application we have to bring to bear in our homes and schools, and the larger world.
Fathering plays a key role. Most of how we acquire our social roles comes from example. If we have a dad who is respectful, loving and tender towards our mother. Who teaches us patiently and with good humour to be kind and co-operative with each other? Who never hits us or shames us, who helps us to not freeze our hearts when they are inevitably wounded, then even by primary school age you will see boys who are safe and kind to be around.
Like father, like son Tabler catches up with more laudable lineages from around the UK SON:
What has been your experience of Table so far? I love being in Table. Even when I'm having a bad week, it's always a laugh meeting up with the guys. We also get to ‘give back’ to the community. As I get older, I find this aspect of Table is more and more important.
How have you seen Table change? Not really - the core values are still the same and that's key.
What didn’t your father tell you about? How much damage my liver would take!!! DOB and years active in table: 12 January 1984, seven years active.
Table roles: Social media officer x 2 and chairman.
Why did you join? My friends had mostly moved away to other areas of the country and I wanted to have a gang of friends to meet up with regularly. As my Dad had been in Table, I thought it was worth looking into and luckily there was an active table in Warrington. The rest they say is history. What about your father’s experience persuaded you to become a member? The fun and banter. There were always things happening that Table was involved in. I also remember him regularly getting ‘suited and booted’ in a dinner suit and I always wanted to go with him!
What you hope to gain from Table? I hope to be able to help my community, better myself by learning new things or pushing myself to try things I wouldn't normally do as well as continue to have lots of fun with a great group of mates. Favourite Table moment to date? Managing to get out and run our Santa Sleigh last December. During a very difficult year, the joy everyone got from seeing us and chatting to us lifted my spirits as well as theirs. Considering what we all going through, there was such a great feeling of community. If you have one… would you want your son to join and what do you hope table will be like for him? If he wanted to, I would be delighted. I'd hope that Table would be reassuringly the same for him as it is for me. Great blokes meeting up regularly to do good and to have a lot of fun.
Your favourite Table memories? ARTAG (Association of Round Tables in the Arabian Gulf) meetings in Doha and Dubai; Soap box derby; marathon relay; giving six tv sets to the home for the blind (seriously!); socials, where daft things could happen.
DOB and years active in Table: 16 Sept 1955 (1986 - 1996). Table roles: House and attendance for four years. Why did you join? Some friends asked me and I knew a lot of Tablers, so it seemed like a good idea. And I wanted to 'give a bit back'. What did you get from Table? Great camaraderie; a sense of giving something to the community; good food and cheap drink at the British Club twice a month. How long were you a member? 10 years-ish until I became a 41er. Why did you want John to join? I thought that he might derive a sense of satisfaction from Table as I had; and it's a great way to meet similar chaps especially when your life can revolve around children.
If you have one, would you want your grandson to join - what do you hope Table would be like for him? If he would like to, yes. I would hope that the idea of being a member of a group of likeminded blokes who just want to do a bit of good and have a great time doing it never changes.
DAVID SMITH Years active in Table: 15 Table roles: Secretary, Treasurer, Community Service. Why did you join? To get to know people in my area and involve myself in the local community. I was encouraged to do so by my employer at the time Bradford & Bingley Building Society. Best thing I ever did as it turned out.
Why did you want Richard to join? To help develop himself as a person, to give him more confidence, to assist in making new friends … all by being part of organisation that helps in the community, in various ways. Your favourite table memories? Fundraising events (eg Rumage Sales). Ladies’ nights. Family activities. The Christmas Float and Children in Need. Organising and participating in the cabaret we put on each year. And the event itself for which we all wore dinner suits and the ladies wore cocktail type dresses. Also National Conferences: the first being Brighton at which over 10,000 attended the final night fancy dress party. How you have seen table change? Sadly, a reduction in numbers, and the meetings are less formal. But despite all the changes that have taken place over the years, Round Table has continued to be a great organisation for young men, by adapting, adopting and improving. And, despite what some may think, I feel that extending the age rule to 45 was a good thing, with guys joining a bit later in life as a result of work and family pressures.
If you have one, would you want your grandson to join – what do you hope table will be like for him? Yes. As enjoyable and rewarding as it was for me.
RICH HUDSON SMITH DOB and years active in table: Born Sunday December 29 1985. Not sure exactly how many active years I’ve been in Table because the induction date on the member’s website is wrong but the oldest memory, I can find on Facebook dates back to 2012. Table roles: Region 8 Representative May 2016 - May 2018, Beeston and District Round Table Chairman 28th April 2021 - Present and far too many more to mention. Why did you join? I joined because I moved to Derby to be closer to work in Belper and I didn’t really know too many people other than the people that I worked with, I thought joining Round Table would be a great way of getting to know people, like it was for my dad in the Nuneaton area. What about your father’s experience encouraged you to become a member? My fondest memory of my dad being in Table when I was growing up was the people that he was in Table with and the people that he met. To this day my dad still speaks to some of them every now and again and I still see some of them when I go to Round Table and/or 41 Club events around the country.
What has been your experience of Table so far? Table has been and continues to be a really great way of getting to know people and meeting lots of different people for the very first time. Some of the people that I’ve met over the years are people that I have become close friends with. What didn’t your father tell you about? Round Table has made a massive difference in my life and I wouldn’t be the man I am today if it wasn’t for Round Table. What else do you hope to gain from Table? I already feel like I have gained a hell of a lot from Round Table and most of the gains are things that I wouldn’t have expected like seeing the smiles on everyone’s face when they see Santa around Christmas. It isn’t possible to have too many friends so meeting people and getting to know them is one of the biggest things I can do in my life.
Favourite Table moment to date? I have two memories that stand out for me. I will never ever forget parading by the Cenotaph in London on Remembrance Sunday in November 2015. It was one the most surreal, awe inspiring and emotional moments that I have ever experienced. The other moment is the moment I met my girlfriend Laura Mitchell at the Long Eaton Ladies Circle Charity Ball on Saturday November 19 2016. Both moments aren’t just important Table memories they are important life memories that changed my life. If you have one, would you want your son to join and what do you hope table will be like for him? I’d like to think that he’d be able to get to know children of others Tablers and Circlers and experience some of the experiences I had when I was growing up with my Dad.
What did you get from Table? Lots … Friendships. Enjoyment. Satisfaction (via charitable activities). More confidence, like speaking at meetings. When moving from Ilford to Nuneaton Round Table, I knew nobody at all in Nuneaton at the time but was instantly welcomed into a 40+ strong Table, who also had an active Ladies Circle for Richard’s Mum to join.
Travel & events
MOVING MOUNTAINS The enviably named Kenton Cool, who has undertaken 14 ascents of Everest, discusses his experiences as a world-class mountaineer and the mindset that gets him to the top, literally.
I would’ve been at Base Camp by Everest. We had a great pipeline of activity coming up, great growth, great expeditions coming up and the year looked to be off the charts... Then, it all fell off the cliff. I remember, I was in Chamonix, France, and got a message from a friend in India, saying: ‘’Bad news, India is about to go into lockdown, what does this mean for Everest?’. It felt like a black hole. I was thinking: “this cannot be happening!”. We were already £50,000 in on the project to climb Everest which may not sound like a lot, but we were all committed. At
these moments, you either curl up into a ball and rock, or get to work. I asked myself, what I can do? Obviously I can’t climb mountains during a lockdown, but I asked myself what can I do online, what can I volunteer for? It’s about being able to shift focus. How important is positivity? I had to keep a positive mindset which isn’t always easy. I don’t always feel positive, but on Instagram I try to bring that positivity. Positivity is so important, it’s about putting a smile on your face, and before you know it others are smiling and that gives it back to you. So I get up and force myself to have a run. It lifts me up.
Focus, time and money are the most important elements. Focus, we have to learn, and we struggle with it. I took actions like cutting all my news feeds off: there was so much negativity in the media. So much good stuff is happening, communities are pulling together, but just because something is ‘new’, doesn’t mean it is relevant. Something that’s new often takes away your focus, and brings negativity. How important are expeditions to your mindset and how did you get into climbing? Expeditions are great as a reset. There’s no connectivity, except a camera phone.
Where would you have been during lockdown?
with the devil and stare into the abyss, it’s only then that you realise what it really means to be alive.
You come back energised and fresher from that disconnect. You have time to think and engage on a personal level. You have time to think, to plan, to structure.
I grew up in Slough. There’s nothing commendable about Slough. I fell into mountaineering through a friend, Andy Foulks. If you want to be successful, you must be passionate about whatever it is otherwise you are wasting your time. Money is ultimately a poor driver. For most of us it’s about the community we have and our love for the cause.
I had a bad accident in Wales. I fell off rock climbing in 1996, 29 June. It’s etched in my memory. I fell about 15 feet. I was told I would forever have to walk with a stick, and have to have special shoes. But the power of the cohort, and friends, pulled me back. Climbing was everything I stood for and I grew strength from that. Climbing was all I knew and I was damned if anyone was going to take that from me. What does living on the edge teach you? In 2003 on Anna Purna, I thought a colleague was going to pass away overnight. We had over extended ourselves and my relationship with that person is still affected to this day. It took us to a very dark place. When you dance
If one of us had been selfish and not thought of the collective, none of us would’ve come back.
If one of us had been selfish and not thought of the collective, none of us would’ve come back. You need a collective of A Class players. Create the right environment and you’re capable of virtually anything. We kept the teams small and tight, and instil the message that it’s not about me or you but us. I can’t do this shit on my own, I need a great sherper team with me. The core of my team in Nepal I go with every time. Do you have a favourite climb in the UK? Ben A in Scotland is my favourite UK climb. It has a triple buttress on the North side, with great snow and ice and it’s never that busy. The view from the top is truly sensational.
Out and about Archetypical Canadian culture is captured in Ottawa, but with a modern twist, Tabler discovers OTTAWA What would attract 20- to 45-year olds to Ottawa?
Ottawa offers a great combination of indoor and outdoor activities and attractions, with thriving foodie and craft beer scenes, and is at once both familiar yet different.
You can catch an ice hockey game (the Ottawa Senators are the local National Hockey League team) or take a fun guided tour of local craft breweries or take up axe throwing as a hobby! Golf courses are plentiful and reasonably priced.
What must-try local delicacies would you recommend? The iconic Canadian pastry treats known as BeaverTails were born in Ottawa: wholewheat pastry stretched to look like the rear appendage of a beaver, then float-fried in canola oil, and topped with a variety of sweet (or occasionally savoury) toppings. They’re a must-try treat when in Ottawa. The Ottawa area is full of maple trees so it’s no surprise that maple syrup is a popular, and delicious, ingredient and not just at breakfast time. Locally raised meats include elk, bison, and of course beef. Waves of immigration over previous decades have led to thriving Vietnamese, Lebanese, and African communities so Ottawa’s selection of pho restaurants is impressive and its shawarma is the best in Canada. African and Caribbean restaurants are becoming more popular and numerous.
What are the top local beers? There are more than 50 craft breweries within an hour’s drive of downtown Ottawa so picking a favourite is difficult! Beau’s Brewing Co. is one of the oldest and largest breweries and its Lug Tread Lagered Ale is a go-to found on many restaurant menus. Kichesippi (from the Algonquin language, it means “Great River”) Beer Co. is resolutely local in its references, brewing well-balanced ales like 1855 (the year the City of Ottawa was incorporated, changing its name from Bytown). Dominion City Brewing Co.; Bicycle Craft Brewery; Nita Beer; and Big Rig Brewery are all great options. Hop aboard a BrewDonkey bus tour to meet the makers and taste the beer at local breweries, or join the Thursty Pedaler and pedal a giant bike with a dozen friends from pub to pub through the Glebe neighbourhood!
As the capital city of Canada, it offers glimpses of the entire massive country through its national museums and institutions but is compact, walkable (or cyclable!), and green. You’re never too far from outdoor adventure, whether it’s whitewater rafting within the city limits, ziplining over the Ottawa River to the province of Québec, or mountain biking through the forest.
Out and about continued
Parliament and Centennial Flame Name some must-try restaurants Ottawa is home to the North American headquarters of Le Cordon Bleu. You can take day classes or sign up for the Grand Diplôme, or simply dine at Signatures, the on-site restaurant, located in the gorgeous heritage mansion of a former lumber baron. Atelier restaurant offers a 44-course tasting menu, complete with molecular gastronomy techniques and playful QR code interplay.
Enjoy a cocktail before a delicious meal in sleek, high-ceilinged surroundings at Riviera (a former bank, the current wine cellar is the former vault) or splurge at Beckta Dining + Wine Bar in a former doctor’s heritage home surrounded by a more modern office building. Natural wine lovers will gravitate to Arlo; connoisseurs of great Italian will love North and Navy, Supply and Demand, Mamma Grazzi’s Kitchen, or The Grand; and for seafood, don’t miss any of The Whalesbone’s locations.
For more casual options, try the vintage ambiance of Zak’s Diner (and their very popular milkshakes); visit Ottawa’s oldest tavern, the Château Lafayette, for quarts of beer and a Saturday afternoon live show combining old-school country music and audience participation with local music legend Lucky Ron; or indulge in lumberjackthemed treats washed down by maple syrup at Flapjack’s Canadian Diner. What culturally puts Ottawa on the map? As Canada’s capital city, Ottawa serves as the home base for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and makes the nightly news with political announcements, state visits, and international conferences. But it’s also a centre for high
technology, including the headquarters of Shopify, the e-commerce giants.
Skating Championships in Ottawa 6-13 January, 2022.
Home to the National Arts Centre and its orchestra, dance program, and English, French, and Indigenous theatre programs, the performing arts play a large role in Ottawa’s cultural scene. Beyond top-notch summer music festivals—Bluesfest, Jazz Festival, Chamberfest, and Music and Beyond which marries classical music with unique venues— bars and clubs highlight jazz, pop, hip hop, rock, and more.
How has Ottawa coped with COVID-19 – what are your hopes for the future?
Ottawa-born celebrities include Alanis Morissette, Sandra Oh, Dan Aykroyd, and Annie Murphy of Schitt’s Creek, while football sensation Jonathan David was raised in Ottawa.
Canada Day What big events are there to look forward to in late 2021/2022?
In spring 2020, a graduate of Ottawa’s Carleton University started the Isolation Museum (, a virtual museum of the pandemic, with people around the world donating virtual artifacts showcasing how our lives have changed. A simple retweet encouraging donations to the Ottawa Food Bank from the hip-hop group Wu Tang Clan led to a landslide of donations and the creation of t-shirts and hand sanitizer that raised thousands of dollars. Ottawa Public Health has been a model for social media excellence during the pandemic, with a great sense of humour in sharing messages to keep people safe and recognise the importance of mental health care. So much so that Canadian superstar Ryan Reynolds lent his star appeal to the cause ( status/1370373335138373637). Ottawa’s balance of indoor and outdoor activities and its community of creative minds devoted to rebuilding the industry in a sustainable way mean that it is well placed to weather this storm.
The National Gallery of Canada hosts Canada and Impressionism: New Horizons (January 21June 12, 2022), featuring more than 100 works by 36 artists, offering new perspectives on the influence of Impressionism in Canadian art. For sports fans, two new professional sports teams are debuting in 2022: the Ottawa Aces will join the North American Rugby League and the Ottawa Titans will join baseball’s Frontier League. Meanwhile, football (or soccer in North America) fans can watch Atlético Ottawa, ice hockey (just plain hockey in Canada) fans can cheer on the Ottawa Senators, basketball fans can root for the Ottawa BlackJacks, and you can root for the Ottawa REDBLACKS in Canadian football—a distinct offering from its American counterpart. The Canadian Winter Olympic skating team will be chosen at the Canadian Tire National
Rideau Canal Locks
A WALES OF A TIME Tabler caught up with Gemma Simons, Marketing Campaigns and Strategy Manager at Visit Cardiff to discuss Cardiff’s enduring appeal What attractions are popular with 20-40 year olds?
• International Sports Village: Cardiff International White Water Adventure Centre (just launched new activities) and hopefully the Cardiff Devils ice hockey season will start later this year in Ice Arena Wales • Popular entertainment venues with locals: Chapter Arts Centre & Tramshed • New venues: Techniquest and Hensol Castle Distillery in the Vale What must-try local delicacies would you recommend? • Fresh warm Welsh Cakes at Cardiff Market • To takeaway - buy Cockles, Bacon and Laverbread at Wallis Deli in the Royal Arcade • ‘Loving Welsh Food’ tour is also a great way to experience food in the city • The Grazing Shed – Cardiff’s homegrown independent burger chain
What are the top local beers? All these regionally brewed beers have venues in Cardiff… • Pipes • Crafty Devil • Tiny Rebel Name some must try restaurants? • City Centre: Curado specialising in tapas; La Pantera with a street food vibe; Potted Pig in an old bank vault • Pontcanna: Milkwood, a neighbourhood restaurant with Welsh produce • Cardiff Bay: Bayside Brasserie independent restaurant with waterfront views What cultural occurrences have put Cardiff on the map? • Cardiff’s homegrown and award-winning ‘Notfitstate’ are the UK’s leading contemporary circus company • Cardiff is often used as a location for the shooting of television shows, including the likes of Dr. Who, Sherlock Holmes, Discovery of Witches, Sex Education, and more
• SWN Festival for live music. Also in recent years music artists such as Gwenno, Astroid Boys, and Boy Azooga have put Cardiff on the map. What big events are there to look forward to in 2021? • Cardiff Castle have a variety of concerts already booked in for later this year including the Foals, Keiser Chiefs (fingers crossed) • Artes Mundi 9 (International Art Exhibition and Prize) • ‘The Hundred’ cricket is also scheduled for the summer at Glamorgan Cricket TABLER MAGAZINE * Summer 2021
• City Centre: Cardiff Castle & National Museum
National events: are they for you? DEREK COLLIE National Events Officer, asks readers to consider going National
Some of you will have been to a National Round Table event before, many of you will not have. Why? Is it because its intimidating to walk into a room of strangers? Is it because it doesn’t appeal to you? Is it the cost?
All of these would be great reasons not to go, but let’s consider the flip side: Yes, it is intimidating to go to an event where you don’t know anyone, so why not bring some of your other Tablers with you? I still remember walking into my first National
Conference. I knew only one person and that’s because I’d looked him up on Facebook. I saw groups of people having a great time and felt way over my head. After an hour, I was part of some of those groups and meeting people that I still count as good friends now. Doesn’t appeal? A weekend of fun with your friends, socialising, talking about Table (and other stuff), a few drinks and trying things you may not have done before... what’s not to like? Cost: It’s true, an event weekend can get pricey, particularly by the time you’ve paid your bar bill! We are striving to make events more accessible to all by giving choice when it comes to budget friendly accommodation and giving as much value as we can. So what events are there? National Conference is in May each year and hosts our associations AGM as well as a couple of fantastic parties. National Sporting Weekend is in August/September and you get the chance to show off your prowess at conventional and less conventional sports, all with
plenty of beer and awards. Family Camping Weekend is a new event in June and gives you the opportunity to have a relaxing weekend with families, kids and dogs to enjoy the outdoors and some friendship. There are other fantastic events that are organised by Areas and Tables including Hike and Bike, Birdman, NRTFest, Soapbox races, and so on, so don’t just sit
in your Table, get out there and find out about the opportunities open to you as a member of the best young man’s association. Meet friends from across the UK and the world, and I hope to see you at an event sometime soon! Derek Collie National Events Officer RTBI 07792 140311
from the iro
We are in the middle of AGM season around Europe. Due to covid.... I am not going to attend physically and they are all online. As we open up in the UK I hope to see some of you soon. The picture opposite was my last connection with overseas Tablers last year. Lucas Borsboom - IRO & Patrick Kip President. Both from The Netherlands. However, through the traffic light system and ongoing vaccine programme, I hope we can start to travel again to some extent soon.
As mentioned in the AGM we have some travel funds available to support Table members:
Future events still planned to go ahead are as follows:
John Watts Fund Open to all – (you’re only allowed to have the funds once)
World Meeting - Delhi - 22 September, However who knows what will happen. The WM could be moved to a safe location. Decision still pending as to whether or not this goes ahead.
New Generation fund Open to all under 30 years old Ripple Fund Open to all, fund is run by 41 club Travel Bingo* We have partnered up for AGMs next year with South Africa, Germany, Italy, Netherlands & France. The bingo will be run October 2021 – December 2021 (if we can) If you would like to apply please email me
CEETM - Bielefeld, Germany - 14-17 October Decision still pending - will update you soon. HYM - Marrakesh, Morocco 9-13 Morocco All systems go at the moment.
Travel Bingo* is free for you – you just need to pay for your own travel and some spending money.
Iain Richardson updates Tablers on International AGM season
Round Table Family
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41 Club, which has more than 13,500 members across the UK aged from 45 to over 100, chose Mental Health Awareness Week to shine a light on the proactive measures it has taken to ensure the welfare of its members during the pandemic.
Leading the way has been its weekly 41 Club Connects Zoom meetings which provide a range of talks and activities for members. Amongst the star names to appear have been ‘The Shepherdess’ Amanda Owen, TV sports presenter John Inverdale, BBC cricket correspondent Jonathan Agnew, snooker duo Dennis Taylor and John Parrott and Emmerdale actor Dean Andrews.
The series, which is provided free to members, has included tours of Jaguar, cooking nights with Great British Menu chef Dave Critchley, tasting events, and a range of other talks on subjects including the warder of Nelson Mandela and WWII veteran Norman Bartlett.
In addition, 41 Club, whose members are all former Round Tablers, also launched ‘Buddyline’ - a call in service where “members could support members” on a totally confidential basis, for anyone feeling stressed or depressed or simply lonely and isolated.
Since its launch, the 41 Club Connects events have attracted a total of 12,000 attendees in 26 countries, more than 18,000 Facebook views, with a further 2,000 on YouTube.
41 Club National President Peter Good said: “41 Club wanted to demonstrate it is there to support its members - and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
“Mental Health Awareness means addressing mental health issues - sometimes, but not always, by speaking about them, and other times by simply taking matters in hand to do something which addresses them. The last year has been challenging and we have members who are older, less mobile and alone. The 41 Club Connects meetings have provided an opportunity for people to come together and enjoy a shared and entertaining
“This has all been done voluntarily and the members of the 41 Club Connects team and the Buddyline volunteers have continued in the Round Table tradition of doing more for others.”
‘Buddyline’ - a call in service where “members could support members” You can check out forthcoming events on - they are open to all members of the Round Table Family of clubs and their guests.
THE 41 CLUB BIG WEEKEND We are bringing together an amazing weekend of activity with an inclusive approach for our members and the members of The Round Table Family, focusing on the fun, fellowship and friendships renewed from all around the world. Entertainment will be world-class and with a few surprises. The weekend will include early check in on Friday 1 October allowing those who want
41 REASONS TO BE OPTIMISTIC As we start to see a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s time to plan for the future. In the association of Ex-Round Tablers, we now have seven new ‘41 clubs’ looking to affiliate and one ‘phoenixing’ 41 club looking to reaffiliate at our July National Council meeting. We have many enquiries coming in from ex-Tablers who didn’t join 41 club but are looking to make contact with ‘like-minded’ slightly older men and an even more recently aged out ex-Tablers who want to find a way to continue to support Round Table without becoming ‘hangers on’ or the ‘oldest dude at the party’. 41 Club is a broad-church and we have some 700 clubs across the country (and a few in other countries too!). No two Clubs are the same, just as no two ex-Tablers are the same, which is one of the reasons we have established our Special Interest Groups - Walking; Motorcycling; Wine; Railway Enthusiasts; Whisky; Classic Cars; Rugby;
Football; these forums provide additional opportunities for fellowship and friendship between ‘41ers’ from different locations, but with common interests. If there is no 41 Club local to you or if due to geographic, health or other reason you are unable to join a local 41 Club we have VoRTEX 41 Club the Virtual 41 Club, which you can join to engage with other 41ers in a similar position. It’s a bit like the Table e-club. Now for the hard sell: as a member of RTBI when you are between 40-45, you can join a 41 Club and the association will waive your capitation fee while you are paying your fees to Table. What better advert for Round Table can there be than 13,000+ men still meeting up regularly and enjoying themselves because they were once in Round Table? Yours in continued friendship,
Glen Lyon
to make it a full weekend of activity with options of exploring the home of Robin Hood and his merry men.
Night, not to forget the National Golf Competition which takes place just down the road at Breadsall Priory on the Sunday.
The venue is the magnificent De Vere Orchard Hotel, which is set in 330 acres of the University of Nottingham’s landscaped parkland.
Book via Marcus Jones National Past President RTBI
Over the three days there will be numerous 41Club related activities available from the business side of things via the council meeting and half year special general meeting, to the amazing International Nations Night on the Friday, supported by gin tasting events, classic car displays from Jaguar Land-Rover who will be one of our sponsors leading into the Gala Dinner with world class entertainment on the Saturday
experience, while Buddyline has been there for those who needed someone to talk to.
Always keep the faith Father Agnew discusses the importance of friendship, and intention Round Table gives us an opportunity to ‘develop the acquaintance of young men’, but developing involves time and effort, friendship is worth the time and it’s worth the effort. The future of Round Table is in the hands of its membership. No matter how well intentioned and talented our national executive are, they don’t have all the answers.
Dear Round Table
If I could offer you only one word of advice it’s to Keep the Faith. Round Table is still the best medium for young men to make friends and impact the world we live in. Science has proven the long-term health benefits of friendship. The rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. Always try and find a way to make friendship win. Principles and opinions are important, but neither will take you for a beer when you lose your job or break up with your girlfriend.
Make a plan. Be intentional. Sit down, work out what you’d like your club, your area, or your national movement to look like and build a plan to achieve it. Stop waiting for permission, seek to build consensus from the men that surround you. You’ll accomplish a lot more and have a lot more fun along the way. Don’t dismiss all tradition, some of them have purpose, others are fun. If they are neither purposeful or fun drop them, Round Table exists for its current and future members, not its past. Listen to your 41ers, their years of service have earned them the right to be heard. Their years of experience can give
context. But make your own decisions. Society moves at a fast pace, yesterday’s answers rarely fix today’s problems. But be courteous. Our heritage is amazing; it should not be an anchor to restrain us but a platform to launch us forward.
You don’t have all the time in the world, stop deferring your dreams. Don’t be shy. Shy lads get nowt. Round Table has so much good will in our communities, we all too often forget that those people we work hard to bless would also like to bless us. Ask for freebies, ask for help, ask good men to come to a Table event.
You don’t have all the time in the world, stop deferring your dreams, if it’s in your heart to do something start on it now. Every goal attained leads to new opportunities. Stop making excuses. Banter is only funny when everyone is laughing. My biggest regrets are when I get this wrong. Forgive yourself when you mess up, forgive your mates when they mess up. Look after your Table friends, check
in with each other, ask the difficult questions. Let your friends help you. We call it fellowship, sometimes brotherhood but put simply Round Table is built on love, love for community, love of our movement and love for our friends. What we do is important, never be embarrassed about it, tell your friends. Keep The Faith,
Father Agnew
Don’t seek office for the sake of a title, seek action and to do all you can for the good of the cause. Sometimes this will involve seeking office, compete with integrity and belief in your ideas, the people always get the leadership they deserve. Don’t allow your disappointment to shake your faith and don’t allow your success to fool you into thinking you’re infallible. We’re men doing our best for something we love, the fact we get to do that is its own reward.
Ladies Circle latest Hello Gents. I didn’t think there was a weird level above sending greetings via video to your AGM, but here we are.
Hopefully we’ll all get the chance to meet in person during the next 12 months, but while Muggles looking in might expect me to say how much we’ve missed you all, that’s just not the case because, we’ve not had a chance to miss you at all! You’ve all done so much work over the last 15 months reaching out to your communities and #Always inviting us to #GetInvolved. It’s not gone unnoticed that the ties between us feel so much stronger recently and we’re all so grateful for that. The whole family seems more
connected, we’ve opened up and shared genuine and meaningful offers of support and friendship.
early 2022, we will be celebrating in style at the Scarborough Spa!
Our year is now well underway, our new Exec Team is excited for our first working weekend in person and plans are already taking shape for our National Council Meeting in Lincoln at the end of September.
we’ve opened up and shared genuine and meaningful offers of support and friendship.
Based on the feedback from our AGM, it looks like this year will be a transformative one for Circle in terms of governance, funding and National structure. We have signed up with the Circler World platform which has opened NALC to the possibilities of opening polling to individual members rather than to Circles, allowing for improved representation. We also have exciting new plans for dispersal of our Circler magazine. In this new post-Covid19 world, we hope we impress our big brothers with our work and can’t wait to see what plans you have in store. Finally, I saved the best until last… this is a big year for us: on Sunday 23 May we celebrated our official 85th Birthday and in
My motto of ‘After all this time? Always’ was a nod to this landmark year, to the faith we have held for 85 years in our founding principles of friendship and service. So, as I end this ‘New Year’ message to you all, I invite you to please, let us know how we can be of service and extend friendship to your Tables. Things always look better with Table by our side. Yours in friendship, Always
AWARD WINNERS CHAIRMAN OF THE YEAR - Mark Sephton, Deeside & District DANISH AXE - Alex Gadsden, Petersfield COMMUNITY AWARD - Tamworth Round Table MEDIA AWARD - Winchester Round Table PROGRAMME AWARD - Keswick Round table VAUGHN HARRIS AWARD - Redditch Round Table SIDE BY SIDE AWARD - Alex Rozentals, Loughborough MEMBERSHIP AWARD - Deeside Round Table TABLER OF THE YEAR - Will Green, Coventry BEER OF THE YEAR - James King, Ellon and District REGIONAL REP OF THE YEAR - Rocco Cerullo As we were unable to celebrate the success of these Tablers and Tables during the AGM a special celebration will take place at the recently announced Popworld event on 15th October in Colchester.
The AGM was not just an opportunity to conduct business, report on the past and plan for the future it was a chance to thank and celebrate those Tablers that have gone above and beyond the call of duty to deliver for Round Table locally, regionally or nationally.