Policy document - 35th Board

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coming together ‘‘ is a beginning keeping together

is progress

working together

is success

- Henry Ford


Table of contents

Our Strategy Map


The Policy


Vision & Future


Financial: Value Drivers


Active Members: Value Drivers


Activities: Value Drivers


Members: Value Drivers





This policy document is the outcome of a week, which started together with two PwC consultants at their Rotterdam headquarters and continued in a hotel in Vlissingen. Along the waterside, the XXXVth STAR Board (hereinafter named ‘we’) became inspired and created a common goal: to continue building where the past STAR Boards have layed the foundation. Together with PwC we built our own Strategy Map:

Figure 1.1 Strategy Map On top you can find the statement “To enrich the life of RSM students” which is STAR its mission and reason for existence. Our mission is supported by four different pillars: “Supporting our Members in Their Choice of Career, Fun, Supporting our Members in Their Studies, and Contribute to Society”. Moreover, these four different pillars are supported by one common pillar namely: “Development of our Active Members”. To fulfill the needs of these pillars we divided our processes in four layers: Financial, Active Members, Activities, and Members. Each layer has a significant amount of blocks within called Value Drivers. An in depth description of each value driver can be found in this document. Every Value Driver in this document has been tested on the pillar Greening STAR. Hereby, we provide you with a small description of each layer which includes several changes for the upcoming year. Since the different layers in our strategy follow a logical path, we will guide you through the metaphorical stairs in this house starting at the ground floor which will be the Financial layer followed by the Active Members, Activities, and Members.




The financial part of the organization is seen as the basis for STAR. Through acquisition we gain income to organize all our projects and events. A strict budget control is necessary to minimize STAR’s financial risks.

Active Members

Trainings will become an important layer in the future for STAR, which will be provided through financial management. With setting up a skills plan for each active member, STAR helps them to reach up to their personal goals to develop themselves. Moreover, we find it important that this plan becomes an incentive for students to become active at STAR.


By developing our members and re-establishing our portfolio we will optimize our projects. This year we are going to renew our recruitment system to make it easier for students to apply for one of our committees. Through knowledge sharing and cohesion between our Bachelor committees and Master Study Clubs we hope to inspire a better “STAR feeling” between our members. Additionally, alumni are an important group for STAR. These members have given everything for a varying period of time to enrich themselves and thereby enriching STAR. This is why we want to establish a good collaboration between our current members and our alumni.


As projects are optimized and our members are supported in their development we strive to fulfill the demand of all our members. A better fit between what we offer to our members and the demands from our members is important and research will help us to get an overview of this demand. All projects can be seen as the branches of each tree, the pillars. Some branches are Value Drivers in our Strategy Map, because they need more attention than others, this can alter according to the outcomes of conducted research. We personally identified the following projects: Cultural Activities, Repositioning our Parties, and Academic Activities that need more attention. A major change in our strategy compared to the last few years can be found in our academic pillar. As a Study Association we have been adding academic value through STAR its Book Sale. In the upcoming year we are going to add Exam Trainings, Language Courses, and Summaries to increase the academic focus. Additionally, a new pillar is added: Contribute to Society. Besides Reach Out and iCare we will try to contribute to one specific charity with multiple projects. Moreover, as you can see in figure 1.1 a layer titled Greening STAR is positioned next to the upper three layers. Through focusing on these two aspects (i.e. greening STAR and contribute to society) we hope to contribute to a better society.


Implementation of our strategy


Below you can find three different stories all focusing on a different timeframe, namely one year, three years, and five years, where the implementation of our policy is described.

STAR in 1 year

A few weeks ago, Lily applied as a first year BA student through a clear and well-working recruitment system for the BA Introduction Days. Now, after she heard she was selected for the committee, she is exited for her first meeting she will have with her committee. She already checked her white book which was made by the preceding committee. At this moment she knows the generic part and this gives her the confidence to make a start. Yesterday, she had a meeting with the Human Resource coordinator of the Board about a skills plan. Now she is certain about what she wants to learn and how she will acquire this knowledge. The fun she will get out of working in a committee and working on the event, the trainings which are already planned, and the skills plan which was made personally for her were incentives for Lily to become active at STAR. Meanwhile, the trimester is coming to an end and in three weeks she has exams. She already ordered her books and pre-ordered summaries for her courses through STAR. She is still doubting if she will attend one of the exam trainings offered through STAR. Lily is sure that she wants to go on exchange in her third year. This is why she already subscribed for one of the language courses offered by STAR, since a significant discount is offered in comparison to other parties.

STAR in 3 years

Barney is a second year IBA student. He is part of the Reach Out committee. The committee is working on some ideas to support the charity STAR is contributing to. Like last year, the same charity is chosen and feedback is given on the events of last year. Barney is also involved in Greening STAR. STAR has become greener throughout the years (e.g. print outs are printed double-sided, posters and flyers are limitedly distributed, and several events are organized to make STAR members more aware of their environment). Through working with the Rotterdam School of Management and the Erasmus University, Peter tries to work towards a greener and sustainable university. Tomorrow Barney has a meeting with the Internship Coordinator of STAR, she can help Peter finding the right internship that meets his demand.

STAR in 5 years

Robin is a second year IBA student and in two weeks the big event she has been working on together with her committee, the Case Competitions, will take place. Throughout the years this event has grown to its full potential and that is also why this committee became a fulltime project. The best universities from all over the world send their best team to solve cases for multinationals. Tonight she has an alumni event. Through the alumni network of STAR she found the main sponsor of the event. She is looking forward to meet many more ambitious alumni, active in various industries, and still very connected with STAR. In a few moths she will have one resit. In the evening she prepares her resit with her e-book, since the books industry shifted from hard copy books to e-books which STAR offers.


Rik Hendriks Babette van Dinten 11 JoĂŤl van Gilst Remco van der Matten Linda Weekers Mirna Steur Claudia Baijens Tom Reijnen Iris Blokpoel



More Acquisition Current Situation

Last year we attained an acquisition revenue of almost 500,000 Euros. The acquisition revenue is used for financing all the projects or development trainings organized by or for our Active Members (i.e. training program).

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

The acquisition revenue is the basis for the balanced scorecard together with budget control. It provides the resources to ensure training programs and develop projects. An increase in the acquisition revenue will cause larger and higher-standard projects and makes it possible for us to provide a wider range of trainings in our curriculum.

There are several ways to achieve the desired situation. Below, a list of options will ensure more acquisition: • A broader range of products; • A broader focus in the Benelux; • Optimal price determination; • Standard pricing policy; • Alternative ways of acquisition (funding); • Encourage cross-selling.

Measurement KPI 1: 7,5% of the committees retrieves the pre-determined maximum budget. KPI 2: The average acquisition revenue of the last three years will increase with at least 7.5% by the com- mercial of the board. Greening: A contract digitalization tool will be implemented, therefore all contracts will not be printed out anymore.

Budget Control Current Situation STAR controls its budget per cost driver and the overall budget meets STAR’s zero budget policy.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

Cost drivers are up to date and our zero budget policy is Each cost driver is checked and up to date in a realistic manner. maintained. No profit or loss is made.

Measurement KPI 1:

Of all cost drivers 10% deviate from our zero budget policy with less or more than 5% of the amount given at the cost driver.


All budgets are already digitalized. A tool is designed for declarations, which will reduce the amount of paper for this action to zero.




Skills Plan Current Situation

We do not use any skills plan for the development of our Active Members. Due to the absence of a plan we cannot guarantee a good match between the trainings that are offered and required. Moreover, this can lead to unawareness of what can be learned during an active year at STAR.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

By developing a plan for every active member in the beginning of their project, we will ensure that the offered trainings fit with the required trainings. Additionally, because our Active Members have indicated what they wanted to learn, they will also become more aware of what has been learned.

To achieve the desired situation, this project has to go through a couple of phases. The purpose of the form which is available at max.rsmstar.nl is to define the development requirements that are indicated by the active member. Afterwards a standard plan will be designed by the Commissioner of Human Resources and will be presented to the Active Member. At the end of the Active Member’s project, the skills plan will be individually evaluated with the Commissioner of Human Resources.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: Greening:

100% of all Active Members, recruited in the second and third recruitment period, have a skills plan. Active Members score a NPS of 5% with the statement: ‘I am consciously engaged in what I wanted to learn according to my skills plan’. By archiving the skills plan fully on a digital way, STAR ensures a reduction in the use of paper.

Trainings Curriculum Current Situation We offer insufficient trainings to the Active Member in order to support them during their project.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

A better developed curriculum will result in more knowledge which can be perfectly used by the Active Members during their project. At least three things need to happen: 1. STAR offers general & functional kick-off trainings (fixed curriculum). These trainings have to be determined in advance to ensure that they will take place directly after appointing the new Active Members. 2. STAR has to offer at least once a month a STAR Academy training which will be in line with the skills plan. 3.All the offered trainings have to be an incentive for a student to become active at STAR.

There are various ways to achieve the desired situation. It is necessary to write a development policy document. This document describes all the general trainings, kickoff trainings STAR wants to offer per committee, and the planning for the first two months of the upcoming year. The Commissioner of Human Resources is responsible for approaching and listing all companies that can be contacted for trainings.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: Greening:

85% of STAR’s Active Members agrees with the statement: ‘STAR offers trainings which fit to my personal skill plan’. 85% of STAR’s Active Members agrees to the statement: ‘The trainings which have been offered by STAR contributed to the development of STAR’s projects’. For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

‘‘don’t be afraid to

give up the good


go for the great - John D. Rockefeller

Marketing of Trainings


Current Situation We offer free trainings through the STAR Academy in order to support and develop Active Members during their project. We offer a range of trainings through-out the year. Often Active Members don’t make use of these trainings, since they simply do not know or are not aware that they exist. Besides these reasons the Active Members just don’t know which trainings enrich them.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

The desired situation is determined by a number of preferred situations, namely; 1. Every Active Member knows they can make use of the STAR Academy trainings; 2. Every Active Member knows which offered trainings are useful for their enrichment; 3. Every Active Member knows how they can participate in the STAR Academy trainings.

The way to achieve the desired situation is clear and is as follows: • During the recruitment procedure the focus in the brochure and at the interviews will be on the STAR Academy; • Placement of an online calendar which displays all the trainings; • Information on website is designed per function, so the Active Members can easily see which trainings will contribute to their development; • Optimization of max.rsmstar.nl, so that all Active Members are able to find information about trainings and can even ask questions; • Using the individual skill-plan.

Measurement KPI 1: 25% of the applicants indicate, as one of the reasons they applied, that STAR offers the possibility to participate in trainings. KPI 2: 80% of the respondents among all members are informed that STAR offers trainings when they are active at STAR. KPI 3: The utilization rate of the (kick-off) trainings, which fit the skill-plan of the Active Members, is 95%. Greening: Since marketing is associated with flyers, the focus of STAR is to optimize max.rsmstar.nl. In the desired situation, this platform is going to be the communication tool for all STAR Academy Train- ings.

Offering of Trainings Current Situation We offer free trainings through the STAR Academy in order to support and develop Active Members during their project. We offer a range of trainings through-out the year. The capacity during those trainings is often too low or not available since Active Members have lectures.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

The most appropriate situation is when all offered train- The most important issues are the capacity and planning. If ings are available for all Active Members who need them STAR can extend the capacity to the necessary amount of according to their skills plan. places and STAR ensures that the trainings are scheduled in the right way, it is less common that Active Members are not able to participate at a STAR Academy training.

Measurement KPI 1: Greening:

STAR ensures that at least 80% of the trainings are available for every Active Member, in case it fits to their skills plan. For this KPI, greening is not applicable.



Establishing Portfolio Current Situation

We have a significant amount of projects in several ranges: social, academic, recruitment, research, functional, publishing, and community which take place throughout the year. Currently, we organize our projects on performance of former years, making us unaware of the exact demand of our members for particular projects in our portfolio.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

We are aware of the projects that our members require. Through market research we will gain the knowledge of the Besides that, we adapt our portfolio to the wishes of our demand of our members. After knowing what the demand members. is, we will try to adapt our portfolio to this demand.

Measurement KPI 1: Greening:

10% of STAR members think that the projects of STAR suits their needs better than a year before. For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

Optimizing Project Capacity Current Situation STAR has 52 committees who yearly organize hundreds of projects. Some projects have an overload on applicants and some have a shortfall.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

The projects of STAR fit the amount of applicants.

Make sure that the demand fits the amount through: 1. Attain an overview of the current amount of participants offered per project. 2. Analyze the figures of applicants over the past few years to acquire a general idea of the amount of applicants per project. 3. Find a reasonable fit between the demand and the amount offered per project.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: Greening:

The amount of non-sales has a maximum of 10% of the total amount of participants All projects are sold out. For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

Recruitment Current Situation To recruit our Active Members, we have a recruitment system called MySTAR. Since this program is outdated and hardly adaptable, we are looking for a new program to replace MySTAR.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

We have a new recruitment system that fits our require- Since we do not have the required knowledge to create ments. such a system, we must look for a third party that will create a new recruitment system that fits our requirements.

Measurement KPI 1:

STAR has a new system that fits our requirements.


The use of brochures is minimized with 50%.

Knowledge Management Current Situation Knowledge is barely shared from one year to another. Some committees have white books some do not. Therefore, it is important that the different committees collect the basic information which is needed to start. Also, new committees barely have contact with the foregoing committee. Thus, existing knowledge is barely shared.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

A generic white book is created per committee with only Every committee has to create a generic white book and basic information in it; this to make sure that the com- hold close contact between the new and old committee by mittees can start of by itself. Still, it is very important giving contact details. that every committee has the learning experience that STAR offers to its Active Members. Additionally, we need to make sure that every committee holds close contact with the previous committee.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: KPI 3: KPI 4: KPI 5: Greening:

100% of all our committees/Master Study Clubs have a white book. Active Members evaluate the learning experience at STAR with a NPS score of 15%. 66% of the Active Members argues that their white book made it easier to start their project. At least 1 meeting(s) with the previous committee In the end of the acadmic year 2012-2013, there has to be a platform that facilitates the knowledge sharing between the preceding and current committees/Master Study Clubs. All white books are accessible online.


STAR Cohesion Current Situation

The cohesion between the Bachelor Committees is fantastic as well as the cohesion between the Master Study Clubs. More and more Active Members work together and that is a positive thing. What lacks is a fine social and professional cohesion between the Bachelor Committees and the Master Study Clubs.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

We would like to facilitate an atmosphere in which both We will facilitate cross selling between committees. Morewill work more closely in social and professional aspects. over, we would like to enhance the retention rate of the Bachelor Committees into the Master Study Clubs. Next, we will organize more events for both groups instead of separate events.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: KPI 3: KPI 4: KPI 5: Greening:

5% of all committees made a cross selling deal. 15% of the Active Members that are in their last year of their Bachelor would like to be in a Master Study Club in the future. 75% of the Active Members will have the desire to be active again. 50% of Bachelor and Master students that are active are participating in events organized by STAR. 75% of our Active Members is aware of this year’s policy. For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

Alumni Impact Current Situation Our alumni are very important to us. Once a member is part of a fulltime committee he or she becomes an alumni of STAR. With 35 years of existence we have many alumni. By trying to involve our alumni with STAR and flowing our current Active Members into the alumni organization the Alumni Board is an important linking pin between our alumni and STAR.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

A fluently stream of Active Members get involved with our Alumni association. Besides that, we hope to involve our alumni in the daily operational processes of STAR e.g. in acquisition and trainings.

STAR is going to involve its fulltime committee members more often in alumni activities, so they will connect with other alumni. Also, before contacting others, STAR will contact its alumni for support and ideas.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: KPI 3: Greening:

100% of our Active Members knows about our alumni database. 80% of whom it affects uses our alumni database. 90% of the alumni database is up-to-date. For this KPI, greening is not applicable.



Connecting Students with Companies


Current Situation We bring our students in contact with companies in several ways; by organizing events such as: the STAR Management Week and the Erasmus Recruitment Days, and events offered by our Master Study Clubs throughout the year. Nevertheless, there is little information known about the quality of these events perceived by our members.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

By attending our events, our members are offered the opportunity to make a deliberate decision in their career. Moreover, STAR is able to offer multiple contact moments throughout the year with companies that are desired.

Through market research and focus groups we will find out what every type of students desires to make a deliberate decision in their career. Moreover, through offering enough contact moments for our members with a diverse range of companies they also get the opportunity to get in contact with these companies they want to start their career path.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: KPI 3: KPI 4: Greening:

A third year student or older evaluates the contribution of STAR in their orientation in their future career with a NPS score of 15% or higher. More than 25 recruitment events are organized next to the Erasmus Recruitment Days and the STAR Management Week. At least two events during the year are organized for Internationals. 10% of our International STAR members agree with the following statement: “The career events organized by STAR helped me with my career orientation.” For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

Cultural Activities Current Situation Our pillar ‘fun’ has a quite one-sided focus: the focus is mainly on parties. Nevertheless, our Study Trips do add a cultural aspect to this pillar. We think that our members would like to see more cultural events taking place.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

We fulfill the cultural need of our members.

First we need to know what the demand of our members is. If we lack cultural projects we will add projects in the range of: daytrips, weekendtrips, cabaret, movie nights and a language course abroad combined with cultural aspects.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: Greening:

5% of the STAR members participate in the facilitated cultural activities. Participants of these events evaluate the activities with a NPS score of 20% or higher. For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

Repositioning Parties Current Situation We organize a significant amount of parties throughout the year. But, some parties we organize are not as well visited as hoped for.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

All parties are well visited and fit the demand of our Research needs to be done to find out why our parties are members. not sold out. Thus, new targets need to be set, adapted to the demand of our students.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: Greening:

80% or more of tickets to our parties are sold. 25% or more of the visitors evaluate the party with a NPS score of 20% or higher. For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

Academic Projects Current Situation We organize several academic events throughout the year. Sadly these events are not as well visited as anticipated for.

Desired Situation

The academic events fit the need of our members. Be- How to achieve the Desired Situation sides that, our students are aware of the fact that events Through research we will get an overview of the need per are taken place, so they can participate. type of student. Moreover, we will take a close look to the current ways of communicating these events.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: KPI 3: Greening:

5% of STAR members is aware of the academic projects organized by STAR and knows what these events are all about. 1% of the STAR members have shown interest in specific academic projects and are willing to visit these projects. STAR members evaluate our academic projects with a NPS score of 5% or higher. For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

Exam Trainings Current Situation Momentarily we offer no exam trainings.

Desired Situation We contribute in, and boost grades for every course.

How to achieve the Desired Situation There are multiple ways to achieve this goal: 1. We offer exam trainings through other institutions; 2. Our partners provide exam trainings for our members.

Measurement KPI 1: 1% of our members agrees with the following proposition: STAR has a direct/indirect contribution to my grades. Greening: Required materials are accessible online.

Booksale Optimization


Current Situation STAR changed this academic year 2012-2013 from Study Store to a different supplier to attain the cheapest prices for the RSM student. As everybody knows we did not always have the lowest price compared to Study Store during the first trimester of 2012-2013. Nevertheless, these low prices were realized through a price competition with Study STAR, because the RSM student is a large portion of their sale. Moreover, while we always strive to have all the books in stock when the book sale period starts, we can argue that this was not always the case. To conclude, this January the situation changed again since our supplier was acquired by Study Store.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

Making sure that the RSM students get the cheapest books on campus. This can be realized through two different scenarios enough control mechanisms or price competition. Moreover, the RSM student can get its books through home delivery (the entire trimester) or pick up at the university (the first three weeks of the trimester). Making a start with an e-book platform to make sure that the students of the RSM will have an easy transition when the market shifts to e-books. Finally, we want to make sure that every book that is wanted by the students of the RSM is in stock when the book sale period starts and when it ends.

Working closely with professors, publishers, and Study Store. To start with home delivery, we will make sure that Study Store gets information that students always get their books the day after they ordered. For e-books we will already talk to publisher to see what the potentials are. Finally, we will make sure that Study Store will keep it promises to always deliver on time, so that no student will be delayed with his studies.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: KPI 3: KPI 4: Greening:

35% of our members make use of home delivery in the third trimester. Books are always in stock during the book sale. Requirements for an e-books platform are set. Books are cheaper or stayed the same compared to last year. Since we are investigating the current and future market for e-books, there is a substantial chance that amount of printed books will be reduced and thereby minimize the amount of paper used.

Language Courses Current Situation Our active members get a refund of 50% when they participating in English and Dutch language courses. Furthermore, we offer no refunds or support for all our members.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

Every member of STAR is able to attend a language course with discount or refunds. Through this support we stimulate our members to develop themselves more internationally.

Through cooperation with the Language & Training Centre (LTC) we will do our utmost to offer our members a discount. Also, we must examine if we can offer financial support to offer our members discount through our STAR Academy.

Measurement KPI 1: 10% of our members is aware of the fact that STAR offers discount on Spanish and Italian language courses. KPI 2: 1% of our members makes use of the discount. KPI 3: 100% of our active members is aware of the fact that STAR offers a 50% refund on Dutch and Eng- lish Language Courses Greening: For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

Summaries Current Situation We do not offer any summaries.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

Since we do not offer any summaries to our members we By cooperating with already existing companies in this marargue that we do not fully support our members in their ket or by producing these summaries ourselves. studies. We want to support students with summaries so they can study better and for a lower price than what is being offered at the market.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: Greening:

15% of our members use the summaries facilitated by STAR. Our members evaluate these summaries with a NPS score of 25% or higher. Required materials are accessible online.

Internships Current Situation We offer a couple of internships. Nevertheless, there are still members which we can help with finding an internship. Currently, these members go to other associations for finding internships.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

As a study association we help our students finding in- By offering more internships and also communicate to our ternships to support them in their studies and future ca- students that STAR helps in finding an internship. reer.

Measurement KPI 1:

25 unique students argue that STAR has contributed in their search in finding an internship.


For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

Greening STAR Current Situation Our organization cannot be seen as green conscious.

Desired Situation We are green-conscious in our operations in which we contribute to a more sustainable society.

How to achieve the Desired Situation To contribute to society we must start internally. Through limiting energy and paper use we hope to create awareness. Moreover, through lobbying at the RSM and later at the EUR we can create a more sustainable university.

Measurement KPI 1: 15% of STAR members is aware that STAR is active in greening. KPI 2: 95% of our Active Members is aware that STAR is active in greening. KPI 3: 20% of our Active Members agrees with the proposition: STAR has stimulated me to contribute to society.


Contribute to Charity Current Situation

We already support numerous charities through Reach Out and iCare. Each year different charities are supported, which is confusing for our members. Furthermore, no other committee contributes to charity. Thus, only a small part of our organization contributes to charity and thereby to our society.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

As an organization we work with one charity so our members are aware of which charity is supported. Additionally, every committee can work with any other charity if they chose so.

Through orientation and a selection made by our members we will cooperate with only one charity as STAR. Communication with and between our members is very important to enhance the feeling of doing good.

Measurement KPI 1: KPI 2: Greening:

STAR contributes to one charity in general, except for our community development projects. 15% of our members are aware of the fact that STAR contributes to charity. For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

Master Event Current Situation STAR does not offer any events in which third year bachelor students can orient themselves on the different Master program offered by the RSM. The RSM organizes a similar event twice a year, but only from the academic point of view.

Desired Situation

How to achieve the Desired Situation

As a Study Association, our desire is to enrich the RSM students. One way to achieve this mission is by giving the RSM students the possibility to make a more considered choice about their future Master program.

Our desire is to organize an event in which Alumni and acquaintances of STAR participate and give presentations about how their working looks like after doing a specific master. During the introduction of a particular Master Program students will get the opportunity to speak and listen to some Alumni of that specific Master Program. In this way third year students are able to make a more considered choice, because they attain more knowledge about the possible future.

Measurement KPI 1: Greening:

STAR organizes a Master Event in 2013. For this KPI, greening is not applicable.

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