RSL NSW Auxiliary Newsletter - May 2023

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Apologies for no April Newsletter, sadly other things got in the way, So here we go:

Welcome to our May Newsletter, a little different this month hence the delay as I’m having to get my head around it. ANZAC House is now using the digital platform ISSUU for issuing the Reveille on line, many of you may have already seen this as many supermarkets use it for their digital weekly catalogues.

It is so much easier to view a publication online, instead of scrolling through page after page you just flick, I’d love to know what you think about it.

Before we go any further, on behalf of Pauline and myself, I would like to thank all those who contacted us after the announcement of our retirement, your comments were very touching and very much appreciated.

We have both been around for a very long time, as with anything there has been lots of highs and lows, for awhile we were unable to fundraise and then COVID hit, but boy have we had some great highs.

I have to say one of the highlights for me occurred in April this year, I had the honour of attending an event (sadly online) at ANZAC House when State Secretary Jeff O’Brien awarded Pauline Life Membership. Our newer members will have no idea of the volume of work Pauline has accomplished.

I am sure I will be in trouble with Pauline for the next bit but I don’t care, I write this newsletter so I can indulge myself Pauline and I have worked together for over 10 years, firstly on CCWA then following the restructure as Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator of RSL NSW Auxiliaries, which has given me lots of work, lots of fun and laughs, and sometimes tears and lots and lots of grey hair, but I have to say I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Pauline is a true inspiration, her commitment, work ethic and dedication is amazing.

Pauline is a member of Ingleburn RSL sub-Branch Auxiliary, where she began a recruiting campaign and greatly increased the membership. To this day Pauline continues to be an active Auxiliary member.


• 2011 elected as Western & Southern Metropolitan Councillor on the RSL NSW Central Council of Women’s Auxiliaries (CCWA)

• 2011 appointed State Recruiting Officer for CCWA

• 2014 stood in for the Far Western Councillor CCWA for 6 months

• 2014 Pauline was elected Deputy State President of the CCWA

• From time to time when required Pauline was acting State Secretary of CCWA

• 2016 Pauline became the State President of the RSL NSW CCWA

• With the reconstruction of RSL NSW Auxiliaries in 2019 Pauline was appointed State Coordinator of RSL Auxiliaries

During her time in these various positions Pauline has dedicated a large amount of her time to building up membership within the RSL Auxiliaries across NSW. She has also raised awareness of veterans issues to the broader community.

Through Pauline’s idea’s and enthusiasm we have had an increase in the fundraising efforts of RSL NSW and these much needed funds have gone to improving the well-being and support provided to our veterans.

Back in 2014, Pauline came up with the idea of a quilt project to honour the Centenary of the start of WWI and to raise funds for then DefenceCare. This was the first time that Auxiliaries across the state were involved in the same project. The project, was to have members contribute to make one quilt which was to be raffled, the response was outstanding, we received enough quilt blocks to make 8 quilts and 2 cushions, which enabled us to raise in excess of $37,000 for RSL DefenceCare, have one quilt to present to the Australian War Memorial (the We Will Remember Them Quilt ) and two to the Anzac Memorial Hyde Park (the Gallipoli Quilt, which travelled on the Gallipoli 100th Anniversary cruise in 2015 and the Going Down With The Sun Quilt, which travelled to Fromelles & Poziers in France)

Following the success of the Lest We Forget Quilt, a Poppy Quilt made by Christine Frame (also of Ingleburn Auxiliary) and raffled which raised a further $28,000, from there quilts became synonymous with RSL NSW Auxiliaries.

Again, at Pauline’s instigation, we have had the Quilts for Homeless Veterans Project, over 100 quilts were made for the ‘Home for Heroes’ project run by RSL LifeCare. These quilts were to provide comfort to Veterans of modern wars who find themselves without a home.

The Invictus Games in Sydney 2018 gave Pauline another opportunity to bring the Auxiliaries together again, by a project to make a quilt for each country participating in the games , a laundry bag for each competitor, thousands of Yellow Poppies for the families and supporters.

There were also laundry bags and quilts made for and presented to Prince Harry, his wife and future baby to thank him for his efforts and support of these veterans.

Obviously the games were held in Sydney but it was an Australian event and Pauline included Auxiliary members from Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia, War Widows NSW and PVA (Partners of Veterans).

The next and still current project is the Thank You for Your Service Quilt Project, these quilts are awarded to nominated RSL NSW Service Members for the work and dedication to the League.

In total these quilt projects, represents tens of thousands of hours of volunteer work, in monetary terms a cost we could never afford.

Through COVID-19, in excess of $15,000 was raised with the Poppy Mask Project, another idea instigated by Pauline, making face masks out of poppy scarves which were sold around the state with the proceeds going to RSL LifeCare Veteran Services.

COVID-19 brought challenges, through lockdowns Pauline kept in telephone contact with the Auxiliaries and now as we get back to normal Pauline has resumed visiting as many as she can.

On top of this, she has travelled thousands of miles around the state supporting Ray on his visits to RSL sub Branches as State President. They are a formidable team.

A long time ambition for Pauline was to hold a major fundraising event, this has now come to fruition, when later this year RSL LifeCare Veterans Services will hold the Inaugural Poppy Ball. The event is to be held on the HMAS Adelaide after Pauline’s discussions with Rear Admiral Jonathan Earley.

Pauline is passionate about her work for veterans.

I am super proud of Pauline, especially now with the well deserved Life Membership I am sure that members at Ingleburn RSL Auxiliary will be equally as proud that one of their own has achieved so much. Love & congratulations Pauline from all of us.

One final comment on the various programs that Pauline has instigated, I know she would want me to thank all the amazing people who brought her ideas to fruition, in particular Christine Frame Kaye Brown, Anne-Marie Jacobs, Jan Hawken & Kerry Christopher (all from Ingleburn Auxiliary) & Jenny Leach (Toukley Auxiliary).

Huge congratulations to Dode Simpson from Woy Woy, Ettalong, Hardys Bay Auxiliary and Cheryl Hill from Castle Hill Auxiliary who have both be elected as President of their sub Branch, super proud of you, we know you will do a wonderful job

17 May 2023

Thank you for volunteering your time to support veterans and their families

Dear Members

This National Volunteer Week, I thank you for your unwavering dedication to supporting veterans and their families in your community.

Every Service, Affiliate, and Auxiliary member of RSL NSW is a volunteer, freely giving your time and expertise to support veterans and their families by connecting them to their local community through camaraderie, mateship, recreation, and commemorating service.

In keeping with this year’s National Volunteer Week theme ‘The change makers’ , I thank you for the work that you’re doing at a grass-roots level to ensure that every veteran knows what the RSL is and the incredible work our volunteers do. It is not going unnoticed; for the first time in 40 years our membership is increasing and the average age of members is decreasing.

Whether it is organising local commemorations, advocating for another veteran, connecting someone with support from RSL LifeCare Veteran Services and Open Arms, taking on Office Bearer roles in your sub-Branch, fundraising for those in need, or visiting a mate who is homebound, I know there are scores of unsung heroes throughout our membership.

Your volunteering is bringing people together, building communities, and creating a better society where the heroic deeds of the fallen are remembered and those bearing the scars (inside or out) from their service, and their families, are supported.

With the Defence Strategic Review fresh in our minds, the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide is well underway, and, considering the ongoing instability around the globe, I think it’s fair to say we are at an inflection point in the life of Australia’s Defence and veteran community. Please be encouraged that your efforts are making a difference as we work together to forge the future of the League in NSW. Thank you for all that you do.

Yours faithfully,

There seems to be still a lot of confusion regarding the changes made to Auxiliaries in 2019, so I would just like to clarify the main points:

• The sub-Branch is responsible for all activities conducted by the Auxiliary attached to the subBranch, therefore no Auxiliary should conduct any activity without consulting the sub Branch

• We are no longer a Women’s Auxiliary, We are an inclusive organisation. The word Auxiliary means “providing supplementary or additional help and support:” RSL NSW Auxiliaries enable people who have not served in the defence services to do just that.

• We NO LONGER have a President, Secretary, Treasurer or Committee

• We DO HAVE a Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator who’s job it is to liaise between the Auxiliary and the sub-Branch

• Auxiliaries are now a class of membership within RSL NSW (with no voting rights)

• All administration of an Auxiliary is now conducted by the sub-Branch Secretary

• New members: Forms can be obtained from the sub-Branch Secretary or the RSL NSW website. Once the forms are fully completed, they should be returned to the sub-Branch Secretary for processing. Subsequently, a copy of the forms should be forwarded to RSL NSW and a membership badge will be sent to the new members. Once the record is added on the portal, the sub-Branch Secretary will maintain membership details.

• Transfers are handled in the same way.

• With resignations from the Auxiliary, only Life Members are entitled to retain their membership badges, all others remain the property of RSL NSW and need to be returned.

• All funds raised are given to the sub Branch for banking, Auxiliaries no longer hold separate bank accounts

• How often meetings are held is by consensus of the members

• Formal Minutes are not required though it is suggested that notes be taken and retained.

• Life Memberships are to be processed by the sub-Branch Secretary in consultation with the Coordinator

Pauline & I are here for all members to assist where we can, however any formal questions, concerns, complaints etc are to be made to the sub-Branch Secretary and not directly to RSL NSW, as I said earlier all administration is to be conducted by the sub-Branch Secretary.

Please advise all Auxiliary members of these points.

As you are aware for the last year I have been trying to obtain membership details for inclusion in the RSL NSW Portal and I would like to thank all the sub-Branches and Auxiliaries that have responded and supplied the required information, still a few to go though.

In March the following circular was sent to all sub Branches :

Circular 16/23 Auxiliary member details are now in the sub-Branch Portal

The RSL NSW Constitution was changed in 2019 to incorporate Auxiliary volunteers as a class of membership, attached to sub-Branches. Auxiliary members have historically supported those who have served in defence of Australia or its interests. Originally formed by mothers, wives, widows, sisters, and daughters of veterans, today, RSL NSW Auxiliary members comprise of men and women across the State who work tirelessly to raise funds to support the charitable purpose of RSL NSW.

Until now, the contact information for Auxiliary members has not been recorded in the sub-Branch Portal. As part of Goal 3 of the RSL NSW Strategic Plan 2021 – 2026, basic contact information for Auxiliary members is now recorded in the RSL NSW sub-Branch Portal and Honorary Secretaries can update and maintain this information, just like Service and Affiliate membership information.

What does this change mean?

Auxiliary members are now attached to RSL NSW sub-Branches, like Service and Affiliate members in the sub-Branch Portal.

Auxiliary members will now receive the Reveille and monthly e-newsletter to keep them informed of news and activities, and to connect them to the support and services offered by RSL NSW.

What action do we need to take?

Honorary Secretaries should liaise with their local Auxiliary Coordinator and members to review and maintain their contact information in the sub-Branch Portal

Auxiliary members should advise the Honorary Secretary if they do not wish to receive a printed copy of the Reveille, particularly if another member of their household receives a copy

How will a new Auxiliary member be added to the sub-Branch Portal?

Like all other membership categories, new Auxiliary members will be added to the sub-Branch Portal by ANZAC House.

ANZAC House will contact the respective Auxiliary Coordinator and sub-Branch Secretary to confirm that a new member has been appointed.

The application form to become an Auxiliary member can be found on the RSL NSW website here.

Can a Service or Affiliate Member also be an Auxiliary Member?

Before 2019 there were two separate membership systems, (one for Service and Affiliate and the other for Auxiliary) with only Service and Affiliate memberships recorded in the RSL NSW database.

Now, each member of RSL NSW can only hold one class of membership. If a Service or Affiliate member wishes to assist the Auxiliary or participate in Auxiliary-led activities, they are welcome to do so.

Can Auxiliary members attend sub-Branch meetings?

Sub-Branches are encouraged to include Auxiliary members in all activities, including meetings, but they do not have voting rights.

Where can I find more information about Auxiliary membership?

SOP 8 applies to all RSL Auxiliaries and the RSL sub-Branches to which they are attached. Just a couple of things following on from this Circular. Firstly, not all the data I received from some subBranches was complete, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done in terms of sub-Branch Secretaries working with their Auxiliary Coordinators to check the information and make updates where necessary. Please check with your sub-Branch Secretaries to ensure all information is up to date and correct on the portal, this is so important so that all members are kept fully informed of all matters going forward. Also, if any member lives with a person who currently receives the Reveille, have the subBranch Secretary untick the ‘Receive Reveille’ box so that they don’t receive two copies.

Secondly, as you will have read in the Circular that prior to the restructure, many Auxiliaries have had both Service and Affiliates in the membership and these changes would mean the loss of service awards. After the RSL NSW Board Meeting in March a Board Communiqué was issued, part of which addressed the issue of dual membership.

Dual Membership – Affiliates and Auxiliary Members

The Board considered a motion from the District Presidents’ Council. The Directors noted that this only became an issue after the Auxiliary membership was added to the Membership Register, accessed through the Portal. It was agreed to ‘grandfather’ the 36 dual members on the Register so as not to interrupt their qualifying service for awards and suspend the current practice of being able to hold dual membership while members are consulted on the Policy, or appetite to amend the Constitution.

ANZAC House has recently launched the RSL NSW Member Merchandise Store, which offers a wide range of customisable merchandise exclusively to sub-Branches and members.

The product range was developed in consultation with RSL NSW member reference groups. The Member Merchandise Store provides an easy and cost-effective solution to their uniform needs, leveraging our size and scale to secure competitive prices and reduce state-wide inconsistencies in quality and design. Sub-Branches and members benefit from a wholesale price, and quantity discounts with fixed-price shipping. This store was established with a view to reduce costs associated with the purchase of uniforms and embroidery, and ANZAC House receives no benefits.

Items in the Member Merchandise Store can also be customised to include sub-Branch Auxiliary names under the RSL NSW emblem so members can represent their sub-Branch.

The Member Merchandise Store can now be accessed under the Be On Brand category in the sub-Branch portal or here. A complete catalogue of the items available for purchase can be found here

Additional items will be added to the Merchandise Store over time, such as ties, gazebo/marquee, and tote bags. If there are any further items you want to see in the Member Merchandise Store please make your suggestions to the Support team via


The drums will be silent.

There’ll be no bands at all

Though the Veterans are willing

To answer the call.

It’s beyond their control.

They need to honour their dead

But they can’t join the ranks

For this virus may spread

But their spirit is strong

They’ll be just marking time.

Servicemen never forget


Congratulations to the following recipients

And the Veterans must wait. But next year they’ll be back To march for their mates. For honour has no end date. It is with us to stay. Though the tributes must wait Until the next Anzac Day!

Graham Leach - Hornsby

As you know all our quilts are special but Graham’s quilt is just a bit more so, let me explain, this quilt was made by in secret by Graham’s wife Jenny, who was a little sneaky and not only incorporated three cloth army badges, ( 2RAR, Australian Coat of Arms & his Infantry badge) she actually cut up one of his green army shirts from Vietnam and popped that in.

Ann Garland OAM George Main President Hornsby sub-Branch Major General Howard AO MC (Retired)


In 1951, Shirley was one of 50 women accepted into the first intake of the Women’s Royal Australian Air Force (WRAAF) and moved onto Base Richmond NSW for four weeks training.

As a qualified drill instructor Shirley trained approximately 270 WRAAF recruits.

Shirley became the senior NCO in charge of the WRAAF stationed at RAAF Fairbairn in Canberra, but also spent time at Williamtown (NSW), Point Cook (VIC), RAAF Base Amberly (Qld) and Glenbrook (NSW).

Shirley has many happy memories of her time in the women’s services. She loved the comradeship and lifetime friendships she formed. As Patron of the Sydney WRAAF Shirley regularly attends the NSW State ex-WRAAF reunions and has proudly led the e-WRAAF in every Anzac Day March in Sydney for more than 30 years.

Fight for the Australian Defence Medal

Aside from social gatherings, Shirley has kept loyal to her fellow servicewomen by fighting for the Australian Defence Medal recognising their service to the country.

“A very big milestone for me came in 2006 when we were awarded the Australian Defence Medal after a long, hard battle,” Shirley said.

“It was a battle to have the federal government recognise our service to Australia. In March 2004 the government announced they were awarding the ADM to all ex-servicemen and women if they had served for six years.

“I was totally outraged at this. Our service was for four years and WRAAF, WRAAC (Women’s Royal Australian Army Corps) and WRANS (Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service) would have been denied the recognition I felt we deserved.”

Shirley spent a great deal of time writing to ministers, newspapers, defence members, WRAAF husbands, federal and local members of parliament to take up the fight.

In June 2006 all ex-servicewomen who had completed their four-year service were awarded the ADF Medal.”

Shirley now wears her ADF Medal with pride.

Leonard Sicard was in the Australian Air Force during World War Two , believe it or not Leonard is 100 years old, isn’t he sensational?

Ivan Brisot - Hornsby Keith Wood - Gundagai David Gardiner - Wagga Wagga Morrie Gallina - Corrimal

In a previous newsletter we introduced you to the third member of our little committee, Bronte Pollard. Bronte is the RSL NSW Liaison Officer at the National Centre for Veterans’ Healthcare (NCVH) at Concord Hospital. This position is an initiative of the RSL NSW Strategic Plan 2021-26, which helps connect veterans with services and support at the National Centre for Veterans’ Healthcare and at their local sub-Branch. A vital role.

In the last edition of the Reveille, there was a wonderful article regarding Bronte’s work and for those who haven’t had a chance to read it. Just click on the article link

BrontePollardRSLNSWLiaison Officer

As mentioned in our March Newsletter, unfortunately when Pauline & Ray attended the AGM of New England District Council of sub-Branches, 2 recipients were not at the meeting to receive their Thank You For Your Service Quilts, they were given to Sandra Lambkin, President of the New England District Council who has sinc presented them.

Ken is an Army Veteran. He served overseas and at home with the 7th Signal Regiment and reached the rank of WO2. He joined the RSL in QLD in 1986 and became a member at Glen Innes in 2001. He was an active member from the start and in the last 2 decades has been a committee member, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee, President, funeral celebrant, pension and welfare officer, MC at commemorations and DC and State Congress delegate. He has also served as a District Council vice-president and DC Secretary/ Treasurer. In 2018 Ken was awarded Life Membership of the RSL in recognition of his service.

Bill is a Navy Veteran. He has been a member of Manilla sub-Branch since February 1981. He has been an active member, serving as a funeral celebrant, committee member and MC at commemorations. He has also acted as DC and State Congress delegate. Bill became President of the sub-Branch in 2017 and will be retiring this year.

Kenneth Hilton Michell JP – Glen Innes sub-Branch William Gregson Thurtell – Manilla sub-Branch

Florence’s story

The year was 1941 and I was home thinking I should be doing something for the war effort.

My two brothers were in the Forces, one in the Army (The Royal Engineers) and the other in the Royal Air Force, and I was at home looking after my father. My mother had died early in 1939.

I decided I would apply to the Womens’ Auxiliary Air Force as my father had met a village girl and employed her as a live-in housekeeper And I didn’t get along with her.

I got a reply to my application and was asked to go to the recruiting office in Oxford. I went and filled in forms and had a medical exam. I wasn’t old enough but hoped they wouldn’t say anything. 18 was the age for women to join at that time. Came home and waited for my papers to arrive. When they came they told me to report to Innsworth Training Camp in Gloucestershire, and what to take with me. I was to report on the 19th March. I would not be 18 until 24th April.

When I went to Innsworth the officer asked me what I could do? I had no idea as I had been at home since I left school. She suggested I become a parachute packer as it was a new trade for females. So I became a parachute packer and was paid one pound two shillings per fortnight. A few weeks later the pay went to One pound eight shillings.

When I left Innsworth I was 18 and posted to Marham in Norfolk, a bomber station. There were 45 other WAAF on the station and when I left there in November the numbers had risen to 200. Maybe because the age limit was put down to 17 ½. It was at Marham I saw my first German. He had been shot down and was brought as a prisoner to the guardroom.

I learned to pack parachutes but still needed to be trained for safety equipment so I was sent to Melksham in Wiltshire. I spent my first Christmas as a WRAF there and then posted to a training station. There were 14 of us and we had no idea of what was in store for us.

This was Bridgenorth, a WAAF training camp for new recruits I couldn’t understand why we were there. The WAAF officer told us 14 girls that our new station was not yet ready for us. By this time I had been for nearly a year in the WAAF and thought I knew everything. The other girls with me had gone to the course

Florence Rodger an Auxiliary member of Bass Hill and sub-Branch member of Bankstown

soon after their initial training so I didn’t know a great deal about how new things were done. I said something is wrong because there is never more than 2 or 3 in a parachute section. How wrong I was. When we finally went to our own new station we were joined with men from the Army as well as the RAF. We were taken to seer where we would be working and it was a hangar with lino covering the concrete floor and filled with parachute tables which are 22 feet long. I can’t remember how many there were but the floor space was all taken up. The next hangar was full of gliders. This was to purpose the paratroops for overseas.

The officer in charge of the whole set up was Lord Louis Mountbatten who came over quite often. We were always getting the top brass for visits. The King and Queen came one day and soon after we had Sir Winston Churchill. We had to be smart and on our toes the whole time, as we never knew who could be coming next.

Whilst I was there I saw the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Parachute Battalions formed and trained. We belonged to the recovery team that went out on Salisbury Plain to Brigmerston Field, a field near Stonehenge and pick up the parachutes after the paratroops has dropped. They would drop 200 at a time, men and equipment.

Everything was exciting, but I longed to be back in a small parachute section. So I decided I would put in for a new posting.

The posting was granted as I had been at Netherton for a long time and it was with mixed feelings I said goodbye to all my friends, but excited to be going to a small section. I was wrong again. My new station was Ringway near Manchester and was a parachute training station for French troops. I realised after a few months that I could never be out of large scale paratroops so the only thing I could do is re-muster. It meant I would lose my Leading Aircraftman Womens and go back to ACW2, but I wouldn’t lose much pay as flight mechs were grade 2 and parachute packing was grade 5.

I went on the course for flight mech (engineer) and was top ten girl at the basic section. The rest of the course was harder but it was something I liked doing and I passed out with good marks. I was posted to Northern Ireland and then South Wales and finished up near my home in Scotland.

The war had now stopped and we were all waiting to be demobbed. By this time I had served 5 years and made a lot of friends and had seen all over the British Isles, so my time had not been wasted. And I did get back to LACW WAAFs_with_parachutes_feature.jpg
WAAF parachute packers of WW2

These two photos show the parachute shop at Burtonwood, England, Depot Hundreds of parachutes can be seen in the photos. Seat-pack, back-pack and Quick Attachable Chest parachutes are present. In the foreground a drop test dummy with an OD A-3 harness is present. On the tables parachutes can be seen in various states of packing

To all our Auxiliary Members who are not feeling the best at the moment, especially Robyn McKinnon, we are thinking of you and sending our love and best wishes.



Congratulations to RSL NSW and all sub-Branches on a very successful Anzac Day. I attended the Dawn Service at Toukley RSL and was blown away by the number of people there, it was wonderful and from what I have seen on social media it was the same across the state.

Spare a thought for Pauline & Ray, as you can imagine their diary was full for weeks leading up to ANZAC Day, obviously their day started early, up at 2.00am, firstly the Dawn Service in Martin Place , then the Anzac Day March, next came the Anzac Day Commemoration at the Anzac Memorial, then off to Allianz Stadium for the traditional Anzac Day clash between the Roosters and Dragons and finally the Sunset Service at the Cenotaph , phew I couldn’t have done all that. Little footnote, when they left Allianz Stadium they couldn’t get a taxi on get on a bus so had to walk from Moore Park to the Cenotaph, not only were they exhausted, a couple of days later they both tested positive for Covid, so had to have enforced rest.

One of the first ANZAC Day activities this year was at the Billiebear Pre School which provides high-quality early childhood education for children aged six weeks to six years, with before and after school and vacation care programs for children up to 12 years old. Pauline & Ray have been working with this group

How is this for one very proud Grandma?

Pauline with her grandson Harry Whalan getting ready to march



On Friday 30 March, the RSL Auxiliary of Forestville sub-Branch & Auxiliary met the 40 senior and junior Girls Guides from Belrose, accompanied by their Leaders. They had a half hour tour by three sub-Branch members of the Cenotaph and Memorial Garden, the 250 year old cannon , the three service flags, Memorial Book and the Steps of Remembrance. The tour entered the Club at 6pm for the Ode, followed by a walk long the Anzac Memorial Pathway to Poppy Park for their BBQ.”

On 8th of March, International Women’s Day, three members of the Forestville RSL sub-Branch Auxiliary attended the Anzac Memorial to commemorate the military service of Australian Women’s Wartime Service. A short film depicted nurses from 1915 concluded with a live performance of “Devoted Service”, followed by a special Star Ceremony featuring names of women, in the Hall of Memory. The entire morning was very beautifully presented and appreciated by all the women attending as a very fitting way within the RSL to recognise women in War on International Women’s Day.

There was an added bonus at the conclusion of the morning as an original handmade RSL “Women’s Auxiliary” banner, recently found by a demolition worker in Balmain, was officially presented to the Anzac Memorial for the museum.

The Forestville Auxiliary members, Barbara Lunnon, Shirley Kellock and Jackie Pretti are shown with the banner held by RSL State President, Ray James OAM and RSL State Auxiliary Coordintor, Pauline James OAM

Photo : The Girl Guides. And Auxiliary members: L to R - Jackie Pretti and Barbara Lunnon

Purple Poppy Day, 24 February, hosted by the Forestville RSL sub

This day commemorated the deeds and sacrifice of our war animals serving alongside our troops. There was a good turn out of half dozen dogs, many members from the sub-Branch, Auxiliary, and the Northern Beaches Council Mayor, Michael Regan.

After a perambulation around the Forestville Memorial Pathway, morning tea was enjoyed outdoors in the Club Bistro“Pickets”.

At the February Auxiliary meeting there was a special presentation of Purple Poppies for sub-Branch President, Bob Lunnon, Committee Welfare member, Stuart Hablethwaite and Max, his service dog. Eva is shown pinning a purple poppy on Stuart after Max had been given an extra-large crocheted purple poppy which he proudly wore.

Di McFadden with sub Branch

President, Bob Lunnon and Mayor Michael Regan. The Purple Poppy quilt had been made especially made and donated by Di McFadden for the Commemoration service on 24 February.

Coleen McIllhatton was busy making these beautiful 5 petal Poppies for ANZAC Day


Jane Gilson, sub Branch receptionist, had her hair shaved to raise funds for the Leukemia Foundation. She did this in between the Sub branch general meeting and the AGM, held recently.

Very brave of her and she raised several hundred dollars above her goal.

Port Macquarie’s monthly BBQ Breakfast are still very popular with their members.

They have 35 to 40 members attend each month.

The Auxiliary have made some aprons for the cooks to wear.

From left to right Greg Dring, Andrew Bellott and sub Branch Treasurer Robert Bruce

Lee Tet Fong and Lyn Elliott selling ANZAC Day badges at Bunnings a very enjoyable day meeting lots of people and raising funds for Veterans and their families.


A great effort fundraising leading up to ANZAC Day even enlisting a Legacy Widow to assist


Catching commuters at Campbelltown Station

Carolyn Beamish and Jackie Perring Elsie Atkins & Lorna Shapland Elsie Atkins & Legacy Widow Judith Richardson Bettina Franklin & Elsie Atkins laying a wreath at the ANZAC Day service.


Dawn Service and 11.00am March

DUBBO AUXILIARY Congratulations to Life Member Betty Peters on her 100th Birthday

Love how the Auxiliary put on a “scrunching party”, to fold all the raffle tickets. Also booklets folded and stapled. Well done what a great team job

How good does the new lectern look?

Auxiliary members sold tokens merchandise & raffle tickets outside Old Bar Coles and a local market and had EFTPOS available

LEETON AUXILARY Carol on the job




Held an ANZAC Day Street Stall. tokens, poppies, pens, baked goods , plants, books and hand made gift items for sale. A fantastic raffle was also held with a great load of firewood for the upcoming winter, and four other great prizes of some ANZAC Collectables you couldn’t find anywhere else.

Toukley Auxiliary has been in limbo for a little while, but is now back - Wendy & Jenny MALABAR AUXILIARY Coordinator Thelma Gardiner & local Federal Minister Matt Thistlewaite


IntheleaduptoANZACDay,wasamazingANZACDaydisplayssetupinthefoyeroftheRSLClub. Thereweretwo"fishbowl"displays-oneupthemainrampandoneleadingintoLucy'sBarplus theamazingLestWeForgetquilthangingputtogetherbysub-BranchAuxiliarymembers,together withAnzacpoemsondisplaywrittenbylocalprimaryschoolstudents

ST. MARYS AUXILIARY sub-Branch Social Evening


Lucky winners in the Auxiliary Easter Raffle


Auxiliary members served bacon, scrambled eggs, roasted tomatoes and fresh bread rolls to 430 guests


Our Deepest Condolences to the Family And Friends of :

 Joan Richard Huskisson Auxiliary

Joan was a hard and tireless worker, who was a member from July 2000 until she got sick in 2019 Joan passed away 17th March, 2023

 Elaine Wade OAM City Of Penrith Auxiliary passed away 5th April 2023. Elaine had been a member for over 40 years. She had received Life Membership and also received her Certificate and Gold Badge of Merit. Elaine was also the Auxiliary Welfare Officer where she would visit people in hospital and at home also sending cards

 Jan Hodges former CCWA Councillor

Auxiliaries with Facebook Pages:



Auxiliary – Penshurst



Port Macquarie

Woonona Bulli

Doyalson Wyee



Pauline James: 0411 877 396

Susan Allen: 0409 608 901

For those of you who use Facebook, do you know that we have both a Facebook Page and a Facebook Group, why not pop over and join us?

Facebook Page, groups/163434587113422

Facebook Group

Battlefields of WWI , Gareth McCray OAM has regular posts, poems from Bill Charlton, so much more.

We are aware some Auxiliaries have their own Facebook Pages/ Groups, if you do, please let me know so that I can add the details to the next Newsletter and other members will be able to follow you.

Heicke Keefe has set up a Facebook group for all of us crafters, Helping our Veterans Craft Group, pop over and join, some great ideas to help raise funds. groups/3455036824555520

ANZAC House is now located in Suite 11.02, Level 11, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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