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iJJ G:!.-Ifug,s oanadian taoi:es- coDttnued) '€s:3h1! -lrvC perrj ,.li , o.1 ,tt,i or.rl, ),. le: .y .ededL ionrer !1 l -o 4e. Ind d!.ejE. I I r)"idr-, S!,1!1, oAs a specraicr at iie reeen, cl '1..-..rlr,o. 1,Lora..a rJ,:.,.oltariu qe.s r.- r.ri\_t* fL rn.Is.d| -n LL., .L :.d .'rrr..,-he_ _ac_ itone AC i::. . -,-r L .oach wrth ,:.j,!:r.rr-t: ., en:..r.'.e..1 !4e ro :t;nsltjon. rie r: a foroel, tirs. fcr| {h1z-k1d,,.1!r rr.nsj wt! 4ates ulth lale ,io..-, es(LD5 , Ih Drrde of l,'c L.d0pLoni rs /.e or rh- i ra.:-rvmqyb l:' i U il-d 4a.s Lo _oce1 rra4k ond fie:4 cirLleF,. rons cor?1eicd Lrrr ilrst ./e6r r4 elEln€erlhF ar.Iissi.s1!:Ji Sra.F. lie sq; inetis: he aftebned Viltanoel rjm/ers1:, for , /. a:ai^ : :7.. . -a i: _ivera open ne^rsr .jning rn I !est-ni.e o1 r:r:. :IroLF in-,e4di tc take in

r.loTS oi roroarr Ctraarc than o:c athlete, a!a{_ 1o:d Kereedy, tfacl. c.Fialn at xich_ -aan sLsLe, h .t ra-..,r 'n lans_ rrA rnr6 ;ump!, (ehe.Ly as:e6L 6hcrt -ne lrre years' lesi rence reo,rired of I .r- CaDdiln ciilzenshlp drd -thus 11.lt oe tneligibte for cte (anadia!1 iah-An€rican Crames I rean.. (em.d!_ {ho caDe here froD scotlaad. bero;,; go:ne 19 irichlsan, corld beaome a 4:cn fereuson, who lLaced thlr,l in thc r'ltraele 11ile at Vsncorver belrina iloltFr llaMister and tohn landr rrth a.crocun oI 4.04.6, J tu iv; reco.d, !141 :ssisi in iihe eo.koDrs of a ne, lrronio track club to be knoln 5s the scarboro T&F ciub, Bich hes been auav rrom rhe irack scele tlr ihe Dasx eeveral years,,Tallr of Camdisn athlete6 trar-r,ed cot;ece6 is "r Ane/1can .ris1-aadiqj, Thcse Etnletes kout.i ner.. l€re been olfered s.hot€.shi!s ha4 th:t. 4oi been devetored 6t home !o a eqEl to or bejrte. tlEn 'leeiree Aoelican boy.. ITa4J tt6 lrave retuned lrod the previous year. Coftleiitior ani schooling are the advantucs €'hcj_'h.. .o.chir'.. Iu-.1-..y Coc^c r-.. acri on, His sliDDed disc 'esponded to treatmeat.. ?h; orolosed lnrer-city track and fleld lrear _ and. goru

bet(een Toronto and New Iori!. scbedu,led tetrtafirely for Aus. 8. neJ have Lo be csncefred Cuc to lack of a aponsor. pat ter:ned ltte?. the hlgLlly succe3sful I,ondor_Uosco* Feets i+ iLlhtie Crty. xhlch LireH upr€?"1-of 6t.C00 Speclators, Lt @6

oolpeillg ln the ?an-Am Aanes latea 1! -hr ro.th ird as a taate of iat_ ei.neriohat corrpetlticn aor youru rihleies lround iDr54to who ordin_ ar11y wolrtd ?rot get s.och fo. sev_ .1 sirolg NeH yofk teao or Jo :limerr and oliicials lEs be,.n 1lned !D, $2,0t0 woujd tje re_ qul.ed to profioie ihe neet a!.d the comltte. in .barge feel ttat mosb tirls mcneJ kould ba returneJ es ^1 cne n.er, qor4!. tEy tor itseli. {)sllaila, JMe 7, I1e}i Oaklev of oEhatlr* shan"ock 4c, $on ihe Tor_ onio-ashawa {alk for the thiril veai in a ldw, and brcle tre ior the l:-mile t1ee1€nd-toe "ecord evenr with 3 rrn: of rlve hours ll rirs, 25s. 8111 rrudy cf Gtedstone AC, T;r_ oito, wa€ secobd .n4 the earlv Bce_ setter Nho helc a lead of uD i._ eighi rjrvtes durlnE the fiist t? ni1es, Erlc llait,e oi !erd1 AC. phitaPleced thl.d.. Tb€ tko senioi nembers oi the lartje fjeld. Herrv l-ei.aan, 71, and Harold carter. 6c. lroth rrom clad6rone aC, uere imo# the firishers..the Shainloclr c:Lub " rto11 the teall pltze liith lern Ac. rurrdng secohd. 1. Aler oekley, SAC| 2, Bilt Clandv. aACt J. Erlc llaite. PAC: 4. c1.r Kufr, Pemr rC; J. lou lraishloss. PeD Ac; 6. Jolu rU. E6ltihore CLjC; ?. FFm]lard SrorrD. C]\C: 8. lJalter D.esclier, lr.y.: 9, llcvin tc!114!s,"oodir;ven. ;AC: 10, Ted i'arye1l, sAC; 11. 5iti He11e., Ealtinore CcC. i.lay J1- ontalio Federation ot School .\A I&1i.la.ps hetd:t Atherlev Sehio. flrier i. !,rdi! L/eaver.'parts. CFni.aI ort. ir2t.? recold 2-iiite (open)-1. Bluce iiidd, 'rororto secordary school, 9:2jI,ralvern rec. l. lreEverr parls; l. Ilarsh. CuelDh IbremedEte 680:1. Kidd, ji6tvein, iune 6 - provineial Jwior T&F Chauipionships ai East yo.tr Stadim. Totonto..gast Yofk track Clubrs Bruc6 Kldd was tbe olay tripte

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