12 66 ldl

Page 1



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il A$i*ant eorch.Jaek Pyrah llenfloscs sith vilhnola harri€n lfter wild. cats won \CAA doss.eoun{ry chahlionslip Mondly in La{renc€, I{ar. I.om hlt are (Ironl) Charles ll€$cnger anrl John o'Lerryi (rear) Uurpny, Drve Pahick. Ian Hanilion


Ton DoDeIy, sho lac€tl

riart lh. Wildcrls,









volmo 11, no. 112, D€c€nber 1966 Subscrlptlon Rates: $1.00 a t€ar Add 91.50 ler yea! for lst cless nall. or S2 50 p€r year ror alr nal1 1l usl & canada, Edltor: 106 lr. cantar St. , ]{oodtu!y, I. J. 0d096

'J:l: iiY.;:]';;" ;: 'l:?,'!YT'l:::5:-l:^:9" l:"^ll-l:,"-i"^::::;;"'::;. oa.at_i,_".,". ..,ss€d '3e1e e Ile€ days or r_3lnl!€ 'ro fiiLi i6"'o r-!'L-"- ,p-cro,i ':::':: :"9-aq'rr sophonoro -:f-:,lf-" 20-yoM-old Tho dark-h.Ircd "f



CRO{nj SI'rT]r 2nd

Nor, 21- c€lrJ l-indgrsn, ltasbl4toh stat6!s ttroloss 11tt16 o1Fp1an. {on ths 2dth llcaA x-c tn couse record l1h6 of 29:01.4 for sti rll€s, {hr1o villanoYa r crden lnpr6ssl!€1yrha 515i, 12orb. Lindsr€n uon bJ no.6 than 125y ov€r of orccon St,, bis conqu€re! just . r€e! aAo ln th€ PscI-


ht11y Kamas corss in :l3uniy, !€3 b€'. tu{, ulndy u'nol $-dearo€ 6 - e6ro€ !€8rG.. Hls tin€ snalh€d

l.ae /oaqs o. 9o0 So.



- ;i'l"H.'e"'.f,fru:;


liT3: }6".::i"

1. ::"'" '" :i::",:":1L'*'i*":i";l"Y:= DosLal; '; ro--rL€ posla1 L.sck -u \!!rh ine o1-, _: '-"^1, !-.'if i:"""Y:" 64 llo 'li be-ron o th€ l JonLJ s 063r.s); n3!' i-::: :,-:l:-:;"' -::_,-a ^:-_:_; !€comonded: '6.€ ;: iifii-i"iriiiii-i'i*iri;iiiii-+.;!;; 2-tran 1O-n11€ r€1at

ap!11,s co.vsntlon

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jlj" :j:i::: r ;': :

" il ",l,li;1..*l':1",':'liri,i,.i'i"[ v _ano'r, 60, 0 o o :j o: 1;\.i-e:-t";t.; 'n \€v 'o.k '6 i:i;lijlt 13.i",: f:t.;,i,*:l:;it*ri:;;,:,::::i:t -r' l c Bo! fl Ls. cartran, S .. ,0:,6.o '6?.




;$:: ;1:if;ijglill::.:";::mi'.i: ;::l; rhs fotloalns ales sa!€ rgpresentsd. 't' D.c,, r,1or!opo1ttd, Ns' !,g1a*t, south i;. r':j .h. lr;,'iti,::ifr::ql il:,iftir',,ltt i,i 1".-:;"rr,ili;"1q;;i''':,,:',i:, Bob


'",-i::1"!::::l :1" !. ." 't -' rcac oe,lrr irrrh \corL Hs,rrlLod s .esrsna ton du€ ;i":r. o ro .,. lt:o5r 4.. Jc €3 -u_ gmo:ii l: :': r',"., , i, "/.),:o7l !9. '1.'ss^ RRc has no'od ;iii"i,""","eil';iioei'zei'c."ii"riiliiii "l:'r-1'll--0'No1l of the crov€1od



ero, dd0- hls ."9:- t':.^::lr


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tii": i:i::,:1"r,il+,i:""":l:;;" ] i;1: ;'i!''11",:;ilir;,ii:,i::l';'si \!i",lii"'l,i:";".-..

n cro.

s o.€- :;",i":::,'l:.r.ls*l.,lt;: .l! r;,+:t

;i:i;*r:',95i,idttli;i*ii*:;, ii;*::Tiq$$]ij**$*:l?;;l,;#, i

I. C. 4-A. Cross-Country Leaders

llflinden Teacher Cops lst Iri-State Marathon Race sel't!|i[eDeuchddB!

d sbm 4r4r jsr bdqe rG. rqk 6ft prle {rb



dock i

btdedeNolboph'Ion c\d pod, bd r&o bi


Nid* beh;s ird pks ud

dLeholhyidNbdb4 d!.k Fbf is


br dd.s

Dar, orceark rd RrhNs qt yqa dd {d a ju,h! b hid

Villanova Wins NCAA Run




*i,;*:l;itt;ru: ii;;i:ii!;, :ii






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1,;ri:i;ir{1, iffi:::,li ;i::;l'i:.

nj:i;'i jiiii,i ,Jii!:i.""; ii-:l;;";: ,i;";;;.-apl "rl',"',, , . r -ot- "jrno s o " "ro nc.c:19.o. 9:L.o: 6. 6usao a, Moi.. rl- I "t" r.-oo.: i. r*.t"", ,{v, j:<0.b, .. "co s ".tu.. o8b€ lol. J. o€ lat ;fiTI, lra1r, 1i52.0:g.iF.., c,u"i., "lt.{ ". ;;i;i;;'t;5).-r,-:: f't.::::"^'::i^ -y "e.: .ll"i ;iui"'"iiY.,.*r"r l""il: !:i9:fl 5:'::ii;.\':iliir.::i:'', "I Y3EOcIr- xorlD 3€sT

22j !€np6! ,{!1!ona..h.l-I(|133

s.a o -0. .t. fio;;" Lpori...nic tiar_ 613. no o;-:,n .io iniv. >o, ^rtzorh, r-."ean narat.o. .hs! or, b_ok rho .ou l/€\'.o " -- " o-:J !: lo]1o']ok116ele!s(I8aI1€s.}.l)hl.':Lo''co't. ;;.;:;'; v;1Lo .- hd.s. ui- c; ; ii. zi,.'i ,. :..r .r-r. o. L. .;;;; rot on {d'onb€r 11 . lo'rlnA . :.1::25 : . b€rr€! LnM tho o'o- oc_. -". r-r" """br.o,2s up by rrn -ol.n3Loa or' , o"s bos, Br.1 .jol Por rionth,Iest 3ad, o11€r. q a,

o e..

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#!"iliii!:*ff #r"ti'*:i;ic""n,* li1ii:;"#ii,*il5:p,i:.$;i*i!$;

r nArPfi Boscix4,\xN I;RATHOX


vllrs xArToxAL RRC



{tlintto c1ry, x.J.. smdef. ocrdrer lo. 1q66 - 12 x.on--nBton B;;chnenn f1.,r1y b8st rhe s113hu Jiq that at lanrlc ctty losd ascPs .o1d ora! hlI a3 be d€nollshod a flld freld to cabclub xat10n,r' r4a.sthod ir a tart 2t214:jt.)1. idred .Ln one ot hls ho'ors rith a 2,2?:48 crocklns, and i,ou uopp6c drlrEed fli€ S€nto! Middlo nt_ lstlc {AU chMpio@htp by f1n.tsh1E thrrd r.::J1+:25. Tho coEs6 {as a! our & tron€ routo. ertsld1ng lrn )usln6 & Adrlatlc Ay€rws h th€ rn13t Boctlon ot arlantic citr to Limood on Bt. 9. Eusclnam, rn rho leak of corditlon ne' Ersland Ylcrorl€s our 1n f,:10:62 & rsturn6d rn 1j1l:l+J ro at.n€ ro! his d,f ot rasr yoar. xlEers of rhs lem !ac6 l rho d€fsa!6d rh€ No" yorti bX a lmdr na!A1n. 1. lolph Etrschnatu, srarran Ac! 2:2!: r€cord! o1d record. ,:2o:0..f+ br John Boora3. Bosto! lr_ 1465)j 2. Lou cas!4no1s. Ro.LT1t1a Md,- ::2?:lr8i J. Lou cop!6ns, pom AC, 2 J4:25; t!- !€rb Loronr. p€nn nC. 2:16:

Jl, nslry Bsrkorl!2, srrc, J:tb:Jur lrr,' frlc, l:19:14; 3ob chMb8rs, u3,, Ptila., l:21:01r15. 16. Alron chtur,er1ln. Nerconb. N.\,, 3t2L:9Lt 31, lsrrr e1q€y, sflc, J:?2:j2i Jd. rohn !onu€0, !sshtisron sc. t:24:0o; 19. a. xllc, l::h:09: L0. !r11ien ciDs, Spsrten Ac, J::!:52: tl. srd snlthst. !ntb. Er, J:ztt)+6i 1!2. John O rlle11cleeelsnd xRc, )t))!22t )+), Doulas u;tr€r rrvlna Abrdms, rypc, l:J5r!lt: itg. rul1d s1o9o1, }lxc, l:16:19: [b, Xar(ji.ea !,"!kors, cladstotu Jt)9t5ot O. CJfc. l:la6:lar: l38111 !dburron, Mtc, _l:1+8:ltr! [i. rut stelne!, [YPc, ]:[8:18: 50. ao;ns B?a.e_ 1sd._srrc. l:5r:96r 51. s1d r^'rrg)rt, r,ypc, JttJtttj ,2, tarren xltcD611. sDart'n a.. ):55tlti t), orri.sron Hd1l, va;hi@ton slorts club, I r 55r30. DxF- Bob RonMsr.T, Dsvo nmsnskv. Sfic: MIltp1ue, Patsty, saBc; Aldo scsndu!r;. MAa: Eob vtrsh1h€ton sc; r". cta;. t3n !c. {s9 6t3rh3rs, 5l fintsh€rs) s!;r_ TaM Scorha: 1. p6D !C, 2-J-12-1? !ts. L-1o-21--l!+; 5, h'qshluho, s!olr. ci,b. b. NYlc, 10-tj-2"--51 prs; /. sr, lnthony € Bc, lJ_11r,-25__52;

5-\'7-22--U+ pEst

r a!-27--521 9. Nolth fisdfold clubr 16-20-23 -5c !ts. sllIts & oth€! data o! !ac€. (MtLoe6 dlstdc€s on 6ni"; "':*_:4' hlank--dtsrdco n6asursd F#fr bY Fic ) 2:40:11j 0. Bob Bos110tu. p€r1;rr11;. 2-r',r1e- 8111 raylor, 11:tro; J-triros- Brslr.J,,2:!o:58r 9, vrnce chlanoertF chn6r. c33t6€naler coppshs 17:10; t+_Mt1o_ lrd! york Ac, 2:42:5bj 10, Joh; Doci._ lDscdMn, castrgnof,sr Coplens 22:21; sra&r, trYAc,2,1j3:1lr 11. stuAlr Adss, !An, 2:[J:zej 12, st€re racksor 27:1+0! soeliona 26:1[, ravlor 28.[8: ]o16nlnsula rc, va., 2:U+:jo; 1j. Frsd rlles- Btrsclhse, 5,a:56. coDb_ :€sti x, J. sptk.d shoe C1ub, 2:lrt+:trll ens 55:l+0, soalion€cssr;€no1a 56:20. colirns 58:1i: !4. rdd colbftt, lfrfc, 2:[6:][: 19. Ed Xa1tuay x&k- BDsclMatr 1:10152, casbu_ 2:16:15; 16. Flank cla!'. nora 1:10:59, copp€tr 1:1]1:0o. 3or1lora P€e Ac, 2:47:tr4; r7. Fon c€ff, una.. 1:rlr:2d, c011lbs r:16:l5, rdm6 1.r?:26. Bostor, l,fass., 2r116:IOj 1€. RoUls c;- raylor 1:17:59, od1€pp 1:I€:18. !.rsnz. Ya16tto, santa tarbqq Acr ca1lt.. cbtBp!atta, 1jr8:lb. cor. :iri6,:ei ii. '0"' ii.ai"i:;'s;.- ;i",,,, 319€1or, bitt Irlc:52, oslef &Jact€on zablocky 1:20:ot: Bc, 2:!8:1+5; 20. Btu cordon, sc.Anti. 2o-r,f11es- Btrsclham 1:lr8:18, casL@no1; Bc, 2:4C:20j 21. Bt11 Taylor. cidonk.lch 1:lra:02. coppens 1j5lt:t+?, BoErlon€-1:57: tua€!v1ch. com.. 52, colllns 1:53:Ll. !o!6n, 1:59:trl. 2:52|a)j 22, A1 vlllrMs, ['YPc, 2:52:[O 1oH 1:5e: lr4, chlepp6rta::00rtbi admsB1c.21, Jln ficDonash, Htllroes Ap. 2:55:U!. ?:00:24, Oslor 2:01:02. 24. rohn carlsp!, vl1lroso r.a. 2:58:Lt: Eusclm'tr Hsnt odt tn 1:10:52 bact< ir 25. Irlln zablockr. talllsbura rAA1:lJ:1r3 | ca3hesnola- 1:10:59, r:16:L9: 2:53:)+I.2; 26. Flank nrro, va. 2:i9:or copp€E- 1:14:00, 1:20:15; torenz - r:18: 2?. Fsr nalslnaor, c1€v6rsd Fnc, i:or: 16, 1:17:46; 0sIer- 1:20:0J, l:18:o?. 11r 26 Ed O'Cotu11. Vashlnsbor spods Froh 20-r'1116 rlalk ro rrnt.b: auschlam club. l:or+:29;29. !ibort o;aa". iha..i 6:1?r cast,€nol& J8:46; copp€br l9:.1€! Md., .l:0U:1br 10. N&t Clrulbtak. Urltedi AA, .l:09:51; 11, Don !ay, lAA, .li1r:07r1 Fo:re! records- 10-dt16e, Boolas, 56:[ll;. Borr carlsob, shora Ac, .J:15:o0l re65r Ealrlay-Boores 1:14:38; 20-lallssn olas 1:53:09 1965. --Joo trloinetuan--



VrItS 6-t411,!


8. rack st.clalr, Pb.Ac, l9'1:


:iiliiii*i.i"#ili., "$!trii*{:*r,::' *:*i"r41i.it:;:


f ,ll

'OIO cltY, Atladttc ;g:'d +fl i al! 1. 5 P.14. --rh6 r!1dd16- Atl6-n11e il;# Jo: _:c il' l 11. lroJrl lyo@, loro lC -lI9 Bnqrdxalk. 151 )t 4 t2? i,r.rot"a tno smuar 12. J6lf St€h11, C,lrc' : 1l+ 5+ 25 rr4 ii. i!i?i;i?:?i & FRc Morethon NaLlonel loutm dar'3 Ph.ac. 11:li b 25:1en iii ii.liiiil-c;";;;, rohn B.c. sr- A;bh.;v'' '.prss3ntstle€ L.I.i afro! !ona. 26, of Fsldnada1o, a k;on sdlr ruosl€ llth rim smyth. . Sta. Job@on a Bro{nrla Hose, puloo arav aftor th€ ]-^11e tunstoDd loint to:co!6 a oonthctns {in 1n a fsst


T'ii* :

"':,:":",""'f , ri*"*ii[:4#ril iiir.4:{:f,


f:#$:[ilr,$it[ *l$rt.t




ic;i! t'ri" ${i,-i:,::.- - ------c-t4 L- OPln AA! l"ft":;;;:.i:,1":o;-.. porl_Tovr iq ,cS {.C. 11, Jos K]€ln-rsn. I,aa. ld:ro 0:r li: [l-:iri]I: il$r: i3;r! i .i! LI;!*l[: !l]i.iHiti."i:ii".",Y:]::!.


h*tffi ;; *:l+5,:,;,i' ;,#"i,- :i#,,*l}i,t.:i,*1,,::; f*t";: -::;;,iiiu;l'ii,l:,



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q#';;; ii:. i.''31".:L'e:"::il",l:: i",i:, "1 l.; :: :";..':g?*,:;:: ,;:^;^:5.i:; ,*:';;" r::.;.iT" ""r:-,:' -)::b,:. "." 3 ' i ::- o: i:,, a,.o nnr i€e, ,{ba.MA, J :, "1:;. :r: du, poosds, vLrra. F;d "F"t:, '"r,! do .u s:


! s h | & rrsr

Hre... , )2tt8t 2t, Ds.Lc. , o8.c{!, J.jtJ. 6. B- cs rtrl-darM. ,nr. s roru ois l!r4, ! ., JJ:19; 27. rln Lcat,, ,€oanon verloyr Dqv1., L€banon ve ror " B. Irrk xllk Da?isj Da?:s. lebano! Le;snon valley. varler. lJ:25j 28. I rJ:,! a. !6!6_ dal]. ,J:l8j i-: r 9. dal1, .trspo.,, u1I1r nslo-1, ri;18: ulllrislorl. ll: ' .LLL v .o _. 2n;01, ot. u. uilliMsporr, ltr:o5. )0, Xiko ,b:6,:_ 9"e?9* e., e"- co o. ! ion o. 111 10, 1.. rHarrlsbu'€ 4!c J0: elrtsbura AA! 30j 2,. toa !€m -t'rv urleor.:.r, B !11. p"raso Petu s3d 4c ac 56j dor-1, 0: 1+. Lr:11lmelorr 9f; 56i r, l. Borllck _; lrilltmspolr 9r: 70r , € 1-o, € soor :J to: L L.-h "".ovor 5. !€tano! tab"non vatror v" .o! 1-8. 128. p, ps".acttol ll "o , r':'_,'.o.4" d." oo16 16 opsi op6n raM: r.s:1. 1. Hbs. ;s. ar,r Air 2, lsE ac J5, J5; 4o; , , qB r'dd € ol rhd 1. l. €orvlcBo.v,". 77Li: lr. /rr1lMspo . o!; 5. Ls. n.t ! 1']-s . ra:- a .1 bolo va.l,er o6; 6, !o.. 6. ' ver ""s oDcll n lo:l {'.. Pe," 4nn1.e tlrrd 1n 19141. lltFB londNz nlc,{Ixs Sl:lllon unItAV Rvx :r.rlnit tnto rhe ftfr}l ni1€ cop!€4, TrTIE; soolH JUFsjtJ rlpsff f:$! vrcToRs

r. \r'

x1s lace as4ln, Do'n the-lo.s !r11

:9"",1"{i ' .

h0 d"ve .11 ", I

u3-o , € .ls nL-I ro,aood so.s,. Je I sor hb.oLL or r" h" sor.€

s d to g:,ss Jor slr .:" cor.-.l


;;; Tovtuhl!. ii.r, Hleh, outraced fom6! nlrs a :n sar , .€ .. ^ ss :o! \uddle


or in I r: _,. ror Lle oi ,Io. ano v.o 2_, rt-+:.ri"iig" L. ^s ' ron o3r€r. .,. ,r-"p.is oat. ,n rao,€s-nrt.s so "er;or lc, .9o. br. Ln..d a3r e€,, o !I 1 qno csR r cLa l \uoo rid nor o:r.n,r . "dl@

rre .l.sL .o ! nl1es. reir'3-. uho tr'B od L. d. "os ,6.Jsr aastly d!€s arsy, ,s-sod ne 'or€rz c1a.ed the riber of t\o lnto" race. tns 1o.g hllt tolai,a Belnolr'uds1on, sacond Th€ Junlor flrishe! ra3 stan abour o;€-n11e floh the f1r!sh, rho iomJohns.r, ntncoh Vntvarslt-v lho has €r 4atiomt A{O on6-ntre chMplon lurntng for the ?htla. Pior€sr C1ub. lradJunlor a 16ac of lCOy ov€r carvor, atso a rh6 3rlft tines lndlcate a short cour.l fom€! JMto! natidnal ,r,{o m1r; trtr6se. !r.et diroctor ,as Earr F1icL1lga". holae!. 1, copp6bs, PeN Ac, 29:28j 2, rrsi south Jorsoy Tlack club, coached by .a-Lou 06L _ Brof:.4€ 9!ou41e ross. -3nt rrn60 rrm0! of o-, o1 11. Acar, 29:q6: l. !t11 9:56r .1. "'r P6tr.l fv t/ oo_e A.1qn. c rO:JIr L, .an o\-,o.. t:1vc -",. Ll.ie !!td l! oo nrs ss 3s3 -nst lr- 'or lo:r,,j iios.,{d{. 10:59; jJo4 o!19!!-qJac" I larlisburg AAA dd 49 l.! coach lm sdl1:16; ?. Fran\ iIant:"-.""1-Jr':22; d€rs, ?6nir .{.c. !---tmrne cls€hly, Eer{td!, ?s., 11:28; For the flrsb tjio 1n the 1o!g htstory e, c-oe Aoo6e-". h g.aAA. Jl: r: b-ond€ }t€ f !31 "odsd e!€I !o ro !oaP€i8i !oaP€13, b ond€ n oIv:n, ns..r1, .r1, .l: .-: .; -r, -', tLn '''h, ,e L: ,, J1:q5; 1 . !l"o "e6- 0 3r Hi s€nior s.€ Mors6, ld, o'Pb 13. /c,, h-rh mons 5) finlsh. r:5.: '. Io ., :n zabtoclx, 'la, 'los.Ip4. aaa, €!" ln In 49:00. ,l , !;flib !be. Eop. €!3 .1:56r 1lr. 11:56; 4a:oo. -B.Io-Lf,, P3m rc, .ll:.1-. : 2. lrm r5. al s\o.,s,I, ^1, | :a)j '2:o 6. De,- Du . !Lrra ernrokn. I car,€!, P\i13, {c, .)L:I1r l_lon 03&A 4{:-&1 qi-r. 'ed Bono.-ib$,rE{i]l:-/: ) :08: r D r hl] '3 s. kosnon rsl- c. neno saLL,Si Potn Ac. J!:lui b. r6u ,et, ) :10i 18. - . ccnos'ho-. \o-". p""., Se,r+: tg. lon E€ftho1d, ;rnat., sahborn, sflc; 15:19.2; 7. laul l,ucuskl,



|I[ |I | |



ifi ?Tj,i:i!l;ii."IiJl"i.ififf.;;rij, r:ti;jFit"..:",:":,tid:;f#"::"fr:;:"_ :;-;"";'',:"'H:'i',i;:?;4:i";i"i,:,1,. ," | 'ii.'li..!.'ffiltui",i:,ii'ii: ri rDi"' liiff!"":':";""31i"r::': rx'; $t""";:;::'";i:;";tii i"i?l',i;'":Hd:iiiry,. w""" v;"i.'i"., :;-*ai idl'E'i'' l ; "-n *ffiir'i3:"S;:ii'!6;]l;3';l,liit', I i"$":ltlT';'.8"::*;:"1:":;.

fff;"$:,:j'!!, 3lr""i;":$+::5rs;.,lii-fii!,,!"J:it:,"5":ff:.:t?;3i[1"

*: iiii;,i:Tr:ili, ffs#: lr;:3:,,l3;"';i1"": i'.f!li;"i.fl "'iii""i.rif;"";F' jijij, :::'r:"':" jdil"


!iir:;$i,:Iiin; ?o. L6dd Brhbara, ptar, )1115|, F. dtDlI


1iiili;h;]{ui*: ++ #



;xu:k ";*il^il.,1e:;;,j:r.i*l;"","] ^ir ;::: ;1it,"1,tt;rl."nitl"":l

ii**;t-i*ll*'riHi{ipl'X;i"r'::;r* :ii:i;* U**'H pfr l:ilHlHi ii*r .fr ii," l ;:;:^::::.1';.i;;:::,ii ;r,i'r;+inrmiilrlilHift






;:,-1:+:j;f;:1h."!r4i;;I*:i. llu'li{,I;;;';tu";;l*,1 **il

r *n":r:r';i i"';"",iilils::fi:i:itjiil:ii:;;i'#: I iff:ri fi "*rl+l':i.a;:' -'r h's L rrc'' eo,onshl.;



"il'il;',f-^il: I #l;,i;,ri":tf lg ;:i"L;":ili,*:"16:,,;i',fri'ti,,1?, ;f;",fi..' i:""-* !;;; ;;ffi-l-;; ;;;-:;;"t-!ic;"---- :l:'i;"5""1J :"*::;j:'jil l:,j_l;e

r,;,+niri;tF: :li-;;#q:ll;qj.si -ri.#H:jrit ffi;:i*i*i, i; xil.ittiiri.i:i:";!*;;"i:;t;i:i""

:j.:i}:"t":ir::"3"* i:""j;$;:. it leirrfl;::T. ;*:"i;i::J:"i;.**;:i;:;:i"$frff:l:ii ii;":';31'f!,1, ili;;":;!-'i;#;"'i-: :i:ii!13; ;ilt" IIi:,':'r"":93,:.r*;;:'l:.f,"::}":;ff; ;::iii::;;:k;,;i";l:"fu !ii"fi: "'[ i!];i:;ii',1:':;:":'i,iii i:i:::: I l:i:l -"pJiJ T#"i, ;; r. nr_Lr'e.,*io. .rol ;;";';;',;:i' :: t-q:g++ "u"i''.;. ji,j;f;l:_ili! i.i"",'":iti'lE",li; ::i:;"ii:"f: is!,:"if"s"!:;';:;-.1 i3if srv, p€ 6-t-e'o!€ --lTrr.6. I i,,e;,ri .1;";^.-J, i i6:i1;':, i'""r'-_ I



c!, o!




ot tr,. nr"", ,ii""

F.on !111 Wrklund, arirtunj N.J.

;o nanJ teede€ proelecis ele belr\g sacrifrced on tne th.e€hola ol 1.nA LlrsEnc. run.rnd that thio .hJei.a- & nental .lar 6nt€r Fhould be 6top..d- ,{n hrneei ald sarv€y snouid. na ian€ of our pr€s€nt aal .yBten of rniiiating the lnter€ft.d y.uti a. hov ro best nelrr irre to i€i t:re nost.ut of hinself Instead tjdr6[ln!itoto!It seene thar !. t]le ouentr'iy ol th.n tl€ qla1ltY. T.ue, the loPd nud.€fs Club are lron.tlnE rons dle.ance lac€s 6rnc€ it xad been rr seaktress 1n co,Detltlo!, rn. nole syet€rnatrc @y. Tbe r1;]rt to oiartfy for a ls no* t!.rort.rrt than one's lane.n a race entrJ ftat result€ 1n A9t:1 place or DNl. I nar3,h.n i. a sr.urG /ornsote. & the unpr€pared adrlt ttr the not sun is lile a forced nar.h ar lataan. F.. racec beyold 6 nt1es, definite !u;es €iou1d be nade. 1. a 10 ntle iece, no t€eMger Ehould le allosed to start. There ale €nough shrrt€! races thet {i11 hetp ;rrD to !rojre6€. No adult vno ha6n't 6notrh ntnEelf ])relared 1n plevlous recent accepted Ellglbtlltv for 1ong...acee ehould be declded or pre"rou6 perforcanc€8. lh13 nl1t lnsur€ a tield or conoetelt aideies inotead of stla;e1€rs vlho ra1k, los & q€t loEt, rosl .I ihei. Iinlsh an hour after fte viry.er h.e talen lls shos.r. Tj116 3Jsten ?ou1d not 611ovr the uryrepared to 1nJn.e hh€elfi honor the qua11 f1eln a6 capeble lr6teed or -.honre€i reduce the trne & vorL of the ofiiclals & nost rnlorte.t, re€tore dlanitJ to th€ veterals {111 ty to c.i!€te. ft€y can nold racee tor treir cless 60 rc on€ vrll strugsle rn, ihan tLe v1Der, but frilen up fl€1r ln frnt, thle $aJ, silan€,Dlc tney a1f 3ta!t toPEooiers nal feel ihe iite of 1ee€ entry le.e, but tbre nal b€ solved ly lese elegant prlzes. Alter e!1, lt 1s tne non or cf {inntnr: ftet 1e rdportant not tb€ lrlce or tire trophJ. HrLh achooiB al1 ot€. u:e cornirV har€ tbeir track & x-c.!'irr teans. ThlE, !1u3 A/1U and FflC d€veloprelt neete, p!ottd€ t]le young-eters utth erle to!x. Joundst€!s runine too nany streiuous

2 lnluy lrone be@rs€ of hlit tre bodles resultiqi fion rqoatulty. r !.oeram of thlc nature vl1l ea€nt*lry ]!€e! thoee iniere6ted dropping out & a13o ralse t]]e quantlty & chanrlons to tne inierEtioe-! callt.e.f The exle.l€nced old tlne! orf1clal6 whlcr torn the Foad RDnei. club should forrulate a set or otan{iards tbat laoe !roho':e!s coufd !3e a3 a b:016 of ent.t ro honor, nle 6e}re, encoulade and ctdrnel ine Ya6t enelgy !otent1a1 ol ou a!€IrceD youth ranto y rast€d. rleture the sc3ne 1f a teeEde sh.rr1d Li a ions dtstadc€ @ce? It !-ihatloi

- oonthued rron pa.8 1,r not pariicolarl:r lntBrdsted to read ;in nyu! ran 3:51, but tr I l.arnsd tnat ari€ Rlchard3 lan e thrs uourd lnter€st n€. {In tact, 4:11 uo!1d ba of intor€st to no. lor exdll€,

crcib, Torlto clty, Cslif. I hav€ 3 ford€t(lrd)in ny fl1ins cabin€t nsrtod !rl!doo! 196667" - so you can seo that I n6t€! glts up couoctir€ r6sulls, €tc. B€oaus8 xg t.ok ou! vecation tllp tn october thls war, I onLy suhsc"lbod to tbr6o pr!3r6 dElis this cross-countly 33a3o!. That is tn addltlon to tir€ lois fist ol outtha Los Aieales Liblarf,, at Pas&.i€na. of cou36, I a1{a}s urnd up 1n.on!16t€' but I k€8p N,n8sed to rq slsht of 16 nornlnss on fie tri!. From 6ob

t!@ Tbmas welsll, 109 fludson Foad' rcad abolt the breaktn€ ot !h€ '!!orld !€cord'i in the 5o-Dlr,e r!', I haro boen tnt€&sted t! attenpths a 504110r nys€11, tlE a rirorld !6cord'r fo! a 16-y€a!-ord. Doe; awo@ ralot about s aeo r6dold lo. such an erent fo} a 16-Year-o1d or at reasi a t€8na€e !6cord? rron ,t$ry Bolliol1t2, cMdon, I.J. I,vo lost qutlo a b1t ol sleep Iatoly ,rn rerlns hoi Doug sslfors lEss ss, ti6co (@€r xo",'66 lD l,os) ef-

!9!-!!e-!:l-b91-l::I-!9! ava ltEv TRxIx by F!€d 1,{11i..still abls lror tD roa..$2.00 lorkout ploerms rreroatrri tn d€iai1. or t1s




!NO{N rINS 6,I]ILX J{-COUNfiY iUN trrxn nTTrM iiM rD ,rlltio,r A{ Tr*i van Cortrahdt Fart, N,y., oct. a]i Yon;erB, r.Y,, oct. 2J- Th€ !a.rr€ Ba!!y bsrry llovnj bro,.j lr.|rAc, r|rA1, caFr;ed c6Ftured rhe a-mr b_dtte uetrop.rltatr ArrLr AAir cerelopnenr dereloonent x x-corntr coqnrrv l-n1te run ro@1 olcr rhe r!n rocay 1n lo:57.4. rt fa6 bhe,1rr! nrlrJ srreets of ton;{e.d ond tL1}e fastest tlD€ rie t{o 16DA !;qet b.r eGlG -tre@ !d {1n_ of the IclA rr€shla. couse, The cou; tn a Ja6r I4, sr- 5. record r5 Ja:09.8 ser ln 1904 b\ oscai Juel a fer hours earl1e. rriov-haj (fther

r,-rp c. ieetei. rar€s teie l,.kdre to.l+, Joe Lvnch ao.4?: Bill clsrk ]o:51). Ed f!0.* c;ne on fe6t in tAe k6t hrle but coutdn t {a6n1.ator. n,c. He esr!51t6hptr a n;v catch the folner !!ovtderc€ co11ed€ 3 ronkers h!d4 sch.o1 .qn laP rn l5tr2, rh11e lrMos,ruulnI i/l r11e6 & th€n rrt-..a nith td Bou.5, ue6 conr€nr rrt_r 1i.lq. at ftE .: 1/4- i.-1e $rt hrnThere rere 51 sra.t€r5 a ell bqr 9 1ead. lDwever, ntrena canc frnished ln th€ ldeal fearher. on shong rn th€ 1a5r oroc{ ro ,11! . rn 1. Be.rJ Erorn, Ner yolL,c, .O:i7.8 rov bJ a 6iep. 2. td $rd$, xe$ York !c. i1,ii r,5r belrre th€ F.. ihe aar:tdnda-rq l. oavrn Jone6, rev rorr -c 1r:.. 4. xd !o es, xer yorh AC, 12.2: 10. the rldrd ltqe a larr j2.27 ), John rbc[8ied?r, fJAc, l$!c (1Fr,rr 1): q. ;f-f^L:::"i,t.:1"'* Dave rlunt, ,na., riuecrr,l.J,:,rJ::0,: ?. d. John Lon€, 3t. anthony'6 33,11:co I ,. heto Cavelt1. Ies lo.l< A. 11:1o I 10. Jrm Eeck r5, NyFc, ll:14j 1r:-BrrI I schqab, iilAc, ll:r6j 12: Fr-;d Peet, i:li";",Hii!,'iiiii. i\iLt aprk€d s.oe club, Jl:41i I3. Junrher ,roses, 9ruc€ Tc, l4:r)4i 14. Rlc{ | Soqley, !Jrlro€e AA, )4:22j 15. ijode6, i3il$: : T:i;;:';:':r*"trift ,4::iidI AA, ro:1r: ,, P!esion Jare3, [6nhartan sDrrnsfleld, rbqs.. 34: I /.1ncs, 1€:14: r0. Bob rbobelaer. a9-, 17. ljr.J Patrersonj ilaac, ,4:!i, I !l];n! l"if!: '!i,:i 1r. BLlr ucraurhrln, mt:, 16. Sreve Snrthj ua., gprlnefleld, ee6,, J5:21 (2nd Te€nader)j 19. Eob sprtnsfleld, 15.25 (lrdl id!;4,i;;,'l#. leemde.rj 20. vrnce 'lxlaooetta. I]]l!t.I l5:J0j 21. aoa6 rrchol, @., eorlr ;:,:rii:: T6i::i';iii:i'v fr€1d, l5:58, 22. carl cllooie. Eluae I rc, t6:14, 2j. ToD 0'B.len, Erlce TC. I Ifr 1,13;lf ;l?1 j:t";:;*:'i,,I?:j"i^i; )6:18, 24. Fred !aDa., und., lb:2dj 2,. RIche.d IeIls, u@., srrlnFf!€td, ;ir';;: c5:;"::: Ji,iii"ir.Si",.1';i? ,b:f2i 26, Jeff !a!k!n, cJTc_ 36:54: II 27. Drck ue!1rou', ue.. srrid;fr;14_ lulEed M, rb.oT: 25. Eob cu1ev. ueiJ7.o7i 2A, Joe Prrnr, rhs., r?il1j 2i.: 8oD hosoles, LYPC, l7:I8; t0, rr. rld- | ii:'i;"i";"I3'jli,lf ";iH; r13n Catelyj sruce Tc, l?.2?, 1.1. Joe I cordero, u@., l8:18, 12. Jr& {11son, ::i:;; 6:i,:;: 1i:,fu.i';._ Lm., l3:24, ]1, Dn.!e anderson, Lul-l roee AA, 13. t0; J4. cene Toooey, Iync, I fEl"iifr ;,3i'',i;,1';"X#j.ll"jtil;,i',,: j9:I7, 15, Dr. itlch8rd Leq1e, E.uce Tc J9t20t J6, Jetr stehlr, cJTc, 40:07; i 17. Lllxe orn6reu, lyeet a3€eu AC, 40:l rEv YoFX ST4TE COI,',ECrIT! T&! ASSN 17rb 15; 18. Dr. ceo!:e A. sheehan, CJTC, I a_o chupt.hshlp ^hual 4a:1r,2, a9, s66 Brown, NyPc, 41:n2; 40. NeMblen, u@.,41:20,4r. Eo! | ilii: j Jachsor, l@., ClrlkBtoy., N. Y., 41:2€l 42. ,avrd Ltttlehaleg, r.I. gtllde!6, l ;:ii,'?1":":i1i3. ( il;!5i,;"i"l""litii:,,, 41.57.. DNF- Abe A6sa, cC Y ]\A, Rlck I Lodewrck, uatteo cucchlara, tuanh llc- | t: 13l,i3'3jii;"li"3li:,::"3iti:j 5]:1,?:. Do!be1l, I\YAC, Bob Xlre, Boo iusdo, l nasr htuerryr 0s{oso, 2r:15..?€M: r. NYPC, BlLI Caeey,BTCj 0a!/ (uhrcke, !,1A4 hoberts Desl€yan 51j 2. Auffsro Srare 71










!!T. ,!1U JR. X-C TITL! Glo6hex, }lY-ac, 25:roj 12. Robert Rug6vsn cortlandr F;rk, brce, N.y., Nov. o lillC, 25:13; fl, tEye !1ttl€bales, r.I. 06vln Jones, 25-JeJr ol,d o'tn 1!. 1b. sirlrrer6, 25.1?, 25.42i j4. vlcto! Vlcto! 0!t12, lr:?c, lJ:?c N€! Yolk ac harll€!, Eo! rle Jr, u€t.AAL 26:02; 35. 811,1 Covn€, L[lrrose u. 20: clDnplonshl! in neet r€cord tlDe fo. tn€ ao; 18; lb. Erl] sh€@han, uA,20:1b, uaa,26:1o. l?. fb. ELlr r7. four ntle coulse ove! tvo lape of th€ Fobert Le!1s, IDPc, 20:lo; 13. cdrie" A. van coltlandt Psrk(ceDetery h111 ircludC"IIIIT JOli'S ,JIIJS

ed) course. Jones, trcn ausila11a,


€nl.!oyed ly the Auetlarlan !pv€.Eent a6 a democrslr,€f ot trreir Ne( Yorl, a1r/ of-

frces, He qurckly Junped -nro th€ leed & thou6-h closely follored 1a the eerly gblng by fatter va]l6 of 'the ltiryrc rtDllJ flnrelea ln 20:19.6, sone 110y anead of talls, ,1a11e uas tlE 1965 !S.{l a-coutiJ chmplon. Xe 1€ curentlJ srttirg out a y€ar of hrgh ocboot conpetitlon dre to ciansrle llon e vocat1onal nrth 6chool ro an acadentc. Tne -!7-Jear-cld i1afl6 rill be conp€tlig for T&ft H. s. iext t.rnJone6 oracked tbe meet recold ot 20: 6et ln 1!61 by Jos€ Icelsias ol the ryP( arlel tlne n€s also unde! the old a.rh. 16 e fast 20:01. !, Eet 1e6r r.nLh by Ec fl1mor of rhe tY^c. Grntbe. tuoees !a! e stlong ruce to grat tllrti ptece nonors orer yo'rn6 i:1ke the Holace Uam school. Th€ N,Y. !lo!€e. Club eds-ed the irlneedfoot llI,{c by a sl1n on€ polnt narstn fo 6irce 1962 tba! an !-Ati oiub ron the tl't1.. Th€ colleee chbe dLd lot €nter todal due to ire .pcohlra llettupolltan Intercollegiat€€ on Tue 1. Carln Jor€s, I,YAC, sdeJ. 10:06 20:19.8 2. Valte! {a1f6, ra?c,t0:09 2a:a7.4 eunth€! ib6es,BTc, 10:t2 2rt?4 3. 4. I{ik€ Drye!, uat., 10.18 2I\24.2 5. La!!y ?atteison,Nlac,l0:26 21r42 6. lob B€g1ey, Ml1I.AA, 10:29 21:55 7. 7. Uolie6to Caarllon, NYPC,10 NYPC,10r4l 22r11 8. Pat E 4tr.k liYAC, N!. Ea€t!cl, aA:47 22114 9, Rlch8rd LeqIe, UnA, 10:50 22::c I0. Joe !.ech, L,!.gtr.,10:i1 2::11 11. lob lobb.lee!,nyrc, to.48 22142 12. Dr.Adrlai cet€ly,BTC,lt:02 22:46 IJ. GelalC Buokr€J, riYAC, 2J:00j 14. J \lztzt ritPc, 2Jta2t 15. !et{ sura, },,yac, 2::ol; 16. Bob to6e1o6, Ary!c, 2l:14i 1?. .toe tiagEt, 3i. ljnth.!C, 23:24; iA. Bot K1ng, NlTc, 2t:27; 19. Vrctor Savrlo, Nlac, 2Jt2a; 20. Fellx Cabr€ra, }ryPC, 2tta6t 2L Jade6 illlson, unat., 2lr54i 22. Lovetl !!or,, rulcr 2t:59; 21. Joi! Vat{ieles, Udt€d A.4, 24t00; 24. Calr erlnore, Aruce TC, 24:06; 25. Sa0 B!o{n, ra:IPcr 24ta5i 26. Atlen $orbe!g, Unlted nA, 2tt41j 27. Grant Vel3broi, trA.J|, 24: 45t 24. Jae caldera, nM., 24150, 29. Sebaellan Castaglla, InAc, 24.51; lO. eene loobey, irYAc, 24.56; fl. Robelt

2710519. ;111 castte, 2?:06: 4J. trever 4,ce, Urrlted an, 2b:45i 41. Ilo.ty scbrafrz, uE.. rO:r4. (44 sto!bers, 41 Irnrshersl ?ean: r. n?C ,; . NlAc 11; t. Unrred NYAC,

JiFF sftHLI ntN. I,t-'T, aAU o llllts H'oa! vsn cortlend! Fad{, Brou, N.:t.. Iov.1r-


::'i'":"" ji


rlorr h3rdlcap of 6.00 b *1n the +mlre


s; i::,!d:':g iff ;;::" lilonJ at rhe end

to frnI50r retlnd sie,itr. tuoljdqp a tIddLebu.y, vt, college sruaent, h;d a ).)u Dndr.ap & r€rdned the rh1!d fa.r_ esi r14e oI 12.01, Ear,J 6roFn, td loFe5, Eob ashron and EaDon 0'ae!1l} aere the scratch nen_ E.or! and 80{€6 lan shoutder to should_ brosn .utB:rrnt€d Bore., llizes vere ewalded to the f1r€t .tn€ rrere Fe.€ onry t6 starterg 4d 3? f1n1_ 16h about

oouree: F,,o laps


at of

Sraten I61an.t, x.y. Ic4A Flosh cou6e.





i: }:l'fi:iitr:'"ftt; ?:! #;?? una., l3:ll lb:21 6 16:)1 :: Jl"i:,S:ifl:"l,.ii: :::?i l' *:!9 7. Tom olErren, attc,

5 i6tca o. lrnre. And€rson,rta}, 79170 t9ta2 7 @Ke hyland, ,. lhnnrttan collere)ata2 M, t).oa ),5 t4:t5 ii: i{"!ii-tuff '13,3?' !it:'ll:33, 12. p.i Baerrc)r,Nyac, t9t)4 ).5 t 04 rJ. Lyhh {jurnlnshlr, 19:45 , ii: E?i,"#:iit !&tii" 2:Z lit":,.



ii: Eil,'sfiit;")"iff;fr ;!z i"; *tL:. ii: i?lTl!;;"il?ii; ffi:ii i:? i2:ii $lrsn, @.', aa,a4 4.i


5i: ;i".;l iriJiiiilr""#.:1,?

;i: Eil";"ff::I;,l1jif;;d



3i;1i 4:'"2 ?,:?Z



il?,i ffilfi!T1:i*I$i:l *i :fl"li;i,,,

Il ill;$mjii#,;li i ffl#qq*,i,t






i:i /,;;i5,,i"ru+:*:Uru;*; r::;i;;:';li:':,:i.'!lil',;.i[rl*.',:

]di i .- ; i;i11:1i*, ;,,1'-;:; ili,i;,yr: I*".i.t"'I ir.-t-;, _r-i._.i l:: ilili T,fIl iX:;. fui:i:ri:,iv:;l':"sir:r,;;rr;,,0' I;, lir;ii:i:l i:r:




if i:i::*:': lj:,i:, ill;;

;l*ir*rpi* Ugi:;*i:;is$:/i g;;,ii;,;;j:;;;'i'i'"i";i'i:1;.,,; Jii,



: *."""1:6: ;;r;i: !",,:; #:;;... .':;ll j:::: ",u:; ;;.,;, "; i:lJi:i -t,.;i is: ;;,;r; 5,;,;;Jr;: :::fi "l^l ;:l.l:!jl,l:;;l*i:;'1i,,;;"; tr"Do-"-r, :'yr.i, "i: l,"r P-r!;;;on,wxc s,;,11 11,6i ,1.. -e:-'i .-. Bo, '"""re", ll . ,j:ll , : i...." 1l.it, 15:ra r :ro IlChrr i,it#it;.1':ii?t"


*+* ji:ii ii:;Jf, jii:;j;, i; ji:i:l jjj,-; i, ,';:l ;$i;'*, *i. r!v3,rc. :: :";:::;::":.,;;*:; fi *^.:r:o:, ^ - -."'i1.: 1 .,1 ;i".iil"";.:".:,..'::Jl;:l ..,:;!3 jl:'; r{ '-;: : :: t: i,:hfl;,"ri;.:;l;;,i;i. 3,;;3 ;ii'ii*iiil*i'",r";ii!i, 'Jiil;.:;i:l,f; l:;:j ,;: ini'i:-lrr1,ii;;ry:!1 j;i;3 :i:::.:; ". ir'r:;ijr _;!liil:r _yiil__i_ri::': i"ll;'1, lli;j *"" it: Hi".3:l[,1"'i,ii 5: "-- ]i; i:4.ff;;:;: r.il':,::,1:;l; il:'-1




AIffiICA r1960 Bosron, Xru".t {--oolnuks_of Lh€ 9th e@1 Eeerlng of rna.\aC Are.rca E}DLld nave -Ih. bF-r orrnred rono ado n rr6 enure.J, Hovever, oJr:ev6 b;;.-;;Rif_ pd


rllh.hid"ds of ra.e .ecrrid rr 1as- IN oonLh; "e atu ;e r;-i s;i;; tL ewe.6 r_ tnred, caE e! tnan _"1 rnls Id.ortsn! oe.!Ln6 e! JMorrced *e er_t arreDpt r,o 6ie e,cents o ree ro €refLrlJ coD.!L.o oJ t4e eve. €ffloLenL rrcn iiE \nL sed p-3r y, Er L i r!!ot. {tti. Footnores, 6oo ,, b oe !ub_r shedNaL,-, assln e nRc anouLd cortlnue to lrosper and aro{. r (. her. !€ "' j:)nn, Recro!, !. c C - ch of lne Adv6nt. Fet e Blrnn o' L1F s.ic slq "nded ;1th -, Pre4lost A€h Js6 orrl qFrco@ed ;trl: s, pres€nr .0 IO oui o_ r,e rr ",r-t1r€ rC ss"oc'etlon6, c.nr_6!_ng "eooe. "e:edIand. of \-x york, .{er '.ev"l3no, jl,,a1l,,{Iasia t1s.ou..L v3' eJ' ilx*l;j".:il]. l. t!€ r,Iatrl. irmrce conelttee, headed by cnatr€n lrtc lelson net be_ fore the beetlne. Lei!" s st ra 6- 7,. " o t- s2... ) :. :--""1",'" e c.^\erFf I r-io r- !.e 1J.d otu 61 "r'br rEe tn.latr/ -1r, -em .o! t.e U.s. J-s con;et_ '6M. c"sJt6 , l.1ror ore\_. rs. r !.D, !o5., b. a6 a re6u1t of th€ ^t:rph.a trlp, se iave beer iNlted to conpete In th€ lnter_ '8'Iomr Ch,m.ron€dos rn r'8-es .n r9b-, n - 63. rtr d;_ .tu rn 1467. v\lch atlL ro- irlf oI 1e:! yesr,s ree to lte Chroplonsnip€. ?. A1 a '-oBt-.n bec--6e of 1ts val." o rle dele_sr,s a.60 shor.d-bF;ord' :ll;"J:*:l:.1:::ltu'ri,rn.fo,fB,

9;,1*':;i:;':;:,,"" " tuves. troriles6 is

anit O1a6.


€t1tt s1o{. cdob.lleoorred ms-

to sl edrleof nore .opch ro ac.ooodny 1on_ otptsn.e LeMg o,e.se€s rslher

cosc1tng- Eoo


rechnro-es v€re ""i::,::.::-," hsvF beFn ood".ately 6rccese"rr. 11. Ri Fo. lofi -!f* vsr.ous on procregs or p.oa so rndl. certlfleo rouc\our Ln€ coLntry br ahslr 1f. SrlU )ktlonal Claelldan Al,do Scendulra explalned a n€r legtstat1le !u1e pass€d at the Nat'r. AAU co.velt1on 1n iouBron, texes 1n 1964,to a1los eacx erort6 connltte€ to be licleased to 1/J.f rts n4b€.sn1p, to lenbers at rdge. Thu6 2? acthe 4e&b€re of a aroup of lo appollteat to th€ xat'L. AAlr LlR Conn. ln 1955 rep€ iRC nenlers, thu6 lloreaslng tle strength of the IiRc on tn1s comlrtee, Aldo also expialred th€ b1d of rhe RRc to becobe e! allled boqr of tne }xu at the reoent Natr1. aAU conventlo4 ln D.c. Be erpialned tnat be alons- f,rt! Pr€81de.!t JaEcoEi & Bec, iaxot apt€aled berorc tbe..!iu i,i€nbershtp coedtte€ at the c.nve,tton h€ad6d by clElrnan !d Ro€enblm €na ftat ou! b1d to becone an a1lled flente! of the Arllj vad tuned lio{n but th6t a conprobtse neada€ 6ug6€si€d by Dar Ferll€ {odd for! a neF co'i:ttee knorn as the xattr, t_aLr rong Dlstalc€ s.d Road Rusnd L1l6 's s!r-- s.o.le"t io !h'eo-loval bv AAU. n"s [o gt.e tfp cror. 60]e .o,€r ove! ,on* dl;ence

lunrng Ftir€r t]lan behg subJect to a!!rcva1 .y trre Natloel nau T&i comltiee. 14. Ele.tlon of Cffroers!. ilairlion,ir., r[aska ii{Cj vlce P.e6rd,€ntE (5), Jsne6 E. Ferrls, ]{a{a!1 !.RCj John ,1. CiNerl, C16re1and anc; El-- Tlo9r6, -rodi" a:L"nr-. - i \ar Clr,-nLc^, r,Y. :.- : $-ah a1! ('r.6! onan of'r'er), s"cre sr/, Bt-. IIEJo-, \,j, rP: (at' ' :.), .\e.5., consratulated.n tne sreet Job Don stockrd, Alas]re ntc. ?reslaent h€ pertorned as iao lresident oyer tle ra6t for Jeals. Nert, fte 6cc€ ta4ce sp€;crr by sco'lt Edltton (r0 pa,l€s in lenEth--Bwnarlzed by Ron Da's). a s!€clal Hewelran ereatb {as lreselt€d to JaB.ourr sent a1r r:al1 sp€clal Dellrery r}on t5. tottra !o'er ot rcn€' tn tn€ r3c )€s dlscussed ae fad tle lncrearlra of dlstance tlbt ro0en could ru. 16. Internatronal Conpetitton The setectlon netbodg {ere nad€. sub-.o:.1ti€es conp€tltror ra6 d16c1s.ed a ne{ Fere forn€d. It. !.8. L. voodburJ, proJect oricer rDort6 sectioa, ol canada, 1! connectton vlth the ce.ternlal com. celebiatlon rco nrle 4-mn iean.elay lace uould be h€Id rn aecda 1n 196?. 'ltle bcdr favor€d tne latt€r. 1?. tlic Natro4l Chablronsnlpe- The tto R{ poetat races .an be held dytlne dulirg a 12 n.nore beEr6. Jan. lst to !eo. f1st. &eJ ca! be r1n nanv tlnes ln eaan area--.€st lerror@nc€e to coant. Idqrathrn $11r !e@in rn Atlsntlc 'it . 1a6l I.nE .n 0 ober. Pog'3i 2-'o to the locsI C .. 'qtc $!-. e16 ^, q.old b€ lhe lole or ! e -3. rmr 'onn1c ;6sr' {ith ^3tshould !E ther! ovn voted to etal tbe sMe. Th€ local body guldance rrcn the mtloml bodJ. 19. 1111 itLlund, !€{1y alFolnt€d cballnan of tne orerseas Furd:talsi.g conn., plesent€d €n exhrblt or Join salo, b111ed as tle llolldre fealest Jrtra lora drstunce Nnner 1n 1929. 8111's exlr1blt 16 a n€norlal to salo erd he hope€ t. !a16e funds vlth 1t to help the oterg€a6 Fund. Bt11 aas 'lohars traln€r 1n ft€ 1929 Trana-Ccntrnental Raoe f&i N.Y. to !,A. vhrci Salo {o'. e h.-d on I.esoz aor'1 lAih "t lrrrl le' n r'i -0, T.e . (? -o!h amil Bos x"s .L1ro td._oe! et :oo P.Ij. oni [,s. (xt't -enox, "


:l-9i----l: 5'

g!ed., Rock€yn1ler rart, oct, 9, 1956 -r,ib€!ty12-ndL-nI. d-f,I. !. Ror n61s1nss!, 5S0 4t3? 6F:54 6, a1ber. 3!o'n, 25:ro 52t25 e2137 2. l{auy 6uerthe!, 22t36 )+6:U+ 74rlo ?. rohn o'xefl, 28:01+ 56:11 85:02 3. virE4 Y8rrturt, 23tt+ 5o.o7 76:21 a. J1n ni,pe€, 6tL7 5[t3a e7:73 l+. Dr, rdn rd1re, 2Lt59 l+9t28 77:0[ 9. Jln X]att, 4t9! 6Ot3O 9a:r3 5. Donald Youna, 2+rl+8 52:10 78:26 10. J6o Mu3ca.sf1a,27:2J 59:00 91:oo 4-MtIe (iun slnulharoously)- 1. stan rlra, 2tt'at 2. ijn sn1th, 25:51+ ofltclals: Kovtn l6leh and JalG nos€nh€h. --RoJ Relsliger-cr,trvl]],{xD Rrc L2-MI!! Rut{,

l,ES fiECE VS rJIXS CtEV!f,AllD lO I(IIOT,E]TER R!N, CleroLand, Ohlo, Sunday, Nov. 6tha ft1sld bed l,luslc Een Les )r€r€ toda} to dr th6 lar€ Ertu !ssn. 30 (11o chMplonshlp, tne lonadst rec€ 3!er h€ld ln tno cleao1sd area. T]]6 blon& atnlote, rho sand!1cb€s bls tlatn1r€ t€achhg and band datos, lan a stlona race to {rn In 1:lr2!47.2. no had a nMgln of ndartry th!€o hlnutos 0!6! !um6!up c€olgd wotherbee, a lo!M! ,Akron 1]. ruher. rhe 2: lorperqr.r€d r€le J rJ€ 10" 1.06, rc^o-p,,16d or 3 b:,1.a "Ind. oC ,o g "i Ba. "sg sLs.G-8, r8 ''n shad, Ihe ^orso, u..ic. las p-obab t closor rlrdlnS Vs,13r. d oDt & ba.k -osd -un rhroDAh o!.Erlesoua Rqcfl "L.ar HoaBo.s rook charga t?ol rte sL1!t, -s aLs arna 15kn loints. Stat€ star charlos teuthold thlouAh tho sk n1lo At 10 nllos, i€s€duE plckod up hls t8npo and Araduauy nad€ 1t a ono-nen rrc€. t6 ran hrs 3econd 15ld 7s fast€r than tho tt!6t. Bth6rb€€, xho r6a.h6d th€ nta{ay lornt 1n 9th placo, cM€ on 3trora to s1t! past rsuthold tor 2nd plac€. wsm6r., ao {don BUL !o- ps B, {bo rrallgd In I)!a pla.€ at 15tn'n 56:50, lhan c\srEsd _1nts4ltls ft drFr du!!E Lho ss'o'c na1f, c ocdB s sp-'t of5L:5 Mocr3o ':!. 'o tt€ u Lh hh du)is a! css€ ^6_h. Dr- I;n Mlln6.



Ii:^t":"1i":'ljff;,:-iii'*:i ;a::*:i;

"",. """. ";1,";ii:'.:r;,:':i,'::':::".i1""i"'.-lf;.i" lnc Drse d€nr. rom r-. -16.a3i'3;,yfl"1;"i.i,::,8":fi,X-ff"e"ra"rn_uJi,c. ta!; t. ;ii:x;;:0,ra11. o,rs11. l+8, on hls .,Dtns !rt

l;;.1 !!.orr_c.s.s. I "i :111._ :! t,"-.": I i" ".*_ i







#'i;;.ii:fl'#":,::':i:::; 3;:.. lfj3:. ;,,:i"::":i"::;.::ff t:,: :i:iji:s"

J. c%.las .'Lourmld, cqP , _ i :L6:01 l!r"o r;.r ?: ii',;LT;, "s:I,,::::1tli:L:



"..o solve sc."o,1ra ari


r:5 I /

.3: il";::*:'#*:." :":1":"' fii;6i r1. or I_ D€r, | , Ju br8tu€ld, !-H o road. :uJ:rrd 11. J - Xlnola, cla!€land FR'. ):0 :r. 14. ntch s8nict, 2:09:14 : L:Lo 5, Jo'u o xo1l, .nFc.

{55 rddt! dual 6,@!

1n !h!€6 h€srs ano

l!::i l'i?.i:.*:"il"il;**iriln




tsenror 3r -t.c1M3(I {r(dor d-s._ Has ro" ovlc uiu 1," lsl€o dd a rxo ,1th Mahultn. lylcrollos o1-or lncluosd: rrsnL

il: J1."i?.li"illi: iH:;: ,..;:<b:r: r-!. Jolb .oJsn, _cr.. B-d-oro,, : ,L:. L Il;::;"ifl;.1'lj,:rr."igffi"*;:'iii*j,". Boo qoncr€r, dsolo sc,.cr , ;"n" o,i.o",i

lJsy B rnIrBbM. r€1 Ualron, ffolrd husb€., 1r c.6h.be" -:oyr;s ino oo. rar,r.. ::(r': l? rdf-sprrrs: l.E"!,:-9. : U€!\6rbo€ iJfte, l______ ,rt:rur orp!z \1:JU.l cL,c'marr, \ov. 1)_ !si scds.r, sopho_ Ton FlancL

ce€ L! fro- cln( ntuL|

oI lbe OI|IC,e ,la h co.lry -o fos.. buL st t- e nlnuL€ b€) too ,o.a !1 l-ro3 .r6 s,ara of alelso. broko th€ ms pi€c€ e,sr for Ndrronal qnc p+srde". lE-F). rr,o *"o i,e,Jrir!Joh, o N€tt n Lh€ lasL 50r oI llo oLr& ".,r,,,,i 600, no !tnd. IIrr Lrack,


s-on, r:,!! re;r T;;ee l+iy F!. t30 \u In6, tc:5c l2: c-


.. rr

l. L. r, -. Joh,0,,rB .!n nr!pr6, 6. Dses lso,


L0:U !0:ll+ l5:1.; +1:ri r.]t)5 R€r6tng€r--

0EI0 valtny Tc rNJoYs succtssFvl snasox Th€ olTc cdpl6t€d tts re11 x-count!f, sch€dufs {tth a r€cold ot 5 ulns Md 1

loss 1r dual conp€ttilo!, 24d plac6 ln ono quadra!€uld neet, 2!d plaoo tn tlF All-ohio !od€latlon naet & llrst phc6 1n th€ A}l-ltontuckt Foderatioh n6€t. 1, ovrc 2oj E€nlucLT J7t 2. avr? 21, Ke'tucke stato 3dr 3. ovrc 27, ctncih-

H#*-;,1 ,i:",::S;';: i",ri;.. .J'r""j

il'i5-H;'ii. tjii,,6''


lsL€,3-1, l€, 16: 9 (L f1rrg^ors) lEoe!_! - 1, DllqnL Qusrl6s, lbr U:28! i6. v:,trr r. lZ--a;T "r1".., ho;€!i. 16. 1d:01: q..revo F6rr6b6r, -. t4, 16:09; 5. J€lt r'tcDonald, 15, 19:10, (8 f1nt3h6!sJ fIvE RUNIEiS lRllt lo,ooon nXCoiDs c1nclrtut1, Nov, t9- Tln ficclomy, !AaDt llosb, ras the ftlst or flr. rl4ols grou! !.cdd3 h tb€ atra 6vent of th6 0v nlnt€! ce6! hotd 4t lla1nut l1r.1g cldsr tlack. 6to..ulw. E€st I - 1. Tir cc}€ury, fd, l2:0r; 2. Don Ltmff, 19, l2:58r J, A1 s6H€u,19, Jl:01+j [. Do, wa]a€,19. J3:28..Ea.t II 1. Ba.a Blnrder.Ar. 36i0?.



Dot ;a.o6r, uI. fr ! tc c_ub 4. ;i i*5;i::ijrrf;. lli 1c.>a ;iig 29.28 /. .o or c-na r, rrdol rvrlson,n. ,,:oo l,iA ;.:t .rran P€.r rn t1e 1. o! _ a:-ee 6. sr"v" xerool. ., ,9,, .a,ni ;:t:l over rre rug,.d Helrrns i-n co ree. . J"r.J dtu.ron, .,10.00 oO:,o I ... 'icrrosn Pottr,e ce,iieiLJ, cBLeIFLLo, ;;;";-i.'i;;'s"'-" a. a-.;i rolDer U. csr San-a e: a_re, iii-".-";:liij'i':; ,Ie-c.-er,LT,9.r€ ;' rn, :_ ;i:;; ti.Li _rorrre I8n on e\enl oa-e6 race 9. ;:i"ili l;:";,::".i:":iii;"'!:""' Hit I ,a. i!.;;*"ilil;l:["",'i;;.i:;; t:. ,:" "iL. :{J"d;::H,:'1{,:l;"T'.i,.:i;_Xi!"" .trons fo.rrh. serenrh d elE -5 o_sce6 !:;':'D:l:"i"';T"::":Ll'r.-;.1?:o;;":. S-€,e Des-on, UT. q..: , _r. r.;--.-.;""_.i ;:f-";tl::T"h":'iS"',i.i;'f * H3t:t:i::'':^, .::;';,:-;,-? ".:.i.i"";.1i,:-:.?;i".;_ :r.: 1::)t. r", -::::::: *:. ":::X::;: fiil$,"i i,:j:i t.ltj:r-. :::"'il,":ii.i::":::::."i;5:$,:"(t":'"" ,jei, or1me. !a., cct. 22- rh1 Ro'1n60r

rong lrnF or aar.r1or. otr


jlil;:l,qiiri{iiSiii:i"ii.jin iiF!iii:.::ii:rH;f*iri"riiH{"". ii!:i"rli;r!i ;;',::5.::"..;:'ii;",." :j;:ii*:.:ii :.-:i ;";.;:tl":.ijg. iiiil;,i!:i!i'i,l,i!l'".:?'ii:i ii:r., r:""*li l;,*n:.t"I;"iill;iis"ili:

ilfl ,i*i:iF"fr $ii"*Y':::ii:';i'i:; ;sl';"x":T:;.rt"i;:'$mr*ii*":"x 0rfI"1r.s: lbn cs-en, E .. J_ne6on r-.: Ur ..r_i: r.g."._-r, L'e. qelte' rorlmh. l'jAr". , "". "."" ^"-. .:ir;;;;":'i;;8;i:3: rr,ee Hl:i't,:::::;:.*13^*"^ ;'i";'il:.::';f:i:.",."., i1::; ;: ;;i iyit g:lj'"'ij;"1!i!

,. .,

FoLlre cavs_er!o. DICL



l.s. r,n.. J.:lo

5. larry L.l oLr, cI o. q-!ri DLnn, -T-, urrb'.^c]c. )r 07. ?, '1:0',

#1!i1;i1r.i'.''r -0,i""

1i-r.l:, i.l

;i;;;i*,",:i,...,"ii;" .;t".i"

.a..or NiG;a,

''" :i,.?

i;;ijtr -.

1::i+ y .-rtr. . .{Fn. -trsETIE] LtNs jf l{ Oef€arrs lo_w




Tetu., 0.!. ro. !€.e slorr. .oru .1.1n @ "d fi.;r;j rrtrlF mn !obpp'lrd ro, Lh. rhorvj..e B,"srtt. H_sb schooter.& ea6v;s.1r. dohlEt€Iy U. of rcnn. conperlror6 i. .d e 11;6 63:j6 ror-rhlld p1a;6, I!r'aa xnorvrlle l(4oxvrlle rc TC sp9n spon- 1. r. !@a Lsrf, Fus61ter. tD36.1er! noAc_ toq.. <t,.r, r?:oL: 2. Jod voFsn!, EolFli uro roDd r n 1n beartlr.l e7" tioAc, 6J:r5: r. sM R;er6s. .or Ia- qs, 6JrJ5r -,.Lrnotfto.. iasr Ihe ircnr r eFrB of IbL! J€fr., b9:"or 16rfi r,.!. l,6tc. .9, ut11 th. n.ne-n_le mrt Ereh srotJ A +2; o. bsnlr 's.9.Mert, O,C Ritc ?2:50: _, UT l!odh rlct A.le!ner !ov.o a,.a] Lo N.A., ?. a, Br!oo€ 8. Do. spltt ih€ Eloup ln lreif. F1F11y, rlth rhouf,, !o1r. c!os;, ?5:oorr:(/r S. ir. sm ficabout I I/2 niles to co, Story applled t{o€16y, No?c (itc)j 79:31; 10. J.D. shaf_ the pr66€ae & floe rhere on rt {a! bI8 t€r!54, Norc (RRcl, ?9r11.--cv aurmiJr.race. He ftnt€hed 3o4e ,0y ahead ol l(1elner {1th a tlDe lapde ot t8 8ecs, NcA]r nxcIoNA! DISTRIaT I x,c cilrltttPlot{Ir ShIP, PIno r4r.. c-o-s ., \or. q, 1o66 Ih€ sta,t 5 pld nrbeceo -9 '!!h JoIn^ trp IL. olsLan(e, s"vF'al of '€ 5-M 16s,,!esL!__: 'o1o & !alr, 1. Ed St€rnb€ly, Dulo, 2l+:l+9; 2. vic K61UT treFh€n tno llac€d qulte hlCh In th€ finieh order rere rMnina LheI! loy, iuburn. 5i.6j . 16rr Doas lr, r'e rsiT /':Jtl a! tnis dls-ance. r" €, q:l.l.5r 5j Pr6ti !:asaihrr, F1ot1_ r e rI.F-, !!n!she!5, da, .5:lt!, €M; 1. ^&x ld; t6T. Eo


iooL radlela al honors tn .Ptil I Rtr^ qdatt p{.c rlr€. l4o(uborns r0'6!€d ,ho l_alto layoqL _oP In 1lr: 6'a' oP xoreM S!aro Co r"a€, -------------b-oLr a,sJ 3I.€r . s1o! eer IJ !a.o sno XAX)AS cow fi SrTs ooss-corr:[R1 fiAm 6s" 1- b6s .o ,! ora]la, \ob., \ae. 1l- -or MaEon oI !'orl -rois-.0,nr-r lr-:11€ !11:l ,€ ord .' 2o:& 'odar. Tha lrorrous)o: !€--' or, r)o cr.Lsod'no las {r€ srI o-oael ord on tho sue l-d13 co..so ,as .7 -ss Lel ofr the ^ors3 !6cord of r:l! by I'€1Md lod o_ DEpolr. (xa1.) th t96l. BAnsY

,ll-lol ,.^,


j;" :;;i i1:\:::::ij::?i::""i*:r"rjj il"fi,ir- or.*r.,.r, ,.o, !*# ti;!"ii"ti"; 2. Dtke st.Lrreti,lO ,rr"". milee. 1:o;" i r; "i:"i;"i:i#:"9::':"*::tl. Ldr.r rl"reej io ,uee. rd.l: (::6

*ii'iiiift !ii"!ii#"i3+ %ifii:"


4. rbrtr r,:"rnrlre, 10.r., 9ea"' !:4i o. Jro F€hr.nbacher.to mr iii; a,\i

!: itt'F;.::'-'{":iB fu.


;i:t:lii i:fl

PDrkinson, 9 h1., 11601 6:12

ll: fr;l"ii'lli{;",,



:i3:" ;:i;'"

i"g; ::;"il ;l;"5;:i;: i;;.i!;:i1": { lrth 5 rer over 10 l/a nr1e,, Er!,6

r_ .oun!!J Jirospecis loo! b.tEltt ) Drd+e'6 rr1e s!11ts: 5:rr; ro:rr.r. 1..c1



r''"1.;; iS"Jliill * rt

ucialrlN ]irNS lojooon Io,ra R1IN Fo.t Des llolnesj Sat,, oct, 22_ perf€c E!€eted th€ Iove road rD. ler3 as tire) iined L-o ro! lhe ft, !e3 x-couriry ru.. couse !a€ the 6are ther,rrl 6e ,seaThe i,ter rir" Jonn Kl]]]r or rJriong co11e:e & th€ n-i. 3;ro.e rnto tne eoiiy lesd ar '.c Jmped s.rErt cf 1te the o1d {luy rosr. sie:c, r;;;;i;.-J;' loFaqden noFaqden c'J$r c'ugr.iro niro bero"€ bero;€ t;e .i1a n""x

*" l""i i ,,i"'r""'l

**. execurlve ""iro,i u.11ed

& roox th€ laad, ,r.r"r n"


oact 1B! bJ tsf sE he Jaoded u€ 2-h11e che.k oorntq r. ro:r. 21::5, Bnd l1:+5 befole .ro6srn- rie

rlne rn l2:41. slon stsrttn[ rova aJ.u ch@pron Joe Hende.so. !oved up rFt€ rn rh€ r€ce ro celch Ton [irrpny of Are6, but tten courd.,t 0;i;h rtnlshln€ slrlnt & losr the battte !by,6 fo! aecond !1aie. 01j'b!lc revelopEent neda16 ver€ aFardeit by lutch llamer, t]]re lona AAU T&i a Lons Dlstalc€ clrailhan. 1. Jtn rLcEaJden, [,,scattne \Isc) ]2:4] 2. Tob r,5trrphy, Af,eerIAc) tl:09 l. ,roe Hender@h, Dee lbrne! (IAc/ll:10 4. ttohn Xunr. Par!on6 ColleEe. r/:0o 5. Eutcn NaDncr, n,u, LIAc) b. lanc€ fil.k€y, rareon6 Soiiese, -S.Ot J5:16 7. cary o, Danlei6, Flenonr, irnc) t6:1, (12 frnrshe..) flar jr€os course, I x Iouer6 f116t .ompetrrtv€ dlotance c:ub hae been lorned- the Iora


5- lho'd r€1isve rtr -DBS arnBs, nD!. told d:oo h6 batil€d rhc rtu 6r.1 last ueek? Tho 27-Ioar old rola Look€d fsr h1s s€cond

froo 61c1ily todsv a3 ho wo! stral8hr r.,a rAD x_c tlt1e.

scnedD.le undof€arod_

arnr ctstancs aco. cme rhrBe da!s of train. 1qa. h6 3p3d r]]e 6aort 10,o00rn Fo.! Dos 1, J1:45,[. rhqt srratts!_ od hls ndk of l2:41 sor t,o rs€k3 6ar_ Joo !€ndersob of Das ohos. atso sn crub !6pros€n!;!!1v€. neod. 6d ovorJ b1t or hls dlstarc6 sxp€ile&s to,lp h1sh1r-pronistns hish 6c;ool lun rers eMl i4ccu1.e dl D€an TH€dt_ IccDlra, of !sLarIoo ColMbus. lan 2nd rha uaa u!!1I !6nd€eqon rnch0d snoad rirh 600x .snarni@, riera_ dars !rcdt hu.A rlth then as th; trro the 11no--H6rde130n l1:5 2. xc.dlr€ t1:5i and T,odt J1:55. o? x€, Js!3ov,s shotu ac snd PsForc col1ore. !6 ir.i"rr th€ ,leck€d couls6 nark_ 6. Buhch sffior, Dss o1n€s, l2:59: 7. Bo! Crtfflrh, D6s l10ln6s. lt:oL: S xsr pllIripsr Dss raolne6:-lJ:oqj 9: chsr16; Jr:r7: 10 or8c ?oot. xe!ada, ll:51. --Jim Mctrdoan-(coultesy Io,^JANS 0{ uG nlrtr Ioxe nnc purf

itrillifl :'.riiil-t,$illii*i:'i$,rfl 4+Tr:i:ri$s*ffi ait?

; lfir*rii Iijj rii*r'ldlt: i:}r;::i s+*i*-l-*;Iitiliffi i j::.?1:;;:; ii.iij+fr:_:ii;L,n.-hi::.;:::.:ri"'I


:ii: :H: if '$,:,3.y";i.i:.'E:"' '***';il": l:;: i:,4;'li;.i:Tf":i ;*!; :.:;t*.r." '.Pan o r coulssl;1:ll {t}: € nosr .a"ou"asrrs noi";: ;;-. ;:ii;rdl:iJ:i, n doo.Lton ill ::": ::,:"" Lo @lu '1u. 1itr:i:;#i#"i::" €rtrs kss lbs palfoedcs ro r.6 :t!

oftict.l_o r]-Lo P'r- Hrs ab1€ ro sal!ofs ltno 3[ Lho !L!hs-odd. -€q€ rhr,.. .. Roo o,+ o*r r". i;;i io. iI N@B "o,or"a " "rar.m ir iii:,ii-.!l


''0 -a.€. --Ps. La,rn--


--Pat tdrr--

Yl,-":il":,"^""'.'"*"',-rlilT"iylll"".Tsi'l:,ill.'i"llT"yxpt; baNre€o tr5ub &

rrDespo s-sr,paul




s!s.. chrceo.

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Desrr;o ubo "acL :e ho3E


l:::;::,'ili5"::"":';:::"': H;"ti;*:;r.


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ffffi*ffi ift ,f ;;"*i;ii*,ir,,+,,,;,'

"lj':i,i+i hit*-#.;+

lififi:",,:-ffi: ifl;.il"iiffi"i:"3ii$tu Roa !a!rleu,



le,, 24:52; 2. lhlt

iiiiiiiirlii:ir}i:iilifi i:t?iili ,i;}'r"i;



i';,:i::":ii,,ii,,3i, 31.^il;"1" l3ii5; ii; "i:,1?,i"""1.i3'Jdl";lli; rlo ru?hy, :ff :ffi


sI,'At, 26:53i 16. cen



;:;::ii,;:;iF.:i;m:r:i, iii!;, tren nonon. iFV State, t?:59i p5.iflii, Eiyce ;i1i;' ;x^ili:;T:li:si:ii':"ff *.:!.

i!;*';"?i;, ue.,-2d:i7;

':il:r ;:r;,;ii; li,'ti t1. Frr11 Cl6rk€, ccac,,8: "i8f

::;,;';.ni:tii*:ii:,:lii:.;::iiil:i; !€ar, slraA,29:J7. t5.




il;fr r*;!ffi



4ilr, i?;*f i)? .a?, i:t,'i "*;"il'"ff1f;; Yff i"i'iili.,3;"lt[i,^iljt:. iilfi"la, lo:25: 41. Jsl ;"*r", srv gt.I ro,iii

42. Bobby Con6, CcAc, ro,a6; a:._Denni" trpleE,gi'j pan, tl:02, 14, E!11 lvel1(. ccrlc. ,1:28i +:, Ceffy ruatonn, grv si. u@., r2:L2j 4e. Jo:rn rorre6, LnPD, -l:11, 49, Ibrtr xlos._ FIn !! :-:rile -ro rsrr r'rlreD., sr.

i;: ;::';;r';;,;'":'i"fr"ftXEl!: !i?.i., sepnerd, ue., l?:4?j 55. Rob€!t !o1e_

rfi ;;:;ii:s?;li;iL

;#+:$;*:i:fi ,,:i;;#r3,fiir

i:i-3ffitr;-.*'}$; ii:i'iii!:,,;iii;li'rf iii,#iii:.f;"

!ii;i'i8: #;!'a"il;. "3|i,ii%,S: ", scores. 1.4ter6 rc, lo;2, .cs,

'esm set!'!.ontc8 ria. :ji 4. PAA, 82; :'r_?. b. sfv sra re, 115. non brrteu olrclaBsed rd6 neareot !iv31 by loE 1. thts fa6t ftye-duer. !1eu 1! beglnrrng a 6e.1oue trslntlg proglae sgal! a3 elldenced hy !16 rte qu€n. apleaa.ces tn the 6nort end lor{


dl€tance ar€a laces. --Tobr rieri-d;--

lrcUNT s6n

Anronro Colteqe club C]ret]e 2.d-1,:r]e Run, S-)nso.dc b, Senlors Tc rn conlunctlon qlrh 1,t. s4c crcre-coun

!.Y Day ln Fntcll & }llgh ecnool x-c lumers coBpeted tn




::"".":"i" r !





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..e. .r o. !o ....


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o Drs o "11 o ., .t .3 3 !e-.o lq,B. r- o " Lr -n os-L€1€ .tr1s




-r-d vlo r, 1,: a: .. ::;,,:,j,,:!i .e" ! L, .a,;-n. : r. I I s sr,o,sr lJ. ,:srors,

': iili*lii:ilt, lil:i: r:.1:; :'f :j " ".I€ rj"la

-o.gl "o.F

or .

?, io, J"J "Lr ", .s ,o;, u,.4, -::6



k61€J ar6a. tne

Mary's co11eE6 cepu3. ?hs hi11s


ntst||Ts of Run for your rJtte Rac.s hold dDrtne Au€ust, 196r d spon3ored

rJ th6 Albuqftrqd., jr, r,f. nac 1 .l/4-rli1o R rn, 6:10 P,r1. 1. .rosse.astsnsda. i: : 2 r.n Toft, . 1€J l. iolce flilask;;, l0ioc: ll. 10:09r PsrLT porklns, Polkhs. r0:11: r0:11i 5. ior 4. fe.L<y (14 f!nl3hBro lronroya, IuontoyA, 11:25. 11:2t. (11+ ftnlsh6rs): l. 2-M11€ RDb, !1turs park, {ua,9th6:10 P,M.- 1. ToD Tort, 10:29; 2, J€s:e ca6tan€dB, 10:lrl+j J, Royce ritasrea. loi56r 4j Djgk Torles. 10:i7: ;. siaee 4-li116 nun, csr11r1e Btvc.. AE- tq6:10 P.M.- 1, ron rort, ]J:5lr 2: ce:Me Tlspani! 16:01; .). John Le!!r. tb: 02: 4. 311r Feutz, r7:5tt t. Laan""" U-r116 Ftrh, Psnorss Blad,. Aur. :q6:10 P.tl.- 1. Ton Tofr, 7:f1; 2, Case!a rralanl, 7:l+); .1. roln LB!!1, 6:U! +, 8111 Feutz, d:22j 5. Lsonard rsrt,

Distancb Running News The,wo: d's oniy


r*i ncqcz.:

Cevored exc d,

o- h.r s :"d iomeit d nan.e ,uir n!, rc.e wo kig, cn. :reepe.hosins



..ru$ qood sores ond

ifieresriig oricles.






Jrx. r96t

odi.les tee up.n requod

nnsgms of the Ar,Burtrmqrn RonD RU$rrms MrsT, h€1d 5t bhe r,o re! Ternilal

lirsFr io,,24th- serridk Ma!'thcn r.chrs.

!3v. the ssnors Peer.: tr"3r.

FsT ii-; ,ii.,i.;,ii,l"i:i:rrl;l-,;...

cr€-r 's 3 lonAesl, '"trq brcre'-

rooD 5 r,ir]-! caoss-ccl,'rir RUr lu*"u, ,r", rr,r3, r. nrto nr11, o"*,4 centlnerla Ia*, lnglevodd, carrrorilal22t26i 1,. P.re slarcr, a?c, 23t27t 5, Brnsatu.iey, octoter 22, 1966 2l:40; 6, I{arlo Be€k6s, 1, Ron :,ardeu, uDr., 24i52 da , 23t5ai 7. B]1r RobeltE, usr, 2l:59j


tsr1r crov!;y,'49;r ra;' 26:ori 12. rrerner nodiEar, u'a,, t. 6. l.:d. io l no, /. -"r_" l.;:. :en. on:ca ri,_..._ f1'11! o o" c3 a


sm cJsni s-. r, : "'0r -'ll. sat.' rov. 12' -qari1966 9 !a"e ri;jladt; ager'""rc;' ,6 r: cise, ca!1r., 1o. cnuoL G.€e.,]D]1, lasaded ,!\,26:!? lt. K€. l4oor€, Or€son rc, l1:5?.8; 2. 3ob 1i. Jr' scir$tz, 49er rc, 26:r4jqron!!, ol caltfornla, 32.06; J. Crris 1c!e, 49e. TC, :6:46; rl. Et11 M111€!, San Jos6, Ca11l., 32t22t \. Jlt e.n, ?!s, 26149j 14, tere! Iundfe, sr!r,rt, sul11ra!, coll.Ee, 32129i . h6 3 c Lb, r.:1.7: r: r,rsm 1 . Jl 6t)4, 6. . car'/ riar ,r car .r n. 6- 3 1?r. 1, lac. . :0o. -,. .o..n:d to x-vsoa Ia, .:iLJ /. -o n : o& 6. sc str., 27:10j 15. Frarii {nybei, stlra, ion B}ers, lJ. or ca11t., ll:12; 6, Laf} 27t\9; \f, .:ed !eler, rar, 27:21j 20. TruJ1110, atModa rc! ll:25; 9, R1c! r11iJlc4 Doralae, Jrc4 crtr nc, 27:24j Dour,1ae, tu1'e. crty 21,lotb, u, of cs11t., 3l:56: EM3€v 27124;2r)atb, ll:56; 10, EM3€y Bob car6a,, una., ll+:15; 11. chucr. eulle, cc!3, 2'1.?6t 2?. ,at tarler,lrhonas, -'i: '-; j,"": ";i J;:.:"; .";;-':;ll aB ,'-; i..-i;.;-, i;:";;;, ;;; :r, '; i-. ; IL-.. o o , cr ''"s8, ,lt-1, 1), 5:1.6; 1lr. P'ch Boto 25. sryce lnith, sjfqt, 28]o6j 26, !au1 FBduood clty shrld6r3r 35:59; 19. rar Msn' ghucl ,7- r-'hucl schro€terj Eb€rt. rm., Eb€rt, rm.. 2a:09i 2a:0c: 27. .chro€ter. zt8, zts. Marln Marrn xc, xc. 16:14; r6:l.L: 16. IarrJ r,arv Houls, Hou.s-falleJ state, 2a:12j 28. Dare 01son, BC ]Jc, l6:22; r?, carX Vd, Atha!s ct!b, :16: str., 23:l-r; ?t. tIcL alrIz, sc st.., l2; ld, Dav€ Bro{n, u!a., 36:l+2; 19. John 2a:j6i -:c. falter l,a.E€, uns., 2A:ri Karo\ scrrl-u, l6:46i ar. ulk€ rlc€do, arc -21. Phrr clarke, cca., 2ata9j J2. te!- )7,a6t 21, John t{oo@, ba., 37.Io: 22. o1d Tucker, m., 2itz|t 11, Jer4 riac- J€lf caieol, um.,l?:19; 2f. P€t.r Sf!t!eit, u@., 29:lo, 14. J.rrn ilcl-ean, sll- er, lTc, l?:21j 2)+. !!Dc6 Joh.son, xTc, f.ir, 291a7, a5. !111 Crm, senlor€ !C, 17.50j 25. roft Xlooc, una., l8:l+2r 26. 2r.42; 16. itn Snrder, sc str.! 2):52; Dr. Pete! IlJood, MAc, :19:04; ?7. Mrke Ip17. r.a,? F!erne, u,s., 29:5lj f3. rchD san, Rcs,39:22;2o. Dennls charnan, Rcs, 29:54i 19. }iile al1ea,J9:5?! 29, €rncr Rodlaer, uaa.. 111.19r

ccAc, f0:14j 40. Le, Barnett, um., ,:,.1o, nelph vavt6!, ATc, 41j11. 25: 4f, ial Ronar6, iralleJ state, to:26 Not€s.,lh€ !o111n€ noa4?. tsobbj cons, cc|,c, tt4a; 4-2. Dennre dors a dtlt trails nav'eush, tn!, l1r02j 44. B11i r"e1i6, Gofd€a care Park. r'r€athd! condtrlore r€le caAC, aI:24; 45, cerry Eudr.he, va11ey lorf8ct..The esrly pace, rith Moor€, lt11Stat€i l1:]d; 46. alarlte shor:, sr.TC, 1or md U.C. rs :ob Pr1c6 p!€satls th6 iol1:5ii 47, Jo6e Cnz, uE., 12r12; 4€. sue, aar6 lndrcatlo$ thli Bt11 Moqan's Johr Torrelj r-Ar, Pacers, ll:11; 19. rould bo bloroD. !oFoee!, r,lar iJ i.:oes, valleJ stete, l1:13j 5!. sono{hat dutna t)re rtn51 iarl r/1llrahs, 3€niors TC, l4:1:j 51, tuo n1l€s or J1:42.1+ rdnalnBarry Ronertsen, sc si!., l4:2?; 52. ed.- coacrr sah Be11,s rr. oJ c411f, tsd title oler th€ l1d.dr 14114; a), n l:ead€leasl1r racels, ;.i:4a; 54, Fitert NJnan,^um., Ic..fhe ft€ld ua! orc of tho b€st €v6! lactflc ttlhe assonblod in ti€ Assn- fo! a i-c sheDberd, !;a., l?:47j l4:4?; 55. ohmlionsni!, chrts ille! Is th. PAAA! 55. nob€rt Po1esle, catla, tA:a?t 51. ', i .oi _'8cd o4e-dour nun 3 '0\t 'r@p.1r rnSu'lr' :.'. r".1. .loti- (hMplon: RI.h 9e a,6 ., _ ,... ,'eleado 1s tho rAAAg 5,o0on ohe,plon; Dlia- !i sha.L, u@t, Tear6: 1. 49€rs Ta, l6j 2. s! st.ld€ls sktp took 13 th8 laaAU 2okh chmplon & Moo!6 & Bob !!1.e 51j l. saata lion1G AA, 5t; 4, Faeadena t]j€ x.l, a2; a. culver grtJ Ac, 1t3; 6. s:Ln s!€ak s a P oI1. e ] -. --teints ltavanaual-- l]arlirT, callf., oct. 29th'Mt. SaD anton lo Irslta!1ona1 ([- 11€e)-col1oso Dlv,-1, Dl€so Slaro. J]:50 (0.o B. o o -:_0-an bl Ro -so ajs, 0rr)j . -. t1 c.I.--'. :-?r r. Juan os-nero€z 03 " e" . ' ; ti2'-.. si: sLs u: s- lolirs-o b - .lt o.


ffiffi *,*****ffi ffiffi ..=............-



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***ffi ;-;,, Af1T:t;;*t;,;;j'i* :,iiii:*t*- :l ;,t,*,,fi u,

i:i:; riit" i;:,;,*:: i,, ll:'.1" ;1,,,. "


;;Hl:""3i: $::.

East r.o'ah6ado{'


#1,tru5"gff*m,*"'*" ""**,.3 fr3,ltl',iiti l;,::lX: l:;l; I;n; ,r.i,: i;;1,,'j:'L;iJ.Yi*:;i::''::;^;ll;"::li: i: i;tr.;.1:;;::.,::i.1.,.. ;;;i;;;j;. ctu: il;;r lSlI 1:


l$fr{$iil."irili:*",."ii r.




li;?3:'"*ir::. "r^iri:;,lj;l"i,l';;r i: i; j. *"; ;"il;-;: ;Y::";;;'il:"-H ;"; ;,jir,:i::',:i :iri,"lil:.,:.T:;';'';:\r'"1';:;..:' ri;r. iil:.;*!:; r M. Jq:0 r 16. Dar€ va!t.€,e, !4!

ML. -.-

-------I'rs.??. 'i";:-. "*; s:l itii'i.1";!l' t":"3"1: l.:-3"1" ";r:,ui; ::v' .xr'"r ""... ";,'i.; ii .:: iiili'iei';!;; ";: ": :0d: Irr'€ D"u'y ":;:: o: o-1'11

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l''f;t.f. i;:.'q,f,:':li:.,!lrii'i.i': ':'. ro:,r : 2. !tr, vccaln, ..".. ,,, ,'; l:;i:;,1:'ll;"3: li',"c {lo 'd: J. M s LJ15, r4L.Pa!* AA, 19:0)r ""*. "iilll' .on, .}t, .: I t.llk" ioi€n. ". fla . 25, ua{.i L0:roi 'a:26j 6. D€ln 1o_ J3 koa ifit

2: ":1.-: '1.rao

a' , _:ar 8. r:J0i 9. Er-:o : ;;. j1f 3l ;'' i,:- ;j ""€;il,:"" J : :it::"i,l g:*1;,; :"1.!.."7,;a J!l:. ,.,r.pa-" y.t-€ uhs,i "-1":- J:ror )9. .ahh". Lsrsn,s, .t:" ,; L. B;b a.s";o!d as.p. 41. ! :jj: r0. -or s) Fc!€rrar, 26:,1: _1. vou.o-! ai].. ..:1. @3r ,ns.,


;lia'l,l",,ii'.I:ll"i, l|i;. :.'o-1 -; L,r::,:';r.1: ;;:" l;,'f:;.,uii:,,,;:. "r.ir4 a . \ :l!: .1,. ohn Ly .:', r"u. I l_:00; 10. .!:f rrshoaci. : 20 ro''' 6is' j::]"lar"f';;: i";,'1,;.1j;li:i'., I;;::' ."


"-: ":""'i,:r;..^

::; i'*i,,:: ,ii;"';:.;;: fli:"' il;idr i'ff;":"13;: "l::;;:::'i:;:11"Ii: flt,"aL al, +:07! e '.1"h 1n€ ii; i:i3*":l iiil: 'L;,t'i"i" , *,r::;t:31il;,x;:";:-l3Ti.;!1" i;""r: -. -hll

r . : rL: !r. hobs-L ls. !lp,. sl ,os & . an Lh€ ^our3e a" s .o, llrion€r, u:r::r'j l!. 'r !"v6 La q, xFrr, h5:29: L6. __. .___ oqD,, (rL-c., o,L. t,_ sto.rs n\.,s1. slq Podloznrr xt4c, 16:)9r _-. "d codo L-c

l5l:.'ii*;,'i;;\{1,'il: l"^ :.i:l,i',#lil; '' ' 2 "" ' s'sissr' s''diA / usaf,,n,.,. s,s-(€-3. . iii'r,X"": c:ds.-rs.,':



A.c-, .-!- -r5 ! r--too Fs!'. aa. r/.r6-,o-?.1-. __100. ,ItnirD .tiolqr rd. ,.!l.L- r_.. soo{.n€, ler be"s.s" rhe{r -t-"t Lrash., Nov. 5, I. _s.-? aub€!!. r.J-u- r1: ran "t.l3b3o 03co.8 1,r-Pslk a! s 5 oalro; olon u I.k. Un :uo,li: 11: €:

-. yr.

' rq..t . .6r"r )_:,j; r. b;u_ 1.1 "....",_", B r.BL r oy, ,r.r , / -:0 ; 5. ce e Behsoh. qsr'is. bB .o.roB las rlroo tsls of sd ..0. J :lLi 6, Dste "oo-- on, raJ, r?:t7, 4.l rlle .oopr; i!4lL,orln qJ, rrer. r\ts rlpe o^ co,rse r€5.1r a fardt--------.hal o Lo seo Kol'o! ar lJoa,ttufrN otv. r-c C!rvotor.-!rI!, pu am, ,o.k. -os " mLa,ara' dooen,L ;!o€ar rdsh,, tio.. 2_ I. .8ca s.rLh, osu, )o: raHx arnb8tci l'.ri, r.:l-; lr. Ka Ll t4un'ra lds hst ho coLrd aia qon€ - I ," :1ti? ,'9"8;";r.. li:."i."?:-"ts:,i::,";it ir;:" 13:i..:.xi.:';:!;.:..1"5:' ;i:; Dr\lnd, a, )Jt2?. t.er slr l!, oso lr,r. sno arroorr'ustcq oLr fo} ils trone Bd\ rsrs ron -". ,rn Ln AorLL_p,Bserc__ 0-BEoJ trl..tlndgr-n olok€ Iss. o L --s,y c3 cl L bllr & lon br 200r..1 ldls.l 111y.








8:9 ego =*5 : -c

Br,vE ntBBofr gPonr' DETI. RRC

llese o!de! TIOXR sboeg + sizB S AL!'A th@ yor a@lne Ehoe e&e to accoui ?or a @nJ4tEel's va14c€. lIEaEe add 1tt !oFtae.,



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