Find out more about a revolutionary 12 week fitness challenge

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Like building a new house, you need a blueprint. Same goes for designing your new body! The greater work you put into your blueprint, the greater chance you'll have of getting that new body faster. Did you know it can take 66 days to actually create a new habit? Let's look at some key steps in creating your fitness challenge. Having obese friends can actually increase your odds to obesity. Its not a thought, its a proven Harvard researched fact. So if you're gung-ho to lead a new healthy fitness and diet lifestyle, hang around like-minded people. Those who don't consume fast foods on a regular basis and think that lifting the TV remote, to change the channel, is a workout! No excuses. Let this be your mantra. If you constantly tell yourself you're too busy to workout, you're lying to yourself. Everyone can find the time. You just have to prioritize it like you would a doctor's appointment. High intensity cardio and weight programs are key. If you want fast results, you have to workout at an intensity level that is your max for 20 - 30mins. This will guarantee you the most calories burned in your session. I've often said I've seen a lot of overweight joggers, but never an overweight sprinter. Short bursts of high intensity running are a great way to slim down quickly. Where you ask? I often take clients to parks and use trees as my running map. We do sprinting for 20-30 mins and then off to the weights to complete the fitness exercise program. Did you know that lifting weights at a high intensity can actually motivate your metabolism run faster for up to 24 hours post workout? I promise you that if you're lifting the right amount properly, you won't bulk up IF you don't want to. Cardio alone will not change your body. Don't underestimate the power of stretching as well. Far too often when the workout is completed we bolt to the showers. It's crucial to warm up the muscles and cool them down pre/post workouts. If you're on board with sprinting and high intensity weight training, all you need to do is compliment it with a diet rich in healthy whole foods spread out into small meals throughout your day. No fitness routine or fitness challenge is complete without the proper food to fuel your body. Together, they are a dynamic duo that will win every time!

To learn more on a different fitness challenge or a diet and fitness exercise program, ask the people who know. will help you with your fitness so you lose weight and feel great.

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==== ==== If you'd like to find out more about a revolutionary 12 week fitness challenge ==== ====

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