What are the basic principles of chess game?

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What are the basic principles of the ChessGame?

Players are taught the basic chess principles from the very beginning of their chess careers, and they are urged to adhere to them at all times. The use of chess engines has encouraged play based sometimes solely on calculation, what are the principles of chess? But the classics are still going strong, and they need to draw on their experience to be considered well-rounded players.

Some of the fundamentals of the game, applicable to all players, are laid out below and organized according to the three stages of play.


1.Move quickly.

Your immediate objective should be to advance your pieces and find a safe place for your king. This is an opening principle in chess that new chess players are taught and one they must adhere to forever. Because of the dire results that can arise from ignoring it, it's safe to say that "development" is an essential concept. Even after all this time, the objective for players is still crystal clear: build a castle.

2. Regulate the nucleus

The battle for the centre of the board begins at the earliest stages of the game when players start directing their attention to the centre of the board. They become more active when placed on the centre square and simultaneously reduce the opponent's movement options.

Middle game

3. Change where your pieces are.

After the construction, you should start looking for more suitable locations for your chessmen. Think of the perfect configuration of squares for them, and see if you can figure out how to make it happen. When pieces are strategically placed in the centre of the board, they work together more effectively. You can more easily launch an attack or find weaknesses in your opponent's defenses.

4. Pieces before pawns!

Be sure the preceding box is checked before attempting a pawn attack. Pawns require backing from the other pieces, which they receive from the board. A pawn-based attack is only possible if your parts are correctly placed and in sync.

5. Ruling the pawn chains

Focus on the middle and the already-established pawn chains. According to Philidor's theory, using them correctly can gain territory and make your pieces active. To locate basic principles of chess strategy, it is also essential to "read" the central pawn chains.

6. Make weaknesses

In the camp of your opponent and pick off small victories. According to Steinitz, several crucial positional factors must be considered throughout the game. Use your pieces' mobility and cooperation to your advantage, exploit your opponent's structure's weak points (squares or pawns), and control the open files.


7. Centralize your king

At this late stage of the game, the king is a whole piece, so it is crucial to move it to the centre of the board. It's an excellent tactic for attacking the pawns and putting pressure on your opponent. It's typical for the side with the stronger king to triumph in the final phase of a storage box for chess pieces.

8. Activity over a material advantage

In the late stages of a game, having an active chess pieces storage box is crucial. Take rook endgames as an example; there are times when it is better to give up a pawn to free up your rook and king. Despite the disadvantage, this is often enough to secure a draw, if not a victory.

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