New Westminster Record March 26 2020

Page 1


State of emergency declared SENIORS 28

How to help vulnerable citizens BUSINESS 30

First time visitors only. Must be 18 years or older. The Only Co-ed and Ladies Only Fitness in New West

Restaurant serves up free food THURSDAY MARCH 26, 2020

There’s more online at



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LAUGHING ON THE INSIDE: Janice Bannister at home in New Westminster. The stand-up comedian helps others deal with isolation through humour. See the story on page 11. PHOTO JENNIFER GAUTHIER


City scaling back climate change, pool plans

Julie MacLellan

The COVID-19 crisis is putting a damper on the city’s ambitious plans to tackle climate change and build a new pool and community centre – but the bright spot for New Westminster taxpayers will likely be a lower-than-anticipated property tax increase. New Westminster city council met Monday to discuss the city’s response to the pandemic, and among the items on the table was the city’s 2020 budget. Council had previously been eyeing an increase in the neighbourhood of 4.9%. On Monday, councillors

voted in favour of a budget that will see an estimated tax increase of 3.1%, plus a 1% emergency fund. The emergency fund replaces what had been planned as a “capital levy,” a special fund created in 2018 to help the city pay for major capital projects.This year’s levy, estimated at $2.2 million, was to be allocated towards the replacement of Canada Games Pool and Centennial Community Centre. Instead, it will be earmarked for the city’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Coun. Patrick Johnstone suggested council should keep the capital levy intact

but didn’t receive a seconder for a motion to that effect. Coun. Chinu Das then suggested the city take the 1% and divide it in half, with half earmarked for the capital levy and half for emergency funds. Other councillors, however, said the city should adopt the emergency fund suggestion. The proposed budget changes would remove most of the “enhancements” from the city’s proposed 2020 operating budget – previously, the document had included nearly 90 items in the 2020 and 2021 general budget for initiatives related to such projects as climate change, diversi-

ty and inclusion, and arts. Colleen Ponzini, the city’s previous director of finance, had called that budget “aggressive and exciting.” On Monday, however, that all changed, as city staff proposed removing most of those enhancements – leaving intact only those new positions that had already been filled, necessary contractual agreements and any projects already put in place, as well as funds to cover anticipated changes in unionized employees’ collective agreements. Coun. Nadine Nakagawa expressed regret that the new, leaner city budget won’t allow them to carry out all the work the city had









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decided to do towards its climate action plan. “I’m really aware that the climate crisis hasn’t disappeared in all this,” she said, adding that the city will return to that priority in the future. “We need to do what we have to do to keep people housed and well right now,” she said. Nakagawa said the city needs to have funds on hand to be able to properly respond to the pandemic, noting the city is trying to keep tax increases minimal for residents. “What this epidemic has caused us to understand is that vulnerable people in our community make us all

vulnerable,” she said. Mayor Jonathan Cote acknowledged that climate action and the pool replacement projects are still priorities for the city but said that, given everything, they will have to take a back seat for the moment. In the event that the emergency fund is not needed, councillors agreed any unspent funds should again be directed towards capital projects. The council vote provides direction to staff for continued work on the city’s 2020 to 2024 financial plan. That document must receive final approval by May 15.

professional talks

2 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD





professional A talks



What is Covid-19?

As taken from HealthLinkBC, Covid -19 is the name of the newly identified Coronavirus that causes respiratory infections. It is transmitted from the infected person via: • Droplets spread when a person coughs or WENDY J SCOTT sneezes • Close personal contact such as RN, BScN, MA touching or shaking hands • Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands Symptoms can include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. If you think you have symptoms see your health care provided or call 8-1-1 for further information. Be prepared to share the following information: • Your symptoms • Where you have been travelling or living • If you have had contact with animals in a live animal market • If you had close contact with a sick person especially if they had the symptoms noted above. For more information see:



ny day now I expect the ability to show homes will end. We will be left with virtual tours and pictures to rely upon before making offers. Offers will be subject to viewing of the property within 24 or 48 Hrs. Along with all the other essential conditions. Having a contractual agreement will be the only way that viewing someone’s home would be acceptable in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, this will be a very hard way to find your next home, and I do not recommend it. I recommend waiting for the dust to clear then go shopping. There are more important things to deal with at hand. When we come out on the other side of this there will be lots of properties hitting the market to satisfy the pent-up demand. This would be a great time to prepare your home for sale. One of the biggest regrets I hear from sellers, is they just did not have enough time to get to all the little things they wanted to fix or improve before the home was shown. No excuse now! Make a list, make a run to home depot while you still can, and then retreat to your projects. It will be both, socially responsible and financially rewarding. One of the toughest time needed projects is landscaping. Put down some new soil and seed instead of buying turf. Watching your own grass grow is always rewarding. You have the time. Plant your summer garden so it looks its best when you need it to show off your yard. Cleaning your home has never been more important. People are going to attach an even greater value to cleanliness in the coming market. Deep cleaning is painful and takes a great deal of time. Moving and cleaning inside and under appliances, windows inside and out, wipe down the baseboards and mouldings. These are all things that are last to get done and often missed when preparing your home for sale. Clean and clean again. Trust me, this will put you in good stead when you list your home with Derrick Thornhill in June!




Instead of a flea bath, talk to your veterinary team about products that are applied DR. MANJU ARORA to the skin once a month. These products can be purchased without a prescription. This small amount of liquid kills fleas on contact and controls all flea life stages, and is waterproof. It is important to treat all dogs and cats in the household. Dogs and cats can also be itchy for many other reasons (such as allergies). If your pet continues to lick or scratch after a flea treatment, or if the skin does not look normal, book an appointment with your veterinarian. Your veterinary clinic may have on online store where you can purchase these products and have them delivered to your home.

818 Colborne Street (behind McBride Safeway)


#209-88 Tenth Street, New Westminster •



The markets are dropping rapidly, should I sell or is now the time to buy?


I have been hearing this a lot over the last few weeks and as with any financial QUINN WADDINGTON advice, the answer depends on personal situations. Having said that, history has shown us that stock markets always return to new highs and usually bounce quite quickly from market bottoms. Trying to time the markets is an easy way to lose money and with the markets already down close to 30%, history is in your favour to invest, even if we haven’t yet found the bottoms. Contact me to discuss, stay safe and support your local businesses! 604-699-0874

My dog has been itchy and I saw a flea on her. Should I give her a flea bath?



How will COVID – 19 effect this years Spring Market?

When we come out of this and we will, there will be a pent-up demand from buyers the likes of which we have not seen DERRICK THORNHILL in a long time. Whenever you Park Georgia Realty take a given number of buyers and put them on the sidelines for 6090 days your going to have pent-up buying. Not to mention those buyers will be running around with a 15-year low variable interest rate they need to use before it expires. I anticipate June thru August will be the biggest months for sales this year. The current supply and demand have resulting in higher price points for sellers in the last few months. The number of homes for sale will get a lot leaner over the next little while. This will be to the benefit of those who get to market first on the other side.



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718 Second St., , New Westminster

How can social media help my brand?



New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 3

City COVID-19

New West declares local state of emergency

Theresa McManus

The City of New Westminster has declared a local state of emergency in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Mayor Jonathan Cote said the declaration of a local state of emergency was made at the recommendation of the city’s emergency operations director. He said it allows the city to act faster and access critical resources to help the city respond to this ever-changing situation and protect its citizens. “The community should not see this as a cause for concern, but rather a proactive step to ensure our citizens are being looked after with all available resources,” he said. “The state of emergency will give the city some extraordinary measures to help us address the COVID-19 crisis,” Cote told the Record. “No doubt we will be using these powers judiciously, but we will now have a number of great-

er abilities to take further actions.These actions include a greater ability to enforce the directives from the medical health officer. It does give us an ability to close facilities and businesses if needed. It will give our emergency services the ability to take steps to limit hoarding and enforce rationing. It will allow our city’s emergency services to access buildings, if needed. It will also give the city extra measures to be able to help protect vulnerable populations.” Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth has declared a provincial state of emergency in B.C. to enable the province to address the COVID-19 pandemic. “We have definitely seen a significant escalation of the crisis over the past week,” Cote said of the city’s declaration. “This action is consistent with the province’s declaration of an emergency.That declaration does not give the cities extra powers – it only gives the province. Under the recom-

Closed down: New West city hall is now closed to the public. PHOTO RECORD FILES

mendation of our fire chief, he wanted the ability for us to be able to take local action very quickly if we need to.” Cote said the city would use the powers provided by a local state of emergency on an as-needed basis. “The state of emergency is good for one week. It can

be renewed,” he said. “The actions that we can take aren’t necessarily actions that we will be taking, but we do have those options if we feel that it is warranted.” According to Cote, the city does not have any immediate plans to take action under the state of emergency.

“This is going to be something we are going to be reviewing on an hourly and daily basis,” he said. “Immediately? No, there is not any direct action we are going to be taking. But we now have a lot of extra tools to be able to, particularly, enforce the directives that are coming from our medi-

cal health officer.” Starting last Friday, New Westminster City Hall was be closed to the public, with essential services being provided by appointment only. Essential city hall services include select permits and inspections focusing on life/ safety requirements and the completion of priority construction projects. All city playgrounds and dog parks are also closed to the public. According to the City of New Westminster, all city utilities, including water, sewer, waste collection and electrical operations, will be maintained with appropriate staffing and service levels. “The city will also continue to provide core public services that are essential to the health, safety and stability of the community,” said a press release from the city. “Police, fire and emergency services will continue and will not be compromised.” The City of New Westminster is also suspended Q to Q ferry service.

City details pandemic response at special meeting Julie MacLellan

We’re all in this together. That’s the message coming from New Westminster city councillors as they come to grips with how the city will handle the COVID-19 pandemic. Councillors held a special three-and-a-half-plushour meeting on Monday, March 23 to talk about the city’s pandemic response, covering a range of issues including council meeting procedures, city COVID-19 working groups, an expansion of its rent bank, and the city budget. The message throughout was one of solidarity as councillors acknowledged that the task of getting residents and businesses safely through this pandemic will be a herculean one – and it will require everyone to do their part. “We hear the concerns, the stress, the anxiety that’s in the community, and we’re going to do everything as a local government to help protect you,” Mayor Jonathan Cote assured residents. But he stressed that the health and safety of the community is in everyone’s

hands. “It is so important … that everyone in the community listen to the directives of our public health officer. I want to encourage everyone to stay home as much as possible,” Cote said. With council having voted on procedural changes to allow meetings to take place virtually rather than in council chambers, Cote noted councillors will be doing their part to stay home. “Our next council meeting is going to be done electronically, and the mayor might be in his pyjamas doing the meeting,” he said, lightening the mood at the end of a long and often somber meeting. “At our next council meeting we are going to be at home, and we want you to stay safe and be at home as much as possible.” Councillors heard updates on the creation of working groups to guide the city through the crisis, including two focused on the city’s internal operations (human resources and IT). Another three working groups will deal with deal with external issues: one coordinating efforts to help atrisk and vulnerable popula-

Closed off: Playgrounds in the City of New Westminster have been taped off so children cannot play in them during the pandemic. PHOTO JENNIFER GAUTHIER

tions; one aimed at helping seniors and people with disabilities; and one aimed at small business and the local economy.Those three groups will involve city staff along with representatives from outside agencies - non-profit organizations, faith groups, business organizations and representatives from the arts and tour-

ism sector. A new, sixth group was approved at the March 23 meeting to cover education and enforcement – namely, how to best get the word out to residents and businesses about the rapidly changing situation, and how best to enforce any violations of public health directives.

City councillors urged that, as much as possible, the business of all the working groups should be conducted electronically to minimize social contact. At the same meeting, councillors also agreed to allocate $1.7 million from the city’s affordable housing reserve fund to cover emergent housing needs during

the pandemic – including an extra $100,000 as an endowment to its existing rent bank, which helps tenants with emergency loans. They also directed staff to rework the city’s draft financial plan to lower the proposed tax increase to 3.1% and turn a 1% capital levy into an emergency fund instead. (See related story page 1.) Councillors also had words of praise for staff, emergency services personnel and community members who are doing their part to help in the crisis. Coun. Patrick Johnstone took the time out to thank those who are helping to keep people socially connected, whether that’s by starting discussions on social media or delivering food to those who can’t get out. “The community is pulling together in this unprecedented time,” he said. “Social distancing has to be replaced, as other people have said, by the idea of physical distancing. Let’s keep ourselves arm’s length, or two arms’ length away, but let’s keep ourselves connected to each other and do what we can to support everybody.”

4 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD



Monday, March 30 Open Workshop, Closed meeting, Public Hearing and Regular Council meeting cancelled

The City of New Westminster has taken further precautions to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by declaring a local state of emergency. This action enables the City to act faster and access critical resources to help respond more efficiently to the ever-changing situation. The community should not see this as a cause for concern, but rather a proactive step to ensure citizens are being looked after with all available resources.

FACILITY CLOSURES All dog parks and artificial turf fields are closed. All City playgrounds, basketball and volleyball courts, skate and all-wheel parks will close until further notice. Public washrooms will remain open to the public and are being cleaned with increased frequency. City Hall is closed to the public and essential services will be provided by appointment only. Registered Spring Break camps at our recreation facilities and Anvil Centre have been cancelled. All community centres and public facilities, including the City Recycling Depot, New Westminster Public Library, Anvil Centre, New Westminster Police Department front counter, Animal Shelter, and Irving House are closed to the public. Exceptions: • All licensed childcare programs will continue to operate Modifications and enhanced preventative measures to reduce the risk to participants and staff, including social distancing, increased cleaning and personal hygiene protocol will be implemented. • New Westminster Police Department and fire halls will remain operational. Refunds will be provided for activities or rentals affected by the closure, and library due dates will be suspended until the end of April. For questions related to parks and recreation programs, please email active@ or call 604-526-4281.

CITY SERVICES Essential City Hall services include select permits and inspections focusing on life/safety requirements and the completion of priority construction projects. To book an appointment, please call City Hall at 604-521-3711 and you will be directed to the appropriate department. All City utilities, including water, sewer, waste collection and electrical operations will be maintained with appropriate staffing and service levels. City staff will continue to work and will be accessible by phone or email. The City will also continue to provide core public services that are essential to the health, safety and stability of the community. Police, fire and emergency services will continue and will not be compromised. The Q to Q ferry service suspended operations effective end of service day (8:00 pm) on Friday, March 20, 2020. Residents are encouraged to utilize the City’s e-government services. For more information, please visit For more information on any of these events, please visit

LARGE GATHERINGS AT CITY FACILITIES All City-organized events with more than 50 people, or events that could potentially exceed 50 people, have been suspended as per the provincial health officer. This includes events organized by other organizations at our facilities or parks. This suspension will remain in place until May 30, 2020.

WHAT THE CITY OF NEW WESTMINSTER IS DOING The City has declared a local state of emergency and has activated its Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) at Level 2 to coordinate our protocols and are implementing our Pandemic Response Plan. This plan provides guidelines and actions to manage infection disease outbreaks. Containing the spread of the virus is a priority, and City maintenance staff have increased their cleaning protocols to ensure that high touch surfaces (door knobs, hand rails etc.) are being cleaned and disinfected frequently. Additionally, we will be providing hand sanitizer stations in our facilities. Signage promoting handwashing and precautions to prevent the spread of the virus are being posted in strategic locations within city facilities and open spaces. The City of New Westminster will continue to monitor and share information with the public through its various communication channels as the situation changes.

WHAT YOU CAN DO If you are not working as an essential service provider or front line response worker, please stay home. If you must leave your home, practice proper social distancing by avoiding crowds and staying 2 metres away from other people. • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. • Cover mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Dispose of any tissues you have used as soon as possible and wash your hands afterwards. • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. If you think you may have symptoms of coronavirus, call 8-1-1 for an assessment. The Public Health Agency of Canada has created a toll-free phone number (1-833-784-4397) to answer questions from Canadians about novel coronavirus. Visit the health agency websites listed below for accurate and up-todate information. They also offer the information translated into other languages. please visit the following websites: BC Centre for Disease Control Fraser Health Authority Health Canada Translated information is available on the Fraser Health Website and the Healthlinkbc website. Visit the City website at for the latest updates. continued on page 8

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New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 5


Business Owners:

Here’s what’s been closed

WHAT’S BEEN SHUT DOWN? All dog parks and artificial turf fields are closed. All city playgrounds, basketball and volleyball courts, skate and all-wheel parks are closed until further notice. All school playgrounds are also closed. Registered spring break camps at city recreation facilities and Anvil Centre have been cancelled. All community centres and public facilities, including the city recycling depot, New Westminster Public Library, Anvil Centre, New Westminster Police Department front counter, New Westminster Animal Shelter and Irving House, are closed to the public. New Westminster City Hall is closed to the public, and essential services will be provided by appointment only.To book an appointment, call city hall at 604521-3711.) All gatherings at city-run facilities with more than 50 people, or events that could potentially exceed 50 people, have been suspended. The Q to Q Ferry has

We’re here for you Complimentary Business Listing

Closed up: Canada Games Pool is closed PHOTO JENNIFER GAUTHIER

ceased operations. WHAT’S STILL RUNNING? Public washrooms in city parks will remain open to the public and are being cleaned with increased frequency. Trails, parks, boardwalks and greenspaces (with the exceptions noted above) remain open, but residents are

asked to stay home wherever possible and to practise social distancing by remaining at least two metres away from other people. The New Westminster Police Department and fire halls remain operational. Note:This information was correct at press time, but things are fluid and some items may change.

We’re offering free listings, courtesy of the New Westminster Record, to help connect locals to your business during these trying times. Record staff are busy setting up profiles now. Email Diana Jurevica at and we’ll get you connected.

Thank You! To our front-line healthcare workers,

We, at RCHF, see first-hand the exceptional care you provide every day, and the impact and difference you make in patients’, and their families, lives. As you fight through the additional challenge presented by COVID-19, we want you to know how much we care about you and appreciate everything you do, every single day.

You are our heroes! If you would like to leave your own message of support and appreciation for our front-line healthcare workers, please visit We’ll make sure they know it’s there.

6 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD

Opinion OUR VIEW

No excuse for not practising social distancing

Canadians, Americans and people across the globe are calling out those who fail to practise social distancing, using the hashtags “#Covidiot” and “#Covidiots,” as fears about the spread of COVID-19 continue. Think that’s a little harsh? Well, it’s not. The mayor of Vancouver blew a gasket at photos of people playing beer pong in large groups. Metro Vancouver cities have resorted to putting warning tape around

playgrounds to stop people from letting their kids play on equipment that has been closed to the public. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also fired what appeared to be the last warning to social distancing rebels. “Enough is enough. Go home and stay home,” said Trudeau Monday, after appearing from self-isolation outside his home. Reacting to continued calls to invoke the Emergencies Act and potentially force people to stay at home

during the COVID-19 pandemic, the prime minister hinted that such talks were likely with Canada’s premiers. “If you choose to ignore (the two-metre safe distance) advice and get together with people, you’re putting yourself and others at risk, your elderly relative, your friend with an underlying health condition,” added Trudeau. “They need you to do your part. I’ve seen the pictures online of people who think they’re invincible.

You’re not.” Trudeau said the government is in the process of launching a new advertising campaign to get the message across to the seemingly thousands of Canadians who don’t think the social distancing applied to them. The weekend saw shocking pictures across the country of thousands of people flocking to beaches and parks to enjoy the spring sunshine, apparently without a thought for the pleas from health officials to keep a safe distance.

“If we see that the measures are not being taken up, we can take action. We’re going to look very carefully at it.We haven’t taken anything off the table. “We’re impressing on Canadians to do this of their own will.” So many people are ignoring social distancing that a $30-million advertising campaign is planned, Trudeau said “Not having heard this message won’t be an excuse. “Staying home is your way to serve. Our athletes

are not going to Olympics. This was heartbreaking, and everyone should follow their lead.” In Canada, there have been more than 1,550 reported cases of COVID-19, resulting in at least 21 deaths. Only 18 cases have fully recovered so far. Globally, there have been 358,060 cases of the virus, resulting in 16,000 deaths. We’re mentioning these stark numbers to once again impress on the public the need to take social distancing seriously.


The weird politics of COVID-19

It has often been said that everything is political, but politics in its purest form does not exist right now – at least not in B.C. There is only one issue in the vast majority of people’s lives right now: living with and dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Governments are not being viewed through a traditional political lens.They are now seen as protectors of society and as institutions that will and must help people in so many ways. A government’s “position” on all kinds of issues – forestry policy, education, energy projects etc. – really does not matter at this time. All that matters right now is dealing with a crushing global pandemic that is the worst crisis since the Second World War. All of which makes it hard to be an Opposition party. The role of the Opposition is to “hold the government’s feet to the fire,” but given that most people want the government to succeed – by whatever and however it takes – to protect people and restore the economy, it is going to be very difficult to do that. For now, the BC NDP government and the Trudeau federal government have de facto carte blanche authority to do whatever they think is necessary. Any second-guessing of actions will look small and weak, if not actually damaging.There was an example of that on display this past weekend. Some physicians at Royal Columbian Hospital made public a letter they sent pro-

vincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, urging her to take stronger containment measures to deal with COVID-19 and questioning her strategy. That did not go over well with some other doctors. Indeed, the president of the Doctors of BC was quick to respond with a strongly worded letter of her own, calling on doctors to rally around the provincial health officer. “As physicians, it is crucial that we are united in providing the public with clear guidance,” wrote Dr. Kathleen Ross (who also works at RCH). “We need to amplify Dr. Henry’s message. During these times of crisis, adhering to the public health direction as the single source of truth is imperative.” Governments will change and adapt their strategies over time for dealing with this crisis, as the situation warrants. My sense is the public has their backs and will continue to have them unless a worst-case scenario takes hold, or if any government is seen as not coming through on assistance. It is not as if we are moving to an authoritarian state or anything like that. However, we are clearly in the midst of a growing emergency, and society will accept stronger government powers (and such things as legislatures not sitting again for potentially months). Extraordinary times call for extraordinary actions. And remember: keep your physical distance from everyone. Keith Baldrey is chief political reporter for Global BC.



Isolation is such a hard thing on people, whether they are 20 years old or they are 80 years old. Janice Bannister, story page 11



Man run over by his own truck Eric Jorgensen had a really crappy couple days. As he was working under his one-ton truck on the steep gravel driveway of his home, he shorted out the starter, and the truck lurched forward off its blocks and ran over him. The truck continued to roll downhill and struck a retaining wall.With his head gushing blood, none of the cars he tried to wave down would stop until a woman pulled up and asked if he was drunk. He was rushed to hospital, but he checked himself out two days later after learning thieves had broken into his house in his absence. “The house was defenceless,” he said.


201a-3430 Brighton Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5A 3H4



The Record is the winner of the 2019 Ma Murray General Excellence Award in its circulation category. The Record won the same award in 2018 and 2015, and is the recipient of multiple blue ribbons for excellence from the Canadian Community Newspapers Association.


New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 7

Letters INBOX

No time to be reckless Editor: We now know COVID-19 will within weeks place an enormous and possibly impossible load on our health-care system. Yet we continue every day to see reckless acts on the roads that are sending many, including innocent bystanders, to hospitals at a time when it is desperately necessary to stop this from happening. I can just imagine the gut-wrenching decision by the B.C. minister of health who recently cancelled all elective surgeries in the province. This will cause harm to many, but may be the lesser of two evils should our current pandemic response efforts be insufficient. Having spent my professional career advancing public safety as part of smarter transportation design, I am completely dismayed by motorists, truckers, cyclists and even pedestrians that pay little heed to their fellow neighbours. This is absolutely the worst possible moment to be selfish – you may very well kill someone who cannot get into hospital for urgent COVID-19 care because the ICU bed is already occupied by your disastrous and negligent decision somewhere on our road network. COVID-19 is unfortunately going to cause the loss of many loved ones across the province. Do your part by better behaviours in our transportation system so we can avoid contact with hospitals, clinics, pharmacies or anything else that touches the medical system at this time. Your loved ones may very well need those ICU beds, so stop now with the reckless acts on the road. Joe Sulmona

Lives depending on your actions right now Editor: We are family physicians on the frontlines in the battle against COVID-19. This crisis is unlike anything we have experienced in our lifetime. We are working flat out to be there for our patients and their families. Doctors cannot do this alone. What the public does now will impact the health of British Columbians the weeks and months ahead. Lives depend on your actions now. Our province is in a state of emergency. Here is the directive from our provincial health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry: Stay home unless absolutely necessary. This means no dinner parties. No shopping. No sports, even outside. Have coffee with a friend online. Keep two metres or six feet away from everyone if you must go out. That’s about the width of a car or the length of two arms stretched out. Wash your hands frequently. Tell your loved ones to do the same. This is especially important for young people. We sometimes see you out in the park or at the beach. You can get sick from this virus. More importantly, you can be carriers and cause a lot of harm to parents, grandparents and other loved ones. The time is now. We can’t wait one more hour or one more day. Let’s save lives, together. Dr. Ida Gallo, Dr. Anne Buie, Dr. Rajvinder Malhi and Dr. Kasia Baker

THE NEW WESTMINSTER RECORD WELCOMES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. We edit for taste, legality and length. Priority is given to letters written by residents of New Westminster and/or issues concerning New Westminster. Please include a phone number where you can be reached during the day. Send letters to: The Editor, #201A–3430 Brighton Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5A 3H4, email to: (no attachments please) or fax to: 604-439-2694. Letters to the editor and columns may be reproduced on the New West Record website,

Understanding your Public Notice From time to time, you may have received a notice in the mail titled “Notice of Public Hearing”, “Notice of Opportunity to be Heard” or “Notice of Advisory Planning Commission Meeting”. We’ll be launching newly designed versions of these notices shortly and want to help you understand why these notices matter to you.


1. When and where the meeting is held

MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2019 AT 6:30 PM

2. Public Notice Title

Zoning Bylaw No. ####, YYYY for 1000 City Hall Street (REZ#####)

3. Details about why it matters and how it could affect you

An application has been received to rezone 1000 block of City Hall Street eet NR-1) from Neighbourhood Single Detached Residential District (NR 1) to o o City Hal Stree Comprehensive Development District (1000 Block Hall S r et)). The ment ound-orient rezoning would facilitate the developm nt off 40 g ground-oriented infill townhouse units. The proposed units would wou d be e in fou four b buildings ranging in height from two to three storeys, with h an a overall development Floor Space Ratio of 1.00 above grade.

4. How to let Council know what you think and register to speak

Council Chamber, Second Floor of City Hall, 511 Royal Avenue


Submit your comments in writing or sign up to speak to Council. Everyone who attends the meeting may address Council. Registered speakers will speak first. Contact Legislative Services to comment or register to speak:


HOW DO I GET MORE INFORMATION? From June 10 to June 24, 2019, read the bylaw and related material here:



5. Location of proposed changes

Legislative Services Department, 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9

Written comments addressed to Mayor and Council will be published.

› › Planning Division at City Hall Monday: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm Tuesday-Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (except statutory holidays)

6. Where to get more information and find supporting documents

Jacque Killawee, City Clerk

Not actual size


8 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD


The Council of the City of New Westminster intends to amend the Council Procedure Bylaw No. 6910, 2004. Council will consider changes to: • Notice of Meetings for the public and Council; • Allow for fully electronic meetings. Copies of the bylaw amendment and a red-line version of the bylaw are available on the Public Notices page of City’s website from Thursday, March 26, 2020. Council will consider adoption of the changes to the bylaw at a Special Council meeting on April 3, 2020. Comments regarding this matter can be forwarded in writing to Legislative Services, by mail, fax (604-527-4594) or email ( Mailing Address Corporation of the City of New Westminster 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9 Attention: City Clerk


Paper towel and disposable wipes aren’t meant to be flushed, even if the label says they are flushable. They can cause clogs and overflows. So put them in the garbage. Learn more at


The Economic Development Office is sharing resources to assist businesses navigate their responses to COVID-19 including financial assistance, human resources and peer support. The page is being updated as new information and programs are announced by the provincial and federal governments, as well as any City information relevant to businesses. Bookmark www. and check back frequently for updates. We also recommend signing up for our newsletter at

PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OPPORTUNITIES TO BE HEARD CANCELLED Please be advised that the following Public Hearings and Opportunities to be Heard that were scheduled for Monday, March 30, 2020 at 7:00 pm have been cancelled in order to safeguard community health in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. • OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD for Inter-Municipal TNS (Ride-Hailing) Business Licence Scheme Bylaw No. 8186, 2020 • NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND SIGN BYLAW 7867, 2017 • PUBLIC HEARING for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8172, 2020 ‘Miscellaneous’ Amendment Bylaw • PUBLIC HEARING for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8189, 2020 for 45 E Eighth Avenue (REZ00195) • PUBLIC HEARING for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 8188, 2020 for 909 First Street (REZ00192) The public will be notified when the hearings are rescheduled. Thank you for your patience. For more information on these items, please visit For more information on the City’s response to the COVID-19 situation, please visit



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Did you know you can access many City services online? Visit our online services page to access many services, which include the following: • Residential parking permit application • Street use permit • Dog licence applications and renewals • Parking ticket payments • Utility bill payments • Transportation action requests Most bills can be paid online via online or via telephone banking. Customers can also inquire about their account balances online through MyCity or Customer Connect for electric utility accounts. Sign up at ASSISTANCE FOR ELECTRICAL CUSTOMERS AFFECTED BY COVID-19 New Westminster City Council and the New Westminster Utility Commission have introduced COVID-19 customer relief to help residential and commercial customers experiencing financial hardship during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The COVID-19 customer relief provides customers the option to defer bill payments or arrange for flexible payment plans. Customers are encouraged to call the City of New Westminster revenue and collections team at 604-527-4555 to discuss bill payment options. New Westminster Electric Utility is an essential service with many critical functions that must operate 24/7 in order to power the city. The City of New Westminster continues to monitor the situation closely and will implement new measures as the situation progresses based on information and advice provided by health authorities.

Subscribe to Citypage Online at |

New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 9

City City goes viral on Twitter Theresa McManus

New West is going viral – in a good way. A nightly gathering among the New West Twitterverse aims to spark joy amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Each evening, folks are invited to share their thoughts on a particular topic using the hashtag #NewWestGoesViral. Sapperton resident Ruby Campbell hosts the nightly virtual tweet-up, which begins at 8 p.m. “I am hoping to pick topics that are a little bit lighter and bring joy to people and make people remember to think about hope and think positive,” she said.” Just anything to take us away from reality.” The idea came about after one local resident wondered if it might be a good idea to shut down local discussion on Twitter for a couple of weeks, fearing the discussion could get dreary. “My immediate response was, ‘No.Why would we want to lose such a valuable social tool in a time where

we are supposed to be social isolating?’” Campbell said. “That’s the only way we are going to be able to connect with people we would normally go to see at different events or we would be on boards with, and so forth. This would be a fun way to do that. I thought, let’s do it in a way where we are not talking about the virus. Everything else is virus related.” Campbell’s suggestion sparked a whole bunch of likes on Twitter, and New West resident Jana Buhlmann proposed the #NewWestGoesViral hashtag. And it’s catching on; the hashtag has found itself trending in Canada on Twitter on several occasions. Folks who are looking to be jerks or get political, should go somewhere else as that’s not the goal of #NewWestGoesViral. “I don’t own this. My kind of suggestion is that we keep it non-political. Something that is non-divisive,” she said. “Something that is a little bit lighter, where people can think about joyous times in their life.”

Campbell said the idea is to bring joy to people, at a time when many are feeling despair and fear.Topics have included family recipes, first jobs and travel stories. “It was really cool because it made me think about all the different fun travelling adventures and made me kind of feel like I had been travelling for a little bit,” she said of the travel topic. “There are no real rules. I am asking people for topics and then what I do is look at the number of likes.” Campbell tweets out the daily topic each morning and launches the virtual tweet-up from 8 to 9 p.m. nightly, but some of the discussion carries on later into the evening. She’s hoping to recruit a few people to host it some evenings. “When I talk to people I am going to say, let’s pick a topic that brings people joy,” she said. Because the COVID-19 pandemic is a scary time for folks, the hope is to take people’s minds off the doom-and-gloom.

ADVANCED METERS FOR A MODERN ELECTRICAL GRID Starting in fall 2020, the New Westminster Electric Utility will be upgrading existing electrical meters with a more capable metering system known as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). Advanced meters are a critical step to modernizing our power grid and will enable us to keep providing reliable, cost-effective service. Benefits to you include:

Tools to help you reduce energy waste and save money Faster and more targeted outage response Enhanced safety features that will help protect your home and community Improved operational efficiency and reduced costs over time A grid that supports today’s sustainable options, such as electric vehicles and solar panels PART OF OUR


You will receive more information before your new meter is installed To learn more, visit

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10 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD

These are unprecedented times. But together, we can do this while we are apart. New Westminster is strong and resilient. We can't wait to see you back at our parks, facilities, and in this beautiful city we call home but for now, thank you for staying home to flatten the curve. Go out only when you need to get essential supplies from local stores. Wash your hands. Check our website for the most current information. Talk to your friends and neighbours virtually, on the phone, or from a safe distance. Be kind to each other.

Above all, remember: together we will get through this.

New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 11


Put on your party dress and dress up your cat Psychiatric nurse-turned-comedian is offering up ideas on staying positive through COVID-19 crisis Theresa McManus

A psychiatric-nurse-turned-comedian has some ideas on how people can stay positive during the COVID-19 crisis. A former psychiatric nurse, Janice Bannister has worked as a stand-up comedian and taught comedy classes and made presentations about healthy living for two decades. “I think the number 1 thing people have to do is keep connecting with other people,” she said. “Isolation is such a hard thing on people, whether they are 20 years old or they are 80 years old. I think they just need to pick up a phone. Pick up a phone and call your buddy. Even leave a voice mail if you can’t get a hold of them.” With people being advised to stay home as much as possible, Bannister said online tools like Facetime are a great way for folks to connect visually. “If you don’t have these tools, ask someone about it. Just say, ‘Can I do this on my phone, can I do this on my computer?’” she said. “If you don’t keep in touch with people, you will shut down. You will shut down within your own home.” While she’s unable to visit her son and his family in Port Coquitlam as they’re on lockdown, Bannister chats with them regularly on Facetime. She’s also in regular contact with her daughter and her family in Los Angeles. “If you are someone who doesn’t have the technology, the phone is still the number 1.To hear a voice is so much more powerful than silence,” she said. “But if you can, go with a voice and a face. I put my laptop on the counter and cook my dinner while I’m talking to my kids in L.A.We are all just cooking dinner together. My daughter is yapping away.

My two granddaughters are running around. Dad is doing whatever. Sometimes we eat our breakfast together.” Bannister’s second piece of advice is to avoid watching aroundthe-clock news coverage about the COVID-19 pandemic. While it’s important to be aware of what’s happening, she believes people should avoid getting caught up in non-stop media coverage. “We need to be aware,” she said, “but maybe check in once a day on what you need to know.There is always a report coming out from the health minister.” Last week, Bannister and some of the students in her current comedy class met online.

If you don’t keep in touch with people, you will shut down. You will shut down within your own home.

“It just became such a touchstone for everybody to know they aren’t the only ones going through this stuff out there. For me personally, at the end of the night I chuckled for about an extra hour after that, just thinking about how good I felt,” she said. “I didn’t watch the news before I went to bed. I never clicked on any media sites. I had the best sleep ever. I think it was just knowing that we are all in this together, to support each other, whether it is a comedy group or a sewing group. If you have the technology, hook up with your quilting group and quilt together and yak at each other. Or share a call – ‘I’m working on my 15th square today, what

are you doing?’ It’s really important.” Many people have commented on social media that they’re not sleeping well because of concerns about COVID-19. “People are worried about their kids.They are worried about their parents. It’s all circling around in their little brains that aren’t settling down,” Bannister said. “Watch a love story. Read a book of poetry.There are a lot memes online, supportive things.Watch 10 memes that are good for your heart and soul and then go to bed.” Bannister said a variety of mediation apps are available that may be helpful to folks who are having trouble sleeping. “Listen to a forest or waves crashing. Listen to those things before you go to sleep,” she said. “Don’t sit and watch the 11 o’clock news when you get an update on how many have died and how many new cases.” At a time when people are spending a lot of time in their homes, Bannister said it’s a great opportunity to get a little creative with their activities. “I encourage people to do different things,” she said. “I know it sounds crazy but if you are used to just sitting and reading or knitting, stand up and do the polka in the middle of your living room or turn something on that allows you to do that. Dress your cat up.” With many people’s normal daily routines disrupted, Bannister said it’s a chance to create new routines. “Get out and walk.You feel good. Listen to a podcast.You can say hi to people, just keep your distance,” she said. “To me, number 1 is connection. I do think when you get outside, whether it is on your own patio or whether it’s walking though your community, you realize there are other people out there.The warmth of the sun

Queens Park executive home on one of the most beautiful cherry tree lined streets. Reno’d kitchen 3 years ago with sty tylish y e counters & island . Beautiful wood hru out for a el. Huge open t for warm family your haven in the covered back deck rgeous mature Master is airy & g, w private S facing separate soaker tub & shower & terra cotta counters & floors. Finished bsmt. Wonderful area, close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks & more.

KEEP ON LAUGHING: Janice Bannister, a New Westminster resident who was a psychiatric nurse before turning to stand-up comedy, is offering up some ideas to help other residents cope with the isolation and emotional upheaval that can come along with the COVID-19 crisis PHOTO JENNIFER GAUTHIER on your face is really good therapy. We know the power of light therapy.We know the power of colour. All these things are really important to mental health. If you are getting up every morning – ‘I’ve

got nowhere to go, I’ve got nothing to do’ and you just wear your same pyjamas every day, it’s going to slide you down. Put on your party dress.Wear a frickin’ crinoline. Seriously.”

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RE/MAX Advantage Realty 321 6th Street, New West

12 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD SPONSORED CONTENT

Around the clock care for your family members

Rarely are people, coping with a family tragedy, able to use the experience to create a positive life change for themselves and others. But that is just what Susan and Wendy Scott did after the death of their mother.

And though the majority of clients are people coping with issues associated with aging, Nurse Next Door services support clients across the health spectrum including those in need of respite, palliative and end-of-life care. Nurses, though not counsellors, are all trained in bereavement support.

When her 75-year-old mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, Susan believed that the public health care system and her family were enough of a support team to safely care for her. But the stress created by the daily concerns around her mother’s care as her quality of life diminished was compounded by Susan’s 75-year-old father’s simultaneously deteriorating health. For the elderly couple’s dedicated but busy adult children, it was clear that their efforts and the stretched public health care services were not enough.

“It was too much for our family despite our best efforts”

“Like me, when my mom was ill, clients and their families or close friends are willing to pay for the peace of mind that comes when you do all you can to help your loved one have a more comfortable and supported life than is offered just by limited public health care,” Susan explains.

“It was too much for our family despite our best efforts,” Susan recalls. “I couldn’t enjoy being with my mom in the precious short time she had left because there always seemed to be a crisis and us trying to arrange outside help.”

Today the private-pay home care support service has many clients ranging in age from 20 to 100 who live in Burnaby, New Westminster, and Port Moody. Health care and support can be provided 24 hours a day by staff ranging that includes everyone from care aides to nurses. The goal of Nurse Next Door is to help people age in place for as long as it is safe. Nurse Next Door will support clients who live in their own home, in assisted living, in long-term care, or are in hospital.

Susan adds, “Caregiving requires constant attention including personal care that is difficult for family members to provide to loved ones. That’s where Nurse Next Door support steps in.” Wendy points out that Nurse Next Door’s complementary support to public health care can make the difference for a client being able to stay in their own home in their community rather than having to move to a care facility.

Recognizing that their family situation was not unique, Susan became determined to help other families avoid the same support challenges. So, together with her sister-in-law Wendy Scott a longtime registered nurse, she decided to purchase Nurse Next Door franchise in Burnaby in 2009.

“They tell us when they want to start. So, if they want us to start that night, we can. Or if they want us to start in a month, they can,” says Wendy.

“They tell us when they want to start. So, if they want us to start that night, we can. Or if they want us to start in a month, they can” “I couldn’t enjoy being with my mom in the precious short time she had left because there always seemed to be a crisis and us trying to arrange outside help”

Nurse Next Door services can be as minimal as light housekeeping and meal preparation to around-the-clock care. The client can decide the number of hours, what time of day and the days of the week that suit them.

Nurse Next Door also provides a full range of medical care including post-op care, wound care, and IV Therapy. New clients are evaluated through inperson assessments as to what supports they need or could benefit from, and what can be provided to help clients do things they enjoy. As clients’ needs change over time, so can the types of support provided.

“Caregiving requires constant attention including personal care that is difficult for family embers to provide to loved ones. That’s where Nurse Next Door support steps in”

She says the options available with public health care are mainly focused on medical rather than other things that facilitate overall wellbeing like housekeeping, grocery shopping and companionship.

Happier Aging is the mandate of Nurse Next Door.

Other Nurse Next Door services include meal planning and preparation, arranging transportation, laundry service, as well as staff assisting with tasks such as light gardening and social events by accompanying clients to car shows, hockey games or community centres.

If you or your loved one would like to explore the options of assistance for safely aging in place, or should you require immediate care support, contact Nurse Next Door either by phone, 604-553-3330 or online at

Nurse Next Door Home Care Services provides senior home care that matches Mom or Dad with the perfect Caregiver.

We make it possible for seniors to live in their own home. Our extraordinary family of Caregivers can take care of your loved one so you can get back to being a daughter or son.


New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 13

"%"% $# $! New Westminster

14 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD

Students from Jacqueline Lamasan and Jody Mountains grade 6 and 7 class in Fraser River Middle School.

Patricia, Queensborough Middle School, Grade 7


Royal City Health and Manual Therapy Inc. #210 - 610 Sixth St. New Westminster, BC V3L 3C2 (2nd floor - Royal City Centre Mall)

Monday to Friday: 7:00am - 7:00pm • Saturday: 8:00am - 3:30pm

604.524.4446 Appointments Only

New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 15

Creativity & Children - A great mix

Innovative and unique designs by our students

That’s one of the reasons our annual Design an Ad special supplement continues to be popular in New Westminster.

On behalf of New Westminster Schools, we are excited to team up again with local businesses and organizations for this year’s Design-an-Ad section with the New Westminster Record.

The New Westminster Record, local businesses and organizations, and the New Westminster school district, team up and ask city students to design newspaper ads for the special section. Every year, the students produce insightful, creative, thoughtful – and often humorous – advertisements that highlight the strengths of their subjects and often carry compelling messages. The businesses and groups get to choose which students’ advertisement they want to run in the section and our photographer visits the students. The ads and photos of students are put together by our team at the New Westminster Record and another Design an Ad section is complete. I would like to thank all of the students, teachers and participating advertisers who continue to make this annual project a real success!

This year we had our students and staff from Fraser River and Queensborough Middle Schools create these innovative and unique designs. One of our four strategic priorities is to focus on building meaningful relationships and our ongoing commitment with the Designan-Ad initiative aligns with our goal to create meaningful relationships with community partners to support our students and families. Congratulations and thank you to our talented students and their teachers who participated in this unique art project and the New Westminster Record for providing this opportunity in recognition of Education Week. We hope readers enjoy this year’s submission. Karim Hachlaf Superintendent of Schools / CEO

Lara Graham Publisher, New Westminster Record Fraser River Middle School & Queensborough Middle School

Davit, Fraser River Middle School, Grade 7

Participating Schools:

16 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD

Vic cto oria a, Quee ensb boro oug gh Mid ddle e Scho ool, Gra ade 6

Isabella, Queensborough Middle School, Grade 6

Students from Astrid Hin Wongs grade 6 class at Queensborough Middle School.

708 - 6th Avenue, New Westminster 604-526-5633

B-820 Twelfth Street New Westminster


A happy well groomed pet is our goal!

New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 17

Nhuha, École Glenbrook Middle School, Grade 6

Students from Gurmeet Gretwall and Mario Avilas grade 6 and grade 8 classes at Queensborough Middle School.

330-555 Sixth Street, New Westminster | 778.789.0054 |

18 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD

Balkaran, Queensborough Middle School, Grade 6

Students from Jacqueline Lamasan and Jody Mountains grade 6 and 7 class in Fraser River Middle School.

New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 19

Alisha, Queensborough Middle School, Grade 8

Students from Apinder Sekhons grade 7 class at Queensborough Middle School.



Students from Apinder Sekhons grade 7 class at Queensborough Middle School.

Alena, Fraser River Middle School, Grade 6

20 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD


New Westminster’s best music school

Kisa, Queensborough Middle School, Grade 8 630 Carnarvon Street


Victoria, Fraser River Middle School, Grade 6

New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 21

Students from Astrid Hin Wongs grade 6 class at Queensborough Middle School. Open 10am - 6pm Daily

Carmel, Fraser River Middle School, Grade 7

Westminster Quay 810 Quayside Drive, New West

604.521.6313 •

#108-610 Sixth Street, New Westminster (Royal City Centre) Monday : 8AM - 5PM • Tuesday : 8AM - 6PM • Wednesday : 8AM - 6PM Thursday : 8AM - 8PM • Friday : 8AM - 7PM • Saturday : 8AM - 6PM Sunday : 10:30AM - 5PM

22 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD

Aiden, Fraser River Middle School, Grade 7

Stud dentts from Gurmeet Gretwaall and Mario Avila as grade 6 and grade 8 classes at h Queensborough Middle School..


66 Sixth Street, New Westminster

Kyanna, Queensborough Middle School, Grade 6

Avalina, Queensborough Middle School, Grade 6

New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 23

Michelle Dupré Design & Company 314 6th Street, New Westminster


Stephen Graf & Company Solicitor & Notary Public

Bless, Queensborough Middle School, Grade 7

#480 - 604 Columbia Street, New Westminster BC V3M 1A5

Royal City Health and Manual Therapy Inc. #210 - 610 Sixth St. New Westminster, BC V3L 3C2 (2nd floor - Royal City Centre Mall)

Monday to Friday: 7:00am - 7:00pm • Saturday: 8:00am - 3:30pm

604.524.4446 Appointments Only

Justinad, Queensborough Middle School, Grade 7

24 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD

609 Sixth Street, New Westminster


New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 25

Community Gurdwara offers board games, toys to families

Hello world: Jimmy the Bear watches the world go by from his vantage point in his New Westminster home. Residents around the city are joining in a global movement to put stuffies in windows and create a “bear hunt” for kids who are out walking the neighbourhood.

Queensborough temple reaches out to the community to spread some cheer in the face of COVID-19 Janaya Fuller Evans

The New Westminster Gurdwara Sahib Sukh Sagar, the place of worship and community for local Sikhs, is donating about 150 toys and games to local families during the COVID-19 crisis. The toys and board games are primarily used as prizes by the gurdwara, according to spokesperson Jagjit Singh Sall. “Everybody’s going through a tough time,” he told the Record, adding this is a way for families to sit together and enjoy themselves. “It will maybe give kids a little bit of joy.” Members of the Khalsa Diwan Society, which runs the gurdwara, recently had a meeting – making sure to stay two metres apart – and discussed what they could do for the community, Sall said. “We want to practise

what we preach,” he said, adding unity is an important aspect of Sikhism. “We’re a close-knit community in Queensborough,” Sall said. “We wanted to see what we could do.” Another member of the community, Laura Ranalletta, has been helping compile a list of families who want the items, according to Sall. Ranalletta is the chair of the Queensborough Special Programs Committee. “She’s been instrumental to making this happen,” Sall said. As of 11 a.m. on Monday, March 23, the list included 27 families with a total of 40 children, he said. The gudwara also has more toys and games on order, he added, but shipping is delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. They have a few higherpriced toys and are thinking of using them as prizes in poem or colouring contests for kids, he said.

A week ago, the gudwara, which gives out about 150 meals per day every day, moved to a take-out model, Sall said.They have implemented all of the safety protocols required by the city and Fraser Health Authority while serving food during the crisis, he added. They have been in talks with the city to expand their food program to provide meals to up to 2,000 to 3,000 but are working to make sure they stay in accordance with current guidelines from Fraser Health and the City of New Westminster, according to Sall. Aside from that, the gurdwara has directed members to pray from home for now. “It brings the community together,” he said of the initiatives the gurdwara is taking on. “This affects each and every one of us.” Those wanting to help out can email the gurdwara at


New West teddy bears are fighting the COVID-19 gloom Jimmy the Bear wants you to help him brighten the streets of New Westminster for passersby. New West residents are jumping on board an international movement to put teddy bears and other stuffies in their windows to be visible for passersby. The idea is to create a virtual “bear hunt” – a scavenger hunt of sorts for parents who may be out for walks around the neighbourhood with small children who are

no longer able to play in parks due to the concerns over COVID-19. It was originally based on the children’s picture book We’re Going On a Bear Hunt, by Michael Rosen, and started spreading on social media. Now, teddy bears in windows around the world are appearing on Twitter – and on news outlets worldwide – to share cheer with their communities. We have several reports

of teddy bears in New Westminster windows already. See a bear peeking out at you while you walk around town? Be sure to share it! You can tag reporter Julie MacLellan on Twitter, @juliemaclellan. You can also email photos of teddy bears or other neighbourhood cheer (we’ve heard about rainbows and chalk art so far) to Julie MacLellan, jmaclellan@ – Julie MacLellan

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26 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD

Community Is it time to turn the Christmas lights back on, New West? Theresa McManus AROUND TOWN

NewWest residents are finding different ways of spreading cheer during these chaotic times. Longtime NewWest resident ColleenWinton is among the residents who have found an easy way to brighten up their neighbourhoods. “I have turned my Christmas light back on,” she wrote on Facebook. “New West was so cheery when it was lit up. Could use that now.” Winton told the Record she’s seen a few more lights pop up in her neighbourhood and would love to see more residents follow suit. NEW WEST RESTAURANTS OFFERED UP FREE FOOD Alejandro Diaz may not be serving up delicious food at his two local restaurants these days, but he’s ensured some residents have some food of their own. Because of the COVID-19 issue, the NewWest

resident and restaurateur has temporarily closed El Santo on Columbia Street and Amaranthus in River Market. But rather than letting perishables go to waste, Diaz put word out through social media that he was offering up food for the taking. “I wanted to make sure the produce went to good homes.We had a lot.There was a lot,” he said of the food items, including soups, risotto, macaroni, quinoa, tomatoes and peppers. “Everything went in a couple of hours.” People were invited to grab what they needed and make a donation to the food bank if they wished. “We met lots of people,” Diaz said. “Some of the people that came for food were regulars. Some never came to the restaurant – you could see they were there because they need the food. It was really good to be able to help, not just our customers but people that (had) never been to the restaurant.” WORKING OUT IN THE

GREAT OUTDOORS Rish Koya is trying to help his students stay fit amid a COVID-19 pandemic. On March 18, the owner of Koyabell Fitness on Sixth Street hosted a fitness class for his students in Moody Park. He said it was done safely by following social distancing requirements. “We are going to make sure we are six feet apart,” he said before the class. “Nobody is touching. Nobody is high-fiving. No fist bumps. Nothing.” Kettlebells, which are part of the workout with Koyabell, were disinfected before and after being used. In an effort to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 crisis, Koyabell Fitness closed and started offering classes via a Koyabell app. Folks record their workout and send it to Koya, who can send back comments about their technique. “We were actually setting this up in advance (of closing) because, really, that is where the market is going,” he said. “They download the app. It’s super simple.

Anybody can use it.” The Koyabell crew also

has a group chat where they can post photos and vid-

eos and connect with each other.

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New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 27


MARCH 2020


• Watch over the seniors in your life during this crisis • We need to get serious about seniors’ vaccinations • is it time to revieW your medications?

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28 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD


Celebrating Seniors

Watch over the seniors in your life during this crisis Stephanie Chan contributor

We all are facing unprecedented challenges during this global health-care crisis. The range of those impacted will be far and wide – those whose jobs are at risk, small businesses forced to close, children who will lose months of formal education, those who will lose a loved one to the virus. It is well known that the COVID-19 poses a larger risk to seniors and those with compromised immune systems. During this social isolation period, it is particularly important to keep your elderly parent at home as much as possible and minimize the need to go out for any errands or appointments. Families may be in a situation where they can’t even visit or need to self-isolate themselves.With this in mind, here are some questions to consider in keeping your parents or other seniors in your lives healthy and safe:

1. Do they have all the food and supplies that they need for an extended period at home? Many places will still deliver but if seniors insist on shopping on their own, many stores such asWhole Foods, Shoppers Drug Mart and No Frills are dedicating their first hour each day to senior-only shopping. Alternatively, if they have home helpers or caregivers, they could ask these individuals to shop and deliver these items.

2. Is the senior reliant on home care and if so, do you have a back-up plan? The care workers who are continuing to provide the care needed at hospitals, group living or home settings are really the unsung heroes of this crisis, but at this time, it is unpredictable who may catch the virus. Also, if your parent’s caregiver sees other clients, this may increase their risk of getting sick or being a carrier. Now may be a good time

to create a back up plan. How quickly can you find a replacement caregiver if needed? Can anyone in the family fill in? 3. Is the senior susceptible to depression due to isolation? If so, you may want to think of ways to keep them connected to family, friends or outside support.This will be easier if they already know how to use a tablet, computer or smartphone, as there will be more ways to see them via video conference, or keep them occupied with online tools. Alternatively, an old-fashioned telephone call will do! 4. Is now a good time to commence home care services to provide extra support? While adding a new person to the mix seems counterintuitive at this time, in some cases getting that extra support to supplement whatever normal process would be taking place, might be the right solution.

ic for or see your regular GP about. However, do not rely on telehealth for urgent medical emergencies.

Not alone: Online connection may help seniors weather the isolation that comes along with COVID-19. PHOTO GETTY IMAGES

For example, if your parent has care needs that a family member would normally take care of, and that family member has to self-isolate or work longer hours in providing an essential service in the community, some extra support to the senior may be warranted. 5. Can routine medical appointments be postponed? If not, is telehealth a possibility? If there are non-essential

appointments coming up such as routine check-ups, dental visits, or eye exams, postpone them until it is safer to go out. For appointments that are necessary or if something arises requiring a doctor’s opinion, ask your medical professional if the appointment can take place any other way, through video or telehealth tools. These telehealth services are a good replacement for things that you would normally go to a walk-in clin-

6.What can replace the senior’s normal recreational activities? All of us are having to adjust to being at home for much longer periods than we are used to. A senior may be missing their normal social outing with friends, bridge games, book clubs, or just casual social visits. What can they do at home? Puzzles, books, movies? An old-fashioned phone call can also do wonders! Maybe you can even help them set up a multi-person video call with their friends! The most important thing is to stay safe through social distancing, keep those with weaker immune systems particularly sheltered, and remain positive – we will get through this together. Stephanie Chan is the CEO of myCareBase. She is an expert in seniors’ caregiving, care planning and care management.

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New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 29


Celebrating Seniors

We need to get serious about seniors’ vaccinations British Columbia needs liable information on the to do a better job of getting magnitude or root causes seniors to get vaccinated. of elder abuse and neThat’s one of the findings glect,” Mackenzie said. “For of a recently released rethis reason, the Office of port from the B.C. Seniors the Seniors Advocate has Advocate’s Monitoring Selaunched a systemic review niors Services 2019 report. of the current system, and The annual report measures we expect a report with recthe performance of senior ommendations will be availservices across health care, able later in 2020.” housing, transportation, inHere are some highcome supports and personal lights from the Monitoring supports. Seniors Services The 2019 report 2019 report: provides a com• The proporprehensive picture tion of the seniors’ of the services bepopulation grew ing offered to B.C. from 14% in 2008 seniors and highto 18% in 2018; lights some of the those aged 75gaps in those ser84 and 85 or oldvices, says a press er have remained release from the at 5% and 2%, reIsobel Mackenzie Office of the Sespectively, since seniors advocate niors Advocate. 2008. “We clearly have • The distribuwork to do in terms of intion of the seniors’ populacreasing our vaccination tion is not consistent across rates among seniors, and the province, with the peramong the public as well,” centage of seniors ranging B.C. Seniors Advocate Isofrom a high of 24% on Vanbel Mackenzie said in a couver Island to a low of press release. “The public 13% in Northern Health. health data is clear: vaccine • Property tax deferral efficacy diminishes with continues to grow with a toage.The best protection for tal of 63,581 seniors deferfrail and elderly seniors is ring over $237 million. not only the vaccination of • The Shelter Aid for Elseniors, but of the people derly Renters (SAFER) around them.” subsidy continues to grow According to the Office beyond the rate of populaof the Seniors Advocate, tion growth; showing an in37% of seniors received the crease in the proportion of publicly funded flu vaccine, seniors that rent and who while 87% of long-term require financial support. A care residents and 74% of total of 24,233 seniors were staff were vaccinated. SAFER recipients with an The report also stated average subsidy of $215 per it’s become clear the provmonth. ince needs better data when • 2019 was the fifth it comes to tracking and restraight year there was a deporting on elder abuse. cline in the number of se“The current approach niors subsidized housing is not providing us with reunits and an increase in the

number of seniors on the waiting list.The waitlist increased by 14% in 2019. • Short-term home support experienced an increase in clients, which links to the reduction of the average length of stay in hospitals; however, long-term home supports saw a decrease in both the number of clients and in the average hours per client. • Long-term care experienced increases in wait times and in the number of seniors placed on the wait list, although both wait times and waiting list are shorter then in 2014/15, when data were first reported. • Small incremental increases in the number of funded long-term care beds, with an increase of 464 beds (2%) over the past five years. • Assisted living continues to see flat to negative growth and the waiting list now represents 20% of total available units. •Better at Home saw an increase in the number of services offered; however, there is a continued trend of fewer new clients each year; this is reflective of existing clients staying on service and fixed funding that creates waiting lists. • Alzheimer Society First Link dementia support served 11,567 unique clients in 105 communities, with 5,000 new clients. • The number of HandyDART clients in the BC Transit system went down for the second year in a row, although up in the TransLink system. • 29% (264,000) B.C. seniors receive the Guaran-

teed Income Supplement (GIS).The 3.9% increase in recipients is proportionate to the increase in the population. • The elimination of MSP premiums and recent changes to the Pharmacare deductibles and co-pay-

ments will have a positive financial impact on low-and moderate-income seniors. The degree of impact will vary depending on individual circumstances. • This is the fifth year of increases in the reporting of abuse and neglect to the Se-

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ease and peptic ulcer disease, were the next most used drug classes. Most prescribing is wellintentioned and appropriate, but mistakes can be made, such as making errors in filling prescriptions, prescribing the wrong dosage, prescribing unnecessary medications and not being aware of unhealthy interactions. A professional medication review by a doctor or pharmacist is a good way to keep from becoming overwhelmed with tracking your prescriptions and over-thecounter drugs.



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Is it time to review your medications?

Keeping track of medications, whether over the counter or prescribed, and understanding possible interactions between them and possible overprescribing can be overwhelming. The Canadian Institute for Health Information reports that seniors are mostly taking six commonly used drug classes that are cardiovascular-related, with statins being the most used drug class. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, used to treat heart failure and high blood pressure, and PPIs, used to treat gastroesophageal reflux dis-

niors Abuse and Information Line (SAIL), with a 7% increase in the last year. • The number of seniors reported missing to the RCMP increased in proportion to the seniors’ population growth between 2014 and 2018.


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30 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD


Sharing warmth: Leona Green, co-owner of Greens and Beans Deli, makes a batch of soup at her Sapperton eatery. Green is making free soup for seniors and volunteers are helping to make sure it gets to those in need of a meal. PHOTO


Deli offers soup delivery for local seniors isolated at home Theresa McManus

A local deli is serving up a dish of homemade soup to New West seniors who may be isolated in their homes. Leona Green, who coowns Greens and Beans Deli with her son Matt, has started making pots of soup and arranging for it to be delivered to local seniors. “Because they are hungry and they can’t go out,” she said when asked why she started the initiative. Green has spread the word about the free soup for seniors initiative online and via word of mouth. “They just have to call me and let me know who needs soup and an address,” she said. “Either I’ll take it, or there are different people who have offered.”

Several community members have contacted Green saying they could help her deliver soup to shut-ins. “I am making the normal ones. I am not sending out the most exotic soups,” she said. “On Sunday I came in and made a huge pot of chicken noodle soup. A lady that does karaoke at Dunwood Place came in and picked up about 20 bowls of soup on Sunday and took them to Dunwood Place. She put a box of soup in the lobby and then called everybody so people could go and get it.” Green is no stranger to helping out her fellow New West citizens, having contributed to countless local organizations including homeless shelters, animal shelters, pensioners, lacrosse teams, anti-domestic vio-

lence campaigns and more. In 2019, she received a B.C. Community Achievement Award, which celebrates British Columbians who go above and beyond in their dedication and service to others and who devote time and energy to making their communities more caring, dynamic, beautiful, healthy and unique. “It’s not an expensive thing,” she said. “I will do it as long as I can afford to. Yesterday, one of our regular customers came in and gave me $20. Her little boy gave me $6 from his piggy bank to pay for soup. He was holding on to it pretty tight, but he did give it to me. It was cute. Another lady from Facebook I know

email transferred me $20 yesterday. I am not asking people to do that, but how sweet. People know money isn’t an endless supply in this business.” The free soup for seniors’ initiative, however, comes at a time when Greens and Beans Deli, like other businesses, is hit by the COVID-19 crisis. While the Sapperton Deli is still open for business, it’s take-out only. “All the catering that we had for the month has been cancelled. Our coffee trucks are out there, and they are doing fine because they are going to places where people are working,” Green said. “We will be fine.”

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New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 31

Community City adds porta-potties in light of business closures Theresa McManus

The City of New Westminster has installed porta-potties in the downtown and uptown neighbourhoods. Blair Fryer, the city’s manager of communications, said two porta-potties, one that’s wheelchair accessible and one that isn’t, are located at two locations in New West. In the uptown, they’re located on Belmont Street next to the parklet, and in the downtown, they’re located across the street from the Columbia Theatre.

The decision to provide portable washroom facilities comes at a time when many local businesses have closed temporarily because of the COVID-19 crisis. “This is to ensure access to bathrooms for vulnerable populations, who may otherwise not have them, given all of the businesses being shuttered and otherwise,” he said. “It’s also for any other citizen who … can’t access somewhere they normally would if they need to use the facilities.” As part of its response to the COVID-19 crisis, the City of New Westminster has established sever-

al working groups. One of those groups is working to consider the needs of the city’s most vulnerable citizens. In February, the Peer Network started a petition urging the city to install public washrooms in New West.The petition states the lack of public restrooms affects people experiencing homelessness because most businesses will not allow non-customers to use their restrooms, and those they can use are only open during certain hours, forcing people experiencing homelessness to use alleys, streets and bushes.






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32 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD


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New West’s Bissett glad Games are delayed

Isolating with his family, NewWestminster field hockey player agrees Olympic dream can wait Dan Olson

Disappointment and relief cover the gamut of emotions that members of the Canadian men’s field hockey team felt upon Sunday’s announcement by the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) and Canadian Paralympic Committee (CPC) that they would not send teams to the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. Add a huge relief after Tuesday’s decision by the IOC to postpone the Games until the summer of 2021.

Up until a couple of weeks ago, I was looking forward and anticipating it.

New Westminster’s Brenden Bissett said it was a decision that had to be made, and gives all athletes a chance to take care of the most pressing need right now – their and their families’ health. “My reaction was first quite sad, but relieved in a way because the decision (by Canada’s Olympic committee) was made by our country with everyone’s health in mind,” Bissett told the Record on Monday, prior to the IOC’s decision. “Before (the COC’s decision), I was uncertain and

anxious at the same time. As a team, the country and the world, we’re kind of facing something totally global in (COVID-19), and we need to take serious action.” The COC and CPC were joined by the Australian Olympic committee to withdraw from the July Games. With other nations also raising concerns, the IOC and Japan moved Tuesday to postpone the international extravaganza for one year. “We offer them our full support in helping navigate all the complexities that rescheduling the Games will bring.While we recognize the inherent complexities around a postponement, nothing is more important than the health and safety of our athletes and the world community,” the Canadian organizations stated in a joint statement on Sunday. Burnaby’s Gabriel HoGarcia said it was apparent when the team was in Chile for a test match series of games in mid-January that the Games could be in trouble as news of the virus’ deadly impact in China started to emerge. “We were (in Chile) when news of the virus broke out,” said Ho-Garcia, 26. “We arrived home and, while Tokyo’s close to China, it wasn’t clear that it would get to where we are now. It just started to get closer and closer, so we had to prepare ourselves (for no Games).” Bissett said he and his teammates, like so many striving over the past four years to get to the Olympics,

PERSPECTIVE: New Westminster’s Brenden Bissett, shown at right during a test match prior to the 2016 Olympics, was glad Canada

took a stand to help pressure the IOC to postpone the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, due to the COVID-19 virus. PHOTO BLAIR SHIER/FIELD HOCKEY CANADA

were excited and completely invested in being in Tokyo for the July 24 opening ceremonies until COVID-19 became too powerful a pandemic. “Up until a couple of weeks ago, I was looking forward and anticipating it,” said Bissett. “When the pro (sports) leagues all shut down, it kind of became obvious that this was a big thing.We just didn’t see how a July 24th start date

was possible.” The Canadian team had earned its berth with a dramatic two-game series win over Ireland in North Vancouver last October. Bissett, who has 132 caps with Team Canada, was a member of the 2016 men’s Olympic team in Brazil that posted a 0-1-4 record. Getting to represent your country on the largest stage is something that has no comparison, he said.

“It was the best experience of my life.We went in with high expectations and wanted to do our best.We didn’t have the success we wanted, but when I look back at it, it was such a rewarding experience,” said Bissett. A number of family members, including his parents and uncle, had booked trips to Tokyo to watch him compete. “They’re disappointed

and also relieved,” he noted. The 27-year-old forward/ midfielder said his Olympic dream was inspired by his uncle, David Bissett, who competed at the 1976 Montreal and 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, including the latter as captain. “He’s the reason I got into it, why my family got into it,” said Bissett.

Douglas ends 2020 as No. 1 team in Canada

Cancellation of collegiate national championships disappointing but necessary in trying times, coach says Dan Olson

Like so many who are bunkered down and bulking up on vitamin C, Douglas College Royals coach Joe Enevoldson has the concern of his family, friends and players foremost on his mind. A basketball season of so many pinnacles, including a 17-1 record during the regular season, has been shuttered due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. If everything was right in the world, Douglas would have played last weekend (March 16 to 21) in Toronto for the big prize. Enevoldson, the team’s coach and architect, says while there are bigger things than basketball in

these trying times, that doesn’t diminish the frustration the squad felt over the lost opportunity. “It’s very disappointing. Obviously from where we were at and the success we had all year, (it was) disappointing to see we weren’t going to be able to close it out on our terms,” said Enevoldson. “Obviously there’s a lot of stuff going on in the world and we have to take care of ourselves, our families and everything like that, but this team was a family. It was really, really painful to see them not get a chance to play for a national championship.” That dream came to a halt a week before the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association tournament, where the New West-based

Royals held the No. 1 ranking. Entering the PacWest provincial championships three weeks ago, Douglas was on a 10-game win streak.The squad topped Camosun in the semis and bested frequent foil Vancouver Island 97-89 in the final for the organization’s second B.C. title in three years. “We played our best basketball when we needed to, and I think that was a sign of the athletes we had in our program,” he said. Point guard Courtney Anderson enjoyed a standout fourth year with the program, putting up top-10 numbers across the board in offensive categories, averaging 18.9 point per game.The Palestine,Texas native went on to be named the provincial tourney

MVP and PacWest Player of the Year. Burnaby brothers Cam and Reese Morris were named to the all-star team. Although there will be no 2020 champions, the CCAA did name an All-Canadian team, with Anderson front and centre. Enevoldson, meanwhile, was chosen the national association’s Men’s Coach of theYear. “Enevoldson has seen much success since being named head coach at Douglas College,” CCAA men’s basketball convenor Jonathan Lambert stated in a press release. “He has used a well-developed mixture of domestic and international talent to become one of the premier programs in the CCAA.”

In 2018, he guided the team to the CCAA national final, where they fell to Seneca of Ontario. This year’s roster featured numerous B.C. talent, from Burnaby (the Morrises, Jiordano Khan, Kobe McKnight and Aidan Wilson), Port Coquitlam (Josiah Mastandrea), Prince Rupert (Ben Rabel) and Surrey (Dylan Kinley). Six-foot-10 post Bollo Gnahore arrived at Douglas from the Ivory Coast via New Mexico State. A year ago, primed for a big run, the team was unceremoniously upset in the PacWest final by VIU, so this season started with a bit of redemption as a driving force. Seven players carried that memory into 2019-20. Continued on page 33

New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 33


Serving Our Community Since 1908

Jr. lacrosse execs to meet

Lacrosse stalls start of season in light of COVID-19 The BC Junior A Lacrosse League’s executives and governors are still scheduled to meet March 29 to discuss possible plans for a 2020 season. Also expected to be talked about is the directive issued a week ago by the Canadian Lacrosse Association that suspends all activity until April 5 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, BCJALL president Karl Christiansen said in a statement. In an email response to the Record’s query as to the status of Sunday’s meeting, Christiansen said Tuesday that the meeting was still on. “Everything is ever changing and very different than when we met two weeks ago.We will have our meeting Sunday and release information shortly after,” Christiansen said. “Our top priority is the health and safety of not just athletes, coaches (and) officials but also our fans and families involved with the BCJALL. “These are trying times, and we wish everyone great health and wellness.” The league was scheduled to start play on April 25. All minor lacrosse associations, including Burnaby

On pause: The B.C. Junior A Lacrosse League governors will meet this weekend to formulate a plan as to a delayed start to the 2020 season due to the COVID-19 virus. PHOTO MARIO BARTEL

and New West, are following edicts of the CLA and B.C. Lacrosse Association to suspend all in-person activities until further notice. “We’re lucky to have had strong leadership from the province’s public health officials.This is why we’re basing our response on the expert advice of those organizations, as well as the B.C. Lacrosse Association and the (CLA),” NWMLA president Rich Catton said in a statement on the website. As a result of the health concerns, New West has postponed its mini-tyke and tyke evaluation events, orig-

inally scheduled for March 31 and April 1, as well as the Olivia Malcom minityke and tyke Jamboree, scheduled for April 4 and 5. “We will continue to monitor the directives from our governing bodies as well as the federal and provincial governments and will follow and enforce these directives.We will update our membership when there is a change,” stated a post on the Burnaby minor website. Meanwhile, the Western Lacrosse Association is also in a similar holding pattern, although buffered by a late May season opener.

Royals exit as B.C. champs

Continued from page 32 While there will be no championship celebration, Enevoldson said so much was gained over nearly a year of preparation and team building. “I think the biggest thing I learned from the athletes was how much they truly cared about this program, this school and how much

they care for each other,” he said. “That sometimes gets lost in it, but they’re going to have life-long memories from this season. “There were a ton of highlights through the course of the year.We had an incredible season.Winning the provincial championship was the epitome of this group. … I think the big

thing was, we got to be No. 1 ranking during the course of the year and ended the season up as No. 1, but knew it could be taken away from us in a heartbeat.” And at the collegiate level there isn’t ‘always next year,’ the Royals do have the special bond of family to take with them.

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34 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD

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LEGAL SERVICES CRIMINAL RECORD? Why suffer Employment/Licensing loss? Travel/Business opportunities? Be embarrassed? Think: Criminal Pardon. US Entry Waiver. Record Purge. File Destruction. Free Consultation 1-800-3472540.

REAL ESTATE SERVICES WE BUY HOUSES Townhomes & Condos Any Situation, Condition or Price Range.


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BUILDING CONTRACTORS We do all types of renovation at the best price! Specialize in: Interior & Exterior Painting, Flooring, Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrade, Fencing & Roof Decking 778−244−8707 perspective−


We do ALL kinds of Concrete Work. Z -YQUDBA bUAcD?Q@% Local, family business 40+ yrs. \#^&!^#&_^#Z



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• Polished Concrete Floors • Pumping • Placing • Sealing • Acid Staining • Decorative Concrete • Forming • Demolition • Foundation Pouring


LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES By virtue of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act.


2) 2003 INFINITI G35 VIN# JNKCV54E63M201446 RO: NUGUYEN SON Units can be viewed at: 301 Mansfield Place, North Vancouver, BC, V7J 1E4, between 9:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Saturday. All written bids to Kingsway Bailiff Service by April 3, 2020 at:



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LIVING ROOM Find it in the Rentals Section.

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classifieds. 604-444-3000


Electrical Installations Renos & Repairs. BBB Member.



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604.444.3000 Please thoroughly wash your hands to keep us healthy!

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Gutter Cleaning & Roof Cleaning

bUE_[_#Y Commercial & residential reno’s & small jobs.

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M&" -=V;VB> 8<==V? C Roof Clean and Windows & Repair U?AO DYZ F


3H* *H-,' "#$/<VVN>% Room with View, Furnished. April 1. $690 + hydro. N/P. Refs. \#^&[Z\&[Y[[

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Gutters vacuumed and hand cleaned \#^&]!^&#\\[


Find help in the Home Services section


New Westminster RECORD THURSDAY March 26, 2020 35






Patio Covers, Sunrooms, Vinyl, Railings 24 years Experience. Fully Ins’d. Lic’d & WCB Z -CBUQW MSYeQ&?C Z 4e=Q 3eUQ@YQeQcY Z 0D=YB .eTY Z 2Y= -Db F -YYbUQW Z ,BYY ,DCCUQW F ,BURRUQW Z 0D=YB *eAV Z ;?@@YBA Z 0e@UDEA Z LYcTA Z IYQcYA Z MDQcBY@Y Z .Y@eUQUQW *eSSA Z LBU>Y=e/A F -UbY=eSTA & Much MORE All work guaranteed Free Estimates .



WINTER SPECIAL $1 / sq ft + Paint

25+ yrs exp. WCB. Insured

Donny 604-600-6049




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778 -895-3503


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Home Maintenance We provide pressure washing, window clean− ing, gutter cleaning, power raking, aerating, mowing and driveway sealing. 7 years of experi− ence. 604−209−3445







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1. As soon as possible 5. Gateway (Arabic) 8. Doctors’ group 11. Madder genus of plants 13. A team’s best pitcher 14. Ancient Greek sophist 15. Go up 16. Neither 17. Bolivian river 18. Manila hemp 20. Comedienne Gasteyer 21. British School 22. Human reproductive organs

25. Surrenders 30. Dog with long, silky coat and drooping ears 31. Sun up in New York 32. Lead alloy 33. Eastern Asian plant 38. Rapid deployment force (abbr.) 41. Japanese warrior 43. Festivity 45. Interruptions 47. Nonsense (slang)

49. Data mining methodology (abbr.) 50. Calvary sword 55. French river 56. Global business conference (abbr.) *)6 !18.4"23 59. Con man’s game 60. No (Scottish) 61. Jewish spiritual leader 62. Fish 63. Camera term (abbr.) 64. Impudence

19. Malaria 23. Indicates particular shape 24. Respiratory disease 25. Central Standard Time 26. Imitate 27. Golf score 28.Aplace to lay your head 29. Three cards of the same suit 34. Not in 35. Human gene 36.Ancient Chinese philosophic concept 37. French river 39. Thinks up 40. Type of geological deposit

+,6 52-%# -.""-2 9$'# 42.Area units 44.Adevice to remove 45. Secret political clique 46. Polite interruption sound 47. Foundation 48. Clare Boothe __,American writer 51. Swiss river 52. Prejudice 53.Actor Idris *+6 (2#.#"7&42 90/"2$# 58. Speak disrespectfully of

DOWN 1.Acontinuous portion of a circle 2. Genus of seabirds 3. Infant’s dining accessory 4. NativeAmericans from Arizona 5. Popular fruit 6. Poisonous plant 7. Scolded 8.Assists 9. Hand (Spanish) 10.Amazon product identifying system (abbr.) 12. Basics 14. Cain and __

36 THURSDAY March 26, 2020 • New Westminster RECORD

WEEKLY SPECIALS! Prices Effective March 26-April 1, 2020.

100% BC OWNED AND OPERATED We want to ensure our local communities are able to get the food and supplies they need and keep our customers and staff safe during these unprecedented times.We are working around the clock to keep our shelves stocked and our stores clean. More importantly, we are going to make sure we stay up and running to meet your needs and are confident we have processes in place and government support to do that. During this time, please note we are reserving the right to limit quantities per household and unfortunately will not be offering any rain checks.

100% Grass Fed Lean Ground Beef from Canada

We also promise we have not - and will not - raise prices for the purpose of taking advantage of the current situation.As always, we are here to support our local communities.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Strawberries USA Grown

Wild Sockeye Salmon Value Pack





Farmcrest Non-GMO Roasted Chickens

Choices’ Own Multigrain & Whole Wheat Bread

1399 each





AOR Vitamins & Supplements

Kettle Brand Potato Chips

Assorted Varieties

Assorted Varieties

20% off


Assorted Sizes Regular Retail 29.99-124.99


Kitsilano | Cambie | Kerrisdale | Yaletown Commercial Drive | Burnaby Crest



BC Grown Organic Table Carrots from Fountainview Farm in Lillooet


Rise Organic Kombucha Assorted Varieties


1L +deposit +eco fee

Social Distancing: Please remain 2 metres from others. One customer using the checkout belt at a time.Thank you.

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