Royal Arch Province of Warwickshire

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Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire




150th Annual Convocation A Great Success

Great Day at 150th Annual Convocation

Tuesday 3rd June 2014 dawned somewhat dull and at first overcast. This however did not prevent some 300 Royal Arch Companions of the Province and other Provinces presenting themselves at the Edgbaston Assembly Rooms for the 150th Annual Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire.

Magnificent total sum raised for RCS Appeal Exaltees’ Meeting Held at Coventry Veils Ceremony Demonstration at First Principals Chapter No 4538 Coughton Church Service Report Talking Heads Presentation to Lodges Available


150th Annual Convo- 1 cation Report Demonstration of Ritual by PGC of Bristol at Rugby


Exaltees’ Meeting held at Coventry


GCOI Festival at Atherstone -Report


Great Day at SGC Annual Investiture


Certificate of Merit for Comp Peter Cox


Splendid Church Service at Coughton



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The proceedings opened with the customary processions into the temple under the direction of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, E Comp David Shakeshaft. Firstly, the distinguished guests entered in procession followed by the Deputy Grand Superintendent and then the visiting Grand Superintendents followed by the Provincial Grand Sword Bearer leading the ME Grand Superintendent, together with the Provincial Second and Third Grand Principals. Provincial Grand Chapter having been opened, the Provincial Third Grand Principal. E Comp David Butterworth read the Obituary list and led the Companions in solemn prayer. The ME Grand Superintendent, E Comp John L Saint then welcomed the 70 distinguished guests who had supported the event.. The Provincial Grand Scribe E, E Comp Philip Gough and Provincial Grand Registrar, E Comp Keith Marchington presented their reports (both of which can be downloaded E Comp John L Saint from the Provincial Website.) E Comp Nigel Hawkins was re-elected as Prov Grand Treasurer and E Comp John F R Handley was reappointed as Deputy Grand Superintendent. E Comp Paul J Wheeler was then appointed as Provincial Grand Haggai in succession to E Comp John Norman and was presented, obligated and invested. The ME Grand Superintendent then announced that he had appointed E Comp Peter G Huckle to succeed E Comp David Butterworth as Provincial Grand Joshua. E Comp Huckle was then presented, obligated and invested as Provincial Third Grand Principal. Having re-appointed E Comp Philip Gough as Provincial Grand Scribe E the ME Grand Superintendent then went on to reappoint and appoint the remainder of his acting Provincial Grand Officers and made 50 promotions in Past Rank, together with 22 first appointments to Past Provincial Grand Rank. This being the 150th Annual Convocation of the Province, E Comp Paul J Wheeler then delivered a splendid oration outlining the development of the Province since 1864. He gave a history of the key events and references and explained that the early minutes of Provincial Grand Chapter were lost but it is known that Lord Leigh was appointed as Grand Superintendent in October of 1864 or 1865 and remained in office for many years. The oration was well received by the Companions who showed their approval with enthusiastic applause. A copy of the Oration can be downloaded from the website. To commemorate the founding of the Province the Provincial banners were then paraded around the Chapter during which the hymn “The God of Abraham Be Praised" was sung. The ME Grand Superintendent then addressed Provincial Grand Chapter following which Provincial Grand Chapter was closed in peace and harmony according to ancient form. Some 260 Companions later dined in continuing peace and harmony at the Festive board and went home with good memories of a wonderful day.

Come and Join Us In The Holy Royal Arch The Holy Royal Arch whilst being an integral part of Freemasonry is organised as a separate Order. It is variously described as the “essence of Freemasonry”, the “foundation and keystone of the whole Masonic structure”, and as “the root, heart and marrow of freemasonry”. Every Master Mason has, and should take, the opportunity of discovering these qualities for himself by joining the Holy Royal Arch.




The Holy Royal Arch is similar in some respects to Craft Masonry, it is different in a number of aspects and, indeed, is most interesting in its differences. Leaflets are displayed at most Masonic rooms so do read all about it or ask a Companion from your Lodge! During the 2014-15 season there will be a number of presentations made in Lodges, by the kind permission of the Provincial Grand Master, by a team of


Companions which will explain the nature of the Order and the special links with the Craft. The talk is aimed at those Brethren who may not yet have joined the Holy Royal Arch and will enable them to enhance their understanding of this degree and consider taking this vital next step in Freemasonry. Come and join us!



Demonstration of Bristol Workings at First Principals’ Chapter Over 140 Companions crammed into the Chapter Room at Rugby on 12th May 2014 for the meeting of the First Principals Chapter No 4538 when the Chapter had the good fortune to secure a presentation by Companions of the Sportsman’s’ Chapter No 9841 in the Province of Bristol. Their Companions, including their MEGS, E Comp Alan Vaughan who took an active part, demonstrated their Exaltation Ceremony which included the Ceremony of Passing of the Veils which was a most interesting and impressive piece of ritual. The full ceremony is rarely conducted outside the Province of Bristol so Warwick-

Rugby Chapter Room set up for Demonstration

Two Grand Superintendents enjoyed the occasion

After the Chapter was opened by the Warwickshire Principals, the MEZ, E Comp Stephen Fowler welcomed the visitors and after a short historic introduction by their Grand Superintendent the Bristol Demonstration Team took over the Chapter and gave an excellent demonstration presented in a wonderfully dramatic manner by the Bristol team. The Convocation was followed by a splendid dinner and great companionship which, everyone agreed, made the whole event a very special meeting. Well done to all concerned in 4538!

Successful Exaltees Meeting at Coventry

“ A really interesting meeting – I enjoyed learning more about the Royal Arch and receiving the Exaltees’ Guide”

Caption describing picture or graphic.

The annual Exaltees’ Meeting, which has now become a well established and popular event, was held at the Coventry Masonic Hall on 22nd May 2014 and saw 24 recent Exaltees supported by 21 Principals and members from their own Chapters attending. The content and format of the presentations are aimed at new members but anyone was welcome to attend and support this meeting and enjoy meeting with other Companions as well as learning something new as well! A key part of retaining new members is to ensure they develop an understanding of the ceremony


and history of the Order. Through informal, but comprehensive presentations, designed to ensure a greater awareness, it is hoped that new Companions will be encouraged to retain their interest in the Order and progress well in their own Chapters. After a welcome and introduction by the ME Grand Superintendent there were presentations by the Executive and the Provincial Principals outlining the history of the Royal Arch, the layout of the Chapter room, the offices of the Chapter together with the meaning and historical significances of the ceremony. The new Exaltees’ Guide was also issued”

An informal buffet afterwards enabled the Exaltees to meet with the Senior Officers of the Province and chat informally and ask any questions about the Royal Arch with them. The change of venue to Coventry brought about by the uncertainty regarding Stirling Road did result in a good attendance from the local Chapters so next year’s meeting will possibly move to another venue in the Province. A splendid meeting which was very informative and enjoyed by those attending, especially the Companions who had been Exalted as recently as April!

Atherstone Hosts General Chapter of Instruction Festival The General Chapter of Instruction Festival has had many distinguished Presidents over the years and that tradition has been maintained at the General Chapter of Instruction Festival held on 16th April 2014 with the ME Grand Superintendent in and over the Royal Arch Province of Staffordshire, E Comp John A E Winter (left). accepting the ME Grand Su-


shire were indeed honoured to receive this visit and gave a wonderful, dramatic ceremony which all who attended found to be very interesting.



perintendent’s invitation to preside at the 2014 Festival. Nearly 80 Companions including no less than seven past GCOI Presidents as well as Grand Officers and Chapter Principals supported the event and many Chapters in the Province were represented. After a superb presentation of the Opening Address the Festival as usual demonstrated the Warwickshire working of


the ceremony of Exaltation by Companions from the Province who were all below the rank of MEZ and who were all drawn from several different Chapters. It was a superb performance of the ritual! Sincere congratulations were extended to the participants by the President who was very impressed with the high standard of the demonstration.!

Supreme Grand Chapter Annual Meeting The Annual Investiture meeting at Supreme Grand Chapter was this year scheduled for 1st May and a good contingent of Warwickshire Companions attended to enjoy this premier event in the SGC year. After arriving at Marylebone Station some had difficulties in getting to Great Queen Street due to problems with taxis as well as the weather and a march by some protestors which caused gridlock for a spell! After all the necessary briefings by the Grand DC’s team it was time to start the meeting. The processions in to the Temple of the senior officers and distinguished visitors began and even-

tually the Grand Chapter was opened by the ME Pro First Grand Principal, E Comp Peter Lowndes. The day’s early proceedings were quickly attended to and soon the Investitures of the appointed officers commenced where E Comp Phil Hall was re-appointed as DepGDC, followed by the Past Ranks where E Comps Peter Huckle and David Satchwell received their first appointments to PGStB and E Comp John Handley his promotion to PGSwdB. . Once all the appointments had been completed the ME Pro First Grand Principal addressed the Companions. (His address



can be viewed on the SGC Website) After luncheon at The Connaught Rooms where twelve Warwickshire Companions dined everybody departed with very happy memories of a wonderful meeting. Some made their way back to Freemason’s Hall and attended the Installation meeting of London Warwickshire Chapter No 3846 which saw their current MEZ, E Comp Peter James induct E Comp Brian Kimberley into the Z Chair! A long but very happy day!

“Deserved First Appointments for E Comps Peter Huckle and David Satchwell”

Magnificent Final Result for RCS Appeal

ME Comp George P Francis, Second Grand Principal

Following the closure of the Royal Arch Bicentenary Fund the Second Grand Principal ME Comp George Pipon Francis has written to the Grand Superintendent expressing his grateful thanks for all the hard work and efforts by the Warwickshire Companions in support of the Appeal.

the Appeal of £70,682.53 which, based upon 63 Chapters, is an average per Chapter of £1,121.94 or £52.55 per Companion.

Although the target was originally set at £1 million the total raised by the Appeal is now £2.5 million and with some pledges yet to be realised it is anticipated that the total will possibly be event higher – a staggering result! Combined with the existing Craft Fund of £3.5million this makes the total endowment from Freemasonry for the Royal College a magnificent £6 million!

The ME Grand Superintendent, E Comp John Saint has stated that

Warwickshire Companions can feel proud of their contributions with a total amount sent to

This is well above the national average raised and is recognised by the Second Grand Principal in his thanks for the magnificent support.

“I am immensely proud of the contributions made by all Companions and the positive manner in which they responded to the various fundraising initiatives, notably the Provincial Garden Party in June which raised £12,600 on its own. I send my own congratulations and sincere thanks to everybody in the Province who contributed. This was a splendid result”

Certificate of Merit Presented to E Comp Peter Cox At the Installation Convocation of Doric Chapter No 4167 on 3rd March 2014, the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E.Comp John F R Handley, who was presiding, introduced an additional surprise item to the ‘Agenda’ at the end of the meeting. During the Second Rising, E Comp John had risen as usual to bring greetings from the Province, but to everyone’s surprise he also asked the Provincial Director of Ceremonies, E.Comp David Shakeshaft to escort E Comp. Peter R Cox to him. The Deputy Grand Superintendent then went on to give a brief history of E Comp Peter’s personal life as well as his significant Masonic career including his distinguished service to the Holy Royal Arch both in his Chapters and in the Province. He then went on to present him with the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent’s Certificate of Merit in recognition of distinguished service to the Royal Arch in general and his devoted service over many years. Peter was suitably shocked by the presentation but gave a splendid response expressing his thanks and saying how much he had enjoyed his years in Masonry and particularly the Holy Royal Arch. This was greeted with sincere and warm acclaim from the Companions of the Chapter who showed their approval with sustained and loud applause.


Coughton Church Again Hosts the Annual Church Service Sunday 23rd March 2014, once again saw the annual Royal Arch Church service held at the lovely Coughton Parish Church of St Peter’s. The service, which had a theme of “Acceptance” was again led by E.Comp. Rev. J. Stephen Cooke, Prov. Grand Chaplin for Staffs, who last year gave an enjoyable and thought provoking sermon. With readings by the Grand Superintendent and Deputy Grand Superintendent the service

provided an uplifting occasion, which was greatly enjoyed by all who attended. Afternoon tea was taken at The Kings Court Hotel as usual and rounded off a lovely day. The ME Grand Superintendent thanks those Companions who attended, especially the current Principals of Chapters, for supporting this important event.

St Peter’s Church, Coughton

Special Sunday Lunch Being Planned as Part of 150th Celebrations As part of the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of the Province the Grand Superintendent is keen to ensure that a number of special events are held during the year. Consideration is therefore being given to holding a Sunday Lunch for Companions and their Partners at a very special and historic venue probably in March or April 2015. The intention is to hold a good quality event with excellent food in unique surroundings which are different and interesting. Discussions are being held with potential venues and further details will be advised as soon as arrangements are confirmed. It is hoped that this Lunch will appeal to all Companions and their partners and receive their support.

PRESENTATION AVAILABLE TO LODGES ‘TALKING HEADS – THE NEXT STEP IN FREEMASONRY’ A Demonstration Team from the Provincial Grand Chapter Officers can now provide a Lodge with a presentation entitled ‘Talking Heads – The Next Step In Freemasonry’. The objective of the presentation is to raise awareness of the Holy Royal Arch amongst Master Masons, particularly those who have recently completed their Third Degree and who have not yet joined the Royal Arch. The presentation takes the form of a playlet, lasting about 30 minutes, between an experienced Past Master and a relatively new Master Mason and covers both factual and historical content. It explains the important link between the Craft and the Holy Royal Arch and how this has evolved. It also emphasises that joining the Holy Royal Arch provides the completion of pure Antient Masonry and the journey from Initiation to Exaltation. It concludes with a Q&A session and provides an enjoyable recruitment presentation. If you are interested in hosting an event at your Masonic Centre for your own and perhaps the other Lodges based at your Masonic Centre do please contact the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp John Handley, on 07946 637773 or by email,

New Provincial Principals Invested at Annual Convocation by MEGS At the recent Annual Convocation in June the ME Grand Superintendent appointed, invested and installed as Provincial Grand Haggai E Comp Paul J Wheeler, PGStB of Prudence Chapter No 3659, who is well known from his work as Third Provincial Grand Principal and Provincial Grand Almoner.

Many congratulations go to both these Companions for a happy and successful period of office. GRAND



First Principals’ Chapter Sunday Lunch The Chapter MEZ, E.Comp. Stephen Fowler and his wife Patricia, has invited all of the Companions in the Province to join him at the Chapter Sunday Lunch on 7th September 2014. The cost is £22.00 per head. The venue this year is again Henley Golf and Country Club at Henley-in-Arden which has looked after us in a splendid manner for the past few years and has a good reputation for excellent food and pleasant surroundings. The Reception will commence at 12.00noon with Lunch served at 1.00pm. A range of menu options is available to suit all tastes and full details and a booking form can be downloaded from Website. Lodge Royal Arch Representatives Lodge RA Representatives continue to do a sterling job in promoting membership of the Royal Arch. The next meeting of the Lodge Reps will be held on Saturday 8th November 2014, again at Stirling Road, and a presentation will be made by the Chairman, E Comp John Norman. Quarterly updates will shortly be sent to Reps by the Chairman which are intended to help keep the RA reports to Lodges fresh. Principals’ and Past Principals’ Dinner This most important event in the Provincial calendar will be held on 27th November 2014 and will follow a similar pattern to previous years, with an informal dinner after which the Grand Superintendent will announce the principal appointments and promotions to be made at next year’s Annual Convocation. The Dinner will be followed by the traditional question and answer session, which the ME Grand Superintendent and the rest of the panel will be delighted to respond to. Application forms will be issued soon. Provincial Yearbook 2014-15 The Yearbook will again be produced by the Provincial Office in an electronic format which will be issued to Chapter Scribe Es in September. Significant effort has been put into preparation of the Chapter information by E Comp Allan Nelmes and E Comp Ron Foster which is appreciated by the Province. Honour for E Comp Richard V Wallis Past Grand Superintendent E Comp Richard V Wallis JP has been further honoured by his investiture as M.W. Pro Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons at the at the June investiture meeting of Mark Master Masons held in Great Queen Street, London. Many congratulations go to E Comp Richard, who has served the Province and Masonry in general for many years, on his well deserved preferment. Website The Provincial website has been updated and is re-launched in a new format. It will now be updated regularly and includes more information for interest to Companions. We are looking for interesting articles so do please contact the Provincial Scribe E if you are able to assist in preparing material for inclusion.

As Third Provincial Grand Principal the ME Grand Superintendent was pleased to appoint E.Comp. Peter G Huckle, PGStB, a member of Guys Chapter No 395. E. Comp. Peter is well known to the Companions within the Province having served as Provincial Grand Registrar in 2012/3.


Did You Know



The Provincial Newsletter is edited and produced by the Provincial Dep Grand Supt, E Comp John Handley, to whom all news should be sent: 67 Tilehouse Green Lane, Knowle, Solihull, B93 9EU or by email to

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