February 2015 newsletter

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Provincial Grand Chapter of Warwickshire




Annual Convocation to Be Held at Rugby College

Venue for 2015 Annual Convocation confirmed Star Speaker at First Principals’ Chapter No 4538 May Meeting “Talking Heads” Presenta-

The venue and date for the Provincial Annual Convocation has been announced by the ME Grand Superintendent. After many months of seeking a new venue to host this prestigious event and after significant investigation into available venues which meet our requirements and match our budget, the venue and date of the 2015 Annual Convocation have now been finalised. The 2015 Annual Convocation will be held at 11.00am on Saturday 4th July 2015 at Rugby College, Rugby. Application forms and full details will be issued in March to all Chapter Scribe Es. The College was opened in 2010 and is a modern, purpose made facility that ideally meets our requirements. The Annual Convocation will be held in the Sports Hall which gives a large open area which meets our needs with rooms available for Companions to robe etc.

tion to be Held in Lodges Gen Chap of Instruction Festival at Atherstone Coughton Church Service Details 2015-16 Prov Principals Announced


Annual Convocation Venue Confirmed


First Principals’ Chapter No 4538 Meeting Details


Exaltees’ Meeting to be held at Coventry


GCOI Festival at Atherstone


Explanatory CardFeedback Required


R A Representatives Meeting Report


50yr Certificate Presented at Apollo Chapter No 301



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The Lunch will be taken in the College Refectory, which has a bright, open outlook on to a Courtyard which, if the weather is kind, may also be used for enjoying pre-lunch drinks. The menu offered by the College Chefs is excellent and will provide a splendid Summer Lunch.. Details and a booking form will be issued to all Chapter Scribe Es over time and posted on the Website. This change to a Saturday meeting from the usual Tuesday will hopefully enable more Companions to attend the Annual Convocation and it is hoped that all Chapters will be represented, particularly by their Principals. The venue is situated near the M6 and a short distance from the Railway Station E Comp Ivan Norris has kindly agreed to take on the role of Event Co-ordinator and will be responsible for the planning and organisation of the event. The move from Edgbaston Assembly Rooms will of course create logistical challenges in moving the necessary equipment to the College and assistance from Companions with transport, Stewarding etc. will be needed. He will be contacting Scribe Es of Chapters soon to seek their assistance with manpower etc. but if you feel that you can assist do please contact Ivan to offer your help which will be gratefully received.

Come and Join Us In The Holy Royal Arch The Holy Royal Arch whilst being an integral part of Freemasonry is organised as a separate Order. It is variously described as the “essence of Freemasonry”, the “foundation and keystone of the whole Masonic structure”, and as “the root, heart and marrow of freemasonry”. Every Master Mason has, and should take, the opportunity of discovering these q u al it i es f or hi ms e lf by joining the Holy Royal Arch.




The Holy Royal Arch is similar in some respects to Craft Masonry, it is different in a number of aspects and, indeed, is most interesting in its differences. Leaflets are displayed at most Masonic rooms so do read all about it or ask a Companion from your Lodge! During the 2014-15 season there will be a number of presentations made in Lodges, by the kind permission of the Provincial Grand


Master, by a team of Companions which will explain the nature of the Order and the special links with the Craft. The talk is aimed at those Brethren who may not yet have joined the Holy Royal Arch and will enable them to enhance their understanding of this degree and consider taking this vital next step in Freemasonry. Come and join us!



Star Speaker at First Principals’ Chapter 11th May 2015 Published author, E Comp Mike Neville will deliver an illustrated talk on Royal Arch Masonry and his book “Sacred Secrets - RA masonry, The Bible and Christian Faith” at: the next meeting of the Warwickshire First Principals’ Chapter No 4538 . The meeting will be held on Monday 11th May 2015.

Rugby Chapter Room

The current MEZ, E Comp John F Norman, PGStB, PProvGH, said “ E Comp Mike is an excellent

speaker and his work is acknowledged as a new insight into RA Masonry. I am sure that Companions of the Province will enjoy his presentation and I encourage them to attend”. The Chapter Scribe E, E Comp Graham Lewis will issue full details including notices and booking forms to Chapter SEs nearer the event but do try and support this special event by putting this in your diary.

“Talking Heads” Presentation at Lodge Meetings “ A really interesting meeting – I enjoyed learning more about the Royal Arch and receiving details of “Talking Heads”

On 27 November 2014, at the Principals and Past Principals’ Dinner, the Deputy Grand Superintendent John Handley, appealed for members to discuss with their Lodge members the feasibility of hosting, within a Lodge meeting, an enactment of a ‘playlet’ entitled, “Talking Heads - the Next Step to the Royal Arch.” This playlet is considered to be a vital educational and recruitment tool that has been successfully launched in a number of provinces and is a key element within the “Initiation to Exaltation” Masonic journey. The playlet itself is dramatic account of an encounter between two Lodge members; one an experienced Past Master and Royal Arch Companion and the

other a recently raised Master Mason curious to know more of what the Royal Arch delivers to a Mason beyond the 3rd Degree. It takes place in an anteroom of a Masonic Hall, prior to a Craft meeting, with the two brothers opening their cases and getting prepared to enter the lodge room. The dialogue begins with mundane questions, such as, “why is it a separate Order?” before expanding to those of deeper portent. As well as introducing the Holy Royal Arch to the new Master Mason, a further benefit of the playlet is to rekindle interest in joining the Royal Arch with those master masons who have previously considered becoming a

member, as well as encouraging and enlightening those members of the Order who are finding it difficult to understand or whose enthusiasm is waning. The presentation comprehensively expounds upon the history of the Degree, its indissoluble links with the Craft and why the Royal Arch is still considered the completion of pure Antient Freemasonry. This playlet is now developed by the Royal Arch team for presentation in Lodges at each Masonic centre in the Province. Lodges at specific Centres will be requested host these events within a Regular meeting and will be contacting their fellow Lodges to encourage attendance.

2015 GCOI Festival Again at Atherstone Lodge Rooms !The General Chapter of Instruction Festival has had many distinguished Presidents over the years and that tradition will be maintained at the General Chapter of Instruction Festival to be held on 15th April 2015 with the ME Grand Superintendent in and over the Royal Arch Province of Bedfordshire, E Comp Robert J Lovesey,. having accepted the ME PROVINCIAL




Grand Superintendent’s invitation to preside. At the 2014 Festival nearly 80 Companions including no less than seven past GCOI Presidents as well as Grand Officers and Chapter Principals supported the event and enjoyed a superb evening. E Comp David Butterworth, PProvGJ, the GCOI Preceptor is again developing the pro-


gramme and the Festival will as usual demonstrate our own Warwickshire working of the Ceremony of Exaltation by Companions from the Province who are usually below the rank of MEZ and who are all drawn from several different Chapters. Booking .forms will be sent to Chapter SEs shortly and a good attendance by the Province is anticipated.

“Setting the Scene” for Exaltees and Companions Also announced at the Principals’ Dinner were two initiatives launched in a number of Provinces which introduce firstly, a short piece of additional ritual, which is read to a candidate by the perhaps one of the Sojourners immediately in advance of his exaltation ceremony which explains the scenario he is about to enter. This is as follows: “The story about to unfold, on entering the Chapter, takes place some 500 years after the dedication of Solomon’s Temple. King Solomon has long since died. Jerusalem has been attacked by the Babylonians, the city and its once magnificent temple have been destroyed and its inhabitants taken into captivity in Babylon where they remained for 70 years.

We are now at the period in history where the Babylonian Empire itself has been attacked and defeated by Cyrus, King of Persia. Cyrus has recently issued a decree allowing the descendants of the Hebrew exiles to return to Jerusalem. As the Candidate for Exaltation, you represent one of those exiles returning to Jerusalem as a Sojourner or Journeyman builder. You discover that the Temple and Holy City are in ruins and, with your colleagues, offer assistance in building a new temple when, as you will eventually see, a discovery of great importance is made.” Secondly, there is a similar piece which is an explanation


of the changing scenarios within the Chapter room on the three entrances during the Ceremony of Exaltation to assist the Companions understanding. This can be downloaded from the Provincial Royal Arch Website or emailed on request. These aids have been introduced in a number of Provinces already and they have been well received .


“This is a useful addition to help understanding of the ritual”

The ME Grand Superintendent wishes to receive views on these items so please communicate your views on the two items to the Deputy G Supt E.Comp John Handley on email : deputygsupt@royalarch.org.uk

Provincial Principals for 2015-16 Season Announced The annual Principals and Past Principals Dinner took place on Thursday 27th November 2014, at Stirling Road when the ME Grand Superintendent announced the names of the Companions who are to be the Provincial Principals for 2015-2016. Over 200 Companions attended what was a very interesting meeting with, after a splendid dinner, the usual mix of questions for the Provincial Executive team to answer

E Comp Fred G Ditchfield,

The ME Grand Superintendent confirmed that he will re- appoint E.Comp. John F.R. Handley as Deputy Grand

Superintendent and E.Comp. Paul J. Wheeler as the Provincial Grand Haggai and is pleased to announce his intention to appoint E.Comp. Fred G Ditchfield, ProvGAlm, as Provincial Grand Joshua. Fred Ditchfield is well known as a member of Fortior Chapter No 6172 and through his work over a long period as Scribe E of Warwickshire First Principals’ Chapter No 4538 and for the last year as Provincial Grand Almoner, a post he will relinquish. The MEGS will also appoint as Provincial Grand Almoner, E Comp David C Mander, PProvGSN of St Michaels Chapter No 1630 who meet in Coventry.

Successful Lodge Royal Arch Representatives’ Meeting The annual meeting of the Lodge Representatives was held at Stirling Road on 8th November 2014 and again coincided with the Provincial Service of Remembrance which was supported by every one of the 55 Lodge Reps who attended. After a brief welcome the Deputy Grand Superintendent E.Comp. John Handley gave a presentation regarding the issues covered at the recent Royal Arch Conference in London and explained the recently launched Membership Development Survey, details of which had been reported in the latest issue of “Freemasonry Today”. He also provided an opportunity for everyone to contribute their views on the initiatives being considered and some good debate ensued on the issues that were raised. Following the break to attend the Service of Remembrance most of the Representatives returned to continue the discussions. John Handley advised the key task is to seek new candidates and ensure that all members in a Lodge who are not Companions are approached to encourage them to consider the Royal Arch. Recruitment Leaflets were available in all Masonic units to support recruitment and ideas were detailed in the Lodge RA Reps Guide which is available. The "Talking Heads" roadshow has a number of bookings with Lodges at a number of masonic centres in April and October 2015 but more exposure would be beneficial so if your Lodge is prepared to host an event within a Regular meeting and invite brethren from the other Lodges who meet at your centre to attend do contact John and discuss how you can support the initiative. .


Coughton Church Again Hosts the Annual Church Service Sunday 22nd March 2015, will once again host the annual Royal Arch Church service at the lovely Coughton Parish Church of St Peter’s. The service, which has a theme of “The Call of St Matthew” will again be led by E.Comp. Rev. J. Stephen Cooke, Prov. Grand Chaplin for Staffs, who each year gives an enjoyable and thought provoking sermon. With readings by the Grand Superintendent and Deputy Grand Superintendent the

service will provide an uplifting occasion, which will be greatly enjoyed by all who attend.. Afternoon tea will be available at The Kings Court Hotel as usual and the cost remains at £8.00 per head. The ME Grand Supt hopes that Companions will attend, especially Principals of Chapters, and give their support to this event.

St Peter’s Church, Coughton

Abbey Chapter No 432 Celebrate Their Centenary in Fine Style There was great excitement at Nuneaton Masonic Rooms on 8 th October 2014 as Abbey Chapter No 432, which was consecrated in Nuneaton on 8th October 1914, celebrated its centenary with a full house of members and guests totalling 72 Companions. A large Provincial delegation headed by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, John L Saint and his Co-Principals enjoyed a most happy evening welcomed by the Chapter’s Three Principals, E Comp. Michael J Harris - MEZ., E Comp F Anthony Green - H., and E Comp Jonathon S Bowley – J. A short history of the Chapter was read by the Chapter Scribe E, E Comp Nick H Shaw who had compiled the text without the benefit of the minutes which had been temporarily misplaced! The Third Prov. Grand Principal, E Comp. Peter G Huckle then delivered a fascinating Oration which had been carefully researched dealing with the background to the naming of the town and the founding of the Abbey in Nuneaton after which the Lodge and Chapter had been named which was met with applause. After E Comp. Philip Gough, Prov. Scribe E. had read the Centenary Charter; it was presented to the Chapter First Principal by the M E Grand Supt. who was most pleased to add his congratulations and to wish the Chapter well for their next 100 years. This was followed by the M E Grand Supt. presenting Centenary Jewels to the Three Principals and then inviting the Abbey Companions to also wear their Centenary jewels.

50 year Certificate Presentation to E Comp Trevor Wellings PProvGSN Apollo Chapter No 301 enjoyed a highly memorable and enjoyable convocation when E Comp Trevor Wellings, PProvGSN, received a Certificate commemorating his 50 years’ Service to Royal Arch Masonry from the Deputy Grand Supt, E.Comp. John F R Handley. This was preceded by an informal exchange during which the DepGSupt teased out from Trevor a comprehensive review of his progress through life. Interspersed with several anecdotes, this included his origins in Birmingham, his education, RAF service and professional career, his family, and his wonderful contribution to so many Orders in Freemasonry. In conclusion, the DepGSupt offered thanks and appreciation for Trevor’s long standing generosity and kindness, with congratulations on behalf of the ME Grand Superintendent. Having read the Certificate of Service, the Director of Ceremonies, E Comp Martyn Hale, delivered a splendid Proclamation detailing Trevor’s achievements in the Royal Arch, making reference to his continuous and meritorious service since his exaltation 50 years and 2 days earlier in the Chapter of Fortitude XLIII,. Trevor replied accordingly, thanking everyone and expressing his delight at receiving his Certificate. The MEZ, E Comp Nigel Hawkins, invited Trevor to nominate a charity to receive the evening’s charity collection, which would be topped up to £250 by the Chapter. Trevor nominated the STARS Club for children and young adults who have disabilities, run by the Crossroads Care. PROVINCIAL





Did You Know


STOP PRESS “Talking Heads” at Rugby and Nuneaton The “Talking Heads” presentation will be hosted in Nuneaton on Thursday 9th April 2015 by Newdegate Lodge No 5102 and at Rugby by Dunsmore Lodge No 6442 on Friday 10th April 2015. This educational initiative should be the key element within every Brother’s Masonic journey from ‘Initiation to Exaltation’. This presentation is delivered within a Craft Lodge and will be a great opportunity to expand your Royal Arch knowledge and hopefully will encourage some of the Brethren within the Province to join the Royal Arch and complete their journey in pure antient masonry. Exaltees’ Guide The Province now issues each new Exaltee with an ‘Exaltees Guide’, which is an excellent, professionally printed document produced by the London Metropolitan Grand Chapter, which aims to explain something of the ceremony through which the new Companion has passed and to prepare them for their next few meetings in a Royal Arch Chapter. It also suggests how they might enhance their future knowledge and enjoyment of this beautiful Order. Principals’ and Past Principals’ Dinner This most important event in the Provincial calendar will be held on 26th November 2015 and will follow a similar pattern to previous years, with an informal dinner after which the Grand Superintendent will announce the principal appointments and promotions to be made at next year’s Annual Convocation. The Dinner will be followed by the traditional question and answer session, which the ME Grand Superintendent and the rest of the panel will be delighted to respond to. Do put the date in your diary. Exaltees’ Meeting - 21st May 2015 The annual Exaltees’ Meeting, which is a well established and popular event, will be held at the Coventry Masonic Hall on Thursday 21st May 2015. The content and format of the presentations are aimed at new members but anyone is welcome to attend and support this event. Please ensure that your Exaltees are aware of this special meeting. Warwickshire RA Benevolent Fund Leaflet Following comments from Companions that indicated that they were unclear regarding the purpose and scope of the RA Benevolent Fund an explanatory booklet has been produced which confirms the relevant details regarding this Trust and the various conditions relative to the beneficiaries.. This three fold leaflet is available for download on the Website or copies can be obtained from the Provincial Grand Almoner. Website www.royal-arch.org.uk The Provincial website has been updated and is re-launched in a new format. It will now be updated regularly and includes more information for interest to Companions.

The Provincial Newsletter is edited and produced by the Provincial Dep Grand Supt, E Comp John Handley, to whom all news should be sent: 67 Tilehouse Green Lane, Knowle, Solihull, B93 9EU or by email to deputygsupt@royal-arch.org.uk

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