Rowman Now 21/22

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rowman now EXCERPTS









Contents art 2

the devil in the gallery

film 8

introducing... the world of james bond

history 10 the blister club 14 the lost history of the capitol 18 naked statues, fat Gladiators, and War Elephants music 20 how do you follow up purple rain ? 24 the grunge diaries nature 26 guy harvey’s underwater world protest 32 “Hain stops play!” 34 from anger to action sport 38 tom brady 42 born on the links WWW.ROWMAN.COM

We publish some fantastic trade books but, outside of North America, nobody has really heard of us. It was this nagging dilemma that led to the creation of Rowman

Now, the magazine you’re reading right now. For a number of years, the imprints under the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group (RLPG) umbrella have been publishing books of potential interest to booksellers all across the world, on pretty much every subject you could think of. This diverse, ever-growing list has transformed from one predominantly concerned with North American matters to a genuinely global proposition, made up of authors from (almost!) every continent. We believe the time is right to introduce RLPG’s extensive trade list to a wider audience. This magazine, which includes introductory extracts, book interiors and exclusive author interviews, should do just that. The twelve titles featured in this publication, drawn from our top trade imprints, have been selected to give an introduction to the breadth and quality of our list. This is a whistle-stop tour of the publishing you can now expect from us, from a revelatory This magazine is a companion piece to Rowman & Littlefield’s New Books Highlights catalogue, which is available now on Issuu.

account of the artist known as Prince by leading authority Duane Tudahl to a history of art by the globally respected Noah Charney. The former title even includes a foreword by Sir Elton John. As a Watford FC fan, I had to drop that one in there. There’s so much that we wanted to include in this guide, but sadly couldn’t. Visit to read and download our latest Trade Highlights catalogue, which features over a hundred forthcoming trade titles. If you’ve any questions about the titles in this guide or comments on Rowman Now (the more brutally critical, the better), please do get in touch with me. ______________________________________ Tim Hardy Marketing & Communications Manager Rowman & Littlefield International Sales & Marketing


The devil in the gallery

Michelangelo, Turner, Picasso, and Duchamp, Caravaggio was a game changer, invoking a level of naturalism, drama, cinematic use of lighting, and surprising interpretation of religious scenes that turned the art world on its head. But while his art is, rightly so, the subject of reams of scholarly and popular writing, it sometimes slips between the cracks that Caravaggio was perhaps art history’s most notorious criminal.

How Scandal, Shock, and Rivalry Shaped the Art World

He was a difficult character—someone who courted disaster, provoked it—and his life was a series of outbursts, incitements, scandals, rivalries, and shocks. But what if those very negatives were actually part of what made him great? The talent and genius were there, of course, but perhaps what we consider to be destructive in fact pushed his art to greater heights. We know far more about Caravaggio than most premodern artists because he was brought to

The Devil in the Gallery (Rowman & Littlefield,

trial so often. Court records have a habit of

November 2021) is a guided tour of the history of

surviving far better than most, particularly in

art through it scandals, rivalries, and shocking

Italy’s impressive archival system. So, while we

acts, each of which resulted in a positive step

do not even know the birth year of Hieronymus

forward for art in general and, in most cases,

Bosch, or what Rogier van der Weyden did for

for the careers of the artists in question.

the first dozen or so years of his life, we can

Author Noah Charney is an internationally

track Caravaggio’s exploits in impressive detail,

best-selling author of more than a dozen books

even to the day.

and a professor of art history specializing in art

He was also the subject of multiple biographies,

crime. His novel, The Art Thief, was a bestseller

including those written by people who knew

in five countries and has been translated into

him — and sometimes hated him. These

seventeen languages.

riches mean that we have a far more threedimensional portrait of him, and it isn’t pretty.

In this extract, Charney introduces the

In colloquial terms, Caravaggio was a major-

fascinating, temperamental Caravaggio.

league asshole. He was also probably sociopathic, as so many people remark about his choleric, ill-


tempered, jumpy, unpredictable personality — even those, like Cardinal del Monte, one of his

Caravaggio lived a violent hot fist of a life. It

earliest admirers and patrons, who wished him

was brief, full of angst, upset, blood, and death,

well. His roguish behavior is attested to in the

featuring a total revolution in painting on a

many pages of court documents from at least

scale only rarely approached in other periods

eleven different trials. He was a world-class bad

in the history of art. Michelangelo Merisi,

tenant: He threatened his landlady, called her

who got his nickname from having grown

names, and pelted her with rotten vegetables

up in Caravaggio, near Milan, is one of just a

and stones. He poked a hole in the apartment

handful of artists who completely changed art,

wall, ostensibly to let in natural light, but with

Caravaggio, Italy,

shifted its continuum in a new direction. Along

it came snow, rain, and swarms of pigeons.

the town from which

with the likes of Giotto, Masaccio, Donatello,

He was almost certainly bisexual, involved


Right: Portici Santuario 5 in

Michelangelo Merisi drew his pseudonym



in relationships with many women (most of them prostitutes). He probably also worked as a young male courtesan in the service of several cardinals who enjoyed such company—

“Caravaggio threatened to beat up painters who imitated his style. He did beat up a waiter, ostensibly for having served him a plate of overcooked artichokes.”

he would paint portraits of these consorts and of himself in a similar pose. He was likely in a physical relationship with one of his adolescent male models, Cecco da Caravaggio. His sexuality is not really relevant to the discussion of his criminal activities, other than to say that accusations of homosexuality and sodomy were cast around him, as both were illegal at the time. But it is often difficult to tell whether accusations were real or fabricated— to get someone into trouble in Baroque Rome, an enemy might accuse you of homosexuality, whether or not it was true. That he was a magnet for trouble, much of his

match, but scholars have found that it was not

own devising, is beyond doubt. He threatened

a straightforward murder but rather a very

to beat up painters who imitated his style.

personal attack. Tomassoni’s genitals were

He did beat up a waiter, ostensibly for having

mutilated, and he subsequently died from

served him a plate of overcooked artichokes.

the wounds. Caravaggio was obliged to flee or

He had to flee Rome after having killed a rival

face trial for murder, with the penalty capital

in a fight and spent the remainder of his brief

punishment. He was under the protection of

life traveling in hopes of a papal pardon for

some powerful aristocratic patrons, including

the murder. Both his pugnacious manner and

the Colonna and Del Monte families, but there

the murder were impediments to his artistic

was only so much they could do. In Rome, only

career, as they forced him to lead so unsettled

the pope, who was the equivalent of the king,

a life that his artistic production was limited

had the power to pardon a murderer. And so

due to his constant travel, always on the lam,

Caravaggio fled, always hoping to return if a

getting on the wrong side of all who took him

papal pardon could be secured.

in. But other “negative” characteristics may

He first set off for the Colonna family estates

have spurred his art forward.

outside of Rome. He continued on to Naples,

We tend to think of painters as perhaps

where he scored major, lucrative commissions

somewhat effete, low-key types. but Baroque

thanks to interventions by the Colonna family.

painters were a badass bunch. There were

Even while on the run for murder, Caravaggio

street gangs of painters, with a particular

was still the most popular avant-garde painter

rivalry between Dutch painters living in Rome

of the time, and his work was welcomed

and local boys. Caravaggio was involved in

wherever he went. He might have remained in

gangs and gang street fights. He carried a

Naples, but his friend Fabrizio Sforza Colonna

sword, which was illegal at the time if you

was about to set off for Malta. He was the

were not an aristocrat, and he had it inscribed

general of the galleys of the Knights of Malta,

with a decidedly badass phrase that translates

a medieval Crusader order (the Hospitallers)

as: “Without hope, without fear.” It was likely

populated with members of Europe’s finest

interiors from

a gang dustup, coupled with affection for the

families and with huge influence, particularly

Devil in the

same prostitute that led to his maiming, and

at the Vatican. Caravaggio saw membership in

Gallery, plus its

the subsequent death, of Ranuccio Tomassoni.

the order as his best chance for a pardon, so he

It was recorded that the fight was over a tennis

joined Colonna and sailed for Malta.

Left: Various



There, he was immediately welcomed by Alof de

was a volitional act, a sort of painted middle

Wignacourt, the Grand Master of the Knights

finger hanging over the altar inside his local

of Malta, who was delighted that so famous


an artist should rock up on the shores of his

His Death of the Virgin employed as the model

rocky island. While another knight, Malaspina,

for the body of Mary the corpse of a prostitute

commissioned religious works —Caravaggio’s

that Caravaggio saw dredged out of the Tiber

Saint Jerome and Beheading of John the Baptist

River. He could have chosen anyone. His desire

— Wignacourt had his portrait painted, as did

for naturalism made him select a corpse as the

some other illustrious knights. Things were

model for the deceased Virgin Mary, but that

looking good for Caravaggio — until, Caravaggio

the corpse was of a prostitute, and that the

being Caravaggio, he got into trouble.

finished painted figure still suggests a body

The exact nature of it is not clear, but it seems

that had soaked in dirty river water, was a

that he got into a fight with another knight,

proactive shock tactic.

an aristocrat to boot, in which he broke down

Some have theorized that he intentionally

a door and beat up his opponent. Having

made works that church commissioners would

arrived in 1607, by mid-1608 he was cast out

find “indecorous,” not appearing as they had

of the order, referred to as a “putrid and fetid

expected, and which they would reject. This

member,” and thrown in prison. Alas, history

meant that Caravaggio kept the advance on

does not record just how, but he managed to

his commission but then could quickly sell

escape from prison and make his way to Sicily.

the finished, rejected painting to a private

When his winding path led him back to Naples

buyer for far more money than the church was

in 1609, he was jumped by a gang of toughs who

offering. In this way, he financially benefited

beat him so severely that he was permanently

from intentionally creating edgy, “indecorous”

disfigured and died not long after, possibly

works — effectively employing shock to his own

from malaria but just as possibly from the

end, for shock may be defined, for our purposes,

wounds inflicted. One theory suggests that the

as the intentional creation of a scandal through

gang had been sent to kill him by order of the

an action (in this case, creating an artwork)

Vatican, in revenge for his fight with the knight

that, by design, surprised and dismayed many.

on Malta. Violence and temper, therefore,

An example comes in his work for the Cerasi

were his enemies. But did he benefit from the

Chapel in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo.

rivalries, scandals, and shock of his career that

He was commissioned to paint The Crucifixion

did not involve fists and blades?

of Saint Peter and The Conversion of Saint Paul.

A close examination of how he chose to create

According to his first biographer, Giovanni

art in a manner designed to shock leads to

Baglione, he painted versions of each that were

some surprising conclusions. He used, as a

rejected by the patron as “indecorous.” Both

model for the Virgin Mary in his Madonna of

were then sold to private collectors, while he

Loreto painting for the church of Sant’Agostino

painted a second version of each, which were

in Rome, a prostitute friend of his named

accepted and remain displayed in the chapel.

Maddalena Antognetti, nicknamed Lena, who

To understand how Caravaggio could get away

liked to call herself “la donna di Caravaggio”

with defying, in an almost aggressive way,

(Caravaggio’s woman). Lena solicited clients

the expectations of his patrons, we must keep

on the street in front of the church of

in mind just how popular he was and how


recognized was his talent.

This didn’t go over so well when the locals


walked past her on Sundays on their way to mass, then saw her portrayed as the Madonna

The preceding extract was adapted from Noah

inside the church. Caravaggio could have

Charney’s The Devil in the Gallery: How Scandal,

chosen anyone as a model for his Virgin Mary,

Shock, and Rivalry Shaped the Art World

but instead he made the proactive decision to

(Hardback, 9781538138649, November 2021, £35.00).

select someone whom the congregation would

Right: Caravaggio, The Death of the Virgin (1601–1606) Photo courtesy of WikiCommons from

recognize as the polar opposite of a virgin. This






The world of james bond

The World of James Bond (Rowman & Littlefield,

villain rejects Kansas — “the world might not

Goldfinger, which appeared in 1964, the year

June 2021) provides the most current and

notice,” Diamonds Are Forever, 1971), as well

of his early death. His character, Bond, and

insightful look at the politics and culture of the

as Zorin’s plan for the devastation of Silicon

the titles of his stories, but not the plots or the

Bond world as the last Daniel Craig movie hits

Valley (A View to a Kill, 1985). Bond also defeats

context, are what is left.


other megalomaniacs. Some of these, such as

Ironically, the first portrayal of Bond on

Stromberg in The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) and

screen was as an American, “Jimmy Bond”, ably

In this extract, author Jeremy Black explores the

Drax in Moonraker (1979), would have destroyed

played as a heavy-smoking hard man by Barry

initial adaptation of Bond for the big screen.

America as part of a total global cataclysm.

Nelson. This was in a 1954 CBS live studio–shot

Bond may have appeared to save America, but,

television version of Casino Royale entitled Too

in fact, it was America that saved Bond, just as

Hot to Handle, in the Climax Mystery Theater

America had helped save Britain and Western

series, broadcast on October 21. In contrast to

In many of the films, James Bond dramatically

values, both in World War II and in the Cold War.

the novel, it was the British agent, now called

saves America. He stopped Dr. No from

Bond was originally a quintessentially British

Clarence Leiter, who assisted Bond, so that the

“toppling” a crucial American missile test (1962);

figure, but he was translated for the film role.

Anglo-American relationship of the book was

prevented Goldfinger from making the Fort

Indeed, the modern world knows Bond through

reversed for American consumption.

Knox gold reserves radioactive (1964); thwarted

the films, not the novels. The intentions of

Largo’s attempt to blow up Miami (Thunderball,

Fleming are glimpsed at second hand, and

1965), and Blofeld’s to destroy Washington (the

even then only fitfully so after the third film,



Above: A street mural depicting Sean Connery as James Bond Overleaf: The book’s cover

This approach matched America’s perception of the Anglo-American relationship in World War II and thereafter. Peter Lorre, who played the villain Le Chiffre, was shot dead at the close of the television version (as in the story), but, unaware that the cameras were still rolling, he got up and walked off. “Jimmy Bond” was also the name of a character in the 2001 American television series The Lone Gunmen, a largely comic series. With the exception of this television version of

Casino Royale, Fleming’s hopes of Bond being presented on the screen, and of the author gaining much money and fame accordingly, had for long been unsuccessful. Financial backing, or rather the absence of it, was a key element. This lack of success reflected the inherent cost of the Bond plots, but also the studios’ perception that American viewers would not necessarily be interested in a British secret agent. It long proved impossible to obtain the necessary financial backing, and Fleming encountered a series of problems in winning support. These included, in Britain, Alexander Korda’s failure to follow through on a 1953 approach to Fleming about taking Bond to the screen. In his copy of Moonraker, Fleming noted: “It is based on a film script I have had in my mind for many many years.” When Casino

Royale was released as a book in the United States in March 1954, it had mixed reviews, notably in the New York Times, and sold only 4,000 copies in its first year in hardback only. Fleming’s quest for American support was

producer, eventually setting up Danjaq to hold

more than just a matter of money. It also

the copyrights and Eon Productions to produce

reflected his fascination, and that of many

the films. Broccoli helped Saltzman finance the

postwar Britons, with the United States as a

deal, which acquired the film rights to all the

land of opulence. Thus, in Goldfinger, Bond

novels that Fleming owned, which excluded,

is collected in Miami in a “gleaming Chrysler

as it turned out, Casino Royale, to which the

Imperial... The soft upholstery. The interior of

permanent screen rights had been sold for

“Fleming’s quest for American support was more than just a matter of money. It reflected his fascination with the United States as a land of opulence.”

the car was deliciously cool . . . carried along

$6,000 in 1955, and Thunderball, the character

on the gracious stream of speed and comfort

Blofeld, and SPECTRE. Broccoli and Saltzman

and rich small-talk.” He goes on to an excellent

also acquired the film rights to the character

meal, and to an opulent hotel the details of

of Bond, which meant that they could continue

which are lovingly presented. There was also

the series once the novels had all been filmed.

something sympathetic to America about a

At that stage, there were only six novels and a

British agent who was revealed by Fleming as

collection of short stories. Fleming was to

that went to court led to the substitution of Dr.

not drinking tea, thinking it mud, and, instead,

receive £100,000 for each title, plus 2.5 percent


preferring coffee.

of the net profits from each film, and a title had

In 1961, Harry Saltzman, a Canadian-born

to be optioned every eighteen months. Broccoli


film producer, bought a six-month option

and Saltzman persuaded United Artists to

The preceding extract was adapted from Jeremy

on the Bond stories but was unable to obtain

provide the money needed for the production,

Black’s The World of James Bond: The Lives

backing to produce them until he teamed up

which was their key role: Fleming needed

and Times of 007, Updated Edition (Hardback,

with Albert “Cubby” Broccoli, an American

intermediaries. Thunderball was to be the first

9781538126363, June 2021, £18.95).


film, but bitter legal disputes over copyright


The blister club

physical and mental conditioning, and more than a bit of luck to return to friendly lines. They travelled by bicycles, automobiles, trains, boats, and—as the name indicates—on their own feet to reach friendly or neutral territory. NOW: For such an interesting and at-times remarkable topic, the escape lines from mainland Europe

The Extraordinary Story of the Downed American Airmen Who Escaped to Safety in World War II

are little discussed in popular military history circles. Why do you think this is? Lanning: Throughout the war years every effort was made to keep the escape lines and their helpers as secret as possible. Even so, few of the lines, and even fewer of their civilian operatives, survived the war because German infiltrators and informants exposed them resulting in their execution or imprisonment. Many of the

Michael Lee Lanning, a veteran of the US Army,

related documents remained classified until

has written previously in brutal, brilliant detail

well into the 1970s.

of soldiers’ experiences in the Vietnam War.

about “the lines” and they are included in the

There are some books

bibliography. For his new project, The Blister Club (Stackpole Books, December 2021), the author has turned


his gaze to an oft-forgotten aspect of WWII. In

The sheer number of soldiers’ testimonies

this exclusive interview, NOW quizzed Lanning

you include in the book is astounding. How

on the remarkable premise of his book, the

challenging was it to source and collate all

terrifying odds that fallen airmen faced and

these testimonies?

the fates of the extraordinary civilians who assisted them.

Lanning: The book is based on more than 43,000


pages of documents on file in the National

Could you briefly explain the premise and focus

Archives. There are also web sites (listed in the

of your book, please?

Bibliography) that contain crew lists, dates, and limited information of the loss of aircraft and


crews. Most authors are challenged by having

During World War II, 11,000 U.S. bombers,

too little information. In this case, it was just

fighters, and transports were downed by

the opposite. I began one page and one report

enemy fire, mechanical problems, or accidents

at a time. When I found an individual report

over Nazi-occupied Europe. This book is the

of sufficient note and interest, I reproduced

story of the more than 3,000 Americans who

it and set it aside. When only a portion was

survived their bail outs and crash-landings

of interest, I typed that part into a file that

and overcame all but overwhelming odds

contained various subject heads.

in escaping and evading Germans and local

these later became chapters in the book, were

collaborators. The men who became members

combined with other subjects, or not included

of the Blister Club combined survival skills,

at all. Many reports mirrored others with near


Some of

Overleaf: The cockpit of a B-17 Flying Fortress

died in their planes. Of the 15,000 or so airmen

constant refrains of “hid and slept in a haystack” and in complaints about blistered feet.


who safely reached the ground, only a little more

Your book includes numerous remarkable MIS-X

than 3,000 safely evaded. Unfortunately, there


E&E reports. At what stage in the book’s writing

are no debriefing records of captured airmen

You mention in your book that the USAAF did

did you decide to include many of these reports

released after the war that revealed just how

not emphasise the odds for an airman being

in full, rather than quote from them?

they were caught by the Germans, often with the assistance of local collaborators, or those

shot down to maintain morale. How aware were soldiers of their relatively high odds of being


shot down over enemy territory while they flew

Early in the planning process I intended to


include many complete E&E Reports. After


seeking the rewards offered by the Nazis.

reviewing the documents, I saw there was too

You mention the authorities’ need to verify those


much repetition in the content and decided it

claiming to be part of the Blister Club, to ensure

Airmen were well aware of the chances of being

would be best to only include the most detailed

they were not actually German infiltrators. Did

shot down. All they had to do was look on the

and interesting reports to lead each chapter,

you come across any examples in the archives of

airfield tarmac and the vacant spaces of planes

trying to match stories that matched the

German infiltrators being caught?

that did not return and at the empty bunks of

chapter subject. Lanning:

their friends and squadron mates. Interestingly, however, in more than 3,000 E&E reports, there


U.S. Military Intelligence has always been

are fewer than a dozen accounts of crewmen

Do you have a sense of how likely US airmen

way overboard with their “need to know” and

who had fatalistic thoughts of being shot down.

were to be caught attempting an escape from

suspicions of infiltrators and spies. There is not

Nearly every airman thought “it can’t happen

occupied Europe? Presumably the majority were

a single instance where the Germans attempted

to me” — which explains why so many were

intercepted by German occupiers.

to infiltrate an agent under the guise of being a successful evader.

ill prepared when faced with jumping from a burning plane or crash landing into enemy



Of the 30,000 crewmen of downed planes, half


NOW: The efforts of civilians in German-occupied countries to assist these fallen airmen were incredible. What were these civilians risking in providing such assistance? Presumably punishments would have been severe had they been caught? Lanning: The risks were simple and deadly—if you were caught assisting airmen in their evasion you were shot or hung. Your family may also be put to death or at least placed in concentration camps. Helpers were well aware of the dangers, but took risks to help downed airmen out of a sense of patriotism mixed with hatred for their German occupiers. Some of the younger helpers, in a manner that youths have always volunteered to march off to war, assisted out of a sense of adventure. Others of all ages simply saw the airmen as needing help and provided assistance because of feeling of responsibility to help those in need. NOW: Were there any individual cases you would’ve liked to include in the book but ultimately didn’t, or couldn’t? Lanning: There was more than enough material for a far more lengthy book, or for a second volume. I included what I thought were the best descriptions and the most interesting. NOW: The plight of Francis F. Higgins, who “carried a baby the entire way” over the Pyrenees, particularly caught my eye. Do you have any more information on his remarkable story? Lanning: The “baby story” is an example of some of the frustration in reviewing the E&E Reports. Often a phrase or sentence of remarkable interest is included with no addition details. Cross reference to other sources seldom added details. And, unfortunately, most of the Blister Club members are now deceased and cannot be


interviewed. So, to answer your question, “No, other than the baby being a part of group of Jews fleeing the Holocaust, there are no available details.”

Perhaps the baby, now

an aging adult, will read the book and let us know what happened.

“The risks were simple and deadly— if you were caught assisting airmen in their evasion you were shot or hung.”

NOW: Do you have any favourite individual stories unearthed while researching this book? Lanning: As a combat veteran myself, I am well aware of the humour a GI can find in any situation, no matter how difficult or dangerous. Although, MIS-X edited out much of the humorous comments by the evaders, there were sufficient funny observations to make up a chapter. It is my favourite part of the manuscript. NOW: Did many of the airmen who successfully evaded capture return to Europe after the war, to retrace their steps? Lanning: In the latter days of the war and in its immediate aftermath, MIS-X assisted successful evaders in contacting their helpers. This resulted in correspondence and later, when time and finances were available, many evaders did return to Europe to visit and thank their helpers. Exact numbers are not known but it likely easily numbers over one hundred. A few helpers also made their way to the States to visit “their airmen.” NOW: Are there any other little-discussed elements of WWII, or any other conflict, you’d like to research and write about? Lanning: I have been emailing with (my editor) Dave Reisch on several topics related to WWII. I also have many other ideas for books on military and other matters. In fact, am traveling to Kansas next week to take a look at some archives that might make a book. ______________________________________

Above: The book’s cover Above left: German-occupied Europe, 1942

Michael Lee Lanning’s The Blister Club: The Extraordinary

Below left: Occupied Paris, 1940s. Travelling through Paris was an often essential - though

Story of the Downed American Airmen Who Escaped to Safety

risky - venture for fallen airmen

in World War II (Hardback, 9780811739740, £22.95) publishes December 2021.


Below: USA Today reacts to extraordinary events Overleaf: The Capitol Building, 2020

the lost history of the capitol

The Lost History of the Capitol (Lyons Press, December 2021) is an account of the many bizarre, tragic, and violent episodes that have occurred in and around the Capitol Building, from the founding of the federal capital city in 1790 up to contemporary times. In this extract, author Edward P. Moser addresses the already infamous events of January 6, 2021. ____________________________ NOTE: This section was written soon after the events described and strove to reflect new information as it was reported. Both houses of Congress were in session that

Mike Pence presided. As part of the proceedings,

Challenging an Election’s Tallies

early afternoon of January 6, 2021, for the

a dozen Republican senators were planning to

Several hours before, President Trump had

quadrennial, and almost always humdrum, task

challenge the election results.

begun addressing a crowd of tens of thousands

of certifying the results of the previous fall’s

Suddenly, at 2:15 p.m., an official alerted Pelosi

of supporters, gathered outside the Ellipse south

presidential election. According to the official

of a security breach in the Building. She left

of the White House, in a “Stop the Steal” rally.

results, former vice president Joseph Robinette

abruptly, giving her gavel to Rep. Jim McGovern

Since the November 3 election, Trump and his

Biden Jr. had defeated President Donald John

of Massachusetts, and leaving a cellphone

supporters had alleged widespread voter fraud

Trump, in the Electoral College by 306 to 232, as

behind in her haste. Soon after, the session was

in the closely contested electoral “swing states,”

well as in the popular vote by 51 to 47 percent.

suspended. Republican Sen. James Lankford

such as Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania.

of Oklahoma was then speaking to the Senate.

The president and his legal team, including

Informed of a Shocking Event

He paused, and an aide informed him that

former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani,



“protestors are in the building.” To the sharp

had alleged many voting “irregularities,”

Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a seventeen-

sound of a gavel, Republican Sen. Charles

including: failure to verify the identities of

term congresswoman from San Francisco,

Grassley of Iowa intoned, “The Senate will

persons voting by mail and by absentee ballots;

presided from the Speaker’s rostrum. Various

stand in recess until the call of the Chair.”

voting by non-citizens, the deceased, and out-

congressmen and reporters lolled in the gallery

As onlookers checked their phones and

of-state residents; inadequate monitoring of

above, watching the session. In the Senate,

wondered what was happening, officials

ballot counting; backdating of ballots; voter

sixty-one-year old Republican vice president

whisked Pence and Pelosi to a “secure location.”

identification machines with weak accuracy





settings; and statistically unusual jumps in

state legislatures. However, on December 11,

set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate

voter tallies. Hundreds of witnesses presented

2020, the Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit

ones.” Among many Republicans, libertarians,

affidavits swearing they’d seen electoral

from Texas and eighteen other states to block

and others on the internet, accusations were

abuses. For several years, members of both

the Electoral College results from four of the

rife the election had been stolen, and that

parties had expressed concern about the

swing states.

civil strife threatened. Others thought, given

reliability and growing use of electronic voting

Some of the president’s advisors saw the

the unlikelihood of Congress acting on the

machines. Democrats dismissed the charges

congressional certification as their final chance

election results, Trump would have been wiser

of fraud, particularly in regard to the widely

of throwing the election back to the states, or

to “cut his losses” and focus on post-election

employed Dominion Voting Systems. They

to the House of Representatives. Trump had

Senate races in Georgia and on his own post-

asserted Biden’s victory resulted from record-

for weeks posted tweets calling for a massive

presidential role.

high voter turnout, particularly in the cities of

turnout at the January 6 rally, in an apparent,

the contested states.

last-ditch effort to pressure Congress. Oddly,

A Rally Peaceful, and a Riot Ugly

Many of the disputes involved changes in

he also put public pressure on his own vice

When the author bicycled through the host

voter laws in the states, enacted during the

president, Pence, to not certify the results, in

of demonstrators stretching up past the

Covid-19 pandemic originating in China, to

his role as the president of the Senate. Before

Washington Monument at the time of the

permit greater absentee and mail-in voting.

the rally, President Trump tweeted: “Mike

president’s speech, he found the mood typical

Conservatives asserted the changes were illegal

Pence didn’t have the courage to do what

of a “Trump rally”: boisterous and partisan, but

under Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution,

should have been done to protect our Country


which reserves election law changes to the

. . . giving States a chance to certify a corrected







policies and boasting of administration

Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues after

accomplishments, stated in part: “All Vice

Trump’s speech. They streamed into and

President Pence has to do is send [the election]

jammed up against the first crowd. At the same

back to the states to recertify, and we become

time, agitators near the grass screamed at

president . . . do nothing . . . then we are stuck

people not to depart.

with a president who lost the election by a lot...

“Forward!” several cried. “Do not retreat!”

We’re just not going to let that happen... We have

Various men wearing the insignia of right-

come to demand that Congress . . . only count

wing groups were spotted.

the electors who have been lawfully slated. I

Demonstrators rushed up the steps to the

know that everyone here will soon be marching

top of the Capitol’s stately balustrade. Some,

over to the Capitol building to peacefully and

astonishingly, scaled its steep walls, or dangled

patriotically make your voices heard . . . we are

from them. The police responded by firing more

going to try to give our Republicans the kind of

tear gas. Members of the crowd, ever larger,

pride and boldness that they need. . . .”

stayed put, or surged forward even more. A line

At the other end of the National Mall, a smaller

of about dozen young men with helmets and

Surreally, a retired firefighter tossed a fire

but still substantial crowd of protestors,

camouflage attire was spied marching military-

extinguisher at a clutch of police. According to

many with hats emblazoned with the Trump

style toward the entrance to the Rotunda. Some

a Politico photographer, police pepper-sprayed

campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again”

people, some helmeted, began smashing open

back a dozen rioters who’d pushed through

(MAGA), and brandishing American flags,

the Capitol Building’s doorways. Policemen

an entranceway; they fell back down upon

gathered west of the Capitol Building’s West

were battered with poles and fists, even as they

each other in a heap. Many defenders of the

Lawn, near the U.S. Grant and James Garfield

were forbidden to use greater force, and lacked

Building rose to the occasion. One canny cop

statues. In front of them loomed the platforms

basic riot gear like helmets.

led rioters on a wild goose chase away from a





“Some intruders were very violent, and wielded bats and pipes. A group dragged a police officer down some stairs and beat him with a flagpole.”

Senate entrance. Employees from the Architect


inauguration on January 20. To the surprise

The Building Breached

of the Capitol rushed to the roof to reverse

of some, despite the very large protest spilling

Some of the police stood by; incredibly, some

the Building’s airflow, aiding the removal

onto the Mall, and the joint session of Congress

seemed to wave interlopers into the Building.

of destructive chemical odors from tear gas

for certifying the election, few Capitol Police

Soon swarms of people were inside. It was

and bear spray. Such employees recalled the

or Metropolitan DC police were visible, and no

the first time across 221 years of the Capitol’s

intrepid clerks who spirited away valuable

National Guardsmen.

eventful history that a non-military horde had

items from the Capitol prior to its destruction

Around 1:00 p.m., about ten minutes before

broken in. People shouted: “Whose House? Our

by the British in 1814. The mayhem peaked at

the end of the president’s oration, numbers

House!” and “Stop the Steal!,” or “Be respectful!”

the entrance to the Speaker’s Lobby, a hallway

of men began breaking up the light-metal

or “Treason!” Demonstrators pushed back the

with access to the House. There, screaming

barricades near the Capitol. Fistfights among

police trying to contain them; cops pepper

rioters smashed the door’s glass and wood.

ruffians and policemen broke out, and the cops

sprayed them in return. Roughly eight hundred

A few Capitol Police stood by without taking

were overwhelmed. Some brawlers had come

people illicitly entered the Building.

action. Then a tactical unit of four heavily

for a fight: They wore gas masks and helmets.

The behavior of the lawbreakers varied. One

armed police stepped warily up an adjacent

Hundreds of demonstrators then surged

group treated its intrusion almost as a frat

stairwell. As they walked onto the landing, a

trespassing onto the lawn next to the Capitol’s

party, lolling about the hallowed Statuary Hall

shot rang out from the other side of the door.

façade. Shockingly, young men climbed atop

and the Rotunda, taking selfies or photos of the

One of the intruders, thirty-five-year-old Air

the inauguration platforms, waving flags and

world-famous artwork, and were later largely

Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, was fatally shot by

shouting “U.S.A, U.S.A!” Many more followed

charged with trespassing. Another group

a policeman.

them. More police arrived, though some merely

was combative, and broke into the offices of


milled about, having gotten unclear or few

congressmen, including that of Majority

instructions from their leadership. Evidently

Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland and the House

The preceding extract was adapted from Edward

none used bullhorns to order the crowd to get

Speaker. They pushed documents off of desks

P. Moser’s The Lost History of the Capitol: The

off the grounds. Then the police fired tear gas

onto carpets, even pilfered personal items.

Hidden and Tumultuous Saga of Congress and

into the trespassers, according to an eyewitness

Some congressmen barricaded the doors to

the Capitol Building (Hardback, 9781493055906,

report in The Federalist. Some in the crowd

their offices and hid inside with staff. Some

December 2021, £21.95).

were stunned and angered at this.

intruders were very violent, and wielded bats

Pouring toward the grounds came another,

and pipes. A group dragged a police officer

larger mass, the thousands who walked down

down some stairs and beat him with a flagpole.


Overleaf: Protestors in Washington D.C. Overleaf: The book’s cover


The original building is completed.


The building is partly destroyed by the British in the burning of Washington.


Eric Muenter, a German professor who wants to stop American support of the Allies of World War I, explodeds a bomb in the reception room of the U.S. Senate.


Puerto Rican nationalists open fire on members of Congress from the visitors’ gallery, injuring five representatives.


The Weather Underground group detonate a bomb below the chamber of the US Senate, in opposition to the war in Southeast Asia.


The Armed Resistance Unit claim responsibility for a bomb that detonates outside the office of Senate Minority Leader Robert Byrd.


Russell Eugene Weston Jr., a man with a history of paranoid schizophrenia, fatally shoots two police officers while trying to storm the Capitol. Weston believed, amongst other delusions, that President Bill Clinton was a Russian clone.


Widespread anthrax attacks lead the Environmental Protection Agency to spend $27 million to decontaminate Capitol facilities.


Thousands of Trump supporters breach police lines during a protest. Around 800 enter the Capitol, briefly occupying the chambers of both houses of Congress.


Below: The Acropolis in Athens, Greece

Naked statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants In Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War

Smoke spills from the door of a tavern across



the street, carrying the scent of roasted

historian Garrett Ryan asks the pressing

chickpeas. A multilingual hubbub fills your

questions you’ve always wondered - but been

ears, and harried pedestrians rush past, all

too embarrassed to ask - about the Ancient

wearing clothes very different from anything

Greeks and Romans. Questions such as...

in Athens.



A few men are wearing togas. An unfolded

Why Didn’t the Greeks or Romans Wear Trousers?

toga is a vast woolen expanse up to twenty feet across. Immersing oneself in this sea of cloth is such a complicated process that aristocrats

You are walking on a busy street in Classical

often have a slave whose primary duty is to

Athens. It is a summer morning — hot, but not

crease and drape it. Since walking in a toga is

too hot to run errands. White walls glitter in

equal parts art and ordeal—any failure to keep

the sun. A murmur of Greek drifts through the

one’s left arm at just the right angle spells

dusty air. The mouthwatering aroma of honey

death for all those careful folds—most of the

cakes, stacked in a nearby stall, competes with

men on our street have left their togas at home

the unmistakable stench of a city without a

and are going about their business in short

sewage system.

tunics. Some of the women are swathed in the

Most of your fellow pedestrians are men. Most

traditional mantle of the Roman matron. The

of these men are not quite half-naked. Some

rest wear full-length tunics in a riot of colors.

have a cloak wrapped around their torsos.

Both Greek and Roman clothing was draped over

The rest stroll by in loose, knee-length tunics.

the body. Whether linen, wool, or cotton, draped

The few women in sight are wearing longer

clothes were well-suited to a Mediterranean

tunics, fastened at the shoulders with long

climate and conveniently adaptable to changes

pins. Female and male, the clothes of the

in the social situation or weather. They tended,

poor are the off-white of uncolored wool. The

however, to be uncomfortable in the cold and

more prosperous are plumed in every shade of

damp. Some, like the toga, required constant

yellow, green, and brown.

attention to wear correctly. All lacked pockets.

Now transport yourself to a street in early

This, it would seem, was a world crying out for

imperial Rome. Although it is nearly noon (or

pants. Yet with only a few exceptions—such as

sixth hour, as the Romans call it), the street is

the eccentric Emperor Elagabalus, who gloried

still dark, shadowed by the towering apartment

in his silken slacks—the Greeks and Romans

buildings on either side. The cobbles underfoot

regarded pants as barbaric. To the Athenians,

are slick with foul-smelling muck.

they recalled the Persians, who had invaded


Greece in overwhelming numbers and baggy trousers. The Romans associated them with the tattoo-streaked and beer-swilling peoples of the north, especially the Germans. In the end, however, the Romans buckled. The process began among the legions. The kneelength tunics legionaries wore, designed for the heat of a Mediterranean summer, were unpleasantly breezy in northern winters. Inspired by barbarian cavalrymen, soldiers stationed in chilly climes began to squeeze into short breeches of wool or leather. Soon, some took the natural next step of wearing full-length pants. Their commanders followed suit: a third-century emperor shocked respectable opinion by wearing such pants (and a floppy blond wig) while leading his troops. Over the course of the fourth century, as soldiers in politics made military clothing fashionable, civilians began to trade their own tunics for trousers. By the century’s end, the practice had become so widespread that pants were banned from the city of Rome by imperial edict. Any man found so scandalously attired was to be arrested, stripped of his property (and presumably his pants), and sent into perpetual exile. The cause, however, was already lost. Above: A sticky situation

Within a few decades, senators were wearing

Below: The book’s cover

trousers even in the emperor’s presence. Having glanced at the advance of pants, we must confront a more profound question: did

author tells the story of a visitor who sat across

The preceding extract was adapted from Garrett

the Greeks and Romans wear underwear?

a fire from Saint Martin of Tours. The man

Ryan’s Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War

Most women certainly wore the proto-bras we

eased back on his chair, spread his legs—and

Elephants: Frequently Asked Questions about

call breast bands. Though fitted versions with

accidentally gave the saint an expansive view

the Ancient Greeks and Romans (Paperback,

shoulder straps existed, these were usually

of his genitals.

9781633887022, November 2021, £16.95).

were considered attractive, women often

By the fourth century, when Saint Martin was

used the bands to flatten their chests. If we

flashed, Roman clothing was well on its way

can believe ancient poets, they also served as

to becoming medieval. Imagine yourself on

makeshift pockets for everything from love

a street in late antique Constantinople. Let’s

letters to vials of poison. Breast bands were

say, for the sake of ambience, that it is a crisp

even reputed to have medicinal properties: a

autumn afternoon, with a salt-smelling breeze

used band wound round one’s head was said to

in the air and church bells serenading the

relieve headaches.

mellow light. A pompous court official glides

Greek men apparently had nothing but sunburn

past in a slim version of the traditional toga.

and self-assurance beneath their tunics.

Lesser men bustle by in knee-length tunics

In the Roman world, a few traditionalists

with broad sleeves and as much embroidery as

wore loincloths under their togas, and men

they can afford. The women’s tunics are longer,

might sport a sort of Speedo in the baths.

though equally billowy and bedizened. A few

Most, however, dispensed with underwear,

of the wealthiest pedestrians flaunt garments

preferring breathable undertunics of linen

of clinging silk. A few of the most pious bear

or silk. Though comfortable, these garments

Christian tattoos on their hands. But none at

were not conducive to modesty. A late antique

all, you feel quite certain, is wearing underwear.



Below: A mural in Cleveland, USA. Overleaf: A mural in Hagen, Germany.

How do you follow up purple rain?

Duane Tudahl’s Prince and the Purple Rain

Prince, the biggest rock star on the planet at

the eighties without him. No Purple Rain. No

Era Studio Sessions published in 2017 to rave

the time, risked everything to create some of

1999. No Prince sitting naked on the cover of

reviews from devoted Prince fans, the artist’s

the most introspective music of his four-decade

Lovesexy. Okay, we didn’t need that one, but we

inner circle and popular music press alike.

career. The book includes a foreword by music

wanted it. We wanted someone to slap us upside

This exhaustive account pulled back the paisley

legend Sir Elton John.

with a funky bass line or shock our senses with

curtain to reveal the untold story of Prince’s rise

a song that had NO bass line. We needed that

from cult favorite to the biggest rock star on

In the following extract, Tudahl explains the

because in many ways, music had gone stale and

the planet. With the book, Tudahl cemented his

motivations behind his writing the second book

there was little danger left.

status as the pre-eminent Prince historian.

in the series.

We needed someone to threaten the status quo

From Prince’s superstardom to studio seclusion,


but also to push us to get off our asses and dance.

Prince and the Parade and Sign O’ The Times

We needed someone to remind us of the power of funk, the unbridled joy of riding a greasy groove,

Era Studio Sessions: 1985 and 1986 (Rowman

Everything starts with a need. . . .

and earning the sweat from dancing all night to

& Littlefield, June 2021), the second book in

In the 1980s, we needed Prince. We didn’t realize

a pounding thump you could feel in your core.

Tudahl’s award-winning series, spotlights how

it, but we did. If you don’t think so, imagine

Prince brought that danger in so many ways.


According to Eric Clapton, “This is someone

that was, his life took on bigger meaning when

who is a reincarnation of Little Richard, Jimi

we lost him as early as we did.

Hendrix, and James Brown in one. I thought,

Bruce Springsteen eloquently reflected about

that’s exactly what the world needed.” When

Prince’s passing and said, “Any death gives you

one of the greatest guitarists of all time

renewed sight. It’s a part of what the dead pass

explains the need for Prince, you take notice.

on to us. A chance to look at our lives and look

I started writing the first book in this series

at the world again.”

because I needed to tell his story, but as I wrote

Personally, I want to know more about him

it, I realized that it was also the story of the

because it takes his music to a different level

people that Prince handpicked to be near him.

and gives us a chance to add to his legacy. I want

These select few were important because they

people to learn how he did it, but it is also vital

were there at his side when he created some of

to know why because “why” questions are the

his most important music. And just like writing

ones that open doors that reveal the character

a song, writing a book is a lot of work and a

inside of Prince instead of the character we

thousand obstacles will block it from being

know as “Prince.”

finished. Books don’t get done until someone

“I think that you can’t understand his music

feels the need to write it. Once I finished the

unless you understand the man,” reveals his

first volume, I realized that, although it was a

former fiancée Susannah Melvoin. “I think that

complete story, his story wasn’t finished being

everyone’s interpretation is valid of him as the

told—which brings me to this book and the

musician, but to really understand the music,

other half of the dream.

is to understand who he was. Not many people

Wait a minute, supposedly sequels never lived

got that chance.”

up to the original. Well, this isn’t really a sequel

Although this book has been in the works for

at all. It is the second half of Prince’s story

years, months were spent working alone in our

while he was working with the Revolution.

collective isolation of 2020 due to the pandemic.

The first book in this series was about the rise

Not seeing those we care for or having that

of Prince and the birth of the Revolution and

healing touch from a loved one has forced us

how vital they were to Prince’s success and how

to use a part of ourselves that came to Prince

deeply involved in his work they’d become, but

naturally because being alone in his recording

that was only half of the story. The second half

studio and muting out the world allowed him to

explains how he opened himself up to them,

give birth to his art and share his intimacy in a

showing his truth and vulnerability, which

way that he often struggled with, according to

fueled his creativity, energizing him to fashion

many in his life.

what many consider to be his most inspired

“Isolation for him wasn’t a hindrance,” explains

album, Sign O’ The Times, and it starts with

Susannah. “Isolation was a time for him to

him at the peak of his popularity.

communicate what he needed to say. So music

This isn’t the story of Prince’s impact. We

and isolation were his language.”

all can see that in ourselves, but this book is

Today, we need Prince at the exact time we

about his contributions to his music and more

know he isn’t available. We need that escape

accurately, what parts of himself were exposed

and we need the unity of his fams/fans. We

because there is a lot of Prince in his art. His

need to wave our arms slowly to the whooo-

songs were a combination of diary, observation,

whooo-ooooo-ooooo of “Purple Rain.” We need

and confessional.

to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the others

Prince wore many masks and didn’t reveal

who share this experience, remembering that

himself to his fans. There were glimpses, but

his music touches every race, gender, sexual

he seemed to enjoy the mystery and the playful

identity, and religion. It virtually wipes out what

deception we accepted from him. Not that he

keeps us apart and finds the commonalities

was tricking us, but he was using every chance

that connect us to one another because we are

he had to reveal just enough about himself to

all part of one huge family and our family has

keep us interested. A clever smile here and

lost its leader. Because we can’t have him, we

a raised eyebrow there said a lot from a man

need those who knew him to remind the world

who refused to talk. He was always protective

that he was, and still is, important.

of his story because the missing pieces kept us

This book is Prince’s story told through the

intrigued; but as enjoyable (or frustrating) as

prism of his time in the recording studio and



“Like books, and black lives, albums still matter.” — Prince

the part of him he wanted us all to know: his

or individual songs and listen as you read this


book. Knowing the passion and stories behind

I don’t want to deify him. In fact, it is even more

this incredible period will make it much more

intriguing when you know his achievements in

intimate, almost as if he’s revealing his life to

the framework of his journey. It is infinitely

you through his music. Hopefully, this will give

more impressive that a man who has gone on

you a new appreciation and perspective as you

record about feeling “kicked out” of his home as

listen again for the first time with new ears.

a child was able to focus his energy on creating

My greatest wish is that this book puts you in

the wealth of music that he did.

the room when these sounds were born and

As a person, he wasn’t perfect by any standard.

lets you feel as if you are sitting next to the

He was a flawed man who recognized that his

maestro, whose rigorous training and skills

calling was music, and he labored to become

make it appear as if he is pulling music from

the best musician possible. Yes, his story will

the air.

contain heartbreak, pain, loss, and failure,

And please share this experience with someone

but there will also be resurrection, joy, and

from the next generation and watch the echoes

a legacy of music that continues to inspire

of his sounds and the ripples of his influence

millions. Despite all the chaos, that is a lesson

spread as far as possible. Let them know that

for everyone.

once there was a man named Prince, and after

“There’s even more to this genius than you

he stepped up to the mic, music was never the

realize,” explained his engineer Susan Rogers,


“and the true story of who Prince was and what

Prince said, “Like books, and black lives, albums

he did during his lifetime is a story that needs

still matter.”

to be told and shared and understood.”

I hope that books like this help fill a little of

Listening to a good song is like a journey.

that need and remind us all to celebrate and

Listening to a great song is like a journey with

dance. We need to dance.

your best friend. I hope that some of these personal recollections by those who were in the


room with Prince help create a great journey for you because the music in this book covers

The preceding extract was adapted from Duane

not only some of Prince’s best work but also

Tudahl’s Prince and the Parade and Sign O’

some of the best music anywhere; so open your

The Times Era Studio Sessions: 1985 and 1986

performing in 1986

heart and open your mind, and please go find

(Hardback, 9781538144510, June 2021, £29.00).

Above: The book’s

this incredible era of music in your collection



and relive it with a great set of headphones. If

Left (both): Prince

you don’t have this music, buy the albums, CDs,




The grunge diaries






trip, New York City’s very own Ramones hit the

in their songs than they did playing them,

(Backbeat, November 2021) is an exhaustive

Pacific Northwest for the first time in March

and who didn’t leave sufficient time between

account of a defining period of music history,

1977, to play concerts in Bremerton, Seattle,

numbers to even build up a decent belch. As the

authored by a top British-born journalist.

and, sandwiched in between, Aberdeen. The

Ramones completed their first set, they were

band played a bar, and according to Joey, all the

told to either turn down or turf out. When they

In this extract, Dave Thompson explains

terrible things that Kurt Cobain would ever say

didn’t do either, the crowd moved closer to the

Seattle’s grunge scene’s punk origins.

about his hometown were true, that night at

stage, and not because they appreciated the

least. They didn’t have punk bands in Aberdeen

music. Escaping with their lives and, in Joey’s

back then. They had Top Forty cover bands, and

case, a new respect for the plight of the locally


mock country & western acts, and when the

endangered northern spotted owl, the Ramones

A logging community, an Indian village, a rip in

logging industry’s lonely hearts community

hit Seattle the following night, twice as fired

the time-space continuum — however people

gathered for the weekly ritual of asking ladies to

and wired as ever. Apparently they played a

wanted to describe Seattle, Joey Ramone knew

dance, they wanted music they could smooch to,

blinder, so much so that the venue, the grand

exactly what they meant.

and maybe steal a kiss. Not a bunch of leather-

old Olympic Hotel, never again hosted another

Making only their second-ever West Coast

clad reprobates who spent longer counting

punk band. But still their only visible impact on


the regional scene was to prompt the evening’s support act, Jim Basnight, to move to New York. It did impact, though, and so did punk’s other

Below: The book’s cover Overleaf: Seattle, USA, the birthplace of grunge

tentacles as they spread westwards across the United States. The Melvins’ Buzz Osborne admitted that he was brought up on “seventies metal—Aerosmith, Ted Nugent, things like that.” But then he started seeing pictures of these outlandish characters in the music press and, like “any reasonably aware, reasonably curious fourteen or fifteen year old,” he decided to investigate. “I bought the Sex Pistols album out of curiosity, to find out what people who looked like that could sound like.” It was “the energy and aggression” that hit him hardest. “The political message didn’t really mean much. It was more the idea of music seeming so uncontrolled, but having such a tight musical focus. It was so different to anything I had ever heard before. Then I met someone who had all the British punk records—the Vibrators, 999, Buzzcocks, stuff that I’d never heard of.” Some was rubbish, some was great. But all of it “let me sort out in my own mind the stuff I wanted to live with, and the stuff I could live without. That collection was my education.” He passed on his knowledge. According to legend, it was Osborne’s collection of Sex

punk 45, “No Picture Necessary.” Rieflin was

the band’s roots lay at the moment when Bloch

Pistols books that encouraged Kurt Cobain to

also involved with the Telepaths, who were

spotted Gargiulo’s newly developed photo of

spike his hair and start spray-painting cars. “I

“basically a punk rock band before anyone ever

Iggy Pop and David Bowie, taken on the pair’s

claimed I would always be a punk,” Cobain told

heard of punk rock [the band formed in 1975].”

1977 U.S. tour. The Fastbacks grew out of that

Alternative Press years later.

Rieflin explained, “We were playing Stooges

encounter and they were, Warnick insisted,

By those standards. the story of Seattle punk is

songs, writing our own tunes, real high energy

“really horrible for a long time.” They preferred

the story of Anytown punk, and the only reason

stuff. Erich [Werner]’s idea of a guitar solo was

it that way, as well. Thirteen years later, she

we care today is for what it became, not what it

to hit an E chord as hard and long as possible. It

continued, “the only major difference” between

was. Because that was far more crucial.

wouldn’t matter what key the song was in. That

now and then was, “We’ve learned to play

The scene was small, a hardcore fringe in

represented the heaviest thing possible.”

better. Although not that much better. Now we

which bands existed for the moment, and the

It was the collision of these disparate thoughts,

can play standing up.”

moment alone. There were the Mentors, the

wrapped around a healthy regard for the

self-styled “masked villains of Rape Rock,”

riffing exuberance of Kiss, Black Sabbath, and

whose repertoire revolved around bodily

company, which would ultimately develop into

functions and body odors; Clone, whose first

grunge. Which is a grotesque generalization,

The preceding extract was adapted from Dave

live show involved attempting to play Bowie’s

but one that is given further credence by the

Thompson’s The Grunge Diaries: Seattle, 1990-

Station to Station album in its entirety; and

fact that the one true (or at least, true-to-life)

1994 (Paperback, 9781493055692, November 2021,

the Sixteen Year Old Virgins, featuring Stone

punk band to survive the first flush of late


Gossard’s cousin Jeff. All offered regional

1970s energy, the Fastbacks, was also one of the

variations on a theme of punk, everything from

few to whom those archetypes did not apply.

the autodestruction of their rental drums (the

An active force since 1980, the founding trio

Feelings) to the chainsaw destruction of their

of Kurt Bloch, Kim Warnick, and Lulu Gargiulo

amps (the Knobs), while the S’nots, featuring

came together in a high school photography

future Ministry, REM, and King Crimson

class; apparently, as Lulu put it, after “I took

drummer Bill Rieflin, made an even greater

this picture of my friend Kim, but all that came

mark when they released the local scene’s first

out was this forty-foot space monster.” In fact,




guy harvey’s underwater world

Growing up in Jamaica, we would encounter them offshore while fishing, close to flotsam or trailing a school of pilot or beaked whales. They used to be the most abundant large animal on the planet, but whitetip populations have been annihilated in the past 50 years by longline commercial fishing. Because of the large size of their fins, this species is preferred in the shark-fin trade. According to Dr. Shelley Clarke, between 400,000 and 1.5 million oceanic whitetips were killed for their fins in 2000 alone. Further research and analysis showed that this species had been reduced to 10 percent of its population in the South Pacific and down to just 1 percent in the Gulf of Mexico. The local abundance of oceanic whitetips was “discovered” in Cat Island, Bahamas, by Jim and his Ultimate Shark Diving Expedition team. He had heard stories about gamefishermen visiting this productive area who were losing

Guy Harvey’s Underwater World (Stackpole,

their hooked tuna, dolphin and marlin to the

August 2021) is a unique blend of vivid accounts

aggressive whitetips.

of conservation efforts, stunning photography

His interest piqued, Jim organized expeditions

and imaginative original illustrations by the

to this remote location, which was a two-day


cruise from West Palm Beach, Florida. One reason for the local abundance of this species

In this chapter, taken from the book, Guy

is because the Bahamas has banned longline

reflects on a trip to Cat Island in the Bahamas.

fishing since 1993. Then in 2011, the government protected all species of sharks from commercial


exploitation throughout the archipelago. The research opportunity here was initiated by Dr.

The Guy Harvey Research Institute’s fishing,

Edd Brooks of the Cape Eleuthera Institute, also

diving and shark-tagging expedition had taken

known as the Island School, and by Dr. Demian

several months to plan—the goal was to make

Chapman, who was the assistant director of

a new documentary under the auspices of the

science at the Institute for Ocean Conservation

Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation, with direction

Science at Stony Brook University at the time.



Demian was ably assisted by Lucy Howey and

Schellenger. The target species was the oceanic



Dr. Lance Jordan from Microwave Telemetry,

whitetip shark; a new tracking study was

the company that makes the satellite tags used

being conducted by a team from Stony Brook

in this study. We also met Brenda Anderson,

University in New York and the Cape Eleuthera

who was using ultrasound to test for pregnancy

Institute in the Bahamas. It was May 2013,

in female whitetips.

which is a good month to see oceanic whitetips

Accompanied by Dr. Mahmood Shivji, director

in the outer islands of the Bahamas. We would

of the GHRI, plus Brad Wetherbee and graduate

be aboard Jim Abernethy’s Shear Water for this

student Shara Teter, we set off with the crew

trip. Little is known about the life history of the

of Shear Water from West Palm Beach. Our

marlins he saw that

oceanic whitetip shark, which is found in all of

gentle itinerary included a stop near Staniel


the world’s warm oceans.

Cay to experience the novelty of the swimming


Right: Guy’s painting of the



29 00_Guy Harvey_Book_D.indb 7

12/8/20 8:20 PM


pigs; we also had our checkout dive in the famous Thunderball Cave, which was used in the James Bond movie Thunderball. The last leg of the transit to Columbus Point, Cat Island, was made in choppy conditions and gray skies, but we were amped up about diving with the whitetips the following day. Jim’s pre-dive briefing was thorough. He emphasized how inquisitive this species can

“The only clue I had about the big shark in the area was that the marlin suddenly lit up with vivid neon blue stripes.”

be and how close they like to come on the first and subsequent passes. We had to wear a black hood, black gloves and black socks, covering up

international controls on trade in oceanic

all of our skin. We also had to stay in a group at


the same depth and constantly keep swiveling

Back to trolling, heading in at around 6 p.m.,

to check all around. We trolled out about 4 miles

a blue marlin jumped on the black-and-purple

south of Columbus Point and dropped a dozen

Moldcraft Wide Range on the right long, and

buoyed milk crates loaded with fish scraps into

I was hooked up to an active blue marlin.

the water. I had brought some softhead lures,

The giant fish unzipped the calm water with

so while we waited for the sharks to appear in

its jumps. As the marlin got closer, I said to

the chum, we put out a spread of four lures and

Jim that he should get his gear on and go in.

teasers. The two research boats from the Island

He had never dived with a blue marlin before

School joined us, catching oceanic whitetips

and needed no further encouragement. He

and deploying SPOT tags on them.

came up beaming, then we took the hook out

The next day saw better weather, and again we

of the marlin’s mouth and let it go. It swam off

worked with the research crew. We did find that

strongly. It was the first blue marlin, about 175

the sharks left the area once they were tagged

pounds, ever caught aboard Shear Water.

and released, and the number of sharks we

I put the spread back out, and not three minutes

encountered dropped as the days went by. I was

later, another blue marlin came up on the right

amazed at how resilient these whitetips really

short lure, a black and green Moldcraft Super

were, and how quickly they swam off once the

Chugger. After three bites it failed to hook up,

hook was removed and the tail rope loosened.

then it went across to the left long and then

Demian said the survival rate was 100 percent

committed on the right long—we were hooked

last year. They are tough animals.

up again. At one point the marlin turned and

Demian, Edd and Lucy’s work showed that

came jumping toward the boat, head shaking,

some sharks stayed within the Bahamas’

pectoral fins spread wide, its tail churning and

exclusive economic zone all year. Additionally

leaving a foamy wake on the surface. I got the

there were three areas outside the Bahamas

marlin to the boat a few minutes later only

that were visited by the oceanic whitetips on

to find that it was rapidly losing weight: A

a regular basis in the western Atlantic, but

whitetip had taken three 20-pound chunks out

all sharks returned to the area around Cat

of the marlin.

Island year after year. They show a similar

We decided to boat the carcass and use it as

cyclical migratory behavior that we have seen

chum the following day. Mahmood, Brad, and

in tiger sharks migrating between Bermuda

the crew had never seen a dead marlin before

and the Bahamas. The whitetips spent a lot

and spent a while examining the great fish. It

of their time within the 200-mile EEZ of the

looked like the scene from Ernest Hemingway’s

Bahamas, therefore enjoying the protection

The Old Man and the Sea, when Santiago tied

those boundaries afford them. According to

the huge marlin to his skiff and the sharks took

Demian: “Perhaps this is why we can still

it apart on his way home. Oceanic whitetips had

find them there, in contrast to so many other

to be part of that story.

regions where the species has been depleted.

We decided to move to another location the

In any event, this research helped inspire the

following day near Tartar Bank, south of

Bahamian government to press for stricter

Hawk’s Nest. Here we caught a suitable whitetip


and secured it in the water but still on Shear Water’s dive platform. Mahmood and Brad took measurements, tissue samples and attached the SPOT tag to the dorsal fin. When the dorsal fin and tag breaks the surface, the tag sends its location to the satellites above with much greater accuracy than a PAT tag. Just after lunchtime, I saw a blue marlin inhale the red-and-black Moldcraft on the left short rod. Matt Heath had his hands full with the rampaging 150-pound blue. It was flat-calm, and the marlin tail-walked all over the ocean. When Matt reeled the marlin closer to the boat, Jim and crew got ready to go in and dive on the marlin. It was a bright, sunny day and calm—ideal conditions. We got four divers in the water with the marlin that was paddling contentedly below the boat, upright and clean. Suddenly Jim popped to surface yelling: “Mako! Mako! Mako!” and went down again. I expected the mako to pounce on the tired marlin, but

Bermuda & Caribbean / C a t I s l a n d , B a h a m a s 9

Above: Guy’s illustration of one of the

nothing happened. The only clue I had about the big shark in the area was that the marlin

day’s dramatic events Left: An illustration from the book

01_Bermuda Caribbean_Bahama_Cat Island.indd 9

Below: The book’s cover

suddenly lit up with vivid neon blue stripes. The fish was definitely excited. We waited a bit longer, then I removed the hook and released the marlin. It swam off through the divers, out of sight into the blue. I could only imagine what would happen if the reception committee was still lingering below. As Jim got in the boat, out came a flood of garbled words describing how close the big mako came, moving rapidly through the scene and then departing just as quickly. Jim and Mike both said that the mako was over 10 feet long, which put it around 600 pounds. A good trip had become a great one. Jim had never seen a big mako before, and one so close was a dream encounter. We took another 40 hours to get back to West Palm Beach. As we hit the dock, Brad checked his email and found that the oceanic whitetip we had tagged and named Lucy was reporting on a regular basis; we had some 30 hits in just a few days. Oceanic whitetips, blue marlin, several other shark species including a big mako, lots of great dives, research efforts, conservation—it doesn’t get better than this. ______________________________ The preceding extract was adapted from Guy Harvey’s Underwater World (Hardback, 9780811769907, August 2021, £38.00).


12/9/20 8:58 AM


Hain stops play!

“Sport had never experienced anything like this

fans, administrators, and establishment media.

Odendaal – Pitch Battles shows how decades


But the campaign was victorious, leading to the

of international and domestic sports-political

unprecedented stopping in 1970 of a scheduled

campaigning helped change a country and led to

“Fifty years ago in the British winter of 1969/70,

whites-only South African cricket tour.

a Springbok team captained by a township kid,

mass demonstrations and field invasions during

From Britain the new headline-grabbing direct-

Siyabonga Kolisi, winning the 2019 World Cup.

the whites-only South African Springbok rugby

action form of sports protest spread, a year later,

We have written a story of sacrifice, struggle and

tour disrupted the cosy relationship between

to former white-run British colony Australia,

triumph that takes us back to the nineteenth

elites from the two nations and shone global

and then to New Zealand.

century British origins of racism in sport and

attention on apartheid in sport and, more

With 50 years of hindsight, that presaged the

reveals how sport can never be divorced from

broadly, the iniquitous system itself.

end of apartheid sport.

politics or society’s values.

Thousands of protestors invaded rugby pitches,

Having myself led those militant demonstrations

We draw on their unusual personal journeys

cricket grounds and tennis courts to disrupt

against the apartheid tours – and co-authoring

to explore and illuminate global themes in

whites-only teams touring from apartheid

with South Africa’s foremost sports historian

sport. These range from the formative years of

South Africa, provoking a furious reaction from

and fellow anti-apartheid activist André

modern sport to the social roots of amateurism,


the impact of global economic systems, and the deeply rooted history of racism in sport. Our contemporary topics include the massive commercialisation of global sport – reflected by my favourite club, Chelsea – American footballers ‘taking a knee’ in protest against President Trump, US football star Megan Rapinoe speaking out, and England international footballer Eniola Aluko in 2017 protesting against racism in the England team’s coaching, as repeated outbreaks of racist outbreaks continue to tarnish football globally. Sport as we know it today emerged as a distinctly organised form of play in the 19th century. It started with an early phase of rapid globalisation via the spread of empire, and the

Above: Two schoolboys face off in a rugby

beginnings of international sporting contests

match in Durham, South Africa

– such as Wimbledon, the British Open golf

Overleaf: Peter Hain is carried away by police at Twickenham Stadium, UK, 1969

championships, the first football and rugby

Below: The book’s cover

internationals and the Olympic Games. When those demonstrations took place in 1969/70, Dr Danie Craven, the head of the South African Rugby Board, declared that the Springbok rugby jersey was for whites only and vowed that ‘over my dead body’ will black players ever wear it. A half a century later, the world watched in awe as a Springbok team with a wholly different complexion won the gripping rugby World Cup 2019 final in Japan, and captain Siya Kolisi, an inspirational young man who grew up in an impoverished Port Elizabeth township, lifted the William Webb Ellis trophy joyously above his head.” “But the battle globally is far from won.” Peter Hain ______________________________ The preceding piece was written in promotion of Peter Hain and André Odendaal’s Pitch Battles: Sport, Racism and Resistance (Paperback, 9781786615237, October 2021, £14.95).


from anger to action

we were exploring in the book. We had of course already included the movement as a powerful example of people organising against violence but the response to the killing of George Floyd was undoubtedly an historic turning point. NOW: A recurring theme in your book is your concern at the re-emergence of the far right across

Inside the Global Movements for Social Justice, Peace, and a Sustainable Planet

Europe in recent years. How frustrating has it been to pay witness to this? Have you employed any strategies to come to terms with it on a personal level? Lamb: The rise of populism and the far-right in Europe but also from the USA and Brazil to the Philippines, underscores the book’s focus on how progressive social movements must adapt and change – and up our game. For years there

From Anger to Action (Rowman & Littlefield,

was a sense of gradual liberal social democratic

July 2021) tells the stories of the citizens’

progress, with leaps forward on issues such as

movements charting new paths to tackle

gay rights. But all the while we were ignoring

the big global challenges that lie behind the

the dangerous rise of inequalities and the dark

political upheavals of our times. Drawing on

underbelly of anger that some politicians have

candid insights from citizens, activists, and

stirred. It is deeply worrying. My co-author

innovators, and their own experiences as

Ben Jackson and I could only come to terms

leaders of internationally recognized advocacy

with this and the multiple crises we describe

organizations, the authors give an insider

– of rising inequalities, rising conflict and

account of the battle for change and how it

more people displaced, and the climate crisis

can be won — as well as trenchant criticism of

– by redoubling our own small efforts to build

where traditional civil society has lost its way

change – including by writing about social

and needs renewal.

movements which are pushing back. We have both been so inspired by all those battling

In this interview, co-author Harriet Lamb

against the odds that this book seemed a good

discusses the nature of modern protest, her

way to celebrate them and put the spotlight on

own vast experiences and so much more.

the key role of social movements which is often underreported and overlooked.


From Anger to Action opens with a wonderful


summation of the summer protests of 2020.

In the chapter on your landmark 1994 court case

Did you consider it essential to capture those

against the government, you mention having

historic moments in the book?

“no Google” to help you back then. How has the growth of the internet and, by extension, social


media changed the way you campaign? Do you

Absolutely. The #BlackLivesMatter protests

think it has made campaigning easier or more

sweeping the world in summer 2020, in the

of a challenge for you overall?

midst of COVID 19, encapsulated so much that


Overleaf: Donald Trump, pictured shortly before commencing his first Presidential campaign



of kindness and respect. It only underscores

We describe in the book the rise of digital first

Not nearly enough has been done. We seem to

why we have to nurture those local, neighbourly

social movements such as 38 Degrees or Avaaz

just about be waking up and putting on the coffee

movements for change that foster compassion.

who have so brilliantly used social media to

– when we should be out the door and well away.

reach and mobilise people, scoring big campaign

The climate movements are powerhouses with


wins, and the hashtag movements like #MeToo

phenomenal reach and have notched up major

Louisa Waugh’s testimony on the appalling

or #BlackLivesMatter. On the other hand of

shifts but governments and businesses are still

conditions in European refugee camps is a

course, right wing populists have been even

not responding with the pace and ambition

genuinely upsetting – but necessary – part

more successful at using social media to stoke

needed. That’s why the COP26 climate talks in

of the book. How much hope do you hold that

hatred and spread mis-information, including

Glasgow this November are make or break – we

genuine compassion for displaced people can

through sophisticated micro-targeting. Social

have to get climate justice done.

become more widespread? What do you believe citizens can (or should) do to turn the tide of

movements are definitely trailing behind. But the danger is when organisations fall in love


with digital and are too quick to forget the

The remarkable Greta Thunberg is profiled in

importance of organising at the grassroots,

your book. Why do you think she elicits such


of meetings in cold Town Halls with key

seemingly unjustified disdain and derision from

Most people are naturally kind when they

supporters, or running market stalls to talk with

some people?

meet someone in need but their instincts

xenophobia and hostility we currently see?

are undermined when people, especially in

people directly - and that needs to continue. Lamb:

government, hype up the negative rhetoric.


I think it is fake, all part of pushing back against

The book’s co-author Ben Jackson who is

In a particularly moving section of the book, you

her very powerful and successful message from


tell the story of Fair Trade coffee farmers killed

people who don’t want our comfortable lives

#TogetherWithRefugees, uniting all those who

due to climate change in mid-noughties. How

to change. I always remember Michelle Obama

want to turn the tide.

do you assess the fifteen years since? Climate

saying that the lower critics go, the higher we

change is clearly now higher on the popular

have to go. So we have to rise above abusers who

agenda, but has enough been done?

can hide online and keep underlining the values






NOW: I absolutely love the “Stop Del Monte Dumping on Banana Workers” 1997 campaign photo stunt you describe in the book. Is that the favourite such protest you’ve done? How do you arrive at such an idea, and how do you know when you’ve hit upon the right photo op? Lamb: It was quite funny dumping a tonne of banana skins on Del Monte’s headquarters, next to all the shiny company cars. But for me, it was topped by driving a Challenger Tank up to the Midland Bank AGM at the Barbican in protest at their financing of arms sales to Indonesia (this was before 9/11 – I doubt you could do that now!). That was sparked by seeing the tank parked outside someone’s house in South London – and it just seemed too good an opportunity to miss. With hindsight, they were both cracking ideas but with both stunts, at the time I was nervous, given how much could have gone badly wrong! And you never know which photo op the papers will run – it all depends on the other news that day. NOW: Could you pick one person, of all those extraordinary individuals you’ve spoken to and profile in the book, who has inspired you most? Lamb: Absolutely impossible. And of course social change needs people leading in such a myriad of ways. But I have the most profound respect for the inspirational Abir Haj Ibrahim and her colleagues in Moberadoon, the network of people trying to build peace in Syria. They are swimming against such brutal tides – and yet always remain calm and brimming with tough hope. NOW: I really like your assertion that ‘every one of us has the capacity to hope and to see the pathways ahead’. What advice would you give Above (top): A mural tribute to Greta Thunberg

to people who are just starting out on their

Above (bottom): Harriet’s “Stop Del Monte Dumping

campaigning journey?

on Banana Workers” campaign proved particularly successful Overleaf: The book’s cover




If you are unsure, just join a local group already doing

What do you think the future holds for you, campaigning-

something positive – perhaps they are lobbying to let a piece

wise? Are there any causes you’re hoping to get more

of parkland grow wild; or are persuading a shop to stock

involved in in future?

Fairtrade and organic goods; or are supporting refugees locally. It’s acting with others that gives you energy. It can


be such fun and you are bound to make new friends along

I want to focus on the connections between issues. For

the way. PS: Do look up the coalition campaign, letsgozero.

example at Ashden we longlisted The Welcoming in

org that Ashden is running to help all UK schools reach zero

Edinburgh for an Ashden Awards as they support refugees

carbon by 2030. It’s a great campaign to whet your appetite!

to tackle the climate crisis; while last year we awarded UNDP Yemen who are supporting women just 20 kms from


the conflict’s frontline to run their own company selling

Are there any specific stories you wanted to include in the

energy from solar panels. These initiatives are the future,

book but couldn’t, for whatever reason?

addressing more than one issue in such positive ways. If we are to overcome the complex challenges we face, it’s only by


making the links and working together. In the book we use

You bet - there was a huge pile of carefully crafted stories

the image of a murmuration of starlings: each tiny bird is

that got ruthlessly cut out! Ben and I are passionate about

vulnerable but by coming together in huge, fluid formations,

our topic so it’s always tough deciding which stories best

they create a powerful group. We draw inspiration and hope

encapsulate our themes and we had a few arguments on

from this phenomenon for civil society made up as it is

this. In particular we wanted to include more stories about

by millions of individuals who, in coming together, create

indigenous communities taking action or about the farmers

something spectacular – and beautiful.

movements in India. But maybe that will have to be the next book…



Ben Jackson and Harriet Lamb’s From Anger to Action:

Your book ends on a message of hope, as you look ahead to

Inside the Global Movements for Social Justice, Peace, and a

the future of social movements. Why are you so confident

Sustainable Planet (Hardback, 9781538141328, £22.95) published

that we stand on the cusp of a new era of people-powered

July 2021.

movements? Lamb: We see people trying so many emerging new strategies to tackling problems. These have been boosted by COVID 19 which has underlined for people the importance of local, compassionate societies. I am so grateful at this time to be leading Ashden where we spotlight climate champions from around the world, and in particular those who are seeking to create the ‘living alternative’, showing how a just and fair transition to a low carbon future could work. We see people’s movements as like the electric delivery bikes that will soon replace white vans on our streets: the front wheel is our values, holding us straight over all the potholes and bumps in the road; one back wheel represents those who protest and the other back wheel is those showing the way forward; all three together can indeed power forward. As Greta Tunberg says, hope doesn’t come from words, hope comes precisely from such actions.



Tom brady A Celebration of Greatness on the Gridiron

Tom Brady, aged 43, remains at the top of

ready to take your job,” noted Brady, who wasn’t

America’s favourite sport. Love him or loathe

about to allow himself to be sandbagged by a

him, Brady’s achievements in the NFL are

swollen ego or distracted by too many outside

unparalleled, with 2021 seeing him seal his

interests. “My biggest fear is being a one-hit

seventh Super Bowl win. It’s easy to forget that

wonder, so I’m not going to forget who I am or

Brady was drafted in the Sixth Round all the

what got me here.”

way back in 2000 and routinely faced criticism

His work habits and commitment to excellence

in his first few years at the New England

were appreciated by his teammates, who knew


how easy it could be for a player, especially a young player who had just tasted his first season

In this extract taken from Tom Brady: A

of success in the NFL, to lose his focus. “He’s

Celebration of Greatness on the Gridiron

been here at seven in the morning, throwing and

(Lyons Press, November 2021), David Fischer

running throughout the off-season,” said Pats’

summarises Brady’s 2002 and 2003 seasons.

linebacker Larry Izzo. “He works like he’s still the sixth-round draft pick trying to make the team,


not like he’s the Super Bowl MVP. That’s why he’s become a leader of this team. He earned our

Tom Terrific

respect by working as hard as he does.” When hard-hitting safety Rodney Harrison joined

Tom Brady had risen from relative obscurity to

the Patriots prior to the 2003 season, his plan to

Super Bowl MVP with incredible swiftness, and he

make a good impression was to outwork everyone.

was determined not to slide back toward the abyss

Not that he was always able to. He’s told the story

of anonymity. He knew that the sports world was

of showing up to his first day with the Patriots,

littered with players who had abandoned their

hoping to be the first one at the gym. He got there

work ethic after a season of glory and then paid

at 7:30 a.m., only to find Brady there in the middle

for their lack of effort with a season, or more, of

of a workout. So the next day he got there at 7:00,

mediocrity. Brady wasn’t about to add his name

to be greeted by Brady saying, “Good afternoon.”

to that list, or take his newfound status as “Tom

The next day, it was 6:30, and Brady was asking if

Terrific” for granted, not even after the Pats had

he’d slept in. Harrison, a two-time All-Pro, wasn’t

expressed their belief in him by trading Drew

going to let that happen again, so he showed up

Bledsoe to the Buffalo Bills during the 2002 NFL

at 6:15 a.m., only to find Brady already there,


lifting weights. So the next day Harrison showed

“If you get to the point where you’re complacent,

up at 6:00. “Good afternoon.” Then 5:50. “Good

there’s always somebody else working hard who’s

afternoon.” Then 5:40. Then 5:30. “Good afternoon”


each time, until Harrison finally said, “Screw you, Tom. I’m not coming in any earlier.” When he wasn’t working out in preparation for the physical grind of the upcoming season, Brady could usually be found in the film room, where he’d spend five hours a day watching tapes of opposing defenses with his coaches, and then devising strategies to defeat those defenses. David Nugent, a defensive end who shared a condo with Brady, asked him how he could possibly spend five useful hours a day watching tape. “He told me,” said Nugent, “When I come up to the line on Sundays, I’ll know exactly what I’m facing and how to counteract it because of the time I’m putting in now. The key to being a winning quarterback is preparation.’ I have a lot more respect for quarterbacks after rooming with Tom, because I realize how much they have to learn. It’s not a position for the unintelligent.”

All the work that Brady had put in during the off-season was on display at the outset of the 2002 season, as the Patriots posted high scoring wins over the Steelers, Jets, and Chiefs, whom they defeated in overtime. In those three games, Brady threw 9 touchdown passes and only 2 interceptions. He started his run in

Above: Brady in his final practice session

the first game ever played at the new Gillette

with the New England Patriots, 2019

Stadium by throwing a trio of TD tosses against Pittsburgh, and was named the AFC Offensive

thrilling come-frombehind 33–30 victory at

with the Dolphins and the Jets. But it was the

Player of the Week. He ended it by ripping the

Chicago. The Bears thought they had locked

Jets, based on the NFL’s tiebreaker rules, that

Kansas City secondary for 4 touchdown throws

the game away with a 30–19 lead and only 5:22

made it into the postseason, while the Dolphins

and 410 passing yards. “He’s just hit the tip of

left to play, but Brady broke their backs by

and the Pats went bust.

the iceberg on how good he can really be,” said

throwing for 2 late touchdowns, including the

Brady had posted a fine follow-up season by

Izzo. “I mean, he still sees that there’s a lot of

game-winner to David Patten, which came with

throwing for a league-high 28 touchdown

things that he could do better, and just think of

only 21 ticks left on the clock.

passes while finishing third in the AFC,

where he can go from here after having a great

They came into the final game of the season at

with 3,746 passing yards. But the stats didn’t

year, a Pro Bowl year. The sky’s the limit, and I

Foxborough needing a win over Miami to keep

provide any consolation for Brady, who plays

think he realizes that.”

their slim playoff hopes alive. But the Dolphins

for championships, not for numbers. “It was

But the early-season fireworks fizzled as New

took it to the Pats and built up a 24–13 lead with

disappointing to come so close, and then not

England dropped the next four games. Brady

less than five minutes left to play in regulation

get the opportunity to defend our Super Bowl

wound up throwing more interceptions than

time. And then, just when all seemed lost,

title,” he said. “On the other hand, if we had

touchdown passes during the losing streak.

Brady turned the game on a dime, by throwing

played better and won another game, we would

New England finally stopped the slide with a

a TD pass to Troy Brown, followed by a 2-point

have been in the playoffs. We just didn’t get it

38–7 blowout win in Buffalo, as Brady put on a

conversion toss to tight end Christian Fauria


clinic, completing 22 of 26 of his pass attempts,

that cut the deficit to 3 points, with less than

3 of which went for touchdowns, and was

three minutes to go. He cashed in another

named the Player of the Week for the second

scoring opportunity with a drive that set up


Adam Vinatieri’s game-tying field goal, and

The Patriots started the 2003 season on the

The win over the Bills had evened the Pats’

then he hit the jackpot with a drive in overtime

wrong foot when they went to Buffalo and were

record at 4-4 and given them a platform

that positioned Vinatieri’s game-winning

blown out by the Bills, 31–0, the worst opening-

from which to a make a second-half charge

3-pointer. The 27–24 win, Brady’s fifth-straight

day loss in franchise history. The defeat left an

at the playoffs. With Brady back on track,

OT victory, had upped the Pats’ record to 9-7,

especially sour taste in Brady’s mouth, after he

New England started their stretch run with a

and a threeway tie for first place in the division

was picked off four times and sacked twice.


Turning it Around

Below left: Brady representing the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2021 Below right: The book’s cover

“Brady finished the season with another set of impressive stats and his second invitation in three years to the Pro Bowl but, more importantly, the Patriots had made it back into postseason play, and he was going to have the opportunity to try for a second Super Bowl ring.”

“We’ve got to play better,” he said, “and it starts

2-2 record, and Brady, with 7 interceptions and

in Miami, two weeks after the Titans game,

with me.” The team took a step in the right

only 5 touchdown passes, was as responsible as

but Brady stepped up and saved the day by

direction the following week, however, by going

anyone for the team’s mediocre start. The Pats

connecting on an 82-yard pass play with Troy

on the road and defeating the Philadelphia

were reeling. The team had missed the playoffs

Brown that gave the Pats a 19–13 overtime win.

Eagles, 31–10. It was also a personal bounce-back

in 2002, and had now lost 9 of 20 games since

Two weeks later, Brady led New England to a

game for Brady, who passed for 3 touchdowns. It

upsetting the Rams in the Super Bowl.

come-from-behind 30–26 win in Denver when

was the first time that Brady had shared a field

Suddenly, though, the team jelled, Brady got

he teamed up with wide receiver David Givens

with Donovan McNabb since McNabb had led

hot, and the Patriots ran the table, winning all

on a game-winning scoring connection, with

Syracuse to a dominant victory over Michigan in

of their remaining 12 games to finish atop the

only eighteen seconds left to play. The throw

Brady’s second college start.

AFC East with an NFL-best 14-2 record. The run

completed an exquisite game for Brady, who

The Patriots also split their next two games,

started with a hard-fought 38–30 win over the

threw for 350 yards and 3 touchdowns, adding

a win at home against the Jets, followed by

Tennessee Titans, and there were a number

yet another Player of the Week honor to a

a loss in Washington. With a quarter of the

of other games along the way when the streak

crowded mantel.

season gone, New England was sitting with a

was almost ended. The first near-loss occurred

Brady also rode to the rescue in Houston


when, with forty seconds remaining in the

showed that he could somehow do enough to

the next year. “They’re few and far between.”

fourth quarter, he threw a short, game-tying

win a big game.

The wild fourth quarter included heroics by

touchdown pass to tight end Daniel Graham.

“Tom Brady is the greatest winner in football

wide receiver Deion Branch, who recorded

The Pats then went on to beat the Texans in

right now, I don’t care what anybody says,”

10 receptions for 143 yards and a touchdown.

OT, which improved Brady’s record in overtime

said cornerback Ty Law, who had intercepted

Branch’s last catch came on the game’s final

games to a perfect 7-0. New England finished

Manning three times. “Maybe his numbers

drive on a play beginning at Carolina’s 40-yard

the regular season run with a 31–0 blowout win

aren’t always eye-popping, but he knows how to

line with fourteen seconds left on the clock.

over Buffalo, a mirror image of their opening-

win ball games. Those other quarterbacks, with

Tied 29–29, Brady found Branch near the

day loss. It was also a stunning reversal from

all their awards and stats, are sitting at home.

sideline for a 17-yard gain to put the Patriots in

that first game for Brady, who passed for a

I’ll play with Tom any day.”

field-goal range for kicker Adam Vinatieri, who

season-high 4 touchdowns and . . . yeah, he

Though he was not yet a great pure passer,

remarked on the final drive: “If you ever give us

was Player of the Week again. Brady finished

Brady proved to be an excellent leader. “The

time, look out.”

the season with another set of impressive stats

mark of a great player is how well you play

There was no panic in Vinatieri and probably

and his second invitation in three years to the

over time,” Brady said. “That’s the goal—to be

not much doubt on either sideline that he was

Pro Bowl, but, more importantly, the Patriots

dependable, to be consistent.” His teammates

going to break the 29–29 tie with under ten

had made it back into postseason play, and he

knew they could most depend on Brady in the

seconds left when he lined up for the kick. “The

was going to have the opportunity to try for a

playoffs. He helped them beat Tennessee in

team knew [Vinatieri] was going to make the

second Super Bowl ring.

the bitter cold, then Indianapolis, to reach the

kick,” said linebacker Ted Johnson. “He’s the

New England started its playoff drive at

Super Bowl. Once there, it was time for Tom to

Iceman and he never misses when the game

Foxborough with a rematch against the Titans,

be terrific.

is on the line.” Of course, Vinatieri nailed it and the Patriots won, 32–29. “This team has

who were led by quarterback Steve McNair, the NFL’s co-MVP in 2003. The second game was

Moving up the Ladder

met all comers,” Belichick said of the team’s performance and climactic finish. “That’s 15

different from the first one in almost every way, beginning with the bone-chilling 4-degree

The Patriots were holding an intrasquad

straight [victories]. We caused some heart

weather at kickoff. In addition to numbing the

scrimmage a few days before SuperBowl

attacks, but we came out on top.”

players, the cold also made the ball slick and

XXXVIII in preparation for their opponent,

Brady was named Super Bowl MVP when it

hard to grip, so, unlike the first game, this

the upstart Carolina Panthers. Competition

was all over. He led three scoring drives of

one turned into a gritty defensive struggle.

between New England’s offensive and defensive

68 yards or longer, setting up another one of

With the teams knotted at 14–14 deep into the

units, even in practice, is typically fierce. Brady

the most memorable winning kicks in recent

fourth quarter, Brady, who had thrown for the

threw an interception to teammate Rodney

history. He completed 32 of 48 passes for 354

Pats’ first score and set up the second with

Harrison and the quarterback, already in his

yards and 3 touchdowns. Tom Terrific had now

his passing, led New England on a short drive

Super Bowl mind-set, wasn’t pleased with the

racked up two Super Bowl appearances, two

down to the Titans’ 27-yard line. When the

result. He chased after Harrison, screaming

championships, and two Super Bowl MVPs in

drive stalled, Vinatieri came into the game and

expletives. “Practice is a game situation [for

three years—and he was just getting started.

split the uprights with a kick that New England

Brady],” said Harrison, whose 30.5 career sacks

“Tom’s moving up the ladder of the league’s

into the AFC Championship Game against

is an NFL record for a player at his position.

best quarterbacks,” said Belichick. “He deserves


“His personality is the same in practice as it is

to be mentioned with all the best quarterbacks.

Vinatieri also played a major role in the Patriots’

in the game. He’s fiery. He’s intense.”

Tom’s a winner.”

win the following week, by kicking 5 field goals

The game played at Houston’s Reliant Stadium

Tom Brady now was a celebrity, scoring invites

at Foxborough, as New England ended the Colts’

was a defensive-minded 14–10 contest until a

to the White House and to Disney World. He

season with a 24–14 win. Indianapolis had made

wild fourth quarter, when the teams combined

soon would be hosting TV shows and appearing

it into the title game behind the passing of

for 37 points. The most surprising 6 points

in national commercials. “It’s been a great

Peyton Manning, who had thrown 8 touchdown

came courtesy of linebacker Mike Vrabel—

couple of years,” he said. “But when that

passes in the team’s playoff wins over Denver

on offense—on a goal-line touchdown catch.

success on the football field goes away, so do

and Kansas City. But the New England defense,

Vrabel, who had been brought in on the play as

all the really neat things I get to do. That’s why

which had been superb throughout the season,

an extra tight end, released into the end zone

football is always going to be No. 1.”

stifled Manning, who had shared NFL MVP

and easily caught the score to put New England


honors with McNair, and picked off 4 of his

up 29–22 with 2:51 remaining. “Touchdowns


are always bigger than sacks, especially in the

David Fischer’s Tom Brady: A Celebration

Although Brady hadn’t been especially sharp or

Super Bowl,” said Vrabel, who caught another

of Greatness on the Gridiron (Hardback,

produced great stats, he had, once again,

touchdown in the Super Bowl against the Eagles

9781493052226, £22.95) publishes November 2021.


born on the links

than a modern-day golf ball. The Dutch replaced the heavy mallets used in the Belgian and French games with a bladed wooden club that looked much like a modern-day hockey stick. The Dutch played het kolven on public streets and roads with multiple players each hitting a small leather-covered ball from a starting point to a series of targets, with the player doing so in the fewest stokes prevailing. The targets

A Concise History of Golf

were trees, poles embedded in the ground, or any other convenient local landmark. During the winter months, the Dutch played the game on frozen lakes and canals and called it kolf. Scenes of the Dutch playing kolf on frozen lakes were featured in paintings made by Dutch artists during this period. Early in the 15th century, the game of het

kolven crossed the North Sea to Scotland. The game was most likely introduced to the Scots

Born on the Links (Lyons Press, December

by Dutch merchants, who were carrying on

2021) encompasses the entire history of this

a significant trading business with the Scots

popular sport, from the fifteenth century up

during this period. However, some historians

to the present. It covers the development of

believe the game was introduced to the Scots

golf equipment, rules, and playing fields, and

around the turn of the 15th century when the

shows how the game changed from a pastime

Scottish ship Good Hope ran aground off the

exclusively for the rich to a sport that is played

Zuider Zee in the Netherlands. It is thought that

by millions of people of all classes, ages, and

several of the Scottish crew members began


playing het kolven while convalescing in the Netherlands and brought the game with them


when they returned to Scotland. Either way, the Dutch game of het kolven was introduced to the

The Origins of Golf in Scotland

Scots in the early 1400s. Instead of playing the imported game on public

Most scholars and golf historians believe that

streets and roads, as the Dutch had done, the

the game of golf had its origins in the Dutch

Scots played it on the links. The word links

game of het kolven. Popular in the Netherlands

is a descriptive Scottish word for coastal

in the 14th Century, het kolven was a stick-

grasslands. In Scotland, the links (or linksland,

and-ball game derived by the Dutch from the

as it is sometimes called) are strips of flat,

Belgian game of chole and the French game of

grass-covered land between the seashore and

jeu de mail, both of which were games wherein

the farmland. The links were not suitable for

players used heavy wooden or iron mallets to

farming and were said to be the lands that

strike a wooden ball about the size of a melon

linked the seashore to the farmland. The word

and propel it from a starting point to a target,

links is thought to have been derived from the

with the player doing so in the fewest strokes

10th-century Anglo-Saxon word hlinc, meaning


a ridge. Although the word links was originally

The Dutch replaced the melon-sized wooden

used to denote any rough grassy area between

Right: Half Moon

ball used in chole and jeu de mail with a smaller

the sea and the farmland, the word later came

Bay Golf Links

ball made of tightly wound wool or cow’s hair

to denote any common, flat, grassy area. Today,

encased in a leather covering. It is believed that

the word is most often used as a synonym for

the ball used by the Dutch was slightly larger

golf course.


In the 12th century, King David I of Scotland

has ever been found, and there is no mention in

Scots during the early years of golf.

had set aside the links for the common use

any written record or document of anyone ever

Strangely, while the Scots changed the imported

of his subjects. From that time on, the links

having played golf using a wooden ball.

game into a spacious game on their links playing

were treated as public lands, not subject to

It appears that from the very beginning the ball

fields, in the Netherlands het kolven evolved in

private ownership, and were reserved for the

used by the Scots was composed of a leather

the opposite direction. At about the time that het

recreational use of all Scots, regardless of class.

casing stuffed with animal hair. The Scots called

kolven was introduced to the Scots, cities and

It was only natural that the Scots would play

the ball the “hairy.” Balls of this size and type

villages in the Netherlands started banning the

the imported game on the links. The open, level

were being manufactured in great numbers in

playing of the game on public streets and roads,

topography of the land, the hardy wild grasses

the Netherlands in the 15th century for use in

primarily because of the damage to buildings

that grew there, and the public status of the

the Dutch games of het kolven and kolf, and it

and windows caused by errant shots. Forbidden

lands made the links an ideal playing field for

has been documented that balls of this type were

from playing on public streets and roads and

the game.

exported to Scotland by the Dutch in significant

there being no other public areas on which to

The Scots adopted the small, leather-covered

numbers during the 15th and 16th centuries.

play the game, the Dutch reverted to playing het

ball used by the Dutch in het kolven as the

Another reason for believing that the Scots used

kolven on the smaller courses on which they had

ball for their game on the links. The assertion

the hairy during the early years of golf was that

earlier played maliespel, which was the Dutch

by some golf historians that the balls used by

it could be driven farther than a wooden ball.

version of chole and jeu de mail.

the Scots during the early years of golf were

Recent tests have shown that the maximum

Most of the maliespel courses adjoined cafes

made of wood has been discredited in recent

distance a wooden golf ball could have been

and inns, were short, and required the use of a

years. According to the British Golf Museum

driven with the clubs then available was about

larger and heavier ball. Over time, the courses

in St. Andrews, the evidence supporting the

80 yards. The same tests show that a hairy could

were increasingly shortened and roofed over

use of wooden golf balls by the Scots is flimsy

have been driven nearly twice that far. Because

until a new game evolved that was played

at best. The museum reports that there is no

golfers will invariably choose the ball that gives

entirely indoors. The new game, whose name

substantiated evidence of a wooden golf ball

them the greatest distance, it only stands to

was shortened to kolven, became very popular in

ever being used, not a single wooden golf ball

reason that the hairy was the ball used by the

the Netherlands in the 17th and 18th centuries.


Records show that in 1769 there were over 200

had not yet been invented and the Scots had to

different trajectories and distances. In doing

kolven courses in the city of Amsterdam alone.

rely on sheep and rabbits to keep the grass short.

this, the Scots invented the concept of using

The game is still played in a few cities in Holland

Consequently, the grass on the early playing

multiple clubs and added another distinctly

on indoor courts that are about twenty yards

fields was often long and uneven, and the bladed

Scottish feature to the game. The targets used

long and five yards wide.

club used by the Dutch more often than not got

by the Scots when the game first arrived in

Over time, the Scots significantly changed the

caught up in the grass before getting to the ball.

Scotland were most likely poles embedded in the

imported game. Most of the changes in the game

What was needed was a club with a head that

ground. There weren’t many trees or other large

were made to accommodate the links playing

was thin and heavy the grass and into the air.

stationary objects on the links so the Dutch

fields used by the Scots. The targets were

In the early 1400s, the Scots invented a club with

practice of using such objects as targets wasn’t

changed from poles, trees, and other stationary

a narrow, heavy head made of thorn wood that

feasible on the links playing fields in Scotland.

objects to holes in the ground. Lofted clubs

would slice through the grass and strike the

During the very early years of golf in Scotland,

were invented and the use of multiple clubs was

ball in such a way as to propel it up out of the

there were no permanent golf courses and

initiated. Over time, the Scots also devised a

grass and into the air. The club was what we call

players had to install a series of targets before

unique playing field for the game and developed

a lofted club. The first lofted clubs developed

playing the game. Although the first targets

a comprehensive set of rules governing its play.

by the Scots had banana-shaped, shallow-faced

might have been poles embedded in the ground,

One of the first changes to the Dutch game made

wooden heads made of thorn wood that were

it wasn’t long until the poles were replaced with

by the Scots was to devise a club that would

attached to thin wooden shafts made of ash. The

holes in the ground. It is not known when a

work on the grass of their links playing fields.

hitting surfaces of the club heads were slanted

hole in the ground was first used as a target or

The bladed club used by the Dutch just didn’t

or beveled in such a way as to propel the ball on

who came up with the idea. It could have been

work on the links. Although it was possible, with

an upward trajectory when struck properly. The

that sometime in the early 1400s a player’s ball

practice, to hit a ball into the air consistently off

invention of the lofted club added a distinctly

rolled into a rabbit hole and it dawned on the

of the smooth surface of a road or frozen canal

Scottish feature to the game.

player that a hole in the ground would make a

with the bladed club used by the Dutch, it was

Once lofted clubs were invented, it was not

target that could be easily made and relocated.

impossible to do so consistently on the wild

difficult to vary the degree of loft on the club

Conceivably, his fellow golfers liked the idea

grasses of the links. Mechanical grass cutters

head so that different clubs would produce

and discovered that rolling a ball into a hole


requires significantly more skill and finesse than banging a ball against a pole or tree. The concept of using holes in the ground as targets added another distinctly Scottish feature to the game. There being no rules governing the number of holes on a course, those preparing the targets had to decide how many holes they wanted to play. If they wanted to play three holes of golf, they made three targets; if they wanted to play ten holes, they made ten targets. Perhaps the most important change the Scots made to the imported game was to devise a playing field for the game on their links habitat. Once again, there are no recorded

Overleaf: A golfer

accounts that shed any light on how or even

enjoying some

when the Scots first devised a playing field for the game. There is no record as to when, where,

evening sun Right: The book’s cover

and by whom the first rudimentary golf course was established. Most likely it was early in the 15th century. Given its reputation as being the cradle of golf, one would think that the first golf course would have been the Old Course at St. Andrews. It may have been, but there are no records to substantiate it because the origins of the Old Course are shrouded in mystery. No one knows with any degree of certainty how, when, or by whom the Old Course was first laid out and built. The first recorded account of golf being played on the links at St. Andrews was in 1450, but it is likely that an early form of the game was played there decades earlier. Because staking out a course before playing was burdensome and inconvenient, it is likely

have occurred fairly early in the 15th century

that communal targets were established on at

because in 1457 the Parliament of King James

least some of the links playing fields during

II of Scotland issued a proclamation stating,

the first half of the 15th century and were used

“It is ordanyt and decretyt that ye fute bawe

by all who played there. Over time it is likely

and ye golfe be utterly cryit doune and nocht

that standard distances between the targets

usyt.” Translated, the proclamation reads, “It is

were adopted by the common consent of those

ordained and decreed that football and golf be

who played there, and one-shot, two-shot, and

utterly condemned and not practiced.”

three-shot holes were established. Of course,

It seems that by 1457 the Scots were playing

the national defense. James IV, a Stuart whose

the lay of the land on a particular links also

so much golf that the good monarch and the

great-grandson would later become King James

had a lot to do with where the targets were

members of his Parliament were of the opinion

I of England, celebrated the lifting of the ban

established and how far apart they were. The

that Scottish soldiers were neglecting their

by purchasing a set of golf clubs. To combat

targets had to fit the natural landscape because

archery practice to play golf. The ban on golf

the high prices that Dutch manufacturers were

the only earth-moving equipment available in

was repeated in 1471 by the Parliament of King

charging for golf balls, James IV appointed an

those days was a man with a shovel. It is known

James III and again in 1491 by the Parliament

official ball maker and set a ceiling on the price

that the holes on the early links golf courses

of King James IV. It appears that the ban was

of golf balls.

were played in no set or particular order.

largely ignored by the general population and it


Precisely when and where the first communal

was lifted by James IV in 1502 when the Treaty of

playing grounds for the game were established

Glasgow temporarily ended hostilities between

John Williamson’s Born on the Links: A Concise

on the links playing fields and who designed

Scotland and its traditional enemy, England,

History of Golf (Hardback, 9781493055586, £14.95)

and built them is not known. However, it must

and archery practice became less important to

publishes December 2021.


“It is ordained and decreed that football and golf be utterly condemned and not practiced.”

Available to read and download now on Issuu

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