Rothersthorpe Newsletter April 2013

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April 2013

ROTHERSTHORPE NEWSLETTER The Newsletter for the Community of Rothersthorpe


7th April


Holy Communion


14th April


Morning Worship


16th April


Parochial Church Council at 47 Banbury Lane


21st April


Holy Communion


28th April


B.C..P. Communion followed by breakfast Morning Worship


Unity, But Not Uniformity! By the time you read these words in all probability there will be a new Pope for the Roman Catholic Church and the new Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury will be or preparing to, send warm greetings and renewing the commitment to work together for peace and unity. This greeting in whatever way it comes brings the question ‘Will Christians ever be altogether in one Church’ to the top of the agenda once again. However, if you ask me that question I have to answer. No! ‘But why?’ you say. Isn't that God's will? Isn't that what we aim for? This time I have to say. Yes, and No! Yes of course, Christians are part of God's one family, and Yes, of course, we must work and witness together, and Yes too, there are some silly things that divide us one from one another which we need to work at sorting out. But still, No, I don't believe we shall ever be all in one church. It's true that Jesus prayed that we would all be one, but I've always taken that to mean, one in our service and devotion to Him and to His heavenly Father in the power of the Holy Spirit. Once we begin our spiritual journey in company with Him, we find a freedom and a diversity and a variety which on the one hand is liberating and on the other hand seems to separate us from each other.

Over the years I've come to see that not all Christians need to be like me (God forbid!). Instead I've discovered that many have different experiences and ways of doing things which I can learn from. The way that I express my faith is valid but so too is the way that they express theirs. What I long for is not that we should all be like each other, and cloned together in one mammoth organisation, but that we should all be free to live out, in a variety of ways, the faith that we have discovered in Jesus, and that we should give, up criticising each other or pretending that one way is better than another. That's not to say I think ‘anything goes’. I do have a doctrinal bottom line. Jesus, He is the one way to God - the starting point. "No one can come to the Father except through me". "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" was how he himself put it. I don't believe there are many roads to God. There can be only one way - but I do believe that there are many ways of worshipping God and serving Him and that he gives us a diversity of gifts to use for the benefit of each other in His gloriously varied Church. So when it comes to the question ‘Will Christians ever be altogether in one Church’, my gut reaction these days is that we shouldn't spend wasted hours trying to sort out our doctrinal differences. Instead we should concentrate on the things we hold in common and be open to use each others insights and gifts. In short give up politely talking together and instead get on with the business of working together so that those who are without a faith can through our diversity discover Jesus, the one who holds us all together. So if you have a faith, some faith, a struggling faith or no faith, the church in all its diversity is here to help you in your journey and there is no top limit on numbers for membership.

Stephen French

Rector of Bugbrooke, Harpole, Kislingbury, Rothersthorpe



e are looking forward to the return of Shirley Allen at our next meeting but this time she is coming to demonstrate "Gift Craft". We are being shown how to make our gifts look outstanding hopefully. The meeting is on Monday 15th April in the Village Hall, the cost ÂŁ3 which includes refreshments. It goes without saying , that visitors are really, really welcome, why not give it a try?


kittles news, out of 5 games we won 1, lost 3 and the last match was cancelled. Now it looks bad but really we did well as we always lost by just a couple of points. Again we lost against the Village Ladies Team but it was by just ONE POINT. It was another brilliant night and we celebrated 2 birthdays and we shared two yummy birthday cakes.

Dates for your diary coming Up in the next few months: Quiz Night Table Top Sale Car Treasure Hunt More details to follow.

Friday 31st May Saturday 25th May Monday 24th June Jenny Dellar

Parish Council Meetings

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Monday 8th April at 7.30pm in the Committee Room at the Village Hall. As always, anyone is welcome to attend and address the Parish Council in the public open session at the beginning of the meeting. Please come along and participate in your local community decision making process. Sarah Murphy Parish Clerk

Church Cleaning April 7th April 21st May 5th

- June & Jane - Mike & Sue - Lindsay & Christy

LENT LUNCHES I wish to thank Chris, Louise, Tracey, Sue and AJ for hosting the soup lunches each Wednesday during Lent, the proceeds from which are to be donated to the Children`s Self Reliance Orphanage in Iganga, Uganda. This is an orphanage which has been supported for many years by the village and the children will be pleased that ÂŁ182 was raised. This money will go a long way in helping the orphanage to meet its food bills. David Walsh Thruppsters Our meeting for April will be on Monday 8th April . You will be notified before that date as to the venue. Peter Doran

Hazels hounds Need a little help with your pets? Friendly and reliable dog walker available. Half hour or Hourly walks, Doggy day care, puppy or elderly dog visits, Cat feeding as well as small animal cage cleaning.

Care to suit your individual requirements. Contact: Hazel on 01604 580166 mob: 07884 444481

Campaign to preserve the Conservation Area Boundary We have just a few days left to send in responses and comments about the changes to our Conservation Area. The consultation period closes at noon on 4th April 2013. Responses should be sent or emailed to: email: mandy.lumb@ Mandy Lumb Heritage and Conservation South Northants Council Springfields Towcester NN12 6AE The proposed changes include an extension to an area at the bottom of North Street, and the removal of land The Paddock near the crossroads and at the Conker field in Church Street. The proposals are available on the Councils SNC website. Designated Conservation Areas help to preserve and enhance our historic environment and they become a material consideration when making Planning Decisions. A detailed objection and response is now copied onto the Rothersthorpe Village website together with a suggested letter that can be used by anyone interested in supporting the case for preserving the existing conservation area boundary. Village website -

This decision, if approved could seriously change the character of the village in the future so please make sure you join in the Campaign for preservation of the existing boundary. Sending a response will show the strength of public opinion, and this is important when considering the impact of localism in decision making. A few moments of your time could make all the difference.

Please send your comments and thoughts about the changes to Mandy Lumb at SNC and please make sure you also send a copy of your comments to Cllr Janet Eliot. Danesfield, North Street, Rothersthorpe. Robert Boscott

News from Rothersthorpe School We were delighted to congratulate our victorious Tag Rugby team who won the cup at the County finals at Kettering. This is an outstanding achievement for our small school, pitched against the best schools in Northamptonshire! Very well done to our team, who played magnificently and with determination throughout. The team now go forward to represent Northants at the East Midlands stage of the competition in June. Very many thanks to Mr Sultana and Mr Grayson who have given up a great deal of time to coach the team! Children enjoyed dressing up as characters from a book to celebrate World Book Day on 7th March and the following week, dressed in mufti to help raise £165 for the BBC’s Comic Relief appeal. Class 2 have welcomed parents and grandparents into school recently to share experiences of their childhood, particularly games and pastimes, to show the children how things have changed in recent years. (Yes, there was life before computer games!!)

The class have also visited Northampton Museum and walked the route of the Fire of Northampton. Class 3 and 4 had a fun and educational day taking the ‘egg challenge’. Teams had to devise a way of either protecting an egg, which was then dropped from a great height using a range of materials or powering a vehicle using a balloon, to see which travelled the furthest! All the children enjoyed the ‘egg-sperience’, particularly the testing – a chocolate egg was used initially, but was then replaced by a real egg as we got down to the finalists in the drop challenge. Well done to all our future scientists!

We finish the term with our Easter Service in church and school re-opens after the holidays on Monday 15th April, for the start of the ‘Summer??!!’ term. Carol Watt, School Office

Plant Sale For those of you looking forward to the annual plant sale, look out for a date in June….. You may have noticed that spring is a little late this year!!! Plenty of time to put in those extra plants and vegetables to sell.

Something to sell?? You could have bought this space to advertise for just £2.50 Half page £5 Full page £10

Rothersthorpe Day Nursery

Rothersthorpe Day Nursery Open 8am -6pm 52 weeks of the year excluding bank holidays Excellent pre-school facilities 11 hours of Early funding for 52 weeks per year available for children at the start of a new term following their 3rd birthday A breakfast club, after school club and Holiday club is available from age 4-11 years Employers vouchers - savings on childcare costs

Ring on 01604 831263 or email to arrange a visit, we’d love to hear from you!

FRENCH NIGHT, 16TH MARCH We were absolutely delighted that this year`s event was supported by over 80 guests. With match funding from Barclaycard we managed to raise £1930, to be shared between the two charities, Tools for Self Reliance and Daventry Friends of Iganga. In the case of “Tools” the money will help towards running expenses. Daventry Friends are planning on sending a container to Iganga which will have in it beds for the local hospital, tool kits for various groups in the town, books for the local schools, and some other medical equipment . The money raised will now enable the container to be sent later in the year. We would like to thank everybody who supported the event, either by coming along or by donating in kind, or by gift. David and Barbara Walsh

Dog kidnapping rumours There are a lot of rumours and speculation being passed around social networking sites across the UK in relation to dogs being kidnapped and stickers being used to identify where dogs live.

We work with facts and in Northamptonshire we are not aware of any incidents of stickers being used. This is believed to be a hoax, details of which are here, http:// dogstickers.asp

We have had one suspicious incident where someone walking a dog was approached in Brackley, however, we have no reports of dogs having been taken. Officers are making enquiries into the circumstances of the Brackley incident. Also, no officers have been out going door-to-door in Towcester, issuing advice to dog owners. Dog owners are encouraged to make sure they keep their dogs on leads at all times and be alert to what is happening while they are walking.

Kathy Sindall BSc (Hons) MChS

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Your Local Mobile Hairdresser Timeless Hair Design Contact Lauren Russell on 07999 484179 0r 01604 766751 10% off for Senior Citizens Minimum Call-Out Charge - £15

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Wild Flower Planting At last the Wild Flower Planting started. The turf was removed thanks to Sam Beasley, Rob Boscott, Ian Griffith and Nick and myself. For once it was a sunny weekend. The next day we planted some wild flowers and we would like to say a big thank you to all the children, teenagers and a couple of adults who planted a plant. The seed is set but alas no sunshine yet to germinate. We would also like to thank people for keeping there dogs off and not walking on the planted areas. If you would all like to set some wild seed now is the time to do it, do not disturb your soil too much, sprinkle seed, press down a little and wait to see little shoots and hopefully you can attract the bees, butterflies, and other insects into your gardens to pollinate, and enjoy a display of Wild Flowers, and when the season is over collect some seed for next year. Julie and Nick

DVDs FOR RENT ÂŁ1.50 per week Full List available on request Also available by email : Call 862204 or Text 07792 444730 Terms and conditions apply

Parking General Rules and Advice

Towcester Safer Community Team has received complaints from members of the public about inconsiderate parking that often occurs in and around the local villages. In response to this we encourage those residents with driveways or off-road parking to use this space to park your vehicles wherever possible. We do appreciate that this option is not available to many vehicle owners who have to park their vehicles on the Highway. To assist in reducing these complaints please consider the recommendations listed below when parking your vehicle on the Highway. Do not wait or park where there are restrictions shown by:  Yellow lines along the edge of the carriageway  School entrance markings on the carriageway  Do not park your vehicle where it would endanger or obstruct pedestrians or other road users. For example; do not stop:  Near a school entrance  Where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users  Opposite a traffic island[ if this would cause an obstruction]  Opposite or within 10 metres of a junction  Anywhere you would prevent access for emergency vehicles  Do not park wholly on the pavement as this can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs, the visually impaired and people with pushchairs. Finally, when parking at night, for safety, please position your vehicle facing in the direction of the flow of traffic. This allows for reflectors to illuminate as another vehicle approaches. Officers that respond to reported incidents involving parking complaints will assess each situation individually however will take into consideration environmental factors and wherever possible liaise with the owner of a vehicle to consider repositioning. If an officer considers a vehicle to be parked in a dangerous position or causing more than a momentary obstruction that officer may consider issue of a Fixed Penalty Notice or removal of said vehicle at the owner’s expense. We thank you for your assistance in these matters. Please do not hesitate to contact the team should you wish to discuss the above in more detail. To report an incident or crime to Northamptonshire Police telephone 101, in an emergency dial 999 Towcester Safer Community Team



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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH APRIL 2013 There has been reports of suspicious vehicles in and around the village and also in neighbouring areas, I have passed the details I have been given to the police, but they have asked that if anyone sees a suspicious vehicle or is offered any dubious goods, that they ring the police on 101 as soon as they can, and report it straight away. Also I have had two alerts from the police, details below. 1. Dog kidnapping rumours (see previous article in this newsletter) 2. Scam warning to motorists. (reported last month : reminder) Motorists in Northamptonshire are being warned about a scam where a group of men flag down vehicles, offering to sell gold jewellery to motorists that later turns out to be fake. A number of incidents have been reported across the county, recent locations including A14 at Welford, Rothersthorpe Road, Kislingbury and High Street. Weedon. The offenders will flag down cars and tell motorists something along the lines of having run out of fuel and having no money on them. They will then offer to exchange gold jewellery for cash. Where money is exchanged the buyer will later discover the jewellery they have purchased is, in fact, fake. The police urge motorists approached to refuse any offer of jewellery, to take in as much information about the offenders as possible and to contact the police on 101 Also we would like to remind you that the alarms are still available. Stay safe, as always please keep us informed of any incidents you are aware of on 831020. Christy and Margaret

COMBINED FLEET MAINTENANCE LTD YOUR LOCAL GARAGE MAKING LIFE EASIER FOR YOU! MOT TEST CENTRE Class 4 - Cars & vans up to 3000 Class 5 Light - Minibuses up to 3500 (16 seats) Class 7 - Vans/Light Commercial up to 3500 10% Off your first invoice Free Collection and Delivery Service for Local Area  Customer Loyalty Scheme  Servicing  Recovery Service  All Repairs and Welding  Diagnostics and Electrical Visit and tell them what you think about your Work experience at this garage. (Latest Diagnostics Equipment)

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The Fifth Samuel Leek Concert Harpole Church Saturday 20th April 7.30pm

This annual concert is given by the talented and enthusiastic people of Harpole and surrounding area. It would be good to hear from anyone who would like to sing, play an instrument, give a recitation, or otherwise entertain the welcoming and equally enthusiastic audience. Don’t be shy, we would love to hear from you.

Please contact Allan Leroy on 830423 if you would like to take part Bugbrooke Community Café Sunday School Rooms, Church Lane

Badger’s Break A warm welcome awaits everyone on Saturdays 9am to 4.30pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9am to 12.30pm Breakfast, light lunches, cakes and drinks available, lunches also on Saturday Do drop in and see what the café has to offer. This newsletter is produced and distributed by members of the Church of St. Peter & St. Paul, Rothersthorpe, which also meets any cost involved. Items for possible inclusion in the May 2013 edition should be submitted to Jane McCarthy at The Pigyard, 35 Church Street, or by email to, by phone 830321 or 07779 832354 or on a CD by 26th April at the very latest, articles received after this date will not be included. Items will not be printed unless the name of the contributor is supplied. Advertising costs : Full page £10 Half Page £5 Quarter page £2.50 Payment for advertising should be paid in advance. Cheques should be made payable to St Peter & St Paul Church & passed to the Editor.

This edition created by Jane McCarthy

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