Governor's Monthly Newsletter No 01, August 2014

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GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

GML No 01, August 2014


District Governor Message August 2014 ! Bulan Juli 2014 merupakan bulan awal Tahun Rotary 2014 – 2015 , bagi saya selaku District Governor telah secara resmi menerima Tanggung Jawab untuk memimpin District ini selama setahun kedepan. Demikian juga dengan para club president, anda semua juga secara resmi telah memikul tanggung jawab sebagai Club leader, anda sudah harus mulai menata club masing2 untuk bisa berkembang dan menjadi club yg lebih sehat dan lebih kuat. President dalam menjalankan perannya harus bisa bekerjasama dng


bersambung p 2………..

Whats inside GML: p.1 DG Message p.3 Pres RI Message p.4 DG Visits Schedules p.6 Membership Month p.7 District Events p.8 Rotary Clubs in Actions p.9 Rotary Info p.10 Appreciation Corner p.11 Update TRF p12. DG Visits STORIES p16. Welcome New Rotarian p.17 YEP


GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

! District Governor message…continue Club Boardnya, demikian juga Governor harus didukung dan di bantu oleh board dan District Officer. Semua ilmu telah anda dapatkan melalui PETS, DTTS dan DISTAS, tinggal sekarang bagaimana cara anda menjalankannya di Club anda.

Governor Installation & Change Over Board

Maka melalui media GML ini saya menghimbau kepada seluruh Rotarian di District 3420, marilah kita saling mendukung, saling mengisi dan bekerja sama demi membesarkan District kita. GML juga merupakan sarana komunikasi antar Club2 di Dan juga District Officer Demi membuat district kita kuat dan besar, masih banyak tantangan tantangan yg perlu kita hadapi bersama, pencapaian goal dalam membership, contribusi kepada TRF dan Service Project. Kita masih harus berusaha untuk membangun club2 baru terutama di daerah2, mengembangkan club2 yg lemah yg anggotanya kurang dari sepuluh, memperhatikan dan memberi perhatian yang lebih pada penambahan member usia muda, dll. Club2 diharapkan memenuhi kuwajiaban2 administrasi baik kepada District maupun ke Rotary International. Mengisi Planing Guide for effective club, membayar dan melaporkan SAR dan juga membayar District Dues. Rotary International harus berkembang, District kita juga harus berkembang, club2 kita juga harus berkembang, banyak Masyarakat di luar sana yg masih tetap menunggu Rotary untuk berbuat lebih banyak, mereka masih berharap Rotary datang lagi untuk kembali membantu mereka. Bulan July ini juga kebetulan bersamaan dengan Bulan Suci Ramadhan dan juga Idul Fitri , Selamat menunaian ibadah Puasa dan Selamat hari Raya Idul Fitri , mohon maaf Lahir dan Batin.

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DG Hanny Arianto & Rtn Ratna Herawati

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Dengan ber”dress code” me rah, sesuai dengan warna dasar dari theme “Light Up Rotary”, rung ballroom Harvestland Mercure, dipenuhi dengan warna merah. sekitar 200 rotarian dan families datang untuk menghadiri DG Installation untuk DG Hanny Arianto dan juga Change Overboards bagi semua Clubs yang hadir.


GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

Message from President RI - Gary Huang, August 2014 In Rotary, we mark August as Membership and Extension Month. There is a good reason why we remind ourselves of the importance of membership early in every Rotary year: because the job of growing our membership is one that we can never begin too soon. It is also a job that we can never stop working on. In order to keep serving, Rotary always needs to be growing! We have talked for many years about the importance of the family of Rotary. In this Rotary year, I want to make not just the family of Rotary, but our own Rotary families, a priority in our membership. After 37 years of following me in Rotary, my wife, Corinna, finally became a Rotarian last year. We attended the chartering of a new club in Taiwan together, and she said, "It's time for me to become a Rotarian too!" So she joined that club. And soon, so did a lot of other people. Now that club has 102 members, and it's the second-largest club in Taiwan. Inviting our spouses into Rotary isn't just about getting our numbers up. It addresses the reality that Rotary still has far more men as members than it does women, and that is something we need to work on. When we bring more women into Rotary, our clubs become more appealing to prospective female members – and become more productive as well. This year we are going to have something new in Rotary: a membership support team pin. This means that if you invite a new member into Rotary, you get a special pin to wear with your Rotary gearwheel. But we all know that the job of growing membership doesn't end when a new member joins. It ends only when a new member is enjoying being a Rotarian and never wants to leave! And making sure that our clubs are enjoyable places to be is a key part of growing membership. People come into Rotary for all kinds of reasons, but they stay because Rotary is fun to be a part of. So I want to remind all of you to have fun in your clubs and your districts. Rotary is based on the idea that our service is more effective when we serve together with our friends. So let's enjoy our Rotary service, share it with others, and Light Up Rotary together!

GARY C.K. HUANG - PRESIDENT 2014-15 (ROTARY CLUB OF TAIPEI -TAIWAN) Gary C.K. Huang is an adviser for Wah Lee Industrial Corp. and Bank of Panhsin, and is director of Federal Corporation and Sunty Development Co. Ltd. He previously was president of Malayan Overseas Insurance Co. and chair of Taiwan Sogo Shinkong Security Co. Ltd. A Rotarian since 1976, Huang has served RI as vice-president, director, Foundation trustee, International Assembly group discussion leader, regional session leader, task force member and coordinator, committee member and chair, and district governor. He also was chair of the 2014 International Assembly Committee; adviser for the Permanent Fund Committee for Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong; and PolioPlus advocacy adviser for Taiwan. He has been instrumental in membership development throughout Asia. As a Rotary Foundation trustee, Huang set the goal of recruiting 100 new Major Donors in Taiwan to celebrate Rotary's centennial; the result was the addition of 106 Major Donors in 2005 and 103 in 2006, who contributed more than $2 million to the Foundation's Annual Fund.


GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014





06 SEPT 2014



Join D3410, D3420

10 - 11 OCT 2014



To be advised

19 - 23 NOV 2014



www. 2014kotakinabalurotary

21 -23 May 2015

THE REUNION - District Conference 2015


Join D3410, D3420

DG Visit Schedule for July, August, Sept 2014 Date 03 July 2014

Rotary Club

Meeting Place

Assistant Gov


RC Solo Raya


Bambang Sarosa


RC Solo Kartini


Bambang Sarosa


RC Solo Sriwedari


Bambang Sarosa


16 July 2014

RC bali Kuta

Pelangi Bistro Kuta

Julia Rivai


23 July 2014

RC Bali Seminyak

Cafe Warisan Seminyak

Julia Rivai


24 July 2014

RC Bali Kartika

RC Bali Legian

Pelangi Bistro Kuta

Julia Rivai

Julia Rivai



RC Bali Tirtagangga

25 July 2014

RC Bali Mahendradatta

RC Bali renon

RC Bali Nitimandala

Cafe Garasi Renon

Eka Iskandra

Eka Iskandra

Eka Iskandra


04 August 2014

RC Bali Sanur

RC bali Jimbaran

Sector - Bali Beach



05 August 2014

RC Bali Taman

Ayodya Rest

Eka Iskandar


08 August 2014

Pres Sec Meeting Bali

Pelangi Bistro Kuta

DDG Suastika

11 August 2014

RC Ubud Sunset

Maya Ubud Resort

Julia Rivai

12 August 2014

RC Bali Canggu

Hotel Tugu Canggu Eka Iskandar

14 August 2014

RC Bali Nusa Dua

Conrad, Benoa

Wayan Suryawan


GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014


Rotary Club

Meeting Place

Assistant Gov

15 August 2014

RC Bali Denpasar

BPR Lestari Sanur

Wayan Suryawan

18 August 2014

RC Surabaya Darmo

JW MarriotEmbong Malang

Mc Donny Nagasan

19 August 2014

RC Surabaya Metropolitan

Empire Palace, Bauran

Lily Maria

19 August 2014

RC Surabaja Selatan

Resto NineSungkono

Lily Maria

20 August 2014

RC Surabaja Sentral

Resto NineSungkono

Mc Donny Nagasan

21 August 2014

RC Surabaya Kaliasin

JW MarriotEmbong Malang

Eka Hartono

21 August 2014

RC Surabaja

JW MarriotEmbong Malang

Eka Hartono

22 August 2014

RC Surabaja Timur


Lily Maria

22 August 2014

RC Surabaya jemb Merah

Cafe Delisia, Nginden Intan Raya

Eka Hartono

23 August 2014

RC Surabaja Rungkut

Sheraton Embong Malang

Mc Donny Nagasan

01 Sept 2014

RC Salatiga

BTPN, Salatiga

Stephanus Batihalim

02 Sept 2014

RC Kudus

RC Kudus Srikandi

Nojorono, Kudus

Stephanus Batihalim

03 Sept 2014

RC Pekalongan

P. Diponegoro, Pekalongan

Okky Sulistiyo

04 Sept 2014

RC Semarang Bojong

OIT Resto, Ahmad Yani


05 Sept 2014

RC Semarang Indraprasta

RC Semarang Bukit sari

To be confirmed

Okky Sulistiyo

Stephanus Batihalim


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GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

What can we do for Membership;


• Adakan Sesi informasi untuk angora anggota baru dan mereka yang potensial, seperti Rotary Information, Rotary Academy.


• Ambil ide ide bersama dari contoh dan sumber sumber dan lain di:

New Member Orientation: A How-to Guide for Clubs.


• Undanglah anggota yang lama untuk menyampaikan kisah pengalamannya sebagai angora


• bicaralah tentang clubs service projects dan aktivitas social


• berikan cerita singkat tentang Rotary.

• Berikan appresiasi kepada anggota yang berprestasi


• Selalu mengikut sertakan para anggota dalam project club dan aktivitasMendukung para anggota untuk duduk dalam kewajiban menjadi pemimpin clubs


• Mengirimkan setiap bulan email newsletter

• Gunakan social media & public image (dikompilasi of PDG Al Purwa)

AUGUST IS MEMBERSHIP MONTH Bersama dengan District dan Club Membership Committee; •Mengevaluasi keanggotaan club anda •Mendapatkan member member baru •Mengajak serta para anggota yang ada SEBERAPA KUATKAH CLUB ANDA ? Analisa sbb: 1. Apakah club anda mewakili professi yang berbeda beda dan macam macam tradisi di masyarakat anda ? 2. Apakah club anda mampu mencapai goal goal yang ditentukan ? 3. Kwalitas kwalitas apa yang membuat clubs anda menarik untuk anggota baru ? Gunakan Club Assessment Tools untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan clubs anda.

Dan dapatkan lebih banyak ide ide dan strategi untuk mengevaluasi clubs anda di Strategies for Attracting and Engaging Members guide. BAGAIMANA SAYA BISA MEMBAWA CLUB SAYA DARI KUAT MENJADI HEBAT? “ Be a Vibrant Club leadership plan” dapat memberikan tantangan kepada para Rotarians untuk menghidupkan dan menyemangatkan Club anda dan dapat mengajak anggota baru dan lama untuk lebih aktif. Hubungi Assitant Governor anda, District Membership Komite atau District Governor anda, apabila anda memerlukan bantuan atau diskusi. BAGAIMANA MENDAPATKAN MEMBER BARU? 1. Undang mereka untuk membantu anda dalam service projects anda 2. ajak untuk ikut serta aktivitas malam fellowship anda


Teman teman dekat dan anggota keluarga


Kawan kawan business kita


Kolega kolega professional

4. Pemimpin pemimpin muda dalam masyarakat yang sudah pernah berhubungan dengan Rotary seperti Rotaract, RYLA, peace fellowship, Youth Exchange dan program2 lainnya !6

GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

DISTRICT EVENTS President elect training seminar( P E T S) & District Team Training Seminar ( DTTS)


At D3420, we held PETS in two events:



Surabaya , 07 - 08 Feb 2014 Bali (for English Speaking), 22 March 2014 Purpose: Provide Tools and Know How knowledge to help you serve your club and District in the most effective way

( D I S T A S) join with DG Installation June 21, 2014 - Mercure Harvestland BALI Purpose: To Help Pres Elect build on the leadership skills obtained through PET, and also for Incoming Leaders to know their new roles


stri i D g n duri s o t o s Ph Event

Peserta dari Abepura Irian Jaya

Trainers & Facilitators of DISTAS

Sessions for President Elect with PP Suzana & DGE Mufid

DG Hanny with RC Bali Denpasar


Rotary Clubs in


GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

RC Swan ther with e g to r a s enpa an annual RC Bali D tralia, held s u A dren. rn te s sored chil n o p Valley-We s 0 0 7 to meet on day to eas came rs e v o m Distributi o fr sponsored day around 70 enjoy the to d n a � n re d their “chil

Aksi Donor Darah & Terapi Nyeri oleh RC Sby Jembatan Merah

rian a t o R in han d a Ram nth Mo

RC se Surabaya & Sidoarjo

RC Surabaja berbuka puasa dg 100 anak panti

RC Surabaja Darmo berbuka puasa bersama

RC Surabaya Kaliasin buka puasa dg 100 anak pantiasuhan & memberikan bingkisan Lebaran kpd Ex penderita kusta !8

GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

Things you need to know about SAR

! Sebagai Rotarian, salah satu kewajiban kita dalah membayar SAR dan District Dues. Kapan kita harus membayar? District Dues adalah IDR20,000 per bulan per member ditagihkan langsung untuk setahun.

! Diagram dibawah menunjukkan Collection Cycle dari RI Dues. Semester Pertama


! SAR (Semi Annual Report - RI dues) dibayarkan per semester

! Note : Jangan sampai Club anda di terminate hanya karena “lalai� membayar dues. !9

GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

Semester Kedua/ Second Semester


Appreciation CORNER !

Rtn Yukimoto Masaharu (RCB Seminyak) , first 4me PHF


! ! !

PP Tohirun Saheri (RCU Pandang) , first 4me PHF

DG Challenge New PHF Program Donate $500 will be matched with recognition point 500 only 80 available

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GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014



Rotary Club


APF Share Contribution



RC Bali Kuta

USD 30,000

USD 3,775


USD 3,775

RC Bali Seminyak

USD 10,000

USD 3,000


USD 3,000

RC Bali Taman USD 10,000

USD 775


USD 775

RC Semarang Kunthi

USD 625


USD 725

RC Ujung Pandang

USD 500


USD 500


USD 300

USD 300

USD 300


USD 300

RC Bali Canggu

USD 200


USD 200

RC Bali Benoa

USD 155


USD 155

RC Bali Nusa Dua

USD 100


USD 100

RC Bali Denpasar

USD 100


USD 100

USD 9,460

USD 400

USD 9,860

RC Semarang Bojong RC Surabaja Selatan


USD 18,000

Informasi berdasarkan kontribusi yang terdaftar di Rotary International website pada akhir bulan July 2014

! !


SUPPORT OUR DISTRICT GOALS Membership NET 1250 New Clubs NET 7 Every Clubs have Rotaract Club Every Clubs have Interact Club TRF Contribution USD200,000 Polio Plus USD500 each club !1 1

GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

DG VISITS July 2014 Kilas Berita DG Visit D3420 Juli 2014


Pada bulan puasa ini saya ingin visit di Bali saja, namun banyak clubs yang belum menyatakan kesiapannya. Namun saya sangat senang bahwa RC Solo Kar7ni beserta RC Solo Raya dan RC Solo Sriwedari menyatakan siap untuk dikunjungi, dan sekaligus untuk menyaksikan penyerahan 2 project Global Grants dimana salah satunya club saya RC Bali Kuta ikut serta dalam project itu, yaitu Women Mobile Clinic. PP Mariam dan PP Martha sudah siapkan saya sebuah kamar di Novotel selama dua malam, walaupun saya hanya pakai satu malam berhubung langsung besok siangnya pergi ke Semarang untuk ikut serta YEP outbound orienta4on. Dalam rangkaian DG Visit di RC Solo Kar4ni, sekaligus dilakukan upacara serah terima Mobile Clinic hasil Global Grant 2010-­‐2011 GG# 1125137, dilakukan di arealnya Palang Merah Solo. Serah terima lainnya adalah project GG# 26037 porselinisasi atau project pemberantasan sarang nyamuk untuk masyarakat di kelurahan Kadipuro, Solo Ketua PMI dan Wakil Walikota Solo datang tepat waktu dan acara penyerahan ini berjalan dengan sangat lancar dan bagus. Terpajang j u ga m o b i l W H M C ya n g a ka n diserahkan itu kepada PMI. Semua

anggota RC Solo Kar4ni hadir dengan seragam ba4k seper4 biasanya. Begitu juga beberapa dari RC Solo Raya dan dari RC Solo Sriwedari. Sorenya sangat menarik untuk saya sebelum DG Visit dilakukan disebuah ruangan panjang sebuah bangunan kuno, saya mee4ng bersama board RC Solo Kar4ni. Saya sangat terkesan dengan RC Solo Kar4ni ini yang sangat berhasil dalam banyak hal, baik pengembangan anggota, reten4on, maupun pengerjaan project project kemanusiaan bersama. Salah satu agenda mee4ng adalah membicarakan masalah RC Solo Sriwedari yang hanya 4nggal 3 anggota ac4ve yang membuat mereka patah semangat, dan sponsor clubnya adalah RC Solo Kar4ni dengan GSRnya P P M a r t h a . U s u l s a y a u n t u k memindahkan atau memperbantukan PP Martha ke RC Solo Sriwedari diterima oleh Club Board. PP Martha dibantu oleh Rtn. Yoyok dari RC Bali Kuta yang bertugas di Solo, berjanji dalam waktu dekat mereka akan menjadi 15 anggota ac4ve atau malahan lebih. Hebat sekali semangat Pres. Kar4ka yang tadinya kehilangan akal mendapatkan darah segar untuk bangkit. Mungkin ini bisa dipakai formula untuk memperbesar clubs yang kecil di kota-­‐ kota lainnya.

! Bersambung ke hal. 14………

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GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014






lo RC So ya o t t i is o Ra DG V C Sol R , i n ari Karti riwed S o l o S & RC

Visit to DG’s own Club

RC Bali Kuta

Visit to RC Bali Seminyak

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GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

DG Vist Continue…….

Berikutnya adalah berkunjung ke club saya sendiri, yaitu RC BALI KUTA pada tgl 18 Juli 2014. Club dengan anggota ak4f 44 orang dan honorary member 3 orang, salah satunya adalah Gubernur Bali ! Bpk. Mangku Pas4ka. Di awal tahun Rotary, seluruh member termasuk honorary member sudah menyumbang ke TRF, masing-­‐masing USD 25.-­‐ Komitmen total sumbangan adalah USD 30,000.-­‐ USD 25,000 untuk APF, USD 1,000 untuk Polio, USD 1,000 untuk Permanent Fund dan sisanya Benefactor, dll. Juga menjanjikan 2 Major Donor Level 3 serta 2 Major Donor Level 1. Diawali dg USD2,500 dari PDG Al President Widodo mentarget penambahan member sebanyak +10,

July 23rd, DG visit to RC BALI SEMINYAK, one of the big and well organized english speaking Club in Bali. President Doris Angst Sombre assisted by her team member has prepared excellent ac4on plan for RY 2014-­‐2015. TRF Chair PP Anita Loccoco presented 3 years sustainable plan to support TRF. This year, RC Bali Seminyak promised 100% EREY with total AF Dona4on of USD 10,000.-­‐ and USD 500.-­‐ for PolioPlus. Rtn Masaharu Yukimoto responded to DG offer for New PHF Program and donated USD 500 to be

tetapi tampaknya Membership Chair IPP Handoko ingin menembus angka di atas 60 anggota di akhir Juni 2015. Wow.. cukup fantas4s dan challenging. Bali Kuta menangani banyak Global grant seper4 Proyek Air Bersih & Sanitasi, bantuan peralatan untuk 100 sekolah dan 200 jamban kering di Kali Ngara Sumba Barat Daya dengan total nilai USD. 148,511. GG lainnya untuk bantuan Sanitasi Sekolah dan Perpustakaan di Desa Loura & Mananga Aba, Sumba Barat Daya, GG #1411103 dengan bantuan dari D-­‐3600 Korea dan D-­‐2500 Japan. Beberapa proyek di Bali terutama daerah Tabanan juga terus berlanjut.

matched with 500 recogni4on points from the district. Membership Chair Rtn Marie Francoise de Saint Priest de Urgel promised Nef gain of minimum +10 to reach 58 members by the end of June 2015. During the visit, DG had the honor to induct 2 new members sponsored by President Doris. Welcome ..Rotarian Jerome Cle and Rotarian Jerry Knecht to the Family of Rotary! VP and Project Service Chair Masaharu Yukimoto is doing an excellent sustainable educa4on project with Helen Newman Founda4on: Scholarship for 20 High school Students. !1 4


Photos s t i s i V G D



iS Bal C R

yak n i m

This year, he will start one step further, with Campuhan College for one of the graduate to con4nue college educa4on scholarship. Another long term projects are Micro Finance Goat project for the community of Nusa Penida island and Clei Lips/Palates Project in coopera4on with the Smile Founda4on. In 2014-­‐2015, RCB Seminyak is now exploring Dengue Awareness Project for Bali and con4nuing the Elementary Schools Library projects.


With Rtn Florian Nitsch as Club Administra4on and PR & Fundraising Chairperson, PP John Glass; RC Bali Seminyak raised almost IDR 850 million last year. More fund raisings and club ac4vi4es are planned this year to increase dona4ons. Club ac4vi4es and projects are regularly reported in weekly e-­‐bulle4n by Charter President Patrick van Kampen who received Governor's Apprecia4on Recogni4on during DG Visit, for his con4nuous strong supports and dedica4on to the club to achieve good performance


Very Welldone RC Bali Seminyak


GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

RC Bali Legian, Kartika & Tirtagangga

DG Join Visit: RC BALI LEGIAN, RC BALI KARTIKA dan RC BALI TIRTAGANGGA Ke4ga Club ini merupakan Club-­‐Club berukuran kecil tetapi mempunyai semangat berkembang yang sangat besar. Diskusi dimulai dari RC BALI LEGIAN yang saat ini hanya mempunyai 8 anggota. Tetapi President Andi Amandiartha sangat op4mis dan berjanji akan menggandakan jumlah anggota menjadi 15 member pada akhir Juni 2015. Traget TRF, dengan 100% AF Donator denganAPF USD 700. RC Bali Legian akan bergabung dengan parent clubnya RC Bali Taman untuk membuat Proyek Air Bersih. Untuk District Grant akan dibuat proyek edukasi re AIDS dan Organ Reproduksi. President RC Bali Legian (eks Rotaractor) merencanakan untuk membangun ROTARACT Club berbasis alumnus SMA dan Perguruan Tinggi dalam waktu dekat; serta INTERACT Club SMK Negri 2 pada akhir 2014. RC Bali Legian juga berpar4sipasi untuk hos4ng YEP Student dari USA yang akan datang ke Bali.

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GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014


To New Welcome Rotarian Warm Welcome to Rotarian !

Gerald ( Gerry) Knecht , ID# 8929712 RC Bali Seminyak, sponsored by Pres Doris Angst Summer !

Jerome Cle, ID#8934237 RC Bali Seminyak, sponsored by Pres Doris Angst Summer


PP Martin as GSR to RC Kupang Timor Raya together with DG Hanny and PDG Al Purwa, attended the Chartered presentation of the newest Rotary Club in the East part of Indonesia.

To New Welcome ubs Rotary Cl

Congratulation to Pres Bram who is the Chartered President of RC Kupang Timor Raya, with 30 new Rotarian member. PP Martin as the GSR to this new Club, have done lots of information talk way before the presentation night. On top of that, another 40 minutes short version of Rotary Academy was given by PDG Al to those enthusiast rotarian. Rtn Budi Soehardi, a CNN Hero and also a member of e-Club Rotary in Singapore was present to share the joy of this presentation event.

The next provisional Rotary Club is Atambua. GSR Martin mentioned that there are 26 potential members who are also wanting to be chartered. Very well done GSR PP Martin.

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GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014

YEP D3420 for Rotary Year 2014 -2015

District 3420, is sending 16 YEP to all around the world for their once in a life time experience. Those are: Mira Alya S (Surabaya to France) ; Naufal Drestanta (Surabaya to Belgium); Naida Farrah (Surabaya to USA); Riah Erliana (Ujung Pandang to Czech); Meuthia Alysha (Ujung Pandang to USA); Rosman Khaidir (Ujung Pandang

to Taiwan); Marcello Glen (Ujung Pandang to Brazil); Kholida nabila (Ujung Pandang to Denmark);NurulHalida (Ujung Pandang to Mexico); Moh Nabil (Ujung Pandang to Hungary);Ahmad Fauzi (Ujung Pandang to Brazil); Vania Amalia (Semarang to Spain); Laras Zita (Semarang to North West D1650 ); Zamma Nabila (Semarang to USA); Narulita Dyah (Semarang to USA)

Outbound - Inbound Orientation On July 4-6, 2014, the YEP Committee had conducted the OB orientation for these 16 students in Oak Tree Hotel, Semarang, and their parents also attended the orientation for some important information due to their kids leaving for the YEP. The committee gave them many useful information and knowledge to ensure their


living in abroad will safe and enjoy full, hopefully they will keep the good credential of Rotary D3420 The TEP Committee is preparing for the IB Orientation, tentatively will be held on Sept 19 -21, 2014. There are 17 students for Inbound for this year. (Thanks to PP Lusy Tjindrawati for the article) !1 7

GML NO: 01 , AUGUST 2014



Team N GM

Our Heartfelt Condolence for the passing of Juliana Rosenboom - daughter of Rtn Udo Rosenboom (member of RC Bali Seminyak) - July 26,2014

Kepada semua Rotarian dan keluarga yang merayakan hari Raya Idul Fitri, kami mengucapkan

SELAMAT IDUL FITRI Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin


WANT YOUR CLUB TO BE FEATURED IN THE GML? EMAIL YOUR STORIES TO article need to be or RECEIVED at the latest on the 10th or of the month

! !

to nks a h T ial Spec

Governor’s Monthly Newsletter (GMN) Team Chair person : PP Suzana Chandra Contributors: DG Hanny Arianto PDG Al Purwa DDG Yetty Sutan, AG Julia Rivai, and Clubs

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