GMN Agustus 2015

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Dear Presidents dan fellow Rotarians, Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb., Salam Sejahtera, Om Swastiastu, Nammo Buddhaya. Tidak terasa sudah 2 bulan saya melakukan pengabdian sebagai District Governor D 3420, dan hampir separuh klub di District ini sudah saya kunjungi, banyak sekali pelajaran berharga yang saya dapatkan. Klub yang beraneka ragam budaya dan kebiasaan telah membuka wawasan saya terhadap pengabdian kita di Rotary dan kebesaran lembaga pengabdian ini. Saya semakin yakin bahwa Rotary adalah tempat untuk kita berbagi tanpa memandang ras, agama, suku bangsa serta tingkat social, tujuan kita hanya satu yaitu PENGABDIAN KEPADA KEMANUSIAAN. It’s been 2 months I do service as a District Governor D 3420, and almost half the club in this District has my visit , I got a lot of valuable lessons during the visit. Club diverse culture and customs has opened my horizons to our devotion in Rotary and the greatness of this devotion institutions . I am increasingly convinced that the Rotary is a place for us to share regardless of race, religion , ethnicity and social level , we have only one purpose , namely DEDICATED TO HUMANITY . Guna meningkatkan pengabdian kita dan lebih semangat untuk membangun klub menjadi lebih sehat, maka di tahun ini District 3420 mengadakan kompetisi Best of The Best Club untuk ‘the most Vibrant Club’ , yaitu untuk meraih sebuah Piala Bergilir, yang akan dipersembahkan kepada satu klub yang memenuhi beberapa kriteria dan mendapatkan nilai tertinggi dari beberapa poin yang dipersyaratkan yaitu : In order to increase our devotion and passion to build a better and healthy Club, this year’s District 3420 held a competition to reach Best of the Best Club that’s call ”The Most Vibrant Club” in the form of “Rotation-Cup” that will be dedicated to one club that meets several criteria and reach the highest scores of otherwise require multiple points in the form of : 1. Global Grant; 2. District Grant; 3. Humanitarian Service Project based on 6 areas of focus; 4. Every Rotary Club : 1 project/club (minimum); 5. Club to Club: 1 project/club (minimum); 6. Vocational Service Rotary Youth Exchange: 1. In bound Student/Out bound Student; 2. Host Club; 3. Host Parent; 4. RYE Officer / participant; 5. Attend all RYE event Rotaract: 1. Have Rotaract Club (1 club minimum); 2. Have Rotaract Chair ; 3. Active Project (1 project minimum); 4. Attend all District Rotaract Event Administration: 1. Pay RI dues on time; 2. Pay District dues on time; 3. Attendance (minimum 50%); 4. Fellowship Mandatory Project base on six areas of focus: 1. Sanitation (Program 1 Juta Jamban); 2. Blood Bank (Donor Darah); 3. Cleft lip; 4. Etc. District Conference: 1. Member attend 50% (minimum) based on membership; 2. Discon officer / participant Besar harapan saya dengan diadakan nya kompetisi ini seluruh klub di distrik ini bisa berlomba lomba dan berkompetisi secara positif untuk menjadikan klub nya sebagai klub yang vibrant sehingga bisa melakukan pengabdian lebih baik lagi kepada masyarakat dan bersama sama membantu Rotary International dan Distrik untuk mencapai goal di tahun ini. Hopefully by holding this competition throughout the club in D3420 can compete to race and compete in a positive way to make his club as the club were vibrant, so it can do better service to society and at the same time will help Rotary International and District to reach The Goal of this year . Dengan di canangkan nya tahun ini sebagai tahun paperless dan seluruh report dimasukkan ke dalam My Rotary melalui Club Central, untuk itu di harapkan seluruh board dan seluruh member club mempunyai account di My Rotary dan memlaporkan apa saja yang telah dilakukan baik project maupun aktifitas lain. With the launch this year as the year of paperless and the entire report is inserted into the My Rotary through Club Central , the board and all members of the club are expected to have an account on My Rotary and make direct report what has been done both the project and other activities. Di masa pengabdian tahun 2015 – 2016 ini mari kita jadikan distrik kita ini menjadi distrik yang kuat dengan adanya klub – klub yang sehat dibawah kepemimpinan para President yang hebat dan dukungan dari seluruh member yang luar biasa. Jadikan lah tahun ini tahun terbaik dari pengabadian kita, BERSAMA KITA BISA. Due to the period of 2015 – 2016,let us make this District with the presence of the club – strong and healthy under the leadership of the President and the support from all members remarkable. Make this year to be the best year of our perpetuation, TOGETHER WE WILL ABLE TO REACH THE BIG GOAL. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Yours in Rotary, A. Mufid Wahyudi District Governor D-3420



In the 1930s, Ole Kirk Christiansen, a Danish carpenter, had a wooden sign hanging on his wall that read, Det bedste er ikke for godt: “Only the best is good enough.” Today, Christiansen is remembered as the inventor of Lego, the colorful plastic bricks beloved by children around the world. But in the early days of the Lego company, its signature product was a wooden duck – one built to the highest standards, out of aged beech, with three coats of clear varnish. Lego’s company history tells how Christiansen used his ducks to teach a lesson in quality to his son, Godtfred Kirk: One evening, when I came into the office, I said to my father: “It’s been a good day today, Dad. We’ve earned a little more.” “Oh,” said Dad, “what do you mean?” “Well, I’ve just been to the station with two boxes of our toy ducks for the Danish Co op. Normally they get three coats of varnish, but since it’s for the Co-op, I only gave them two. So I saved the business a bit of money.” He looked at me in dismay. “Godtfred, fetch those boxes back. Unpack them and give the ducks another coat of varnish. You’re not going to bed until the work’s done – and you’ll do it all on your own.” There was no arguing with Dad. And it was a lesson for me about what quality meant. Today, Lego’s quality standards are legendary, and its products are the most popular toys in the world: Lego pieces outnumber humans 86 to 1. We all recognize that this success stems directly from Lego’s business practices – its insistence on quality, efficiency, and innovation. I compare this with our efforts in governance and accountability in Rotary, and realize that sometimes we fall short of the standards expected. The leaders at the Rotary International, zone, district, and club levels have to maintain the highest standards in governance. The RI president and directors must serve the membership in a meaningful manner; zone leaders must deliver on the investment Rotary makes in them; district leaders must provide dynamic leadership in the district and focus on transparency in accounting and timely reporting of financials; and club leaders must adhere to proper reporting functions and get their clubs onto Rotary Club Central. Just as Christiansen refused to consider sending a lesser product to any of his clients, so should we refuse to consider giving a lesser effort to any of our work. We must always demand the best of ourselves – in our professional lives, and especially in our Rotary work. For in Rotary, what is our product? It is not wooden ducks or plastic bricks. It is education, water, health, and peace. It is hope, and it is life itself. For this work, only our best is good enough. I ask you all to remember this – and to do your very best to Be a Gift to the World.



Rotary Public Image Coordinator, Zone 7A (Philippines and Indonesia) This issue is the first for the current Rotary Year 2015 – 2016. Allow me to start by wishing our new Rotary Leaders in Zone 7A the best in their tour of duty. They are: RI District 3410 – DG Hidayat“Hidayat” Tjokrodjojo RI District 3770 – DG Manuel “Manny” Sy Peng, Jr. RI District 3790 – DG Ma. Inez “Mai” Ocampo RI District 3810 – DG Roberto “Obet” Pagdanganan RI District 3830 – DG Jose “Pepito” Bengzon, III RI District 3860 – DG Salvador “Buddy”Estudillo

RI District 3420 – DG Mufid “Mufid” Wahyudi RI District 3780 – DG Reynaldo “Rey” David RI District 3800 – DG Alfredo “Jun” Abellar, Jr. RI District 3820 – DG Jose “Pepe” Estevez, Jr. RI District 3850 – DG Oliver “Oliver” Ong RI District 3870 – DG Leopoldo “Leo” Ochia

As far as our Zone 7A Public Image Team is concerned, I reappointed PDG James “McGyver” Makasiar of RI District 3850 and PDG Eva “Eva” Kurniaty of RI District 3410 to continue to be my Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinators for the current Rotary Year. And my four Liaison Officers are still PP Maria Adelica “Maridel” Villavicencio for RI Districts 3780, 3800 and 3810; PP Ma. Rosario Elizabeth “Lilibeth” De La Cruz for RI Districts 3770, 3820 and 3850; PP Maria Concepcion “Chacha” Camacho for RI Districts 3410, 3830 and 3870; and PP Marivic “Marivic” del Pilar for RI Districts 3420, 3790 and 3860. The only newcomers in my Zone Public Image Team are the District Public Image Chairs appointed by their respective incumbent District Governors, and I wish to welcome the following to my Team: RI District 3410 – Rtn. Prita Kemal Gani RI District 3780 – PP Rose Imperial RI District 3810 – PP Arlene Velez RI District 3850 – PP Jigger Latoza

RI District 3420 – PP Yetty Puspitawati Sutan RI District 3790 – PP Nelson Caroy RI District 3820 – PDG Chit Lijauco RI District 3860 – PP Ely Baquero

RI District 3770 – PDG Felix Domigpe RI District 3800 – PP Nikki de Vega RI District 3830 – PP Randi Lorico RI District 3870 – DGN Linda Deleste

Welcome to the Team! While I may not be in regular contact with these District Public Image Chairs, I am certain that my four Liaison Officers will be in touch with them regularly for the regular reports I need to submit to RI President Ravi Ravindran, particularly on three valuable data…… number of unique local media placements during the period, number of district training seminars on public image held during the period, and number of media personalities each district has tapped during the period to promote the image of Rotary International in general and your district in particular. The 2015 Manila Rotary Institute, which I am privileged to chair, is just nine weeks away, and I really hope that you will register soon as we will close registration by the end of September 2015, or even sooner when I reach my desired number of 1,000 registrants. I have venue limitation as the ballroom of Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila can only accommodate 1,080 comfortably. With 32 RI Dignitaries who have already confirmed their participation and some other special guests, we really have to stop accepting registrations when we reach 1,000 registrants. Our RI Dignitaries include RI President Elect John Germ and Spouse Judy; Past RI President Wilf Wilkinson; Past RI President Gary Huang and Rotarian Corinna; RI President Nominee Ian Riseley and PDG Juliet; and seven out of the seventeen incumbent RI Directors, namely: RID Guiller Tumangan & Rotarian Letty, RID Julia Phelps & Spouse Steve, RID Takanori Sugitani & Spouse Kuniko, RID Frederick Lin & Spouse Jane, RID Saowalak Rattanavich, RID Eduardo San Martin Carreno & Spouse Carmen, and RID Peter Offer. Other RI Dignitaries are TRF Vice Chair & PRID Paul Netzel & Spouse Diane, PRID Paing Hechanova & Spouse Mely, Aide to RIPE & PRID Ron Beaubien & Spouse Vicki, PRID Noraseth Pathmanand & Spouse Chotima, PRID Jackson Hsieh & Spouse Juliet, PRIVP Anne Matthews, and PRID Sangkoo Yun & Spouse Eun Sun Yang. I am now taking this opportunity to invite all those who are interested to participate to already register online at before we close the registration. Likewise, I am urging those who have already registered to already book your hotel rooms. We will ran out of rooms at Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila, the venue of the Institute, very soon. Last August 7 & 8, we had a meeting of the Organizing Committee attended by our foreign based members and advisers, and it seems like we will really have a very memorable Institute. Last July 23 to 27, RID Guiller Tumangan; PDG Ernie Choa, our Rotary Coordinator; PDG Mac Hermoso, our Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator; and I travelled to Indonesia for the Seamless Seminar in Surabaya last July 25 and the Seamless Seminar in Jakarta last July 26. Though the attendance in both seminars were not as much as the numbers we had last year because of the timing being just after their long Ramadan holidays, we had very participative Rotarians in the various workshops. Allow me to take this opportunity to thank Governors Hidayat and Mufid for the very warm reception extended to us by both districts. I also wish to thank PDG Rudy Balmater and Pres. Letty, PDG Thomas Aquinas, IPP Betty and many others especially for our airport transfers and the sumptuous meals. Though PDG Eva Kurniaty was in New Zealand at the time we were in Jakarta, she generously gave her Alphard for us to use during our stay. We already had several District Public Image Seminars in July and August, and I wish to thank PDG James Makasiar for representing our Zone Public Image Team last July 25 for District 3870 in Valencia, Bukidnon (as I was in Surabaya, Indonesia at that time for another seminar), and again for District 3780 in Quezon City last August 22, the same day when I spoke in a similar seminar for District 3860 in General Santos City. I also missed the seminar of District 3860 in Cebu last August 1, but PDG Penny Policarpio who was there for the Membership Seminar was kind enough to deliver our presentation. Former RPIC PDG Lyne Abanilla also spoke at District 3810 last August 15 as I was aide of RIPE John, and we were at District 3820 at that time. Similarly, former RPIC PDG Chit Lijauco spoke at Districts 3800 on August 8 which was the height of the meeting of the Organizing Committee for the Institute. In fact, PDG Chit had to run to Sofitel right after her speech to report on her committee’s program for the Institute being our Chair for Publicity and Media. Allow me to end this message by thanking RID Guiller Tumangan for giving me and my Spouse Mariz the privilege to serve as aides to RIPE John Germ and Spouse Judy during their five days visit to the various Districts in the Philippines. The schedule prepared for them by RID Guiller was very tough but such gave our Presidents Elect of the ten Philippine Districts the rare opportunity to have individual photos with their RI President which they will forever cherish. PDG EDUARDO R. ALVAREZ Rotary Public Image Coordinator, Zone 7A (Philippines and Indonesia)


MEMBERSHIP SEMINAR (Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015 - Lorin Hotel Solo)

Bertempat di Lorin Hotel Solo, District 3420 menyelenggarakan MEMBERSHIP SEMINAR dengan nara sumber: PDG Aloysius Purwa, DG Mufid Wahyudi, PP Suzana Chandra dan PP Febri H Dipokusumo. (*ES)


(Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2015 - di Puri Dalem Hotel, Sanur Bali) District 3420 di Sanur Bali menyelenggarakan Grant Management Seminar dengan nara sumber: PDG Thomas, IPDG Hanny, PDG Aloysius Purwa dan DG Mufid Wahyudi. Dengan pelatihan ini RC diharapkan dapat merencanakan Global Grant Project, menggunakan Grant, mengimplementasikan, memonitor, mengevaluasi serta membuat laporan Grant yang benar.


Di bulan Agustus, DG Mufid didampingi spouse melakukan kunjungan ke beberapa RC, yaitu: 1. RC Semarang Kunthi (Sabtu, 1 Agustus 2015) 2. RC Surabaya Kaliasin (Kamis, 6 Agustus 2015 ) 3. RC Madiun Raya (Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015 ) 4. RC Sidoarjo (Jum’at, 14 Agustus 2015 ) 5. RC Surabaya Jembatan Merah (Jum’at, 14 Agustus 2015 ) 6. RC Surabaya Rungkut (Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015 ) 7. RC Surabaja-Darmo (Senin, 24 Agustus 2015 ) 8. RC Surabaya Metropolitan (Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015 ) Dalam kunjungan ini, seperti DG Visit sebelumnya, DG Mufid menyampaikan dan memaparkan tentang susunan Board Officer, visi dan misinya, serta rencana program yang akan dilaksanakan District 3420, selain itu DG Visit ini juga dilakukan untuk menngumpulkan informasi dan melihat perkembangan club secara langsung. Di beberapa RC DG Mufid juga melantik member baru, seperti di Semarang Kunthi dilantik 3 member, RC Sidoarjo 2 member dan RC Surabaja-Darmo dilantik 1 member baru. Hampir pada semua DG Visit, pada beberapa RC juga diadakan peringatan HUT DG Mufid Wahyudi, dengan beberapa cara, a.l. : pemberian kue Ultah. Selain memaparkan program kerja, DG Mufid juga berkesempatan mengunjungi beberapa proyek dan tempat, diantaranya Toilet Umum Tinjomoyo di Semarang, mengunjungi YPAC Surabaya, mengunjungi budidaya lele di Kec. Jiwan, Madiun, penyerahan perangkat sablon di SMA Muhammadiyah 16 Surabaya (*ES)

RC Semarang Kunthi (Sabtu, 1 Agustus 2015)

RC Surabaya Kaliasin (Kamis, 6 Agustus 2015 )


RC Madiun Raya (Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015)

RC Sidoarjo (Jum’at, 14 Agustus 2015)

RC Surabaya Jembatan Merah (Jum’at, 14 Agustus 2015 )

RC Surabaya Rungkut (Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015)


RC Surabaja-Darmo (Senin, 24 Agustus 2015)

RC Surabaya Metropolitan (Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015 )






(Jum’at, 31 Agustus 2015, SD Kemijen 1 Semarang)

RC Semarang Tanjung Mas bekerjasama dengan Victory Access International menyelenggarakan pelatihan A PRACTICING NLP PRACTITIONER EMPOWERMENT COACHING. Pelatihan ini juga diikuti DG Mufid Wahyudi Diharapkan dengan pelatihan ini rotarian dapat menggunakan teknik yang dapat membantunya secara mandiri untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang sedang rotarian hadapi saat ini? Atau Bagaimana caranya melepaskan belenggu hambatan diri untuk lebih maju? “A PRACTICING NLP PRACTITIONER” adalah suatu sertifikasi internasional yang disusun dalam bentuk semi-attitude coaching. Coaching ini dapat mendukung rotarian menemukan cara merancang kesuksesannya. Para peserta akan didukung untuk dapat menerapkan Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Melalui coaching ini, rotarian dapat menciptakan terobosan dalam hidup untuk menjadi yang terbaik, lebih seimbang dalam kehidupan, sukses dan bahagia. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) adalah sebuah ilmu yang mempelajari bagaimana proses menyusun kata-kata ke dalam diri sendiri dengan cara memodel kesempurnaan untuk meraih kesuksesan. Para peserta diajak mempelajari tentang dasar-dasar NLP murni; ketajaman panca indera; gaya belajar manusia, ketrampilan dasar diri dengan menyadari potensi diri, penguasaan diri dan kekuatan dalam diri, strategi dan sistem berpikir, merelasikan ketrampilan dasar manusia, keyakinan yang membangun dan penerapan nilai kehidupan sebagai pemimpin.

Untuk Rotary Club D-3420 dapat mengirimkan berita kegiatan clubnya paling lambat tgl 25 setiap bulannya untuk dapat dimuat di

Governor’s Monthly Newsletter melalui email:



Distribution Day

(Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015 jam 09:00 - 12:30 - Denpasar) RC Bali Denpasar pada hari Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015 mengadakan acara DISTRIBUTION DAY. Kegiatan yang dilakukan antara lain: • pembagian alat2 kelengkapan peralatan sekolah yang di sumbangkan oleh para sponsor dari Australia (bekerjasama dengan Rotary Club Swan Valley, RC Ellenbrok). • Pengecekan kesehatan umum gratis kepada para anak2 sekolah dasar dan masyarakat umum di daerah sekitar yg datang • Pengecekan Gigi gratis • Pengecekan Mata dan pemberian kacamata gratis • Pemberian Obat dan vitamin gratis • Donor Darah Special di Distribution day ini juga diadakan: LOMBA-LOMBA KEMERDEKAAN seperti: Lomba Lari Karung, Lomba Kelereng, Lomba Makan Krupuk dan Panjat Pinang. Selain anak2 sekolah dasar yg menjadi peserta para sponsor dari Australia dan beberapa masyarakat umum pun Yang membedakan Distribution day kali ini dengan tahun2 sebelumnya dalah: • Pembagian Dental Kit (Sikat Gigi dan Pasta Gigi) Gratis ke anak2 sekolah dasar • Pembagian Helm gratis kepada anak2 sekolah dasar. Pembagian helm ini disertai oleh Helmet Man dan Helmet Girl dengan mengikkrarkan janji: apabila naik motor harus selalu pakai helm dan helm nya di ‘Klik’. Acara berlangsung dengan seru dan penuh keceriaan, RC Bali Denpasar dan Yayasa Bali School Kids sebagai panitia dibantu oleh Rotaract Club Denpasar Bali dan Interact Club Denpasar Kuta.


Kewajiban setiap anggota Rotary Club membayar “District Dues” Rp. 20.000/bulan, pembayaran transfer ke alamat : The duty of every member of the Rotary Club has to pay “District dues” Rp . 20,000 / month , transfer payments address to :

BCA - KCP M. Duryat – Surabaya No. Acc. : 555 0199 515 a/n. Wimphry Suwignjo atau Ida Adjmain Kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada semua anggota – Rotary Club yang telah membayar District Dues melalui Rekening District 3420. We would like to thank all the members - Rotary Club who have paid The District Dues through the account of District 3420 . Sesuai data yang kami miliki, berdasarkan “Print-Out” Buku Tabungan BCA-Glod, sampai dengan Hari Minggu, Tgl. 13 September 2015, telah kami terima sbb. : Based on the data we have, the “Print-Out” of BCA-Gold, the transfers we received, updated Sunday, 13 September 2015 , as follows : 1. 28/07/15 RCBali Seminyak 1,040,000 6 months 10 members 2. 30/07/15 RCSmg Bojong 400,000 1 month 20 members 3. 03/08/15 RCIndraprasta 2,160,000 12 months 9 members 4. 03/08/15 RCSidoarjo 2,880,000 12 months 12 members 5. 03/08/15 RCSolo Sriwedari 5,040,000 12 months 21 members 6. 03/08/15 RCSmg Kunthi 5,760,000 6 months 48 members 7. 03/08/15 RCSby Rungkut 3,360,000 12 months 14 members 8. 06/08/15 RCSolo Kartini 15,120,000 12 months 63 members 9. 11/08/15 RCMlg Central 1,920,000 6 months 16 members 10. 24/08/15 RCBali Benoa 2,160.000 12 months 9 members 11. 24/08/15 RCSby Jmerah 4,800,000 12 months 20 members 12. 26/08/15 RCSmg Bojong 2,000,000 5 months 20 members 13. 27/08/15 RCBali Taman 11,280,000 12 months 47 members 14. 31/08/15 RC Smg Sentral 3,000,000 6 months 25 members 15. 01/09/15 RCBali Denpasar 7,400,000 12 months 30 members 10 months 1 members 16. 03/09/15 RCSby Kaliasin 4,440,000 6 months 37 members 17. 04/09/15 RCSby Selatan 3,840,000 6 months 32 members 18. 04/09/15 RC Kudus 3,720,000 6 months 31 members 19. 04/09/15 RC Kudus Srikandi 3,000,000 6 months 25 members 20. 10/09/15 RCBali Nusadua 7,200,000 12 months 30 members Note : We kindly ask further transfer from other Rotary Club, please inform us if there are some missing or any discrepancy regarding the District Dues mentioned above. Yours in Rotary, District Finance Director (DFD) – Wimphry Suwignjo, PP District Treasurer – Ida Adjmain, PP


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