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Name_ Ross Francis Student ID_ 102181 Level_ 06 Module Code_ OUG603

Brief Title Type Of Brief Skills Collaborators Nature of Collaboration

TBM Union Flag


Studio set brief, design pitch/proposal

Pre-empt Scotland’s independence from the UK and re-design the Union Flag.

Concept Generation, Copy Writing Joel Burden Joel and conducted our own research, and concept generation, Joel create and put together proposal boards for the crit, while I worked on exploring applications for the concept and the way it could be applied.



On the 18th of September 2014, Scotland will vote for independence. In one day the economy, culture and identity of the UK could irrevocably change forever. A culture and identity that is most evident in the Union Jack — that symbol of nations united. The flag is an icon that is recognized worldwide. What will happen if we remove the Scottish saltire? It’s also an opportunity to redefine the identity of Great Britain to redefine the future. Research the origin and elements of the current flag. Consider reproductive implications of your design. Can a child draw it? Think about what modern Great Britain represents. Pre-empt negativity. E.g. Scotland/Tourist trade/Political parties.


Due to the vast range of negative implications changing the flag’s form would have, the only appropriate solution seemed to be for the flag to change to an all red. This left the form intact, and the flag still recognisable. N.E.W is a concept that aims to put the absence of Scotland in a positive light. Through the loss of Scotland, N.E.W is what is gained. Giving each country an equal part in the collective United Kingdom identity, N.E.W is an identification and campaign for pride in the United Kingdom. While the Union Flag is the identity on an international scale, N.E.W is an internal Kingdom identity, integrated into the shared tri-national culture.


This brief was particularly interesting as it has absolutely no possibility of becoming a reality. I think for some members of the class this meant that they could be more creative. However, my pragmatism led me away from the designing of the flag as such, and led me down an alternative path. Due to the speculative nature of the brief, I did not feel bad for changing the course of the brief, even though this is a luxury that most designers are not accustomed to in reality. I decided upon a minimal change in the flag, and instead wanted to introduce a campaign, or at least a tool for a campaign that would change the perspective of this loss from a negative to a positive. I find it quite difficult to measure how successful this brief was, as it is very difficult to put into context, however the affect it had on me was positive, as it allowed me to think about how I tackle a brief in a new way. It opened me up to the idea that I could respond and hope to solve a problem by coming at it from a different angle. I think this is a tool and frame of mind that certainly gives a designer an edge. Put into a real world context, answering a problem from a unique angle in a design pitch setting, could mean the difference between losing or winning a pitch, or at the very least, being memorable. After we had pitched the response to The Beautiful Meme, they were very interested in our approach to the brief. They did mention that the brief was to re-design a flag, but they said our concept had been unique and well thought out, as well as having an element of surrealism. In terms of the context of this brief in my wider design practice, I like the idea of speculation and thinking about what could be, but I feel like a brief like this is a bit too far on the speculative side for me, when in reality, the flag is unlikely to change even if Scotland do leave. I think the brief was at the very least, a good excerise in answering a difficult brief. While it feels like my role in this brief was just to open doors to possibilities rather than actually design anything too intensley, I think that the experience has been worth while and I am happy with the way I responded to it.


Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

What did I do?

Why did I do it?

What more could I have done?

Researching this brief I conducted primarily secondary research. I looked at the varying ways in which the flag has been applied and was open to the vast ways in which it is used. I thought that opening myself to this would give me a better idea on how to go about redesigning it. I also looked into other similar responses to the same challenge set by the Guardian and Coley Porter Bell, which were found by reading articles. I also looked at studios that answer similar scale problems such as Bruce Mau’s Know Canada.

I did not do too much primary research as I felt that the brief was exceptionally speculative and I felt becoming too involved with primary research was not particularly the point (and actually recommended by the The Beautiful Meme). I conducted secondary research in order to understand the impact a change in the flag would create, I tried to understand the context of the brief. I looked into other briefs that set a similar problem as I wantd to understand the rationale of other responses to the problem.

Well, in reality, a brief like this would need a considerable amount of research. Years worth of research infact. Surveys into the implications and potential reactions to design changes like this would create a substantial cost even proposing a possible change could spur Scotland to leave even more, having an over arching political, financial and economic impact over the visual impact. In this circumstance I could not have done much more research that would have had a greater impact on the final design.

TBM Union Flag Brief #04

Design Direction

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

What direction did I take?

Why did I take this direction?

What influenced me?

The direction I took was based on pragmatic decisions. I wanted to design something that was free from my own input. The shapes, colour choices and typefaces were already chosen for me, and this is the way I would answer a brief like this. Using the prexisting to create something new, please do not excuse the pun as this is the binding rationale of the project.

I took this direction because I wanted to create something without my own direct and subjective input. I wanted the direction to be in my hands, but with out my direct input.

In all honesty I was only influenced by the pre-existing shapes that the flag gave to me. I did not want to think about the visual aspect of this brief too much but I wanted to think about the way in which it would be introduced, and the potential campaigns and products that could a result of such a massive change in our patriotism.

TBM Union Flag Brief #04


Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

How did I develop the brief?

What problems did I have?

Was it successful?

I developed the brief by thinking about the way the new visual could be applied. I wanted to think about the schemes and methods of distribution that would be used, rather than the actual individual designs. I think the brief was far bigger than individual design pieces, and more about the speculative solution to a potential problem.

I think the problems I had were in the actual design of the obects. I spent very little time designing things, and spent more time thinking about the modes of distribution. Perhaps I can assume I took a more marketing and PR role in this brief rather than one that was concerned with graphic design. I do not think this is particularly a problem, as it shows that I can think about the ‘grander scheme’ of things, however it does not particularly make a good arguement for it to be in my portfolio.

I think the brief was as successful as it could be given the circumstances. As the brief developed I realised that changing the actual flag too much would be a complete conflict of interests. Changing the identity would mean the millions of people who have died to save our flag would have potentially died in vane, in some people’s eyes. Instead taking the route of a campaign made me feel the brief was more real, and I think that conceptully the brief was successful despite the shortcomings in the design.

TBM Union Flag Brief #04


Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

TBM Union Flag Brief #04

New Flag Design

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

TBM Union Flag Brief #04


Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

TBM Union Flag Brief #04

New Olympic Kit

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

TBM Union Flag Brief #04

The Campaign

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

TBM Union Flag Brief #04

N.E.W is a concept that aims to put the absence of Scotland in a positive light. Through the loss of Scotland, N.E.W is what is gained. Giving each country an equal part in the collective United Kingdom identity, N.E.W is an identification and campaign for pride in the United Kingdom. While the Union Flag is the identity on an international scale, N.E.W is an internal Kingdom identity, integrated into the shared tri-national culture. Campaign Rationale

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

TBM Union Flag Brief #04

Tourism Application

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

TBM Union Flag Brief #04

Public Transport Publication To be released in all three countries

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

TBM Union Flag Brief #04

Sculptures in the capitals, Belfast, London, and Cardiff respectively

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

TBM Union Flag Brief #04

New Coin

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603

TBM Union Flag Brief #04

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Ross Francis 102181

Extended Practice OUGD603


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