Report on Environmental problem of some rural area in Bangladesh

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The upazila roads provide benefits of fast communication, commodity transport facilities and thus improve the life style of the villagers. Improve access to market centers and increased service and communication facilities. c. Industrial activities Road communication promoted industrial activities in the surveyed areas which has significant socio- economic impact. d.Irrigation facilities Borrow pits by the side of the roads provided facility for small scale irrigation. By the local government both the sides of the roads have been planted with Mango trees, jackfruit trees many other fruit trees and also vegetation is growing up slowly. 6.2.4 Impacts of Upazila Irrigation Schemes (UIS) It is found that irrigation schemes in the surveyed areas have positive and negative impacts on the socio- economic and agro- ecological and also environmental parameters. They are discussed below according to the local respondents. 6.2.5 Ecological impacts of Upazila Irrigation Schemes (UIS) a. Fisheries Irrigation for the cultivation of high breed crops is invariably associated with the use of agrochemicals. Residues of pesticides drained out of irrigated land have devastating impact on fish. The concentration of chemicals causes reproductive failure and a higher affects on the fisheries in the surveyed areas. b.Wild life Pesticides sprayed in field for crop protection affect the non targeted groups of beneficial insects, birds, wild animals and also livestock. A pesticide accumulates in fatty tissues and goes on bio-magnification in food chain. c.Eutrophcation Fertilizers used in the fields drain out with irrigation water and this drainage water reaches open water bodies causing luxuriant growth of weeds, algae etc. The subsequent destruction of these aquatic plants causes water pollution and disrupts aquatic environment. 6.2.6 physio- chemical impact of Upazila Irrigation Schemes (UIS) a. Surface water pollution Residues of pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers reach surface water through drainage and flooding of agricultural lands to causing surface water pollution. b.Ground water pollution Residues of agrochemicals also reach ground water through infiltration. Pollutants persist in the ground water for a very long time and travel a long distance without any alteration. c.Soil characteristics

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