7 minute read

2. Seeking Wisdom

Seeking Wisdom

Right in front of me are 3 small roads that lead deep into the different parts of the city. There are no signs or anyone I could ask directions from, and even worse is that my phone has no connection.


There are a few shops closing for the day but none of its owners knows or even have the faintest idea about the temple. It does not help that they don't speak English either. Can this town get any more remote?

As I am walking towards the end of the road, I noticed a wooden structure protruding out from the hills, mostly covered by the trees surrounding it. I could only make out the roofing and that it looks pretty old. Could that be the temple I am looking for and how in the world can I get up there?

Looking over to my left shoulder, I noticed a small footpath now leading towards an entry into the dense forest, with a wooden sign that displays a set of Korean characters. I had to take a chance or risk sleeping on the streets for the night.

The footpath led up the hill through the trees. I got closer to what seems like a very old temple, as if it was frozen in time for the past hundred years. The green thick forest hid it from the outside world. It felt to me, as though I have stumbled upon a lost world disconnected from civilization.

The temple gates are now before me and I did the most sensible thing - push them open and calmly walk into a beautiful garden.

Surrounding me are these elegant and artistic flowers of different colours, blooming from every corner, and there are little pathways in between them to walk through. Someone here must have fallen head over hills for gardening. If this was a temple, I have not seen anything like it before.

In one of the pathways, I see a monk standing calmly while he tends to a group of Mugunghwa flowers, the national flower of South Korea. I could not make much of his age, Asians never seem to grow old after their 20s, he was wearing an earthly coloured robe that had a simple cut, generously covering him from the neck down. He turned to look at me with a smile already appearing on his face. A nice smile surely goes a long way, especially when it is given away generously like that. It is a real contrast to what most urban people are used to nowadays.

“Anyoung haseyo, can I help you?” the monk asked to my surprise in English.

“I am so glad you can speak English. My name is Dan Frost and I am here on a visit from the UK. I was wondering if there was anyone here who can guide me."

“Hi, Dan. That is me. My name is Kim Taeyang and I am a monk at this temple. Your business friend told me that you may visit this place one day. I just did not know when.”

“Wait, were you his teacher?”

The monk simply smiled.

“Haha, what stroke of luck. Well, I never knew when this trip would become necessary for me, it is a spontaneous trip indeed. Honestly speaking, I would not exactly call you guys tourist friendly.”

The monk laughed, “As you already know, there is no reservation system for this place, so our visitors are usually referred to us by someone we know. I am glad you decided to come. I bet you had a long journey, how about we get you settled in and talk about it later. Please follow me.”

A large wooden structure appeared as we walked behind the main hall, leaving behind the gardens. The large doors were left open to reveal the inside, I could see the candles at the end of the hall and how a few monks were already in deep meditation.

The monk asked, “How long will you be staying?”

“I bought an open ticket. So I can stay for a few days, since I didn’t know what to expect from all of this, I didn’t want to rush it,” although I knew I might not want to stay too long.

“Good, we have quarters at the back for guests. Why don’t you check in and head on straight to your room? There is some food downstairs if you are hungry. Can we meet tomorrow morning at 5am in the hall behind the temple? We will be doing some meditation first, and right after, I would like you to follow me up the hills so we can talk more about what you came here for.”

“Looking forward to it. Thank you.”

I checked in and went straight up to the room. The room had no furnishing, no distractions, no clutter. There was a small mat left at the far end, with a pillow and a blanket to complete it. I 13

laid comfortably on it with anticipation of what tomorrow has to offer. What is going to happen tomorrow? Will the monk change my perception of life, or would this all just be a waste of time? My head started to spin out of control as the jet lag started to kick in.

Before I knew it, the alarm went off at 4.45am, “Ring… Ring… Ring…”

Getting myself ready cannot be any simpler, I put on the clothes provided by the temple and rushed down to the main hall before the morning meditation began.

The monk was there to explain how the meditation is done.The proper way is to go down on your knees and lay flat chested with your arms extended above the head, and that is just one position to represent one virtue. My mind felt detoxed of thoughts after the 100th virtue, my body beat down as if it was a slab of dead meat. It was brain numbing and all I can think off right now is what is being served for breakfast. I can see the monk coming over. What will he have me do next?

“Good morning Dan, how are you feeling?” “I feel brain dead” I replied with a struggling “smile’’.

“Haha, good! That is what you need for our next session, come on, we have much to talk about. Follow me up the hill, but please note to not talk or think while we head up.”

“Absolutely. Just wondering, why are we doing this so early in the morning?” "These daily walks through nature helps us to reconnect with the present and enjoy what nature has to offer us. I will wait for you outside while you pack up.”

I still can’t believe we are going to hike up the hill this early in the morning, I thought morning prayers and meditation were mostly done indoors.

I carefully packed away my prayer mat and brought it to the back of the hall, while noticing another female Korean traveler doing the same.

She was wearing an earthly coloured outfit that looked like cotton. Her long hair was tied to the back, exposing her attractive features. She looked at me with a contagious smile on her face. I was almost lost for words but yet she turned away after glancing at me. She seems like someone who is quiet and reserve. I am curious. What is she like as a person? With all the remaining energy I have left, I must say 'hello' to her.

“How are you this morning?” I asked hoping that my English could get me by just one more time in this small town.

“Joh-eun achim. I am good,” she replied.

“Oh great, you speak English. Do you come here often?”

“I am no traveler, I live here. Sorry for my English.”

“Not at all. I can understand you. What is your name?”

“My name is Hyunhwa. And you are Dan, correct?”

“Yes.... how did you know my name?" "This is a small temple and I know people here. Why are you here?” "To get away from work I guess. I have some questions and I was told I can get the answers here.”

“That is great. I hope you find them. I am sorry but have to go now.”

“Will you be joining us up the hill?” I am now hoping that she will say yes.

“No, I have been up before, but if I am free, I will come and join you."

I wondered who told her about me. First with the temple, and now with this beautiful girl by the name of Hyunhwa. This trip is starting to become very memorable.

Questions For Readers

1. Who are the people that have influenced your life? 2. What did you learn from them? 3. Were you discouraged before when you were expressing your ideas?