7 minute read

5. Feeling Reborn

Feeling Reborn

The wooden tea house had a simple and modest look to it, its single-story structure made entirely out of some kind of light shaded wood that makes me feel calm. I started preparing myself as I walked to the door, after a few deep breaths I knock on it gently, creating a solid ‘thud’ sound.


The monk replied from inside, “Please come in.”

I gently slide the door open and welcomed myself into the monk’s private space. My presence felt underwhelming with him in the same room.

The interior of the tea house is just as simple as the outside, clean with very little clutter. At the far end of the room is a wooden tea table where the monk sat, as he slowly prepares tea for two. His movements were slow, like a ritual in itself, where every step of the process was done with such focus and intent.

I walked over, sat down and started observing his every move.

I noticed a number of teapots displayed behind the monk. Clearly, his enthusiasm for tea brewing was evident here. Next to them on the right was a wooden photo frame, held within it is an old picture of the monk and someone I had least expected. It was Hyunhwa, taken at this temple. The only odd thing about the picture was that the monk looked a lot younger, yet Hyunhwa looks exactly the same as I saw her as if she has never aged a day. How is that possible....?

“Dan, is something on your mind?”

“I am sorry for being rude, but is that Hyunhwa in the picture?”

“Yes, why do you ask?” The monk is looking up at me now.

“She hasn’t aged at all, yet you are so young next to her. Is she drinking some magical tea leaves to keep her young or have you been drinking something that is making you age faster?”

“Yes, that is her. And the answer for both your questions is 'no' - neither of us are drinking any magical tea leaves. Please, 40

try this tea, I would like to tell you more about Hyunhwa since you asked,” while the monk passed the cup of tea over to me gently.

Not knowing what I might hear next, I had to take another deep breath before I took a sip of tea to calm myself, but mostly prepare myself.

“How is the tea?”

“Pretty tasty.”

“Hyunhwa is my elder sister and she has left this world a long time ago because of an unfortunate car accident.”

“Hold on, hold on. She was just with me today! Are we talking about the same person here?”

“Haha, calm down Dan. You have met my sister in spirit. Don’t be afraid, others who have come before you have met her the same way. You are not the only one. So tell me, how is she?” "Say what?! Why are you asking me how is she? Can't you see her?" "Dan, calm down. It is okay. I can't see her, but I can still keep in contact with her through you."

“How is she? With what I am hearing... she does have a scary sense of humor. How is it that I am able to see her? This is crazy!”

“Dan, take a few deep breaths. Listen, we are spiritual beings and sometimes we experience certain things in life that we 41

cannot explain. Hyunhwa’s path just so happened to cross with yours and she enjoys coming back to the temple once in a while to share her knowledge. I know it is not easy to take it all in right now. Most before you were in the same state. After all, it is an experience for you to keep. You see, her passion was to help those who are searching for meaning in life. That is what she did with her writings and that is what she has dedicated her life to. It is her passion to guide you and others, even after her death. Did she share with you what passion means?”

“Yes she did, she taught me that passion is a sacrificial act to create value and build meaningful relationships, while a hobby is just purely done for leisure.”

“There you go.”

I cannot believe I am having this conversation with the monk. Is it something in my cup of tea? I shall take another sip, while the monk has his. Today is a life-changing experience for me already, and finding out about Hyunhwa, especially now, was a bit too overwhelming for anyone.

I calmed down eventually, shared some of my thoughts and now it is time to head on home. The monk accompanied me to the temple gates. I can still remember its structure when I first saw it and wondered whether I was in the right place and what I was about to embark next was something irrational or a waste

of time. It turned out different for me. For the better at least, and a little strange towards the end.

What I do subscribe to is that all of the great opportunities and growth comes from doing the things that scares you. Being out of my comfort zone helps me to unlearn what I know and rebuilt my openness to embrace change. And today I am leaving this place with a purpose to create value for the world and to improve my relationships with the people I will be meeting in the future.

If you ask me what I am planning to do when I get back. I would say that I want to kickstart my social enterprise to focuses on environmental issues. I think it is time to take control of my life and I want to do so by shaping a more sustainable future for the next generation. As for relationships, I do agree that our lives are built on relationships. The people we are with enriches us and influences who we eventually are. I want to be closer to my family and to build the bond that I had neglected over the past few years. I have to admit that I have taken my family and friends for granted.

Looking back at the short time I had with the monk and Hyunhwa. They have both taught me something about myself, not necessarily in their words, but in their subtle actions. The monk created a lot of value for me by sharing our core purpose. 43

A simple idea that has changed me profoundly and brought a lot of clarity. I know it will take some time for me internalize it but I am already liking the idea. He has done something worth living, to save another soul from confusion.

Hyunhwa built an ever-lasting relationship with me that is deep in spirit. That of which I will treasure for the rest of my life, and maybe share over and over again to with those around me. She shared her story with me and I did so too. I really enjoyed those moments together and I want to make more of those with the people I will come to meet in the future.

While I was drifting away in this moment of reflection, I was suddenly interrupted by the monk: "Be mindful and stay in the moment, my friend." "So sorry, I was thinking about my stay here and what you have taught me." "That is good. It will take time for you but you will see our purpose at play soon." "I have one last question before I go." "What is it?" "What does that temple sign above say?"

Above the temple gates is the sign that displays a series of Korean characters that was not visible earlier. The characters, beautifully adorned in gold, must have meant something to the 44

monks whenever they went out into the world. I could not make it out and my only hope was for the monk to translate them for me.

“I am glad you asked me. The sign simply reminds us to create value and build meaningful relationships whenever we leave the temple.”

With renewed hopes, I bid farewell and took one last look at the temple. I know I will always remember the monk, his elder sister Hyunhwa, and how they have changed me for the better.

Questions For Readers

1. How will you create value for your world? 2. What kind of meaningful relationships would you like to build?