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Acknowledgements by Pixie Cigar


by Pixie Cigar


Thanks to Richard for bringing me on board to make this book come true. Funny enough it started with me just helping him read his first edit, and before we knew it we were meeting every other week discussing how to improve this story. This story is the start of our meaningful relationship where we hand in hand worked to create value for all our future readers and every soul this story touches.

About The Author

Richard Ong

Richard believes in living a passionate and purposeful life. A former consultant and manager at a multinational IT company, he left his corporate life behind to pursue his passion for technology and education. He spends most of his time building web applications and writing books for communities.

Richard can be contacted via email. richard.ong@roptcreate.com

About The Author

Pixie Cigar

"Community building by day, Nation building by night." Pixie is a community builder who is passionate about developing people and their ideas. She does that by building communities to foster their growth. Besides her corporate job, she co-leads a few non-profit communities in Youth & LegalTech and is the Founder of the Community Builders Union.

Pixie Cigar can be contacted via LinkedIn.

Core Purpose

Dan Frost was looking for a reason to live as he found no meaning and joy in his life. It was during his temple stay at South Korea that changed him forever. The unexpected happened, when he met up with two spiritual human beings who came to teach him the simple secrets to living a fulfilled life.


“A must read for those who are seeking a more meaningful life. The key points are simple to understand - this makes them so powerful.” - Jonathan Lau, German Mentors

“If I were banished to an island and could only take one book, it wouldn't be this one because there would be no one else to benefit fromits useful contents. The Core Purpose book can help us to rethink how we understand the world around us.”

- Mohd Atasha Alias, Foxymojo.co

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