Florida Roofing Magazine - January 2023

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of Roofing Professionals January 2023 ROOFING Florida S.T.A.R. Awards Steep Slope Category First Place Precision Exteriors LLC 2023 Buyers Guide
Florida’s Association
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FRSA-Florida Roofing Magazine Contacts:

For advertising inquiries, contact: Keisha Martinez at: keisha@floridaroof.com (800) 767-3772 ext. 127

All feedback and reprint permission requests (please include your full name, city and state) contact: Lisa Pate, Editor, at: lisapate@floridaroof.com (800) 767-3772 ext. 157

Florida Roofing Magazine, PO Box 4850 Winter Park, FL 32793-4850

View media kit at: www.floridaroof.com/ florida-roofing-magazine/

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING 3 Florida Roofing (VOL. 8, NO. 1), January 2023, (ISSN 0191-4618) is published monthly by FRSA, 3855 N. Econlockhatchee Trl. Orlando, FL 32817. Periodicals Postage paid at Orlando, FL. POSTMASTER: Please send address corrections (form 3579) to Florida Roofing, PO Box 4850, Winter Park, FL 32793-4850. Any material submitted for publication in Florida Roofing becomes the property of the publication. Statements of fact and opinion are the responsibility of the author(s) alone and do not imply an opinion or endorsement on the part of the officers or the membership of FRSA. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher. Available Online at www.floridaroof.com/florida-roofing-magazine/ ROOFING Florida January 2023
#roofingprotects Contents On Mobile Devices 2023 Buyers Guide 17 | Team FRSA Pushes Through the FBC Modification Marathon 12 | Installing Self-Adhering Underlayments Direct-to-Deck: Pros and Cons 16 | Four-Wheel Carts in Roofing, Part Two 40 | First Place S.T.A.R. Awards recipient in the Steep Slope category is Precision Exteriors LLC for a private residence in Fernandina Beach.
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Construction Dust: Does Your Insurance Policy Consider It A Pollutant?

We all know that there are pollutants on construction sites. These can include noxious fumes that may be hazardous for workers and building residents. But what about construction dust?

This question was raised in a recent Northern District of Georgia insurance coverage decision. This case illustrates the intricacies of understanding insurance policies and what they cover. Specifically, it points to the Absolute Pollution Exclusion, which often is present in a General Liability Policy.

What the Absolute Pollution Exclusion Permits

An Absolute Pollution Exclusion in an insurance contract removes coverage of pollution exposure resulting from normal operations. It allows insurance companies to preclude liability for any pollutionrelated lawsuits that involve their customers. In the 1980s, this provision became popular after insurers were on the hook for numerous lawsuits against pollution-producing companies.

What This Case Involved

In Love Lang v. FCCI Insurance Company, 530 F.Supp.3d 1299 (N.D. Ga 2021), Joel Edgar Love Jr. lived in an apartment building where construction work was being done. He sustained injuries due to the amount of construction dust produced when the construction workers removed bricks from part of the apartment building. They accomplished this by drilling holes in the grout, then cutting those holes and taking the bricks out. This process resulted in large clouds of dust entering apartment units.

The construction dust itself was not toxic. It did not contain lead, asbestos or other dangerous substances. In most cases, the dust would have been considered harmless. However, Joel Love had emphysema and the dust adversely affected his unhealthy lungs. When it accumulated in his apartment, he had to be hospitalized.

Love initially complained about the dust, but the workers continued the project. Then he filed suit against the construction company and the building owner. (Love passed away before the case was decided, so the plaintiff was Michelle Lynn Love Lang, administrator of Love’s estate.) The construction company’s insurer was FCCI Insurance Company. FCCI denied coverage for this matter based on the insurance policy’s pollution exclusion. According to the policy, “This insurance does not apply to: (1) ‘Bodily

injury’ or ‘property damage’ which would not have occurred in whole or part but for the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release or escape of ‘pollutants’ at any time.”

Further, the policy described a “pollutant” as “any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and waste.”

What the Court Considered

In reviewing the case, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia had to determine if construction dust did or did not meet the definition of “pollutant” per the policy. Also, based on Georgia law, the court was tasked with considering if the policy language was clear or ambiguous. If ambiguous, the policy should favor the insured.

The court reviewed several previous decisions in studying the pollution exclusion at issue. In some cases, lead paint and carbon monoxide gas were categorized as pollutants, but in other cases, nitrogen and natural gas were not. Regarding the natural gas determination, the earlier court stated that exposure to natural gas is not necessarily hazardous and does not necessarily result in injury. The court also ruled that the insurer should not be able to sell a liability policy to a company that handles natural gas but then exclude coverage for damages related to natural gas. As for nitrogen, an earlier court determined it was not a pollutant because it naturally exists in the air. Also, the insured company stored liquid nitrogen and would be expected to be insured for a nitrogen leak.

Based on those decisions, the Love Lang court could have ruled that construction dust was not a pollutant, which would have meant that FCCI would have had to cover the claim for bodily injury. However, the court did not take that stance.

How the Court Ruled

Instead, the court explained it was “sympathetic to Plaintiff’s position and the circumstances of this case. Yet, dust is inescapably and unambiguously a

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‘pollutant,’ i.e., an ‘irritant or contaminant’ under the circumstances here where Plaintiff has alleged that the dust, whether due to its accumulation or otherwise, caused Mr. Love’s difficulty breathing and ultimate ICU visit.” Further, “a cloud of dust, even absent toxicity or other impurities, is a substance that was an ‘irritant’ and a ‘contaminant’ to Mr. Love and his respiratory system ” Rather than focusing on whether construction dust was always a pollutant, the court focused on whether it was an irritant for a specific plaintiff.

The case ended with a summary judgment, no appeal was filed and the lawsuit was dismissed. It is interesting to note, however, that per the final opinion, “The Court reiterates its discomfort with this conclusion in light of the apparent absurdity of a commercial general insurance policy that does not cover activities associated with an entity’s primary business, the frequency of these pollution exclusion coverage disputes under grim fact scenarios and the harm suffered by those injured and their families, like Mr. Love and Plaintiff Love Lang. But in light of the explicit authority detailed herein, the Court can do no better.”

Advice for Contractors

The ruling in this case may serve cautionary to contractors as they sign contracts and begin work.

Insurers will likely cite this case when trying to deny future claims regarding construction dust or other naturally occurring substances on construction sites. FRM

The information contained in this article is for general educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice for your specific factual pattern or situation.

Trent Cotney is a Partner and Construction Practice Group Leader at the law firm of Adams and Reese LLP and FRSA General Counsel. For more information on this subject, please contact the author at trent.cotney@arlaw.com.

Free Legal Helpline for FRSA Members

Adams and Reese LLP is a full-service law firm dedicated to serving the roofing industry. FRSA members can contact Trent Cotney to discuss and identify legal issues and to ask general questions through access to specialized counsel. They offer free advice (up to 15 minutes) for members. If additional legal work is required, members will receive discounted rates. This is a pro bono benefit provided to FRSA members only. To use this service, contact Trent Cotney, 813-227-5501.

T a l k t o t h e m a b o u t t h e F R S A C r e d i t U n i o n R o o f L o a n p r o g r a m .

T h e F R S A C r e d i t U n i o n o f f e r s p e r s o n a l l o a n s u p t o $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 f o r r o o f r e p a i r , r e p l a c e m e n t a n d h o m e i m p r o v e m e n t c o s t s . L o a n t e r m s r a n g e f r o m 1 2 t o 6 0 m o n t h s . O n c e t h e l o an i s a p p r o v e d , t h e c h e c k i s r e l e a s e d j o i n t l y t o y o u a n d t h e c u s t o m e r .

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6 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023
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A Look Ahead Into 2023

Happy New Year, FRSA! I hope you enjoyed a fantastic holiday season with family and friends. May the coming year bring much joy and prosperity across our great FRSA family and across our beautiful state. Now that all of the champagne bottles have been popped… what comes next?

The Florida Legislature Gets to Work

Well, that didn’t take long! The Florida Legislature was back in the business of legislating on January 3, kicking off the 2023 Regular Session with its first committee week. A December 2022 committee week was ultimately revised to a Special Session on property insurance. Don’t expect that issue to go far, as additional reforms are expected. For now, legislators will spend the balance of January and February catching up by receiving committee reports, filing legislation and – for all those freshman members elected in November – finding the bathrooms.

They will have to figure it out quickly, however, as the Legislature is set to convene in Regular Session on March 7. We know that legislators will have a healthy policy to-do list this year with major issues such as housing affordability, tort reform, local government regulation and hurricane recovery on the docket.

Further, they’ll have to figure out how to spend $100 billion-plus over the sixty-day session in order to craft the state’s Fiscal Year 20232024 budget. As always, the Florida Constitution requires legislators to pass a balanced budget.

All Eyes on the Plaza Level of the Capitol

The Florida Cabinet is housed on the Plaza Level of the Florida Capitol and most of the Cabinet will be returning for a second term, including Governor Ron DeSantis (R), Attorney General Ashley Moody (R) and Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis (R). Former Senate President Wilton Simpson (R) takes the reigns as the Commissioner of Agriculture where he has a head start from a long personal career in Florida agriculture. It will largely be business as usual for the Florida Cabinet, but the real intrigue surrounds Governor DeSantis and an often discussed – if not expected – run for President in 2024. Expect the Florida Legislature to grease the wheels for him with an early tweak to Florida’s resignto-run laws.

As you can see, there’s no rest for the weary in 2023. Fortunately, FRSA is rearing to go and we are in a fantastic position to continue advancing the interests of Florida’s roofing profession. Cheers to another exciting, productive and rewarding trip around the sun in 2023.

Chris Dawson is an Attorney and professional Lobbyist for GrayRobinson’s Orlando office and is licensed to practice law in both Florida and Alabama. He primarily focuses on lobbying and government relations for public and private sector clients at the executive and legislative levels of state government. He is credentialed as a Designated Professional Lobbyist by the Florida Association of Professional Lobbyists. Chris also holds two degrees in Civil Engineering and has experience in construction litigation and design professional malpractice defense.

8 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023
Advertise in Print Circulation 5,000 Industry Professionals 100,000 Industry-focused Digital Impressions To find out more, contact Keisha at 800-767-3772 ext 127 or keisha@floridaroof.com monthly ROOFING Florida

Industry Updates

Fi-Foil Company Acquires Kennedy Insulation Group

Fi-Foil Company, a portfolio company of Validor Capital and a highly specialized manufacturer of reflective insulation and radiant barriers, has acquired Kennedy Insulation Group, significantly expanding its reflective insulation product line.

Kennedy Insulation Group, based in Carthage, Mo., was established in 2008 by Rick and Chris Kennedy. The company’s exclusive VerSola brand is a multi-layer reflective bubble insulation product that Kennedy manufactures and distributes throughout the southwestern and southeastern United States. The VerSola product is especially noted for its use and performance in metal and post frame building applications.

Bill Lippy, CEO at Fi-Foil stated, “We couldn’t have found a better fit for Fi-Foil than Kennedy. Rick has built a great business that is highly complementary to the existing Fi-Foil product line. We feel the combined capabilities of the two companies and their respective teams will enable us to serve our customers more effectively with an expanded U.S. manufactured product line and geographic sales coverage.”

ICP Group Appoints New Chief Financial Officer

ICP Group has named Glen Ferguson as its new Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Ferguson will manage setting and executing the overall financial strategy for ICP, ensuring alignment between business and financial strategy to position the company for growth. Going forward, all ICP finance and accounting teams will report to Ferguson.

“With Glen’s years of industry experience in finance, he is a well-rounded and proven leader who we believe is ideal for this position,” said Doug Mattscheck, Chief Executive Officer and President, ICP Group. “His high level of financial expertise is elevated by his demonstrated ability to serve as a strategic partner, forge quality relationships with his teams and peers and actively and strategically propel companies toward their goals. We’re grateful to have him and look forward to the contributions he’ll make at ICP.”

Ferguson’s background includes business planning, operations, financial management, dealer operations, international business and mergers and acquisitions. Most recently, he served as CFO of GE’s Onshore Wind and Power portfolio units. Prior to that, he oversaw financial operations for Culligan International, ADA Carbon Solutions, Sequa Automotive Corporation and Jacuzzi brands and held senior finance positions at Danaher Corporation. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of New Haven and is a Certified Public Accountant.

“It’s an honor to join the leadership team at ICP,” Ferguson said. “I am incredibly excited to be a contributing player to our strategic goals, both financially and as we work to become the preferred provider of industry-leading solutions for the roofing, insulation, waterproofing and specialty coatings markets. By selectively driving business improvement initiatives, we’re not only innovating to add value to the company but also to improve the customer experience from start to finish. This is an exciting time for the entire ICP team and I’m proud to be a part of it.”

Beacon Expands in Southeast Florida

According to the Herndon, Va.-based roofing and building products distributor, the latest branch strengthens the company’s presence in southeast Florida, particularly with service to the Miami-Dade market and the Keys.

The new Homestead branch is stocked with leading brands of residential roofing, commercial roofing and complementary products, including waterproofing and Beacon’s own TRI-BUILT brand.

“I am proud to announce the opening of our tenth greenfield this year, in the vibrant Homestead market,” said Jack Gill, Beacon’s Regional Vice President, Florida. “The beautiful coastal nature of this area draws new construction and also requires extra roof maintenance and repair for existing homes, so we are pleased to have another location that supports our busy customers.”

Gill also noted that Beacon plans to give back to the community through the distributor’s partnership with Rebuilding Together. “As Beacon expands in our community, I look forward to working with them to increase our impact,” said Martina Spolini, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together Miami-Dade. “Having a partner like Beacon who supports our work is essential to making critical home repairs that allow our long-term community residents to remain in place.”

IKO Pursuing 700,000-Square-Foot Manufacturing Facility in Clay County

IKO Industries, a 71-year-old Toronto-based manufacturer of roofing, waterproofing and insulation products for the residential and commercial markets, is working toward construction of an almost 700,000-squarefoot manufacturing complex in Clay County.

A conceptual site plan for IKO South shows a 306,476-square-foot ISO (insulation) board manufacturing facility and office, a 265,381-square-foot shingles manufacturing facility, a 102,805-squarefoot ice and water manufacturing facility and a 21,184-square-foot processing building next to a granule unloading area. The St. Johns River Water

10 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023

Management District is reviewing an application for an environmental resource permit for the project.

Called IKO Project Gator, the site is east along U.S. 301, at County Road 218 about 10 miles south of Interstate 10. While the Clay County Property Appraiser’s Office says the address is in Jacksonville, the maps show the property is in northwest Clay County, south of Duval County and east of Baker County.

Plans show the manufacturing project comprises almost 700,000 square feet of enclosed space. It will include the main manufacturing building, hot oil room, granule silos building, filler silo and product warehouse as well as an oxidizer plant, crushing plant and spur railways, according to the permit application. It also includes storage, stockpile, loading and offloading areas along with roadways.

AES Industries, Inc. Acquires Sunoptics

Prismatic Skylights from Acuity Brands

Lighting, Inc.

Sunoptics designs and manufactures prismatic skylights and daylighting delivery systems that harness the power of the sun to maximize the cost-effective energy savings of daylighting in classrooms, offices, retail and warehousing applications.

AES, one of the nation’s largest manufacturers of roof curbs and provider of specialty recycling and landfill avoidance programs, has worked with Sunoptics since 1994. The AES and Sunoptics relationship grew substantially when owners of national retail stores recognized the benefits of high-performance prismatic daylighting for energy efficiency, increased productivity and retail sales. Nationwide, there are well over one million AES roof curbs that have been installed in conjunction with Sunoptics Prismatic Skylights.

“The acquisition of Sunoptics expands AES’s product and solutions offerings, strengthening our ability to provide planned-reactive replacement as aging skylights reach their end-of-life status,” said Jason Benton, President of AES Industries, Inc. “Our goal is to create a seamless transition period so that Sunoptics customers continue to receive the best in industry quality and delivery to meet their project needs.”



Products is Now Elevate

Firestone Building Products announced that it is adopting the Holcim name and brand identity, becoming the Holcim Building Envelope division of its Solutions & Products Business unit. Firestone’s iconic brand becomes Elevate, symbolizing Holcim’s continued commitment to delivering superior quality and innovation with advanced building solutions. Holcim’s range of building envelope solutions includes wall, lining and waterproofing systems for commercial and residential applications. It unites some of the most trusted and high-quality brands in its sector including Gaco, GenFlex and Malarkey Roofing Products.

“Over the past 40 years, Firestone has built a reputation as a leader and innovator in the commercial roofing sector,” said Jamie Gentoso, Global Head, Solutions & Products for Holcim. “And now we are making it official; we are uniting Firestone’s iconic legacy with Holcim’s future focus on accelerating green growth. As we open this new chapter of growth with star brands, I am committed to contributing to our customers’ success with a rigorous focus on advanced solutions, superior quality and innovation.”

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What’s Wrong with These Pictures?

Team FRSA Pushes Through the Tape at the End of the FBC Modification Marathon

The Florida Building Commission (FBC) met in December to consider the Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) recommendations for final changes to the 8th Edition 2023 Florida Building Code. The code modification cycle is a long and arduous process that started immediately after the 7th Edition 2020 Florida Building Code became effective on December 31, 2020. Two FBC workgroups and three meetings of the TACs – with many steps in between – had brought us to this point. With the TAC’s recommendations available, the Commission made its final decisions on what changes will occur when the new code takes effect on December 31, 2023.

For this code modification cycle, FRSA developed 29 code modifications (mods) and took positions on 87 roofing related mods submitted by other entities. Of the 29 FRSA mods, 28 were approved and will be incorporated into the code and one was denied due to a conflict with similar code language that was passed in May by the Legislature during a special session and is now in statute and the current code. This modification addressed a “25% Rule” exception that the Legislature liked and modified. While property insurers were due for some much needed relief, I believe the changes unfortunately went a little too far. Of the 87 modifications submitted by others that we took positions on, the TACs and Commissioners agreed with FRSA’s position on nearly all of them.

These extraordinary results may make FRSA’s accomplishments appear easily attained. That perception, however, would be completely inaccurate. We succeeded thanks to the extended efforts by a group of dedicated volunteers who work on FRSA’s Codes Committee and Subcommittee, the FRSA-TRI Tile Manual Review Committee and especially those who serve on TACs and the Building Commission. In particular, FBC Commissioner Brian Swope, CPRC, Tampa Roofing Company, Roofing TAC Chair and FRSA Past President, was instrumental in moving our positions forward.

Some industry members described a group of our most important changes as “ambitious” and that is a fair assessment. We were attempting to:

1. Clarify the current five-page underlayment requirements for roof coverings other than tile and incorporate them into the HVHZ,

2. Bring the code’s weak HVHZ prescriptive tile underlayment methods into ASCE 7 compliance and

3. Standardize underlayment test methods. This certainly proved challenging. At the same time, we were trying to convince the Board and Code Administration Division of Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources that providing a proper load path for tile and using selfadhering underlayment applied direct-to-deck (SAU-DD) was not some kind of a scheme on our part. As hard as we tried to engage Miami-Dade officials over the past year, our concerns continued to be dismissed. Their opposition to our changes – changes that were embraced by the roofing industry – seemed untenable, if not completely unreasonable. From our perspective, nothing we sought to accomplish should have been controversial.

The first change in this group of mods was simplifying and condensing the steep slope underlayment requirements. The modifications to accomplish this were produced with the assistance and input of Greg Keeler, Owens Corning, and Eric Stafford, IBHS. It was approved by the Commission as part of the Roofing TAC’s “consent agenda” of approved recommendations. The next modifications brought the Miami-Dade sections of the code for tile underlayment up to the standards available for use in 65 of 67 Florida counties; this included the option to use a SAU-DD. These modifications were approved individually by the Commission after a request by Miami-Dade to pull them from the consent agenda.

12 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023

At this last stage in the process, we needed to reach a vote threshold of 75 percent in order to have any of our modifications approved by the Commission – a very high bar to overcome but one we were able to achieve throughout the afternoon thanks to a very accomplished group of FRSA volunteers (pictured or mentioned on these pages) who testified before the Commission on behalf of our positions. We also want to thank Aaron Phillips, ARMA, Eric Stafford and Milad Shabanian, IBHS, Scott McAdam, BOAF, and Mike Shubert, Palm Beach County, who all offered important support at the meeting. Other significant code modifications submitted by FRSA that were approved include:

■ Adding a method to install a new roof covering over an existing SAU-DD for tile, similar to methods we added to other steep roof coverings during the last code cycle. This important change last cycle set the table for the adoption this cycle of SAU-DD in all of Florida.

■ Adding industry standards for tile underlayment test methods to the code statewide.

■ Changing the definition of roof covering system to the industry recognized roof system and clarifying that a roof system does not include the deck. The deck is already defined as part of the roof assembly

■ Updating and getting the FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual re-accepted as a code reference standard twice. Once for ASCE 7-16 and then again for the newly adopted ASCE 7-22.

■ Improving the wind performance of asphalt shingles by requiring drip edge to be installed over underlayment with cement under shingles unless an SAU is used over primed metal flanges.

■ Adding a requirement for clearance of lines, pipes, conduit and cables from the underside of the deck.

■ Replacing important repair language that was inadvertently removed when the FBC adopted new language during a reorganization of the repair chapter to align with the International Building Code.

■ Changing the language “replaced” to “replaced or recovered” to clarify portions of the 25% Rule. This eliminates an interpretation that you could not recover more than 25 percent of a roof.

■ Adding secondary water resistance requirements to all wood structures with steep roofs, not just singlefamily residential structures.

■ Adding to the minimum deck flange for drip edge in the HVHZ to resist rotational forces created by wind.

When one considers the 28-1 record we achieved, the other beneficial industry mods we helped across the finish line with our support and our opposition to unhelpful mods that were eliminated, it is clear that FRSA, the roofing industry and, thereby, Florida’s citizens all fared exceptionally well from our efforts during this code modification cycle.


Maury Alpert, Codes & Compliance Manager, Polyglass U.S.A., Inc.



Mike Silvers, CPRC, FRSA Past President, FRSA Director of Technical Services.

Robin Anderson (above, first row, left), Technical & Strategy Development Manager, Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions.

Charlie Kennedy, FRSA Past President, Codes Committee Chair, Gainesville Roofing (page 12, speaking).

Tyler Allwood Director of Business Development Technical/Components/Systems, Eagle Roofing Products (not pictured). In addition to his own comments, Tyler spoke on behalf of Riku Ylipelkonen, ICP Building Solutions Group.

Tom Parker, TCParker & Associates, Tile Bond (not pictured).

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Greg Keeler (speaking), Technical Services Leader, Owens Corning Science & Technology. Manny Oyola, Vice President, Codes Subcommittee Chair, Eagle Roofing Products. Manny’s efforts were instrumental in assembling this group. His continued commitment is invaluable.

If you’re a roofing contractor in South Florida, you’re certainly aware of the quandary that is posed when confronted with underlayment options. This is especially true when it comes to use of a self-adhering underlayment.

The recent landfall of Hurricane Ian in Southwest Florida was a stark reminder of the perils that face homeowners in South Florida. We’ve all witnessed scenes of widespread damage to roof coverings of all types: tile, metal panels, asphalt shingles, etc. Thus, the topic of how to protect the roof deck and the building below it when the roof covering is damaged or blown off becomes critical. One of the best ways to provide protection from water intrusion into the structure is to install a self-adhering underlayment directly to the roof sheathing. After all, these products are designed and tested to be adhered directly to wood sheathing, not to #30 felt or synthetic underlayments.

Let’s jump into the advantages and disadvantages of adhering the underlayment directly to the deck. The table below was developed in cooperation with multiple industry stakeholders, including a Florida code enforcement agency. I’m sure we didn’t capture everything, but it’s a fairly comprehensive list.

As the table below indicates, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. In fact, a couple of the suggested “disadvantages” essentially conflict with each other: if the products being installed on a deck that isn’t 100 percent clean and dry was really an issue (and how often is “dry” even possible in South Florida?), they wouldn’t also be difficult or impossible to remove when reroofing.

There has been a lot of testing done in the past few years to determine if a prescriptive #30 felt mechanically fastened base sheet with a self-adhering underlayment installed over it can provide any meaningful uplift resistance. What we found is that such a system, even when installed with the greatest attention to detail, provides far less uplift resistance than that which would be required by the Florida Building

14 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023
ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Best option for sealed roof deck Potential for moisture problems (when installed over an unvented attic) High uplift resistance Reroofing concerns (difficult or impossible to remove) Cost effective Can’t inspect deck nailing Less labor intensive Requires clean and dry deck when installed No exposed fastener penetrations Direct load path into sheathing Lower installation variability Easiest code-compliant installation Seals around roof covering fasteners Installing Self-Adhering Underlayments Direct-to-Deck: Pros and Cons

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Code (FBC) and the FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual.

Self-Adhering Example

Let’s take a quick look at one hypothetical scenario.

Project Description:

■ Single family home

■ 160 mph wind zone

■ 20’ Mean roof height

■ Exposure Category C

■ Adhered concrete tile

■ Self-adhering underlayment approved for use under tile

If this home is in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ), the underlayment requirements are prescrip-

High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual. According to Table 1A of the tile manual, for a roof in even the lowest wind speed area of the HVHZ with the same characteristics, the underlayment would be required to attain an uplift resistance of 102.8 psf. This uplift resistance rating would be achieved by testing to failure using one of two testing protocols: FM 4474 or UL 1897. These protocols utilize the same procedure of starting with a negative pressure of 15 psf and holding for one minute, then increasing by 15 psf increments and holding for one minute each increment until the product fails. A 2:1 safety factor is then applied to the last pressure at which the product passed. Thus, a product that meets the 102.8 psf uplift requirements would need to pass at a minimum 205.6 psf pressure. That is more than double the pressure that is required by Section 7 of TAS 103.

One of the primary arguments I hear regarding adhering underlayment directly to the deck is related to reroofing. As was mentioned above, once these products are adhered to the deck, they are virtually impossible to remove without damaging the sheathing. In that situation, one option is to install a mechanically fastened slip or anchor sheet over the existing underlayment, then install (if desired) a new layer of self-adhered underlayment over it. In this scenario, in the event the new slip or anchor sheet blows off the roof, the roof deck is still protected by the layer of self-adhering underlayment that couldn’t be removed.

tive and would require that the underlayment meet the requirements of TAS 103. Section 7 of the TAS test protocol stipulates that (4) 8 foot by 8 foot test decks are constructed and underlayment is applied directly to the plywood (which doesn’t reflect permissible conditions in the HVHZ). Then a 5 foot by 5 foot chamber is placed over the underlayment and negative pressure (suction) is applied to the deck, starting at 15 psf. The 15 psf pressure is maintained for one minute, then it is increased by 15 psf and held for one minute. This process is repeated until the pressure reaches 90 psf. If the underlayment is still adhered after one minute at 90 psf, the test deck passes. If all four decks pass this test, the product is considered compliant with the uplift testing requirements.

Now contrast the TAS 103 uplift requirements with the requirements from the FRSA-TRI Florida

I know I’ve thrown a lot of numbers and technical information at you, but I urge you to answer this fundamental question: If a hurricane is bearing down on your home, would you feel more comfortable with a self-adhered underlayment adhered directly to your roof sheathing or a self-adhered underlayment adhered to #30 felt that is nailed to your roof sheathing? I know for me the choice is clear.

Greg Keeler is the Technical Services Leader for Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt, LLC. He has been with Owens Corning for 11 years and has 36 years of experience in architecture and spent 24 years as a building official. He serves on and chairs several task groups within ASTM D08, Committee on Roofing and Waterproofing and the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturer’s Association. He also serves on the UL Standards Technical Panels for UL 790, UL 2218 and UL 580/1897 and on FRSA’s Codes Committee and Codes Subcommittee.

16 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023

Suppliers and Distributors 2023 Buyers Guide FRSA Members


760 NE 19th Pl

Cape Coral 33909

Phone: 239-573-2707 Fax: 239-573-2714

Contact: Reid Carner mgr500@abcsupply.com

1601 Emily Ln

Aurora IL 60502

Phone: 630-978-7800 Toll-Free: 800-894-7741 Fax: 630-978-7825 www.metaldecksupply.com Contact: Michael Polizzi sales@metaldecksupply.com

Branch: 1560 Jessie St Jacksonville FL 32206 Toll-Free: 800-894-7741 Contact: Michael Polizzi


4625 122nd Ave N Clearwater FL 33762-4409

Phone: 727-571-1728 Fax: 727-571-1438

Contact: Chris Muncy mgr228@abcsupply.com

421 Live Oak Ave Daytona Beach FL 32114

Phone: 386-255-1411 Fax: 386-254-5060

Contact: Clayton Bailey mgr274@abcsupply.com

18940 W Hwy 328 Dunnellon FL 34432-1337

Phone: 352-489-4283 Fax: 352-465-0990

Contact: Quade Feeser mgr497@abcsupply.com

5550 NW 12th Ave Ft Lauderdale FL 33309-2815

3362 All American Blvd

Orlando FL 32810-9747

Phone: 407-849-6445 Fax: 407-849-6419 www.abcsupply.com

Contact: Dan Gaddini mgr045@abcsupply.com

Branches: 1131 Dr Martin Luther King Ave E Bradenton FL 34208-2143

Phone: 941-747-7070 Fax: 941-747-7962 Contact: Aaron Larson mgr211@abcsupply.com

600 Ponce DeLeon Blvd

Brooksville FL 34601

Phone: 352-754-1018 Fax: 352-754-1019

Contact: David (Larry) Johnson mgr509@abcsupply.com

Phone: 954-776-5110 Fax: 954-776-7856

Contact: Ian Rovner mgr505@abcsupply.com

1150 NW 23rd Ave

Ft Lauderdale FL 33311-5738

Phone: 954-584-3633

Fax: 954-584-3730

Contact: Josh Landrum mgr488@abcsupply.com

17195 Jean St

Ft Myers FL 33967-6022

Phone: 239-437-4778 Fax: 239-437-4030

Contact: James Jurkas mgr217@abcsupply.com

3586 Work Dr Ft Myers FL 33916-7533

Phone: 239-337-4254 Fax: 239-337-4872

Contact: Thomas Pierce

3330 NE Waldo Rd Gainesville FL 32609-2515

Phone: 352-336-5372 Fax: 352-336-5374

Contact: Michelle Nash mgr496@abcsupply.com

155 Dyson Rd Haines City FL 33844

Phone: 863-419-8206 Fax: 863-419-8250

Contact: Brenton Binns mgr595@abcsupply.com

1001 W Mowry Dr Homestead FL 33030-5626

Phone: 305-247-9506 Fax: 305-247-9512

Contact: Tony Barra mgr491@abcsupply.com

18906 US Hwy 19 Hudson FL 34667-6651 Phone: 727-869-1500 Fax: 727-863-4273

Contact: Terry Brown mgr212@abcsupply.com

14516 US Hwy 19 Hudson FL 34667-3347 Phone: 727-861-1077 Fax: 727-861-1279

Contact: Mike Romano mgr485@absupply.com

834 Lane Ave N Jacksonville FL 32254-2827

Phone: 904-781-7878 Fax: 904-781-7175

Contact: Matthew Allen mgr495@abcsupply.com

5130 Phillips Hwy

Jacksonville FL 32207-7933

Phone: 904-730-2770 Fax: 904-730-2772

Contact: Chris Tate mgr050@abcsupply.com

834 N Lane Ave Jacksonville FL 32254-2827 Phone: 904-781-7878 Fax: 904-781-7175

Contact: Matthew Allen mgr495@abcsupply.com

2045 W 26th St

Jacksonville FL 32209-3632

Phone: 904-924-7974 Fax: 904-924-7904

Contact: Adam Bruce

400 Barnett Ln Lake Worth FL 33461

Phone: 561-585-4999 Fax: 561-585-4657

Contact: Mike Campbell mgr048@abcsupply.com

5995 S Florida Ave Lakeland FL 33813-2533

Phone: 863-607-4488 Fax: 863-607-4499

Contact: Matthew Petersen mgr501@abcsupply.com

110 Atlantic Annex Pt Maitland FL 32751-3314

Phone: 407-834-1020 Fax: 407-834-1035

Contact: Tom VanBerkum mgr504@abcsupply.com

2809 S Harbor City Blvd Melbourne FL 32901-7211

Phone: 321-984-1958 Fax: 321-984-4286

Contact: Chris Forbes mgr490@abcsupply.com

7275 NW 7th Ave Miami FL 33150-3607

Phone: 305-751-8576 Fax: 305-751-8579

Contact: Richard Boutin mgr047@abcsupply.com

6900 NW 74th Ave Miami FL 33166-2825

Phone: 305-597-9392 Fax: 305-597-9484

Contact: Felicia El Hassan mgr494@abcsupply.com

1135 Commerce Blvd Midway FL 32343-6629

Phone: 850-350-7669 Fax: 850-350-7673

Contact: Bill Sanders mgr306@abcsupply.com

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING 17

1100 Sun Century Rd

Naples FL 34110-8430

Phone: 239-597-1604 Fax: 239-597-2529

Contact: Mitch Clark mgr489@abcsupply.com

1467 SW 17th Ave Ocala FL 34471-0506

Phone: 352-867-1288 Fax: 352-867-5837

Contact: David Lennox mgr131@abcsupply.com

1972 Wells Rd Orange Park FL 32073-2203

Phone: 904-830-3230 Fax: 904-830-3231

Contact: Elizabeth Geister mgr1226@abcsupply.com

9960 S Orange Ave

Orlando FL 32824-8465

Phone: 407-855-5544 Fax: 407-851-4761

Contact: Alex Santana mgr486@abcsupply.com

720 Central Florida Pkwy Orlando FL 32824-8502

Phone: 407-812-6555 Fax: 407-812-9611

Contact: Steven Letts

2227 Segrest Ct Panama City FL 32405-6047

Phone: 850-913-9969 Fax: 850-913-9971

Contact: Daniel Turner mgr349@abcsupply.com

2725 SW 32nd Ter

Pembroke Park FL 33023-7714

Phone: 954-893-4100 Fax: 954-893-4105

Contact: Donnie O’Sullivan mgr313@abcsupply.com

3100 N Palafox St Pensacola FL 32501-1430

Phone: 850-435-1536 Fax: 850-469-0194

Contact: Rachael Thompson mgr287@abcsupply.com

6520 35th St N

Pinellas Park FL 33781-6222

Phone: 727-522-7523

Fax: 727-522-8102

Contact: Rob Woods mgr492@abcsupply.com

1971 Hammondville Rd Pompano Beach FL 33069-1958

Phone: 954-960-1511 Fax: 954-960-0465

Contact: Wayne Comer mgr493@abcsupply.com

1231 NE 48th St Pompano Beach FL 33064

Phone: 954-570-3286 Fax: 954-570-7768

Contact: Coe Steele mgr135@abcsupply.com

406 Oak Pl Pt Orange FL 32127-4334

Phone: 386-788-4990 Fax: 386-788-6626

Contact: Chris Bartle mgr510@abcsupply.com

460 NW Enterprise Dr Ste 102

Pt St Lucie FL 34986-2201

Phone: 772-301-6800 Fax: 772-301-6805

Contact: Dylan Zweifel mgr1213@abcsupply.com

5445 Williamsburg Dr Punta Gorda FL 33982

Phone: 941-505-4367 Fax: 941-505-9120

Contact: Michael Money mgr564@abcsupply.com

605 Gus Hipp Blvd Rockledge FL 32995-4808

Phone: 321-504-3066 Fax: 321-504-3077

Contact: Sam Shearer mgr502@abcsupply.com

1542 Apex Rd Sarasota FL 34240-9388

Phone: 941-378-1044 Fax: 941-378-4721

Contact: Brad Roberts mgr487@abcsupply.com

2210 Dobbs Rd St Augustine FL 32086-5251

Phone: 904-824-1624 Fax: 904-824-1695

Contact: Ralph Beckett mgr507@abcsupply.com

3680 SE Dixie Hwy

Stuart FL 34997-5247

Phone: 772-283-8282 Fax: 772-283-3928

Contact: Patrick Connolly mgr499@abcsupply.com

4009 NW Passage

Tallahassee FL 32303-7816

Phone: 850-575-5160 Fax: 850-575-5320

Contact: Tyler Mitchell mgr508@abcsupply.com

4041 NW Passage

Tallahassee FL 32303

Phone: 850-575-1502 Fax: 850-574-2501

Contact: JT Thomason mgr672@abcsupply.com

5420 N 59th St Tampa FL 33610-2006

Phone: 813-621-7543 Fax: 813-621-8951

Contact: Mike Fox mgr483@abcsupply.com

4502 E Adamo Dr Tampa FL 33605-5912

Phone: 813-248-0050 Fax: 813-248-0051

Contact: Jeron Mazurk mgr046@abcsupply.com

5012 Acline Dr E Tampa FL 33619-3224

Phone: 813-248-9366 Fax: 813-248-2891

Contact: Michael Araujo 2960 CR 561 Tavares FL 32778-9388 Phone: 352-742-1520 Fax: 352-742-1465

Contact: Eric Hunt mgr506@abcsupply.com 7392 Haverhill Rd N W Palm Beach FL 33407-1033 Phone: 561-863-8600 Fax: 561-848-0174

Contact: Matt Lynskey mgr484@abcsupply.com

6747 Belvedere Rd Ste 115 W Palm Beach FL 33413-1029 Phone: 561-832-0505 Fax: 561-832-0264

Contact: Adam Hamby mgr503@abcsupply.com


Phone: 754-307-2309

Toll-Free: 800-543-3350 Fax: 754-307-2324 www.atlanticasphalt.com

Contact: Marilyn Miller mmiller@atlanticasphalt.com

Branches: 500 NE 1st Ave Hallandale FL 33009 Phone: 954-456-5100 Toll-Free: 800-794-9415 Fax: 954-457-8559

Contact: Ralph Sileo Contact: Colin Cash Sr 1801 Acme St Orlando FL 32805 Phone: 407-835-8989 Toll-Free: 800-331-2134

Contact: Jennifer Stella jstella@atlanticasphalt.com 2250 Massaro Blvd Tampa FL 33619 Phone: 813-820-1181 Contact: Emma Cohen



162 E Broadway St Oviedo FL 32765-5011

Phone: 407-366-2521 Fax: 407-977-2265 www.allpointstile.com Contact: Jeff Littleton ops@allpointstile.com

ATLANTIC ASPHALT & EQUIPMENT CO OF FL INC 4100 N Powerline Rd Ste T5 Pompano Beach FL 33073

BEACON BUILDING PRODUCTS* 1150 SW 32nd Way Deerfield Beach FL 33442 Phone: 954-969-8000 www.becn.com

Contact: Jack Gill jack.gill@becn.com Contact: Eddie Leon eddie.leon@becn.com

Branches: 13555 49th St N Ste C Clearwater FL 33762 Phone: 727-573-6075 Contcat: Jon Yearwood jon.yearwood@becn.com 3121 SW First Ter Ft Lauderdale FL 33315 Phone: 954-525-1158 Contact: Chuck Hale chuck.hale@becn.com 4075 Edison Ave Ft Myers FL 33916 Phone: 239-935-5077 Contact: Barry Garwood barry.garwood@becn.com

18 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023

701 S Market Ave

Ft Pierce FL 34982

Phone: 772-466-3461

Contact: Jamie Schuddekopf jamie.schuddekopf@becn.com

13055 SW 238 St Homestead FL 33032

Phone: 786-829-2761

Contact: Ruben Amaya ruben.amaya@becn.com

3333 N Canal St Jacksonville FL 32209

Phone: 904-503-9400

Contact: Kevin Crawford kevin.crawford@becn.com 2415 Griffin Rd Leesburg FL 34748

Phone: 352-818-6120

Contact: JJ Fountain john.fountain@becn.com

5530 NW 32nd Ct Miami FL 33142

Phone: 305-635-7177

Contact: Pablo Gonzales pablo.gonzales@becn.com

655 SW 15th St Ocala FL 34474

Phone: 352-622-3933

Contact: Shirley Collett shirley.collett@becn.com

2501 Silver Meteor Dr Orlando FL 32804

Phone: 407-291-7244

Contact: Richard Casciano richard.casciano@becn.com

2155 W Landstreet Rd Orlando FL 32809

Phone: 407-367-6246

Contact: Cory Fisher cory.fisher@becn.com

1600 W New Hampshire St Orlando FL 32804

Phone: 407-859-9997

Contact: Don Sgrinia donald.sgriniajr@becn.com

6363 Edgewater Dr

Orlando FL 32810

Phone: 321-442-0061

Contact: Maurice Lopez maurice.lopez@becn.com

115 Business Center Dr Ormond Beach FL 32174

Phone: 386-301-4471

Contact: Mindy Craig mindy.craig@becn.com

2850 Harper Rd Melbourne FL 32904

Phone: 321-369-7892

Contact: Matt Williams matt.williams@becn.com

1075 Gateway Ave North Port FL 34289

Phone: 941-732-1029

Contact: Richard DiNofa richard.dinofa@becn.com

13331 Byrd Dr Odessa FL 33556

Phone: 813-749-5354

Contact: Jamie Whitaker jamie.whitaker@becn.com

1105 E 16th Ave Palmetto FL 34221

Phone: 941-722-6800

Contact: Edward Funk edward.funk@becn.com

700 Aberdeen Lp Panama City FL 32405

Phone: 850-763-0851

Contact: Justin Duck justin.duck@becn.com

4281 Westroads Dr Riviera Beach FL 33407

Phone: 561-863-9899

Contact: Lee Pugh lee.pugh@becn.com 2955 Whitfield Ave Sarasota FL 34243

Phone: 941-203-6320

Contact: Leonardo Pacheco leo.pacheco@becn.com

12200 28th St N St Petersburg FL 33716

Phone: 727-565-4630

Contact: Lori Kohler lori.kohler@becn.com

3258 SE Gran Park Way Stuart FL 34997

Phone: 772-223-8881

Contact: Daniel Mattia daniel.mattia@becn.com

4401 Swamp Fox Rd Unit 1 Tallahassee FL 32304

Phone: 850-574-7600

Contact: Brett Jackson brett.jackson@becn.com

8501 Sabal Industrial Blvd Tampa FL 33619

Phone: 813-740-8790

Contact: Mark Gee mark.gee@becn.com

2590 Piper Dr Vero Beach FL 32960

Phone: 772-778-0549

Contact: Billy Brown billy.brown@becn.com

5555 Commerical Blvd Winter Haven FL 33880 Phone: 863-293-1555 Contact: Tony Elliott tony.elliott@becn.com




3003 Phillips Hwy

Jacksonville FL 32207

Phone: 904-997-3101 Toll-Free: 833-277-1700 Fax: 904-997-3110 www.crssupply.com Contact: Mike Howard mhoward@crssupply.com


13055 49th St N Clearwater FL33762

Phone: 727-540-0300 www.coastalroofingsupply.com Contact: Greg Yarmesch greg.yarmesch@coastalroofingsupply.com Contact: Todd Letawa tletawa@coastalroofingsupply.com

Branches: 200 S Segrave St Daytona Beach FL 32114 Phone: 386-257-7869

Contact: Shaun Thiell sthiell@rosenmatierals.com

7751 Bayshore Rd N Ft Myers FL 33917 Phone: 239-603-7204 Contact: Jamie Kuhle jamie.kuhle@coastalroofingsupply.com

2233 Murphy Ct North Port FL 34289 Phone: 941-888-4887 Contact: Jamie Kuhle jamie.kuhle@coastalroofingsupply.com

1900 Murrell Rd Rockledge FL 32955

Phone: 321-639-1537 Fax: 321-690-1777

Contact: Jeffrey Huggins jeffrey.huggins@coastalroofingsupply.com

1102 N 50th St Tampa FL 33619 Phone: 813-628-8238

Contact: Jimmy Phillips jphillips@rosenmaterials.com

1700 N Orange Blossom Trl Orlando FL 32804-0406 Phone: 407-648-4393 www.crossroadsbuildingsupply.com Contact: Jeff Ruppenthal jeff.ruppenthal@crossroadsbuildingsupply.com


1719 Baseline Ct Ft Myers FL 33905

Phone: 239-599-8527 Toll-Free: 855-800-8878 Fax: 239-599-8545 www.directmetalsinc.com Contact: David Quehl dave@directmetals.com

D-MAC INDUSTRIES INC / SAME DAY STEEL DECK 1880 D-MAC Dr Alpharetta GA 30004 Toll-Free: 800-878-3622 Fax: 770-664-5682 www.samedaysteeldeck.com Contact: Griffin Jones gjones@samedaysteeldeck.com


2160 SW Poma Dr

Palm City FL 34990

Phone: 772-872-8034 Fax: 772-872-8035 www.extrememetalfabricators.com Contact: Paul Filipe Contact: Darius Moura needmetal@emfab.net





Contact: Barry Billings bbillings@gulfeaglesupply.com

2040 Grand Blvd Holiday FL 34690

Fax: 305-633-7640

Contact: Miriam Mata mmata@gulfeaglesupply.com

9101 Parkers Landing Orlando FL 32824-8035

Contact: John Rich jrich@gulfeaglesupply.com Contact: Todd Fowler tfowler@gulfeaglesupply.com

2215 E 17th St

Panama City FL 32405

Phone: 850-785-6733 Fax: 850-784-6609 www.gulfeaglesupply.com

Contact: Dell Jackson djackson@gulfeaglesupply.com


1700 Hercules Ave N Bldg 3 Clearwater FL 33765

Phone: 727-525-4044 Fax: 727-521-3762

Contact: Greg Stealey gstealey@gulfeaglesupply.com

117 NW 3rd Ave

Dania Beach FL 33004

Phone: 754-900-5081 Fax: 754-999-2190

Contact: Todd Fowler tfowler@gulfeaglesupply.com

10416 W SR 84 Ste 1 Davie FL 33324

Phone: 954-686-6965 Fax: 954-333-2918

Contact: Chris Parker cparker@gulfeaglesupply.com

1851 SW 43rd Ter Deerfield Beach FL 33442-8131

Phone: 954-931-7044 Fax: 954-426-6675

Contact: Todd Fowler tfowler@gulfeaglesupply.com

3000 South St

Ft Myers FL 33916

Phone: 239-337-4700 Fax: 239-337-0137

Contact: Mike Byers mbyers@gulfeaglesupply.com

96 Hill Ave

Ft Walton Beach FL 32548

Phone: 850-244-2107

Toll-Free: 800-205-5253 Fax: 850-244-3113

Contact: Ron Scott rscott@gulfeaglesupply.com

911 NW 53rd Ave

Gainesville FL 32609

Phone: 352-376-7511

Toll-Free: 800-294-0040 Fax: 352-377-3424

Contact: Doug Stringfellow

Phone: 727-938-2886 Toll-Free: 800-486-3000 Fax: 727-934-3320

Contact: John Zakrzewski jzakrzewski@gulfeaglesupply.com

1751 N Nova Rd Holly Hill FL 32117

Phone: 386-673-8600

Toll-Free: 800-474-4853 Fax: 386-673-3006

Contact: AJ Reeser areeser@gulfeaglesupply.com

2649 Rosselle St Jacksonville FL 32204

Phone: 904-387-0441 Fax: 904-387-9022

Contact: Andy Beckerman abeckerman@gulfeaglesupply.com

3130 Reynolds Rd Lakeland FL 33803

Phone: 863-393-1174 Fax: 863-583-0616

Contact: Mark Venia mvenia@gulfeaglesupply.com

111 N Lake Ave Leesburg FL 34748

Phone: 352-530-4100 Fax: 352-414-4873

Contact: Gregg Grabusic ggrabusic@gulfeaglesupply.com

482 Commerce Way Longwood FL 32750

Phone: 407-830-7453 Toll-Free: 800-226-0688 Fax: 407-834-6627

Contact: Ben Zwolski bzwolski@gulfeaglesupply.com

5085 S Industry Dr

Melbourne FL 32940

Phone: 321-242-8085 Fax: 321-242-9170

Contact: Pablo Ares pares@gulfeaglesupply.com

4241 SW 70th Ct

Miami FL 33155

Phone: 305-668-5055 Fax: 305-668-5161

Contact: Orlando Alvarez oalvarez@gulfeaglesupply.com 5750 NW 32nd Ave Miami FL 33142 Phone: 305-633-4679

Phone: 407-826-0700 Toll-Free: 866-324-5387 Fax: 407-826-0733

Contact: Steven Scott sscott@gulfeaglesupply.com

831 Lookout Dr Pensacola FL 32505-2431

Phone: 850-438-1129 Fax: 850-438-1253

Contact: Jeff Flowers jflowers@gulfeaglesupply.com 1565 Northgate Blvd Sarasota FL 34234-4760

Phone: 941-355-7161 Toll-Free: 800-780-7161 Fax: 941-351-7941

Contact: Pat Runde prunde@gulfeaglesupply.com

Contact: Keith Krug kkrug@gulfeaglesupply.com 3191 46th Ave N St Petersburg FL 33714-3817

Phone: 727-525-4044 Fax: 727-521-3762

Contact: Greg Stealey gstealey@gulfeaglesupply.com 1961 Maryland Cir Tallahassee FL 32303

Phone: 850-574-7650 Toll-Free: 800-471-4853 Fax: 850-574-8153

Contact: Farley Maxwell fmaxwell@gulfeaglesupply.com 2900 E 7th Ave Ste 200 Tampa FL 33605-4200

Phone: 813-636-9808 Toll-Free: 800-486-3000 Fax: 813-549-1776

Contact: Brad Resch bresch@gulfeaglesupply.com Contact: Jim Resch kgarrison@gulfeaglesupply.com Contact: Kelly Joyce kjoyce@gulfeaglesupply.com Contact: Kurt Schwahn kschwahn@gulfeaglesupply.com

Contact: Stephanie Rich srich@gulfeaglesupply.com

4811 Dyer Blvd W Palm Beach FL 33407-1013 Phone: 561-232-3840 Fax: 561-584-5136

HEELY-BROWN CO 1280 Chattahoochee Ave NW Atlanta GA 30318

Phone: 404-352-0022 Toll-Free: 800-241-4628 Fax: 404-350-2696 www.heely-brown.com Contact: Scott Goza sgoza@heelybrown.com


4711 N Dixie Hwy Ste E

Ft Lauderdale FL 33334

Phone: 954-772-1844 Toll-Free: 800-334-6909 Fax: 954-772-6242 www.houseofladders.com Contact: Guy DiScuillo sales@houseofladders.com Branch: 2229 Unity Ave Ft Myers FL 33901 Phone: 239-768-9449 Toll-Free: 800-368-2476 Contact: Andy Howe andy.howe@houseofladders.com

HYDRAULIC MACHINERY INC 5024 N 56th St Tampa FL 33610 Phone: 813-621-8002 Toll-Free: 800-683-5438 Fax: 813-626-8759 www.craneworx.com Contact: John Calfee johncalfee@craneworx.com

METAL SOLUTION SUPPLY 3558 Plover Ave Naples FL 34117 Phone: 239-710-0664 www.metalsolutionsupply.com Contact: Lizet Braceras lbraceras@metalsolutionsupply.com

20 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023


100 International Dr

Peachtree City GA 30269

Phone: 770-631-0002 Fax: 770-631-7776 www.metalforming-usa.com

Contact: Nikki Brown nbrown@metalforming-usa.net Contact: Chad Rowe crowe@metalforming-usa.net


65 10th St

Lynchburg VA 24501

Phone: 704-921-1230 Toll-Free: 866-787-6268 Fax: 704-921-2990 www.nbhandy.com

Contact: Breck Berkey bberkey@nbhandy.com

Branch: 4550 Homerun Blvd Ste 300 Davenport FL 33837 Phone: 863-695-3980 Contact: Sabrina Underwood sunderwood@nbhandy.com


2200 US Hwy 301 N Tampa FL 33619 Phone: 813-627-0200 www.ritzsafety.com Contact: Tom Eifrid tom.eifrid@ritzsafety.com

Branches: 4456 Philips Hwy Jacksonville FL 32207 Phone: 904-733-6006

Contact: TJ Sawyer tj.sawyer@ritzsafety.com

2200 W Copans Rd Pompano Beach FL 33069 Phone: 954-971-3176

Contact: Pawel Albrecht pawel.albrecht@ritzsafety.com


3175 Copter Rd Pensacola FL 32514-7068

Phone: 850-266-2800 Toll-Free: 877-475-0900 Fax: 850-266-2801

Contact: Mitchell Cawley mcawley@rmal.com


760 Atlanta S Pkwy Ste 200 College Park GA 30349-5903

Phone: 770-981-5169 Fax: 323-261-8799 www.roofmaster.com

Contact: Doug Stevenson doug@roofmaster.com

Contact: Jeff Meinhart jeff@roofmaster.com Glenn Beacham glenn@roofmaster.com


610-B Oak Pl Pt Orange FL 32127

Phone: 386-304-3720 www.sierravictor.com

Contact: Sam Valenzisi sam@sierravictor.com

Contact: Dan Valenzisi dan@sierravictor.com

SKYLIGHT SALES INC 8011 Monetary Dr Ste B2 W Palm Beach FL 33404

Phone: 561-707-7628 www.skylightsales.com

Contact: Margaretha Petroff petroff@skylightsales.com

SPEC BUILDING MATERIALS 2840 Roe Ln Kansas City KS 66103

Phone: 866-585-7785 Fax: 913-905-3390 www.speccorp.com

Contact: Mel Stevenson m.stevenson@speccorp.com

Contact: Tim Stickney twsstickney@aol.com


701 9th Ave E Bradenton FL 34208

Phone: 941-748-4060 Fax: 941-748-4657

Contact: Brian Ahles b.ahles@speccorp.com

Contact: Scott Lundy s.lundy@speccorp.com

Contact: Nathan Small n.small@speccorp.com

Contact: Brian Fielding b.fielding@speccorp.com

Contact: Jay Dower j.dower@speccorp.com

Contact: Michael Clemens m.clemens@speccorp.com

5674 Enterprise Pwky Ft Myers FL 33905

Phone: 239-690-1007

Toll-Free: 800-353-4008

Contact: Mike Bailey m.bailey@speccorp.com

Contact: Brent Ferguson b.ferguson@speccorp.com Contact: Dustin Parker d.parker@speccorp.com

Contact: Larry McClinton l.mcclinton@speccorp.com

Contact: Matthew Golod m.golod@speccorp.com

Contact: Mike Conrad m.conrad@speccorp.com

9446 Florida Mining Blvd E Jacksonville FL 32257

Phone: 904-260-9340 Fax: 904-260-6549

Contact: Todd Brown t.brown@speccorp.com Contact: Michael Tucker m.tucker@speccorp.com Contact: Rocky Davis Contact: Kyle Naas k.naas@speccorp.com Contact: Todd Laberge t.laberge@speccorp.com Contact: Christy Gay c.gay@speccorp.com 7601 Chancellor Dr Orlando FL 32809-6920

Phone: 407-730-2959 Fax: 407-985-5822

Contact: Eric Richards e.richards@speccorp.com Contact: Robb Ducharme r.ducharme@speccorp.com Contact: Adam Nicholson a.nicholson@speccorp.com Contact: Brian Whitaker b.whitaker@speccorp.com

Contact: Jessica Auble j.auble@speccorp.com 2897 Mercy Dr Orlando FL 32808

Phone: 407-581-9550 Fax: 407-581-9551

Contact: Chris Tamaru c.tamaru@speccorp.com Contact: Jennifer Saul j.saul@speccorp.com Contact: Chantal Daniels c.daniels@speccorp.com Contact: Bill Steacy b.steacy@speccorp.com Contact: Scott Vetter s.vetter@speccorp.com Contact: Rob Davis r.davis@speccorp.com

1501 SW 2nd St

Pompano Beach FL 33069

Phone: 954-942-4014 Fax: 954-942-6008

Contact: Joe Colwell j.colwell@speccorp.com

Contact: Leticia Torres l.torres@speccorp.com

Contact: Tracey Stabielli t.stabielli@speccorp.com

Contact: Eddie Dix e.dix@speccorp.com

Contact: Sara Romero s.romero@speccorp.com Contact: Cody Speciacci c.spediacci@speccorp.com

Contact: Gerardo Martinez g.martinez@speccorp.com

Contact: Jonathan Fagley j.fagley@speccorp.com

1440 Massaro Blvd Tampa FL 33619

Phone: 813-622-6870 Fax: 813-622-6877

Contact: Frank Lewis f.lewis@speccorp.com Contact: Derrick Jost d.jost@speccorp.com

Contact: Alian Gonzalez a.gonzalez@speccorp.com Contact: Jesse Gonzalez j.gonzalez@speccorp.com

Contact: Bradley Frieden b.frieden@speccorp.com

Contact: Jason Drake j.drake@speccorp.com

Contact: Wilfredo Herrera w.herrera@speccorp.com

Contact: James Pope Contact: Jim Sluder j.sluder@speccorp.com


14212 N Nebraska Ave Tampa FL 33613 Phone: 813-664-8686 Fax: 813-383-0051 www.suncoastrooferssupply.com Contact: Sarah Davis sdavis@srsicorp.com

Branches: 12883 US Hwy 19 N Clearwater FL 33764

Phone: 727-535-9596 Fax: 727-535-9528

Contact: Nick Thompson nthompson@srsicorp.com

Contact: Chuck Ikewood cikewood@srsicorp.com


6277 NW 28th Way

Ft Lauderdale FL 33309

Phone: 954-933-4770

Contact: Jake Arndt jarndt@srsicorp.com

3601 Work Dr Ft Myers FL 33916

Phone: 239-275-6433 Fax: 239-275-6434

Contact: Yader Areas yareas@srsicorp.com

315 US Hwy 41 Inverness FL 34450

Phone: 352-464-6417 Fax: 352-341-2841

Contact: Enzo Pipitone epipitone@srsicorp.com

4930 Spring Park Rd Jacksonville FL 32207

Phone: 904-674-0375 Fax: 904-674-0376

Contact: Ryan Spano 4401 US Hwy 92 E Lakeland FL 33801

Phone: 863-393-0093 Fax: 863-393-0094

Contact: Joe Tadlock jtadlock@srsicorp.com

8205 NW 74th Ave Medley FL 33166

Phone: 305-455-6690

Contact: Abe Cordoba acordoba@srsicorp.com

2251 Mercy Dr Orlando FL 32808

Phone: 407-650-9152 Fax: 407-650-4940

Contact: Lana Wolf lana.wolf@srsicorp.com

Contact: Phillip Thomas phillip.thomas@srsicorp.com

7600 S Orange Ave Orlando FL 32809-6704

Phone: 407-251-9070

Contact: Frank Colombino frankjoseph.colombino@srsicorp.com

2901 Titan Row Ste 110

Orlando FL 32809

Phone: 407-251-9070

Contact: Jason Schlueter jason.schlueter@srsicorp.com

8326 Lemon Rd Pt Richey FL 34668

Phone: 727-859-1100 Fax: 727-859-1104

Contact: Spencer Walker swalker@srsicorp.com

7555-B Garden Rd Riviera Beach FL 33404

Phone: 561-848-1400

Contact: Frank Iammarino fiammarino@srsicorp.com

1926 72nd Dr E Sarasota FL 34243

Phone: 941-752-1986 Fax: 941-751-3465

Contact: Scott Langeneger slangeneger@srsicorp.com

Contact: William Pillsbury william.pillsbury@srsicorp.com

Contact: Al Jackson ajackson@srsicorp.com

1730 Dobbs Rd

St Augustine FL 32084

Phone: 904-429-1200

Contact: Andrew Sellers andrew.sellers@srsicorp.com

1170 Capital Cir NE Tallahassee FL 32301 Phone: 850-329-7469

Contact: Paul Walsh pwalsh@srsicorp.com

14212 N Nebraska Ave Tampa FL 33613

Phone: 813-383-0050

Contact: Tim Hanks thanks@srsicorp.com

Contact: Zach Grossman zgrossman@srsicorp.com

Contact: Brian Horn brian.horn@srsicorp.com

Contact: Jeremy Goldschmeding jgoldschmeding@srsicorp.com


Branches: 3140 A Kutak Ln Ft Myers FL 33916

Phone: 239-334-2179 Toll-Free: 800-619-1701 Fax: 239-334-1029

Contact: David Brackett dbrackett@sunnilandcorp.com 6130 N Florida Ave Hernando FL 34442

Phone: 352-465-4900 Fax: 352-465-1808

Contact: Tom Noel tnoel@sunnilandcorp.com 1563 Pine Ave Holly Hill FL 32117

Phone: 386-677-1916 Toll-Free: 800-681-9681 Fax: 386-677-1652

Contact: Bert Eddy beddy@sunnilandcorp.com

Contact: Amber Guest aguest@sunnilandcorp.com 4115-5 University Blvd W Jacksonville FL 32217

Phone: 904-448-0623 Fax: 904-737-7618

Contact: Shay McNerney smcnerney@sunnilandcorp.com

507 N 14th St Ste 3 Leesburg FL 34748

Phone: 352-728-2444 Toll-Free: 877-810-2787 Fax: 352-728-2524

Contact: JT Amorginos leesburg@sunnilandcorp.com 7600 NW 74th Ave Miami FL 33166

Phone: 305-883-0113 Toll-Free: 800-818-8377 Fax: 305-883-0545

Contact: Thomas Parrish tparrish@sunnilandcorp.com

Phone: 407-291-2101

Toll-Free: 800-858-5485 Fax: 407-522-0142

Contact: George Passarella

Contact: Billy Nicholas orlando@sunnilandcorp.com

900 E Baldwin Rd Panama City FL 32405

Phone: 850-392-7395 Toll-Free: 800-432-1130 Fax: 850-392-7399

Contact: Robert Parish rparish@sunnilandcorp.com 19910 Veterans Blvd Port Charlotte FL 33954

Phone: 941-625-1224 Fax: 941-625-0156

Contact: Rebecca Jones rjones@sunnilandcorp.com

1100 W 17th St

Riviera Beach FL 33404

Phone: 561-841-7773

Toll-Free: 800-432-1130

Contact: Jimmy Reddy jreddy@sunnilandcorp.com

165 Gus Hipp Blvd Rockledge FL 32955

Phone: 321-632-3572 Fax: 321-631-6106

Contact: Rob Martin rockledge@sunnilandcorp.com 6493 Parkland Dr Ste 101 Sarasota FL 34243

Phone: 941-752-7389 Fax: 941-752-7915

Contact: Scott Jordan Contact: Karl Harring bradenton@sunnilandcorp.com

3443 Heid Rd Sebring FL 33870-0517

Phone: 863-593-3440 Toll-Free: 800-432-1130

PO Box 8001

Sanford FL 32772

Phone: 407-322-2421

Toll-Free: 800-432-1130 Fax: 407-324-4421 www.sunnilandcorp.com

Contact: Larry Pressley lpressley@sunnilandcorp.com

Contact: Tom Moore

Contact: Tricia Frazer tfrazer@sunnilandcorp.com

Contact: Tim Hardman thardman@sunnilandcorp.com

Contact: William Sehrer bsehrer@sunnilandcorp.com

479 Industrial Blvd Naples FL 34104

Phone: 239-643-4944 Toll-Free: 800-860-0707

Contact: Scott Ortegon sortegon@sunnilandcorp.com 1323 NE 17th Rd Ocala FL 34470

Phone: 352-351-3137 Toll-Free: 800-433-5218

Contact: David Gommer dgommer@sunnilandcorp.com 2517 Shader Rd Ste 1 Orlando FL 32804

Contact: Jessie Trevino sebring@sunnilandcorp.com 3715 Peddie Dr Tallahassee FL 32303

Phone: 850-701-4860

Toll-Free: 800-432-1130 Fax: 850-701-4865

Contact: Cliff Fitzgerald tallahassee@sunnilandcorp.com

3595 Recker Hwy Winter Haven FL 33880

Phone: 863-967-8888 Toll-Free: 800-336-5544

Contact: Chad Youmans cyoumans@sunnilandcorp.com

22 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023



1925 Preble Ave

Pittsburgh PA 15233

Toll-Free: 800-486-1832 Fax: 407-321-7838 www.trianglefastener.com

Contact: Mikala Gannon mgannon@trianglefastener.com


5600 NW 12th Ave Ste 303

Ft Lauderdale FL 33309

Phone: 954-771-5232

Toll-Free: 800-486-1832 Fax: 954-771-5441

Contact: Carlos Moscarella cmoscarella@trianglefastener.com

6800 Suemac Pl Ste 2

Jacksonville FL 32254

Phone: 904-695-0404 Fax: 904-695-0062

Contact: Alan Belcher abelcher@trianglefastener.com

114 Atlantic Annex Pt

Maitland FL 32751

Phone: 407-660-0167 Toll-Free: 800-486-1832 Fax: 407-660-1250 www.trianglefastener.com

Contact: Tony Gray tgray@trianglefastener.com 10111 Woodberry Rd Tampa FL 33619

Phone: 813-689-6877 Fax: 813-689-6717

Contact: Todd Walters twalters@trianglefastener.com

Suppliers and Distributors Products Index

Built-Up Roofing Materials


ABC Supply

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Gulfeagle Supply

Cold Applied Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Fumeless Asphalt

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Polyester

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Roofing Felts

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply

Caulking and Sealants


Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Direct Metals Inc

NB Handy

Penetration Seals

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

NB Handy


Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators


Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Direct Metals Inc NB Handy Urethane

All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Direct Metals Inc

Cements and Coatings

ABC Supply Gulfeagle Supply Cements

All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc


Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Liquid Applied Roof Systems

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc


Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc NB Handy


Asbestos Removal Equipment

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Chutes

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Conveyors

Coastal Roofing Supply Cranes

Coastal Roofing Supply Fastening Equipment

Coastal Roofing Supply Forklifts

Coastal Roofing Supply Generators and Compressors

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Roofmaster Products Hoists

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Roofmaster Products

Hot Air Welding Equipment

Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Co of FL Inc

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Heely-Brown Co Kettles/Kettle Accessories

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc


ABC Supply

Coastal Roofing Supply

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc House of Ladders

Leak Moisture Detectors

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Material Handling Equipment Coastal Roofing Supply Metal Roofing Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators Gulfeagle Supply MetalForming LLC NB Handy Sunniland Corp

On-Deck Roofing Equipment

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Roofmaster Products

Roll Forming Equipment

Coastal Roofing Supply MetalForming LLC NB Handy

Sheet Metal Equipment

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc MetalForming LLC NB Handy

Single-Ply Equipment

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Roofmaster Products



Spray Equipment

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Roofmaster Products


All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply


Beacon Building Products

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc House of Ladders


Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Truck Attachments/ Accessories

House of Ladders


ABC Supply

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Direct Metals Inc

Extreme Metal Fabricators

Gulfeagle Supply NB Handy Roofmaster Products Triangle Fastener Corp


ABC Supply

Extreme Metal Fabricators


ABC Supply

Gulfeagle Supply


Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply NB Handy


Coastal Roofing Supply

Radiant Barriers

Direct Metals Inc


Coastal Roofing Supply

NB Handy Sprayed

Coastal Roofing Supply Tapered

Beacon Building Products NB Handy


Coastal Roofing Supply Crossroads Building Supply Inc

Gulfeagle Supply

Metal Roofing Accessories

ABC Supply

Coastal Roofing Supply

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Direct Metals Inc

Extreme Metal Fabricators

NB Handy Triangle Fastener Corp

Aluminum ABC Supply

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Extreme Metal Fabricators

NB Handy


Coastal Roofing Supply

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Extreme Metal Fabricators

NB Handy

Copings and Gravel

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc NB Handy


Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Extreme Metal Fabricators NB Handy


Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Gulfeagle Supply

Solar Applications ABC Supply

Standing Seam

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Direct Metals Inc

Extreme Metal Fabricators

NB Handy Steel

All Points Tile & Slate

Coastal Roofing Supply NB Handy

Stone Coated Steel

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc


Coastal Roofing Supply Extreme Metal Fabricators


All Points Tile & Slate Coastal Roofing Supply Extreme Metal Fabricators

Modified Bitumen ABC Supply Gulfeagle Supply APP

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc SBS

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Recycled Materials

All Points Tile & Slate

Roof Cleaning Products All Points Tile & Slate Coastal Roofing Supply NB Handy

Roof Decks/Deck Materials ABC Supply

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply

Roof Top Accessories Air Conditioner Supports

Beacon Building Products Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Bird Control All Points Tile & Slate Beacon Building Products Cupolas

Beacon Building Products NB Handy


Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Drains & Drain Guards

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Expansion Joints

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc


All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Direct Metals Inc Gulfeagle Supply NB Handy

Lightning Protection/ Grounding Beacon Building Products Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc


Beacon Building Products Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc


Beacon Building Products Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Pipe Stands & Supports

Beacon Building Products Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc


Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Vibration Control

Beacon Building Products

Walkways/Walk Pads

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Weathervanes Beacon Building Products

Safety Equipment and Clothing ABC Supply Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Co of FL Inc

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc House of Ladders Ritz Safety Roofmaster Products

Scaffolding House of Ladders

Shakes Metal

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

24 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023


ABC Supply

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc


All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Wood ABC Supply

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Sunniland Corp

Shingles – Asphalt

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Sunniland Corp

Single-Ply Roofing Systems

ABC Supply

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Gulfeagle Supply

NB Handy


Beacon Building Products

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Gulfeagle Supply

NB Handy Sunniland Corp

Slate Accessories

Beacon Building Products

Composite Shingles

All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products

Natural All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products

Solar Systems

Coastal Roofing Supply

Tile Accessories

All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply

Tile Fastening Systems


All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Mortar

All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Straps

Beacon Building Products

Tie Systems

Beacon Building Products

Tile Roofing Gulfeagle Supply


ABC Supply

All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Sunniland Corp Concrete

ABC Supply

All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Sunniland Corp


All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply

Termination Bar Direct Metals Inc


ABC Supply Gulfeagle Supply Axes

Beacon Building Products

Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc


Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Caulk Guns

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc NB Handy

Hand Tools

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc NB Handy


Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Magnet Sweepers

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Measuring Wheels

Beacon Building Products Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Metal Roofing Tools

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators NB Handy


Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Power Tools Atlantic Asphalt & Equipment Co of FL Inc

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Reels

Beacon Building Products Sheet Metal Roofing Tools

Beacon Building Products Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators NB Handy

Slate Roofing Tools

Beacon Building Products Thermometers

Beacon Building Products Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Tile Cutter All Points Tile & Slate


ABC Supply Sunniland Corp

Mechanically Attached

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc NB Handy

Roof Boards

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc NB Handy


All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators NB Handy

Synthetic Products

Beacon Building Products

Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators NB Handy


Gulfeagle Supply Sunniland Corp


ABC Supply

All Points Tile & Slate

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc Extreme Metal Fabricators NB Handy


Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

Waterproofing Systems

Beacon Building Products Coastal Roofing Supply Commercial Roofing Specialties Inc

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING 25


186 SR 207

E Palatka FL 32131

Phone: 386-325-0242 Toll-Free: 888-211-9243 Fax: 386-326-4260 www.1stcoastmrs.com Contact: John Sprowles jsprowles@1stcoastmrs.com


1320 Litton Dr

Salisbury NC 28147 Toll-Free: 800-474-6019 www.aldoproducts.com

Contact: Matt Bradley mbradley@aldoproducts.com


4235 St Augustine Rd

Jacksonville FL 32207

Phone: 904-862-6885 Toll-Free: 904-862-6866 www.amfllc.net

Contact: Michael S Dickens shane@amfllc.net


301 S Blanchard St Valdosta GA 31601

Phone: 229-242-1931 www.alphaprotech.com Contact: Jarrod Thomas jthomas@alphaprotech.com

AMERICAN WEATHERSTAR 8095 Padgett Switch Rd Irvington AL 36544-3656

Phone: 251-476-7385 Toll-Free: 800-771-6643 Fax: 251-479-3602

www.americanweatherstar.com Contact: Brian O’Donnell brian@weatherstar.net


Phone: 239-221-0123 Fax: 239-221-0124 www.architecturalmetalflashings. com

Contact: Jeffrey Bonk jeffb@architecturalmetalflashings. com

ATAS INTERNATIONAL INC 6612 Snowdrift Rd Allentown PA 18106

Phone: 610-395-8445 Toll-Free: 800-468-1441 Fax: 610-395-9342 www.atas.com Contact: James Bush jbush@atas.com

ATLAS BOLT & SCREW CO 1628 Troy Rd Ashland OH 44805

Phone: 419-289-6171 Toll-Free: 800-321-6977 Fax: 419-289-2564 www.atlasfasteners.com

Contact: Don Bratcher dbratcher@atlasfasteners.com


2000 Riveredge Pkwy Ste 800

Atlanta GA 30328

Toll-Free: 800-388-6134 www.atlasroofing.com Contact: Lauren Carlson jeff.key@atlasroofing.com

26 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023 Manufacturers FRSA Self Insurers Fund JOIN FRSA T H E A S S O C I A T I O N T H A T W O R K S F O R T H E I N D U S T R Y WWW.FLORIDAROOF.COM 800-767-3772 ext 142 ANNA@FLORIDAROOF.COM Access to Workers' Comp with an unmatched safety and training program FRSA Credit Union Discounts on seminars Discounts on Expo booths Sponsorship opportunities Access to the residential roof loan program. FRSA CU can assist with auto and equipment loans and all your banking needs Convention & Expo Technical Building Code support Human Resources & Legal Services Discounts on advertising Member Benefits



PO Box 7000

2610 Harry Wurzbach Rd

San Antonio TX 78209

Phone: 210-350-3050 Toll-Free: 800-669-0009 Fax: 210-650-0379 www.berridge.com

Contact: Angela Bauer abauer@berridge.com


Morrilton AR 72110

Phone: 501-354-8585 Toll-Free: 800-535-8597 Fax: 501-354-3019 www.bi-tec.com

Contact: Joel B Shealey jshealey@bi-tec.com


Carlisle PA 17013

Phone: 717-385-7990 Fax: 717-245-9131 www.carlislewipproducts.com

Contact: Robert Patton robert.patton@carlisleccm.com


Phone: 786-349-4009 www.coastalmetalsales.com Contact: Nick Lee sales@coastalmetalsales.com

CONTINENTAL MATERIALS INC 1614 Old York Rd Abington PA 19001 Phone: 215-884-4930 Toll-Free: 800-247-6637 www.continentalmaterials.com Contact: Michael DiStefano miked@continentalmaterials.com

1275 Ritner Hwy

Carlisle PA 17013

Phone: 717-422-7463 www.carlislesyntec.com

Contact: Gavin George gavin.george@carlisleccm.com


200 CertainTeed Dr Oxford NC 27565 Toll-Free: 800-782-8777 www.certainteed.com

Contact: Phyllis Stokes phyllis.s.stokes@saint-gobain.com


6000 Pennington Ave

Baltimore MD 21226

Phone: 410-354-9550 Fax: 410-354-9552 www.bitumar.com Contact: Tom Lecorchick Jr karenann.paradis@bitumar.com

BRAVA ROOF TILE 915 E Tyler St Washington IA 52353 Phone: 844-290-4196 www.bravatile.com Contact: Brian Baker brian.baker@bravatile.com


4940 W Grand Ave Chicago IL 60639

Phone: 773-227-6200 www.chicagometalsupply.com

Contact: Ski Wysocki ski@chicagometalsupply.com


CRITICAL POINT CORP 640 E Morley Dr Saginaw MI 48601 Toll-Free: 800-821-4104 www.gocriticalpoint.com Contact: Pete Stevens pstevens@gocriticalpoint.com

CROWN ROOF TILES 6018 Hwy 72 Arcadia FL 34266 Phone: 863-993-4004 Fax: 863-993-4009 www.crownrooftiles.com Contact: Barry Dyble bdyble@crownrooftiles.com D.I. ROOF SEAMERS


1275 Ritner Highway Carlisle PA 17013

Phone: 717-462-3859 www.drexmet.com Contact: Jim Alex jalex@drexmet.com

DUPONT BUILDING SOLUTIONS 974 Centre Rd Bldg 735 Wilmington DE 19805 Phone: 916-212-9068 www.dupont.com Contact: Steven Del’Nero steven.a.delnero@dupont.com


525 W Morley Dr Saginaw MI 48601

Phone: 989-758-1076 Toll-Free: 800-248-0280 www.duro-last.com Contact: Bill Boyer bboyer@duro-last.com


40 E Industrial Blvd

Logansport IN 46947

Phone: 574-722-2348

Toll-Free: 866-766-3254 Fax: 574-722-5543 www.wegotclips.com Contact: Robert Baker sales@wegotclips.com

665 Hwy 74 S Ste 350 Peachtree City GA 30269

Phone: 770-692-7230 www.cidanmachinery.com Contact: Diego Blanco diegob@cidanmachinery.com

COASTAL METAL ROOFING SALES LLC 10877 NW 33 St Doral FL 33172-2188

915 Hwy 45 Corinth MS 38834

Phone: 662-287-6626 Toll-Free: 888-343-0456 Fax: 662-287-6744 www.diroofseamers.com Contact: Joe Patrick sales@dimetalworks.com

DAN’S CUSTOM SHEET METAL 5700 Washington St Naples FL 34109-1930

Phone: 239-594-0530 Toll-Free: 866-989-3276 Fax: 239-594-2064 www.dcsm.net Contact: Dan Osborne dan@dcsm.net

DAP PRODUCTS INC 1645 Manufacturers Dr Fenton MO 63026 Phone: 816-807-3674 www.dap.com Contact: Scott Howell showell@dap.com

19286 Delaware Ct Boca Raton FL 33434

Phone: 561-436-5765 www.eagleroofing.com Contact: Hawk Kinney hawkk@eagleroofing.com


7905 W 20th Ave Hialeah FL 33014

Phone: 305-885-9991 Toll-Free: 800-579-0944 Fax: 305-885-9008 www.eastcoast-metals.com Contact: Tom Castellanos sales@eastcoast-metals.com


200 4th Ave S Nashville TN 37201

Phone: 800-331-0196 Toll-Free: 800-331-0196 Fax: 813-200-1517 www.gaco.com Contact: Bill Bradley bbradley@gaco.com




1200 Amboy Ave

Perth Amboy NJ 08861

Toll-Free: 800-364-5378 Fax: 888-389-0520 www.englertinc.com

Contact: John Steingart jsteingart@leafguard.com


49 Eagle Dr Ste 102

Leola PA 17540

Phone: 717-661-3591 Fax: 717-768-8910 www.equipter.com Contact: John Stoltzfus sales@equipter.com


16601 Central Green Blvd Ste 100 Houston TX 77032-5413

Toll-Free: 800-575-8966 www.everestsystemsco.com Contact: John Linnell jmlinnell@everestsco.com


FERBER SHEET METAL WORKS INC 4121 Evergreen Ave Jacksonville FL 32206-1530

Phone: 904-356-3042 Fax: 904-354-3219 www.ferbersmw.com

Contact: George A Ferber gferber@ferbersmw.com



660 Allied Industrial Blvd Macon GA 31206

Phone: 478-803-1788 Fax: 478-788-9576 www.freudenberg-pm.com Contact: Brannon Williamson brannon.williamson@freudenberg-pm.com

FRONTLINE FALL PROTECTION 2023 NW 84th Ave Miami FL 33122 Phone: 305-631-2780 Toll-Free: 888-523-1795 www.frontlinefall.com


1200 Willow Lake Blvd St Paul MN 55110

Phone: 651-236-5900 www.hbfuller.com/roofing Contact: Nicholas Vodicka nic.vodicka@hbfuller.com


1000 Venture Blvd Wooster OH 44691

Phone: 330-262-1111 Toll-Free: 800-927-8578 www.fibertite.com

Contact: Scott Krug credick@seamancorp.com


6940 Stuart Ave Jacksonville FL 32254 Toll-Free: 800-634-3937 www.flamco.com

Contact: Elizabeth Cotton ecotton@omnimax.com


525 W Morley Dr Saginaw MI 48601

Toll-Free: 866-337-4599 www.exceptionalmetals.com Contact: Jules Dekovic jdekovic@exceptionalmetals.com


295 W 22nd St Hialeah FL 33010

Phone: 305-305-4922 www.fdmetals.com

Contact: Felipe Rodriguez felipe@fdmetals.com


308 Alabama Blvd Jackson GA 30233 Phone: 404-394-5397 www.fabral.com Contact: Geoff Elliott gelliott@fabral.com

514 Matrix Pkwy Piedmont SC 29673

Toll-Free: 864-572-6447 Fax: 707-824-5858 www.flashco.com

Contact: Robbie Boland robbie.boland@flashco.com


5103A Pottsville Pike Reading PA 19605-9729

Phone: 610-916-9500 Fax: 610-916-9501 www.flexroofingsystems.com

Contact: John Doyle jdoyle@flexmembranes.com


8500 Baycenter Rd Ste 2 Jacksonville FL 32256 Phone: 904-551-7150 www.franklinsouthern.com

Contact: Billy Sermons billy.sermons@franklinsouthern.com

Contact: Alejandro Carraccioli alejandro@frontlinefall.com FT SYNTHETICS

26977 56 Ave Langley BC Canada V4W 3Y2

Phone: 604-594-3439 Toll-Free: 844-353-9839 Fax: 604-594-3589 www.ftsyn.com Contact: Nick Cwikla ncwikla@ftsyn.com GAF 9950 Princess Palm Ave Ste 312 Tampa FL 33619 Phone: 813-220-0866 Toll-Free: 800-851-3035 www.gaf.com Contact: Chris Marlatt christopher.marlatt@gaf.com GEOCEL

3315 E Division St Arlington TX 76011-6832

Phone: 817-640-4900 www.huntsmanbuildingsolutions.com Contact: Greg Snowman gsnowman@huntsmanbuilds.com


506 E Dallas Rd Ste 300 Grapevine TX 76051-7693

Phone: 972-354-6600 Toll-Free: 800-426-1626 www.ibroof.com Contact: Jason Stanley marketing@ibroof.com


2080 Forest Dr Clearwater FL 33763

Phone: 813-244-6213 www.geocelusa.com Contact: Joe Sorrentino joe.o.sorrentino@sherwin.com


150 Dascomb Rd Andover OH 01810 Phone: 978-604-0932 www.icpgroup.com Contact: Joey Keene jkeene@icpgroup.com

Branch: 12505 NW 44th St Coral Springs FL 33065-7640 Phone: 954-242-2740

Contact: Adrian Robledo arobledo@icpgroup.com

14429 SW 2nd Place Ste G30 Newberry FL 32669

Phone: 352-498-0778 Toll-Free: 888-393-0335 www.gulfcoastsupply.com Contact: Harry Yeatman harry.yeatman@gulfcoastsupply.com

28 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023


6 Denny Rd Ste 200

Wilmington DE 19809

Phone: 815-214-4437 www.iko.com

Contact: Dyana Sweigart dyana.sweigart@iko.com

INLAND COATINGS 26259 US-6 Adel IA 50003

Phone: 515-993-4524 Fax: 515-993-4324 www.inlandcoatings.com John Koons info@inlandcoatings.com




330 Central Ave Clark NJ 07066

Phone: 732-388-0300 Toll-Free: 800-526-4236 www.karnakcorp.com

Contact: Joe Prussel jprussel@karnakcorp.com

KENNEDY SKYLIGHTS LLC 5294 Tower Way Sanford FL 32773

Phone: 407-330-5150

Toll-Free: 800-280-2545 Fax: 407-330-5125 www.kennedyskylights.com

Contact: Bob Dutkiewicz bob@kennedyskylights.com


1464 Madera Rd N-387 Simi Valley CA 93065

PO Box 54640 Tulsa OK 74145

Toll-Free: 800-800-8590 Fax: 918-622-4536 www.marcoindustries.com Contact: George Allaster info@marcoindustries.com MAX USA

525 Orange St Coshocton OH 43812

Phone: 740-622-2645 Toll-Free: 800-882-7663 Fax: 740-622-6161 www.mfmbp.com Contact: Will Gerstman will@mfmsales.com

MID-STATES ASPHALT PO Box 20348 Tuscaloosa AL 35402

Phone: 205-242-2610 Toll-Free: 800-489-2391 www.msaroof.com

205 Express St Plainview NY 11803

6040 Old Dixie Hwy

Vero Beach FL 32967

Phone: 772-584-2654 www.integritymetalsfl.com Contact: Joe Keene joe@integritymetalsl.com


NORTH AMERICA 12055 Cutten Rd Houston TX 77066 Toll-Free: 800-878-7876 www.itwsealants.com Contact: Steve Killian stevek@itwsealants.com


Phone: 805-796-7438 Toll-Free: 877-742-7507 Fax: 805-526-1116 www.sharkskinroof.com

Contact: Sandi Greenewalt sgreenewalt@sharkskinroof.com


6476 Hwy 135 N

Paragould AR 72450

Phone: 870-586-0147 Fax: 870-586-0643 www.lakeside-fasteners.com

Contact: Eric Velliquette ericv@ipdworld.com


1049 Woodfall Ct

Weston FL 33326

Phone: 954-625-0369 www.jm.com

Contact: Fernando Milanes fernando.milanes@jm.com

600 Mid Florida Dr

Orlando FL 32824

Phone: 407-240-4000 www.lancopro.com Contact: Rick Blume rblume@lancopaints.com

Phone: 516-741-3151 Toll-Free: 800-223-4293 Fax: 516-741-3272 www.maxusacorp.com Contact: Danny Hale dhale@maxusacorp.com

MCELROY METAL INC PO Box 20115 St Simons Island GA 31522 Phone: 770-527-5751 Toll-Free: 800-950-6533 www.mcelroymetal.com Contact: Buddy Reed breed@mcelroymetal.com

METAL MASTER SHOP INC 7484 NW 8th St Miami FL 33126 Phone: 305-261-9290 www.metalmastershop.com Contact: Ariel Istueta ariel@metalmastershop.com

METAL SALES MFG CORP 7110 Stuart Ave Jacksonville FL 32254 Phone: 904-518-8118 Toll-Free: 800-394-4419 www.metalsales.us.com Contact: Keith Layfield klayfield@metalsales.us.com

Contact: Nathan Almon nathan@msaroof.com


10200 Eastport Rd Jacksonville FL 32218

Phone: 904-358-8366 Toll-Free: 877-358-7663 Fax: 904-358-8285 www.mmi2000.net

Contact: Tonya Steele tonyac@mmi2000.net

MTL HOLDINGS 1600 Airport Rd Waukesha WI 53188 Toll-Free: 800-558-2162 www.mtl-holdings.com

Contact: Rolando Figueroa rolando.figueroa@mtl-holdings.com


1195 Prince Hall Dr Beloit WI 53512

Toll-Free: 800-786-1492 www.mulehide.com

Contact: Nick Managan nick.managan@mulehide.com



3020 Reynolds Rd Ste 10-11

Lakeland FL 33803

Phone: 707-872-3620 Toll-Free: 877-324-0444 www.ohagin.com

Contact: Dwight Cline dcline@ohagin.com


153 Bowles Rd Agawam MA 01001

Phone: 512-797-5548 Toll-Free: 800-633-3800 Fax: 413-821-0417 www.omgroofing.com

Contact: Matt Duncan mduncan@omginc.com


47 Poplar Grove Ct Fletcher NC 28732

Phone: 813-966-7705 Toll-Free: 800-517-5246 www.onsiteseamless.com

Contact: Dan Close sales@onsiteseamless.com



426 Terravista Pl Toledo OH 43609

Toll-Free: 800-GET-PINK www.owenscorning.com

Contact: Frank Compagnone sue.burkett@owenscorning.com


308 W Charles Ave Wetumpka AL 36092

Toll-Free: 800-474-8273 www.palisadebuild.com

Contact: Randy Knox rknox@itape.com


PROVIA 2150 SR 39 Sugarcreek OH 44681 Toll-Free: 800-669-4711 Fax: 877-735-2057 www.provia.com Contact: Scott Lowe scott.lowe@provia.com

REED’S METALS LLC 4020 SW 449th St Horseshoe Beach FL 32648

1111 W Newport Center Dr Deerfield Beach FL 33442

Phone: 954-233-1432 Toll-Free: 800-222-9782 Fax: 954-418-4453 www.polyglass.us

Contact: Scott Lelling ahelton@polyglass.com

PREMIER METAL ROOF MFG LLC 8820 Maislin Dr Tampa FL 33637

Phone: 813-498-4270 www.pmroof.com

Contact: Ray Bowen info@pmroof.com


Phone: 332-498-0100 Toll-Free: 800-581-4645 www.reedsmetals.com Contact: Kimberly Blanton kimberly.blanton@cornerstone-bb.com

ROCKET EQUIPMENT 9684 N 109th Ave Ste 103 Omaha NE 68142 Phone: 531-215-1500 www.rocketequipment.com Contact: Tom Schroeder tschroeder@rocketequipment.com


Sabre metals

OF FLORIDA, LLC. 1100 Charles St Longwood FL 32750 Phone: 407-598-0811 Fax: 888-959-4164 www.sabremetalsllc.com Contact: Venki Sastri sastri@sabremetalsllc.com

SENTRY BUILDING INNOVATIONS 3966 SW McCain St Pt St Lucie FL 34953 Phone: 843-735-1773 www.sentrybuilding.com Contact: Simon Alexander info@sentrybuilding.com

SHERWIN-WILLIAMS BLDG SOLUTIONS GROUP 2733 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood FL 33020 Phone: 305-287-8624 www.uniflexroof.com Contact: Andres Ramirez andres.d.ramirez@sherwin.com

PO Box 1560

Lutz FL 33548 Toll-Free: 800-771-1711 www.roofhugger.com Contact: DJ Highnote djhighnote@roofhugger.com

540 Central Ct New Albany IN 47150

Phone: 813-326-0016 www.pmsilicone.com

Contact: Joe Schweitzer joe@pmsilicone.com


1955 S Cherokee St Denver CO 80223

102 Northpoint Pkwy

Acworth GA 30102

Toll-Free: 800-272-4482 www.pac-clad.com

Contact: Brandon Jackson bjackson@petersenmail.com

Phone: 303-350-4422 Toll-Free: 800-759-9727 Fax: 303-777-9273 www.protectowrap.com

Contact: Lance Brown lance@protectowrap.com

ROV ROOF TILES 6450 Alcalde Ct Ste 106 Orlando FL 32835 Phone: 321-388-1723 www.rooftiles.com Contact: Ronald Ambar ronald@rovrooftiles.com

RPS METAL ROOFING & SIDING 710 3rd Ave Welaka FL 32193 Phone: 386-467-9277 Fax: 386-467-9838 www.rpsmetalroofing.com Contact: Michael Stanek mstanek@rpsmetalroofing.com

SIKA SARNAFIL INC 3483 Satellite Blvd Ste 315S Duluth GA 30096 Phone: 770-495-0025 ext 7631 Fax: 770-495-0027 usa.sarnafil.sika.com Contact: Jon Jacobsen jacobsen.jon@us.sika.com

SIMPSON STRONG-TIE 6051 Palm Trace Landings Dr Ste 103 Davie FL 33314 Phone: 321-200-7441 www.strongtie.com Contact: Kyle Wenzel

SOPREMA 2900 Center Port Cir Pompano Beach FL 33064 Toll-Free: 800-356-3521 www.soprema.us Contact: Jeanette Alston-Watkins jalstonwatkins@soprema.us

30 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023


350 Ring Rd

Elizabethtown KY 42701

Phone: 270-769-3385 Toll-Free: 800-928-2677 ext 192 Fax: 270-765-2412 www.bossproducts.com Contact: Greg Rokoff greg.rokoff@soudal.com


2737 Ignition Dr Jacksonville FL 32218 Phone: 601-832-4272 www.semetals.com Contact: Clif Palmer cpalmer@semetals.com


STORMSEAL USA LLC PO Box 3023 W Palm Beach FL 33402 Phone: 561-312-6220 www.stormseal.com

Contact: Matthew Lennox matthew@stormseal.com


3771 NW 126th Ave Ste 1

Coral Springs FL 33065

Phone: 954-225-3107 Fax: 954-344-4323 www.tag-stick.com Contact: John Famularo john@tag-stick.com


2964 Clydon SW

Grand Rapids MI 49519

Phone: 574-303-4741 Toll-Free: 800-746-5659 Fax: 616-531-5970 www.stingerworld.com Contact: Zach Huth zach_huth@nationalnail.com

ARCHITECTURAL METALS CO 5015 E Hillsborough Ave Tampa FL 33610 Phone: 813-248-3456 Toll-Free: 800-248-3456 Fax: 813-626-7010 www.gometalroofing.com Contact: Brian Kocsis bk@gometalroofing.com



16150 Lee Rd Unit 120 Ft Myers FL 33967

5010 Hanna Ave E Tampa FL 33610

Phone: 417-850-6644 Toll-Free: 800-641-4691 Fax: 800-841-1925 www.tamko.com Contact: Cory Ewert cory_ewert@tamko.com

TAMPA SHEET METAL INC 1402 W Kennedy Blvd Tampa FL 33606-1847

Phone: 813-251-1845 Toll-Free: 800-644-3120 Fax: 813-254-7399 www.tampasheetmetal.com Contact: John Jiretz CPSC john@tampasheetmetal.com


1 Information Way Ste 225 Little Rock AR 72202 Toll-Free: 800-365-4506 Fax: 501-945-7718 www.tarcoroofing.com Contact: Steve Ratcliff sratcliff@tarcoroofing.com

THE CATCH-ALL 2850 SSW Loop 323 Tyler TX 75701 Phone: 903-636-3100 www.thecatchall.com Contact: Ruby Timmons ruby@thecatchall.com

Phone: 239-989-8932 www.metalmaniacsfl.com Contact: Catherine Emery apar@themetalmaniacs.com

TITEBOND 2020 Bruck St Columbus OH 43207

Phone: 614-445-1234 Toll-Free: 800-877-4583 Fax: 614-445-1813 www.titebond.com

Contact: David Braun davidbraun@franklininternational.com


301 SE 16th St

Trenton FL 32693

Phone: 352-463-8400 Toll-Free: 877-766-3303 www.tricountymetals.com

Contact: Chris Weatherilt info@tricountymetals.com


1818 SW 31st Ave Hallandale FL 33009 Phone: 754-300-3657 Fax: 954-963-2033 www.tropicalroofingproducts.com

Contact: Michael King michael@gotropical.com

Growing. Expanding. Remaining True to Quality & Service. integritymetalsfl.com 772-584-2654


2105 CR 12C

Bryan OH 43506

Phone: 419-636-6715 Toll-Free: 800-443-9602 www.trufast.com

Contact: Jon Meyer mwhite@trufast.com



PO Box 4606

Corpus Christi TX 78469 Phone: 361-815-8982 www.valero.com

Contact: Rick Rodgers richard.rodgers@valero.com


PO Box 5001 Greenwood SC 29648

Phone: 864-941-4868 Toll-Free: 800-888-3589 Fax: 864-941-4872 www.veluxusa.com

701 S King St

Fayetteville NC 28301

Toll-Free: 888-685-7663 www.unioncorrugating.com

Contact: Kimberly Blanton kimberly.blanton@cornerstone-bb.com


23821 Creek Branch Ln Estero FL 34135

Phone: 513-260-7808 www.usg.com Contact: Patrick Hiltman philtman@usg.com

Contact: Mims Mobley mims.mobley@velux.com




421 Skate Rd

Altantic Beach FL 32233

Phone: 904-302-1120 Toll-Free: 800-350-2142 www.vikingpg.com

Contact: John Storkman jstorkman@vikingpg.com


19500 Janacek Ct Brookfield WI 53045

Toll-Free: 800-307-9218 www.volatilefree.com

Contact: Marc Janssen marcj@volatilefree.com


400 Penn St

Follansbee WV 26037

Phone: 304-527-2800 www.wheeling-nipponsteel.com

Contact: William (Bill) Reder billr@wheeling-nipponsteel.com

WORTHOUSE INC 2315 Landmeier Rd Elk Grove Village IL 60007

Phone: 847-621-2470 www.worthouse.com

Contact: Gosia Muszczynski m.muszczynski@worthouse.com

PO Box 1289 Carlisle PA 17013

Phone: 717-960-4471 Toll-Free: 800-992-7663 www.versico.com

Contact: Emma Nealy emma.nealy@versico.com

200 Story Rd

Lake Wales FL 33898

Phone: 863-824-1289 Toll-Free: 800-669-8453 Fax: 866-645-8011 www.westlakeroyalroofing.com Contact: Shannon Delgado sdelgado@westlake.com

Manufacturers Products Index


Building Products Development

Logan Stamping

McElroy Metal Inc

Metal Sales Manufacturing

Reed’s Metals

Sherwin-Williams Building Solutions Group

Soudal – Boss Products

The Catch-All Union Corrugating


CIDAN Machinery

Coastal Metal Roofing Sales LLC


MTL Holdings

Sabre Metals of FL LLC

Asphalt Shingles

Atlas Roofing Corp

IKO Industries Inc

Owens Corning

TAMKO Building Products LLC

Building Wrap Palisade / IPG

Built-Up Roofing Materials

Bitec Inc

Bitumar USA Inc Carlisle SynTec Systems

Continental Materials Inc GAF

Johns Manville Mid-States Asphalt SOPREMA

Viking Products Group

Caulking and Sealants

1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply Bitec Inc

Duro-Last Roofing Inc FlashCo

Flex Membrane International Geocel

H.B. Fuller KARNAK Corp Marco Industries Mule-Hide Products Progressive Materials LLC PM Silicone

Sherwin-Williams Building Solutions Group Titebond


Viking Products Group Volatile Free Inc


Bitec Inc Bitumar USA Inc Duro-Last Roofing Inc Everest Systems GAF

Geocel H.B. Fuller Huntsman Building Solutions ICP Building Solutions Group Johns Manville KARNAK Corp Mule-Hide Products Polyglass USA Inc Progressive Materials LLC PM Silicone

Sherwin-Williams Building Solutions Group


Viking Products Group Volatile Free Inc

Composite Roof Tile Brava Roof Tile

Concrete Tile Crown Roof Tiles Eagle Roofing Products FL LLC Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions

32 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023


Chicago Metal Supply

CIDAN Machinery


Cover Boards

GAF Equipment

CIDAN Machinery

D.I. Roof Seamers Equipter LLC H.B. Fuller Rocket Equipment Viking Products Group

Fall Protection Duro-Last Roofing Inc


A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply

Carlisle SynTec Systems Chicago Metal Supply Continental Materials Inc Duro-Last Roofing Inc


Flex Membrane International GAF Johns Manville MAX USA Mule-Hide Products


Union Corrugating Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions

Fastening Equipment

Carlisle SynTec Systems Duro-Last Roofing Inc



FLAMCO Palisade / IPG

Green Roofing Systems

Carlisle SynTec Systems

Duro-Last Roofing Inc

Flex Membrane International H.B. Fuller MAX USA

MTL Holdings Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions


1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply Building Products Development

Logan Stamping Chicago Metal Supply CIDAN Machinery

Coastal Metal Roofing Sales LLC Duro-Last Roofing Inc


MTL Holdings Mule-Hide Products PAC-CLAD | Petersen Southeastern Metals Union Corrugating


Atlas Roofing Corp

Carlisle SynTec Systems Continental Materials Inc Duro-Last Roofing Inc Everest Systems


Flex Membrane International GAF

Huntsman Building Solutions

Johns Manville

Mid-States Asphalt Mule-Hide Products Owens Corning PAC-CLAD | Petersen Versico Roofing Systems

Landscape Protection The Catch-All

Lightning Protection Carlisle SynTec Systems MTL Holdings

Metal Panels

Integrity Metals

PAC-CLAD | Petersen Reed’s Metals Union Corrugating

Metal Products Berridge Manufacturing Co GAF MTL Holdings

Metal Roofing

Drexel Metals

McElroy Metal Inc Metal Sales Manufacturing

PAC-CLAD | Petersen ProVia

Reed’s Metals Roof Hugger LLC Sabre Metals of FL LLC Tri County Metals Union Corrugating

Modified Bitumen

1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply Bitec Inc Bitumar USA Inc

Continental Materials Inc Johns Manville KARNAK Corp Mule-Hide Products Polyglass USA Inc

Restoration Systems Viking Products Group Retro-Fit Framing Roof Hugger LLC

Roll Forming Berridge Manufacturing Co

Roof Deck / Decking Materials

1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply

A.C.T. Metal Deck Supply

Atlas Roofing Corp

Carlisle SynTec Systems Chicago Metal Supply

Flex Membrane International FT Synthetics H.B. Fuller IKO Industries Inc Mule-Hide Products Polyglass USA Inc Reed’s Metals Union Corrugating Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions Roof Top Accessories

1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply Carlisle SynTec Systems Coastal Metal Roofing Sales LLC Continental Materials Inc Duro-Last Roofing Inc EXCEPTIONAL Metals


Flex Membrane International Johns Manville MTL Holdings Mule-Hide Products TRUFAST

Union Corrugating Viking Products Group

Roofing Panels Wheeling-Nippon Steel Inc

Safety Equipment Southeastern Metals

Sheathing Tape Palisade / IPG

Sheet Metal

1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply Chicago Metal Supply CIDAN Machinery

Coastal Metal Roofing Sales LLC Continental Materials Inc


Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing MTL Holdings Reed’s Metals

Sabre Metals of FL LLC Union Corrugating Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions


Single-Ply Roofing Systems

Carlisle SynTec Systems

Duro-Last Roofing Inc

FiberTite Roof Systems

Flex Membrane International H.B. Fuller Johns Manville KARNAK Corp Mule-Hide Products SOPREMA Versico Roofing Systems


Chicago Metal Supply Duro-Last Roofing Inc Flex Membrane International

Solar Systems Flex Membrane International Storage Solutions Reed’s Metals Union Corrugating Storm Damage Prevention Stormseal

Testing Equipment

H.B. Fuller

Tile Fastening Systems / Adhesives

Flex Membrane International GAF Geocel

ICP Building Solutions Group Soudal – Boss Products Titebond TRUFAST Viking Products Group

34 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023

Tile Roofing Systems

Crown Roof Tiles

Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions


1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply

D.I. Roof Seamers

Duro-Last Roofing Inc Equipter LLC

H.B. Fuller MAX USA

Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions


1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply Alpha ProTech Engineered Products

Atlas Roofing Corp Bitec Inc Carlisle SynTec Systems

Chicago Metal Supply

Continental Materials Inc

Drexel Metals

Duro-Last Roofing Inc EXCEPTIONAL Metals

Flex Membrane International FT Synthetics

Marco Industries MFM Building Products Mid-States Asphalt Mule-Hide Products Owens Corning PAC-CLAD | Petersen Palisade / IPG Polyglass USA Inc

Protecto Wrap Reed’s Metals Union Corrugating Westlake Royal Roofing Solutions


1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply

Atlas Roofing Corp Carlisle SynTec Systems

Coastal Metal Roofing Sales LLC

Eagle Roofing Products FL LLC EXCEPTIONAL Metals FLAMCO FlashCo O’Hagin Marco Industries Owens Corning Southeastern Metals

Waterproofing Systems

Bitec Inc

Carlisle SynTec Systems

Duro-Last Roofing Inc

Everest Systems

Flex Membrane International Johns Manville KARNAK Corp

MFM Building Products Mule-Hide Products

Polyglass USA Inc

Progressive Materials LLC PM Silicone Protecto Wrap SOPREMA

Viking Products Group Volatile Free Inc

Welding & Cutting Equipment

Flex Membrane International

Service Providers and Consultants


601 N Ferncreek Ave Ste 100

Orlando FL 32803-4899

Phone: 407-896-7875 Fax: 407-898-6043 www.arc-arc.com

Contact: Joseph J Williams RRC AIA jjw@arc-arc.com


34 Arlington Rd S Jacksonville FL 32216 Toll-Free: 800-741-7277 Fax: 904-722-8472 www.aaaconstructionschool.com

Contact: Rob Irion rob@aaaconstructionschool.com


AFLAC 7802 Kingspointe Pkwy Ste 208 Orlando FL 32819

Phone: 321-474-4847 www.aflac.com

Contact: Andrew Connors andrew_connors@us.aflac.com



3010 W Azeele St Ste 150 Tampa FL 33609

Phone: 813-600-3339 Fax: 813-438-7011 www.burbyengineering.com Contact: Jason Burby jburby@burbyengineering.com


1503 W Busch Blvd Ste A Tampa FL 33612

Phone: 813-961-3075 Toll-Free: 813-961-1031 www.beltengineering.com

Contact: Joseph Belt jbelt@beltengineering.com


1017 N “H” St Lake Worth FL 33460


1805 James L Redman Ste 201 Plant City FL 33563

Phone: 813-851-4173 www.cotneyconsulting.com Contact: John Kenney CPRC jkenney@cotneyconsulting.com

DATAFORMA INC 410 Kings Mill Rd York PA 17403

100 N Tampa St Ste 4000

Tampa FL 33602

Phone: 813-227-5501 www.adamsandreese.com Contact: Trent Cotney trent.cotney@arlaw.com

3610 Yacht Club Dr Aventura FL 33180 Phone: 407-403-3959 www.braunersafety.com

Contact: Jim Brauner jim@braunersafety.com


1872 Tamiami Trl S Ste G Venice FL 34293

Phone: 941-493-1886 ext 302 Toll-Free: 800-493-1886 Fax: 941-497-6325 www.floridaroofinginsurance.com Contact: Jerry Brown jerry@brownins.net

Phone: 561-722-9881 Fax: 561-582-8039 www.kcwand.com Contact: Katherine Cleary kc@kcwand.com


Phone: 866-764-9992 ext 0 Fax: 717-428-2126 www.dataforma.com Contact: John Wolfe jwolfe@dataforma.com


10405 Technology Ter Lakewood Ranch FL 34211

1912B Lee Rd Ste A1 Orlando FL 32810

Phone: 407-447-7663 Fax: 407-447-7665 www.crcroof.com Contact: Joshua Kilmer info@crcroof.com

Phone: 941-727-2600 Toll-Free: 877-577-7100 Fax: 941-758-5012 www.delta-engineers.com Contact: Steve Mainardi smainardi@delta-engineers.com

EAGLEVIEW 6814 Cabello Dr Jacksonville FL 32226 Phone: 866-659-8439 www.eagleview.com Contact: Tom Dring tom.dring@eagleview.com

36 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023

1301 N Congress Ave Ste 400

Boynton Beach FL 33426

Phone: 844-334-3378 Fax: 561-276-9492 www.estimatingedge.com

Contact: Dave Chapman marketing@estimatingedge.com


1225 Bennet Dr Unit 105-103 Longwood FL 32750 Phone: 407-951-8632 www.flodservices.com

Contact: Ingrid Celi flodservices@gmail.com


3855 N Econlockhatchee Trl

Orlando FL 32817

Phone: 407-671-3772 ext 127 Toll-Free: 800-767-3772 Fax: 407-679-0010 www.floridaroof.com

Contact: Keisha Martinez keisha@floridaroof.com


3855 N Econlockhatchee Trl

Orlando FL 32817

Phone: 407-671-3772 ext 157

Toll-Free: 800-767-3772 Fax: 407-679-0010 www.floridaroof.com

Contact: Lisa Pate lisapate@floridaroof.com



3855 N Econlockhatchee Trl

Orlando FL 32817

Phone: 407-657-7212 Toll-Free: 877-657-7212 Fax: 407-671-7014 www.frsacu.org

Contact: Marissa Tatum mtatum@frsacu.org






3855 N Econlockhatchee Trl

Orlando FL 32817

Phone: 407-671-3772 ext 123 Toll-Free: 800-767-3772 Fax: 407-679-0010 www.floridaroof.com

Contact: John Hellein john@floridaroof.com



4099 Metric Dr

1314 E Atlantic Blvd Pompano Beach FL 33060 Phone: 954-943-5050 www.furmaninsurance.com

Contact: Tyler Kocis tyler@furmaninsurance.com

GIDDYUP 16600 W Sprague Rd Ste 410 Cleveland OH 44130

Phone: 216-266-9596 www.igiddyup.com




Winter Park FL 32792

Phone: 407-671-3772 ext 200 Toll-Free: 800-767-3772 Fax: 407-671-2520 www.frsasif.com

Contact: Debbie Guidry debra@frsasif.com

Contact: Kelly Densel sales@igiddyup.com


1490 Hwy A1A Ste 301 Satellite Beach FL 32937 Phone: 321-433-4004 www.ioausa.com

Contact: Phillip Lane phillip.lane@ioausa.com

PBR Panel 5V & Millennium-V Call 877-358-7663 for a list of distributors in your area Proud Member M-Seam/Standing Seam Visit www.mmi2000.net for all of our Florida Product Approvals Rib Panel


3616 Harden Blvd Ste 242 Lakeland FL 33803

Toll-Free: 888-408-3242 www.iraerials.com

Contact: Jeff Carrillo jeff@iraerials.com


6676 Corporate Center Pkwy #107 Jacksonville FL 32216 Phone: 352-260-3731 www.itelinc.com Contact: Jacob Piazza jacob.piazza@itelinc.com


6770 Lantana Rd Ste 10 Lake Worth FL 33467

Phone: 561-434-3155 Fax: 561-434-3157 www.jackbrownandassociates.com Contact: Jack Brown jba@gate.net


8700 W Bryn Mawr Ave Ste 400N Chicago IL 60631-3642

Phone: 872-278-2400 Fax: 855-633-3327 www.jobba.com Contact: Drake Porter drake.porter@jobba.com


1626 Ringling Blvd Ste 400 Sarasota FL 34236

Phone: 941-927-8525 www.karins.com Contact: David Karins david@karins.com

L BO GREASE ENTERPRISES 12510 SW 89th Ave Archer FL 32618

Phone: 352-660-5965

Contact: Bo Copeland bo.copeland.uf@gmail.com

MAC’S CRANE SVC & ERECTION INC 865 Sheoah Cir Winter Springs FL 32708-2011

Phone: 407-699-7133

Contact: Clarence McDonald clarenceoldboy@aol.com


7006 Stapoint Ct Ste G Winter Park FL 32792

Phone: 407-960-1766 Fax: 407-960-1767 www.mallardsystems.com

Contact: Bob Qualters bobq@mallardsystems.com`

OZBEE LLC 5039 W Ave San Antonio TX 78213 Toll-Free: 888-686-9233 www.ozbee.com

Contact: Bradford Beldon CPRC info@ozbee.com

RIDGE VALLEY EXTERIORS INC 563 E Elkcam Cir Marco Island FL 34145

Phone: 866-574-9992 Toll-Free: 800-214-6316 www.ridgevalleyexteriors.com Contact: Derric Stull ashleys@ridgevalleyexteriors.com


PO Box 669052

Charlotte NC 28266

Phone: 704-393-9473 Toll-Free: 800-762-8361 Fax: 704-393-9479 www.rkhydrovac.com Contact: Ron Shafer rons@rkhydrovacnc.com


1767 Lakewood Ranch Blvd Ste 344 Bradenton FL 34211

Phone: 941-812-5996 www.rasfl.com Contact: Ron Kough rkough@rasfl.com


101 S Reid St Ste 307 Office 321 Sioux Falls SD 57103 Toll-Free: 866-556-7153 www.salestransformationgroup.com Contact: Ryan Growth info@salestransformationgroup.com

SCOPE TECHNOLOGIES 370 17th St Ste 5000 Denver CO 80202

Phone: 877-697-2673 Toll-Free: 888-MY-SCOPE www.roofscope.com Contact: Jerod Raisch jerod@myscopetech.com

TCG ROOF INSPECTIONS 4520 W Village Dr Ste B2 Tampa FL 33624 Phone: 813-310-5691 Fax: 813-963-6685 Contact: Thomas C Gans tgans11155@aol.com

VENTURE CONSTRUCTION GROUP OF FL 2654 SE Willoughby Blvd Stuart FL 34994-4700

Toll-Free: 866-459-8351 Fax: 561-892-0999 www.vcgfl.com

Contact: Stephen Shanton shanton_steve@vcgfl.com

38 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023
Service Providers and Consultants Index Aerial/Satellite Roof Management Commercial Roofing Consultants IR Aerials Scope Technologies Architect A/R/C Associates Inc Consultants Furman Insurance Roof Assessment Specialists Inc Educational Programs Brauner Safety Services FRSA Educational Foundation Financial FRSA Credit Union Furman Insurance Infrared Roof Scans Commercial Roofing Consultants Roof Assessment Specialists Inc Insurance Auto Furman Insurance Bonds Furman Insurance Claims Management FRSA Self Insurers Fund Furman Insurance General Liability Furman Insurance Health Furman Insurance Workers’ Compensation FRSA Self Insurers Fund Furman Insurance OSHA Compliance Training Brauner Safety Services Furman Insurance Roof Cleaning Mallard Systems Roof Consultant A/R/C Associates Inc Commercial Roofing Consultants Jack Brown & Associates TCG Roof Inspections Software Estimating Edge Jobba Trade Technologies Testing Services Cleary Inspection Services

Sales Representatives


Phone: 727-512-8581 www.deltarepgroup.com

Contact: Wayne Heironimus wayne@deltarepgroup.com


Winter Park FL 32789

770 Congress Ave Ste 1115

Boca Raton FL 33487

Phone: 561-523-6885 www.anusbigiansales.com

Contact: Mike Anusbigian mike@anusbigiansales.com

BOSS METALS INC 1750 Frankford Ave Unit D Panama City FL 32405-2657 Phone: 850-215-0102 www.bossmetals.com

Contact: Todd Pyron todd@bossmetals.com


FG BUILDING PRODUCTS 13400 Sutton Park Dr S Ste 1602 Jacksonville FL 32224

Phone: 904-900-5260 www.fgbp.com

Contact: Fred Hall fred@fgbp.com

FL. EQUIPTER RENTAL LLC 7533 Richardson Rd Sarasota FL 34240

Phone: 941-302-7823 www.flequipterrental.com

Contact: Dave Nisley flequipterrental@gmail.com

Phone: 303-294-0538 www.newtechmachinery.com Contact: Gabriela Blanco gabriela@newtechmachinery.com

PBP SALES CORP 1818 7th Ave N Ste 2 Lake Worth FL 33461 Toll-Free: 800-367-8168 Contact: Allen Zwickel pbpsalescorp@gmail.com


1155 E 54th St Indianapolis IN 46220

ROOF-A-CIDE WEST LLC 1640 Field Rd Sarasota FL 34231 Toll-Free: 877-258-8998 www.roof-a-cide-west.com Contact: Irene Graziosi irene@roof-a-cide-west.com

SANTAFE TILE CORP 8825 NW 95th St Medley FL 33178-1447

Phone: 305-885-9002 Toll-Free: 888-305-8453 www.santafetile.com Contact: Margarita Noguera mnoguera@santafetile.com



6817 Southpoint Pkwy Ste 202

Jacksonville FL 32216

Phone: 904-329-4391 www.compasssalesgroup.com Contact: Matt Murphy mmurphy@compasssalesgroup.com


LAZER-BOSTIK INC 12050 NE 14th Ave Unit 1 Miami FL 33161-6585 Toll-Free: 800-233-0076 www.lazermfg.com

Contact: Michael Roberts mikee.lazer@gmail.com


431 Cleveland Crossing Dr Ste 201 Garner NC 27529

Phone: 919-710-6515 www.liftinges.com

Contact: Tony Hutten tony@liftinges.com

204 37th Ave N Ste 352 St Petersburg FL 33704

Phone: 317-800-8444 Fax: 317-202-2802 www.raptorunderlayment.com Contact: Jesse Lindstorm jlindstrom@raptorunderlayment.com

LUCAS COATINGS 10101 General Dr Orlando FL 32824 Phone: 773-523-4300 www.rmlucas.com Contact: Tommy Griffey tgriffey@rmlucas.com

ROOF-A-CIDE 2421 SW 127th Ave Davie FL 33325 Toll-Free: 800-806-6727 www.roof-a-cide.com Contact: Christina Miele mielemgt@yahoo.com

700 Front St Unit 88 Boyne City MI 49712 Phone: 989-600-0572 www.tcparkerassociates.com Contact: Tom Parker tcp@tcparkerassociates.com

WALKER REP GROUP PO Box 560070 Montverde FL 34756 Phone: 352-552-1307 www.walkerrep.com Contact: Tom Walker tom@walkerrep.com

Sales Representatives Index









& Sealants
Sales Group LLC
Roof Tile
Sales LLC
Compass Sales Group
Sales Group LLC
Flashing Cement Lucas
Insulation Compass
Roofing Systems
Sales Group LLC
Sales LLC
Metal Machinery
Sales Group LLC
– Asphalt
Sales LLC
Roofing Systems
Sales Group LLC
Sales Group LLC
Fastening Systems
Sales LLC
Tile Corp
& Associates
Sales LLC
Sales Group LLC
Sales LLC
Sales Group LLC
Shakes Anusbigian
Skylights Compass
Underlayment Anusbigian
Ventilation Anusbigian

Ergonomic Guidelines – Using Four-Wheel Carts in Roofing, Part Two

In last month’s issue, we discussed overexertion in cart operations, cart condition and maintenance and tire selection. In this article we’ll address workspace setup and site pre-task planning.

Workspace Setup – Space Constraints

Space constraints or tight spaces, are common on a commercial roofing site. They come from physical restrictions of the site or are a by-product of bad workspace setups. Be cautious when pulling a cart in tight spaces as they require a higher degree of cart control precision and will increase the risk of overexertion. Here are some examples of space constraints.

Example 1: Poor workspace setup –

A temporary ramp is placed in front of a penetration, which creates a limited landing area for moving a cart onto the ramp. The landing is uneven and poorly set up. The worker has to overcome the uneven surface from the limited space and then pull along the ramp. This significantly increases the risk of overexertion.

Example 2: Narrow passage – Workers have to apply a greater force to position a cart into the narrow passage. The extra force could be adding 12 percent more pressure on the worker’s lower back and shoulder. Additionally, when moving a cart across the

narrow passage, extra force is needed to minimize lane deviation.

Example 3: Bad housekeeping – Construction debris sits along the path, forcing workers to pull the cart through a tight space. Overcoming and pulling over an obstacle in an open area is relatively easy.

40 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023
Dr. Ken-Yu Lin and Dr. Zhenyu Zhang, SHARE Lab College of Built Environments, University of Washington Example 1: Poor workspace setup Example 2: Narrow passage Example 3: Bad housekeeping Example 4: Improperly stored materials Example 1

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Example 2

Example 4

Example 3

An open space allows operators to build enough cart momentum and sustain relatively constant velocity before contacting the obstacle. In contrast, cart speed is relatively lower in a tight space like the example shown above. Operators cannot depend on cart momentum and thus need to apply a much larger force to not only get over the obstacle but also initiate the

cart movement. In this case, even a small obstacle will make a big impact.

Example 4: Improperly stored materials – Bundled materials are improperly placed in the path of cart movement which creates a very narrow passage for cart operation.

42 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023


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to Reduce Space Constraints?

■ Position the ramp at a better place to eliminate space constraints. Build a smooth landing for the ramp to ensure the path of travel is free of obstacles.

■ Team pulling or pushing is needed when the space constraint is unavoidable. Ensure good housekeeping so the path of travel is free of obstacles.

■ When an obstacle cannot be removed, keep an open and clean workstation so that workers can start by moving the cart at least two feet away from the obstacle. Always consider setting up a ramp to bridge an obstacle.

How many males can safely handle this task provided the different open space?

Chapter 3 - Workspace Setup


■ A two foot clearance is needed on both sides of hallways or passages to avoid space congestion.

It takes more than two feet to get a cart moving and significant pulling force is required during this time. This initial force is three times more than the forces required to sustain the cart movement. A tight space won’t allow a cart to move fully, so operators must continually apply the initial force, which increases the risk of overexertion.

Keeping an open space is extremely important when operators need to pull over obstacles. As shown in the diagram to the right, moving the cart at least two feet away can reduce injury rates by five to nine times because open space allows operators to move the cart fully and build momentum to overcome the obstacles.


Ramps provide an aid for raising or lowering material carts, but they will cause safety problems when not set up properly. Building a stable ramp with a gentle slope is the key to keep cart handling safe and productive.


Ramps provide an aid for raising or lowering material carts, but they will cause safety problems when not set up properly. Building a stable ramp with a gentle slope is the key to keep cart handling safe and productive.

Theresultsarebasedonanexperimentinwhichpeak/meanhandforcesweremeasuredwhenabrand-newfour-wheel roofingcartloadedwith500lbswaspulledbyoneoperatortoovercomea1.5”plywoodobstaclefromtraveldistances of0.5’,2’ and11’.Alldifferencesshownherearestatisticallysignificantatthelevelof0.05.Thestrengthpercent capablewasobtainedthroughsynchronizingposturalandforcedatainthesoftware3DSSPP. Furtheranalysisindicates thatoperatorsareexposedtoasimilarlevelofinjuryriskwhentraveldistancesaremorethan2’(including11’).

Protecting conduits

Bridging gaps between two levels of roof

Making a transition between two flooring surfaces

44 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023
Capability 2’ >2’ 1 out of 10 5 out
9 out
obstacles. As shown in the diagram below, starting by moving the cart at least two feet away can reduce injury rate by five to nine times. This is because the open space allows operators to move the cart fully and build momentum to overcome the obstacle. Travel Distance
of 10
of 10

How Can I Tell if a Ramp is Harmful?

Moving a cart over a four-degree ramp is unacceptable for 3 in 10 of the male population and presents little additional risk compared to a flat surface. However, a ramp soon becomes a hazard when it reaches eight degrees or higher. The time required to overcome the ramp also surges by 23 to 47 percent as the slope increases. This means that workers need to apply a greater hand force for a longer time when overcoming a steeper ramp, which will greatly increase the workers’ chance of getting hurt.

Ramps should be stable with a smooth running slope and landings. Poorly set up ramps often come with gaps, obstacles and ridges that are harmful. This is because workers cannot depend on the cart momentum to overcome these hazards while moving a cart over the ramp. In the following examples, a worker’s chance of injury increases from 10 to 90 percent because of these “small” problems.

This ramp was built with loose insulation boards. When a worker stood on the ramp, gaps were created between the two boards and between the running slope and the top landing.

■ Use heavy sheets to bridge gaps and make a smooth surface.

■ Extend ramp lengths or lower ramp rises to make certain the slopes are less than four degrees.

■ Some construction sites might not allow for a gentle slope because there is no room for extended ramp lengths or ramp rises are a part of the building structure and nonremovable. In these cases, a lower cartload is recommended.

These small changes will yield big results.

Uneven Running Slope, Uneven Bottom Landing

Here are some solutions to consider when building a ramp:

■ Plan ahead before building a ramp.

■ Secure boards the day before to stabilize the ramp.


Obstacles are common on a construction site. Moving a cart over an obstacle will increase the risk of overexertion. It is important to make certain that the path of cart movement is free of obstacles. Examples include tear-off debris, parapet walls, gas hoses or other conduits and gaps between different floor surfaces

46 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023
Uneven running slope Uneven bottom landing

? 1. When Team pulling/pushing is needed?

when installing roofing sheets. The larger an obstacle is, the riskier it becomes. Eliminate obstacles whenever possible:

■ Use tape or strips to secure boards and avoid movement.

■ Cut parapet walls. If an obstacle is immovable or unavoidable:

■ Plan ahead and select the best possible path of movement to avoid obstacles.

■ Reduce cartloads.

■ Use materials (e.g., plywood) to bridge the gaps created by obstacles.

Pre-Task Planning


< 960 lbs

> 960 lbs

Roofers often need to handle heavy materials. Even with the aid of wheeled equipment, roofing materials can still be too heavy for a single worker. We recommend 960 lbs. as the maximum load weight when one worker pulls a cart over a flat roof (maximum two hours per day). Given that most of the materials exceed a cart’s ergonomic load capacity, there is a high chance a worker can get hurt if teamwork is not adopted.

Roofers often need to handle heavy materials Even with the aid of wheeled equipment,

movement (enough space for movement, obstacle free).

Chapter 4 - Pre-Task Planning

Team Pulling or Pushing

Load weight directly determines the amount of force that workers must exert when handling a cart. By applying team pulling and pushing, workers can share cartloads and minimize the risk of overexertion. This ergonomic recommendation is particularly useful when physical hazards cannot be eliminated.

Useful Tips

Chapter 4 - Pre-Task Planning

day). Given that most of the materials exceed a car t ’s ergonomic load capacity, there is a high chance a worker can get hur t if teamwork is not adopted.

Chapter 4 - Pre-Task Planning

If you feel it’s too hard for employees to remember all the information regarding team pulling and pushing, warning signage will help. Keep these in mind: 30

2 bundles of insulation = 700 lbs.

2 bundles of insulation = 700 lbs.

2 bundles of insulation = 700 lbs.

In addition to preventing overexertion injuries, team pulling and pushing can help shape the safety culture in your workplace:

■ Encourages workers to watch out for each other and offer a helping hand when needed.

■ Empowers workers to build a habit of asking for help.

■ Develops a sense of unity as workers work toward the same goal.

When engaging in team pulling and pushing, set up the following guidelines:

■ Assign a team leader.

■ Determine a set of commands and make sure that everyone knows what to do when they hear a command.

■ The team leader should survey the field and pre-determine the path of cart

10 rolls of base sheets = 820 lbs.

10 rolls of base sheets = 820 lbs.

10 rolls of base sheets = 820 lbs.

10 rolls of cap/sanded sheets = 960 lbs.

10 rolls of cap/sanded sheets = 960 lbs.

10 rolls of cap/sanded sheets = 960 lbs.

1 bundle of 1/4” Densdeck 4’ × 8’ sheet = 1,600 lbs.

1 bundle of 1/4” Densdeck 4’ × 8’ sheet = 1,600 lbs.

1 bundle of 1/4” Densdeck 4’ × 8’ sheet = 1,600 lbs.

1 bundle of 1/2” Densdeck 4’ × 8’ sheet = 1,600 lbs.

1 bundle of 1/2” Densdeck 4’ × 8’ sheet = 1,600 lbs.

1 bundle of 1/2” Densdeck 4’ × 8’ sheet = 1,600 lbs.

www.floridaroof.com | FLORIDA ROOFING 47

■ Signage to assemble teamwork – when loading materials, a crane unloads bundled materials onto a cart which is then moved by workers to storage locations. By attaching signage to the bundled materials, workers will be reminded of an explicit prompt for team pulling.

■ Signage to articulate capacity – during installation, workers need to split bundled materials and transport them across a site. Signage can remind them of the maximum load sizes a worker can handle by themselves.

■ Carts can be remodeled to allow teammates to push more easily by installing a rear handle. Similar to the warning signage, this additional handle can offer a clear reminder to consider team pulling.

1 bundle of base sheet = 2,500 lbs.

1 bundle of cap/sanded sheet = 2,900 lbs.

1 bundle of PermaBase protection board = 2,800 lbs.

You may also consider engineering controls. Although the control might come at a cost, it can bring considerable long-term benefits. Mechanical devices, such as motorized push-pullers, can help workers pull carts that exceed the load weight limit. Note that motorized push-pullers are not suitable for all facilities as they require extra hallway space and steering room. When working on a large roof, a motorized cart is also an option which can be used to tow a cart or several carts together without the need for manual effort.

Job rotation


2. What

■ No awkward back angles involved (>30°).

are other benefits of team pulling/pushing?

What tasks should you consider when performing job rotation for cart operators? Consider these:

In addition to preventing overexertion injuries, team pulling/pushing can help shape safety culture in your workplace:

■ Assemble equipment or structures.

■ Inspect equipment or materials.

• Encourages workers to watch out for each other and offer a helping hand when needed.

■ Cut or install materials.

• Empowers workers to build a habit of asking for help.

• Develops a sense of unity as workers go towards the same goal.

■ Apply sealants or other protective coatings.

■ Smooth surfaces with abrasive materials or tools.

Job rotation requires workers to rotate between different tasks and can prevent workers from being exposed to some particular ergonomic stressors for extended periods of time. By being involved in different tasks, workers can also increase their skill base, enjoy the work opportunity and become more productive. Job rotation is recommended to prevent overexertion in cart handling.


A two-hour rotation schedule is recommended and each worker should be able to handle this task within an eight-hour work shift with no more than one pull every 30 minutes. No other heavy physical activities should be performed between pulls.

What Tasks Can Be Rotated?

From a biomechanical perspective, cart handling involves forceful, sustained shoulder elevation and a forward bending posture. Workers should be rotated through some tasks that do not involve these ergonomic risk factors. Here are some generic principles you can follow:

■ No forceful pushing or pulling of equipment or materials.

■ No forceful lifting or carrying of 50 lbs. or more.

■ No objects handled above the shoulders.

Before implementing job rotation, a qualified person should conduct a jobsite analysis to ensure that the same ergonomic risk factors are not involved. A “qualified person” is one who has thorough training and experience sufficient to identify ergonomic hazards in the workplace and can recommend an effective means of correction. Formal job rotation demands a consistent and systematic method. For more detailed instructions, visit www.ergo-plus.com/learn-job-rotation/ for a step-bystep guide.

Next month we’ll focus on developing an ergonomic intervention and provide you with a cart inspection checklist.


48 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023
Dr. Ken-Yu Lin and Dr. Zhenyu Zhang, SHARE Lab College of Built Environments, University of Washington developed Ergonomic Guidelines, Using Four-Wheel Carts in the Roofing Trade with funding and support for this project provided by the State of Washington, Department of Labor and Industries, Safety and Health Investment Projects (grant number 2018ZH00361). Chapter 4 - Pre-Task Planning


Managing a Successful Roofing Company, Part Two

Last month, in part one, we covered three of the five recurring and industry-wide risk elements to potential profit or failure for a roofing contractor. These included increased project size, unfamiliarity with new geographic locations and new and unfamiliar types of installations and services. In part two, we will focus on the effects of key personal changes and a lack of organizational maturity. We will close with a few items on evaluating contract profitability.

Changes in Key Personnel

There are three primary functional areas of a roofing company and each must be competently managed and supervised to be successful. The primary areas are:

■ Construction operations (do the work).

■ Estimating and sales (get the work).

■ Administration and accounting (managing the business).

A top-level manager in every successful roofing business is responsible for each area. In many cases, one person is responsible for all of them or two may share the responsibilities.

If your company is making a profit, it is because of the efforts of these individuals. If one of them leaves, there is by definition no track record of profitability for the new organizational team. This is a simple reality in business and even more so in the roofing industry.

Some may say, “My company makes money because of the great team of estimators and project managers we have assembled.” While this can be a contributing factor, successful companies do not entrust responsibility for primary functional areas of their companies to middle management.

The corporate structure is separate and distinct from your field organization. The top management team of a roofing company is tiny compared to other industries because the labor side of the business is field managed. Some contractors even subcontract a large portion of their labor. The quality of field management relies mainly on the quality of the key person or persons responsible for roofing operations. If a key person in charge of roofing operations in your organization leaves, your company is changed and at risk until their replacement proves that they can do the job profitably. Always keep in mind that operations provide your company’s entire cash flow.

On the estimating and sales side, one or more key persons will be responsible for your company’s pricing strategy. These managers will usually take on a direct role in the preparations of bids and will determine the final price. The takeoff and estimating team is a great asset to the company; still, the top managers put them together and are responsible for the success or failure of capturing the work. If one of these people leaves your company, the organization no longer has a proven team to get new work.

Often, administration and accounting are overlooked and undervalued by contractors. With some contractors, it is difficult to determine the top manager in administration and accounting because this function is not recognized as a primary area essential to a company’s success. It is often delegated to middle managers.

When a small size contractor runs the entire business, including such details as signing checks, they are engaged in accounting operations by paying bills and having continuous knowledge of bank balances. If loans are required, they are the ones who explain it to the banker. The contractor continuously communicates with relatively few people on their work in progress. As a result, poor paperwork and administration business impact is reduced. As the company grows and the staff increases, administrative and accounting duties can bring on additional stress. If a principal in a contracting firm is not responsible for this crucial primary function or does not have a capable manager in place, the business is improperly managed. In that case, the company has a severe problem and will not be successful.

Whether this area is appropriately managed by one of the principals or delegated to a senior manager, it is at risk if the person responsible for the company’s administration and accounting profitability leaves. The accounting staff, under new management, has no track record for monitoring the company’s progress with accurate fiscal information.

50 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023

To summarize changes in key personnel, one cause of failure is an inadequate replacement of the person or persons responsible for one of the three primary functional areas of the roofing company. Typically, the changes in key personnel that contribute to or cause problems, occur while the business is profitable.

Lack of Organizational Maturity

The term “managerial maturity” is used in this article to mean that roofing contractors’ managerial abilities must mature as their businesses do. They must change from doing everything themselves to building an organization that can do everything as well or even better than they did. Contractors unable or unwilling to change their organizations must either reduce their growth and level off or face the risk of outgrowing the business capabilities. Attempting to do $50 million worth of business with a $5 million organization structure is fatal. This element of failure may be the most widespread of all. It is often in conjunction with one or more of the above elements. It may be the contributing cause of all the other errors.

At some point in the growth of every contracting company, the organization must change from the founder’s hands-on approach on all business operational functions to becoming a more sophisticated business structure. Further delegation of authority is needed, more complex systems and procedures will be required and additional experienced people are necessary to handle them.

It would be nice if these changes evolved slowly over the growth period because they would be less drastic and more painless for the contractor to digest. But that isn’t how it works; the contractor can’t hire half of a person or install half of a new system. For proper delegation to succeed, owners must give up command and control. Many owners have great difficulty with that.

Knowing when and how to make organizational changes becomes an aspect of running a growing business and tests the entrepreneurial skills of the contractor. The organizational changes necessitated by growth take precedence over ones needed during prosperous times to ensure continued success. The key to success in management is not to eliminate all problems but to focus on the current ones of the organization’s lifecycle so it can grow and mature to deal with the issues at the next stage.

Evaluating Contract Profitability

I will close out with a few items on evaluating contract profitability. When discussing contract profitability, I am not referring to reviewing your contract to avoid any loopholes that may lead to less profit; I am referencing working without information. There is one thing worse than losing money on a roofing project; it is losing money and not knowing it.

Cost control is fundamental to managing your roofing business for a profit and is your primary function as an owner or top manager. All contractors who fail to profit do so because they didn’t make money in the field on their projects. The reality of our industry is that more than half of the failing contractors don’t know they are losing money until it is too late to do anything about it. Not evaluating contract profitability by project, month and activity is one of the most severe and avoidable causes of collapse and bankruptcy. Next month we will cover this vital subject and review the information and systems you need for success.

John Kenney, CPRC has over 45 years of experience in the roofing industry. He started his career by working as a roofing apprentice at a family business in the Northeast and worked his way up to operating multiple Top 100 Roofing Contractors. As CEO, John is intimately familiar with all aspects of roofing production, estimating and operations. During his tenure in the industry, John ran business units associated with delivering excellent workmanship and unparalleled customer service while ensuring his company’s strong net profits before joining Cotney Consulting Group. If you would like any further information on this or another subject, you can contact John at jkenney@cotneyconsulting.com.

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Mental Health Safety

Mental health and illness have become a hot topic in the media in recent years. Mental illness affects people in all stages of life: every race, ethnicity, industry, occupation and age. Many people recognize they are experiencing an overwhelming amount of anxiety or depression. Unlike other chronic conditions that typically do not become known to individuals until their 40’s or beyond, mental health concerns are common in many young adults and may last throughout their entire working career.

Many safety rules and topics taught at work should be observed at home also. While this statement holds true, so does the acknowledgment that our behavior at home affects our performance at work. Although work life and home life are most often two separate entities, actions in either will have a direct impact on the other. Mental health has a direct connection to productivity, injury, illness, health care expense as well as the overall morale of the worker and everyone around them.

It is estimated that 19 percent of American adults are experiencing some type of mental illness and 46 percent of full-time American workers are suffering from mental health issues, many of which go untreated. In 2021, mental illnesses such as depression were estimated to cost employers $51.5 billion in lost productivity according to the Journal of the American Medical Association.

“Increasingly, we are hearing from employers that mental illness is one of the leading causes of disability in their workplaces and we know that it is one of the most expensive,” stated L. Casey Chosewood, Director of the Office of Total Worker Health at NIOSH. “Mental illness also tends to worsen other underlying conditions. For instance, if someone gets injured at work and they also have an underlying anxiety or depressive illness, their likelihood of returning to work quickly goes down significantly and the cost of recovery goes up. There is a growing evidence base that shows a connection between workplace stress and the development of depression and anxiety disorders.”

Chosewood also stated “Mental health is not a very well-studied area; we need a deeper understanding of all the underlying issues at play. What we do know is that workplace stress is often the result of noticeably clear hazards and harmful job demands like long work hours, little autonomy or control by workers, inconsistent supervisory practices and a poor safety climate. These are all well-correlated with worker injury.” Even if no actual illness is diagnosed, it’s easy to imagine how a worker’s mental state might affect their ability to make good decisions and recognize potential hazards on the job.

Many employers are taking aggressive action to ensure workers maintain healthy stress levels by raising worker awareness of mental health issues and the importance of caring for their own mental well-being. Companies are hosting expert-led talks or trainings, encouraging their workers to take their vacation time regularly, reminding workers to take regular breaks throughout the day and utilizing apps on cell phones such as Headspace or Apple Health. Some employers are obtaining healthier supervision, asserting more realistic work demands, paying adequate attention to work hours and are providing resources to workers. Ultimately, the employee must find healthy ways to manage stress from both work and personal life. It is in the best interests of the employer to ensure employee stress is taken into consideration in all aspects of work.


The FRSA Self Insurer’s Fund (FRSA-SIF) has professional safety consultants throughout the state who provide SIF members with safety training at no additional cost. To find out if you qualify for FRSA-SIF membership, please contact us at 800-767-3772, ext. 206, or email alexis@frsasif.com. To learn more about the FRSA Self Insurers Fund, please visit www.frsasif.com.

52 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023
2023 Charity of Choice www.FloridaRoof.com /charityofchoice

Everyone pays the same workers' comp rate, but does your workers' comp insurance carrier provide you with the potential for a yearly dividend for operating safely? If not, you need to consider the FRSA Self Insurers Fund. These members received their share of $3 million during FRSA's Convention.

more information about joining the
206 or by
Self Insurers Fund, contact Alexis
800-767-3772 ext.
email: alexis@frsasif.com

Giving Back

FRSA Members Giving Back to the Community

Make-A-Wish Receives $125,000 Donation from RCASF to Grant Wishes to Children with Critical


The roofing community is making a splash in South Florida with the largest non-corporate donation to The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southern Florida as well as a substantial donation to the International Game Fish Association (IGFA).

The Roofing Contractors Association of South Florida (RCASF), an FRSA Affiliate, is a not-for-profit trade association whose purpose is to educate and foster a high standard of business ethics among roofing contractors and associate members. RCASF members “give back” to their community throughout the year by hosting several charitable events. The RCASF Fishing Tournament is the Association’s largest annual philanthropic effort. This year, the RCASF Fishing Tournament raised a record-setting $125,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and $20,000 for the International Game Fish Association’s Junior Angler’s Educational Program.

The 40th Annual Fishing Tournament was held at Hawk’s Cay Resort in the Florida Keys. The Awards Ceremony was held at the IGFA in August. Norm Wedderburn, CEO and President of the Make-A-Wish Foundation Southern Florida said, “RCASF truly believes in our wish granting mission. RCASF has literally changed the lives of thousands of people; children and their families, who are affected by critical illnesses. We are very grateful to RCASF for their continued support.”

“We are inspired by the work Make-A-Wish does to brighten the lives of children diagnosed with critical illnesses,” said Gene Fall, President of Certified Roofing and RCASF Fishing Tournament Committee Chairman. “We understand the impact that a ‘wish’ has on a child. It allows these kids to focus on a dream rather than hospitals and treatments. We are proud to support programs that can provide hope, inspiration and happiness, especially in the lives of children.”

As a non-profit receiving no government funding, Make-A-Wish relies on the support of donors to make wish granting possible. The RCASF Fishing Committee, a group of civic minded member volunteers, has already begun planning for next year’s tournament. The date is set for June 12-14, 2023 at Hawk’s Cay Resort with the goal of brightening the lives of even more children. They encourage donations of fishing related items for auction and financial sponsorships. If you would like to contribute, please contact RCASF. To learn more about RCASF members and sponsors, please visit our website at www.RCASF.org.

FRSA is proud of the volunteer work completed by members in the industry and would like to share those projects as often as possible. If you have a community service project you’ve completed, please send it to Lisa Pate at lisapate@floridaroof.com.

54 FLORIDA ROOFING | January 2023


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