Granite or Marble - Which One is Best for Kitchen Countertops?

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Granite or Marble - Which One is Best for Kitchen Countertops?

Kitchen countertops are one vital element of your home conduction project. Not only do they increase the aesthetic appeal of your home and complement the interiors, but they also provide space for comfortably preparing your meals. So, it is essential that you choose your kitchen countertops carefully so that you are able to receive maximum value for your investment.

In this respect, homeowners usually opt for two primary countertop options- granite and marble. Both are natural stones and are perfect for creating a functional and aesthetically appealing kitchen space. If you are having a tough time trying to decide which option to choose for your home, here, in this post, we will discuss which countertop option you should choose.

Read on to learn more.

A Comparison between Granite and Marble Countertops

Let us have a comparison between granite and marble countertops, which should be able to help you decide on the right countertop option.

Appearance of Granite and Marble Countertops

When it comes to appearance, many people prefer the natural elegance of granite countertops for their kitchen. This natural stone is available in a wide range of patterns and colours. Granite countertops often come with flecks and veins in black, red, gold or green hues.

Some other people prefer the distinctive elegance and veining that marble has. Marble countertops are usually available in black and white colours. The large veins that run across marble countertops and the patterns of this countertop material are more consistent than that of granite.

Installation of Granite and Marble Countertops

When it comes to installing granite and marble countertops, both materials are installed in the same way. However, it is essential that they are installed only by a qualified professional to avoid any mistakes or damage.

Maintenance of Granite and Marble Countertops

To stay in their best possible condition, both marble and granite countertops require routine maintenance.

Granite is a sturdy countertop material, and with proper sealing, it becomes resistant to stains. Kitchens that are used frequently throughout the day and handle heavy workloads require sealing every few months.

If the granite countertops develop minor scratches, you can address the issue with epoxy or resin with matching colour. However, professional help is necessary to repair cracks that are larger than an ice cube.

Marble countertops require regular resealing to stay in tip-top condition. They should be resealed every six months and within a quicker time if they have to handle more workload in the kitchen. Minor issues with marble countertops can be easily taken care of, just like granite.

However, the user must seek expert professional support for any bigger problem.

Durability of Granite and Marble Countertops

Both granite and marble countertops require proper sealing to stay intact for a long time. Granite is known as the most durable natural stone you can choose for your kitchen countertops. This elegant product is capable of resisting cracks and chips. When you choose to install granite countertops in your kitchen, you will be able to cut things right on the surface or put a hot pan without damaging it.

Marble, too, is a sturdy countertop material and resistant to damage. But it is more porous than granite and stains more easily. This natural stone easily gets affected by the spilling of acidic liquids such as vinegar or lemon juice.

Now you know the primary characteristics of both granite and marble countertops. As you see, both granite and marble are aesthetically appealing and long-lasting natural stone options. However, when it comes to investing in the right material for your home, you should definitely opt for granite countertops.

Although a bit expensive, granite countertops will stay in intact condition for a very long time. Their durability makes granite countertops worth your investment.

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