Heads Review - 2024 Issue 16

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Head’s Introduction

Compared to usual hustle and bustle of Roedean life, with fixtures and trips and redials and workshops, this week has been rather quiet. With two year-groups in public exams, and four more in end of year assessments, there has been a strong academic focus all week. I hope that the assessments have gone well.

I am pleased that the Surrey Storm trip last weekend was such a success – the girls loved the training sessions, and watching the game afterwards sounds like it was inspiring. Thank you to Miss Hammond and Miss Walsh for taking the girls.

There have also been some impressive individual sporting performances – congratulations to Maisa and Farah on their successes in the pool. I am also pleased that our Sea Swimmers’ training is going very well ahead of the Cross-Channel relay next month.

I hope that you all have a brilliant half-term, and I am looking forward to hearing about the South Africa Netball Tour, which set off today!

Roedean's Restored Equatorial Sundial

Diamond League Finals
Tennis on Our Wonderful
24 May 2024 – Issue 6

Roedean's Restored Equatorial Sundial

On Monday, the final stage of the restoration work to the equatorial sundial on the Front Quad was completed. The stonework was restored during the Easter break, but the metal work had to be taken off site for specialist repairs and cleaning work. It was exciting to see these pieces fixed back in place – and especially as we had a beautifully calm and sunny day, which was perfect for setting the sundial to the correct position.

The instrument is used to tell the time – with its hour face inscribed on the inner circular surface of the equatorial ring, the shadow of the fixed rod, called the gnomon, sweeps uniformly across the number, indicating what time it is.

This equatorial sundial was one of the first gifts to the School after we moved to our current site, and was donated by Sir John Simpson, the architect who designed the school buildings in honour of his daughter, Clara, who was at Roedean. As such, it is an important piece of the School’s history.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the restoration work, which is the second in the series of ORA Heritage Projects to be completed. We are now looking forward to the formal return to the School of the first of our newly-restored white naval ensigns, which will take place during our 80th D-Day anniversary celebration.

The Old Roedeanians’ Association launched the Heritage Projects almost two years ago, to raise the funds needed to preserve and restore several important historic features around the School. To read more about them, and to find out how you can support the remaining projects, please visit: https://community.roedean.co.uk/pages/ ora-heritage-projects or contact me on glc@roedean.co.uk

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Mental Health Awareness Month at Roedean

To mark Mental Health Awareness Month, members of staff have shared how they look after their wellbeing, rolemodelling balance and self-care to our students.

Roedean to Surrey Storm

On Saturday 18 May, 24 girls from Years 7 and 8 went to Surrey Sports ground to experience a full day of Netball.

When we arrived, the girls got changed and took to the court. This is the home ground for Surrey Storm, who are a franchise playing in the Super League. They were coached by two of the current coaches of the Surrey Storm U17 team. The main focus of the session was ‘always getting free for the ball’. This included making two movements and getting in front for the back up option.

They them moved onto some small-sided games, which linked nicely into match play. Both coaches gave us excellent feedback about how great the girls were and how well they listened to the coaching point, applying it to their game. After match play, we were fed and watered. This was a nice bit of down time before the big game.

That evening, Surrey Storm were playing Seven Stars. There was an opportunity to buy some merchandise before finding

our seats. Some of the girls bought mini netballs and foam fingers so that the players could sign them at the end of the match. Once we got to our seats, there was an MC getting the crowd warmed up. He came over to Dixie and asked her a few questions, including which team she thought was going to win. Luckily, she said the home team!

The centre pass kicked off the beginning of the game at 6:00pm and the excitement began. The girls really enjoyed the match, watching the positions that they play and appreciating how quick the pace of the game was.

The game wasn’t as close as we were all expecting, with Stars winning 69-42. At the end, we stuck around for some photos and signatures from the players. Everyone had a great time experiencing a day in the life of a netball player, and I’m sure some will be back again next year to relive the dream.

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Sea Swimmers

‘We arrived at Bewl Water Boathouse ready to jump in at 9:00am. The format of the qualifier was 90 minutes of continuous swimming, followed by a one-hour break to warm up and get dry, then another 60 minutes of swimming. We were very lucky that the water temperature was 15.9 degrees Celsius, just 0.1 degrees away from the maximum temperature for the swim to be official.

After the briefing, we slipped and slid down the ramp into the water. It felt very warm compared to the chilly sea temperatures we were used to – a nice start to the swim! Once we were all submerged, the whistle marked the start, and we set off around the 200m course. The first swim was 90 minutes, and I think we could all agree that time felt like it was standing still, but everyone managed to keep swimming, completing around 20 laps each, which is approximately 4 kilometres!

When the next whistle marked the end, everyone was ready to get out. We all rushed to get warm and refuel. Unlike the swim, the break flew by, and in no time we were putting our hats and goggles on to prepare for the next hour of swimming. During the briefing, we thought of ways to make the time fly faster and keep our motivation up, even though we were feeling a little tired.

800m Swim

When it was time to start the second swim, we carefully avoided the slippery ramp and got back in the water. Despite feeling a bit worse for wear, this hour went a lot faster than the first. We all managed to swim another 10 laps! When the hour was up, we eagerly hopped out of the water, happy that it was over but proud that we did it.

Success for Farah Maisa Qualifies for English Swimming Nationals

This weekend, Year 8's Farah swam an 800m Front Crawl race at her Club Championship, taking the Silver medal in a new PB of 11:22.02.

Farah is a committed and talented swimmer, who is consistent and dedicated to her training. This result is so well deserved. Well done Farah!

Ms Marek and Miss Donovan

Congratulations to Year 7's Maisa, who has qualified for the English Nationals, which will take place in Sheffield at the beginning of August.

But Maisa didn't just qualify for one event – she qualified for both the 200back and the 400IM.

What an amazing achievement!

Ms Marek and Miss Donovan

Well done, everyone! Thank you to Miss Wakeling, Ms Marek, Miss Donvan, Mr Serafimov, and Mr Moss for organising this and supporting us in the swim.’ Katherine (Year 8)
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Diamond League Finals

On Saturday, the Inter girls' Athletics squad made their way to Withdean for the Diamond League finals. Our performers achieved a huge range of PBs, with special shout outs to Kelly for getting a PB in triple jump, long jump, and 100m, and Megs, Aimee, and Romey, who all PBd in the High Jump, with Aimee jumping a huge 1 metre 50.

Bella won her 200m, with an exceptional finish, but the biggest highlight of the day was for Rosa, who had already placed in all three 200m events in the previous rounds. With the fourth day underway, she managed to bag the fourth win and was therefore crowned the winner of the 200m diamond league event across all Inter girls in independent schools in Sussex.

A huge well done to everyone involved!

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Head’s Weekly Review, please email: aws@roedean.co.uk

Sport Stars of the Week

Well done to this week's sporting stars! The Intermediate Athletes are the Team of the Week for qualifying for the regional Athletics Finals! Mr Campleman

Year 7

Maisa, for excellent performances in all things Swimming!

Year 8

Eva, for consistent effort and a brilliant attitude in all PE lessons

Year 9

Flo, for fantastic effort in Sports Leaders and Cricket this term

Year 10

Rosa, for incredible performances in Athletics competitions this term

Year 11

Kelly, for her brilliant improvement in Athletics this term and three personal bests

Year 12

Cathy & Julia, for a superb performance in House tennis this term

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Miss Bamford
13 October 2023 – Issue 6 HEAD’S WEEKLY REVIEW 24 May 2024 – Issue 6 HEAD’S REVIEW

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