Al Sicard Insurance Group

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Specializing in Digital Marketing for the Insurance Industry Presented to Al Sicard Agency Group

“Good content always has an objective: it’s created with intent. It therefore carries triggers into action.”

INTRODUCTION Our team at YPC Media is thrilled with the opportunity to showcase what we can do for your agency. This presentation will serve to explain our approach to best position your business for a triumph in meeting your goals. Our methodology is straightforward. Based on research of client needs and target markets, we prepare an array of options to help clients make the best informed decisions, develop content in a collaborative fashion, and consistently refine message and method as needed, ensuring effective, results-oriented marketing campaigns. There are five core elements that comprise the following proposal: Lead Generation Landing Pages, Social Media Management, Professional Business Listings, Reputation Management, and Digital Advertising. When used in conjunction, we believe positive synergy will create an exceptionally vibrant marketing strategy with greater results for your business. Communication is at the heart of all successful relationships, be they personal or professional, and we want you to fully embrace the idea that there is no question too small to ask, no suggestion too different to offer, or no concept too simple to clarify. YPC Media eagerly anticipates serving the integraed marketing needs of your agenciy locations in whatever capacity you may need! We look forward to sharing our campaign vision on the following pages.

LEAD GENERATION: DURING & AFTER-HOURS A interactive landing page makes an instant impression on anyone who views it and sets the tone for internet presence and a positive business relationship. Powerful, thoughtprovoking imagery, consumer-friendly navigation, and relevant content need to greet and engage the potential client. YPC Media will design a customized, modern, device-responsive website that is structured to engage site visitors, instill interest and elicit a warm lead! Our Lead Bot will act as your virtual receptionist during the business day and after hours, handing you & your team the warm lead directly to your email.

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT Social media is vital in validating your company’s relevance. Your social media presence, when done correctly, tells consumers that you are an active and focused entity both in your industry and your community. Recent research shows that 63% of consumers who search for businesses online are more likely to use ones with an informative social media presence and are more likely to become loyal customers. 71% of consumers who received a quick response on social media would recommend the brand to others. YPC Media is proficient with all social media platforms: 1 Facebook 2 Twitter 3 Instagram 4 YouTube 5 LinkedIn 6 Google My Business


The goal is to reach, educate and ask the public to engage with your brand using creative content, videos, your website, and more. Social media will allow us to brand the message and tell your story on platforms used by your targeted audience. We will post and incorporate the following components utilizing the best available consumer data:

--Facebook & Instagram advertisements hyper-targeted to pre-qualified prospects. --Key consumer behaviors easily identified. (New home or car purchases, relocation, etc.) --Display advertisments on Facebook & Instagram’s News Feeds & Stories. --YPC Media pays for all ads each month.

“In Social Media the squeaky wheel gets the oil. You have to put yourself out there, to find the people who will relate or even debate with you, depending on what you are looking for.� Jessica Northey (@Jessicanorthey)

REPUTATION MANAGEMENT Our team will respond to & encourage reviews.

--Timely responses to negative inquiries. --Provide your team best practices to encourage positive reviews from satisfied customers.

Online Channels Monitored:

--Social Media --Google My Business --Top Review Sites

BUSINESS LISTINGS MANAGEMENT Standout Local - Geo Targeted Organics – Google Maps

--We target specific zip codes. When the consumer is located in these areas your listing shows based on ranking. --Google bases results off of your physical location. --The #1 way consumers search.

SmartListings Network Local Maps - Google, Apple & Bing SpeedListings - Update information across 70+ Sites Virtical Directory Network

DIGITAL ADVERTISING Google Ads Management Google Search Network

-- Display your Google Ad at the top of a Google search results page. You pay each time your ad is clicked (Pay-per-Click) -- Targets Industry Branded keywords where people are more likely to convert (“Nationwide Quote” “State Farm auto insurance”) --Creates leads & direct clicks-to-call to your office.

Standout Again

Google Ads Display Network --Google Ads is split into two networks, the Search Network and the Display Network. --When advertising on the Search Network, businesses place text ads in the search results. --On the Display Network, businesses instead place display ads on a huge network of sites across the internet. --Targeting a highly specific audience to reach the right consumer at the right time allows us to target people who are most likely interested in your products based on consumer behavior.

Imagine our conversation about performance sounding like this...

“Your agency had 400,239 people see your ad that met our targeting criteria and 2,620 clicks to your website.”

Google Ads Competitor Branded Campaign

Click-to-Call Ads

Total Marketing Investment Enterprise Client (14 Locations)

--Standout Local Diamond Agent (All Locations) $6,500 package per locale.


--SmartListings (complimentary) $ ---Local Maps Update (complimentary) (Google, Bing, Apple

$ --

--Reputation Management (complimentary)

$ --

--SpeedListings Network (complimentary) (70+ sites)

$ --

--Vertical Directory Network (complimentary)

$ --

--Site Enhancement (complimentary) $ -(Microsite, Facebook, Yelp) --Google Ads Management (All Locations) $2,000 per locale.


--Standout Social Media Management (All Locations) $5,000 per locale. Ad-Spend Included


--Standout Again (Google Ads Digital Management) (All Locations) $5,500 per locale. Ad-Spend Included


Enterprise Discount


Total Package Investment $240,000

Thank you for considering YPC Media as your marketing solutions expert.

Robert Bianchi Director of Business Development, Insurance 585-410-6655

280 Kenneth Drive, Suite 300 | Rochester, NY 14623 |

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