Rocky Point Times June 2017

Page 18


The Rocky Point Times Newspaper • (011-52-638) 383-6325 • US (480) 463-6255

Are You Ready For Some Some Some... SUMMER!!! Fo’ Sho…Rocky Point Style!

By Mark Paliscak

Wow, what a FANTASTIC couple of months of Spring Breakers we had in Rocky Point! From the young to the ‘not so young’, everyone looked to be enjoying themselves as the beaches were full, the Sea of Cortez was warm, the restaurants and cantinas were rocking, and our town looked very festive. Semana Santa had Old Port packed again as the celebration of Easter and the live enactment of Jesus showcased the Malecon. Competition Hill had a steady stream of ATV’s, cars, SUV’s and any other motor devices that could make it up the mountain. The flow of motorized vehicles was even more impressive at night with the array of lights and sand screaming off Competition Hill. Oh, what fun! Speaking of fun and April Fool’s pranks…what a whopper of a story do I have for you all. But first, I googled the history of April Fool’s Day to see actually how the whole concept even started. It turns out, that back in 1582, France agreed to switch from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar and thus they “lost 10 days”. Those that did not receive the news and continued to think the date was early April were the “fools”, hence April Fools. The hoaxes played on each other were putting paper fish on each other’s backs to become the butt of the jokes and the fish were referred to as “poisson d’avril” (April fish). I have always been a big fan of jokesters and pranks and boy I must say, the folks over at Tekila Bar get the award for APRIL FOOL’S PRANK OF THE YEAR! And, as in all cases the prank is usually played on one unsuspecting person…ok, call ME lucky or unlucky…I guess mixy mulato and how you look at things. WELL…my friends Princesa, Tomas, Ash-A-Lay and Patricio invited me out for a little late afternoon fun over at Tekila Bar. After a fair amount of beach time, I was all in. So, we cruised on over to Old Port and headed on down to Tekila Bar. Well, as we were walking

down the street you could already hear the celebration starting and the entrance was decked out in giant balloons arched over the entrance. As my friends and I walked up, I hear the emcee on the sound system counting 98, 99 and 1 Millionth customer! BOOM!!! Confetti flew from everywhere down from the ceiling (I thought we won the Super Bowl…just couldn’t remember playing) and, I am handed a GIANT CHECK for $5000! I was totally shocked! They asked me my name and were commenting about how lucky I was! Everyone was rushing up to me saying “Congrats Marco” and such. Then, the sweet, lovely emcee turned a little icy, when she had everyone scream out APRIL FOOLS! OMG… you ALL got one of the original Jokesters himself…In the end, we all got to sing a little ditty that I’ve been hearing around town...” On a scale of 1 to 10…” And, best of all, I realized I had the most amazing friends in the world that went to that trouble and production just to prank me. Thank you so much…Shayna Sargent and Jorge and Jerry Gaona, Pashley and all you other devils who helped with the production…

You are, simply the best! 2017 Rocky Point Times Photo Contest Winner Congratulations to Bill Bailey of Rifle, Colorado/Puerto Peñasco for his WINNING photo in the Rocky Point Times Photo Contest. Special Shout out to Marissa DeBartolo and Dianna Brader for the fabulous Lagunitas Brewing Company gift basket. You two really went all out with the basket and we all thank you from the Rocky Point Times and we also thank Jose Flores from the Boo Bar for his support. Way to go BILL BAILEY! Second place was won by Virginia Vovchuk from

Tubac, Arizona. Congratulations to both! And, it’s that special time of the year again…CIRCUS MEXICUS is here starting on June 8th through June 11th. It’s sure to be a blast as always, and please look for a certain Rocky Point Times writer who will be bartending the concert on Friday and Saturday nights…(now

that’s a side show you don’t want to miss J). Have a blessed month and I hope to see you all at the Roger Clyne shows! Always remember, let your smile change the world, not the world change your smile. ADIOS AMIGOS God Bless

Home on Wheels By Rob Baylor

Growing up in Montana, we had never heard of RV’S. I guess I’m exaggerating. There were a lot of trailers, straight pull type. And we don’t want to forget the famous Gooseneck! We used to rent a 16 ft. Shasta for the weekend for $15 dollars a day. Then up to the side of a stream, bring out all the normal stuff. First is the beer cooler, then food, and sleeping bags for the kids. OH! I forgot, Beer Cooler, fishing stuff (more important) than the food. Now on to the Horseshoes which I always lost at! Do you remember sitting in the water on your webbed lawn chair, cooler nearby, facing up stream? Beer, water, fishing, food and then the rest of the stuff! Then one time Old Whats’ Her Name (OWHN), my last wife, overheard a man asking if anyone wanted to buy an 8 ft. pickup camper cheap. We bought it for $50, did a little fix up and headed out. We took that camper into places that would be hard to walk into. We used it for five years and sold it for $75. Try that now! In Montana, at a pretty high elevation of 4000 ft., it cools down pretty good at night. Then you get up at 06:00, so you can have coffee and go out and catch some fresh little Brooke trout, for fried potatoes and eggs. What could be better? But there is always a kicker. You have to cross this stream to get to the good spot. Water is about minus100 degrees at least when it starts to get up a little high and you’re already on your tippy toes. You get a bite, fish on (water isn’t so cold now!). Fast forward to 2017!! Campers are now called RV’s which rent for $100 plus a day and mileage plus gas. I graduated from a 16ft to a 28ft and then a 40ft. The 40ft is permanent and the 28ft is an escape RV for when the world starts getting you down. No up in the woods, next to a stream with minus 100 degree water at 06:00. NO LITTLE STREAM Brooke Trout to cook with eggs and fried potatoes. But all is not lost! I have been out on the water here in Rocky Point about 200+ times, caught a ton of fish, none of which goes to waste. I have fish fries at the Playa Bonita RV Park. Residents and guests gather, and we serve between 50100 people at various times. If I have fish left over, they get donated to the local poor. And, And, I don’t have to wade on my tippy toes. Come and see us, there is always room for one more fishing trip. When you get to the park, ask the office where I live. I am always happy to meet new people and take people out fishing. See you soon…

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