Emerald Coast Parent Magazine Nov+Dec 2018

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November+December 2018

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November+December 2018





More Meaning, Less Stress: 8 MemoryMaking Christmas Traditions that Discourage Materialism


How We Helped Our Sons Learn the Value of Giving Back: A Three-pronged Approach to Giving

9 10


Family Chatter......................................................................22 That’s Good to Know!........................................................24 Show Her You Care, Show Him You Care........ 25-26 Teach Your Kids Something New!............................... 28 Snacks—Recipes for Tasty Get-togethers................30 Crafts—Get Creative with Your Kids............................34


Do Naps Make Kids Smarter? The Science of Napping


Take the Stress out of Family Holiday Photos: T he key to a stress-free photo is flexibility, preparedness, and just being yourselves.



Teen Talk Helpful Advice from One Teen to Another


Looking for fun, adventure, and great food? Experience life to the fullest by discovering new tastes and fun-filled experiences—the Emerald Coast has it all. Enjoy!


Get to know the people, places, and things that make the Emerald Coast special! Seasonal.................................................................................45 The Arts | Runs, Walks, & More | Sounds Fun........ 46 Reoccurring Local | Volunteer........................................ 47


Living life to its fullest begins with staying healthy, fit, and safe.

Spark up some lively conversation with your kids. Take the FamilyChatter Challenge.

22 FamilyChatter

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4 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine

By Shannon Dean

MORE MEANING, LESS STRESS 8 Memory-Making Christmas Traditions that Discourage Materialism If Christmas is the backdrop for some of your fondest childhood memories, you are not alone. Many people cherry-pick their very best holiday recollections and carry them into adulthood. A recent poll found that Christmas is overwhelmingly the most popular and widely practiced of all holidays. Regardless of religious affiliation, 9 out of 10 people celebrate some form of Christmas. MORE MONEY, LESS JOY: Since most people cite simply spending time with loved ones as their favorite holiday activity, it’s surprising that we’re increasingly allocating precious resources on activities that we don’t actually enjoy. Statistics show that, year over year, we’re actually spending more money and time on stressful obligations that don’t contribute to our holiday bliss.

Ironically, experts tell us that keeping Christmas simple makes it more magical. Our pleasant childhood memories come not from gifts, but from warm feelings or pleasant experiences. A reassuring study out of Knox College confirms that most people feel the greatest holiday joy participating in soothing activities with loved ones. Conversely, when the focus is about gift giving, joy plummets and stress increases. The researchers concluded, “Simply said, a focus on materialism, while perhaps beneficial for the economy, distracts people from the true meaning of the season.” Parents who want to tame modern holiday consumerism face the not-so-subtle message that only substantial amounts of money and effort bring substantial holiday satisfaction. To counter these assumptions, here are 8 inexpensive suggestions for creating a meaningful holiday that your kids will hopefully pass on to their own children.

EXCHANGE STOCKING LETTERS OF APPRECIATION: To place the focus on connections rather than on

gifts, fill stockings with letters of appreciation. The letters might

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RESOURCES: Here are some free or inexpensive resources that you can use to make Christmas more meaningful. Stationery for Stocking Letters: This website offers Christmas-themed paper that you can print out for your stocking appreciation letters. There are many free patterns from which to choose. https://www. freeprintablestationery.net/category/christmas Local Holiday Displays: Type in your address to find Christmas light displays near you. https:// www.christmaslightfinder.com To Volunteer Your Time to Help Others: VolunteerMatch allows you to enter your location and interests to then be matched with organizations that could use your help. You can limit your search to opportunities that include children. https://www. volunteermatch.org/

APPS AND WEBSITES TO CREATE A SENSE OF WONDER: Santa on NORAD: The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) allows your child to track Santa’s whereabouts on Christmas Eve. http:// www.noradsanta.org Santa’s Magic Phone Call App: This app allows children to receive phone calls and texts from Santa. Parents choose the content of the messages. On Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/ apps/details?id=com.pelkinsoft.magicSanta App&hl=en_US On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ santas-magic-phone-call-text/id478267541?mt=8 Catch a Character App: Parents can take a picture of their home or Christmas tree and the app will insert Santa into the photo, making it appear that Santa has been caught in the act of delivering presents. https://catchacharacter.com/ Reroute Santa: If your family travels for the holiday, use this website to reassure worried children that Santa will still be able to find them. http:// www.reroutesanta.com Kids’ Christmas Tree: Here is an example of a children’s felt Christmas tree with removable ornaments. You could easily customize this to meet your family’s needs. https://www.joann.com/makersguide-playtime-childrens-tree/3565881P89.html

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outline what makes each family member special. You might also mention any enjoyable memories from the previous year or what made you proud of the recipient. Even small children can draw a picture that expresses their appreciation. Many people keep these letters forever.

ENJOY A COZY NIGHT OF CHRISTMAS MOVIES AND BOOKS: A fun way to encourage both the activities and the togetherness

that researchers found important is to host a Christmas movie and book night. Invite extended family. Make popcorn, s’mores, and hot chocolate. Snuggle up in cozy blankets or matching pajamas. (Don’t forget to take photos for next year’s holiday mantel.)

SENSORY DETAILS HELP CEMENT FOND MEMORIES. TAKE IN SENSORY SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Sensory details help cement fond memories. Pile into the car, crank up the Christmas music, and take in the sights and sounds of the holiday. Some families visit the same destinations every year, while others like to explore new locations. Many communities, schools, and organizations host holiday-themed plays, events, or shows that are either free or inexpensive. Some families attend annual religious services. ENJOY A STRESS-FREE MEAL TOGETHER: Many families work hard to prepare a feast on Christmas day, so it’s fun to enjoy a labor-free meal before the big day. Visit your family’s favorite restaurant, order in, or share a simple dinner. (This tradition is also beneficial for blended families who may have multiple homes to visit.) With your family at the table, use this opportunity to tell your kids about your own holiday memories and to talk about what Christmas truly means to each member of your family. The conversation may surprise, touch, and reassure you. GIVE TO OTHERS: Whether it’s choosing an angel from an angel tree, making a meal for others, or visiting someone who could use a lift, allow your kids to feel the spirit of giving. The winter holidays are the perfect time to remind children that it can be more meaningful and lasting to give than to receive. Even better, giving feels good and will instill lasting values and memories that can broaden your family’s definition of the true meaning of Christmas.

6 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

CREATE A SENSE OF WONDER: Barbara Kilikevich, author of A Mindful Christmas: How to Create a Meaningful, Peaceful Holiday, assures families that Santa can be an important part of Christmas, since he “represents wonder, imagination, and maybe most importantly, belief.” Many families will limit Santa’s contribution to one special gift. Some suggestions for enhancing a child’s sense of awe: leave ink-smudged “coal” fingerprints as proof of Santa’s snack; spray-paint red “sleigh” landing strips on the lawn; ring sleigh bells at bedtime; use apps to track and communicate with Santa. (Older siblings love setting up these experiences for younger kids.)

MAKE DECORATING A GROUP EFFORT: It may seem more efficient to leave holiday decorating to the adults, but joint family decorating offers a unique opportunity to create a festive environment as a team. Some families use a children’s tree or wreath to safely include kids in the process. Others string popcorn or make paper snowflakes. Another idea is to allow kids to choose or make an ornament that reflects their accomplishments or experiences for that year. GET CREATIVE WITH GIFT GIVING: To demonstrate that the thought behind a gift is more important than the price tag, many families find inexpensive but creative ways to limit spending and to maximize meaning. Examples include drawing names and mandating that all gifts for adults be either handmade, contributions to charity, or under $10. These limitations mean that thoughtful effort goes into gift giving, which makes the exchange much more meaningful. Most of us want a holiday that is about “connections, family, and caring for others,” says Kilikevich. “We have to stop buying into the notion that more is better and that extravagant, expensive gifts are equal to how much we care for and love one another.” Very few of us still have the possessions of Christmases past. Instead, we have lasting memories that will always warm us. With a little creativity, we can provide the same for our own families. Author Shannon Dean’s favorite Christmas gift last year was a $10 pair of vintage bobby pins that were similar to a pair owned by her grandmother. v Shannon Dean is the mother of two sons. She enjoys writing about the health and well-being of families.

EC Parent Magazine • November+December 2018 • 7

By Lisa A. Beach

How We Helped Our Sons Learn the Value of Giving Back Giving back to others tops the list of life lessons we’ve tried to teach our two boys since they were little. To drive this point home over the years, we adopted a three-pronged approach to giving: we donated our money, gave away our things, and offered up our time. Sometimes we did this as a family, while other times, it was a solo effort. But the net result? We infused our family with the spirit of giving.

accumulate for months until we found a worthy cause to help. Then, we’d match them dollar for dollar and donate the money outright or purchase items and then donate them. Over the years, our family has given money in a variety of ways, usually tying into something that will benefit other kids.

Giving Our Money When my boys (now 15 and 18) first started receiving an allowance, my husband and I made them divvy it up into three jars: spending, saving, and giving. Their giving jar coins would

We bought backpacks, school clothes, and school supplies every August and donated them to organizations conducting back-to-school campaigns to help needy kids in our community. Every Christmas, the boys would each pick a name off of the Angel Tree at our church and then we’d all shop for gifts. Another year, we pooled money with several families to help out a boy on my son’s soccer team whose family was really struggling financially. We bought coats, clothes, toys, books and new bicycles for the soccer buddy and his three brothers, plus food and even a few presents for his parents.

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By Sandi Schwartz

Do Naps Make Kids Smarter? When my children were infants and toddlers, nap time was a sacred part of the day—mainly because it gave me a much-needed break. I scheduled meals, play dates, mommy and me classes, and errands around their naps. I dealt with plenty of pushback from friends and relatives for sticking to this schedule. They didn’t understand why I had to leave early or arrive

late to some events. Deep down I knew that it was best for my children—they needed that nap or they’d be cranky, which would ultimately lead to chaos later in the day. But another secret to my napping obsession was that I had read how naps can actually make kids smarter. What parent doesn’t want to do everything possible to help their kid get ahead in life, right? Continued on page 13

ItsYourMagazine.com • EC Parent Magazine • November+December 2018 • 9


The holiday season is right around the corner and with it comes the stress of the perfect family photo. This is the photo we post on social media, include in our holiday cards, and share as gifts for the grandparents. It is understandable that you would want to capture your family at their very best. The key to a stress-free photo is flexibility, preparedness, and just being yourselves.

What should we wear? You are a family, so you want to show some form of connection, but let your different personalities shine through. Don’t force your tomboy daughter to wear a dress like her sisters if it makes her uncomfortable. If you want her to bring that smile you love, help her to pick out something more her style. For a cohesive picture, choose a color theme but don’t make everyone wear the same blue shirt. Let your individuality show by wearing slightly different shades of blue in patterns or solids mixed in with neutral colors like black or khaki.

10 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Setting Choose a place that defines who you are as a family. Shabby-chic barn scenes are very popular right now, but if your family prefers the beach, the mountains or a baseball field, capture your holiday picture in those settings. You may also consider using your home as your setting. Choose your front porch, favorite tree or in front of the fireplace. Don’t discount photo studio backgrounds. The benefit of taking the photo indoors means no rainouts and better control of the lighting.

How should we pose? If you look at the first family pictures taken in the late 1800s, everyone is seated around the eldest family members and looking into the camera. This formal pose is classic but limiting. Why not get on the floor, climb a tree, or hold up signs. Pinterest is a great source for finding family photo poses with and without props.

Pets or not?

Pets are very much a part of our family but don’t always cooperate as we would like them to. A few years ago, we chose to include our two black labs in our family photo taken in a forest preserve. There were so many distractions for our dogs, including other people, animals and smells, that we chose to only include them in one pose. The picture shows our human family all smiling for the camera while our dogs looked in opposite directions, unable to understand our pleas to look at the photographer.

Have fun with it! Find a way to tell your family’s story in a picture. Family friends of ours are St. Louis Cardinal fans and decided to take a Continued on page 12 EC Parent Magazine • November+December 2018 • 11

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studio-style family picture in their jerseys. Their youngest daughter, a Cubs fan, chose to wear her team’s jersey. In the picture, the Cubs fan stood in the middle with a big smile on her face while her family of Cardinal fans stood around her frowning with their arms crossed.

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e April 2018 Parent mag.indd 1

How to limit meltdowns Give yourself plenty of time to take the photographs you want and schedule them around your family’s best time of the day. Make sure everyone has eaten before picture time and bring snacks for unexpected delays. When my kids were younger, I was not ashamed to bring bribes—candy or a small toy as a reward for keeping it together. Allow your child’s favorite toy or blanket to be included in the picture, even if it is not picture worthy. You are capturing a moment and, at that moment, that is part of your child. 4/23/2018 10:14:50 AM

Bring a friend No, I am not suggesting that everyone brings a friend to your photo session. What I am suggesting is that you have a trusted friend who can make you all laugh, get the attention of a distracted baby or pet, and see the picture through the eyes of someone who knows your family. A professional photographer might not know it annoys you that your son clenches his teeth when he smiles, but your friend can help to make him relax and show his natural smile.

Professional or Amateur We have taken our family pictures ourselves, allowed a friend to take them, used a mall photographer, and used a professional photographer both offsite and in our home. I have honestly liked them all for different reasons. Choose the one that fits your budget and the best way to tell your family’s story today—not what you think your story should look like in 10 years. v

Pam Molnar is a writer, mother of three, and amateur photographer. This year’s holiday card will include a simple iPhone picture showing the family making memories on a sunny day. 12 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine

Continued from page 9

Babies who nap are more likely to show an advanced level of learning.

The Science of Napping The study that caught my attention was released in 2010 by the University of Arizona. It found that babies who nap are more likely to show an advanced level of learning known as “abstraction.” This is the ability to identify a pattern in information. Naps actually help the brain retain new information more effectively, allowing infants to learn more about their surroundings. During this study, researchers played the same phrase from a made-up language to 48 15-month-olds over and over again until they were familiar with it. Testing showed that toddlers who slept within four to eight hours of hearing the phrase displayed more abstract learning. This was not the case for children who did not take a nap within the same time frame. Why does this happen? Infants have mostly REM sleep, which involves intense dreaming as a result of heightened brain activity. Children need to experience REM sleep within a reasonable amount of time after learning new information in order to process it. If they don’t sleep within four to eight hours, they will not be able to retain as much information. Continued on page 16

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Through Children International, we sponsored a boy named Spencer from Zambia for 10 years, helping to provide food, clothing, medical care, and other necessities. The boys would chip in from their giving jar when we sent in our monthly sponsorship gift.

families. This magical 70-acre resort allows “wish” families to take a break from medical tests, doctor visits, and therapy appointments and just have fun together. We served ice cream, made milkshakes, distributed pool towels, handed out games, and even served as “engineer” for the train ride around the resort. Our boys have volunteered more than 150 hours on their own over the last few years. They painted murals for the library’s puppet shows, doled out food at a food pantry, refereed soccer games at the YMCA, distributed school supplies at a back-to-school fair, worked as a summer camp counselor for the Down Syndrome Association, and provided social media marketing for a non-profit’s fundraiser. My husband served as a volunteer coach for my son’s soccer team (first through the YMCA and then through other youth soccer leagues) for almost 10 years, teaching soccer skills right alongside good sportsmanship.

• Giving Our Things When we donated the very things we owned and loved, it was almost like we were sharing a part of ourselves with others. Over the years, we’ve donated hundreds of things that our family no longer needed.

• •

As our growing boys regularly outgrew their clothing and toys, we donated them to Goodwill, Salvation Army, and various community organizations. We literally raided our sons’ closets one chilly night when we found out that the previously mentioned soccer buddy and his older brother didn’t have any long pants to wear. As a homeschooling family, we accumulated a lot of books and magazines. After we finished reading them, we’d often donate them to local schools and our public library. When my boys outgrew their beloved wooden train set, they donated it (along with the wooden train table my husband built) to Boys Town for the young residents to enjoy.

• •

Giving Our Time

Sometimes we volunteered as a family. Other times, my husband and I did our own volunteering gigs, partly out of our passion for the cause and partly just to model a giving heart in action.

As a family, we volunteered with Give Kids the World, a wish-granting organization that provides a free vacation to kids with life-threatening illnesses and their

14 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

When the boys were in public school, I volunteered in their classrooms and served on various PTA committees. When the boys were homeschooled, I volunteered to help lead, coordinate, teach or participate in various projects, events, classes and activities for our homeschool support group.

Over the last decade or so, our three-pronged approach definitely infused the spirit of giving into our family. But the key is to simply do whatever works for your family. v Lisa Beach is a freelance journalist and copywriter. Her work has been published in The New York Times, Good Housekeeping, Parents, Eating Well, USA Today Pet Guide, and dozens more. Check out her website at www.LisaBeachWrites.com

Continued from page 13

Over the last several years, additional studies have continued to link napping with better memory and other learning skills. In 2012, scientists at the University of Colorado, Boulder investigated the effects of naps on cognitive responses in two- and three-year-olds. They found that children who did not nap consistently did not learn and solve problems as well as those who napped.

Children who did not nap consistently did not learn and solve problems as well. Next, the University of Massachusetts, Amherst released findings in 2013 that showed how a midday nap plays a crucial role in improving memory and learning in preschoolers. This boost was not found after a night of sleep if kids did not have a daytime nap. The researchers studied more than 40 preschoolers at six different schools. They conducted two different experiments: the first one focused on a memory game, and the second one involved observing brain activity of children during nap time. In the first experiment, children played a memory matching game using various pictures very similar to the Memory board game we play with our kids. Every child learned the game at the same time in the morning. Researchers then split the children into two groups. One group took naps lasting an average of 75 minutes and the other group stayed awake. Then the children were asked to play the memory game again. They found that daytime naps were associated with significantly greater memory recall. Skipping the nap led to a 10 percent decrease in the children’s accuracy in the memory game. Also, the children who performed best on the memory game had consistent daytime naps.

Scientists believe that memories are processed during sleep. Scientists believe that memories are processed during sleep in a way that makes it easier for the brain to access and retrieve information later. In order to make room for new memories, the brain continues to work while we sleep, processing what we learn into long-term storage to free up space for new information. To confirm the findings from the first experiment, researchers then observed the brain activity of a different group of preschool children while they napped. They found an increase in the density of sleep spindles, which are bursts of electrical activity in the brain believed to play a role in long-term memory. Researchers determined that an increase in sleep spindle density of kids who napped was linked to better memory skills. Finally, in 2015 researchers from the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom reported a link between infant napping and 16 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine

memory skills. After studying over 200 young children, they concluded that daytime naps of 30 minutes or more help infants retain and remember new behaviors. They tested whether daytime sleep after learning helped babies remember new skills more effectively. The study focused on 216 healthy 6- to 12-month-old infants. The children were shown how to remove and manipulate a mitten from a hand puppet and were given the opportunity to demonstrate these actions after 4 and 24 hours. Half of the babies slept within 4 hours of learning, while the rest either had no sleep or napped for fewer than 30 minutes. Only the infants who napped after the learning activity remembered what they had learned, while those who did not nap showed no evidence of remembering the new behavior. In a nutshell, they found that those who sleep after learning are able to grasp the information better. Therefore, the researchers suggest that the best time to learn may be just before kids go to sleep.

What Parents Can Do

• Make naps a priority. Don’t succumb to peer pressure when friends and family give you a hard time about your children’s naps. Build naps into your family’s schedule and gently explain to people the importance of your children taking that break during the day to recharge their batteries. Choose daycares and preschools that include nap time. In order for young children to function and learn at the optimal level, they really need a nap, even while at school. Many schools are eliminating naps to make room for more curriculum. If your school doesn’t include a time for napping, consider sharing the science with them about the educational benefits of naps. Read before nap time. The research shows that children grasp material better just before they fall asleep, so try to make a habit of reading to them before nap time as long as they aren’t too cranky.v

Now that we know from several studies that naps enhance our children’s ability to learn and retain information, what changes can we make in how we parent?

• Train your kids to nap from the very beginning. In order to get your children used to napping, set a routine for them from a very young age.

Sandi Schwartz is a freelance writer/blogger and mother of two. She has written extensively about parenting, wellness, and environmental issues. You can find her at www.happysciencemom.com and www.sandischwartz.com

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Caring for an Ear Infection

Anyone can develop an ear infection—an Hear the Good News

inflammation of the middle ear—but they occur much more often in children than in adults. In fact, more than 80 percent of children will experience at least one ear infection by the time they are 3 years old, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Furthermore, ear infections in children are one of the most common reasons to visit the doctor. Children get more ear infections than adults do because their Eustachian tubes—the tubes that connect the inner ear to the throat—are smaller and get blocked easily, which can allow fluid to pool in the tube. Because children’s immune systems are still developing, they’re more prone to infections. Any time your little one has a cold, sore throat or an upper-respiratory infection, you should always be on the lookout for a bacterial or viral ear infection that can sometimes accompany these illnesses. Your child’s risk for ear infections is increased if she is in group childcare or is exposed to secondhand smoke.

While bothersome, ear infections fortunately aren’t difficult to treat. Many doctors will prescribe an antibiotic, such as amoxicillin, if the culprit is a bacterial infection. However, if a virus caused the ear infection, your doctor will probably suggest a waitand-see approach to see if the infection clears up on its own. Your doctor may also recommend an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to help reduce your little one’s fever and ease his ear pain. Your tiny tot should start to feel better within a few days so that he can get back to doing what he does best: exploring and absorbing the world.

The Path to Prevention There are steps you can take to help prevent your child from developing an ear infection. Make sure your child: • Gets the flu and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines • Washes hands frequently to curb the spread of germs • Has limited or no exposure to smoke

Spotting the Signs Because most ear infections occur before children are old enough to tell their parents their ear hurts, parents have a harder task in detecting an ear infection in their little ones. Clues to look for include the following: • Balance problems or clumsiness

• Isn’t put to bed with a bottle • Isn’t allowed to play with sick children, including sick siblings The key to ear infection prevention lies in reducing your child’s risk factors, like the ones listed above. v

• Crying and/or fussiness • Difficulty sleeping • Fever • Fluid drainage from the ear • Pulling or tugging at the ear


• Trouble hearing

18 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

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At the Early Learning Coalition of the Emerald Coast, our mission is to support the success of every child and his or her family through quality early education and care. Enjoy the books and the activities chosen for this edition to Apply online by vi si ti n g: support your child’s early literacy skills. www.familyse r vi ces.fl o r i daear l yl e arn in g.co m


R e se ar ch sh o ws that c hildren who parti ci pate i n h i gh -qu al i ty pr e kin de rgarten pr ograms ar e be tte r pr e pare d fo rRabe, sch ooISBN-13: l and 978-1101936566 By Tish de ve l o p l i fe l o ng soci al an d e mo ti on al ski l l s.

There are three things I will always do: Love you, Hug you, Read to you! From the moment a child takes their first breath, they are starting to build relationships and learn. This sturdy dual language book uses rhyme, colorful illustrations, and questions to foster relationships and enhance learning while you read with your child. Th e Early Le arn in g Co alitio n of the Eme r al d Coast's mi ssi on i s to su ppo rt th e su cce ss o f e ve ry chi l d and the i r fami l y thr ough

ACTIVITY: qu ality e arly e Model du catio nlanguage an d car e . use with your child. As you read this book, ask a question, pause (even if

your child does not respond), and then answer the question. By doing this you are modeling how a conversation occurs. By pausing a moment, you are allowing your child time to think, problem solve, and respond. Child Care Questions? We provide free resource and referral services to local families regarding childcare.


By Sandra Boynton, ISBN-13: 978-1442417311 Parent Line: (850) 833-9333

oll in Florida’s EE Voluntary ekindergarten

ation Progra

Are you as happy as a hippo, content as a frog, or as angry as a duck? Young children have all sorts of feelings inside. They need to know what their feelings are called before they can control them. This sturdy book about moods gives emotional vocabulary you can share and wonderful illustrations you can explain Early Le ar ni ng Coal i ti on of the Eme r al d Coast to assist your child in113 naming how they feel. 0 N Egl i n P ar kway, S hal i mar , FL 32579 (8 5 0 ) 833-3627

ACT I V I TY: Createwww.el an emotions c-ec.o rg book. Take pictures of different members of your family as they share

what their face looks like when they are angry, happy, sad, or even frustrated. Print these pictures out and place them in a simple photo album; then label the name of each feeling under the picture. This is a fun and creative activity for the entire family. Once you have completed your book, read and reread it to your child. Have your child look in the mirror and mimic the faces as you name the emotion and describe how he or she may be feeling. The next time your child is having a difficult moment, bring out the emotions book and ask your child what he or she is feeling.


By Kobi Yamada, ISBN-13: 978-1943200733

A chance is a gift to explore and learn from. Trying something new can be a scary thing for children and even adults. However, even though it may seem scary, taking a chance can lead to a new experience that can help you discover more about yourself. A chance is something you may like or may not like but if you do not try you will never know. Kobi Yamada does a wonderful job of giving new vocabulary and understanding to young learners with his What Do You Do With series of books.

ACTIVITY: As a family, create a chance chart. Think of things together that you can try as a family. Let everyone be involved by sharing their ideas, decorating the chart, and even practicing their writing skills. After your family tries one of the activities, return to the chart and reflect: Did everyone enjoy themselves? Should you try the activity again? What could you change? Problem solve as a family. 1130 N EGLIN PARKWAY, SHALIMAR, FL 32579, (805) 833-3627 | WWW.ELC-EC.ORG

Our FamilyChatter Challenge is simple— just do your best. Here are some simple questions that will hopefully inspire your family to enjoy great conversations whenever, however, you can. Enjoy!

Live, Laugh, Love, and TALK TOGETHER! What is a gift you would like to give this holiday? What’s special about this gift?

What are some events in history that offer lessons relevant today? Why?

Have you seen recent examples of the following: love, hate, joy, fear, revenge, ignorance?

If you could make one Christmas wish, what would you wish for? Explain why.

What are you most thankful for? How do you show your appreciation daily to others?

What do you look forward to doing in your own town during your holiday vacation?

What type of things do your mother or father do that model responsibility?

If you were given one million dollars to give away, what would you do with the money and why?

What are your favorite holiday food dishes? What dishes do you dislike the most?

What are some of your favorite memories? What makes these memories special?

What are some advantages and disadvantages of learning a trade in school vs. real-life experiences?

How old should children be before being given a pet? What are some lessons they can learn by owning a pet?

What have been some highlights and lowlights of your school experience so far this year?

Have we become too attached to our moble devices? If yes, why, and what needs to change?

What is your favorite Christmas present of all time? Explain why.

Do you feel your schooling is too easy, just right, slightly challenging, or too challenging?

Keep the Conversation Going with Follow-up Questions: Interesting. What else can you tell me about that? o Now what are you going to do? o No way! Can you tell me more? o Seriously? Then what happened? o How do feel about what happened? o How does this make you feel? o What’s your next step? o

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Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer.

Tips for Efficient Packing By Sarah Lyons

Family vacations are a great way to enjoy time away from the daily routine and to create lasting memories. But if you are anything like me, packing for a family trip can be overwhelming, especially if you have multiple kids to pack for. As a mom of six I’ve learned the hard way how to make our vacation packing more efficient. Start by making a master list. If you don’t have a list, you are bound to forget things. I have a list on my computer that I can copy, paste, edit, and print each time we go out of town. I have additional lists for the type of trip. For example, we need to bring different items if we are camping versus staying in a hotel. If you edit this list after each trip, then it will become perfectly tuned to your family.

Once you have a list, begin to delegate. My older kids receive a copy of their list and are told to pack their own bag. “Everyone gets a master checklist of items for the trip. We go over the bag they pack together to make sure they have everything,” says Jenny McKeever, mom of two. “This gives kids choices selecting items along with becoming responsible for packing, with just a little guidance from you.” This helps to reduce the amount of packing the parent has to do because it puts the older kids in charge of packing themselves and allows parents to spend more time with children who are too young to pack their own items. For the most efficient packing, items can be packed by outfit. One option is to place shirt, pants, underwear, and socks together in a zip-top bag and seal. When you arrive at your destination, kids can grab a bag for the day. Dirty clothes can be placed back in the bag afterward. “I am a roller,” says Holly Searles, mom of four. “I take an outfit, pants, shirt, underwear, and socks, and then tightly Continued on page 27

24 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Cut out this page. Then cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes hers. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other— as often as you remember!

Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say, “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!

10 WAYS to sh w

R E H y u care Listen intently—especially when she shares her concerns or feelings. Be polite, courteous, and mannerly with her—don’t take her for granted. Go on a holiday walk together, enjoy the lights and treats of the season. Blessed with a quick wit? Be careful not to be hurtful with snide remarks or clever sarcasm. Pamper her and make a fuss over her accomplishments—she deserves the praise. Don’t lose sight of everyday romance—end each day by giving her a kiss and telling her “I love you.”

Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas in each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!

Reminisce about the early days of your marriage. Be on time to planned events. Find out what makes her insecure and be there for her when necessary. Be thoughtful to your in-laws—even when doing so is difficult. EC Parent Magazine • November+December 2018 • 25

Cut out this page. Then cut it down the middle. He takes his half, she takes hers. Keep it simple. Don’t keep score. Just enjoy life and each other— as often as you remember!

Let’s face it, most of us could use a little jump start now and then when it comes to relationships. That’s why we’ve included this section. Simple acts of kindness are a great way to say, “I care about you.” Date nights are great, but when life gets busy, sometimes all that’s necessary are little reminders!

10 WAYS to sh w

M I H y u care Make decisions about big plans and purchases together. Be a student of his ways so you show your love in ways he best comprehends. When things go wrong, instead of assessing blame, focus on fixing the problem together. Give him time to be alone. Foster an atmosphere of laughter in your home—laugh together. Don’t pester him or argue about “the small stuff.” Focus on his accomplishments instead of negatives.

Challenge yourself to complete all 10 ideas in each issue. Don’t just focus on the easy ones!

Reminisce about the early days of your marriage. Show your appreciation for his ability to fix and maintain the house. Remind him why he’s your best friend and that you appreciate him. 26 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine

Continued from page 24

roll. I often use a hair tie to secure the girls’ outfits.” Whether you decide to roll or use the zip-top bag method, remember to place the outfits needed first on the top of the suitcase. Another way to make packing more efficient is to bring fewer items. Make sure you only bring what you absolutely need or you may find that the family vehicle is bursting at the seams. “I do not bring a lot of stuff for the car ride. My kids do very well with a small toy, coloring book, small activity book, reading book, or the DVD player going,” says Sarah Imbierowiz, mother of seven. Remember that most items that are forgotten can be bought, borrowed, or gone without for a short time while you enjoy

your vacation. The most important thing to remember is to plan ahead. If you have a complete list and you start working on packing well in advance, it should go smoothly and you will be able to enjoy your vacation without dreading the packing that goes along with it. v

Sarah Lyons is a mother of six children, including three-year-old triplets. She will test her efficient packing skills (and patience) when her family travels 13 hours in the car for vacation next summer.

ItsYourMagazine.com • EC Parent Magazine • November+December 2018 • 27

Teach Your Kids Something New!

Make Housework a Family Affair By Kerrie McLoughlin

Parents, trust me here: Society will not be pleased with you if you set your kid loose at age 18 with zero life skills (like how to do laundry without turning it all pink, or how you should take out an overflowing bag of trash without being asked). It’s never too early to get your child to start helping out around the house. But where to start? What can a teeny two-yearold do? Check out these ideas to turn the chore of housework into a fun family affair.

Tots Toddlers might surprise you with their mad cleaning skills. They can fold napkins and towels or pick up their own toys, even if that just means tossing them into a catch-all, such as a toy ottoman or set of colorful bins. They can also water

plants, feed animals, dry pots and pans, toss wet laundry into the dryer, throw things away, recycle, and help put away groceries.

Little Kids Preschoolers can do all the things a toddler can do, plus empty smaller trashcans into a big one, put away silverware, match socks, dust, “mop” and “vacuum,” and even put away their laundry (hang a wooden rod in their closet low enough for them to be able to hang up their clothes). Jayna Ely said of her now 7-year-old son, “When my son was a preschooler, we started a game called ‘clean-up hide and go seek.’ While one person counts, the other people go hide. Once a person is found we pick up 2, 3, 4 or 5 (depending on how messy the house is) things in the room they hid in.” Set up a chart with simple pictures so that your child knows the chores you would like her to do.

28 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Continued on page 31

Christmas Bread YOU NEED 1 pound loaf of frozen white bread dough, defrosted 1½ tbsp. sugar ½ tsp. cardamom Flour for hands and surface. Pillsbury vanilla frosting in a bag

• • • • •

• Green decorating sugar • Whole dried apricots, additional dried cranberries, and raisins • Waxed paper • Vegetable oil spray • Baking sheet • Scissors

DIRECTIONS Place sugar, cinnamon, and 3/4 cup chopped dried fruit in the mixing bowl and stir until fruit is coated. Add the defrosted dough to the white sugar and fruit mixture and, using floured hands, knead until well blended. Lightly spray the mixing bowl with oil, place the dough inside and let rise until double. Knead again to remove air bubbles. Line the baking sheet with waxed paper and spray the paper with oil. Divide the dough into three different sized balls, each one slightly bigger than the other. Roll each ball into a rope (about 1 inch thick). Shape the longest rope into a “V” and curve the two ends up (see picture). Repeat with each smaller rope allowing the centers to touch. Bake the tree at 350* for 30-40 mins. Let cool. With frosting bag, pipe along the baked tree. Sprinkle with green sugar and decorate with apricots, cranberries and raisins.

• • • • • • •

Fall Ornament Cookies YOU NEED 16.5 ounce roll of premade Pillsbury sugar cookie dough at room temperature ½ cup flour 2 tbsp. molasses ½ tsp. cinnamon ¼ tsp. nutmeg Mini chocolate chips, sprinkles, or other fall cookie decorations

• • • • • •

• Wilton cookie icing in fall color • Mixing bowl and spoon • Baking sheet • 3-4 inch cookie cutters in fall shapes: pumpkin, leaf • Rolling pin and floured surface • Drinking straw • Wire rack • Spatula • Wire ornament hangers

DIRECTIONS Crumble the cookie dough into the mixing bowl. Add the flour, molasses, cinnamon, and nutmeg and stir thoroughly. Chill one hour. On a floured surface, roll out the cookie dough to 1/8 inch thickness. Cut with cookie cutters and place on baking sheet. Use the end of the drinking straw to cut a small hole at one end of the cookie (for hanging when done). Bake at 350 degrees for 12-14 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack. Using the cookie icing, outline the cookie shape ¼ inch inside the edge of the cookie. Fill in the outline with icing. Sprinkle the iced cookie with chocolate chips or sprinkles. Let the icing harden completely. Insert a wire ornament hanger into the hole of the cookie and hang the cookie on a wreath, a length of garland, or around the top edge of a decorative vase. Use as a decoration until time to eat.

• • • • •

30 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Tip: use scissors to snip the edges of the whole apricots into star shapes

Continued from page 28

Big Kids School-age kids can do dishes, empty the dishwasher, start a load of laundry, take out the trash, help with bathrooms, vacuum (for real!), and put away their own laundry. A great way to connect with your child as he gets older is to dump the laundry out on the bed and then fold it together as you chat. When things get really messy, I like to write tasks on pieces of paper, fold them up and put them in a bowl. I have one kid pick a task and then choose the person they want to help them. For harder tasks, create an instruction sheet, put it in a sheet protector, then do the task with them until they get the hang of it. Whether or not you use an incentive system is up to you. Some parents pay out cash per chore to older kids, while some may pay with a sticker or the promise of a small toy for a preschooler. Some parents simply use the promise of an outing (park, pool, play date) as incentive to clean up. Remember that these are kids and that the job doesn’t have to be done perfectly. They will learn it well in their own time. The point is, they are learning a life skill, so be patient. And don’t forget to put on some upbeat cleaning music! v

Kerrie McLoughlin, mom of 5, (TheKerrieShow.com) still can’t get used to the fact that her 17-year-old son does his own laundry without being asked!

Snowman Cookies INGREDIENTS 10 Nabisco Nutter Butter cookies 1 cup vanilla melts candy one candy corn, one sour belt candy, 5 mini chocolate chips for each cookie

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• Microwaveable 2 cup measuring cup • Wire rack • Microwave • Scissors • Small clean paintbrush

DIRECTIONS Place vanilla melts in the measuring cup and follow package instructions for melting the candy. Use the fork to dip a cookie in the melted candy until coated and place the cookie on the wire rack. (See picture.) To make a nose on the cookie snowman, immediately place candy corn on one end of the cookie and hold for several seconds until it stands on its own. Place mini chocolate chips around the nose to make eyes and a mouth. Let candy cool completely. Carefully remove the cookies from the wire rack and, one at a time, wrap a sour belt scarf around the center of the cookie below the face. Use the paint brush to apply a dot of melted candy inside where the scarf overlaps to hold it in place. Trim the scarf with scissors as needed.

• • • •

Turkey Snack Bag YOU NEED Disposable food handler glove 1 ½ cups caramel corn Small red, yellow, and orange candies, 2 tbsp. for each finger/thumb Large wiggle eye

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• Clear or white thread • Double-stick tape • 4-inch square of both orange and yellow cardstock Scissors

DIRECTIONS Fill the thumb with red candies (rolling and taping a piece of paper into a funnel makes this easier). Tie string around the base of the thumb to hold candies in place. Fill the fingers with yellow and orange candies, alternating colors between fingers. Tie string around the base of each finger to hold candies in place. Loosely fill the palm of the glove with caramel corn. Tie the wrist of the glove closed. Cut a beak out of orange cardstock square. Use double-stick tape to attach the beak just above the base of the thumb (the thumb should hang down toward the wrist). Cut a shape out of yellow cardstock square to outline the wiggle eye. Use double-stick tape to attach the wiggle eye to the yellow shape and then to attach the yellow shape and eye to the palm of the glove. To eat, tear the glove open at the fingertips and wrist and pour into a bowl.

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32 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls INGREDIENTS 6 cups crispy rice cereal 40 ounces or 5 cups chunky peanut butter 2 pounds powdered sugar 1 cup melted butter 4 teaspoons vanilla extract

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• 60 ounces chocolate chips • 1 cup grated paraffin wax (food grade) • Plastic tablecloth • Tongs

DIRECTIONS Mix all ingredients (except chocolate and wax) together, with hands if necessary, and roll into Ping-Pong sized balls. Shred paraffin wax (sold near the canning products in the grocery store) in a food processor or by hand. Mix chocolate chips and wax together in a large microwavesafe bowl. Melt in the microwave for only 1 or 2 minutes at a time, mixing often until thoroughly melted. Be careful not to overheat the chocolate or it will clump and burn. With tongs, dip balls into melted chocolate and place them on a plastic tablecloth to dry. Reheat chocolate if it becomes too thick to work with. Let the balls cool and dry for several hours before handling.

• • • • • •

Tip: Place about 10 balls in a plain white Chinese take-out box with a bow on top for a fun holiday gift.

Adeline Melvin gave this recipe to my mother many years ago with one request—that she share it with anyone who asks.

Our family makes roughly 2,000 peanut butter balls every Christmas!

Pinecone Christmas Tree MATERIALS 4-6 inch pine cone Small terra cotta pot to fit on the bottom of the pine cone 1/8-1/4 inch beads in holiday colors Glitter paper or a small star ornament Green craft paint for the tree

• • • • •

and a holiday color for the pot

• 1/8 inch wide holiday ribbon • Hot glue gun and glue sticks • Small sponge brushes • Scissors • 1 ½ inch star pattern • School glue stick

INSTRUCTIONS Use the star pattern to cut two stars from glitter paper. Use school glue stick to glue the top three points of the stars together, glitter side out. Set aside. Optional, use a small star ornament with the hanger removed. Use a sponge brush and holiday craft paint to paint the pot (you may want to paint a primer coat of white first, or more than one coat will be needed to cover the pot). Let dry. Use a sponge brush and green paint to paint the tips of the pinecone. Let dry. Use hot glue to glue the pinecone onto the top of the pot. Then hot glue beads onto the pinecone as Christmas ornaments. Squeeze hot glue between the two glitter paper stars and attach it over the top of the pinecone. Cut a length of trim or ribbon to wrap around the top rim of the pot and hot glue the ends to the pot.

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Thankful Napkin Holder MATERIALS Miniature chalkboard (about 3-4 inches) 2 artificial fall leaves Wooden spring-type clothes pin

• • •

• Chalkboard chalk or marker • Hot glue gun and glue sticks • Scissors • Thanksgiving napkin

INSTRUCTIONS Trim any stems off of the fall leaves. Hot glue the top side of the leaves to the back of the chalkboard so that the leaves extend beyond the edge of the board. Hot glue one flat side of the clothespin to the back of the chalkboard so that the clip end of the pin is at the top. Use the chalk or chalkboard marker to write on the board something for which your family members are thankful. Clip the napkin into the clothespin and place on your Thanksgiving table. Make one napkin holder for each person attending.

• • • •

These Thanksgiving napkin holders are a functional way to declare your thankfulness.

34 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Turkey Placemat MATERIALS Plain, solid colored placemat (white or light fall color) Fabric paint writers in fall colors including red, black, and white

• •

• Small sponge brushes—one for each color of paint • Plastic or waxed paper covered work surface, and water and paper towels for cleanup

INSTRUCTIONS Put the placemat on the covered work surface. Squeeze paint onto the end of a sponge brush, beginning with the color you want to use for the turkey’s feathers. Have someone help you paint the palm side of the fingers of both hands with the turkey feather color. Paint the palms of both hands with the color you want for the turkey’s body. Holding your hands thumb to thumb, stamp your hands in the center of the placemat. Wash paint from your hands. Use the sponge brushes to fill in the stamped hand prints with color. Where the thumbs meet, paint a long neck and head shape using red paint. Let dry completely (at least a day). Use the paint writers to add eyes, a beak, and any other details to the handprint turkey, and write your name on the placemat.

• • • • •

These placemats are simple to make and will be cherishd holiday decorations in the years to come.

Cinnamon Tree Ornament MATERIALS Cinnamon stick Metallic chenille wire (any color but green) 3/16 inch wide holiday ribbon Hot glue gun and glue sticks

• • • •

• Scissors • Wire snippers • Artificial evergreen sprigs of different lengths (snipped from a wreath, garland, or floral stem)

INSTRUCTIONS Hot glue one short sprig of evergreen along the cinnamon stick at one end to make the top branch of the tree. Tip: use the point of the scissors to press the sprig into the hot glue and hold until the glue sets. Hot glue sprigs of evergreen across the cinnamon stick to form 2-3 rows of branches for the tree—longer branches at the bottom. For each cross branch, snip a length of metallic wire ½ inch longer than the branch. Hot glue the center of the wire to the center of the branch over the cinnamon stick. Bend the ends of the wire over each end of the branch to hold in place. Repeat for each cross branch. Tie a small bow from a length of ribbon and trim the ends. Hot glue the bow to the top branch of the tree. Cut an 8-inch length of ribbon. Fold the ribbon in half and knot the ends together. Hot glue the knot to the cinnamon stick on the back of the ornament. When the glue is cool, the ornament is ready to hang!

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36 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

TEEN TALK dvice from Helpful A Another! to n One Tee

HOLIDAY TRADITIONS As the temperature begins to drop and the end of the first semester draws near, teenagers are already planning exciting things to do over the upcoming breaks. However, it’s important for us to balance the time we spend with our families and friends—and possibly even set some new traditions. One good Thanksgiving day tradition could be for everyone to put their phones away for a few hours in order to truly connect to family members. Another fun tradition could be to

play music in the kitchen to lessen the stress of all the cooking, or to play a fun game outside together. My family and I like to skip Black Friday to spend even more quality time together, playing board games or binge-watching TV/ movies. This is also a good thing to do at Christmas by having a Christmas-movie marathon with family and friends. We also like to bake holiday-themed treats and dance to music together. My favorite tradition for this holiday is to give and get new pajamas on Christmas eve. For New Year’s eve, it’s fun to invite friends over for a sleepover and have a small New

Year’s eve party. One tradition my family has for New Year’s eve is to create a list of some of the negative things we want to let go of, and at midnight on New Year’s, we burn the lists to symbolize moving forward. This is always something I look forward to because it’s a fun thing to do with my family and it helps me to understand that we’re always going to experience some negative things in our life, but as long as we move forward, we’ll be able to experience so many more positive ones. Overall, the holidays are a perfect time to take a break from school and focus on the people in our lives. v



ItsYourMagazine.com • EC Parent Magazine • November+December 2018 • 37

Resource Guide

Looking for fun, adventure, and great food? Experience life to the fullest by discovering new tastes and fun-filled experiences—the Emerald Coast has it all. Enjoy! Crestview | Destin | FWB | Gulf Breeze | Navarre | Niceville/Valparaiso | Pensacola GULFARIUM MARINE ADVENTURE PARK 1010 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 243-9046 Delight in watching dolphins leap and sea lions play during spectacular shows! Enjoy educational exhibits and beautiful gulf views.


Local Attractions Tickets BIG KAHUNA’S WATER PARK 1007 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 837-4061 With more than 40 water attractions and an adventure park, Big Kahuna’s offers something for everyone. Big Kahuna’s has been Destin’s one and only water park for more than 25 years!

GATOR BEACH AT FUDPUCKER’S 20001 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 654-4200 Gator Beach gives you the chance to see more than 80 live alligators in an up-close and personal environment. You’ll not only be able to see the gators but feed them as well!

1125 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 654-4668 The Track Family Fun Park features the southeast’s premier go-carting and family fun centers including The Track Family Fun Parks in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee; Gulf Shores, Alabama; Destin, Florida; and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, as well as Fat Daddy’s Arcades in Destin, Florida; FWB, Florida; and Orange Beach, Alabama. Each of our five parks features The Track’s signature three-and-a-half-story elevated go-cart ride along with a vibrant lineup of family attractions ranging from family go-cart tracks, Fat Daddy’s Arcades, and thrill rides to miniature golf courses, kids’ country rides, and more.

Five Flags Speedway 7451 Pine Forest Rd, Pensacola, 944-8400 Five Flags Speedway is a paved half-mile (0.8 km) auto-racing oval. It opened in 1953 and is located on Pine Forest Road. It is christened after Pensacola’s

nickname, “City of Five Flags.” The speedway runs several local classes during the regular racing season (March–October). These classes include Super Late Models, Pro Late Models, Super Stocks, Sportsman, and Bombers. The races are usually held on Friday nights bi-weekly. The track also hosts many regional touring series.

Gulf Breeze Zoo 5701 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 932-2229 The Gulf Coast area’s awardwinning Gulf Breeze Zoo is home to more than 900 native and exotic animals. The zoo offers many hands-on animal encounters and kids activities perfect for field trips, family day trips, and exciting birthday parties.

Maximum Magic Dinner Show 1318 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 424-5125 Illusionist of the year Noah Wells presents Maximum Magic, Destin’s only magic show, with mind-blowing illusions, hilarious comedy, special effects, unbelievable mentalism, and more!

National Naval Aviation Museum 1750 Radford Blvd, Ste C, Pensacola, 452-3604 The National Naval Aviation Museum, formerly known as the National Museum of Naval

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Aviation and the Naval Aviation Museum, is a military and aerospace museum located at Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. The museum was established December 14, 1962, with the initial facility located in a cramped 8,500-square-foot building on the air station that had been erected during World War II, and it was dedicated in June 1963.

Pensacola Ice Flyers 201 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 466-3111 The Pensacola Ice Flyers are a professional ice-hockey team of the Southern Professional Hockey League. The team played their first season in 2009–2010. Home games are played at the Pensacola Bay Center, previously home to the ECHL’s Pensacola Ice Pilots from 1996 until their folding in 2008.

Pensacola Lighthouse 2081 Radford Blvd, Pensacola, 393-1561 Climb 177 steps up the historic Pensacola lighthouse for one of the most beautiful views on the Gulf Coast. Built in 1859, the lighthouse is located onboard the NAS Pensacola. The top of the tower offers stunning views of Pensacola Pass (where Pensacola Bay meets the Gulf of Mexico), three historic forts, the Pensacola skyline, and the

E M E R A L D COA S T PA R E N T • L O C A L AT T R AC T I O N S historic Navy Yard. The fully restored Keepers’ Quarters, built in 1869, is home to the Richard C. Callaway museum, which houses numerous exhibits on local history and the lighthouse itself.

in the heart of the city’s entertainment district. Enjoy exhibits that you will find extraordinary, unusual, shocking, and possibly true to life!

Pensacola Museum of Art

6709 Pensacola Blvd, Pensacola, 505-0800 Sam’s Fun City is family owned and operated by Richard and Terry Sanfilippo. The park is named after the Sanfilippo’s daughter, Samantha. In 1996, after a successful career in environmental science and engineering, Richard redirected his energy toward creating a family-focused business in Pensacola, Florida. After a significant planning period, the first phase of the park opened in September 2000. The park has continued to grow over the years by adding bumper boats and mini golf in 2001, phase one of an arcade in 2003, a water park in 2005, and an expanded arcade in 2008. With more than 40 rides, slides, and attractions, Sam’s Fun City is the largest fun park on the central Gulf Coast.

407 S Jefferson St, Pensacola, 432-6247 The Pensacola Museum of Art is the only art museum in the city of P e nsacola, Florida. It was founded in 1954 by a group of women from the American Association of University Women. These determined women combined their efforts to create an art center that would exhibit traveling shows, offer art classes for both children and adults, and provide meeting space for members of the community as well as create a forum for lectures, films, and other cultural presentations. They joined forces with others in the community who shared this same vision and formed the Pensacola Art Association.

Ripley’s Believe It or Not! 9907 Front Beach Rd, Panama City, 230-6113 Explore the odd and unusual at this family friendly attraction

Sam’s Fun City

SKYZONE 5007 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 500-1663 We’re always working to invent epic new ways to play, gather, and compete. Even though we’re the originators of wall-to-wall aerial action, we never stand still. We’ve been voted the number one “out of the box” workout and the “best party ever.” We’re dedicated to providing you with the pure joy that comes from flying. We are sky lovers, thrill seekers, and people who believe that jumping is freedom. We believe fitness can be fun and play can be smart. We are healthy and bursting with energy. We fly high and keep it safe. We are Sky Zone.

Wild Willy’s Adventure Park

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1306 Miracle Strip Pkwy, FWB, 400-3300 Wild Willy’s has a number of different attractions sure to make everyone’s day!

WonderWorks 9910 Front Beach Rd, Panama City, 249-7000 WonderWorks is an amazing attraction where scientific principles and fun come together to provide an unrivaled educational experience!

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Outdoors Adventures Unlimited 8974 Tomahawk Landing Rd, Milton, 623-6197 Discover the fun of outdoor adventure at Northwest Florida’s premier recreation center! Situated along the secluded Coldwater Creek, experience nature’s beauty. Relax with us— you’ll be glad you did!

Coldwater Gardens Glamping Experience 7009 Creek Stone Rd, Milton, 426-1300 Situated on a gentle slope overlooking a pine savanna, our tents are outfitted with amenities that make your experience relaxing. Each tent is equipped with top glamping amenities including a queen-size bed, minifridge, coffee maker, outdoor shower, and charcoal grill.

DESTIN HELICOPTER BEACH TOURS 34859 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 424-5125 View the beautiful Emerald Coast from above on a thrilling helicopter tour!

Horseback Trail Rides 613 S County Hwy 393, Destin, 208-3114 Located close to the Destin beaches, this stable offers trail rides and RV space. With 13,800 acres of state forest, there is plenty of riding to fill up your day.

Panama City Beach Helicopter Tours 15726 Front Beach Rd, Panama City, 230-2080 View the beautiful Panama City Beach coastline from above on an amazing helicopter tour!

Pensacola Aerial Beach Tour

Deep Sea Fishing Party Boat

4145 Jerry Maygarden Rd, Pensacola, 346-4230 Our Piper Saratoga has six seats— plenty of room for the entire family! Choose from a romantic Sunset Champagne Beach Tour or an adventurous Shark Patrol, and make some wonderful memories.

102 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-7095 Come fish with one of the oldest and largest fishing fleets on the Emerald Coast, and fish the beautiful unspoiled waters of the Gulf of Mexico!

Zipline Canopy Tour

7 Calhoun Ave, Destin, 978-3060 Your adventure starts out at the Destin Marina as an experienced guide takes you to the dolphin “hangout.” After exploring, the guide will allow you to adventure out on your own as well!

8974 Tomahawk Landing Rd, Milton, 889-2180 Fly through the air on a series of up to 14 ziplines topped off by a flyover of Coldwater Creek on a 900-foot stretch of cables!

Watersports Big Kahuna’s Water Park Aquatic Adventures Pontoon Rental 5915 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 Captain your own boat from the still waters of Grand Lagoon just minutes from Shell Island, where you can pull up on the beach!

Blackwater River Tubing Trip 6974 Deaton Bridge Rd, Milton, 623-0235 Enjoy one of the last true wilderness getaways in Florida while tubing the Blackwater River! One of the purest sandbottom rivers in the nation, this river boasts clear, spring-fed water with a walking-speed current that is safe and fun for all ages!

Blue Angels Practice Cruise 400 Quietwater Beach Rd, Pensacola, 898-9002 Watch true American heroes blaze across the skies with their amazing maneuvers and fearless speed. Enjoy the air-show maneuvers from the comfort of a 63-foot catamaran at the center of the show!

Destin Crab Island Waverunner Dolphin Tour

Destin Sailing Cruise Aboard the Daniel Webster Clements 116 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-2222 The Daniel Webster Clements is great for a day or evening sailing cruise and is equipped with two bathrooms and a deck that holds 37 guests. See dolphins and beautiful sights along the East Pass and Destin Harbor. Each cruise offers complimentary beer, wine, and sodas.

Destin X Jet Ski & Waverunner Rentals 214 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 866-359-3114 Customers are launched from the harbor, and all the equipment is in great condition!

DESTIN X PARASAILING 214 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 866-359-3114 Parasailing is one of Destin’s top activities and offers family fun for all ages. Daily departures are available during the spring and summer, weather permitting.

Destin X Pontoon Boat Rental 214 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 866-359-3114 Our pontoon rentals offer great prices and include fuel!

Discover Scuba Diving in Panama City Beach, 106 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 230-8006 The class includes classroom instruction followed by a fun beach dive!

Dolphin and Snorkel Excursion Aboard the Sea Screamer 2 3605 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 235-3000 This is one of the best ways to see beautiful Shell Island under and over water! Snorkel gear

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and instruction are included in your trip.

Dolphin Cruise Aboard the Original Sea Blaster 34 Harbor Blvd, Kiosk 60G, Destin, 654-6888 Join the fun, and come search the emerald green waters of the Gulf of Mexico along the sugar-white sand beaches of De stin, Florida, for playful dolphins!

Dolphin Sail Aboard the Privateer Catamaran 3901 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 769-3866 Listen to tropical music as you enjoy a complimentary wine, sangria, cold beer, or non-alcoholic beverage onboard Panama City Beach’s best sunset cruise!

Dolphin Sightseeing Cruise Aboard the Original Sea Screamer 3605 Thomas Dr, Panama City, 235-3000 The Sea Screamer offers exciting day cruises and breathtaking sunset cruises to enjoy. Journey by beautiful Shell Island and the State Park jetties, then go for a refreshing ride alongside the world’s most beautiful beaches and resorts.

Dolphin Watch and Destin History Cruise 102 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-7095 Family owned and operated, the Dolphin Watch and Destin History Cruise is an ideal way to enjoy a relaxing one-anda-half-hour narrated cruise watching dolphins play in their natural habitat. The boat features a glass-bottom viewing area, snack bar, restrooms, and an airconditioned/heated cabin.

Fine Dining Dinner and Dancing Cruise 9300 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 650-2519 The Solaris is the area’s only fine dining entertainment yacht. The yacht features fresh gulf seafood, prime beef, and much more, all prepared in a full-service galley. Live entertainment and a full bar are available to enhance the experience.

The Hydrojet—the World’s Largest Jet Ski! 102 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 865-3557 Known as the worlds largest jet ski, the Hydrojet can really move!

E M E R A L D COA S T PA R E N T • L O C A L AT T R AC T I O N S Come get wet and have a blast with your friends and family!

Pontoon Boat Rental with Luther’s Watersports


200 & 202 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-8733 Pontoon boats are an easy way to enjoy the beautiful Choctawhatchee Bay in Destin. All the boats are in great shape, reliable, and clean. Cruise around the bay, or just relax at crab island—it’s up to you!

105 Hogtown Bayou Ln, Destin, 699-1694 No trip to Santa Rosa Beach is complete without an inshore fishing trip. The Choctawhatchee Bay hosts a number of different species of fish. Trips in the bay are great for everyone from children and first-timers to the avid fisherman.

Offshore Fishing with Fish Now Charters 5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 Enjoy the scenic beauty of Panama City Beach as you and your group travel out to open water. Feel the heart-pounding thrill and awesome power of pulling a gigantic catch up from the depths.

Panama City Beach Pirate Cruise Aboard the Sea Dragon 5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 234-7400 Come aboard Panama City Beach’s only pirate adventure cruise. Cruise away into the fantasy world of friendly swashbucklers and spirited pirates aboard an 85-foot pirate ship.

Pensacola Beach Dolphin Cruise 400 Quietwater Beach Rd, #16, Pensacola, 898-9002 Cruise aboard the 63-foot openair covered catamaran Portofino I, and spy dolphins, birds, and the other marine life playing in their natural habitat along the protected Gulf Islands National Seashore.

Private Six-Pack Deep-Sea Fishing with Reel Deal Charters 210 E Highway 98, Destin, 424-5125 Come aboard a charter that offers more than 15 years of experience fishing off the Florida Coast.

SeaQuest Dolphin Sightseeing Tour 116 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-2222 Climb aboard AJ’s SeaQuest, and experience affordable family fun as you cruise the emerald waters along the sugar-white sand beaches of Destin. The 53-foot boat carries up to 89 passengers and offers an array of excitement and fun for the entire family. Also receive complimentary drinks!

SHELL ISLAND DOLPHIN TOUR ON WAVERUNNERS 5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 A popular way to see the dolphins and enjoy two hours of wave-runner riding on a guided tour to nearby Shell Island.

Shell Island Eco Sea-fari Tour and Dolphin Encounter 5550 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 234-3435 We begin the journey in the historic Grand Lagoon, then collect sea shells at Shell Island! The boat will remain at the dock while you explore the island. You will have an hour at your leisure to swim, go shelling, explore, picnic, or just relax and enjoy the beautiful and pristine uninhabited island!

Small-Group Dolphin and Snorkel Tour

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5325 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 235-8051 Take a cruise around Shell Island in search of wild bottlenose dolphins. This is a guided twohour cruise and a fun trip for the entire family. Not only do you get an exciting dolphin-tour experience, but free snorkel gear is included in case you want to park the boat and cool off.

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Snorkel and Dolphin Excursion on Destin’s Original Sea Blaster

2 Harbor Blvd, #100, Destin, 424-7695

34 Harbor Blvd, Kiosk 60G, Destin, 654-6888 Jump in and have some fun snorkeling! Then take a cruise and look for dolphins and other marine life along the coast. Snorkeling equipment is included.

A one-of-a-kind full-service burger bar. Choose from one of 18 different burgers, or get creative and build your own. Pick the bun, type of meat, cheese, and sides.

Sunset Dolphin Encounter Aboard Captain Anderson III

Multiple locations throughout area

5550 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 234-3435 Travel through the historic Grand Lagoon into St. Andrews Bay, then move up through the channel known as “the Pass” out to the edge of the gulf to watch dolphins play.

Swimming with Dolphins at Shell Island 5709 N Lagoon Dr, Panama City, 238-0909 Spend the day with a professional team of instructors who will teach the proper way to interact with dolphins. The tour is capped off with several live swim-ins at Shell Island for potential dolphin encounters.


Restaurants American BONEHEADS FIRE GRILLED 10015 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 477-4002 We like to say adventure is the spice of life. We also like to say if you’ve perfected the spice of life, why fry it? At Boneheads, we serve freshly grilled food for a healthy dining experience that everyone can enjoy. We also offer full-service event catering. We can prepare and deliver food that tastes great to business meetings, training events, and more.

Hungry? We specialize in hot subs and submarine sandwiches made with premium meats and cheeses, steamed to perfection, then piled high on a toasted private-recipe sub roll. Our menu will surely satisfy your appetite! Founded by firemen. Catering available.


Multiple locations throughout area Tropical Smoothie Cafe’s menu boasts bold, flavorful food and smoothies with a healthy appeal, all made to order from the freshest ingredients. We find that superior, simple ingredients, including real fruit and veggies, set our smoothies apart from others.

Uncle Bill’s Family Restaurant 252 N Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 689-0099

ASIAGO’S SKILLET 300 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-4160

The Breakfast Table Cafe 385 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 460-7322

Buffalo Wild Wings 99 Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 301-9464, buffalowildwings.com

Corner Cafe 692 Bob Sikes Blvd, FWB, 803-0263

KC’s Sandbar and Grille 190 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 244-1087

Props Craft Brewery and Grill 255 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 586-7117

Slick Mick’s Deli and Grille 19 Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 864-5577

All American Heroes 8544 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-9797

TC’s Front Porch 8552 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-1601

Ye Olde Brothers Brewery 4458 Hwy 87, Navarre, 684-1495

Hurricane Grill and Wings 4597 Hwy 20 E, Niceville, 932-1075

One20, a Modern Bistro 120 Partin Dr, Niceville, 729-2120

Toast Wine Bar & Small Plate 4550 Hwy 20 E, Niceville, 279-6665

Carmelina’s Cafe 9400 University Pkwy, Pensacola, 208-6211


Chicken Salad Chick

7173 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 484-5203

36150 Emerald Coast Pkwy, #111, Destin, 460-2888

CJ’s Kitchen and Grille

Donut Hole Bakery & Café

2100 W Garden St, Pensacola, 435-9543

635 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-8824

Flora-Bama Lounge

Johnny Rockets

17401 Perdido Key Dr, Pensacola, 492-0611

4348 Legendary Dr, Destin, 837-0005

Grover’s Fingers and Wings


9418 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 477-7172

300 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-6743

Jackson’s Steakhouse

The Pancakery 960 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 269-0791

Shakes Frozen Custard

400 S Palafox St, Pensacola, 469-9898


1065 Hwy 98, Destin, 269-1111

2907 E Cervantes St, Pensacola, 912-6196


O’Briens Bistro

4283 Legendary Dr, Destin, 424-7600

4350 Bayou Blvd, Pensacola, 477-9120


Saltgrass Steak House

16055 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Ste 111, Destin, 837-5333

905 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 434-3600

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Asian Bamboo Sushi Bar and Hibachi 2511 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 689-1391

THAI SIAM CUISINE 396 E Cedar Ave, Crestview, 423-4510

Yumi Buffet



Buck’s Smoke House

790 on the Gulf

303 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-3600

2996 Scenic Hwy 98, Destin, 650-4853

Smoke on the Water

4260 Legendary Dr, Destin, 424-5795

Mary’s Kitchen

314 Bayshore Dr, Niceville, 678-2233

Mellow Mushroom

99 Eglin Pkwy, #42, FWB, 863-1141

Sonny’s Real Pit BBQ

French Quarter Grill

2680 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 683-8886

The Tipsy Pig Bar and Grill


138 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE, FWB, 301-0515

Louisiana Lunchbox

34904 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 650-1288

Dirt Road Cookers 6900 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 384-8839

Rib Shack of Navarre

821 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-3945

9532 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-4244

Lotus Thai

Five Sisters Blues Cafe

Thai Delights Restaurant

550 Mary Esther Cut-Off, FWB, 243-3744

421 W Belmont St, Pensacola, 912-4856

Siam Garden Café


334 N Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 862-7426

Thaiger Thai Restaurant 99 Eglin Pkwy, #34, FWB, 581-7600

11117 Lillian Hwy, Pensacola, 417-2965

Sonny’s Bar-B-Q

364 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 932-6882

6702 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 476-7618
 630 N Navy Blvd, Pensacola, 456-2000

Makong Thai Restaurant

Voodoo BBQ and Grill

Shang Hai Restaurant

1935 Ortega St, Navarre, 939-6950

Peking House 8224 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-9898

Philippine Market and Café 144 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 729-0811

Thai International Restaurant 481 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 389-2146

Bangkok Garden
 1708 W Fairfield Dr, Pensacola, 432-5511

Sake Cafe
 4795 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 494-9999

Shanghai Buffet
 1741 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 857-8891

Tu-Do Vietnamese Restaurant
 7130 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 473-8877

La Famiglia Ristorante Italiano and Pizza

Café Bienville

714 Howell Rd, Niceville, 678-2604

New Dragon Mongolian Grill and Buffet

104 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 460-2990

302 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 797-8252

925 Beal Pkwy, FWB, 314-0717

56 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-3507

Crust Pizzeria

1741 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 912-8111

Cajun Tonie’s Gumbo House 8600 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 428-3864

Bayou Cajun Seafood, Po’boys and Pho 6705 Pine Forest Rd, #500, Pensacola, 435-4200

CUBS CRAWFISH 11125 Lillian Hwy, Pensacola, 456-7551

Rodizio Grill
 605 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 466-2113

The Ruby Slipper Cafe (Brazilian) 509 S Palafox Ave, Pensacola, 792-4834


7000 Pine Forest Rd, Pensacola, 361-1130

French Zesty Baguette Bistro 4418 Commons Dr, Ste C, Destin, 460-8797

Bay Café 233 Alconese Ave SE, FWB, 244-3550

Bon Appétit Bakery and Café 420 Mary Esther Cut-Off NW, FWB, 244-2848

Heavenly Croissant 722 N Beal Pkwy, FWB, 862-6790

German Schnitzel Brew House 98 Eglin Pkwy, Ste 8, FWB, 226-4796

The Schnitzel Lodge 4504 E Hwy 20, Niceville, 279-4485


960 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 650-6420

Mimmo’s 979 Hwy 98, #5, Destin, 460-7353

Vinny McGuire’s Pizza 29 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-0116

Ali’s Bistro 171 Brooks St SE, FWB, 226-4708

Clemenza’s 75 Eglin Pkwy Ste 126, FWB, 243-0707

Niki’s Pizza 2843 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 934-4228

Papa’s Pizza 37551 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 934-3334

NEW YORK PIZZA DEPOT 8207 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-6973

Sal’s Pizzeria and Grill 6903 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-8240

CIAO BELLA PIZZA 4400 E Hwy 20E, Niceville, 729-0066

 7210 N Davis Hwy, Pensacola, 473-9585

Passage to India

Franco’s Italian Restaurant

3102 E Cervantes, Pensacola, 433-8887

523 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 433-9200

Taste of India

Georgio’s Pizza

810 E Gregory St, Pensacola, 439-3005

3000 E Cervantes St, Pensacola, 432-5996

Irish Beef O’Brady’s 2509 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 682-9588

Santino’s Pizza and Grinders
 4771 Bayou Blvd, Pensacola, 474-0400


Johnny O’Quigley’s

4801 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 484-6836

1025 Industrial Dr, Crestview, 306-1012

Dominic’s Pizzeria

McGuire’s Irish Pub 33 Hwy 98E, Destin, 650-0000


177 John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 389-2131


Yum’s Chinese

The Caribbean Pot

Mia’s Italian Restaurant

Bamboo’s Jamaican Restaurant

1620 Airport Blvd, Pensacola, 477-2999

481 S John Sims Pkwy, Ste B, Valparaiso, 389-2270

2203 S Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 682-8333

236 Miracle Strip Pkwy, SE, FWB, 226-6464

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Lana’s Jamaican House Cafe

La Paz Restaurante and Cantina

Gilligan’s Seafood Restaurant


7700 W Fairfield Dr, Pensacola, 453-2144

950 Gulf Shore Dr, Destin, 837-2247

530 Hwy 98 E, Destin, 650-4400

600 S Barracks St, Pensacola, 470-0003


Ricon Boriqua


538 Eglin Pkwy NE, FWB, 863-3323

4607 Legendary Marina Dr, Destin, 710-5858 (LULU)

Zoe’s Kitchen

Sabor A Mexico

4357 Legendary Dr, Destin, 650-6525

El Paso Navarre

Aegean Breeze Deli 913 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, #20, Gulf Breeze, 916-0430

YIOTA’S GREEK DELI 130 Miracle Strip Pkwy, Mary Esther, 302-0691

Chrisoula’s Cheesecake Cafe
 236 W Garden St, Pensacola, 438-5650

13 Eglin Pkwy SE, FWB, 243-3331 9500 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-4994

El Patron Mexican Grill 8137 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 936-0950

Old Mexico Restaurant 1177 E John Sims Pkwy, Niceville, 729-1127

Taco Town


113 Partin Dr, Niceville, 729-8646

3012 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 332-6709

Miguel’s Mexican Food

Jordan Valley Cafe

2 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 607-7121

201 S Jefferson St, Pensacola, 607-2780
 4550 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, 466-5901
 201 S New Warrington, Pensacola, 466-2342

The Aegean Restaurant 1259 Eglin Pkwy, Shalimar, 613-6120

Mexican/Cuban/ Puerto Rican CRAB ISLAND CANTINA 2 Harborwalk Blvd #100, Destin, 424-7417 We offer a large selection of seafood, Latin-inspired cuisine, award-winning fusion, and Black Angus steaks all served in a casual waterfront-dining atmosphere.

Rio Bravo
 596 E 9 Mile Rd, Pensacola, 466-2468

Cafe Amapola 481 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 678-6767

East Gate Cafe 481 S John Sims Pkwy, Valparaiso, 389-2271

Seafood Boshamps Seafood and Oyster House 414 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 424-7406

Tailfins Seafood, Alehouse and Oyster Bar 172 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 650-1200

Joe Patti’s
 524 South B St, Pensacola, 4323313

L & L Fresh Seafood
 1611 N Pace Blvd, Pensacola, 432-0234

AJ’s on the Bayou


200 Eglin Pkwy, NE, FWB, 864-4694

1000 S Pace Blvd, Pensacola, 549-4444

Anglers Beachside Grill 1030 Miracle Strip Pkwy, FWB, 796-0260

Sam’s Seafood and Steaks

Old Bay Steamer

The Fishing Hole

102 Santa Rosa Blvd, FWB, 664-2795

15 Brent Ln, Pensacola, 912-6664

Rick’s Crab Trap

303 Glen Ave, Valparaiso, 7290406

178 Eglin Pkwy, FWB, 664-0110

Stewby’s Seafood Shanty 427 Racetrack Rd NW, FWB, 586-7001

Dave’s Oyster Bar 4584 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, 934-1789

420 S A St, Pensacola, 432-6626

Doc’s Oyster Bar

VEGAN End of the Line Cafe
 610 E Wright St, Pensacola, 429-0336

EAST BAY CRAB HOUSE 9250 Navarre Pkwy, Navarre, 939-5543

The Gulf 1284 Marler Ave, Okaloosa Island, 387-1300

Dockside Oyster Bar & Café 821 Bayshore Dr, Niceville, 678-1241

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

L J Schooner’s Dockside Restaurant and Oyster Bar

14059 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Destin, 650-1881

290 Yacht Club Dr, Niceville, 8975400

Azteca Mexican Restaurant

Dewey Destin

Atlas Oyster House

789 N Ferdon Blvd, Crestview, 682-8206

9 Calhoun Ave, Destin, 837-7575 202 Harbor Blvd, Destin, 837-7525

600 S Barracks St, Pensacola, 437-1961

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Making the Most of Life on the Coast! We live on a beautiful coast that has so much to offer, and we’re here to make sure you know what’s going on in your own backyard. Enjoy!

Veteran’s Day Celebration Ceremony and Armistice of WWI Remembrance Day Recognition

Mon, Nov 12 – Fort Walton Beach (11:00a.m.) The Veterans Tribute Tower Committee is hosting their Veteran’s Day Celebration Ceremony at Beal Memorial Cemetery. There will be guest speakers as well as military members and their families celebrating Remembrance Day Recognition of the Armistice of WWI. Guests are requested to bring a small floral bouquet that will help create the Community Wreath at the base of the flagpole during the ceremony. Flowers will then be presented to residents at Hawthorne House and the Air Force Enlisted Village. For more information, contact Tom Rice at 850-302-0266.

Seasonal Baytowne on Ice

Sat, Oct 27–Sat, Feb 2 – Baytowne Wharf Get out the old ice skates and get in the winter spirit at The Village of Baytowne Wharf’s Baytowne on Ice! Baytowne’s seasonal ice rink is the perfect opportunity to share some of your favorite holiday traditions! For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

Annual Veteran’s Day Parade

Sat, Nov 10 – Mary Esther (1:00p.m.) Bring your family to this year’s Veteran’s Day Parade; it is expected to be the biggest one yet! The parade will travel from Page Bacon Road to Mary Esther Boulevard to Hollywood Boulevard in Fort Walton Beach. For more information about the parade or to register, contact Ruth Sykes at 850-865-7590.


Fri, Nov 23 – Pensacola (4:45p.m.) Winterfest will begin with a parade and a holiday lighting ceremony. Enjoy live street performances, caroling, a visit from Santa, and more! For more information, visit www.pensacolachamber.com.

Holiday Baking for Kids

Mon, Nov 19 – Destin (11:00a.m.) Chef Jim Shirah is teaching a Holiday Baking Class at the Destin Community Center for children ages 8-14. Each student will learn how to bake and will bring home several holiday cookies, treats, and more. The fee is $40 for Destin residents and $50 for non-residents. For more information, call 850-654-5184.

24th Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner at Harbor Docks Restaurant Thurs, Nov 22 – Destin (11:00a.m.)

Harbor Docks Restaurant, in partnership with Habitat for Humanity in Okaloosa County and Destin Harvest, is providing a free traditional Thanksgiving Day feast for anyone in the community. Volunteers will serve the meal and donations will benefit the two participating charities. For more information, visit www.destinchamber.com/events.

Santa’s Arrival at HarborWalk Village

Sat, Nov 24–Sun, Nov 25 – HarborWalk Village (1:00p.m.) Are you ready for some Christmas cheer? Kick off the holiday season and bring the family over to HarborWalk Village to see Santa! For more information, visit www.emeraldgrande.com/events.

Here Comes Santa Claus

Sat, Nov 24 – Baytowne Wharf (6:00p.m.) Get in the winter spirit by cheering Santa on as he makes his way to Baytowne to light the Village tree. Enjoy face-painting, crafts, and more. For information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

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The Arts Science of Ecology with Steve Trash Thurs, Nov 8 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (9:45a.m.)

seasonal favorites, including The Nutcracker, Handel’s Messiah and music from John Williams featured in the movie Home Alone. For tickets, show times and more information, visit www. mattiekellyartscenter.org.

The Science of Ecology, starring Steve Trash, is a magical, ecological and educational experience, filled with fun illustrations demonstrating how everything in the natural world is connected. For tickets, show times and more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter.org.

A Chorus Line

Fri, Nov 9 – Fort Walton Beach (7:30p.m.)

32nd Annual Destin Christmas Tree Lighting Thurs, Nov 29 – Destin (6:00p.m.)

Head to the Destin Community Center for their 32nd annual tree lighting. There will be music, refreshments, and a visit from Santa Claus! Donations of canned food will be collected for families in need. For information, call 850-654-5184.

12 Nights of Lights

Wed, Dec 5–Sat, Dec 22 – Baytowne Wharf (6:00p.m.) This December enjoy a festive light show every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday leading up to Christmas. Watch three dazzling shows on the Village tree at 6:00p.m., 7:00p.m. and 8:00p.m. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

Stage Crafters has announced their final production of the 2018 season, A Chorus Line! A Chorus Line is the seventh longest-running Broadway musical, and provides a glimpse into the personalities of the performers and the choreographer as they describe the events that have shaped their lives and their decisions to become dancers. For more information and additional show times, visit www.StageCraftersFWB.com.

Something Rotten!

Tues, Nov 20 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (7:30p.m.) Something Rotten! is a Broadway hit! Set in 1595, this hilarious performance tells the story of two brothers who set out to write the world’s very first musical. For tickets, show times and more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter.org.

Café Thirty-A’s Annual Charity Christmas Ball Fri, Dec 7 – Santa Rosa Beach (7:00p.m.)

Café Thirty-A is hosting their annual Charity Christmas Ball, benefiting Caring and Sharing of South Walton. Guests will enjoy a buffet, cash bar, music, photo booth, and silent auction. General admission tickets are $75 per person. For more information, visit www.cafethirtya.com.

Baytowne Countdown | NYE

Mon, Dec 31 – Baytowne Wharf (6:00p.m.) Bring in the new year with the Village of Baytowne Wharf’s end-of-the-year celebration! Enjoy the family-friendly evening with face painting, kids’ activities, live music, and fireworks displays at 8:00p.m. and midnight. Dance the night away with live music until 1:00a.m. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

The 39th annual Toys 4 Tots on the Emerald Coast Motorcycle Ride is back, and all motorcycles are welcome to participate! The parade and festivities will begin at the Mullet Festival site at 11:00a.m. There will be music, food, games and more! All proceeds will benefit the Emerald Coast Children’s Advocacy Center and Children in Crisis. Both organizations will have booths at the Mullet Festival site where people are encouraged to drop off toy donations. For more information, visit www.destinchamber.com/events.

Take your lunch break at Hurricane Lanes for the Bowling for Business Tournament & Lunch. This event is a mini-bowling tournament with the opportunity for business networking. Reservations are required. For more information, call 850-837-6241..

Enjoy this unique holiday event with some of your favorite holiday classics and visits with Santa! It will be a night of fun for the whole family. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

Head over to the Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church where they will be having their annual Living Nativity. After enjoying the Nativity, there will be refreshments and Christmas cheer in the fellowship hall. For more information, visit www. crestviewchamber.com.

Sun, Nov 18 – Niceville (11:00a.m.)

Fri, Dec 7 – Destin (11:00a.m.)

Sat, Dec 8 – Baytowne Wharf (5:00p.m.)

Sat, Dec 8 – Laurel Hill (5:30p.m.)

39th Annual Toys 4 Tots Ride on the Emerald Coast

Bowling for Business Tournament & Lunch

Tuba Christmas

Journey to Bethlehem: A Living Nativity

Runs, Walks & More

It’s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play

Thurs, Nov 29 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (7:30p.m.) Northwest Florida State College is proud to present Joe Landry’s It’s a Wonderful Life: A Radio Play. Set in a glamorous radio production studio, performers are warming up and preparing to present the live radio show of the beloved Christmas story. For tickets, show times and more information, visit www.mattiekellyartscenter.org.

Holiday Pops

Fri, Dec 7 – Mattie Kelly Arts Center (7:30p.m.) The sounds of the holiday season will fill the air when the Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra, joined by the Northwest Florida Symphony Chorale, performs some of your

46 • November+December 2018 • EC Parent Magazine • ItsYourMagazine.com

Sounds Fun 4th Annual Bourbon Dinner

Thurs, Nov 8 – HarborWalk Village (6:30p.m.) Sip and savor in style at the 4th Annual Bourbon Dinner at HarborWalk Village! Enjoy a chef-inspired five-course menu expertly paired with your favorite Jim Beam bourbon. Space is limited. Make your reservation by calling 850-424-0622.

Stake & Burger Dinner: Boys & Girls Club of the Emerald Coast Thurs, Nov 8 – Sandestin (7:00p.m.)

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Emerald Coast at the 5th Annual Stake & Burger Dinner. This year it will be held at the Hilton Sandestin, featuring

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scotch, champagne, and bourbon-infused fondue from The Melting Pot. For more information, call 850-837-6241.

12th Annual Holiday Craft Show

Fri, Nov 16–Sat, Nov 17 – Destin (11:00a.m.) Head to the Destin Community Center for their 12th Annual Holiday Craft Show. There will be handcrafted jewelry, woodcarvings, watercolor paintings, and more! Admission to the public is free. For more information, call 850-654-5184.

GulfWind Paddle & Surf Wednesday Night BOTE Board Demo Event

Every Wednesday – Santa Rosa Beach (6:00p.m.) Socialize with other paddleboard enthusiasts every Wednesday evening and demo ride the entire fleet of BOTE boards! For more information, call Steve with GulfWind Paddle & Surf at 850-200-8375.

Farmer’s Market at Grand Boulevard

Every Saturday – Miramar Beach (9:00a.m.) Start your Saturday at Grand Boulevard Farmers’ Market. There will be fresh-from-the-farm produce, local seafood, homemade dips and salsas, organic juices, homemade soaps, and more! There will even be organic pet treats for your furry friends. For more information, visit www. destinchamber.com.

keynote speaker Hulk Hogan. All proceeds from this event will go to the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Emerald Coast. For more information, visit www.destinchamber.com/events.

Dog Daze 2018

Sat, Nov 10 – Fort Walton Beach (9:00a.m.) Celebrate dogs and the people who love them at this year’s Dog Daze at Liza Jackson Park. This year’s theme is Wild, Wild West! For more information, visit www.fwbchamber.org.


Sat, Nov 10 – Destin (10:00a.m.) Bring the little ones to the Destin Commons for a day of family fun at this year’s Touch-A-Truck event, where they will be able to check out their favorite trucks! This event will benefit the Junior League of the Emerald Coast. For more information, visit www.destinchamber.com/events.

Sparkling Wine & Holiday Lights

Sat, Nov 17 – Baytowne Wharf (4:00p.m.) Start the holiday season with a special sparkling event during Baytowne Wharf’s 6th Annual Sparkling Wine and Holiday Lights. This event will feature more than 30 champagnes and delicious appetizers at featured Village restaurants. There will be carolers and a sneak peek of their first tree lighting of the season. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

Ice Skating Extravaganza

Fri, Dec 14–Sat, Dec 15 – Baytowne Wharf (6:00p.m.) Baytowne on Ice is hosting its 3rd annual Ice Skating Extravaganza! This event will feature two performances by Emma Phibbs and Evan Roberts. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

Tribute Weekend

Sat, Nov 10–Sun, Nov 11 – Baytowne Wharf Bring the family and get ready for Baytowne Wharf’s Tribute Weekend, where you will enjoy live music from four great tribute bands. Grab your blankets and lawn chairs and head to the events plaza lawn for a jam-packed weekend of incredible music. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

6th Annual Bourbon at the Bay Thurs, Nov 15 – Destin (5:30p.m.)

Kick off the holiday season in style at the 6th Annual Bourbon at the Bay! Sample bourbon,

Volunteer Opportunity Place

Contact CC Fearson at 850-659-3190.


Contact Nikole Wood at 850-863-8999.


Contact Alicia Sikes at 850-243-1525.

Salvation Army

Contact Lisa Martinez at 850-243-4531.

Reoccurring Local

Habitat for Humanity

Poetry and Music Jam

Florosa Fire Department

Second Tuesday of each month – Crestview (6:00p.m.) Head to the Crestview Public Library where poets and musicians are invited to bring their work and instruments to a free-form, open-mic, poetry reading and jam session. For more information, visit www.crestviewchamber.org.

Wednesday Night Concert Series

Every Wednesday – Baytowne Wharf (6:00p.m.) The Wednesday Night Concert Series is back at Baytowne! Enjoy the great weather and live entertainment! The concert series features local and regional talent on the Events Plaza Stage. For more information, visit www.baytownewharf.com.

Contact Mark McEnaney at 850-685-0686. Contact Tom Peele at 850-581-2900.


Contact Harvey Eckoff at 850-244-3834.


Contact John at 850-837-8516.

Destin Community Center

Contact Lisa Firth at 850-654-5184.

Waterfront Rescue Mission

Contact Tina or Sharron at 850-244-2726.

Destin History & Fishing Museum Contact Kathy Blue at 850-837-6611.

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