How To Create Invisible Ghost Mannequin Effect In Photoshop

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How To Create an Invisible Ghost Mannequin Effect in Photoshop

Full Content: The "Invisible Ghost Mannequin Effect" is a valuable technique used in apparel presentation and photo editing to make clothing appear as if an invisible model wears it. This effect is beneficial for e-commerce and fashion businesses looking to save money compared to using live models. Here are the key steps and tools involved in creating this effect in Photoshop: 1. Alignment: Before editing, ensure the images are properly aligned, and use the "Warp" option to make necessary adjustments. 2. Clipping Path: Create a path around the apparel using the Pen Tool, which will be used for selection and editing. 3. Copy Pathed Area to a New Layer: Copy the selected area to a new layer using Ctrl/Command+J and add a solid color layer below it. 4. Liquify: Use the filter to correct imperfections and enhance the apparel's appearance. 5. Ironing: Remove wrinkles and imperfections using the Clone Stamp Tool. 6. Adding Back Part: Place the back part of the apparel, ensuring it matches the front part. Use the Transform tool for proper alignment.

7. Clipping the Back Part: Create a new path around the back part and remove unnecessary areas by selecting and deleting them. 8. Editing the Back Part: Invert the selection, delete unwanted areas, and use Liquify for fine-tuning. 9. Adding Shadow: Apply a Drop Shadow to the front panel to make the effect more realistic. 10. Removing Outer Shadow: Separate the Drop Shadow, select the area outside the apparel, and delete it. 11. Save: Save the edited image in PSD or TIFF format to preserve layers and paths for future editing. The Invisible Ghost Mannequin Service is essential for apparel businesses seeking an appealing and cost-effective way to present clothing, especially for e-commerce. It provides a 3-D look and saves money compared to using live models while offering a unique and attractive presentation. However, live models are still important for certain advertising purposes.

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