O, St. Pancras — cong. hymn (opt. SATB ) (Smart, Arr. R. Buonaspina) — SATB & Cong. (Full Score)

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O , S t. P ancras Written for the Feast Day of St. Pancras; St. Pancras Roman Catholic Church, Glendale, NY

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Come, ye Strick - en Who could May our

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faith - ful, mar - tyr, thank this voic - es

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of for fast cras,


full Christ's faith live

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mar - tyr Pan - cras, of whose life we great - ly sing!* great temp - ta - tion, you re - sist - ed fame and wealth. death he taught us faith un - til our days are done. hymn of prais - ing, let us sing your name in song!

œ œ

a life your life a stead St. Pan -

pro - claim this truth and love and praise we bring! in ar - mour, save our child - ren, save our health! ed mar - tyr: Bless - ed Pan - cras, ho - ly one? in rais - ing gra - cious hon - or, love pro - longed!

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ed of and ous

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serve the death it vic - 'try faith be

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Glo 'rious, Bless In the midst In whose life In this joy -

From Gave Keep O,

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come, laid Bless join

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King! self! won! strong!

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self giv - ing, de - vo - tion, up - on us, with - in us,

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have ven a our

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lived to un - to stead - fast loy - al


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* Alternative text: " With whose name holds ev' rything" TEXT: Robert Buonaspina (1996- ) MUSIC: Henry Smart (1813-1879)



O , S t. P ancras


Written for the Feast Day of St. Pancras; St. Pancras Roman Catholic Church, Glendale, NY

b &b œ œ 1. 2. 3. 4.

Come, ye Strick - en Who could May our

b &b œ œ

œ œ

faith - ful, mar - tyr, thank this voic - es

œ œ

Glo - 'rious, Bless - ed In the midst of In whose life and In this joy - ous

b & b œ ™ œJ œ œ


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come, pro - claim this truth and love and praise we bring! laid in ar - mour, save our child - ren, save our health! Bless - ed mar - tyr: Bless - ed Pan - cras, ho - ly one? join in rais - ing gra - cious hon - or, love pro - longed!

mar - tyr Pan - cras, great temp - ta - tion, death he taught us hymn of prais - ing,

œ œ œ ˙

of whose life we great - ly you re - sist - ed fame and faith un - til our days are let us sing your name in

œ œ œ ˙ œ ™ œj œ œ œ œ œ

From a life of full self giv - ing, you have Gave your life for Christ's de - vo - tion, e - ven Keep a stead - fast faith up - on us, keep a O, St. Pan - cras, live with - in us, may our

lived to un - to stead - fast loy - al

serve the King! death it - self! vic - 'try won! faith be strong!

sing!* wealth. done. song!

˙ ˙ A - men.

St. Pancras (Pancras of Rome) was a Roman Citizen who converted to Christianity. When refusing to make a sacrifice to the Roman Gods — even after being bribed and tempted with wealth and riches by Roman authorities — he was beheaded for his faith at the early age of fourteen years old. The name " Pancras" in Greek translates to " the one who holds everything." Built by Pope Symmachus (498-514), the Basilica of Saint Pancras in Rome was constructed on the very place where the young marytr had been buried. Each year, on May 12, we as Catholics celebrate the Feast Day of St. Pancras. Due to this time of May being referred to in some countries as the " black-thorn winter," St. Pancras is often referred to as the second of the " Ice Saints." * Alternative text: " With whose name holds ev' rything" TEXT: Robert Buonaspina (1996- ) MUSIC: Henry Smart (1813-1879)


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