The Order

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Technology The Drag & Draw concept developed by Philips is a digital painting kit developed with the idea of smaller children in mind, where they are at the stage of exploration and expression interacting and exploring the things around them and their own creativity. This concept uses a light-emitting pen, combined with a laser projector situated within the bucket that will let you make crazy illustrations, notes, doodles on any surface, so you can unleash that fantasy of scribbling up your bedroom wall without doing any permanent damage. The colors are selected using a “paint bucket” of glowing LEDs. It seems to be a small-scale version of the Graffiti Research Lab’s LASER Tag project. Philips describes that with Drag & Draw, “the entire home/space becomes a virtual canvas for expression and play for young children, thanks to a magic brush, a magic eraser, a magic wand, and a laser projection bucket.” Its a self contained product at this current stage within the development process, where the possibility of future integration into other areas and products is an option.


The discovery of this idea was what initially gave me the inspiration of having an interactive surface of this kind that students could use to highlight the creativity aspect within areas where the emphasise had become saturated over time, providing an area for this form of exploration and expression, however and whatever way possible.

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