Rapid fat loss report

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Rapid Fat loss report

Step 5. Strength / Weight / resistance training (it’s the same, sort of) This is essential for fat loss WHY? If you would like to join the thousands who look and feel toned, with shapely muscles that are visible, not impeded by layers of FAT, then weight training (WT) is key. In fact if you only had 3 x 30 minute segments of time throughout the week to exercise, assuming your goal is fat loss, then WT should be your #1 priority. Otherwise known as resistance training, (WT) activates & elevates your metabolism like nothing else, even at rest you burn fat. That’s because your muscles take a good day or two to recover fully after a good session, this means your calories are utilized for repair instead of being stored in the fat cells. Muscle cells in fact require approximately 20 times more energy than fat cells just to sustain themselves. Beauty, burn FAT whilst you sleep.

Weight training is the number 1 method in my opinion for changing your body shape Step 6. Take your training to another level. What I mean is move on from the basics, look for ways that keep your body guessing, don’t allow your body to get too used to any one method of training, if you are not someone motivated to learn the new methods of training applicable to your results, find a way or find a trainer. One way is to check out my gallery for some of the ‘training methods’ I have adopted. http://gallery.me.com/robderbyshire#gallery Here is the link, be quick as the gallery is soon to expand into an online product. For now it’s free and I will Endeavour to keep posting more and more content as the weeks go by.

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