In Search of Dark Skies

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In Search of Dark Skies Introduction

In Search of Dark Skies is a photographic project concerned with the interruptions that various forms of artificial

light at night (ALAN) have on the human circadian rhythm and its personal effect on me. Errant light pollution both emits from and invades our homes where it can disrupt our sleep patterns leading to significant physical and psychological problems that are only just beginning to be understood. Yet it is not just the artificial lighting from increasing urbanisation that is to blame. Excessive use of electronic devices, especially before bedtime, can have significant effects on both sleep quality and mental health. I have recently experienced this fist-hand, suffering a non-epileptic seizure which has been partly attributed to sleep deprivation. This lowers the seizure threshold, making individuals more susceptible. The imagery in this book conveys a sense of chaos and disruption, depicting the raw and visceral experience of a seizure and the impact of both light pollution and subsequent sleep deprivation on our psyche.

- Robert Davies. 2023.

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