12 April 2017
Core Values: Unity, Loyalty, Patriotism & Comradeship - Once Navy, always Navy
Shipmates Cliff Severn and Ray Fenn smashing Bill Vernon and Jack Harrison with an 8-Piece Dicking!!!
Incorporated by Royal Charter
Bob Hill
01268 780449
Jim Hammond
01268 414616
Vice Chairman:
Terry Barker
01268 456165
Hon. Secretary:
Gary Daisley
01268 555570
Hon. Treasurer:
Margaret Day
01702 524561
Membership Secretary:
Bill Vernon
01268 772775
Standard Bearer:
Dave Bishop
01268 770521
Welfare Officer:
Dave Mead
01702 307922
Social Secretary:
Audrey Blomfield
01268 781116
Mike Sandbrook
01702 801103
Revd. Canon Mike Lodge
01268 742151
PR Officer:
BRANCH DETAILS Bank Details: HSBC Rayleigh Royal Naval Association Rayleigh Branch. A/C: 81065955 Sort Code: 40-38-24. Meeting Venue: Royal British Legion 2 London Hill, Rayleigh SS6 7HP Tel: 01268 776503 Meeting Dates: Fortnightly (see back cover). 2
From the front page: Rayleigh Branch took its first steps to re-introduce the Uckers board game amongst its shipmates on Wednesday 19 March with the first of its Uckers training evenings. The whole process (a slow walk from Ludo rules to standard RN Uckers) took about an hour and a half, with 20 participants making 10 teams across five tables. Such was the interest to re-stoke the fire of familiarisation with the traditional game, that we even had a delegation from Southend-on-Sea Branch request to come and join us. The evening was led by S/M Gary Daisley, who also made and supplied enough practice pieces, boards and copies of the rules for everyone. Additional ‘ship-made’ antique sets were also loaned by Iain Hendry who had stashed them away since his time in the Andrew. There was only sufficient time for delivery of s/m Daisley’s gameguide before running out of time, but one table found sufficient time to smash their opponents to an unprecedented ‘8-Piece Dicking’. - some hustlers amongst us?
Clockwise; Shipmates Dave Harding, Dave Mead, Les Holyome, Dave Bishop and Terry Barker enthusiastically discussing the fate of a mixi-blob. 3
Clockwise; Shipmates Mike Sandbrook (showing how they did it on Subs) with Harry Irons, Lilly Irons and Iain Hendry with his Ship-made antique board and bits made from a sawn up broom handle (the traditional way).
Shipmates John Hawes, Brian Cox, Peter Witham and Mick Horner from Southend RNA Branch. Two novices and two past champions, who have undertaken to lobby their Branch for a match against Rayleigh! 4
Proving they’re not just Quiz Night aces, 50% of the ladies quiz team debating the finer points of Uckers vs. Ludo and supported by shipmate Mike Burhnam are shipmates Joan Crick, Margaret Day and Mauveen Tanner.
Announcement The Mk1 (MDF) prototype Uckers board sets supplied for the practice evening will be available to purchase at our next Branch Meeting at £10 per set. A further Mk2 (foam-board) RNA prototype set (shown right) will also be available for preview with prices to be confirmed later. Diary Date:
St. George’s Day Parade & Service Sunday 23 April 2017 Southend Naval & Military Club, Southend. Church Service at St.Johns. 10:30 muster 5
CROSSED THE BAR It is with deep regret that Rayleigh Branch announces Shipmate George Williams crossed the bar on Sunday 1 April 2017. George’s Funeral service will be held at Southend Crematorium on Monday 24 April at 11:40am. The Branch Standard will be present, so RNA rig and medals can be worn. The Wake is to be held at the Royal British Legion, London Hill, Rayleigh. Some of you may remember George’s story from articles in the Guardian and Echo newspapers back in 2014...
A World War II sailor was finally awarded his medals - 64 years after they were lost in the post. Former Chief Petty Officer George Williams, 91, from Rayleigh, was presented with six war-time medals for bravery in a surprise ceremony arranged by his son Stephen. His son, Stephen Williams, a solicitor from East Bergholt, heard many WWII naval stories from his father over the years including his service in a minesweeper at the D-Day landings.
After some digging, Stephen Williams found his Father’s bravery should have resulted in some distinguished medals. His research confirmed that six medals were issued on 12 July 1950 and sent to an address in East Ham, London, but they never arrived. 6
The blunder has now been resolved and Mr Williams’ medals: the 1939-1945 Star, the Atlantic Star, the Pacific Star, the France and Germany Clasp, the War Medal 1939/45 and the Defence Medal, were presented to him by Captain Warren Bairstow CSC RAN (Naval Adviser to the Australian High Commission) at the Royal Hospital School. In recognition of Mr Williams’ service in the Royal Navy, he and his son, Stephen, were invited to the School’s Founders Day Divisions when Captain Bairstow took the salute, followed by a chapel service. George Williams, speaking after the presentation, said: “It felt beautiful. I’ve been waiting for these medals for more than 60 years but I’m finally satisfied.” Stephen Williams said the service was emotional for both of them. He said: “His medals were sent out in 1950 but never arrived. He didn’t make a big thing about what he did in the war, so never mentioned it, but I thought we should do something about it. “It brought a tear to my eye and, when they saluted, my Father automatically saluted back. He said it brought back so many memories “He is a tiny man, just 5ft 2in but what he did along with many others makes him a giant amongst men.” 7
Veterans: A Shared Experience An exhibition has opened at the Central museum Southend, throwing light on the history of veterans. ‘Veterans: A Shared Experience’ went on display at Southend Central Museum on Saturday, March 25. The exhibition sees local servicemen and women share their memories of conflict through interviews, oral history and portrait photography. It was launched with a private viewing for Southend veterans on Saturday. Cllr Ann Holland, executive councillor for culture, tourism and the economy, said: “This exhibition will bring the actions of our local servicemen and women to the forefront of our minds. “It will leave visitors with a deeper connection to the past and to those who fought for our freedoms today. “We are very thankful as, without the help of our veterans and their loved ones, some whom have sadly passed during this project, we would not be able to bring this exhibition to the people of Southend.” The exhibition runs until 24 March 2018 at the Southend Central Museum Exhibition Space - Free Admission Tues-Sat, 10:00-17:00 8
The Semaphore Circular The April edition of the Semaphore Circular is now available to download from the RNA website. It can also be viewed online via the ISSUU link on our Facebook page at royalnavalassociationrayleigh.
Volunteers wanted In support of the planned rededication service at the White House Farm Living Memorial in Rettendon later this year, we are asking for volunteers to join a working party to help with the maintenance of the RN/ RNA section of the memorial gardens. Volunteer names to S/M Jim Hammond please.
Assistance required for Channel 5 TV documentary Channel 5, are making an exciting two-part documentary about Britain’s most famous ships. The Queen Mary will be the focus of one of the episodes. They are looking for individuals who can share their memories and experiences of the Queen Mary. A key chapter of the Queen Mary’s history is its role during the Second World War as a troop transporter. They are looking to talk to anyone that has memories of their journeys aboard the Queen Mary. In particular, they want to talk to individuals who can recall the tragic sinking of the HMS Curacoa on the 2 October 1942, Churchill’s transatlantic journeys, or the presence of German prisoners of war on board. For more information please contact Josh Sykes on 07882 436225 at Channel 5 TV. 9
Diary Date:
HMS Belfast Branch Visit Friday 28 April 2017 Coach & admission £33 Tickets from S/M Mike Sandbrook Rayleigh Branch members names to Mike Sandbrook as soon as possible to ensure your space (Spouses welcome). Any remaining spaces to be offered to other RNA Branches and Rayleigh RBL.
The details for the visit to HMS BELFAST are now finalised. Names and payment for those attending will need to be given to Mike Sandbrook on Wednesday 12 April 2017 (booking closes on completion of our meeting). Timings as follows: 09:15 - Coach pick up from Rayleigh Weir 09:25 - Coach picks up from Royal British Legion. 10:45 - Coach arrives at Tooley Street (Near HMS BELFAST). 10:55 - Muster on jetty (Mike Sandbrook will acquire tickets). 10:55 - Met by Wally Filby ex-HMS BELFAST rating (1962-63). 11:00 - Commence tour. 14:45 - Muster on jetty for walk back to coach. 14:55 - Coach picks up for return journey. NOTE: Hailstone Travel rules of hire state that if anyone is late for pick up by 10 minutes or more then an additional charge of £50.00 will be added. Therefore, remember your Royal Navy training and always be 5 minutes early (if not make sure you have an extra £50.00 with you)! Diary Date:
RNA vs RBL Darts Match Friday 5 May 2017 First arrows at 8pm - free admission Royal British Legion, London Hill, Rayleigh. Names to Dave Bishop as soon as possible please (all welcome).
Diary Date:
GAMESHOW GAMES NIGHT!!! Friday 19 May 2017 (8pm) £7 tickets from Audrey Blomfield A fantastic night of fun and games has been arranged by Dave Smith. Tickets cost £7.00 and will include a six game bingo book. There will be Higher and Lower, Open the Box, Roll-acoin and a raffle. All are welcome to attend so bring all your friends and family with you. Tickets go on sale on Wednesday 12 April 2017.
Diary Date:
Rayleigh Branch RNA Formal Mess Dinner Saturday 19 August 2017 The Saxon Hall, Aviation Way Rochford, SS2 6UN. Tickets £40. Names to Mike Sandbrook as soon as possible to reserve your seats. (all welcome). Max. 10 seats per table. £40 per person. Tickets on sale now.
The planning for our annual Mess Dinner is going well. Booking forms were given out on Wednesday 29 March 2017 (more available if required), and need to be completed and handed back with payment (£40.00 each) ASAP. The closing date for RNA Members will be 30 April 2017, at which point if there are spaces left the book will open to other Branches. If your main course choice is A: “Trio of Turkey, Beef and Ham”, but you only want one choice of meat, please state this in the Special Requirements box on your booking form and we will endeavour to get you more of what you have chosen. 11