Agritech Careers for a Sustainable Future Report 2024

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To generate enthusiasm for AgriTech. AIMS 1. 2. 3.

To highlight the diversity of careers within AgriTech.

To demonstrate potential applications of AgriTech e.g. to combat food poverty, pollution, climate change and protect biodiversity.


This project was planned and delivered by the SAW Trust and the Food and Farming Discovery Trust (FFDT), with support from the John Innes Centre and funded by the John Innes Foundation.

The conference took place on 19th March 2024 and provided a range of talks from experts from academia and industry, and included a trip to the Dorothea De Winton Field Station. The event was open to Sixth Form students from across the County and 45 took part in the day from four colleges, East Norfolk Sixth Form, Gresham's School, Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form, and Hellesdon. Students had to apply individually, writing a short statement explaining why they wanted to attend the day and what they hoped to gain from it.


Session One: HP3

09.30 – 10.30am

Healthy Plants: Dr Eleni Vikeli, Germplasm Resources Unit, JIC

Healthy People: Dr Jon Clarke, Head of Business Development, JIC

Healthy Planet: Dr Maria C. Hernandez-Soriano,Biochemistry & Metabolism, JIC

10.30 – 10.45am Refreshment Break

Session Two: Innovation & Technology

10.45 – 12.15pm

Split into 3 groups to rotate around the following:

Satellites and Precision Agriculture

Genetic Crop Improvement Technologies

Nitrogen Soil Sensors

12.15 – Lunch (conference Centre Foyer)

1pm Dorothea de Winton Field Station Visit

Session Three: From Lab to Field

1.15 - 2.50pm

Drought tolerance: Miles Curl, JIC

Field trials: Dr Ryan Brock, JIC

Drones on the Farm: Phil Robinson, JIC

2.50pm - Coach return to JIC followed by a refreshment break

Session Four: Science Communication

3.15 - 4.15pm

Science communication

showcase with: Earlham Institute, John Innes Centre, SAW Trust and Food and Farming Discovery Trust

4.15pm - Feedback and Departures


"It will be interesting to learn about careers in a field I am not familiar with and help expand my view of future careers. I'm very excited to see what kinds of technology you use in farming as well as the effects these have had on the global agricultural industry. The John Innes Centre is known worldwide and I am looking forward to seeing some of the work you do that has helped you become an international name."

“I am very passionate about making a difference in my future career, and I believe Agritech would offer me great opportunities to develop solutions in areas that are essential for all our futures, such as globally sustainable food production, and enhanced food security.”

"I am enthusiastic about exploring how new and developing technologies can optimize resource efficiency, enhance crop yields, and contribute to better food security, ensuring sustainability for the future"

"I am someone deeply passionate about the intersection of agriculture and technology, I believe that

this conference

is a valuable opportunity for me to expand my knowledge, network with industry experts, and contribute to the advancement of agriculture technology."
"I would love to know the ways that technology could help the environment through revolutionising the agricultural industry and how these innovations can be used to advance scientific research"


What did you enjoy most about the day?

"Speaking to people about what they do and how they got into their careers"

"The field where we were shown the drones in flight and operating"


"The talk about GMO’s and genetic engineering"

"How informative each presentation was and how it linked to environmental science"

able to physically see and experience experiments done by scientists"

"The variation of speeches and how informative they were"

100% of students asked would recommend the event to a friend

90% said they would consider a career in AgriTech after attending


Next Steps

We were pleased with the interest we received from sixth form students in the event and feel that it filled a gap in provision, that demonstrated the exciting diversity of careers available in the sector. Targeting the event at Year 12 students was intentional, as they are actively looking at careers and selecting University courses making it the perfect time to attend. It was great to be able to highlight to the students the research taking place locally and to showcase Norwich Research Park as a welcoming place to work. We would very much like to repeat the course next year if the funding were made available.

Thanks to the John Innes Centre Field Station team for hosting the students for the afternoon and to our brilliant speakers, without whom the day would not have been possible.

Finally we would like to thank the John Innes Foundation for their generous funding.

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