NERC Newsletter June 2023

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North East Region


Your North East Regional Council can be contacted at


The North East is once again showing its colours in the latest round of strikes from members employed by train operating companies United on well-attended picket lines, members were out on strike on 13th May and 3rd June. Picket lines across the region were visited by MPs, local councillors, trades councils and members of activist groups such as the People’s Assembly – clearly showing the public is still on our side Mayor of North Tyne, Jamie Driscoll, was as ever a supportive force on the Newcastle picket line, alongside MPs Ian Lavery and Kate Osborne, and staunch union supporter Laura Pidcock (National Secretary of the People's Assembly). The picket line at York was supported by MP Rachel Maskell, and Darlington by local councillors Dave Kay and Matthew Snedker

It was particularly heartening to see Network Rail staff, whose dispute has been resolved, standing on the picket lines alongside their TOC comrades. A united railway where workers stand side by side is exactly what the government and the employers fear: the modus operandi of the Tory party has always been to sow seeds of discontent amongst the working class, and we at RMT continue to refuse to do anything but show our collective solidarity

We must stay strong in the renewed attacks on our jobs, terms and conditions and pay. The cost of living crisis is ever-deepening, with fulltime railway workers admitting to resorting to food banks: it is crucial that we do not give in to pressure to submit.

Your second stage (company council) reps have been invited to a meeting in London on June 14th to share thoughts and opinions about the dispute and the strikes with RMT officersplease see your reps to give your feedback and to submit any questions



It is an important question to ask, and one that TOC members may find themselves facing in every depot - not only from non-affiliate colleagues and members of other unions, but from RMT members themselves A year into the dispute, and despite the recent ballot making it very clear that members are keen to continue striking, the question is still being asked - what is it all for?

The media will still continue to present us as 'greedy rail workers', only looking for a steep pay rise, rejecting kind and considerate offers because of sheer avarice, striking for the 'fun' of preventing hardworking taxpayers from getting their daily train to work; laughing all the way to the bank while people can't get to the FA Cup final

Obviously, not a word of this is true.

The offers we have been given by the Rail Delivery Group are simply not good enough. Despite the fluffy talk of multiskilled workers and jobs for all, the RDG plans for the railway would displace thousands of workers, leaving stations and trains dangerously understaffed. With compulsory redundancies only put off for a year and a half, this would be upon us before we know it and thousands of us will find ourselves jobless We are fighting to keep the railway safe and accessible for all - we want passengers to be able to travel safe in the knowledge that they won't be assaulted in a dark station, or that if they have a medical emergency on a train there will be someone there to help, or if the train needs to be evacuated there will be someone experienced and qualified to keep things calm and under control. We want disabled and elderly passengers to be able to turn up at a railway station and know they will be able to board a train and travel safely, the same as every other passenger. None of this is possible if the 'cost-saving initiatives' proposed by the government and the RDG are implemented, dressed up in fancy language by their 'offers'; offers which prevent union officials questioning or negotiating, in exchange for a paltry, below-inflation pay rise.

These 'offers' also seek to rip apart terms and conditions, including sick pay and pension contributions - these must be protected, for existing staff and for those who will come later

You will be told there is no money for a pay rise: however First Group, who at the time ran the failed TPE franchise, have just benefitted from over £82million in dividends This is pure profiteering - the money is there, however the government does not wish for you, the workers, to have it. Passenger numbers are through the roof with one train company in our region reporting revenue in the most recent period being nearly £3million ahead of budget: however you will be told that the railway has still not recovered after the Covid pandemic. The government are determined to make working people poorer by perpetuating the myth that the railway is struggling and we are the ones who need to make sacrifices (financial and of our terms) if it is to ever recover. Tell that to hard-working staff working full-andstanding trains every single day - the RMT will not stand for this and this is why we are continuing to strike

Organising At Grand Central

We are currently carrying out productivity talks with Grand Central management and only members of RMT trade union will have a say We are much stronger together. Please do all you can to ensure RMT, the union for Grand Central workers, has the maximum leverage.

You can help us out by asking your colleagues to join or if you know somebody who works at Grand Central, ask them to join. Regional officers have been at Sunderland spreading the message and will be back there on Friday 9th June. Remember RMT campaigns for you to receive better pay and working conditions. You are worth a lot more than gift vouchers and a paltry one off payment.

Pass this newsletter on to a Grand Central employee who isn’t a member – Unity is Strength.


ast Region covers cleaning grades on three TOCs:


sourced to Bidvest Noonan)

utsourced to Atalian Servest)

is well aware that our cleaning grades often appear to be however, the North East Regional Council continues to members and to pursue justice for all cleaning grades, se and outsourced

ently in dispute on behalf of outsourced cleaners, seeking:

um wage of £15 per hour

ny sick pay scheme of at least 6 weeks’ full pay and 6 lf pay el facilities

ase to pension contributions

The North East Regional Council acknowledges that our in-house cleaners within Northern at present are paid below £11.00 an hour. It is accepted they will see an uplift in pay under the present TOC Dispute, however it will still fall well short of our aspiration of £15 hour.

This matter was also raised at the Cleaners' Conference by the York & District Branch and the appropriate resolution was passed.

The RMT has pursued the Real Living Wage on all three TOC’s and Contractors which is now £10.90 per hour outside of London and we continue to build on this.

While it is RMT policy to bring all outsourced cleaning back in-house, it was the opinion of this year ' s Cleaners' Conference this is not always pursued as it should be. The Region is pleased to report that we ensured it was raised at this year ’ s cleaning conference and the matter will be placed in front of this year ’ s AGM

Brining cleaning back in-house addresses three of the four demands we are presently taking strike action over and the fourth, which covers pay, will continue to be raised at all levels

Outsourced Cleaning Re-Ballot

The re-ballot will close on Tuesday 20th June The North East Regional Council acknowledges that former Mitie colleagues on the TPE Contract that TUPE over to Bidvest Noonan have not been balloted This matter has been raised at the national level for a response

Next year ' s cleaners' conference will be hosted by York & District branch and we look forward to welcoming many of our cleaning comrades to the region.


You may have seen in recent news reports that Jamie Driscoll, current Mayor of North Tyne, has been debarred from standing for the North East Mayor position which begins in 2024

We will continue to support Jamie as a friend and a loyal supporter of our trade disputes He is been on almost every picket line with us and has championed our cause

Jamie launched his campaign in Sunderland, with Mick Lynch in attendance, with a bold strategy for Full Employment, Green New Deal and a Total Transport Network, Jamie had this to say:

“I’m an engineer Fixing broken systems is what I do The North East is a wonderful place, but there’s plenty needs fixing

In 4 years as Mayor I’ve delivered over half our 30 year jobs target. Built affordable homes. Delivered ground-breaking Child Poverty Prevention programmes in 90 schools. Funded youth clubs and family centres. And increased adult education courses by 50% – empowering women, non-white, and disabled people to earn more money. That’s real action on inequality.

I live in Newcastle with my wife Caroline, and our two sons. Before becoming Mayor, I stayed home with the boys, to support Caroline’s career as an NHS GP in Gateshead.

I’ve fought racism since I was a teenager. My Mam was a trade unionist and set up a Women’s Refuge from domestic violence. She taught me to fight oppression and be bold in life: ‘shy bairns get nowt.’ I’ve stood on picket lines, and backed every union in dispute.

Next Branch Dates:

Newcastle Rail & Catering - Monday 12th June, 1530 at Newcastle Arts Centre (Westgate Road)

Darlington - Monday 19th June, 1640 at the Old English Gentleman pub

York & District - Monday 3rd July, 1830 at Bar Convent Living Heritage Centre, York

Newcastle & Gateshead - Friday 7th July, 1830 at Marlborough Club, Newcastle

Teesside - Sunday 23rd July, 1900 at Green Tree Pub, Middlesbrough

Please see local reps or branch officials for other branch dates, these will also be communicated in local depots.

In 2020 I went to Treasury and secured the transport money for our new devolution deal I’ll integrate buses, Metro and rail under public control – including Durham and Northumberland from day one With free travel for under-18s I’m lining up pension funds to invest an extra £2 billion here I’ll open new Metro, rail and super bus routes, deliver a Green New Deal, and retrofit homes

I’ll create full employment. When everyone has a secure, well-paid job child poverty will fall. Crime will fall. Health inequalities will close. We can do this – shy bairns get nowt!”

To quote General Secretary Mick Lynch, Jamie as mayor is an “opportunity of a lifetime” for the North East. Sign-up

here for updates on how you can help the campaign. Or visit


David King - Executive Member North East

Martin McCleary - Lead Recruiter North Tel: 07711 570848

Tim Butler - Lead Recruiter South Tel: 07757 425859

Donald Graham - Org Unit Tel: 07753 748074

d graham@rmt org uk

Jessica Robinson - Regional Council Secretary Tel: 07784 224412

jpleather89@gmail com

We welcome contributions to this newsletter - if you would like to write an article, please contact any one of the officers above



Berwick Rail:

Newcastle & Gateshead:

Newcastle Rail & Catering:

North E




York & North Y north.m


Branch meeting dates will be communicated in local depots - if you have any concerns, please contact your branch representative.

Thomas Steels House 49a Thorne Road Doncaster DN1 2EX Tel: 01302 760694 North East Shipping Office Unit 17 Cookson House River Drive South Shields NE33 1TL Tel: 01914 561308
MEDIA Twitter: @RMTunion Facebook: RMT MEMBERS' HELPLINE: 0800 376 3706
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