London Underground Special Bulletin - April 2024

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Ballot papers going out from first week in April

Vote Yes to keep up the fight for our Jobs, Pensions and Agreements

Once again we have to re-ballot under the anti-unions laws that try to stop you from fighting to defend your jobs, pensions and agreements.

The strike action we’ve taken in defence of jobs, pensions and agreements has forced management back and won us some important victories:

l No pension changes before 2026

l Station jobs won back and further station re-orgs stopped. Stations’ rosters and work-life balance defended

l Draconian attendance policy withdrawn

l Trains modernisation pushed back for now

Why do I need to vote YES again?

TfL remains committed to start formal consultation by July 2024 on forcing our pension into the inferior Local Government Pension Scheme.

Management is making job cuts in many areas of APD (Engineering and Fleet maintenance areas). This is being done by refusing to fill vacancies. Management is proposing to remove Fleet call points and reduce minimum staffing levels in Fleet.

With £600 million in cuts still to be found by April 2026 every function remains at risk of attacks on jobs and agreements.

We have only been able to push management back because we have our strike mandate.

Vote YES for strike action and action short of strike

April 2024
Ballot papers will arrive shortly. If you do not receive a ballot paper in the next
days email for a replacement.

RMT opposition has stopped any changes up to now. But we need the threat to our pension removed once and for all. Members cannot plan careers and retirement under the threat of losing our pension rights in two-years’ time.

Remember: On the same day that TfL wrote to RMT

saying the pension will not be changed before Sept 2026, they also wrote to the government.

In that letter they confirmed that they accept the LGPS is a suitable vehicle to replace the TfL scheme and also accepted the government’s timetable to start a formal consultation, no later than 1 July 2024.


“Your confirmation of HMG’s intention to bring forward legislation is a significant milestone. TfL would welcome further information on the specifics of this.”

“We note that the government is keen for a consultation process to commence no later than 1 July 2024...”

l The LGPS pays out around 30% less if you retire at 60 than the TfL scheme would on the same salary.

l Employee pension contributions could rise from a fixed 5% to anything up to 12.5%

l Your pension is part of your contractual terms. Don’t accept paying more for less.

l RMT will fight until the threat to our pensions is lifted.

TfL operations now back in surplus

The idea that TfL is not carrying enough passengers or raising enough fare revenue is a lie. TfL is back in operational surplus.

TfL has NEVER paid for renewals and infrastructure from its operational income. Every mass transport system in the world needs subsidies for investment in new trains, signalling and other transport infrastructure.

The ONLY reason there is a financial crisis in TfL is because the government and Mayor agreed to run TfL with no subsidy.

Our jobs, pensions and agreements cannot be destroyed to pay for the failed fantasy that London’s public transport system can run without government support.

Your Pension is still under threat – Vote Yes in the re-ballot PENSION FACTS
Vote YES for strike and action short of strike in the re-ballot RMT MEMBERS NEED ANOTHER MANDATE TO DEFEND OUR JOBS, PENSIONS AND AGREEMENTS Extract of letter
July 2023 Dear Bernadette, Tfl Pensions Review
to the
Funding and Financing Agreement
Funding Agreement)...
am writing in response to HM Government’s (HMG) letter of 14 July 2023 (the 14 July letter),
provided HMG’s response to the
of the
dated 30 August 2022 (the
... “We have no objection in general to the LGPS and are willing to continue to work together (with the government) to see if this could meet the requirements of TfL and its employees.”

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